NLS Youth '79 Cohort

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 1979 Cohort
Short Description: 
Men and women born in the years 1957-64
Short Title: 
NLS Youth 1979
Long Name: 
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth | 1979
Investigator URL:
Nav Title: 

Attachment 104, Part E: 1988 MSAs, CMSAs, and Associated PMSAs

SOURCE: 1988 MSA, CMSA, PMSA and NECMA codes were taken from Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 1988, published by the Statistical Policy Office, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget in June 1988. These are included in the 1988-96 NLSY79 geocode data files.

Attachment 104, Part D: 1983 PMSAs and Associated CMSAs

SOURCE: 1983 MSA, CMSA, PMSA, and NECMA codes were taken from the 1983 County and City Data Book, Appendix A. These are included in the 1983-96 NLSY79 geocode files.

Attachment 104, Part C: 1983 Consolidated MSAs and Associated Primary MSAs (CMSAs and PMSAs)

SOURCE: 1983 MSA, CMSA, PMSA, and NECMA codes were taken from the 1983 County and City Data Book, Appendix A. These are included in the 1983-96 NLSY79 geocode files.

Attachment 104, Part B: 1983 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)

SOURCE: 1983 MSA, CMSA, PMSA, and NECMA codes were taken from the 1983 County and City Data Book, Appendix A. These are included in the 1983-96 NLSY79 geocode files.

Attachment 104, Part A: 1981 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs)

SOURCE: 1981 SMSA codes are taken from the October 1981 issue of the Statistical Reporter. These are included in the 1979-82 NLSY79 geocode data files.


NLSY79 Appendix 21

This appendix is obsolete. The content for Appendix 21 is now included in NLSY79 Appendix 25: Attitudinal Scale Scoring





Attachment 100: Geographic Regions

States by Region

Census Division States
Region 1:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Region 2:


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