This section reviews the fringe benefit data collected for Young Men respondents. Additional information on other work-related benefits can be found in the Pensions, Social Security & Retirement section.
Data on the availability of fringe benefits provided by employers of respondents were collected in 1976 and 1981. Fringe benefits such as: (1) medical/surgical/hospital/dental/vision insurance; (2) life insurance; (3) a retirement pension program; (4) paid sick leave; (5) paid vacation; (6) training/educational opportunities; (7) profit sharing; (8) stock options; and (9) free/discounted meals or merchandise were included in both interviews. In addition, the 1981 survey asked about the availability of flexible work hours. Table 1 summarizes by survey year the numbers of employed respondents reporting the availability of each type of fringe benefit.
Description |
1976 |
1981 |
Reporting Availability | One or More Benefits |
2741 |
2637 |
No Benefits |
262 |
156 |
Type of Benefit | Medical/Surgical/Hospital/Dental/Vision Insurance |
2380 |
2410 |
Life Insurance |
1932 |
2024 |
Retirement Pension Program |
1861 |
1864 |
Training/Education Opportunities |
1362 |
1484 |
Profit Sharing |
618 |
654 |
Stock Options |
552 |
620 |
Free or Discounted Meals |
372 |
338 |
Free or Discounted Merchandise |
709 |
605 |
Paid Sick Leave |
2002 |
1975 |
Paid Vacation Leave |
2440 |
2324 |
Flexible Work Hours |
926 |
Universe: Those respondents who were working at the current survey date within a private company or as a government worker. Table is based on R04561. and R06935. |
Important information: Fringe benefits universe
The universe for the fringe benefit series is restricted to those respondents who have worked since the last interview and who were employed in a private business or as a government worker. The 1981 Young Men data include five respondents who are coded as both with and without benefits; their case ID#s are 601, 1788, 3119, 3206, and 4239.
Multiple entry "mark all that apply" questions typically found in the fringe benefit sections of the Original Cohort questionnaires were coded as geometric progressions during all but the most recent survey years. Program statements to unpack such variables are presented in Appendix C.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Work & Family: Changes in Wages and Benefits Among Young Adults. Report No. 849. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, July 1993.
Related Variables | Additional information on eligibility for and receipt of various kinds of retirement benefits and/or on coverage by medical insurance has been collected. Users interested in these sets of questions should refer to the "Income & Assets," "Health," or "Retirement" sections of each cohort's questionnaires. |
Survey Instruments & Documentation | The "Current Labor Force Status," "Current Labor Force Status and Work History," or "Employment" sections of the Young Men questionnaires. |