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Embodied Disadvantage and Socioeconomic Stratification: Parental Body Mass and Offspring Income in the United States
Estimating Subfecundity: The NLSY79 Cohort
Geographic Mobility of Youth and Spatial Gaps in Local College and Labor Market Opportunities
Maternal Employment, Adolescent’s Unhealthy Lifestyle and their Body Mass Index: Evidence from NLSY 97
Nonstandard Work among Young Adults: Pathways into Poor Psychological Functioning
Racial Differences in Women's Pathways to Adulthood
The Returns to Returning to School

“Bad Jobs” for Marriage: Job Quality and the Risk of Divorce
“Bad Jobs” for Marriage: Relationship between Job Quality and Union Formation in the Context of Labor Market Changes
“From Your First Cigarette to Your Last Dyin’ Day”: The Patterning of Gang Membership in the Life-Course

The (Conditional) Resource Dilution Model: A Family-level Modification
(How) Does Obesity Harm Academic Performance? Stratification at the Intersection of Race, Sex, and Body Size in Elementary and High School
(How) Does Obesity Harm GPA? Stratification at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Body Size
(Re)evaluating the Implications of the Autoregressive Latent Trajectory Model Through Likelihood Ratio Tests of Its Initial Conditions

1 in 5 Teenages Has Sex Before 15, Study Finds
1 in 6 Young Americans Have Stolen Something in the Past Year, Study Finds
12 Million Salaried Workers Are Missing
12 Million Salaried Workers Are Missing
12-Year Longitudinal Study Linking Within-person Changes in Work and Family Transitions and Workplace Injury Risk
14 and Younger: The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents (Summary)
A 1966 Replication of the 1962 Occupational Changes in a Generation Analysis of Older Men: Path Models as Indicators of Social Change
1997 NSAF Benchmarking Measures of Child and Family Well-Being
1997 Profile of American Youth: Overview

25 Years of the National Longitudinal Survey - Youth Cohort

50 Years of American Indebtedness and Policies That Have Shaped It

99 Problems, Is Depression One? Examining the Effect of Incarceration History on Depressive Symptoms

Ability Tilt for Whites and Blacks: Support for Differentiation and Investment Theories
Ability Tilt on the SAT and ACT Predicts Specific Abilities and College Majors
Ability to Work from Home: Evidence from Two Surveys and Implications for the Labor Market in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ability, Schooling and Wages: Going Beyond the National Longitudinal Surveys
Abortion and Child Outcomes
Abortion and Long-Term Mental Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review of the Evidence
Abortion Costs and Single Parenthood: A Life-Cycle Model of Fertility and Partnership
Abortion Costs and Single Parenthood: A Life-Cycle Model of Fertility and Partnership Behavior
The Abortion Decision: A Qualitative Choice Approach
The Abortion Decision: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Abortion Reporting in the United States: An Assessment of Three National Fertility Surveys
Abortion, Childbearing, and Women's Well-Being
The Absent Brother: The Effect of Sex of Siblings on Aspirations and Parental Encouragement Of Young Women
Absent Fathers and Child Development: Emotional and Cognitive Effects at Ages Five to Nine
The Absorbing Status of Incarceration and its Relationship with Wealth Accumulation
Academic Achievement in Blacks and Whites: Are the Developmental Processes Similar?
The Academic Advantage of Devotion: Measuring Variation in the Value of Weekly Worship in Late Adolescence on Educational Attainment Using Propensity Score Matching
Academic and Behavioral Outcomes Among the Children of Young Mothers
Academic and Behavioral Outcomes Among the Children of Young Mothers
Academic and Transitional Experiences of High School At-Risk Youth
Academic Attrition in Black and White: The Emergence of the Black/White Gap in Timely High School Graduation
Academic Careers and Post-College Employment of Young Men
Academic Choice Behavior of High School Students: Economic Rationale and Empirical Evidence
The Academic Cost of Being Overweight: Rural vs. Urban Area Differences - A Quantile Regression Approach
Academic Learning and National Productivity
Academic Learning and National Productivity
Access or Value? Federal Student Loan Funding and Wage Inequality
Access to Emergency Contraception and its Impact on Fertility and Sexual Behavior
Access to Supervisory Jobs and the Gender Wage Gap among Professionals
Access, Outcomes, and Social Mobility in a Stratified System of Postsecondary Education
Accidents Will Happen? Unintentional Childhood Injuries and the Effects of Child Care Regulations
Accidents Will Happen? Unintentional Injury, Maternal Employment, and Child Care Policy
Accounting for Misclassification Error in Retrospective Smoking Data
Accounting for Racial Differences in Marriage and Employment
Accounting for Racial Differences in Marriage and Employment
Accounting for the Child in the Transmission of Party Identification
Accounting for the Gender Gap in College Attainment
Accounting for the Intergenerational Elasticity of Education: Cognitive Ability, Socioeconomic Status, Non-Cognitive Skills and Home Environment
Accounting for the Racial Gap in AFQT scores: Comment on Nan L. Maxwell, "The Effect on Black-White Wage Differences of Differences in the Quantity and Quality of Education"
Acculturation and Sex-Role Attitudes Among Mexican Americans: A Longitudinal Analysis
Acculturation and Sexual Behavior among Latino Youth: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997-2003
Accumulating Disadvantage over the Life Course: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study Investigating the Relationship Between Educational Advantage in Youth and Health in Middle Age
Accumulating Disadvantage: The Growth in Black-White Wage Gap Among Women
The Accumulation of (Dis)Advantage: Dynamics of the Wage Effect of Marriage over the Life Course for Men and Women
The Accumulation of (Dis)advantage: The Intersection of Gender and Race in the Long-Term Wage Effect of Marriage
Accumulation of Childhood Poverty on Young Adult Overweight or Obese Status: Race/Ethnicity and Gender Disparities
The Accumulation of Disadvantage: Criminal Justice Contact, Credit, and Debt in the Transition to Adulthood
Accumulation of Obesogenic and Health-promoting Behaviors in Young Adulthood: A Theory-driven Analysis of Associations and Sequences
Accurately Assessing High School Graduation Rates
Achieve a Better Shape of Life: How Entrepreneurship Gears Up Life-time Well-being
Achievement and Attitude: the Role of Cognitive Skills and Affective Traits in the Determination of Labor Market Outcomes for Young Women
Achievement Gap Estimates and Deviations from Cardinal Comparability
ACT and General Cognitive Ability
Active-Duty Military Service in the United States: Cohabiting Unions and the Transition to Marriage
Active-Duty Military Service, Cohabiting Unions, and the Transition to Marriage
Adam Smith, Social Norms, and Economic Behavior
Additive Interactions of Maternal Prepregnancy BMI and Breast-feeding on Childhood Overweight
ADHD and Academics
ADHD Symptoms and Financial Distress
Adjusting for Selection Bias in Assessing the Relationship between Sibship Size and Cognitive Performance
Adjustment of Children Born to Teenage Mothers: The Contribution of Risk and Protective Factors
Adjustment of Occupational Aspirations among Young Men During Their Transition to Adulthood
Adjustment to and Satisfaction with Retirement
Adolescent Academic Achievement, Bullying Behavior, and the Frequency of Internet Use
Adolescent Alcohol and Marijuana Consumption: Is there Really a Gateway Effect?
Adolescent Alcohol Use and Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Micro Data
Adolescent Alcohol Use Before and After the High School Transition
Adolescent Alcohol Use Self-Report Stability: A Decade of Panel Study Data
Adolescent and Young Adult Antisocial Behavior and Adult Alcohol Use Disorders: A Fourteen-Year Prospective Follow-Up in a National Survey
Adolescent Behavior and Achievement, Social Capital, and the Timing of Geographic Mobility
Adolescent Behavior Problems: Peer Pressure "Is" All It Is Cracked Up To Be
Adolescent BMI: The Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors
Adolescent Childbearing and High School Completion in the 1980s: Have Things Changed?
Adolescent Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Correlates of Adult Health
Adolescent Cognitive and Noncognitive Correlates of Adult Health
Adolescent Cognitive Skills, Attitudinal/Behavioral Traits and Career Wages
Adolescent Criminal Behavior, Population Heterogeneity, and Cumulative Disadvantage: Untangling the Relationship Between Adolescent Delinquency and Negative Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood
Adolescent Dating Experience and Delinquency
Adolescent Delinquent Behavior and Job Search Support
Adolescent Depression and Substance Use: Does Co-morbidity Vary by Neighborhood?
Adolescent Determinants of Abortion Attitudes: Evidence from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Adolescent Drinking and High School Dropout
Adolescent Drug Use and Educational Attainment
Adolescent Early Sexual Debut: What Can Parents Do to Postpone It?
Adolescent Family Background and the Formation of the First Family Formation in Adulthood: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study
Adolescent Fathers in the United States: Their Initial Living Arrangements, Marital Experience and Educational Outcomes
Adolescent Fertility and the Educational Attainment of Young Women
Adolescent Fertility and the Educational Attainment of Young Women
Adolescent Gang Membership and Adverse Behavioral, Mental Health, and Physical Health Outcomes in Young Adulthood: A Within-Family Analysis
Adolescent Gender Ideology Socialization: Direct and Moderating Effects of Fathers' Beliefs.
Adolescent Health and Its Effects on Educational Attainment: Evidence from Two Nationally Representative Longitudinal Studies (NLSY79 and NLSY97)
Adolescent Intergenerational Cohesiveness and Young Adult Proximity to Mothers
Adolescent Intergenerational Cohesiveness and Young Adult Proximity to Parents
Adolescent Intergenerational Relationship Dynamics and Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home
Adolescent Life History Strategy in the Intergenerational Transmission and Developmental Stability of Substance Use
Adolescent Maturation: Identification, Estimation, and Implications
Adolescent Mental Health and Dating in Young Adulthood
Adolescent Motherhood: Implications for the Juvenile Justice System
Adolescent Mothers and Their Children in Later Life
Adolescent Mothers Drop Out
Adolescent Mothers in Later Life
Adolescent Mothers' Perceptions of Support and Receipt of Government Financial Assistance: An Examination of the NLSY97 Data File
Adolescent Non-Sexual and Sex-Related Problem Behaviors
Adolescent Obesity and First Union Outcomes in Young Adulthood: Does Dating Experience Tell the Story?
Adolescent Occupational Aspirations: Test of Gottfredson's Theory of Circumscription and Compromise
Adolescent Outcome Measures in the NLSY97 Family Process Data Set: Variation by Race and Socioeconomic Conditions
Adolescent Premarital Childbearing: Do Economic Incentives Matter?
Adolescent Premarital Childbearing: Do Opportunity Costs Matter?
Adolescent Psychological Distress, Unemployment, and the Great Recession: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997
Adolescent Religiosity and Sexuality: An Investigation of Reciprocal Influences
Adolescent Repeat Births: A Role Conflict/Status Attainment Model
Adolescent Risk Taking: Do Youth Learn with Experience?
Adolescent Romantic Relationships as Precursors of Healthy Adult Marriages A Review of Theory, Research, and Programs
Adolescent Sexual Activity in the Family Context: The Impact of Older Siblings
Adolescent Sexual Activity in the Family Context: The Impact of Older Siblings
Adolescent Sexual and Nonsexual Deviance: Stability Over Time and Generations
Adolescent Sexual Debut: A Multi-System Perspective of Ethnic and Racial Differences
Adolescent Sexual Initiation: Comparing Across a Decade
Adolescent Sexual Onset: An Intergenerational Analysis
Adolescent Smoking and Development of Long-Term Habits: A Longitudinal Analysis in SAS
Adolescent Smoking: The Relationship between Cigarette Consumption and BMI
Adolescent Social Bonds, Race, and Adult Marijuana Use
Adolescent Substance Use and Other Illegal Behaviors and Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice System Involvement: Findings From a US National Survey
Adolescents At Risk: Family Predictors Of Problem Behaviors
Adolescents' and Young Adults' Routine Care Use: The Role of Their Mothers' Care Use Behaviors
Adolescents' Expectations Regarding Birth Outcomes: A Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97 Cohorts
Adolescents' Formal Employment and School Enrollment: Effects of State Welfare Policies
Adolescents' Patterns of Well-Care Use Over Time: Who Stays Connected
Adolescents' Perceived Risk of Dying
Adolescents' School Enrollment and Employment: Effect of State Welfare Policies
Adolescents' Work-Family Gender Ideologies and Educational Expectations
Adolescents’ Intelligence Is Related to Family Income
Adopted Adults: Comparisons with Persons Raised in Conventional Families
Adopted Children's Outcome as Young Adults in Regards to Educational Attainment and Income
Adopted Children's Outcomes as Young Adults in Regards to Educational Attainment and Income
Adult and Child Obesity, Evidence from the NLSY
Adult Child Imprisonment and Parent's Well-Being
Adult Children's Education and Parent Mortality: Exploring Mechanisms
Adult Consequences of Bully Victimization: Are Children or Adolescents More Vulnerable to the Victimization Experience?
Adult Daughters as Parental Caregivers: Rational Actors versus Rational Agents
Adult Participation in Undergraduate Education: Trends, Patterns, and Attainment over the Life Course
Adult Undergraduates and Bachelor's Degree Attainment: How Common Is Completion? And Who Completes?
Advanced Placement
Advancing Occupational Stress and Health Research and Interventions Using Latent Difference Score Modeling
Advancing Understanding of Dynamic Mechanisms in Onset to Event Models: Discrete Time Survival Mediation with a Time Variant Mediator
Advantage and Disadvantage: A Profile of American Youth
Adverse Childhood Events and Risk of Diabetes Onset in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohort
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Later Life Adult Obesity and Smoking in the United States
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Early and Nonmarital Fertility, and Women's Health at Midlife
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Early and Nonmarital Fertility, and Women's Health at Midlife
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Marital History, and Midlife Health
AFDC Benefits and Nonmarital Births to Young Women
Affinity Models for Career Sequences
Affirmative Action Bans and High School Student Effort: Evidence From California
AFQT Score Forecasting Models for Regional Estimation of Qualified Military Available
African American and White Mothers' Substance Abuse, Depression, and Criminality as Risk Factors for Child Behavior Problems
African American Men's Personal Sense of Mastery: The Consequences of the Adolescent Environment, Self-Concept, and Adult Achievement
African-American/White Differences in the Age of Menarche: Accounting for the Difference
After 33 Years and $30 Billion, Time to Find Out if Head Start Produces Results
After 40 Years, How Representative Are Labor Market Outcomes in the NLSY79?
After Marriage Ends: Economic Consequences for Midlife Women
After Moving Back to the Nest: The Heterogeneous Effect of Returning to Parental Home on the Employment Outcomes by Income Group
After School Care and Child Development: Children of the NLSY
After the Bell: Family Background, Public Policy, and Educational Success
Afterschool Child Care Subsidies and Maternal Employment Among the Low-Income Families
Against All Odds: The Surprising Labor Market Success of Young Mexican Women
Against The Odds: Steady Employment Among Low-Skilled Women
Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth
Against the Tide: Household Structure, Opportunities, and Outcomes among White and Minority Youth
Age and Ethnic Variations in Family Process Mediators of SES
Age Assortative Mating in Second Marriages after Divorce
Age at First Birth and Alcohol Use
Age at First Birth and Women's Midlife Health: Cohort and Race Differences Across the 20th Century
Age at First Birth, Parity, and Post-Reproductive Mortality among White and Black Women in the US, 1982-2002.
