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Author: Stritzel, Haley
Resulting in 6 citations.
1. Green, Michael J.
Stritzel, Haley
Smith, Chelsea
Popham, Frank
Crosnoe, Robert
Timing of Poverty in Childhood and Adolescent Health: Evidence from the US and UK
Social Science and Medicine 197 (January 2018): 136-143.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult
Publisher: Elsevier
Keyword(s): Adolescent Health; British Household Panel Survey (BHPS); Childhood Adversity/Trauma; Children, Poverty; Family Income; Health, Mental/Psychological; Health/Health Status/SF-12 Scale; Poverty; Smoking (see Cigarette Use)

Childhood poverty is associated with poorer adolescent health and health behaviours, but the importance of the timing of poverty remains unclear. There may be critical or sensitive periods in early life or early adolescence, or poverty may have cumulative effects throughout childhood. Understanding when poverty is most important can support efficient timing of interventions to raise family income or buffer against the effects of low income, but answers may vary across social contexts. The US and the UK are a useful comparison with similar liberal approaches to cash transfers, but very different approaches to healthcare provision. Utilising data from large population studies in the US (n = 9408; born 1979-1996) and UK (n = 1204; born 1991-1997), this study employs a structured life course approach to compare competing hypotheses about the importance of the timing or pattern of childhood exposure to poverty in predicting adolescent health limitations, symptoms of psychiatric distress, and smoking at age 16 (age 15/16 in US). Household income histories identified experience of poverty (measured as <60% of the national median equivalised income for a given year) in early life (ages 0-5), mid-childhood (ages 6-10) and early adolescence (ages 11-15). The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) compared fit across models with variables representing different life course patterns of exposure to poverty. Adolescent distress was not associated with poverty in either country. In both countries, however, variables representing cumulative or persistent experiences of poverty exhibited optimal fit of all poverty exposure variables in predicting adolescent smoking and health limitations. There was also evidence of an early life sensitive period for smoking in the US. Poverty was more persistent in the US, but associations between poverty and outcomes were consistent across countries. Although poverty can have cumulative effects on health and behaviour, early interventions may offer the best long-term protection.
Bibliography Citation
Green, Michael J., Haley Stritzel, Chelsea Smith, Frank Popham and Robert Crosnoe. "Timing of Poverty in Childhood and Adolescent Health: Evidence from the US and UK." Social Science and Medicine 197 (January 2018): 136-143.
2. Maslowsky, Julie
Hendrick, C. Emily
Stritzel, Haley
Mechanisms Linking Teenage Mothers' Educational Attainment with Self-reported Health at Age 50
BMC Women's Health 21 (2021): 15.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Springer
Keyword(s): Childbearing, Adolescent; Educational Attainment; Health/Health Status/SF-12 Scale

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Background: Early childbearing is associated with adverse health and well-being throughout the life course for women in the United States. As education continues to be a modifiable social determinant of health after a young woman gives birth, the association of increased educational attainment with long-term health for women who begin childbearing as teenagers is worthy of investigation.

Methods: Data are from 301 mothers in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 who gave birth prior to age 19. We estimated path models to assess women's incomes, partner characteristics, and health behaviors at age 40 as mediators of the relationship between their educational attainment and self-rated general health at age 50.

Results: After accounting for observed background factors that select women into early childbearing and lower educational attainment, higher levels of education (high school diploma and GED attainment vs. no degree) were indirectly associated with higher self-rated health at age 50 via higher participant income at age 40.

Bibliography Citation
Maslowsky, Julie, C. Emily Hendrick and Haley Stritzel. "Mechanisms Linking Teenage Mothers' Educational Attainment with Self-reported Health at Age 50." BMC Women's Health 21 (2021): 15.
3. Maslowsky, Julie
Stritzel, Haley
Gershoff, Elizabeth T.
Post-Pregnancy Factors Predicting Teen Mothers' Educational Attainment by Age 30 in Two National Cohorts
Youth and Society published online (7 July 2021): DOI: 10.1177/0044118X211026941.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97
Publisher: Sage Publications
Keyword(s): Child Care; Educational Attainment; Mothers, Adolescent

