Attachment 101: Country Codes

Attachment 101: Country Codes


FOREIGN COUNTRIES (1979-92 PAPI-Collected Coding)

101 Afghanistan 167 Korea
102 Albania 168 Laos
103 Algeria 170 Lebanon
104 Antigua 171 Liberia
105 Argentina 172 Libya
106 Armenia 173 Liechtenstein
107 Australia 175 Luxembourg
108 Austria 176 Malaysia
109 Bahamas 177 Malta
110 Bangladesh (East Pakistan) 178 Martinique
111 Barbados 179 Mexico
112 Belgium 180 Monaco
113 Benin 181 Morocco
114 Bermuda 182 Netherlands
115 Bolivia 183 New Guinea (Papua)
116 Brazil 184 New Zealand
117 Bulgaria 185 Nicaragua
118 Burma 186 Nigeria
119 Cambodia 187 Northern Ireland (Ulster)
120 Canada 188 Norway
121 Quebec 189 Pakistan
122 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 190 Panama
123 Chile 191 Paraguay
124 China 192 Philippines
125 Colombia 193 Peru
126 Costa Rica 194 Poland
127 Cuba 195 Portugal
128 Curacao 196 Rhodesia
129 Cyprus 197 Romania
130 Czechoslovakia 200 Saudi Arabia
131 Denmark 201 Scandinavia
132 Dominican Republic 202 Scotland
133 Ecuador 203 Senegal
134 Egypt 204 Sierra Leone
135 El Salvador 205 Singapore
136 England 206 South Africa
138 Ethiopia 207 Spain
139 Finland 208 Surinam
140 France 209 Switzerland
141 French Guiana 210 Syria
142 Gambia 211 Taiwan
143 Germany 212 Thailand
144 Ghana 213 Togo
145 Greece 214 Trinidad & Tobago
146 Guadeloupe 215 Tunisia
147 Guatemala 216 Turkey
148 Guinea 218 Uganda
149 Guinea-Bisseau 219 Uruguay
150 Guyana 220 U.S.S.R.
151 Haiti 221 Venezuela
152 Honduras 222 Vietnam
153 Hong Kong 223 Virgin Islands (not U.S.)
154 Hungary 224 Wales
155 Iceland 225 Yugoslavia
156 India 300 United States
157 Indonesia    
158 Iran Other countries not mentioned above
159 Iraq 301 in Asia
160 Ireland (Eire) 302 in Africa (sub-Saharan)
161 Israel 303 in the Caribbean
162 Italy 304 in Europe
163 Ivory Coast 305 in the Middle East
164 Jamaica 306 in the Pacific Islands
165 Japan    
166 Jordan 400 Other (List)


FOREIGN COUNTRIES (1993-2016 CAPI-Collected Coding)

102 Afghanistan 374 Kurdizia
104 Albania 390 Laos
106 Algeria 392 Latvia
108 Antigua 394 Lebanon
110 Argentina 396 Liberia
112 Armenia 398 Libya
114 Australia 400 Liechtenstein
115 Austria 402 Lithuania
116 Azerbaijan 404 Luxembourg
130 Bahamas 420 Macedonia
132 Bangladesh (East Pakistan) 422 Malaysia
134 Barbados 424 Malta
136 Belgium 426 Martinique
138 Byelorussia (Belorusse) 428 Mexico
140 Benin 430 Moldavia
142 Bermuda 432 Monaco
144 Bolivia 434 Morocco
146 Bosnia-Hercegovina 436 Myanmar (formerly Burma)
148 Brazil 450 Netherlands
150 Bulgaria 452 New Guinea (Papua)
152 Myanmar (formerly Burma) 454 New Zealand
170 Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia) 456 Nicaragua
172 Canada 458 Nigeria
174 Quebec (Canada) 460 Northern Ireland (Ulster)
176 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 462 Norway
178 Chile 480 Pakistan
180 China 482 Panama
182 Colombia 484 Paraguay
184 Costa Rica 486 Philippines
186 Croatia 488 Peru
188 Cuba 490 Poland
190 Curacao 492 Portugal
192 Cyprus 510 Rhodesia
194 Czech Republic (formerly part of Czechoslovakia) 512 Romania
210 Denmark 514 Russia
212 Dominican Republic 530 Saudi Arabia
230 Ecuador 532 Scandinavia
232 Egypt 534 Scotland
234 El Salvador 536 Senegal
236 England 538 Sierra Leone
238 Estonia 540 Singapore
240 Ethiopia 542 Slovak Republic (formerly part of Czechoslovakia)
250 Finland 544 Slovinia
252 France 546 South Africa
254 French Guiana 548 Spain
270 Gambia 550 Surinam
272 Germany 552 Sweden
274 Georgia 554 Switzerland
276 Ghana 556 Syria
278 Greece 570 Taiwan
280 Guadeloupe 572 Tajikhistan
282 Guatemala 574 Thailand
284 Guinea 576 Togo
286 Guinea-Bisseau 578 Trinidad & Tobago
288 Guyana 580 Tunisia
300 Haiti 582 Turkey
302 Honduras 584 Turkomenistan
304 Hong Kong 600 Uganda
306 Hungary 602 Ukraine
320 Iceland 604 United States
322 India 606 Uzbekhistan
324 Indonesia 620 Venezuela
326 Iran 622 Vietnam
328 Iraq 624 Virgin Islands (not U.S.)
330 Ireland (Eire) 640 Wales
332 Israel 650 Yugoslavia
334 Italy 660 Other country - Asia
336 Ivory Coast 662 Other country - Africa (sub-Saharan)
350 Jamaica 664 Other country - Caribbean
352 Japan 666 Other country - Europe
354 Jordan 668 Other country - Middle East
370 Khazakhstan 670 Other country - Pacific Islands
372 Korea 672 Other (SPECIFY)