Age at First Childbirth and Later Poverty
Age at Migration Matters: Offending Among the First Generation
Age at Migration, Family Instability, and Timing of Sexual Onset
Age at Onset of Alcohol Use and DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: A 12-Year Follow-Up
Age by Stage Modeling of Dynamic Heterogeneity
Age Difference in Relationships between Depression and Sleep among Young Adult Men
Age Discrimination and Labor Market Problems of Displaced Older Male Workers
Age Discrimination in Earnings in a Dual-Economy Market
Age Discrimination in Wages and Displaced Older Men
Age Discrimination, Job Separations, And Employment Status of Older Workers: Evidence from Self-Reports
Age Discrimination, Job Separations, and Employment Status of Older Workers: Evidence from Self-Reports
Age Matters: Stopping Out, Going Back, and Criminal Desistance Based on Timing of Educational Return
The Age Mix of the Labor Force in 1990: Implications for Labor Market Research
Age of Alcohol Drinking Onset Precursors and the Mediation of Alcohol Disorder
Age Pattern of Family Care Obligations
Age Trajectories of Poverty During Childhood and High School Graduation
The Age Trajectory of Earnings Inequality: An Evaluation of Three Mechanisms
Age-Condensed and Age-Gapped Families: Coresidency with Elderly Parents and Relatives in a Mature Women's Cohort, 1967-1995
The Age-Graded Consequences of Justice System Involvement for Mental Health
Age-Graded Patterns of Gang Membership within a Nationally-Representative Longitudinal Sample of Youth
Age-related Differences in Contraceptive Use
Age-Sensitive Effect of Adolescent Dating Experience on Delinquency and Substance Use
The Age–Crime Curve in Adolescence and Early Adulthood is Not Due to Age Differences in Economic Status
Age, Cohort and Perceived Age Discrimination: Using the Life Course to Assess Self-reported Age Discrimination
Age, Cohort, and Changing Opportunity Structures: Educational Attainment and the Health Limitations of White Women From 1967 to 2012
Age, Cohort, and Social Change: Parental and Spousal Education and White Women's Health Limitations From 1967 to 2012
Age, Experience, and Wage Growth
Age, Fertility Expectations and Plans for Employment
Age, IQ and Ability
Age, Socioeconomic Status and Obesity Growth
Age, Socioeconomic Status and Obesity Growth
Ageism in the Labor Market: Estimating Earnings Discrimination Against Older Workers
An Agenda For Socioeconomic Life Cycle Research
Aggravated Inequality: Delinquency, School, and Neighborhood Disadvantage
Aggravated Inequality: Neighborhood Economics, Schools, and Juvenile Delinquency
Aggregate Implications of Labor-Market Composition
Aging Industries and Individuals: Retirement Decisions in the Context of Structural Economic Change
Aging Industries and Individuals: Retirement Decisions in the Context of Structural Economic Change
Aging: Issues and Economic Trends for the 1980s
Agreeing on More than Chicken Soup: Intra-household Decision-Making and Treatment for Child Psychopathology
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Mandated Work/Training: Identifying the Exit and Birth Effects
Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) and Mandatory Work/Training: Identifying the Fertility and Exit Effects
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Non-Marital Births in the USA: An Examination of Causality
Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in College and Noncollege Samples: A Ten-Year Prospective Follow-Up in a National Survey
Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and Labor Market Outcomes: Looking for the Missing Link
Alcohol Advertising and Alcohol Consumption by Adolescents
Alcohol Advertising and Alcohol Consumption By Adolescents
Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use in the Food Service Industry: Assessing Self-Selection and Job-Related Risk Factors
Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use in the Food Service Industry: Assessing Self-Selection and Job-Related Risk Factors
Alcohol and Student Performance: Estimating the Effect of Legal Access
Alcohol Consumption and Productivity
Alcohol Consumption and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Young Adults: Evidence from Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws
Alcohol Consumption and Young Adults' Socioeconomic Status
Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and Infant Birth Weight
Alcohol Consumption in Early Adulthood and Schooling Completed and Labor Market Outcomes at Midlife by Race and Gender
Alcohol Dependence in Adult Children of Alcoholics: Longitudinal Evidence of Early Risk
Alcohol Drinking Onset: A Reliability Study
Alcohol Use Among College Students: The Effects of Prior Problem Behaviors and Change of Residence
Alcohol Use Among Young Adults in 1988: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Alcohol Use and Moffitt's Maturity Gap Thesis for Adolescent Offending: An Evolutionary Perspective and Analysis
Alcohol Use and the Wage Returns to Education and Work Experience
Alcohol Use During the Transition From Middle School to High School: National Panel Data on Prevalence and Moderators
Alcohol Use Patterns and Risk of Diabetes Onset in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohort
Alcohol Use Trajectories in Two Cohorts of U.S. Women Aged 50 to 65 at Baseline
Alcohol Use, Employment, and Arrest: Making Sense of a Convoluted Relationship
Alcohol Use, Human Capital, and Wages
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Sexual Risk-Taking Among Young Adults
Alcohol's Effect on Learning
Alienation, Labor Market Structure, and Women's Attachment to the Labor Force: The Impact of Part-Time Industries on Discontinuous Labor Force Participation
All in the Extended Family: Effects of Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles on Educational Attainment
All in the Extended Family: Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles and Educational Attainment
All in the Family: A Couples' Approach to Understanding Parental Wage Gaps Within and Across Households
All My Children: The Consequences of Sibling Group Characteristics on the Marital Happiness of Young Mothers
All or Nothing? Economic Returns to College Credits and Degrees
The All Volunteer Force and American Youth: An Attitudinal and Demographic Comparison
All Wealth Is Not Created Equal: Race, Parental Net Worth, and Children's Achievement
The All-Volunteer Force: 1979 NLS Studies of Enlistment, Intentions to Serve, and Intentions to Reenlist
The All-Volunteer Force: An Analysis of Youth Participation, Attrition, and Reenlistment
The Allocation of Blacks in Large Firms and Establishments and Black-White Wage Inequality in the U.S. Economy
The Allocation of Time to Vocational School Training
Allocative and Remitted Wages: New Facts and Challenges for Keynesian Models
Allowances Can Teach Children Where the Money Goes
Altared States
Altering the Life Course: Military Service and Contact with the Criminal Justice System
Alternative Estimates of the Effect of Schooling on Earnings
Alternative Estimates of the Effects of Family Structure During Childhood on High School Graduation
An Alternative Household Welfare Function: An Analysis of Labor Supply Behavior of Married Households
Alternative Models of the Effects of Family Structure on Early Family Formation
Alternative Opportunities in the Female Labor Market and Teacher Supply and Quality: 1940-1990
Alternatives to College Education: Incidence and Returns for Young Males
America at Age 24: An Education and Employment Snapshot
America's College Dropout Epidemic: Understanding the College Dropout Population
America's Continuing Struggle with Mental Illnesses: Economic Considerations
America's Fathers and Public Policy
America's Next Achievement Test: Closing the Black-White Test Score Gap
America's Young Adults at 29: Labor Market Activity, Education and Partner Status: Results from a Longitudinal Survey
American Exceptionalism in a New Light: A Comparison of Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in the Nordic Countries, the United Kingdom and the United States
The American High School Graduation Rate: Trends and Levels
The American High School Graduation Rate: Trends and Levels
American Indian Women in an Urban Setting
American Kids Fatter Than Ever, Study Says; Junk Food, Lack of Exercise Lead to Epidemic
American Pie Charts
American Young Adults' Rural-to-Urban Migration and Timing of Exits from Poverty Spells
American Young Adults' Rural-to-Urban Migration and Timing of Exits from Poverty Spells
Analysis of Armed Forces Personnel Policy on Minority Youth
Analysis of Data from Related Individuals
An Analysis of Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination in Wages in Firms Unlikely to Comply with Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation
Analysis of Factors Influencing Women's Labor Force Participation Decisions
An Analysis of Initial Occupational and Educational Choices of Black and White Men and Women
The Analysis of Inter-Firm Worker Mobility
The Analysis of Interfirm Worker Mobility
An Analysis of Job Quality and Welfare Recidivism
An Analysis of Long-Term Unemployment
An Analysis of Long-term Unemployment
The Analysis of NLS Youth in Public and Private Schools: Response to Coleman and Hoffer
An Analysis of Nonpecuniary Job Attributes as Determinants of Workers' Quit Behavior
Analysis of Panel Data and Related Types of Data with Binary Outcomes Using Finite-Mixture a New Methods: a New Approach for Studying Unobserved Heterogeneity
An Analysis of Policy Effect on Equality of Opportunity for Health
An Analysis of Racial Differences in Employment and Their Feedback Effect on the Accumulation of Human Capital
An Analysis of Secondary Child Care Arrangements
An Analysis of Shift Work: Compensating Differentials and Local Economic Conditions
An Analysis of the Academic Composites of ASVAB and the PSAT, the SAT, and ACT: A Correlation Study
An Analysis of the Consequences of Employer Linked Health Insurance Coverage in the U. S.
Analysis of the Covariance Structure of the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale: Dimensionality and Stability
An Analysis of the Determinants of Occupational Upgrading
An Analysis of the Duration of Unemployment
An Analysis of the Economic Progress and Impact of Immigrants
An Analysis of the Effects of Early Childhood Household Income on Obesity During Young Adulthood
An Analysis of the Firm Size Variable in Youth Employment Using the NLS-Y Data Base
An Analysis of the Interrelation between Unions, Race, and Wage and Nonwage Compensation
An Analysis of the Journey to Work for Women
An Analysis of the Labor Market Experience of Young Women
An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey Youth Cohort Data Related to Industrial Arts and Vocational Education
An Analysis of the Relationship Among Ability Measures, Education and Earnings
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Employment and Crime
An Analysis of the Spatial Elasticity of Labor Supply
An Analysis of Time on Welfare
An Analysis of Welfare Participation: Rational-Choice Perspective and Group-Threat Hypothesis
An Analysis of Women's Return-to-Work Decisions Following First Birth
An Analysis of Youth Labor Force Transition Probabilities
The Analytic Identification of Variance Component Models Common to Behavior Genetics
Analyzing Labor Force Transitions with Panel Data
Analyzing School Failure Within Contemporary Criminological Theory
Analyzing the Extent and Influence of Occupational Licensing on the Labor Market
Analyzing the Human Sex Ratio at Birth
Analyzing the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: A Comparison of Statistical Methods
Anchoring of American Families to their Homes and Neighborhoods: Determining Factors of Residential Mobility
Angels and Loners: An Examination of Abstainer Subtypes
Angels and Loners: An Examination of Abstention Processes and Abstainer Heterogeneity
Another Chance: Preventing Additional Births to Teen Mothers
Another Look at No-Fault Divorce and the Post-Divorce Finances of Women
The Antecedents and Consequences of Interruptions in Formal Schooling: A Review of the Literature
Antecedents and Correlates of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Alcohol-Cocaine Abuse in Early Adulthood
Antecedents and Predecessors of NLSY79: Paving the Course
Antecedents and Socioemotional Consequences of Physical Punishment on Children in Two-Parent Families
Antecedents of Interest and the Investment of Fluid Intelligence in the Formation of Crystalized Intelligence
Antecedents of Managerial and Professional Career Trajectories and Their Differential Effects on Blacks and Whites: Gaining Parity Through Human and Social Capital
Antecedents of Training-Related Placement
Anticipating the "Ball and Chain"? Reciprocal Associations Between Marital Expectations and Delinquency
Antisocial Behavior of Female Youth and the Later Emotional and Behavioral Health of their Children: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Antisocial Behavior, Family History, and Alcohol Dependence Symptoms
The Apple Does Not Fall Far from the Tree
The Apple Does Not Fall Far from the Tree
An Application of John Holland's Vocational Theory to an Empirical Study of Occupational Mobility of Men Age 45 to 59
Application of Logistic Regression Techniques in Survey Research
Applying an Occupational Classification to the Work Histories of Young Men and Women
Approaches to Learn about Employer Learning
Appropriate Tests of Racial Wage Discrimination Require Controls for Cognitive Skill: Comment on Cancio, Evans, and Maume
Aptitude Testing in DOD and the Profile of American Youth Study
Are Alcoholics in Bad Jobs?
Are Being Unemployed and Being Out of the Labor Force Distinct States? A Psychological Approach
Are Blondes Really Dumb?
Are Brothers Really Better? Sibling Sex Composition and Educational Achievement Revisited
Are Brothers Really Better? Sibling Sex Composition and Educational Achievement Revisited
Are Changes of Major Major Changes? The Roles of Grades, Gender, and Preferences in College Major Switching
Are Children of Young Mothers Disadvantaged Because of Their Mother's Age or Because of Her Family Background?
Are Children of Young Mothers Disadvantaged Because of Their Mother's Age or Family Background?
Are College Costs Worth it? How Ability, Major, and Debt Affect the Returns to Schooling
Are Computers Good for Children? The Effects of Home Computers on Educational Outcomes
Are Computers Good for Children? The Effects of Home Computers on Educational Outcomes
Are Depressive Symptoms a Risk Factor for Asthma in Childhood?
Are Employers Omniscient? Employer Learning About Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills
Are Estimates of Racial Wage Discrimination Influenced by Labor Market Conditions? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey
Are Fathers Fungible? Patterns of Co-Resident Adult Men in Maritally Disrupted Families and Children's Well-Being
Are Gangs a Substitute for Legitimate Employment? Investigating the Impact of Labor Market Effects on Gang Affiliation
Are Girls Getting Tougher, or Are We Tougher on Girls? Probability of Arrest and Juvenile Court Oversight in 1980 and 2000
Are Government Workers Overpaid? Alternative Evidence
Are Healthier People More Likely to Marry? An Event History Analysis Based on NLSY
Are Housing Characteristics Experienced by Children Associated with their Outcomes as Young Adults?
Are Immigrants Crime Prone? A Multifaceted Investigation of the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime in Two Eras
Are Independent Parameter Draws Necessary for Multiple Imputation?
Are Initial Wage Losses of Intersectoral Movers Compensated for by Their Subsequent Wage Gains?
Are Mothers More Likely Than Fathers to Lose Their Jobs?
Are Neighborhood Effects on Young Children Mediated by Features of the Home Environment?
Are OLS Estimates of the Return to Schooling Biased Downward? Another Look
Are OLS Estimates of the Return to Schooling Biased Downward? Another Look
Are Public Subsidies to Higher Education Regressive?
Are Risk Attitudes Fixed Factors or Fleeting Feelings?
Are Socioeconomic Gradients for Children Similar to Those for Adults?: Achievement and Health of Children in the United States?
Are Student Loans Worth It? Stratification in Work-Life Balance, Income, and Family
Are the "Most Advantaged" Children Truly Disadvantaged By Early Maternal Employment? Effects on Child Cognitive Outcomes
Are the Best and the Brightest Fleeing Public Sector Employment? Evidence From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Are the Effects of Parental Control/Support and Peer Delinquency on Future Offending Cumulative or Interactive? A Multiple Group Analysis of 10 Longitudinal Studies
Are There Gains to Delaying Marriage? The Effect of Age at First Marriage on Career Development and Wages
Are There Increasing Returns to the Intergenerational Production of Capital? Maternal Schooling and Child Intellectual Achievement
Are There Increasing Returns to the Intergenerational Production of Human Capital? Maternal Schooling and Child Intellectual Achievement
Are There Returns to Attending a Private College or University?
Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School?
Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School?
Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School?
Are Time Preference and Body Mass Index Associated? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Are Unemployment and Out of the Labor Force Behaviorally Distinct Labor Force States?
Are Veterans Healthier? Military Service and Health at Age 40 in the All-Volunteer Era
Are We Really Bowling Alone? Family Changes and Social Capital in American Society
Are Within-Racial Group Inequalities by Skin Color Really Greater Than Inequalities Between Racial Groups in the United States?
Are Women's Employment and Fertility Histories Interdependent? An Examination of Causal Order Using Event History Analysis
Are You What Your Mother Weighs? Evaluating the Impact of Maternal Weight Trajectories on Youth Overweight
Are Young Adults Losing Out on Sleep? Changes in Sleep Duration in a U.S. Population-based Study
Are Young Black Men Really Less Willing to Work?
Are Young Noncustodial Fathers Left Behind in the Labor Market?
Aristocracy of Intelligence
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery: Correcting the Speeded Subtests for the 1980 Youth Population
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery: Validation for Civilian Occupations
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery: Validation for Civilian Occupations Using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Data
Arrests, Persistent Youth Joblessness, and Black/White Employment Differentials
Artists' Careers and Their Labor Markets
The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth: Findings from Four Longitudinal Studies
Arts Involvement Predicts Academic Achievement Only When the Child Has a Musical Instrument
As More Earn Equivalency Diploma, Its Value Is Debated
As the Pendulum Swings: Teenage Childbearing and Social Concern
As Wealth Gap Widens, Class Mobility Stalls
Aspects of Vocational Development in Older Males: An Exploratory Study
Aspiration-Job Match: Age Trends in a Large, Nationally Representative Sample of Young White Men
Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the United States: Part 1. Education and Fertility
Aspirations and Expectations of Youth in the United States. Part 2. Employment Activity
Aspirations in Young Adulthood
Aspirations of Adolescent Hispanic Females for Marriage, Children, Education and Employment
Assessing Family Strengths in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - Child Supplement
Assessing Group Differences in Estimated Baseline Survivor Functions From Cox Proportional Hazards Models
Assessing Happiness: How Economic Factors Measure Up
Assessing Lack of Common Support in Causal Inference Using Bayesian Nonparametrics: Implications for Evaluating the Effect of Breastfeeding on Children's Cognitive Outcomes
Assessing Racial Differences in Offending Trajectories: A Life-Course View of the Race-Crime Relationship
Assessing School to Work Transitions in the United States
Assessing Screening Policies for Childhood Obesity
Assessing the Effect of Cohort, Gender, and Race on Differential Item Functioning (DIF) in an Adaptive Test Designed for Multi-Age Groups
Assessing the Effect of the Occupational Crowding of Immigrants on the Real Wages of African American Workers
Assessing the Effects of Alcohol Policies on Consumption: Why the Measurement of Consumption Is Important
Assessing the Effects of Medical Marijuana Laws on Marijuana Use: The Devil is in the Details
Assessing the Horatio Alger Myth: Is Self-employment Especially Beneficial for Those from Less-advantaged Family Backgrounds?
Assessing the Order of Dependence for Partially Exchangeable Binary Data
Assessing the Performance of Matching Algorithms when Selection into Treatment is Strong
Assessing the Predictive Value of Fertility Expectations Through a Cognitive–Social Model
Assessing the Relationship between Chronic Health Conditions and Productivity Loss Trajectories
Assessing the Salience of Gene-Environment Interplay in the Development of Anger, Family Conflict, and Physical Violence: A Biosocial Test of General Strain Theory
Assessing the Student Loan Debt Burden of First-Generation College Students: Do They Face Additional Difficulties in Debt Repayment?
Assessing the Underlying Economic Causes and Consequences of Obesity
Assessment Issues in the Testing of Children at School Entry
Asset Adjustments and Labor Supply of Older Workers
Asset Trajectories and Child Outcomes: Implications for Asset-Based Policies
Assets and Advantages: The Impact of Parental Wealth on Children's Educational and Homeownership Outcomes
Assets and Child Well-Being in Developed Countries
Assets and Economic Mobility in a Youth Cohort, 1985-1997
Assets and Liabilities, Educational Expectations, and Children's College Degree Attainment
Assets and Liabilities, Educational Expectations, and Children's College Degree Attainment
Assets and Liabilities, Educational Expectations, and Children's College Degree Attainment
Assets and Liabilities, Race/Ethnicity, and Children's College Education
Assets and Liabilities, Race/Ethnicity, and Children's College Education
Assets and Liabilities, Race/Ethnicity, and Children's College Education
Assets, Human Capital Development, and Economic Mobility of Single Mothers
Assets, Non-employment Income, and Alternative Models of Labor Supply
Assets, Parental Expectations and Involvement, and Children's Educational Performance
Assimilation and the Earnings of Young Internal Migrants
Assimilation and the Timing of College Enrollment, Graduation, and Disruptive Events
Association Between Adolescent Substance Use and Obesity in Young Adulthood: A Group-based Dual Trajectory Analysis
Association Between Behavioral and School Problems and Fatherhood in a National Sample of Adolescent Youths
Association Between Change and Stability in the Family of Origin and Mental Health across the Transition to Adulthood
Association Between Clinically Meaningful Behavior Problems and Overweight in Children
The Association between Cognitive Ability and Body Mass Index: A Sibling-Comparison Analysis in Four Longitudinal Studies
The Association between Depression and Parental Ethnic Affiliation and Socioeconomic Status: A 27-year Longitudinal US Community Study
The Association between Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking: Initiation, Cessation, and Possible Explanatory Mechanisms
Association between Generational Status and Smoking Behaviors before and during Pregnancy among Hispanic Women
The Association Between Health-Related Behaviours and the Risk of Divorce in the USA
The Association between History of Incarceration and Heart Disease: Adults from the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Association between Increased Emergency Contraception Availability and Risky Sexual Practices
The Association Between Intelligence and Financial Literacy: A Conceptual and Meta-Analytic Review
The Association Between IQ in Adolescence and a Range of Health Outcomes at 40 in the 1979 US National Longitudinal Study of Youth
Association between Long Work Hours and Chronic Disease Risks over a 32 Year Period
Association Between Maternal Relationship Transitions and Child Behavioral Outcomes: An Examination of Selection Effects and the Mediating Impact of Parenting
The Association Between Maternal Work Precarity and Infant Low Birth Weight in a Nationally Representative Cohort of Women in the United States
Association Between Parenthood and Problem Behavior in a National Sample of Adolescent Women
The Association between Parenting Styles and Children's Delinquency
Association between Precarious Employment and BMI in the United States
Association Between Sedentary Work and BMI in a U.S. National Longitudinal Survey
The Association between Socioeconomic Status and Adult Fast-Food Consumption in the U.S.
