
Employment: An Introduction

NLSY97 respondents answer questions about current and previously held jobs; there is no limit to the number or types of jobs a respondent may report. These data are collected about every employer for whom the respondent worked since the last interview so that a complete picture of the respondent's employment can be constructed. Unlike earlier NLS surveys, the employment sections distinguish between four types of jobs: employee-type jobs, freelance jobs, self-employment, and military service.

This employment section of the guide starts with several overview sections that provide information needed to understand how job data are collected in the survey. Users are encouraged to review these introductory sections before proceeding to the specific topic(s) of interest among those listed in Table 1. Introductory sections include:

Table 1. Employment Topics and Universe Restrictions

NLSY97 User's Guide Topic Round 1 Universe
(Age as of interview date)
Round 2 Universe
(Age as of interview date)
Round 3 Universe
(Age1 as of interview date)
Rounds 4-5 Universe
(Age as of interview date)
Rounds 6 and up Universe
(Age as of interview date)
Employers & Jobs Details on the four types of job categories in the NLSY97: employee-type jobs, freelance, self-employed, and military service. R18 includes job task info. all resp. with freelance job
>=14 with employee job
>=16 for military service
all resp. with freelance job
>=14 with employee job
>=16 for military service
all respondents, except
>=16 for military service
all respondents, except
>=16 for military service
all respondents
Fringe Benefits Benefits offered through employer such as health-related insurance, life insurance, retirement plan, etc. >=16, for each employee job
lasting >=13 weeks
>=16, for each employee job
lasting >=13 weeks
>=16, for each employee job
lasting >=13 weeks
>=16, for each employee job
lasting >=13 weeks
each employee job lasting >=13 weeks (starting in 2013, changed to job lasting >=26 weeks)
Gaps in Employment Time gaps within and between jobs >=14 >=14 all respondents all respondents all respondents
Industry Census industry codes for each job held by respondent >=14 with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
>=14 with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job
or self-employed
Job Search
CPS Questions (job search questions based on the Current Population Survey)
>=15 -- -- all respondents in round 4; not asked in round 5 asked in round 10
Employee Jobs Questions (job search questions asked of respondents who reported gaps in employment)
>=16 with employee job >=16 with employee job >=16 with employee job >=16 with employee job all resp. with employee job
Labor Force Status Respondent's employment status in the week before survey, using CPS information. Available for rounds 1, 4, and 10. >=15 -- -- all respondents (round 4) all respondents (round 10)
Occupation Census occupation codes for each job held by respondent >=14 with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
>=14 with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job
or >=16 and self-employed
all resp. with employee job or self-employed
Self-Employment Characteristics Details about freelance or self-employed jobs >=16 and earn >=$200/week >=16 and earn >=$200/week >=16 and earn >=$200/week earn >=$200/week
or born in 1980-82 (R4) or 1980-83 (R5)
all respondents
Tenure Weeks spent working at employee-type or freelance jobs all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all respondents all respondents all respondents
Hours Spent at Work Usual hours respondent worked per week all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all respondents all respondents all respondents
Wages Respondent's rate of pay all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all resp. with freelance job
or >=14 with employee job
all respondents all respondents all respondents
Work Experience A description of the created variables researchers can use to construct a longitudinal record for the respondent's employment history >=14 >=14 all respondents all respondents all respondents
1 Note that all respondents were at least 14 years old by the round 3 interview date.