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Women who begin childbearing as teenagers attain lower levels of education than women who delay childbearing until age 20 and later. Little is known about post-pregnancy factors that predict educational attainment among teen mothers. The current study examined whether teen mothers' environment and experiences 2 years after their first birth contribute to their educational outcomes by age 30, net of selection factors associated with teenage childbearing. Data were from two cohorts, the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth 1979 (N = 241) and 1997 (N = 378). Multinomial logistic regression modeling was used to assess associations of post-pregnancy factors with teen mothers' educational attainment. Having child care was associated with increased odds of attaining a high school diploma and of attending college in both cohorts. Providing regular and subsidized child care for teen mothers is an opportunity to support teen mothers in achieving higher levels of educational attainment.
Bibliography Citation
Maslowsky, Julie, Haley Stritzel and Elizabeth T. Gershoff. "Post-Pregnancy Factors Predicting Teen Mothers' Educational Attainment by Age 30 in Two National Cohorts." Youth and Society published online (7 July 2021): DOI: 10.1177/0044118X211026941.
4. Stritzel, Haley
Grandparent Coresidence and Foster Care Entry Over Time: Evidence From the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Presented: Austin TX, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2019
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult, NLSY97
Publisher: Population Association of America
Keyword(s): Coresidence; Foster Care; Grandparents; Mothers, Adolescent

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Over the past few decades, an increasing proportion of children live with their grandparents, either with their parents in multigenerational households or with no parents present. At the same time, more children are entering the foster care system. Although research has considered the implications of foster care and grandparent coresidence for child well-being separately, fewer studies have considered links between these two trends. This study uses data on children born to teenage mothers in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth 1979 and 1997 and multinomial discrete-time hazard models to investigate the predictors of entering foster or kinship care. Results indicated that grandparent coresidence reduced the risk of foster care entrance among children born to adolescent mothers in the 1979, but not 1997, cohort. These results support the hypothesis that the additional requirements and limitations imposed by the 1996 welfare reform weakened the role grandparents previously played in maintaining family preservation.
Bibliography Citation
Stritzel, Haley. "Grandparent Coresidence and Foster Care Entry Over Time: Evidence From the NLSY79 and NLSY97." Presented: Austin TX, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2019.
5. Stritzel, Haley
Crosnoe, Robert
Unpacking the Linkages between Single Parent Households and Early Adolescent Adjustment
Social Science Research 110 (February 2023): 102841.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79
Publisher: Elsevier
Keyword(s): Alcohol Use; Children, Mental Health; Depression (see also CESD); Family Structure; Parental Marital Status; Parents, Single

Living with an unmarried mother is consistently associated with adjustment issues in adolescence, but these associations can vary by both time and place. Following life course theory, this study applied inverse probability of treatment weighting techniques to data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979) Children and Young Adults study (n = 5,597) to estimate various treatment effects of family structures through childhood and early adolescence on internalizing and externalizing dimensions of adjustment at age 14. Young people who lived with an unmarried (single or cohabiting) mother during early childhood and adolescence were more likely to drink and reported more depressive symptoms by age 14 than those with a married mother, with particularly strong associations between living with an unmarried mother during early adolescence and drinking. These associations, however, varied according to sociodemographic selection into family structures. They were strongest for youth who more closely resembled the average adolescent living with a married mother.
Bibliography Citation
Stritzel, Haley and Robert Crosnoe. "Unpacking the Linkages between Single Parent Households and Early Adolescent Adjustment." Social Science Research 110 (February 2023): 102841.
6. Stritzel, Haley
Green, Michael J.
Crosnoe, Robert
A Cross-National Comparison of the Linkages between Family Structure Histories and Early Adolescent Substance Use
Social Science and Medicine published online (15 November 2022): 115540.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79
Publisher: Elsevier
Keyword(s): Adolescent Health; Cross-national Analysis; Family Structure; Millennium Cohort Study (UK); Substance Use

Family structure can influence adolescent health with cascading implications into adulthood. Life course theory emphasizes how this phenomenon is dynamic across time, contextualized in policy systems, and grounded in processes of selection and socialization. This study used data from the U.S. (National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Child and Young Adults, n = 6236) and U.K. (Millennium Cohort Study, n = 11,095) to examine associations between a single mother family structure between ages 0-14 and early adolescent substance use at age 14 across time and place, using inverse probability of treatment weighting to explore how results varied by selection into family structure. In both countries, single parenthood, regardless of its timing during childhood, consistently predicted adolescent substance use when samples were re-weighted to resemble the overall population. However, when samples were re-weighted so that their background characteristics resembled those of actual single parent families, there was little evidence that single parenting posed risks, suggesting that single parenting might matter less for adolescents who are likely to experience it (and vice versa). In addition, more generous welfare policy in the U.K. than in the U.S. did not appear to have ameliorated the observed role of single parenting in adolescent substance use. Findings supported a model of disadvantage saturation, where single parenting has little additional impact over the myriad other disadvantages that single parent families tend to experience, rather than a model of cumulative disadvantage, where single parenting compounds or adds to other disadvantages. Policy and interventions might more valuably focus on these other disadvantages than on family structure.
Bibliography Citation
Stritzel, Haley, Michael J. Green and Robert Crosnoe. "A Cross-National Comparison of the Linkages between Family Structure Histories and Early Adolescent Substance Use." Social Science and Medicine published online (15 November 2022): 115540.