The Association between Time Preference and Net Worth: Incentivized Choice and Scaled Approach Using the NLSY79
The Association Between Urban Sprawl And Obesity: Is It A Two-Way Street?
Association of Adult Depression With Educational Attainment, Aspirations, and Expectations
Association of Allergies and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
Association of Birth Weight Centiles and Gestational Age With Cognitive Performance at Age 5 Years
Association of Childhood and Teen School Performance and Obesity in Young Adulthood in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Association of Childhood Personality on Sexual Risk Taking During Adolescence
The Association of Childhood Personality Type With Volunteering During Adolescence
The Association of County-level Socioeconomic Factors with Individual Tobacco and Alcohol Use: A Longitudinal Study of U.S. Adults
Association of Early Childbearing and Low Cognitive Ability
Association of Early Childbearing and Low Cognitive Ability
Association of Incarceration With Mortality by Race From a National Longitudinal Cohort Study
Association of Injuries in Truck and Bus Drivers with Alcohol and Drug Misuse
Association of Maternal Gestational Weight Gain with Short- and Long-term Maternal and Child Health Outcomes
The Association of Negative Family Processes in Early Adolescence and Health Status and Body Mass Index in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
The Association of Neighborhood Poverty with Personality Change in Childhood
The Association of Obesity with the Likelihood of Arrest for Young Adults
Association of Occupational Trajectories With Alcohol Use Disorders in a Longitudinal National Survey
Association of Personality and the Likelihood of Serious Unintentional Injury During Childhood
The Association of Personality Type in Childhood with Violence in Adolescence
Association of Smoke-Free Laws With Lower Percentages of New and Current Smokers Among Adolescents and Young Adults: An 11-Year Longitudinal Study
Association of Socioemotional Problems With Early Sexual Initiation
Association of Virginity at Age 18 with Educational, Economic, Social, and Health Outcomes in Middle Adulthood
Associations Among No Child Left Behind, School Engagement, and Academic Outcomes
Associations Between Adolescent Perceptions of Parental Interactions and Adolescent Sexual Behaviors
The Associations Between Body Mass Index and Health Problems: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey Cohort 1979
Associations between Childhood and Adolescent BMI and Risky Sexual Behaviors in Adolescence
Associations between Childhood Weight Status and Timing of First Sex in an Ethnically Diverse Sample
Associations between Cumulative Neighborhood Deprivation, Long-term Mobility Trajectories, and Gestational Weight Gain
Associations between Early Childhood Adversity and Behavioral, Substance Use, and Academic Outcomes in Childhood through Adolescence in a U.S. Longitudinal Cohort
Associations Between Emotional Engagement With School and Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes Across Adolescence
Associations Between Employees' Work Schedules and the Vocational Consequences of Workplace Injuries
Associations Between Family Structure Change and Child Behavior Problems: The Moderating Effect of Family Income
Associations Between Family Structure Changes and Children's Behavior Problems: The Moderating Effects of Timing and Marital Birth
Associations Between Family Structure Changes and Children’s Behavior: The Moderating Effects of Timing and Marital Birth
Associations Between Father Absence and Age of First Sexual Intercourse
Associations Between Long- and Short-Term Exposure to Neighborhood Social Context and Pregnancy-Related Weight Gain
Associations between Participation in Family Activities and Adolescent School Problems
Associations Between School Connection and Non-Cognitive Skills: Moderation By Family Income
Associations between Smoking Trajectories, Smoke-free Laws and Cigarette Taxes in a Longitudinal Sample of Youth and Young Adults
The Associations Between Student Debt and Precarious Employment on Millennial Homeownership in the United States
Associations of Family Structure States and Transitions During Middle Childhood
Associations of Occupational Attributes and Excessive Drinking
Associations of State-level and County-level Hate Crimes with Individual-level Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Prospective Cohort Study of middle-aged Americans: the National Longitudinal Survey of Youths 1979
The Assumed Benefits and Hidden Costs of Adult Learners' College Enrollment
Asthma at Mid-life is Associated with Physical Activity Limits but not Obesity after 10 Years Using Matched Sampling in a Nationally Representative Sample
Astructural and Structural Methods in the Estimation of Models of Labor Force Participation and Search Behavior
Asymmetric Information and Entrepreneurship
Asymmetric Information between Employers
Asymmetric Information between Employers
Asymmetric Information between Employers
Asymmetric Information, Employer Learning, and the Job Mobility of Young Men
Asymptotic Properties of the Buckley-James Estimator for a Bivariate Interval Censorship Regression Model
At-Home Father Families in the United States: Gender Ideology, Human Capital, and Unemployment
Athletes and Work
Atrophy Rates for Intermittent Employment for Married and Never-Married Women: A Test of the Human Capital Theory of Occupational Sex Segregation
An Attempt to Measure Differences in the Quality of Education by Race, Region, and Educational Level
Attendance, Completion, and Heterogeneous Returns to College: A Causal Mediation Approach
Attitude Consistency Among American Youth
Attitudes and Adolescent Nonmarital Childbearing: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Attitudes and Work Performance Among Young Men During the Transition from School to Work
Attitudes of American Male Workers Toward Union Certification
The Attitudes of Union and Nonunion Male Workers toward Union Representation
Attitudes Toward Market Work and the Effect of Wage Rates on the Lifetime Labor Supply of Married Women
Attitudes Toward Risk and Self-Employment of Young Workers
Attitudes Toward Women Working: Changes Over Time and Implications for the Labor Force Behaviors of Husbands And Wives
Attitudes, Patterns, and Predictors of Paternity Leave-Taking among U.S. Fathers
Attrition and The National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience: Avoidance, Control and Correction
Attrition and the National Longitudinal Surveys' Mature Women Cohort
Attrition and the National Longitudinal Surveys' Young Women Cohort
Attrition by Wealth in the Original NLS Cohorts
Attrition from Military and Civilian Jobs: Insights from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Attrition in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Atypical Jobs: Stepping Stones or Dead Ends? Evidence from the NLSY79
Atypical Work and Employment Continuity
Atypical Work and Pay
Atypical Work: Who Gets it, and Where Does it Lead? Some U.S. Evidence Using the NLSY79
Atypicality of Occupational Attainment: Preemployment Aspirations, Parental Role Modeling and Work Experience
Authors Fear US May Not Be Able To Compete In Future
The Autocorrelation of Earnings, Human Wealth Inequality, and Income Contingent Loans
Automating Data Transmission and Case Management Functions for a Nationwide CAPI Study
Autonomy-supportive Parenting and Adolescent Delinquency
Availability of Child Care in the United States: A Description and Analysis of Data Sources
Availability of Child Care in the United States: A Description and Analysis of Data Sources
Availability of Health Insurance and Gender Differences in “Job-Lock” Behavior: Evidence from NLSY
The Availability of Traditional and Family-Friendly Employee Benefits among a Cohort of Young Women, 1968-1995
The Average 29-Year-Old
Average Gaps and Oaxaca-Blinder Decompositions: A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes
Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions: A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes
Aversion to Student Debt? Evidence from Low-Wage Workers
Aversion to Women Who Work and Perceived Discrimination Among Euro-Americans and Mexican-Americans

Baby Boomer Caregivers in the Workforce: Do They Fare Better or Worse than their Predecessors?
A Baby Is Always a Blessing? The Effects of Unintended Childbearing on Health Throughout the Life Course
The Babysitter's Club
Bachelor's Degree for Women with Children: A Promising Pathway to Poverty Reduction
Bachelorhood and Men's Attitudes about Gender Roles
Back to Work: Determinants of Mature Women's Successful Reentry
Bad Behavior Does Not Doom Pupils, Studies Say
Bad Behavior: Delinquency, Arrest and Early School Leaving
Bad Jobs for Marriage: Job Quality and the Transition to First Marriage
"Bad Jobs" for Families: Job Quality and Family Outcomes in the Context of Labor Market Changes
Ban the Box, Convictions, and Public Employment
Ban the Box, Convictions, and Public Sector Employment
Bargaining Analyses of Household Decisions
Bargaining Bonus or Breadwinning Burden? Relative Earnings, Gender, Parenthood and Mental Health
Bargaining Bonus or Breadwinning Burden? Wives' Relative Earnings, Childrearing, and Depression
Barred from Employment: More Than Half of Unemployed Men in their 30s Had a Criminal History of Arrest
Barriers to Entry and Re-Entry into the Labor Force
Bases of Familial Power and the Retirement Decision: A Multiple Regression Study
Basic Skills and the Black-White Earnings Gap
Basic Skills, Occupational Training, and Wage Differentials Between Young Black and White Males
Basic Skills: The Sine Qua Non
The Basics of Structural Equation Modeling
Bayesian Analysis of a Dynamic, Stochastic Model of Labor Supply and Saving
Bayesian Analysis of an Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs
Bayesian Analysis of An Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs
Bayesian Analysis of Hidden Markov Structural Equation Models with an Unknown Number of Hidden States
Bayesian Analysis of Latent Markov Models with Non-ignorable Missing Data
Bayesian Analysis of Longitudinal Data Using Growth Curve Models
Bayesian Analysis of Longitudinal Data Using Growth Curve Models
Bayesian Analysis of Structural Effects in an Ordered Equation System
A Bayesian Approach to a Multiple-Group Latent Class-Profile Analysis: The Timing of Drinking Onset and Subsequent Drinking Behaviors Among U.S. Adolescents
Bayesian Extended Redundancy Analysis: A Bayesian Approach to Component-based Regression with Dimension Reduction
Bayesian Inference for Growth Mixture Models with Latent Class Dependent Missing Data
Bayesian Multivariate Latent Class Profile Analysis: Exploring the Developmental Progression of Youth Depression and Substance Use
Bayesian Posterior Predictive Checks for Complex Models
A Bayesian Propensity Score Adjustment for Latent Variable Modeling and MCMC Algorithm
Bayesian Regularized Multivariate Generalized Latent Variable Models
Bayesian Two-level Model for Repeated Partially Ordered Responses: Application to Adolescent Smoking Behavior Analysis
Becoming a Father, Staying a Father: An Examination of the Cumulative Wage Premium for U.S. Residential Fathers
Becoming a Good Citizen? The Long-Term Consequences of Poverty and Family Instability During Childhood
Becoming a Leader with Clipped Wings: The Role of Early-Career Unemployment Scarring on Future Leadership Role Occupancy
Becoming an Adult in America: What Does It Mean and How It Has Changed in the Past 20 Years?
Becoming Obese in Young Adulthood: The Role of Career-Family Pathways in the Transition to Adulthood for Men and Women
Becoming Overweight and Obese in Early Adulthood: The Role of Career and Family Trajectories
Becoming Poor and Using Public Assistance Programs
Beer and Bongs: Differential Problems Experienced by Older Adolescents Using Alcohol only Compared to Combined Alcohol and Marijuana Use
Beer Study Coming to Head
Behavior Genetic Modeling of Menarche in U.S. Females
Behavior Genetic Modeling of Raging Hormones: DF Analysis of Adolescent Deviance
Behavior Genetics and Adolescent Development: A Review of Recent Literature
Behavior Genetics Association 36th Annual Meeting Abstracts
Behavior Problems among Children from Different Family Structures: The Influence of Genetic Self-Selection
Behavior Problems and Timing of Menarche: A Developmental Longitudinal Biometrical Analysis Using the NLSY-Children Data
Behavior Problems in Childhood: Testing an Interactive Model
The Behavioral and Educational Consequences of Early School Entry
Behavioral Determinants of Household Financial Choice: Three Essays
A Behavioral Economic Model of Alcohol Advertising and Price
Behavioral Economics and the Demand for Alcohol: Results from the NLSY97
Behavioral Models of Wage Growth and Job Change over the Life Cycle
Behind the Great Recession: Job Search and Housing Decisions
Being an Only Child: Effects on Educational Progression and Career Orientation
Being Sole Breadwinner Is Bad for Men's Health but Good for Women
Belated Entry: Gender Differences and Similarities in the Pattern of Nontraditional College Enrollment
Beliefs, Fertility, and Earnings of African American, Hispanic, and Non-Hispanic White Mothers.
Beliefs, Parental Investments, and Intergenerational Persistence: A Formal Model
The Bell Curve : Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
The Bell Curve as a Study of Social Stratification
The Bell Curve: A Perspective From Economics
The Bell Curve: A Perspective From Sociology
The Bell Curve: Corrected for Skew
The Bell Curve: What's All the Fuss About?
Below-Minimum-Wage Workers: Implications for Minimum-Wage Models
Belsky and Eggebeen's Analysis of the NLSY: Meaningful Results or Statistical Illusions?
The Benefit of Additional High School Math and Science Classes for Young Men and Women: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Tulsa's Pre-K Program
The Benefits and Costs of Training : A Comparison of Formal Company Training, Outside Seminars, and School Based Training
The Benefits of High School Experiences on Growth in Occupational Status in U.S.
Benefits of the Balancing Act: Motherhood, Employment and Mental Health
Berkeley or Bust? Estimating the Causal Effect of College Selectivity on Bachelor's Degree Completion
Best for Whom? Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Breastfeeding on Child Development
The Best Intentions: Unintended Pregnancy and the Well-Being of Children and Families
Best of Both Worlds: Combining Autoregressive and Latent Curve Models
Best of Both Worlds? Estimating the Treatment Effect of Teen Childbearing on Education Using Propensity Score Matching in Sibling Clusters
The Best of Intentions: A Structural Analysis of the Association between Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Unintended Pregnancy in a Sample of Mothers from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1979)
The Best Preventive: Education
"Best-Laid Plans”: Barriers to Meeting Marital Timing Desires Over the Life Course
Better Child Support Enforcement: Can it Reduce Teenage Premarital Childbearing?
Better Child Support Enforcement: Can It Reduce Teenage Premarital Childbearing?
Better for Baby? Premarital Conceptions, Shotgun Marriage, and Child Well-Being among Children Born to Young Mothers
Better for Baby? The Retreat From Mid-Pregnancy Marriage and Implications for Parenting and Child Well-being
Better Late Than Never
Better to Have It All? Work, Family and Their Relationships to Depression
Beyond Allocative Efficiency: The Role of Psychological Factors in Worker Motivation, Career Choice, and Industrial Mobility
Beyond Credential: Postsecondary Education and Health in Early Adulthood
Beyond Experimentation: Five Trajectories of Cigarette Smoking in a Longitudinal Sample of Youth
Beyond Incarceration: Criminal Justice Contact and Mental Health
Beyond Incarceration: The Consequences of Criminal Justice Contact for Mental Health
Beyond Nature Versus Nurture: DF Analysis of Nonshared Influences on Problem Behaviors
Beyond Parental Incarceration: The Effects of Household Incarceration on the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage through Family Structure
Beyond Parental Incarceration: The Effects of Household Incarceration on the Risk of Premarital First Birth
Beyond Parenting: An Examination of the Etiology of Self-Control
Beyond Prediction: A Framework for Inference with Variational Approximations in Mixture Models
Beyond Provisions: The Relationship between Poverty and Parenting among Single Mothers
Beyond Provisions: The Relationship between Poverty Status and Parenting among Single Mothers
Beyond Recent BMI: BMI Exposure Metrics and their Relationship to Health
Beyond Signaling and Human Capital: Education and the Revelation of Ability
Beyond Signaling and Human: Education and the Revelation of Ability
Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation, Marriage, and the U.S. Welfare System
Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation and Marriage in the AFDC Program
Beyond the “Comforts” of Work from Home: Child Health and the Female Wage Penalty
Beyond the Classroom: Using Title IX to Measure the Return to High School Sports
Beyond the Classroom: Using Title IX to Measure the Return to High School Sports
Beyond the Dichotomy: Exposure to Incarceration and Depressive Symptoms
Beyond the Dichotomy: Incarceration Dosage and Mental Health
Beyond The EITC: The Effect of Reducing the Earned Income Tax Credit on Labor Force Participation
Beyond the Wage Premium: Fatherhood and Asset Accumulation
Bias Corrected Estimates of GED Returns
Bias-Corrected Estimates of GED Returns
Bidirectional Effects of Early Poverty on Children's Reading and Home Environment Scores: Associations and Ethnic Differences
Bigger than Black and White: Cultural Capital and Employment Discrimination
Binge Drinking and Labor Market Success: A Longitudinal Study on Young People
Binge Drinking and Labor Market Success: A Longitudinal Study on Young People
Biodemographic Modeling of the Links Between Fertility Motivation and Fertility Outcomes in the NLSY79
Biological and Sociocultural Factors During the School Years Predicting Women's Lifetime Educational Attainment
Biometric Nonlinear Growth Curves for Cognitive Development among NLSY Children and Youth
Biracial Black/White Children and Class: The Semi-Permeable Boundaries of Race in America
Birth Cohort and the Black-White Achievement Gap: The Roles of Access and Health Soon After Birth
Birth Control Use and Early, Unintended Births: Evidence for a Class Gradient
Birth Expectations and Working Plans of Young Women: Changes in Role Choices
Birth Order and Intelligence: Together Again for the Last Time?
Birth Order and Risky Adolescent Behavior
Birth Order Differences in Early Inputs and Outcomes
Birth Order Has No Effect on Intelligence: A Reply and Extension of Previous Findings
Birth Order, Family Size, and Achievement: Family Structure and Wage Determination
Birth Spacing and Maternal Involvement in the US: Employment, Breastfeeding and the Timing of Second Births
Birth Spacing and Sibling Outcomes
Birth Spacing and Sibling Outcomes
Birth Spacing and Working Mothers’ Within-Organization Career Paths
Birth Spacing, Human Capital, and the Motherhood Penalty at Midlife in the United States
Birth Weight and Mothers' Adverse Employment Change
Birth Weight, Cognitive Development, and Life Chances: A Comparison of Siblings from Childhood into Early Adulthood
Birth Weight, Math and Reading Achievement Growth: A Multilevel Between-Sibling, Between-Families Approach
Birth Weight, Math, and Reading Achievement Growth: A Multilevel Between-Sibling, Between-Families Approach
Birth-Order Effects on Risk Taking Are Limited to the Family Environment
Bivariate Survival Analysis with Association
Black Americans and Poverty: Role of Education and Racial Discrimination in the Vicious Circle of Poverty
Black and White Families: Factors Affecting the Wife's Contribution to the Family Income Where the Husband's Income is Low to Moderate
Black and White Women: Differences in College Attendance Does the Rate of Return Matter?
Black Children's Adjustment to Their Parents' Marital Disruption: An Examination of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
Black Economic Progress after 1964: Who Has Gained and Why?
Black Economic Progress after 1964: Who Has Gained and Why?
Black Family Migration and Wives' Employment
Black Men and Women's Self-Esteem: The Consequences of a College Education and Friend Emotional Support
Black Men Making It in America: The Engines of Economic Success for Black Men in America
Black Teen Childbearing: Reexamining the Segmented Labor Market Hypothesis
Black Teens Who Commit a Few Crimes Go to Jail as Often as White Teens Who Commit Dozens
Black Vs. White Scores
Black Women Clerical Workers: Movement Toward Equality with White Women?
Black Women, Economic Disadvantage, and Incentives to Crime
Black Women's Participation in the Labor Force
Black Youth Nonemployment: Duration and Job Search
Black-White Differences in Achievement: The Importance of Wealth
Black-White Differences in Annual Hours of Work Supplied Among Males 45-59 Years of Age
Black-White Differences in Annual Hours of Work Supplied Among Males 45-59 Years of Age: A Progress Report
Black-White Differences in Inter-Generational Economic Mobility in the U.S.
Black-White Differences in Inter-Generational Economic Mobility in the U.S.
Black-White Differences in Joblessness Among Young Men: The Limits of Cultural Explanations
Black-White Differences in Mother to Daughter Transmission of Sex-Role Attitudes
Black-White Differences in Reservation Wages and Joblessness A Replication
Black-White Differences in Returns to Schooling: Some New Evidence
Black-White Differences in Social and Economic Consequences of Obesity
Black-White Differences in the Gender Wage Ratio
Black-White Differences in Wealth and Asset Composition
Black-White Disparities in Test Scores: Distributional Characteristics
The Black-White Gap in Marital Dissolution Among Young Adults: What Can a Counterfactual Scenario Tell Us?
Black-White Test Score Differential
Black-White Test Score Gap
The Black-White Test Score Gap in Young Children: Contributions of Test and Family Characteristics
Black-White Wage Differences among Young Women, 1977-86
The Black-White Wage Gap among Young Men in 1990 versus 2011: With Sample Selection Adjustment
The Black-White Wage Gap Among Young Women in 1990 vs. 2011: The Role of Selection and Educational Attainment
Black-White Wealth Inequality: Is Inheritance the Reason?
Black/White Differences in Birthweight: Broadening the Social Context
Blondes Aren't Dumb, Ohio State Study Says
Blondes Have More Funds
BLS Officials Weighing Budget Cuts as House, Senate Near Conference
Body Composition and Wages
Body Composition and Wages
Body Mass and Wages: New Evidence from Quantile Estimation
Body Mass Index in Early Adulthood and Transition to First Birth: Racial/Ethnic and Sex Differences in the United States NLSY79 Cohort
Body Mass Index Trajectories from Adolescence to Midlife: Differential Effects of Parental and Respondent Education by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
Body Mass Trajectories Through Adulthood: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort (1981-2006)
Body Mass Trajectories through Mid-Life among Adults with Class I Obesity
Body Weight and Relationship Quality Among Women: Associations of Obesity and Underweight with Relationship Communication, Conflict, and Happiness
Body Weight and the Dating and Sexual Behaviors of Young Adolescents
Body Weight and Women's Labor Market Outcomes
Body Weight, Cigarette Prices, Youth Access Laws and Adolescent Smoking Initiation
Body Weight, Marital Status, and Changes in Marital Status
Boom, Bust, Repeat: Financial Market Participation and Cycles of Speculation
Boomerang Bias: Examining the Effect of Parental Coresidence on Millennial Financial Behavior
Boomerang Kids and Mother's Health: Do Young Adult Residential Patterns Predict Maternal BMI Trajectories during Midlife?
Boomerang Kids: Labor Market Dynamics and Moving Back Home
Boon or Bust? Sex Differences in Returns to Earnings for Self-Employment
Bootstrap Theory of American Social Mobility: Are Resilient Children a Fantasy?
Born in the Family: Preferences for Boys and the Gender Gap in Math
Born in the Family: Preferences for Boys and the Gender Gap in Math
Born to Care (or Not): How Gender Role Attitudes Affect Occupational Sorting
Born Without a Silver Spoon: Race, Wealth, and Unintended Childbearing
Born Without a Silver Spoon: Wealth and Unintended Childbearing
Borrowing Constraints during the Housing Bubble
Borrowing Constraints on Families with Young Children
Borrowing Constraints, College Enrollment, and Delayed Entry
Boss Competence and Worker Well-Being
The Boss is Watching: How Monitoring Decisions Hurt Black Workers
Bounded Rationality Strikes Again: The Impact of Cognitive Ability and Financial Planners on Roth IRA Adoption and Ownership
Bounding Causal Effects With Contaminated and Censored Data: Reassessing the Impact of Early Childbearing on Children
Bounds on Distributional Treatment Effect Parameters Using Panel Data with an Application on Job Displacement
Boys with High Body Masses Have an Increased Risk of Developing Asthma: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
Breaking New Ground: A Longitudinal Comparison of Onward Migration by Hispanics, Blacks and Whites in the US
Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Economic Position Moderates the Relationship Between Mother and Child ACE Scores among Black and Hispanic Families
Breaking the Cycle? Intergenerational Effects of an Anti-Poverty Program in Early Childhood
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Romantic Dissolution, Offending, and Substance Use During the Transition to Adulthood
Breast Is Best: Estimating the Long-term Consequences of Breastfeeding for Childhood Wellbeing Using Sister Comparisons
Breastfeeding Among Disadvantaged Women in the US: Evidence from the 1988 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Breastfeeding and Children's Early Cognitive Outcomes
Breastfeeding and the Role of Maternal Religion: Results From a National Prospective Cohort Study
Breastfeeding Success and Expectations for More Children
Bridging Families and Schools to Prevent Youth from Running Away From Home
Bridging the Data Gap for Marriage and Family Research: Potential Opportunities Within the NLSY97
Brief Report of a Test of Differential Alcohol Risk Using Sibling Attributions of Paternal Alcoholism
Bringing Home the Bacon: Marital Allocation of Income-Earning Responsibility, Job Shifts, and Men's Wages
Bringing Home the Benefits: Do Pro-Family Employee Benefits Mitigate the Risk of Depression from Competing Workplace and Domestic Labor Roles?
Bringing the Household Back in: Family Wage Gaps and the Intersection of Gender, Race, and Class in the Household Context
Bringing the Outside In: Remarriage, Family Interaction and Child Outcomes in the Context of Parental Work Experiences
Bringing Work Home: How Occupational Sex Composition Influences Traditional Gender Roles
British and American Women at Work: Do Equal Opportunities Policies Matter?
Broken Ladders or Boundaryless Careers? Job Instability and Worker Well Being
Brother--Sister Differences in the g Factor in Intelligence: Analysis of Full, Opposite-Sex Siblings from the NLSY1979
Brothers and Sisters in the Family and the Labor Market
Brothers, Sisters, and STEM Majoring: Is a Younger Sibling's Choice of College Major Affected by the Firstborn's Sex and Ability in Math?
Buffering the Stigma: Race, Incarceration, Religion, and Health
Buffering the Stigma? On the Racialization of Religious Attendance and Health among Formerly Incarcerated Persons
Building a Career: The Effect of Initial Job Experiences and Related Work Attitudes on Later Employment
Building Financial Capability and Assets to Reduce Poverty and Health Disparities: Race/Ethnicity Matters
Bullying Behavior, Parents’ Work Hours and Early Adolescents’ Perceptions of Time Spent With Parents
Bullying Victimization and Delinquent Involvement: An Application of General Strain Theory
Bullying Victimization, Negative Emotions, and Substance Use: Utilizing General Strain Theory to Examine the Undesirable Outcomes of Childhood Bullying Victimization in Adolescence and young adulthood
Bullying: The Consequences of Interparental Discord and Child's Self-Concept
The Burden of the Draft: The Vietnam Years
Burning a Hole in Your Pocket: the Effect of Smoking Cigarettes on Wages
Business Cycle Effects on College Enrollment Behavior
The Business Cycle, Health Behavior, and Chronic Disease: A Study over Three Decades
Business Cycles, Race, and Investment in Graduate Education
Business Dynamism, Educational Attainment, and Residential Location Choice
Business Ownership versus Self‐Employment
By the Numbers: The Public Costs of Teen Childbearing
Bye Bye Ms. American Sci: Women and the Leaky STEM Pipeline

Calculating the Hidden Cost of Interrupting a Career for Child Care
Can a Rational Choice Framework Make Sense of Anorexia Nervosa?
Can Adequate Child Support Be Legislated? Responses to Guidelines and Enforcement
Can Adolescents Predict Significant Life Events?
Can Career and Technical Education Impact College Enrollment? An Examination of Specific Programs and Course Taking
Can Family Income Impact Children's Limitations Due to Chronic Conditions?
Can Family Socioeconomic Resources Account for Racial and Ethnic Test Score Gaps?
Can Head Start Lead to Long Term Gains in Cognition After All?
Can Homeschooling Be an Alternative Schooling Choice?
Can Incarceration Really Strip People of Racial Privilege?
Can Increased Educational Attainment Among Lower-Educated Mothers Reduce Inequalities in Children's Skill Development?
Can Long-Term Cohabiting and Marital Unions be Incentivized?
Can Pollution Cause Poverty? The Effects of Pollution on Educational, Health and Economic Outcomes
Can Preschool Improve Child Health Outcomes? A Systematic Review
Can Technology Help to Reduce Underage Drinking? Evidence from the False ID Laws with Scanner Provision
Can Technology Help to Reduce Underage Drinking? Evidence from the False ID Laws with Scanner Provision
Can Technology Really Help to Reduce Underage Drinking? New Evidence on the Effects of False ID Laws with Scanner Provisions
Can the Family Support Act Put Some Life Back Into Deadbeat Dads?
Can the Human Capital Approach Explain Life-Cycle Wage Differentials Between Races and Sexes?
Can the Welfare State Replace Parents? Children's Cognition in the United States and Great Britain
Can Too Much TV Ground You for Life? Television and Child Outcomes
Can Urban Planning Reduce Obesity? The Role of Self-Selection in Explaining the Link between Weight and Urban Sprawl
Can We Predict Disruptive School Behavior?
Can We Promote Child Well-Being by Promoting Marriage?
Can We Promote Child Well-Being by Promoting Marriage?
Can You Ever Be Too Smart for Your Own Good? Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Effects of Cognitive Ability on Life Outcomes
Can't Afford a Baby? Debt and Young Americans
Can't Buy Me Love
Can't Get There From Here: The Decision To Apply To A Selective College
Cannabis and Depression: Demystifying Propensity Score Techniques
Capacities, Opportunities and Educational Investments: The Case of the High School Dropout
CAPI: Impacts on Data Quality and Survey Costs
Capital at Home Affecting Children's Behavior Problems in the United States and Great Britain
Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Child Social Adjustment
Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Child Social Adjustment
Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Student Achievement
Capital Income Risk and the Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution
Capital Income Risk and the Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution
Capital Market Constraints, Parental Wealth and the Transition to Self-Employment Among Men and Women
Capitalizing on One's Advantages: Role of Core Self-Evaluations
Capturing a College Education’s Impact on Industry Wages Across Time: An Analysis of Academic Factors that Affect Earnings
Cardiovascular Disease and Preventive Care Service Utilization Among Midlife Adults: The Roles of Diagnosis and Depression
Care and Disadvantage: Investigating the Likelihood of Care Work for Men and Women
Career and Family Choices of Women: A Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation, Schooling, Marriage, and Fertility Decisions
Career and Family Choices of Women: A Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation, Schooling, Marriage, and Fertility Decisions
Career and Family Choices of Women: A Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation, Schooling, Marriage,and Fertility Decisions
Career And Family: College Women Look To The Past
Career and Skill Formation: A Dynamic Occupational Choice Model with Multidimensional Skills
Career and Technical Education and School-to-Work at the End of the 20th Century: Participation and Outcomes
Career and Technical Education in the Late 1990s: A Descriptive Study
Career Aspirations of Young Women: Factors Underlying Choice of a Typically Male or Female Occupation
Career Choice and Wage Growth
The Career Cost of Children: A Life Course Perspective of the Gender Gap in Occupational Status
Career Decisions and Labor Force Participation of Married Women
The Career Decisions of Young Men
Career Disruption Effects on Early Wages: A Comparison of Mothers and Women Without Children
Career Disruption Effects on Early Wages: A Comparison of Mothers and Women Without Children
The Career Effects of Graduating from College in a Bad Economy: The Role of Workers’ Ability
Career Interrupted for What Reason? Job Interruptions and their Wage Effects
Career Interruptions: Wage and Gender Effects
Career Mobility in an Age of Economic Restructuring: a Multilevel Analysis
Career Origins, On-the-Job Training, and Earnings
Career Paths and Career Origins: The Effect of First Job Industry on the Attainments of Mature Men
The Career Paths Less (or More) Traveled: A Sequence Analysis of IT Career Histories, Mobility Patterns, and Career Success
Career Patterns and Intragenerational Mobility Processes for Mature American Women
Career Patterns of a National Sample of Women
Career Patterns of College Graduates in a Declining Job Market
The Career Patterns of Mature American Women
Career Progression and Comparative Advantage
Career Progression and Comparative Advantage
The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans
Career Relinquishment Patterns Among Older Men in the United States
Career Thresholds, Volume 1: A longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Male Youth 14-24 Years of Age
Career Thresholds, Volume 2: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Male Youth
Career Thresholds, Volume 3: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Male Youth
Career Thresholds, Volume 4: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Male Youth
Career Thresholds, Volume 5: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Male Youth
Career Thresholds, Volume 6: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Young Men
Career Thresholds, Volume 7: Ten Years of Labor Market Experience for Young Men
Career Thresholds, Volume 8: A Longitudinal Study of Fifteen Years of Labor Market Experience of Young Men
Career Trajectories and Older Men's Retirement
Career Trajectories of Young Adults: Comparing Two Cohorts of the NLSY
Career Trajectory and Health in Mid-Adulthood
Career Trajectory in High School Dropouts
Careers and Children: One Generation's Experience
Careers in a Changing Economy: Occupations and Intergenerational Mobility Among Two Cohorts of the National Longitudinal Surveys
Careers of Young Women During the Transitional Decade of the 1970s
Caregivers' Expectations, Reflected Appraisals, and Arrests among Adolescents Who Experienced Parental Incarceration
Caregiving and Paid Work in Women's Lives
Caregiving and Preparation for Retirement
Caregiving, Health Status and Total Family Net Worth Among Men and Women Approaching Retirement Age
Caring for Children with Disabilities, Working, and Saving for Retirement over the Life Course
The Case for Early, Targeted Interventions to Prevent Academic Failure
Cash Value Life Insurance Ownership among Young Adults: The Role of Self-Discipline and Risk Tolerance
Casting Doubt on the Causal Link between Intelligence and Age at First Intercourse: A Cross-generational Sibling Comparison Design Using the NLSY
Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, Circa 2000
Causal Effect Heterogeneity
The Causal Effect of Family Income on Childhood Obesity
The Causal Effect of Family Income On Childhood Obesity
The Causal Effect of Family Income on Childhood Obesity: A Fixed-Effect, Instrumental Variable Approach
The Causal Effect of Family Income on College Entry and College Completion: A Feasible Semiparametric Approach for Isolating the Margin
Causal Effects of Alcoholism on Earnings: Estimates from the NLSY
The Causal Effects of Cumulative Father Presence on Children's Academic Performance: The Role of Behavior Problems
The Causal Effects of Youth Cigarette Addiction and Education
Causal Inference for Recurrent Events via Aggregated Marginal Odds Ratio
Causal Inference in Latent Class Analysis
Causal Inference with Group-Based Trajectories and Propensity Score Matching: Is High School Dropout a Turning Point?
Causal Inferences Regarding Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Childhood Externalizing Problems
The Causal Interpretation of Two-Stage Least Squares with Multiple Instrumental Variables
Causal Mediation Analysis with Double Machine Learning
Causal Models of Stability and Change in Women's Work: Relevant Attitudes and Employment Behavior
Causal Pitfalls in the Decomposition of Wage Gaps
The Causal Relationship between Childhood Adversity and Developmental Trajectories of Delinquency: A Consideration of Genetic and Environmental Confounds
Causal Structure of Children's Cognitive Outcomes: Effects of Family Economic Well-Being and Family Structure
Causation, Selection, and the Impact of Educational Attainment on Mastery
Cause Indicator Models for the Cognitive Component of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment-Short Form
The "Cause" of Low Self-Control
The "Cause" of Low Self-Control: Testing the Relationship Between Mothers' and Children's Self-Control
The Causes and Consequences of Bullying
Causes and Consequences of Early Life Health
Causes and Consequences of Early-Life Health
Causes and Consequences of Layoffs
Causes and Consequences of Women's Employment Discontinuity, 1967-1973
The Causes and Correlates of Childhood Obesity: A Study of Children Between 10 and 14 Years of Age
Causes of Differentials in Early Labor Market Success Among Young Women
Causes of Irregular Employment Patterns
The Causes of Marital Disruption Among Young American Women: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Causes of the Racial Differences in Unemployment Rates among Male Youth
The Causes of the Worsening Employment Situation of Black Youth
Censoring of Outcomes and Regressors Due to Survey Nonresponse: Identification and Estimation Using Weights and Imputations
Certificates: Gateway to Gainful Employment and College Degrees
Cesarean Sections and Subsequent Fertility
Cesarean Sections and Subsequent Fertility
A Challenge to Vocational Psychology: How Important are Aspirations in Determining Male Career Development?
Challenges and Transformations: Childbearing and Changes in Teens' Educational Aspirations and Expectations
Challenges in Isolating the Effect of College Attainment and Debt Accumulation on Young Adult Self‐Concept
Challenges in Measuring and Studying Multipartnered Fertility in American Survey Data
Challenging the Link Between Early Childhood Television Exposure and Later Attention Problems: A Multiverse Approach
Change and Development in Careers
Change in the Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry
Change in the Occupational Aspirations of Youth
Change in Young Adult Union Formation and Dissolution over Twenty Years: A Cohort Comparison Using the National Longitudinal Surveys
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences
Changes in American Families and the Growth in the Gender Gap in Early Childhood Behavioral Skills
Changes in Arrest Rate as a Function of Probation and Participant Criminal History Risk: Does Probation Work Best With Lower Risk Probationers?
Changes in Assortative Mating: Implications of the Increasing Labor Force Participation of Married Women
Changes in Black-White Labor Market Opportunities, 1966-1976
Changes in Child Care Arrangements of Working Women from 1965 to 1971
Changes in Child Care Arrangements of Working Women: 1965-1971
Changes in Disability Status and Survey Attrition for Youth: A Longitudinal Analysis
Changes in Family Formation: Baby Boomers' Life Course Expectations for Marriage and Parenthood and Their Ability to Meet Them
Changes in Family Structure and Child Outcomes: Roles of Economic and Familial Resources
Changes in Family Structure, Attained Schooling, and Adult Poverty Status
Changes in Family Structure: Consequences for Adolescents' Behavior
Changes in Family, Contributions to Children's Home Environments, and Child Well-Being
Changes in Fertility Expectations of Young Women: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
Changes in Gender and Racial Gaps in Adolescent Antisocial Behavior: The NLSY97 versus the NLSY79
Changes in Gendered Social Position and the Depression Gap over Time in the United States
Changes in Income Inequality During Old Age
Changes in Income-Based Gaps in Parent Activities With Young Children From 1988 to 2012
Changes in Job Status of Employed Out-of-School Youth
Changes in Job Status of Out-of-School Youth
Changes in Marital Status and Poverty Dynamics among Young Mothers in the United States
Changes in Nonresident Father-Child Contact from 1976 to 2002
Changes in Parental Assets and Children's Educational Outcomes
Changes in Parental Assets and Children's Educational Outcomes across Income Status
Changes in Pension Benefits and the Timing of Retirement
Changes in Postsecondary Choices by Ability and Income: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth
Changes in Precarious Employment in the United States: A Longitudinal Analysis
Changes in Restless Sleep, Self-Control, and Alcohol-Related Problems with Police from Late Adolescence to Adulthood
Changes in School Engagement as a Function of No Child Left Behind: A Comparative Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Changes in the Characteristics of American Youth: Implications for Adult Outcomes
Changes in the Characteristics of American Youth: Implications for Adult Outcomes
Changes in the Characteristics of American Youth: Implications for Adult Outcomes
Changes in the Depression Gender Gap from 1992-2014: Cohort Effects and Mediation by Gendered Social Position
Changes in the Employment Continuity of Succeeding Cohorts of Young Women
Changes in the Federal Minimum Wage and the Employment of Young Men, 1966-67
Changes in the Prevalence of Alcohol Use during Pregnancy among Recent and At-Risk Drinkers in the NLSY Cohort
Changes in the Socioeconomic Gradient in Nonmarital Childbearing across Two U.S. Cohorts
Changes in the Work Attachment of Married Women, 1966-1976
Changes in Wages and Benefits Among Young Adults
Changes Over Time in the Black–White Difference on Mental Tests: Evidence from the Children of the 1979 Cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Changes Over Time in the Cost of Job Loss for Young Men and Women
Changes Over Time in the Relationship of Obesity to Education Accumulation
The Changing American Family and Student Achievement Trends
Changing Attitudes Toward Women's Employment
The Changing Benefits of Early Work Experience
The Changing Benefits of Early Work Experience
The Changing Composition of Young Fathers and the Effects of Early Fathering on Education and Labor Market Outcomes
The Changing Consequences of Adolescent Childbearing: A Comparison of Fertility and Marriage Patterns Across Cohorts
The Changing Determinants of Juvenile Crime
The Changing Distribution of Job Satisfaction
The Changing Distribution of Job Satisfaction
The Changing Distribution of Job Satisfaction
The Changing Economic Benefits for College Graduates
The Changing Effects of an Early Childhood Attention Deficity/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Diagnosis on Cognitive Development for Cohorts of Children Born across Three Decades
The Changing Effects of Parenthood On Men's and Women's Employment
Changing Employment and Work Schedule Patterns over the 30 Working Years--A Sequential Cluster Analysis
The Changing Face of Teenage Parenthood in the United States: Evidence from NLSY79 and NLSY97
Changing Family Composition and the Distribution of Family Income in the U.S
Changing Family Roles as Predictors of Labor Force Behaviors
Changing Fertility Expectations of American Youth
Changing Fertility Regimes and the Transition to Adulthood: Evidence from a Recent Cohort
The Changing Importance of White Women's Economic Prospects for Assortative Mating
Changing Inequality in Markets for Workplace Amenities
The Changing Labor Market: A Longitudinal Study of Young Men
The Changing Lives of American Women
The Changing Market: A Longitudinal Study of Fifteen Years of Labor Market Experience of Young Men
Changing National Guidelines Is Not Enough: The Impact of 1990 IOM Recommendations on Gestational Weight Gain among US Women
The Changing Nature of the Association Between Student Loan Debt and Marital Behavior in Young Adulthood
Changing Pattern and Process of High School Dropouts between 1980s and 2000s
Changing Patterns of Employment in Agriculture in the United States
Changing Patterns of Geographic Mobility and the Labor Market for Young Adults
Changing Patterns, Persisting Logic: Racial Inequality in Young Men's Transition to Paid Care Work Jobs
Changing Places: Conjugal Careers and Women's Marital Mobility
Changing Promotion Standards - Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Changing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Heavy Drinking Trajectories through Young Adulthood: A Comparative Cohort Study
The Changing Relationship Between Fertility Expectations and Educational Expectations: Adolescents in the 1970s Versus the 1980s
The Changing Retirement Prospects of American Families: Impact of Labor Market Shifts on Economic Outcomes
The Changing Retirement Prospects of American Families: Impact of Labor Market Shifts on Economic Outcomes
The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement
The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement
The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement
The Changing Role of Family Income in College Selection and Beyond
Changing Roles of Ability and Education in U.S. Intergenerational Mobility
The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination
The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination
Changing Stability in U.S. Employment Relationships
Changing Times and Places: First Home-Leaving Among Late Baby Boomers and Early Millennials During the Transition to Adulthood
The Changing Transition to Adulthood for Contemporary Delinquent Adolescents
Changing with the Times? A Generational Comparison of the Effects Parental Social Ties on Crime and Drug Use During Emerging Adulthood
Chapter 4: Schooling Effects on Youth from Public, Catholic and Other Private High Schools
Chapter 5: Outcomes for Children from Kindergarten through Adolescence
Character Assessment: Three Essays
The Character Factor: Measures and Impact of Drive and Prudence
Characteristics and Coping Styles of Young Hispanic Mothers Involved in Education and/or Work: A Descriptive Profile
Characteristics of High School Students' Paid Jobs, and Employment Experience After Graduation
Characteristics that Influence Financially Risky Occupational Choice
Characterizing Alcohol Dependence: Transitions during Young and Middle Adulthood
Characterizing Leave for Maternity: Modeling the NLSY Data
Charting a Student's Educational Career Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY): Timing and Sequencing of Risk Factors among Dropouts
Charting Work Arrangements and Family Configuration over Our Working Lives
Chasing a Greased Pig: How Can We Get a Handle on Adolescent Dating and Romantic Relationships?
The Child Abuse Crisis: The Disintegration of Marriage, Family, and the American Community
Child and Adolescent Bullying Behavior: Parents' Work Hours and Children's Perceptions of Time
Child and Adolescent Chronic Health Conditions and Educational Attainment
The Child Asthma Epidemic: Consequences for Women's Labor Market Behavior
Child Care and Women's Return to Work After Childbirth
Child Care Arrangements Among Adolescent and Young Adult Parents: Findings from a National Survey
Child Care Choices and Children's Cognitive Achievement: The Case of Single Mothers
Child Care Choices and Children's Cognitive Achievement: The Case of Single Mothers
Child Care Choices and Children’s Cognitive Achievement: The Case of Single Mothers
Child Care Costs and Female Labor Supply: An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of the Child Care Tax Credit on Female Labor Supply & Demand for Child Care
Child Care Costs and the Return-to-Work Decisions of New Mothers
Child Care Demand and Labor Supply of Young Mothers Over Time
Child Care Demand and Labor Supply of Young Mothers Over Time
Child Care Expenditure and Mothers' Labor Supply: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Child Care for Preschoolers: Differences by Child's Age
Child Care Problems Cut Workforce Ties of 1.1 Million Mothers in 1986, BLS Finds
Child Care Problems Cut Workforce Ties of 1.1 Million Mothers in 1986, BLS Finds
The Child Care Tax Credit, Maternal Labor Supply, and Children's Well-being
Child Care Use During the First Year of Life: Linkages with Early Child Development
Child Care: Arrangements and Costs
Child Depressive Symptoms, Spanking, and Emotional Support: Differences Between African American and European American Youth
Child Development in the Context of Family and Community Resources: An Agenda for National Data Collections
Child Development Production Functions
Child Development Production Functions
Child Developmental Outcomes Associated with Maternal History of Abortion Using the NLSY Data
Child Health and Maternal Work Activity: The Role of Unobserved Heterogeneity
Child Health, Human Capital, and Adult Financial Behavior
Child Health, Maternal Marital and Socioeconomic Factors, and Maternal Health
Child Home Environment as a Mediating Construct Between SES and Child Outcomes
The Child Is Parent of the Adult: A Longitudinal Examination of the Effect of Adolescent Destructive Deviance on Lifetime Career Success
Child Labor: Labor Can Strengthen Its Efforts to Protect Children Who Work
Child Maturation, Time-invariant, and Time-varying Inputs: Their Interaction in the Production of Child Human Capital
Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD
Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD
Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD
Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD Revisited
Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of ADHD Revisited
Child Outcomes as Signals and the Receipt of Child Support
Child Outcomes in the NLSY
Child Outcomes in the NLSY79: An Assessment and Suggestions for Redesign
Child Support and Fathers' Remarriage and Fertility
Child Support Assurance: Effect of Applying State Guidelines to Determine Fathers' Payments
Child Support Enforcement and Sexual Activity of Male Adolescents
Child Support Enforcement for Teenage Fathers: Problems and Prospects
Child Support Enforcement for Teenage Fathers: Problems and Prospects
Child Support Guidelines and Divorce Incentives
Child Support Guidelines and Divorce Rates
Child Support Payments: Effects on the Educational Achievement of Children in Single Parent Families
Child Support Transfer and Children's Achievements
Child Support, (Re)Marriage, and the Economic Well-Being of Children
Child Support, Father-Child Contact, and Preteens' Involvement with Nonresidential Fathers: Racial/Ethnic Differences
Child Temperament as a Moderator for the Outcomes of Corporal Punishment
Child Welfare Research: How Adequate Are the Data?
Child Well-Being in Cohabiting Homes: A Study of Outcomes and Processes
Child Well-Being in Step-Families and Cohabiting Unions Following Divorce: A Dynamic Appraisal
Child-Care Arrangements of Young Working Mothers
Child-Care Problems: An Obstacle to Work
Child-Rearing, Self-Control, and Deviance: An Examination of Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime
Child, Maternal, and Family Characteristics Associated with Spanking
Child, Mother, and Neighborhood Characteristics and Mothers' Use of Corporal Punishment: A Longitudinal Repeated Measures Analysis
Child's Health and Physical Growth in Early Years of Life: Does Mother's Milk Make a Difference?
Child's Health Status and Home Environment: Evidence from the 1988 NLSY
Childbearing Among Young Latino Women in the United States
Childbearing and Schooling: Disentangling Temporal and Causal Mechanisms
Childbearing and Wives' Foregone Earnings
Childbearing and Women's Employment: Parity Differences in Job Exits
Childbearing and/or Labor Force Participation: the Education Connection
Childbearing Biographies and Midlife Women's Health
Childbearing Biographies as a Method to Examine Diversity and Clustering of Childbearing Experiences: A Research Brief
Childbearing Postponement, its Option Value, and the Biological Clock
Childbirth and Maternal Employment: Data from a National Longitudinal Survey
Childhood Adversities: Mixed Blessings for Entrepreneurial Entry
Childhood Adversity and Accelerated Reproductive Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Childhood Adversity, College Degree, and Long Term Health: An Evident from NLSY97
Childhood and/or Adolescence Bullying Victimization and Trajectories of Hard Drug Use from Late Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Childhood Behavioral Problems and Dropping Out of School
Childhood Bullying and Labor Market Outcomes in The United States
Childhood Bullying Victimization, Substance Use and Criminal Activity among Adolescents: A Multilevel Growth Model Study
Childhood Chronic Health Conditions and Educational Attainment: A Social Ecological Approach
Childhood Chronic Illness: How Does It Affect the Future Career Goals of the Individual?
Childhood Disadvantage, Adolescent Development, and Pro-social Behavior in Early Adulthood
Childhood Disadvantage, Nonmarital Childbearing, and Birth Intendedness
Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Educational Attainment
Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Prediction of Delinquency: A Longitudinal Assessment of an Empirically-Identified Latent Profile
Childhood Family Structure and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Childhood Family Structure and the Accumulation of Wealth Across the Life Course
Childhood Family Structure and the Transition to Adulthood
Childhood Family Structure, Child Support, and Labor Market Outcomes of Young Men
Childhood Family Structure, Education, and Intergenerational Mobility in the United States
Childhood Family, Ethnicity, and Drug Use Over the Life Course
Childhood Influences of Youth Obesity
Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage and Criminal Justice Contact in Adulthood: Heterogeneous Effects by Timing of Exposure
Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage Effects on Joblessness and Income in Adulthood
Childhood Obesity and Self-Esteem
Childhood Overweight in the United States: A Quantile Regression Approach
Childhood Poverty, Resilience and Pro-Social Behavior in Early Adulthood
Childhood Religious Denomination and Early Adult Asset Accumulation
Childhood Residence Patterns: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Work Experience of Youth
Childhood Self-Control, Adolescent Behavior, and Career Success
Childhood Socialization and Political Attitudes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Depressive Symptom Trajectories in the Transition to Adulthood in the United States and Canada
Childhood Temperament and Adulthood Personality Differentially Predict Life Outcomes
Childhood Temperament: Dimensions or Types?
Childhood Trauma and Its Influence on Occupational Prestige in Young Adulthood
Childhood Weight Status and Timing of First Substance Use in an Ethnically Diverse Sample
Childless Expectations and Childlessness Over the Life Course
Children and Familial Economic Welfare: The Effect of Income on Child Development
Children and the Union Formation Process: Using the NLSY79 to Examine Relationship Status for Men and Women over the Life Course
Children Born to Teenage Mothers: Analyses of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - Child Supplement and the National Survey of Children
Children Living Out of Home: Effects of Family and Environmental Characteristics
Children Living Out-Of-Home: Effects of Family and Environmental Characteristics
Children Living Out-of-Home: Effects of Family and Environmental Characteristics
Children of Adolescent Mothers: Gender Differences in the Transmission of Problem Behavior
Children of Incarcerated Mothers: The Effect of Maternal Incarceration on Child Cognitive, Behavioral and Educational Outcomes
The Children of Teenage Mothers: Patterns of Early Childbearing in Two Generations
Children of Teenage Mothers: What Determines Their Resilience?
Children of Teenage Mothers: What Determines Their Resiliency?
Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY): A Unique Research Opportunity
Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: Choices in After School Care and Child Development
Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: Choices in After-School Care and Child Development
Children of the NLSY Go to Child Care
Children of the NLSY: 1988 Tabulations and Summary Discussion
Children of the NLSY79: A Unique Data Resource
Children of Working Mothers: Does Mother's Employment Affect Children's Development?
Children of Young Mothers: The Effect of Mother's Marital Status on Children's Behavior
Children with Disabilities and Trajectories of Parents' Unsecured Debt Across the Life Course
Children with Disability and Trajectories of Parents' Consumer Debt Across the Life Course
Children, Family Size Change, and Household Wealth Trajectories
Children, Race/Ethnicity, and Marital Wealth Accumulation in Black and Hispanic Households
Children, Spousal Love, and Happiness: An Economic Analysis
Children: Rate of Chronic Health Problems Rises
Children's Academic Achievements and Maternal Labor Supply: Evidence Using State School Entry Age Laws
Children's Behavior Problems and Family Social Capital: A Dynamic Analysis of Siblings
Children's Behavior Problems: Effects of Current Conditions and Maternal Resources
Children's Behavior Problems: Effects of Current Conditions and Maternal Resources
Children's Cognitive Abilities and Intrahousehold Parental Investment
Children's Cognitive Skill Development in Britain and the United States
Children's Cognitive Skill Development in Britain and the United States
Children's Cognitive Trajectories in the Context of Parental Work Schedules
Children's Early Academic and Attention Skills Best Predict Later School Success, According to Analysis of Large-Scale Studies
Children's Experiences After the Unintended Birth of a Sibling
Children's Home Environments in Great Britain and the United States
Children's Home Environments: Understanding the Role of Family Structure Changes
Children's Home Environments: Understanding the Role of Family Structure Changes
Children's Long-Term Family Structure Experiences and Adolescent Outcomes
Children's Mental Health Service Use in the Community: Static and Dynamic Panel Data Models of the Treatment Effect
Children's Reputation, Parenting Style and Human Capital
Children's Television Viewing and Cognitive Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of National Data
Children's Transition to School
Children's Welfare Exposure and Subsequent Development
Children's Welfare Exposure and Subsequent Development
Children's Welfare Exposure and Subsequent Development
Children’s Academic Achievement and Behavior Problems at the Intersection of Gender and Family Environment
Children’s Behavior Problems in the United States and Great Britain
Chill Out Mom: Extreme Cold Induced Maternal Stress in Utero and Later Outcomes
The Choice Between Legitimate and Illegitimate Work: Micro Study of Individual Behavior
Choice Choice, Enrollment and Educational Attainment within the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Choice or Constraint? Mass Incarceration and Fertility Outcomes among American Men
Choices of Savings, Having Children and Spending on College Education in a Life-Cycle Model
Choosing a Measure of Birth Size in Longitudinal Studies: How Do Various Measures Compare?
Choosing the Right Parents: Changes in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality Between 1980 and the Early 1990s
Choosing the Right Parents: Changes in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality Between the 1970s and the Early 1990s
Choosing to Serve: Understanding the Military Participation Decision
Chronic Disease Risks From Exposure to Long-Hour Work Schedules Over a 32-Year Period
The Church versus the Mall: What Happens When Religion Faces Increased Secular Competition?
The Church vs the Mall: What Happens When Religion Faces Increased Secular Competition?
Cigarette Smoking Among Former Military Service Personnel. A Neglected Social Issue
Cities and Skills
Cities and Skills
Cities and Smoking
Cities and Smoking
Cities and the Growth of Wages Among Young Workers Evidence from the NLSY
Cities and the Growth of Wages Among Young Workers: Evidence from the NLSY
Citizenship Status and Restrictive Policies Affect Participation in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
City Air and City Markets: Worker Productivity Gains across City Sizes
City Kids and Country Cousins: Rural and Urban Youths, Deviance, and Labor Market Ties
City of Dreams
Civilian Returns to Earnings from Prior Military Service
The Claim that Personality Is More Important than Intelligence in Predicting Important Life Outcomes Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
Clarifying the Associations between Age at Menarche and Adolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems
Class and Education Differences in Planned and Unplanned Fertility
Class and Race Discrimination: Estimates Based upon a Sample of Young Men
Class Gaps in Parenting and Children’s Later-Life Outcomes
Class in America: Shadowy Lines That Still Divide
Class Origin and Young Adults’ Re-Enrollment
Cleaning Up Their Act: The Effects of Marriage and Cohabitation on Licit and Illicit Drug Use
Cleaning up Their Act: The Impacts of Marriage, Cohabitation and Fertility on Licit and Illicit Drug Use
The "Cleaning up" Effect of Marriage on Health-risk Behaviors: The Role of Marital and Spousal Factors
Climate, Jobs, and Inequity: Models of Worker Mobility and Distribution Under Carbon Pricing
Climbing or Drowning? Consumer Credit and Intergenerational Mobility
Clocking In: The Organization of Work Time and Health in the United States
A Closer Look at the Second Demographic Transition in the US: Evidence of Bidirectionality from a Cohort Perspective (1982–2006)
Closing The Wrong Divide
Club Participation: Effects on Future Household Earning Potential
The Co-occurrence of Self-observed Norm-conforming Behavior, Reduction of Zero Observations and Remaining Measurement Quality
Cocaine Use in a National Sample of U.S. Youth (NLSY): Epidemiology, Predictors, and Ethnic Patterns
Cocaine Use in a National Sample of U.S. Youth (NLSY): Ethnic Patterns, Progression, and Predictors
Cognitive Abilities and Household Financial Decision Making
Cognitive Abilities and the Growth of High-IQ Occupations
Cognitive Ability and Drinking Behavior in a National Sample of Young Adults
Cognitive Ability and Its Association With Early Childbearing and Second Teen Births
Cognitive Ability and Party Affiliation: The Role of the Formative Years of Political Socialization
Cognitive Ability and Street Gang Participation: Evidence from the NLSY and Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
Cognitive Ability and the Division of Labor in Urban Ghettos: Evidence from Gang Activity in U.S. Data
Cognitive Ability and the Division of Labor in Urban Ghettos: Evidence from Gang Activity in U.S. Data
Cognitive Ability and the Rising Return to Education
Cognitive Ability Has Powerful, Widespread and Robust Effects on Social Stratification: Evidence from the 1979 and 1997 US National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth
Cognitive Ability, Person-Job Fit, and Occupational Mobility: a Process Model and Longitudinal Analysis
Cognitive Ability, Wages, and Meritocracy
Cognitive and Noncognitive Factors of Poverty
Cognitive Aptitude, Peers, and Trajectories of Marijuana Use from Adolescence through Young Adulthood
Cognitive Attainment Among Firstborn Children of Adolescent Mothers
Cognitive Attainment Among Older Children of Adolescent Mothers: Environments and Outcomes
Cognitive Development among the Children of Adolescent Mothers
Cognitive Development of Preterm Low Birth Weight Children at 5 to 8 Years Old
Cognitive Mediation of Crime Continuity: A Causal Mediation Analysis of the Past Crime-Future Crime Relationship
Cognitive Performance and Labor Market Outcomes
Cognitive Performance and Labour Market Outcomes
Cognitive Skill, Skill Demands of Jobs, and Earnings Among Young European American, African American, and Mexican American Workers
Cognitive Skills and Black-White Wages in the United States Labor Market
Cognitive Skills and Racial Wage Inequality: Reply To Farkas And Vicknair
Cognitive Skills, Adolescent Violence, and the Moderating Role of Neighborhood Disadvantage
Cognitive Skills, Test Scores, and Social Stratification: The Role of Family and School-Level Resources on Racial/Ethnic Differences in Scores on Standardized Tests (AFQT)
Cognitive versus Non-Cognitive Individual Differences and the Dynamics of Career Success
Cohabitation as a Young Adult: Examining Relationship Interactions and Outcomes and Financial Characteristics and Economic Well-Being
The Cohabitation Effect on Divorce: Causation or Selection?
Cohabitation Expectations Among Young Adults in the United States: Do They Match Behavior?
Cohabitation History, Marriage, and Wealth Accumulation
Cohabitation Premium in Men’s Earnings: Testing the Joint Human Capital Hypothesis
Cohabitation vs. Marriage: Mating Strategies by Education in the USA
Cohabitation, Relationship Quality, and Desistance From Crime
Cohabiting and Marriage During Young Men's Career-Development Process
Cohabiting and Marriage Formation During Young Men's Career Development Process
Cohabitors' Unfulfilled Marital Expectations and Mental Health Outcomes during the Transition to Adulthood
Cohort and Gender Differences and the Marriage Wage Premium: Findings from the NLSY79 and the NLSY97
Cohort and Generation Differences in Predictors of Early Fertility and Sex Among U.S. Immigrants: Evidence from the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Surveys Of Youth
Cohort Change and Racial Differences in Intergenerational Education and Income Mobility
Cohort Change in Family Formation Patterns in the United States: Evidence from NLSY79 and NLSY97
Cohort Changes in the Transition from School to Work: Evidence from Three NLS Surveys
Cohort Changes in the Transition from School to Work: What Changed and What Consequences Did It Have for Wages?
A Cohort Comparison of Life Course Transitions among Young Adults in the United States
A Cohort Comparison of Predictors of Young Adult Union Formation and Dissolution in the US
A Cohort Comparison of Relationship between Mobility and Union Formation among Young Adults in the US
A Cohort Comparison of the Transition to Adulthood in the United States
A Cohort Comparison of Trends in First Cohabitation Duration in the United States
Cohort Differences and the Marriage Premium: Emergence of Gender-Neutral Household Specialization Effects
Cohort Differences and the Marriage Premium: Emergence of Gender-Neutral Household Specialization Effects
A Cohort Perspective of Youth Poverty in the United States
Cohort Profile: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)
Cohort Size and the Earnings Growth of Young Males
Cohort Study of Early Literacy and Childbearing over the Reproductive Lifecourse
A Cohort/Period Comparison of the Effects of the Timing of Childbearing on Children's Achievement and Behavior
A Cohort/Period Comparison of the Effects of the Timing of Childbearing on Schooling, using the NLSY and the PSID
The Cohorts of Revolution and Stagnation: U.S. Women and the Changing Paradigm of Women's Labor Market Participation
Collateral Costs: Incarceration’s Effect on Economic Mobility
Collateral Costs: The Effects of Incarceration on the Employment and Earnings of Young Workers
Collection of Sibling Attributes: Some Data Quality Issues
Collective Bargaining and Union Membership Effects on the Wages of Male Youths
College and Weight Gain: Is There a Freshman Five?
College as a "Contested Terrain" Heterogeneous Effects of Majors on College Pathways and Post-College Outcomes
College as a Great Equalizer? Marriage and Assortative Mating Among First- and Continuing-Generation College Students
College as Equalizer? Testing the Selectivity Hypothesis
College Attendance and Completion Higher among Millennials than Youngest Baby Boomers
College Attendance and the College Wage Premium: Differences by Gender
College Attendance, Vocational Training, Labor Supply and Wages: A Dynamic Empirical Model of Endogenous Human Capital Accumulation
College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation
College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation
College Characteristics and Assortative Mating Patterns among First-Generation College Students
College Cost, Borrowing Constraints and the Timing of College Entry
College Decisions and Earnings over the Life Cycle: The Effects of Timing
College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium
College Entry, Dropout and Re-Enrollment: The Role of Tuition and Labor Market Conditions
College Expectations for All? The Early Adult Outcomes of Low-Achieving Adolescents Who Expect to Earn a Bachelor's Degree
College Fields of Study and Substance Use
College Grads Need Jobs, Not a Lower Loan Rate
College Major, College Coursework, and Post-College Wages
College Mismatch and Socioeconomic Stratification and Intergenerational Mobility for Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
College Risk and Return
College Student Persistence: A Focus on Relationships With Parents
College, Employment, and Marriage Decisions of Young Women
Coloring the "Boys Will Be Boys" Chronicle: Race, Gender, and Behavior Problems across Two Decades
Coloring the War on Drugs: Arrest Disparities in Black, Brown, and White
Combating Childhood Obesity
'Combating' College Costs: An Analysis of Military Reenlistment Behavior and Educational Benefits
Combining Care Work and Paid Work: Do Workplace Policies Make a Difference?
Combining Childrearing with Work: Do Maternal Employment Experiences Compromise Child Development
Combining Samples versus Cumulating Cases: A Comparison of Two Weighting Strategies in NLSY97
Combining Structural and Individual Characteristics: Understanding the Factors Influencing the Process of Adult Welfare Dependency
Coming and Going: Explaining the Effects of Residential and School Mobility on Adolescent Delinquency
Coming of Age in the Military Post-9/11: An Examination of Early Life Outcomes for a New Generation of Military Veterans
Coming Out of the Shadows: Learning about Legal Status and Wages from the Legalized Population
Commentary on Some of the Empirical and Theoretical Support for the Bell Curve
Commitment to the Work Ethic and Success in the Labor Market: A Review of Research Findings
Commitment to Work and Wages: Earnings Differences of Black and White Women
The Common Structure of Statistical Models of Truncation, Sample Selection and Limited Dependent Variables and a Simple Estimator for Such Models
Communicative Support and Parental Knowledge among African American Residential Fathers: Longitudinal Associations with Adolescent Substance Use
Community and Locational Factors Affecting Child Well-Being after a Residential Move
Community College Enrollment, College Major, and the Gender Wage Gap
Community Social Status Effects on Migration Outcomes
Community, Society and Migration: Noneconomic Migration in America
Comorbidity of Maternal Disability and Depression: Effect on Children's Behavioral and Psychosocial Development
Compact Development and BMI for Young Adults: Environmental Determinism or Self-Selection?
Company Training in the United States 1970-2000: What Have Been the Trends over Time?
Company Youth Keep: An Empirical Analysis of Job Finding Among Young Men 14-24
Comparative Advantage, Learning, and Sectoral Wage Determination
Comparative Advantage, Learning, and Sectoral Wage Determination
A Comparative Analysis of Female-Male Early Youth Careers
A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Entrant Quality
Comparative Labor Supply of Black and White Women
A Comparative Study of Later Work Experience Among Full-Time, Part-Time, and Unemployed Male Youth
A Comparative Study of Migration: Depressed and Non-Depressed Regions
A Comparative Study of Parenting Practices and Juvenile Delinquency between China and the United States
A Comparative Study of the Duration of Unemployment of Young and Middle-Aged Men
A Comparative Study of Training in the Private and Public Sectors: Evidence from the United Kingdom and the United States
Comparing Alternative Measures of High School Completion
Comparing Contingency Tables Tools for Analyzing Data from Two Groups Cross-Classified by Two Characteristics
Comparing Data Quality of Fertility and First Sexual Intercourse Histories
Comparing Data Quality of Fertility and First Sexual Intercourse Histories
Comparing Data Quality of Fertility and First Sexual Intercourse Histories
Comparing Earnings Inequality Using Two Major Surveys
Comparing Foster Youth and Non-Foster Youth in Emerging Adulthood: Evaluating Their Experiences Using Propensity Score Methodology and Traditional Matching
Comparing Job Satisfaction Among Public- and Private-Sector Employees
Comparing Methods of Targeting Obesity Interventions in Populations: An Agent-based Simulation
Comparing Migration Consequences Across Cohorts
Comparing Old NLSY Sibling Data to New NLSY Sibling Data: Sexuality and Fertility Patterns in the NLSY
Comparing Outcomes in a Statewide Program for Adolescent Mothers with Outcomes in a National Sample
Comparing Prospective and Retrospective Measures of Unwanted Fertility
Comparing Response Rates for the Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD), Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
Comparing Self and Maternal Reports of Adolescents' General Health Status: Do Self and Proxy Reports Differ in their Relationships with Covariates?
Comparing the Benefits of Cohabitation and Marriage for Health and Happiness in Mid-Life: Is the Relationship Similar Across Countries?
Comparing the Benefits of Cohabitation and Marriage for Health and Happiness in Mid-Life: Is the Relationship Similar Across Countries?
Comparing the Economic Well-Being of Children in Lone-Mother Families in Canada, Norway and the U.S.
Comparing the Influence of Childhood and Adult Economic Status on Midlife Obesity in Mexican American, White, and African American Women
Comparing Three Modern Approaches to Longitudinal Data Analysis: An Examination of a Single Developmental Sample
Comparing Veteran and Non-veteran Racial Disparities in Mid-life Health and Well-being
Comparing Veteran Status and Social Mobility across Four Cohorts of American Men
Comparing Youth Migration in the United States: Evidence from the NLSY79 and NLSY97
A Comparison of Alternative Limited Dependent Variable Estimators
Comparison of Alternative Response Formats for an Abbreviated Version of Rotter's Locus of Control Scale
A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) with Paper-and-Pencil Interviews (PAPI) in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) With Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Study of Labor Behavior-Youth Cohort
A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) With Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Behavior-Youth Cohort
A Comparison of Experimental and Observational Data Analyses
Comparison of Hazard Functions with Duration Dependence and Stayer-Mover Structure with an Application to Divorce
A Comparison of Income and Wealth Mobility in the United States
A Comparison of Inequality in the United States and Estonia
A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S.
A Comparison of Statistical Models for Life Course Analysis with an Application to First Marriage
A Comparison of the Sex-Type of Occupational Aspirations and Subsequent Achievement
A Comparison of Three Approaches for Identifying Correlates of Heterogeneity in Change
Comparison of Youth Migration Patterns Across Cohorts: Evidence from Two National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth
Compelling Family Processes
Compensating Wage Differentials among Self-Employed Workers: Evidence from Job Satisfaction Scores
Compensating Workers for On-the-Job Injury and Illness
Competing Effects of Culture and Situation on Welfare Receipt
Competing Sources of Earnings Inequality: A Comparison of Variance Components
Competition is Key to Better Schools
A Competition Perspective on Physician Non-compete Agreements
Competitive Integrated Employment for Youth with Disabilities: Aligning Measurement with Conceptualization Using Latent Growth Curve Modeling
Complementarity of Work and Fertility Among Young American Mothers
Completeness of Abortion Reporting in Three National Surveys in the United States
The Complexities of Race and Place: Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage and Adult Incarceration for Whites, Blacks, and Latinos
The Complexity of Job Mobility Among Young Men
The Complexity of Job Mobility Among Young Men
Compliant Eating of Maternally Prompted Food Predicts Increased Body Mass Index z-Score Gain in Girls: Results from a Population-Based Sample
Complicating Pregnancy Intention: Early Educational Advantage and Likelihood of Unintended Births
Components of Non-Market Time and Female Labor Supply Patterns
Composition Effects in Labor Markets and Families: Two Essays
Compositional and Processual Aspects of Living Arrangements Among Elderly Black Men and White Men with European Heritage Across Developmental Time
A Computationally Efficient Quadrature Procedure for the One-Factor Multinomial Probit Model
Computer Use and Children's Academic Achievement
Concave-Monotone Treatment Response and Monotone Treatment Selection: With an Application to the Returns to Schooling
Concentrated Disadvantage and Functional Disability: A Longitudinal Neighbourhood Analysis in 100 US cities
A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis of the Cognitive Ability–Voluntary Turnover Relationship
A Conceptual Framework for Studying Labor Mobility
Conceptualizing Healthy Sexual Relationships: The Role of Parent-Teen Relationships and Peer Relationships in Teens' Choice of First Sexual Partners
Concurrent Life-Course Trajectories of Employment and Marijuana-Use: Exploring Interdependence of Longitudinal Outcomes
Concurrent Trajectories of BMI and Mental Health Patterns in Emerging Adulthood
The Condition of Education
The Conditional Effect of Social Class on the Dropout- Delinquency Relationship
Conditional Likelihood Models for Heterogeneity in Longitudinal (Panel) Data
Conference on Father Involvement: A Summary Report
Conference Report on Youth Unemployment: Its Measurement and Meaning
Confidence Intervals for the Variance Component of Random-Effects Linear Models
Confidential Data Files Linked to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 Cohort: A Case Study
Confidential Data Files Linked to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 Cohort: A Case Study
Confirmatory Factor Structure of Anxiety and Depression: Evidence of Item Variance across Childhood
Connecting the Dots: An Economic Study of Parental Factors Shaping Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Connecting the Forgotten Half: The School-To-Work Transition of Non-College Bound Youth
Connecting the Forgotten Half: The School-to-Work Transition of Noncollege-Bound Youth
Conscientiousness, Financial Literacy, and Asset Accumulation of Young Adults
Consequences for Children of Their Birth Planning Status
Consequences for Infants of Parental Disagreement in Pregnancy Intention
Consequences in Self-Employment for Women and Men in the United States
The Consequences of Abortion and Contraception Policies on Young Women's Reproductive Choices, Schooling and Labor Supply
The Consequences of Academic Match Between Students and Colleges
The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges
Consequences of Adolescent Childbearing for the Mother's Occupational Attainment
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Educational Attainment
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Family Size
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Female Headed Families and Welfare Recipiency
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Final Research Summary
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Marriage, Separation and Divorce
The Consequences of Age At First Childbirth: Causal Models
The Consequences of Age at First Childbirth: Labor Force Participation and Earnings
The Consequences of Early Childbearing
The Consequences of Early Childbearing: An Analysis of Selected Parental Outcomes Using Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women (Parnes)
Consequences of Employment Discontinuity for Women's Occupational Attainment
The Consequences of Exposure to Violence during Early Childhood
Consequences of Family Disruption for the Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Children in Britain and the United States
Consequences of Family Events: Three Papers on Family Change and Subsequent Outcomes
Consequences of Fatherhood for Young Men’s Relationships with Partners and Parents
Consequences of Growing Up Poor
The Consequences of Incarceration for Mortality in the United States
The Consequences of Job Loss for the Likelihood, Extent, and Stability of Later Employment
Consequences of Living in Poverty for Young Children's Cognitive and Verbal Ability and Early School Achievement
Consequences of Maternal Employment and Welfare Receipt for Children in Poor Families
Consequences of Medicaid Expansions on Three Outcomes: Demand for Private Insurance, Infant and Child Health, and Labor Supply
Consequences of Outside Father Involvement for Children's Well-Being
The Consequences of Premarital Fatherhood
Consequences of Racial Disparities in Young Women's Early Labor Market Behavior
Consequences of Retirement
The Consequences of Spatial Inequality for Adolescent Residential Mobility
Consequences of Teen Childbearing for the Life Chances of Children, 1979–2002
The Consequences of Teen Fatherhood: A Cohort Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Consequences of Teenage Childbearing on Child Health
Consequences of Teenage Childbearing on Child Outcomes in the United States
The Consequences of Unrealized Occupational Goals in the Transition to Adulthood
Consequences of Young Mothers' Marital Histories for Children's Cognitive Development
Conservative Protestantism and Church Attendance Effects on Teen Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes
Conservative Protestants and Wealth: How Religion Perpetuates Asset Poverty
Considering the Genetic and Environmental Overlap Between Bullying Victimization, Delinquency, and Symptoms of Depression/Anxiety
Constrained by Hours and Restricted in Wages: The Quality of Matches in the Labor Market
Constrained Choices: Contingent Work Among Youth and Young Adults During the 1980s and Early 1990s
Constraints in the Demand for Education: What Can we Learn from Subjective Assessments?
Construct Validation of the Internal-External Locus of Control as Measured by an Abbreviated 11-ITE IE Scale
Constructing Comparable Cohorts Using the NLSY79-CHYA: A Propensity Score Weighting Approach
Constructing Marital and Enrollment Histories from the NLSY79
Construction of Early and Midlife Work Trajectories in Women and Their Association With Birth Weight
Consumer Risk Preferences and Higher Education Enrollment Decisions
Consumer Risk Preferences and Higher Education Enrollment Decisions
The Consumption Value of Higher Education
Contemporary Phenotypic Selection on Intelligence is (mostly) Directional: An Analysis of Three, Population Representative Samples
Contemporary Topics in Low Fertility: Late Transitions to Parenthood and Low Fertility in East Asia
Contemporary Unions and the Age-Crime Curve: Variation across Gender and Race
Context in Continuity: The Enduring Legacy of Neighborhood Disadvantage across Generations
The Context of Women's Market Careers: A Cross-National Study
A Contextual Analysis of the Effects of Gender and Place on Workers' Incomes
Contextual and Policy Predictors of Early Fertility and Sex in the United States Immigrant Population
Contextual Determinants of Children's Responses to Poverty
Contextual Influences on Adolescent Men's Initiation of Sexual Activity and Transition to Fatherhood
Contextual Influences on Sexual Initiation and Family Formation Throughout the Life Course of Young Latino/Latina Americans
Contextual Influences on the Transition to Cohabitation Throughout the Young Adult Years: Differences by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
Contextual Influences on Young Men's Transition to First Marriage
Contextual Influences on Young Men's Transition to First Marriage
Contingencies in the Long-Term Impact of Work on Crime among Youth
Contingent and Alternative Work Arrangements, Defined
The Contingent Effects of Fatherhood on Offending
Contingent Work and Depressive Symptoms: Contribution of Health Selection and Moderating Effects of Employment Status
The Continued Importance of Quality Parent–Adolescent Relationships During Late Adolescence
Continuity and Change in Children's Social Maladjustment: A Developmental Behavior Genetic Study
Continuity and Discontinuity in Schooling: the Socioeconomic Effects of Delayed Schooling in the Life Course
Continuity of Binge and Harmful Drinking From Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Continuity of Health Insurance Coverage and Choice of Contraception Method
Continuity of Health Insurance Coverage and Perceived Health at Age 40
Continuity of Offending in Young Adulthood: A Test of Moffitt's Snares Hypothesis
A Continuous Latent Factor Model for Non-ignorable Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies
Continuous versus Categorical Models of Delinquency Risk
A Continuous-Time Stochastic Model of Job Mobility: A Comparison of Male-Female Hazard Rates of Young Workers
Contraception, Dating, and Marriage
Contraceptive Consistency and Poverty After Birth
Contraceptive Consistency and Poverty After Birth
Contract Duration and Discrimination
Contribution of Middle Childhood Contexts to Adolescent Achievement and Behavior
Contribution of Middle Childhood Contexts to Adolescent Achievement and Behavior
Contributions of Absent Fathers to Child Well-being: The Impact of Child Support Dollars and Father-Child Contact
The Contributions of Search and Human Capital to Earnings Growth over the Life Cycle
Contributions of Skills to the Racial Wage Gap
Contributions of Vocational Education, Training, and Work Experience to the Early Career Achievements of Young Men
Controlling for Ability Using Test Scores
Controlling for Gamma Heterogeneity in the Income-Mortality Link
Controlling Your Environment and Yourself: Implications for Career Success
Convergence to Racial Equality in Women's Wages
Converging Employment Patterns of Black, White and Hispanic Women: Return to Work after First Birth
Converging Employment Patterns of Black, White, and Hispanic Women--Return to Work After First Birth
Converging Employment Patterns of Black, White, and Hispanic Women, Return to Work After First Birth
Coping With a Pre-Maritally Conceived Birth
Coping with a Premaritally-Conceived Birth
Cops in the Making: Substance Use Patterns and Traits of Youth Who Enter the Criminal Justice Field
Cops in the Making: Substance Use Patterns and Traits of Youth Who Enter the Criminal Justice Field
Copula Models for Sociology: Measures of Dependence and Probabilities for Joint Distributions
Copula-Based Redundancy Analysis
Core Family Process Measures in the NLSY97: Variation by Gender, Race, Income, and Family Structure
Core Self-Evaluations, Job Complexity, and Net Worth: An Examination of Mediating and Moderating Factors
Coresidence in the Transition to Adulthood: The Case of the United States, Germany, Taiwan, and Mainland China
Coresidence with Kin and Subjective Well-being in the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of the United States, Germany, Japan and China
Coresidential Patterns by Parents' and Children's Health
Corporal Punishment and Academic Achievement Scores of Young Children: A Longitudinal Study
Corporal Punishment and the Growth Trajectory of Children's Antisocial Behavior
Corporal Punishment by Mothers and Child's Cognitive Development: A Longitudinal Study
Corporal Punishment by Mothers and Development of Children's Cognitive Ability: A Longitudinal Study of Two Nationally Representative Age Cohorts
Corporal Punishment by Parents: The Cradle of Violence in the Family and Society
Correcting for Measurement Error in Latent Variables Used as Predictors
Correcting for Selective Nonresponse in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Using Multiple Imputation
Correction of Estimation Bias in Evaluating the Labor Market Outcomes of Youth Participating in School-Based Learning Programs in the United States
Corrections for Missingness in the NLSY: Longitudinal Patterns in the Mother-Child Files
Correlates and Consequences of Salaried and Self-Employment in Mid and Late Life
Correlates of Academic Achievement Among African-American Children
Correlates of Atypical Occupational Assignment
Correlates of Atypicality of Occupational Assignment Among Young Women
Correlates of College Entrance in a Longitudinal Sample
Correlates of Job Attitudes Among Young Women
Correlates of Male Adolescents Carrying Handguns Among Their Peers
Correlates of Mortality in a U.S. Cohort of Youth, 1980-98: Implications for Social Justice
Correlates of School Gun Carrying among Black, Hispanic, and White Male Adolescents: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample of Youth
Correlates of Voluntary vs. Involuntary Part-Time Employment Among US Women
Correlation, Consumption, Confusion, or Constraints: Why do Poor Children Perform so Poorly?
Correlation, Consumption, Confusion, or Constraints: Why Do Poor Children Perform so Poorly?
Correlations Between Mothers' and Daughters' Welfare Experiences
The Correspondence Between Fertility Intentions and Behavior in the United States
The Corrosive Influence of the Flynn Effect on Age Normed Tests
Cosmopolitan Report on the Changing Life Course of American Women: Parts I & II
Cost Deterrents and Labor Market Outcomes of Schooling
The Cost of Being a Girl: Gender Earning Differentials in the Early Labor Markets
The Cost of Being a Girl: Working Teens and the Origins of the Gender Wage Gap
The Cost of Primary Care Doctors
The Cost of Primary Care Doctors
The Cost of School Time, Foregone Earnings, and Human Capital Formation
Cost of Watching Television: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Effect of Heavy Viewing on Earnings
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Federal Job Training Investments in Community Colleges
Costly Employment Contract Renegotiation and the Labor Mobility of Young Men
Costs and Benefits of Employment Transportation for Low-Wage Workers: An Assessment of Job Access Public Transportation Services
Costs and Consequences for the Fathers
Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for Mothers
Costs and Consequences of Teenage Childbearing for Mothers and the Government
Costs of Economic Uncertainty: Child Well-Being in Cohabiting and Remarried Unions Following Parental Divorce
The Costs of Motherhood Are Rising, and Catching Women Off Guard
Counteracting Influences Underlying Gender Differences in Educational Attainment
A Counterfactual Approach to the Black-White Differential in Family Trends: The Effect of a 'Total Institution'
Counting the Jobless: The Impact of Job Rationing on the Measurement of Unemployment
Counting the Labor Force
Counting the New Mobile Workforce
Counting Youth: A Comparison of Youth Labor Force Statistics in the Current Population Survey and the National Longitudinal Surveys
County Finance, House Prices, and Financial Decision-Making
County-level Housing Affordability in Relation to Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease among Middle-aged Adults: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youths 1979
Couple Models for Socioeconomic Effects on the Mortality of Older Persons
A Couple-Perspective on Fertility Outcomes: Do Relative Resources Matter for First and Second Births?
Couples' Migration and Marital Instability
Couples' Retirement Timing in the United States in the 1990s
A Cousin Study of Associations between Family Demographic Characteristics and Children's Intellectual Ability
Covariance Models for Latent Structure in Longitudinal Data
CPS-NLS Differences in Labor Force Characteristics of Youth: Another Look
Craft versus Industrial Unions: Union Organization Within the Work Place
Creating a Longitudinal Indicator: an Exploratory Analysis of Turbulence
Creating a More Quit-friendly National Workforce? Individual Layoff History and Voluntary Turnover
Creative Enough to Become an Entrepreneur: A Multi-Wave Study of Creative Personality, Education, Entrepreneurial Identity, and Innovation
Credit Card and Mortgage Debt: A Panel Study, 2004 and 2008
Credit Card Blues: The Middle Class and the Hidden Costs of Easy Credit
The Credit Card Debt Puzzle: The Role of Preferences, Credit Access Risk, and Financial Literacy
The Credit Card Debt Puzzle: The Role of Preferences, Credit Risk, and Financial Literacy
Credit Constraints and Enrollment Choices in Higher Education
Credit Constraints in Education
Credit Impairment and Housing Tenure Status
The Credit Market Consequences of Job Displacement
Credit towards Graduation: The Impact of US Bank Deregulation on Human Capital Accumulation
Credits and Credentials: An In-Depth Analysis of the Association between Educational Attainment and the Risk of Divorce
Crime and Expected Punishment: Changes in Perceptions at the Age of Criminal Majority
Crime and Expected Punishment: Changes in Perceptions at the Age of Criminal Majority
Crime and Parenthood: Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Adolescents With and Without Disabilities
Crime and the Employment of Disadvantaged Youths
Crime and the Employment of Disadvantaged Youths
Crime and the Minimum Wage
Crime Pays: The Connection Between Time in Prison and Future Criminal Earnings
Crime Rates and Local Labor Market Opportunities in the United States: 1979-1997
Crime, Policing, and Social Status: Identifying Elusive Mechanisms Using New Statistical Approaches
Crimes by Youth: Deterrence and Moral Compliance with the Law
Criminal Justice Contact and Coresidence in Young Adulthood: Exploring the Role of the Family Context
Criminal Justice Contact and Indebtedness in Young Adulthood: Investigating the Potential Role of State-level Hidden Sentences
Criminal Justice Contact, Residential Independence, and Returns to the Parental Home
Criminal Justice Involvement and Employment Outcomes Among Women
Criminal Justice Involvement and High School Completion
Criminal Justice Involvement and High School Completion
Critique of Early Retirement Study Disputed
Cross Race Comparisons Between SES Health Gradients Among African-American and White Women at Mid-life
Cross-City Evidence on the Relationship between Immigration and Crime
Cross-City Evidence on the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime
A Cross-Cohort Analysis of the Effects of Parenthood on Employment for Women and Men
Cross-Cohort Changes in Entry into First Marriage: Does Debt Matter, and Has This Association Changed over Time
A Cross-Cohort Examination of Nonmarital Teenage Childbearing
A Cross-Country Analysis of Tobacco Control Policies and Smoking Over the Life-course
A Cross-Country Comparison of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana Use among Youth Who Are Employed, in School or Out of the Labor Force and School (OLFS)
The Cross-Generational Mother–Daughter–Aunt–Niece Design: Establishing Validity of the MDAN Design with NLSY Fertility Variables
Cross-lagged Analysis of Adolescent Sensation Seeking and Health Risk Behaviors: Testing Reciprocal Causality and Causal Direction
A Cross-National Comparison of the Linkages between Family Structure Histories and Early Adolescent Substance Use
Cross-National Estimates of the Intergenerational Mobility in Earnings
A Cross-sectional Analysis of Work Schedule Notice and Depressive Symptoms in the United States
Cross-Substitution Between Husband and Wife as One of the Factors Determining the Number of Hours of Labor Supplied by Married Women
Crossing Boundaries: "Some College," Schools, and Educational Assortative Mating
Crossing Boundaries: "Some College" and the Role of Schools in Educational Assortative Mating
Cultivating Conformists or Raising Rebels? Connecting Parental Control and Autonomy Support to Adolescent Delinquency
Cultural and Acculturation Differences in Trajectories of Home Environment Inventory Scores for Latino Children and Families
Cultural Capital and Educational Inequality: A Counterfactual Analysis
Cultural Inputs and Accumulating Inequality in Children's Reading: A Dynamic Approach
Culture and Adult Financial Literacy: Evidence from the United States
A Culture of Despair? Inequality and Expectations of Educational Success
Culture of Poverty: An Empirical Evaluation
Culture, Employment, and Volatility: Three Essays on Hispanic Labor
Cumulative Disadvantage and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health at Midlife
Cumulative Disadvantage or Strained Advantage? Remote Schooling, Paid Work Status, and Parental Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cumulative Disadvantage, Employment-Marriage, and Health Inequalities among American and British Mothers
Cumulative Effect of Family Structure on Educational Attainment
The Cumulative Effects of Colorism: Race, Wealth, and Skin Tone
Cumulative Effects of Doubling up in Childhood on Young Adult Outcomes
Cumulative Effects of Doubling Up in Childhood on Young Adult Outcomes
Cumulative Effects of Poverty on Children's Social-Emotional Development: Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty
Cumulative Exposure to Violence Predicting Risk and Rate of Future Violent Behavior
Cumulative Family-Level Stress and Adolescent Weight Status: Gender Disparities
Cumulative Inequality and Race/Ethnic Disparities in Low Birthweight: Differences by Childhood SES
Cumulative Inequality and Race/Ethnic Disparities in Low Birthweight: Differences by Early Life SES
Cumulative Inequality in Teen Parents and Job Achievements: Mediation Effect of Educational Achievement
Cumulative Prevalence of Arrest From Ages 8 to 23 in a National Sample
The Cumulative Probability of Arrest by Age 28 Years in the United States by Disability Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender
Cumulative Relative Deprivation, Race/Ethnicity and Birth Weight
Cumulative Risk and Population Attributable Fraction in Prevention
Cumulative Structural Disadvantage and Racial Health Disparities: The Pathways of Childhood Socioeconomic Influence
Cumulative Violence Exposure and Self-Rated Health: Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in the United States
Curious Workmanship: An Analysis of the Role of Nonpecuniary Rewards to Work, and the Female-Male Wage Differential
Current Earnings, Persistence and Schooling Returns
Current Issues in the Relationship Between Manpower Research and Policy
Cut from the Same Cloth? A Comparative Study of Domestic Extremists and Gang Members in the United States
Cutting Ties with Prior Places: Considering the Role that Residential Mobility Plays in Desistance from Crime and Substance Use During the Transition to Adulthood
The Cycle of Reentry and Reincarceration: Examining the Influence on Employment over a Period of 18 Years
Cyclicality of Real Wages Among Young Men
The Cyclicality of Skill Acquisition: Evidence from Panel Data
The Cyclicality of Skill Acquisition: Evidence from Panel Data
The Cyclicality of the User Cost of Labor

Dads and Cads: Parental Cohabitation and the Human Sex Ratio at Birth
Daily Grind: Work Stressors, Family Patterns, and Intergenerational Outcomes
Dangerous Data: Seeing Social Surveys through the Sexuality Prism
Dangers of Residual Confounding: A Cautionary Tale featuring Cognitive Ability, Socioeconomic Background, and Education
Data Availability versus Data Needs for Analyzing the Determinants and Consequences of Internal Migration: An Evaluation of U.S. Survey Data
Data for DoD Manpower Policy Analysis
Data from the Consortium for Longitudinal Studies: Its Potential Use in Analyzing the Educational and Labor Force Outcomes of Disadvantaged Youth
Data on Mothers and Children from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Labor Market Experience
Data Quality and the Use of Standardized Child Assessments in Survey Research
Data Requirements for 'Dual' or 'Segmented' Labor Market Research
Data Spanning Three Decades Illustrate Racial Disparities in Likelihood of Obesity
Data Spanning Three Decades Illustrate Racial Disparities in Likelihood of Obesity
Data Watch: The National Longitudinal Surveys
Data-driven Sensitivity Analysis for Matching Estimators
Dating and Sexual Experiences Among Middle School Youth: Analyses of the NLSY97
Day-Care Participation as a Protective Factor in the Cognitive Development of Low-Income Children
Daylength During Pregnancy and Shyness in Children: Results from Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Deadbeat Dads
Deaf Children and Hearing Siblings in the NLSY: Developmental and Educational Outcomes to Age 14
Dealers, Thieves, and the Common Determinants of Drug and Nondrug Illegal Earnings
Dealing with Multiple Local Modalities in Latent Class Profile Analysis
Debt and College Graduation: Differences by Race/Ethnicity
A Debt-Financed Life: Does It Preclude or Induce the Transition to First Cohabitation or Marriage?
Debt, Cohabitation, and Marital Timing in Young Adulthood
Debt, Cohabitation, and Marriage in Young Adulthood
Debt, Default, and Working: Essays on Higher Education Finance
Decision-Making by Children
Decision-Making by Children
Decision-Making by the Children of the NLSY
Decision-making by the Children of the NLSY
The Decline in Intergenerational Mobility After 1980
The Decline in Intergenerational Mobility After 1980
The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation
The Decline in Male Labor Force Participation: Comment
Decline of Marriage
Declining Earnings of Young Men: Their Relation to Poverty, Teen Pregnancy, and Family Formation
The Declining Importance of Race and Gender in the Labor Market: The Role of Employment Discrimination Policies
The Declining Labor Market Prospects of Less-Educated Men
Declining Migration within the U.S.: The Role of the Labor Market
Declining Migration Within the US: The Role of the Labor Market
The Declining Significance of Motherhood? Differential Effects of Children on Boomer and Millennial Women's Wages
The Declining Significance of Parenthood? Effects of Parental Status on Wages for Young Adults Across Generations
Decomposing Economic Mobility Transition Matrices
Decomposing Joint Distributions via Reweighting Functions: An Application to Intergenerational Economic Mobility
Decomposing the Causes of the Socioeconomic Status-Health Gradient with Biometrical Modeling
Decomposing Trends in Inequality in Earnings into Forecastable and Uncertain Components
Decomposing Wage Variation: A Comment on Michael P. Keane's "Individual Heterogeneity and Interindustry Wage Differentials"
Decomposition Analysis to Identify Intervention Targets for Reducing Disparities
Decreasing the 'Bad' for Mixed Public Goods and Bads: The Case of Public Sculpture
Decriminalization of Marijuana and the Demand for Alcohol, Marijuana and Cocaine
A Deeper Look at the Labor Market Outcomes of Young Veterans
Degree Completion Among Nontraditional College Students
Degrees of Return: Estimating Internal Rates of Return for College Majors Using Quantile Regression
Delayed and Unmet Prescription Drug Access Linked to Elevated Anxiety Symptoms During COVID-19: Retrospective Findings from the NLSY79 Child and Young Adult Cohort
Delayed Disadvantage: Neighborhood Context and Child Development
Delayed Formal On-the-Job Training
Delaying Marital Disruption and Children's Behavior Problems
Delinquency Among Adolescents with Disabilities
Delinquency and Employment: Substitutions or Spurious Associations
Delinquency and the Black Middle Class: An Exploratory Study
Delinquency, Arrest and Early School Leaving
Delinquency, Parental Involvement, Early Adult Criminality, and Sex: Evidence of Moderated Mediation
Delinquency: A Trajectory Analysis of African-American Males
Delinquent Behavior, Future Divorce or Nonmarital Childbearing, and Externalizing Behavior Among Offspring: A 14-Year Prospective Study
Delinquent Behavior, the Transition to Adulthood, and the Likelihood of Military Enlistment
Delinquent by the Dozen: Reexamining the Relationship between Family Size and Offending
Delinquent by the Dozen: Youth From Larger Families Engage in More Delinquency--Fact or Myth?
Delinquent Youth and Employment: The Mandate for Specialized Academic and Vocational Training
The Demand for Abortion by Unmarried Teenagers: Economic Factors, Age, Ethnicity and Religiosity Matter
Demand for College Quality
Demand for College: The Effect of Local Colleges on Attendance
Demand for Health, Alcohol Abuse, and Labor Market Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study
The Demand for Higher Education: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Human Capitol Theory
Demand For Labor And The Dynamics Of Women's Poverty In The United States
The Demand for Labor Market Information
The Demand for Sons: Evidence from Divorce, Fertility, and Shotgun Marriage
A Demographic Analysis of the Family Structure Experiences of Children in the United States
A Demographic Analysis of the Family Structure Experiences of Children in the United States
Demographic and Social Characteristics
Demographic Comparison of Low-Aptitude Military and Nonmilitary Youth
Demographic Differences in the Causal Effects of Obesity Status on Child Academic Achievement
Demographic Patterns of Cumulative Arrest Prevalence by Ages 18 and 23
A Demographic Profile of Minimum Wage Workers
Demographics of Alcohol Use Among Respondents of the 1982 National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience of Youth Panel
Demographics of Alcohol Use Among Young Americans: Results from the 1983 National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience of Youth
Denormalization, Smoke-free Air Policy, and Tobacco Use among Young Adults
Density Dependence of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Competition, Opportunity Cost, or Minimum Efficient Scale?
Depressed Mood and Body Weight
A Depressing Moment: The Role of Social Support on the Mental Health of Children with Incarcerated Family Members
Depression after Age 40: A SUDAAN Analysis from the NLSY79 40+ Health Module
Depression and Adolescent Overweight: Exploring Race Differences
Depression and African Americans in the First Decade of Midlife: The Consequences of Social Roles and Gender
Depression and Health among Grandmothers Co-Residing with Grandchildren in Two Cohorts of Women
Depression and Military Enlistment
Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: A Cohort Study
Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: A Cohort Study: Reply
Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in Young Women: Comments & Letters
Depression and Unwanted First Pregnancy: Longitudinal Cohort Study
Depression Associated with Abortion and Childbirth: A Long-term Analysis of the NLSY Cohort
Depression, Work and Family Roles, and the Gendered Life Course
Depressive Symptom Trajectories and Early Adult Education and Employment: Comparing Longitudinal Cohorts in Canada and the United States
Deprived? Privileged? Or Just Deviated? Unequal Resources and Differential Returns to Resources in Explaining Gender, Race, and Sector Differences in Earnings Attainment Among Young Career Workers
Describing Life Courses. An Illustration Based on NLSY Data
Description of 'Profile of American Youth' Data for Military Manpower and Personnel Analysis
A Description of the Earnings and Employment Experiences of Youth
A Description of the National Longitudinal Surveys
Descriptive Comparisons of the Internal Migration of Mexican Heritage vs. Other Heritage Hispanics in the United States
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Accelerated Longitudinal Designs
Desirability of Partner Traits and Two Decades of Change in the Marriage Market: A One-and-a-Half Sex Model of Marriage
Desistance from Crime and Substance Use: A Universal Process or Behavior-specific?
Desperation or Desire? The Role of Risk Aversion in Marriage
Desperation or Desire? The Role of Risk Aversion in Marriage
The Detailed Age Trajectory of Oral Vocabulary Knowledge: Differences by Class and Race
A Detailed Look at Employment of Youths Aged 12 to 15
Determinants and Consequences of Obtaining Unionized Employment
Determinants and Consequences of Occupational Information for Young Women
Determinants and Consequences of Public Sector and Private Sector Training
Determinants and Consequences of Retirement Among Men of Different Races and Economic Levels
Determinants and Wage Effects of Occupational Segregation
Determinants of AFDC Caseloads: How Have Exit and Take-Up Rates Been Affected by Welfare Reform?
The Determinants of Black-White Differences in Early Employment Careers: Search, Layoffs, Quits and Endogenous Wage Growth
The Determinants of Children's Attainments: A Review of Methods and Findings
Determinants of Children's Health
Determinants of Choice of College Major among Women and Men: Comparisons of Cohorts in the Late 1960s and 1970s
Determinants of College Completion: School Quality or Student Ability?
The Determinants of College Matriculation in the United States
Determinants of Declining Wage Mobility in the New Economy
The Determinants of Delayed Sexual Activity in a High Risk Adolescent Population
Determinants of Divorce over the Marital Life Course
Determinants of Drug and Alcohol Use at Work: A Test of the Efficiency Wage Theory
Determinants of Early Labor Force Experience Among Young Women: The Role of Work-Related Attitudes
Determinants of Early Labor Market Success Among Young Men: Race, Ability, Quantity and Quality of Schooling
Determinants of Early Labor Market Success Among Young Men: Ability, Quantity and Quality of Schooling: A Preliminary Report
The Determinants of Earnings: A Behavioral Approach
Determinants of Educational Attainment and Retention in School
Determinants of Educational Attainment and Retention in School
Determinants of Enlistment in the Armed Forces During the Vietnam Era
Determinants of Female Reentrant Unemployment
Determinants of Fertility in Remarriage: An Analysis of White American Experience
Determinants of Fertility in Remarriage: Outcomes of White American Experience
Determinants of Financial Adequacy for Retirement
Determinants of First Sex by Age 14 in a High Risk Adolescent Population
The Determinants of First Sex by Age 14 in a High-Risk Adolescent Population
Determinants of Hispanic Poverty in the Course of the Transition to Adulthood
The Determinants of Home Ownership: An Application of Human Capital Investment Theory To the Home Ownership Decision
Determinants of Household and Childcare Task Sharing
Determinants of Household Wealth at Age 50: Evidence from the NLSY79
The Determinants of Illegal Drug Use
Determinants of Income: Hours, Alcohol and Non-Cognitive Skills
Determinants of Initial Entry onto Welfare by Young Women
Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among Federal, State, and Local Government Employees
The Determinants of Job Satisfaction for Young Males and Females
The Determinants of Juvenile Crime
The Determinants of Juvenile Crime
Determinants of Labor Force Activity Among Retired Men
Determinants of Labor Force Participation during the Retirement Decade: An Analysis of Aged Black Males and Aged White Males
Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Married Women 30 to 44 Years of Age
Determinants of Long-Term Unions: Who Survives the “Seven Year Itch”?
Determinants of Long-Term Unions: Who Survives the “Seven Year Itch”?
Determinants of Mismatch Between Student Ability and College Quality
The Determinants of Mismatch Between Students and Colleges
The Determinants of Money Arguments between Spouses
Determinants of Municipal Wages: Some Tests of the Competitive Wage Hypothesis
Determinants of Out-of-Home Living Arrangements for Children: To What Extent Do Family Resources, Family Structures, and Public Policies Make a Difference?
Determinants of Pregnancy Wantedness: Profiling the Population from an Interventionist Perspective
The Determinants of Racial Differences in Parenting Practices
Determinants of Self-Employment in the United States
Determinants of Service in the Armed Forces During the Vietnam Era
The Determinants of Service in the Armed Forces During the Vietnam Era
Determinants of Spells of Poverty Following Divorce
The Determinants of Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Determinants of Teenage Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing
Determinants of the Female Occupational Distribution: A Log-Linear Probability Analysis
Determinants of the Increasing Work Attachment of Married Women
Determinants of the Match Between Student Ability and College Quality
Determinants of the Violent Criminal Behavior of Teenagers
Determinants of Timely Preventative Care and Immunizations
Determinants of Wage Growth After Labor Market Reentry
Determinants of Welfare Caseload Decline
Determinants of Welfare Entry and Exit by Young Women
Determinants of Welfare Leaving: The Significance of Educational Attainment
Determinants of Women's Entry into Self-Employment
The Determinants of Workers' Union Status: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Determinants of Young Males' Schooling and Training Choices
The Determinants of Young Women's Wages: Comparing the Effects of Individual and Occupational Labor Market Characteristics
Determinants of Youths' Educational and Occupational Goals: Sex and Race Differences
The Determination of Labor Supply: A Dynamic Model
Determination of Participation Decision, Hiring Decision, and Wages in A Double Selection Framework: Male-Female Wage Differentials in the U.S. Labor Market Revisited
Determining Children's Home Environments: The Impact of Maternal Characteristics and Current Occupational and Family Conditions
Determining Children's Home Environments: The Impact of Maternal Characteristics and Current Occupational and Family Conditions
Determining Future Success of College Students
Determining Future Success of College Students
Determining Infants' and Toddlers' Home Environments: A Comprehensive Model of Children of Employed Mothers
Determining the Future Income of College Students
Determining Whether Unemployment and Out-of-the-Labor Force are Distinct States
Devaluation of Female Jobs: Findings from the NLSY
Devaluation, Diffusion and the College Connection: A Study of High School Transcripts, 1964-81
Devaluing Women and Minorities: The Effects of Race/Ethnic and Sex Composition of Occupations on Wage Levels
Developing an Index of Educational Risk from Health and Social Characteristics Known at Birth
Developing an Index to Measure Female Labor Force Attachment
Developing Self‐control: The Role of Parental Stress
The Development of Early Skills: Self-Productivity and Cross-Fertilization
Development of Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Problems During Middle Childhood: Risk and Protective Factors
The Development of Heavy Drinking and Alcohol-Related Problems from Ages 18 to 37 in a U. S. National Sample
Development of Impulsivity and Risk‐seeking: Implications for the Dimensionality and Stability of Self‐control
Development of Moral Identity
Development of Obesity and Risk Behaviors in Adolescence
The Development of Racial Wealth Gaps in Early Adulthood
The Development of Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Achievement Gaps during the School Years
Development of Reading Skills in the U.S.: A Multi-level Growth Analysis Exploring Differences by Race/Ethnicity
The Development of Self-Control: Examining Self-Control Theory's Stability Thesis
The Development of Self-Control: Examining Self-Control Theory's Stability Thesis
Developmental and Ecological Sources of Stress Among Adolescent Parents (part of a symposium on: Adolescent pregnancy and parenting)
Developmental Comorbidity of Substance Use and Handgun Carrying Among U.S. Youth
Developmental Effects of Infant Care: The Mediating Role of Gender and Health
A Developmental Extension of the Propensity-Event Theory to Adolescents' Reckless Behavior
Developmental Outcomes of Transitions Into and Out of Full-Time Employment
A Developmental Perspective: Early Childhood Externalizing Behaviors Pathway to Delinquency in Adolescence
Developmental Problems of Children Aged 6-11 in Mother-Only Families: The Effect of Welfare and Kin Support
Developmental Processes in African American Families: An Application of McLoyd's Theoretical Model
Developmental Science and the Holistic Approach
Developmental Stability and Change in Self-Regulation from Childhood to Adolescence
Developmental Trajectories of Anxiety and Depression from Preschool Childhood to Early Adolescence: Cumulative Effects and Timing Effects of Poverty and Low Income
Developmental Trajectories of Childhood Obesity and Risk Behaviors in Adolescence
Developmental Trajectories of Delinquent Behavior: One Pattern or Several?
Developmental Trajectories of Head Start Children's Reading and Home Environment Scores: Across Ethnicities
Developmental Trajectories of Nonsocial Reinforcement and Offending In Adolescence and Young Adulthood: An Exploratory Study of an Understudied Part of Social Learning Theory
Developmental Trajectories of Overweight and Obesity of US Youth through the Life Course of Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Developmental Trajectories of Overweight During Childhood: Role of Early Life Factors
Developmental Trajectory of Sexual Risk Behaviors From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Deviations From Desired Age at Marriage: Mental Health Differences Across Marital Status
DF Analysis of NLSY IQ/Achievement Data: Nonshared Environmental Influences
DF Analysis of NLSY IQ/Achievement Data: Nonshared Environmental Influences
Diagnostics of Robust Growth Curve Modeling Using Student's t Distribution
Did the CETA System Work for Disadvantaged Youth? An Overview of Program Impacts after Program Participation
Difference in Pay, Promotion, Job Title, and Other Related Factors between Employed Male and Female College Graduates as Indicators of Sex Discrimination
Differences in Disadvantage: Variation in the Motherhood Penalty across White Women’s Earnings Distribution
Differences in Earnings, Skills and Labour Market Experience Among Young Black and White Men
Differences in Expected and Actual Retirement Age Among Older Men
Differences in Locus of Control between Mature Black and White Women: Implications for Social Stratification
Differences in Predictors of Alcohol-Related Aggression and Non-Alcohol-Related Violent Perpetration: An Exploratory Analysis in a Sample of Young Adult Drinkers
Differences in the Labor Force Statistics Between the Current Population Survey and the National Longitudinal Surveys
Differences in the Measurement of Wealth, Wealth Inequality and Wealth Composition Obtained from Alternative U.S. Wealth Surveys
Differences in Time to Reported First Arrest by Race, National Origin, and Immigrant Generation: A Test of Assimilation Theories
Differences in Unemployment and Job Turnover Rates Among Young Hispanic, Black, and White Workers
Differences in Young Women's First Sexual Experience by Disability Status
Different Contexts, Different Effects? Work Time and Mental Health in the United States and Germany
Different Paths, Different Destinations: A Life Course Perspective on Educational Transitions
Different Sides of the Track, or Different Tracks? Socioeconomic Disparities in Processes of Development and Educational Attainment
Different Slopes for Different Folks: Genetic Influences on Growth in Delinquent Peer Association and Delinquency During Adolescence
Different Social Influences and Desistance From Crime
Different Story, Same Ending: Family-related Gender Earnings Penalties and Premiums Across Two Generations
Differential Achievement: Race, Sex, and Jobs
Differential Changes in Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking and the Escalation of Substance Use from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Differential Consequences: Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in the Enduring Impact of Early Disadvantage on Heavy Drinking in Midlife
The Differential Effects of Childhood and Chronic Bullying Victimization on Health and Risky Health Behaviors
Differential Effects of Family Context on Noncognitive Ability and School Performance during Adolescence
Differential Effects of Graduating during a Recession across Gender and Race
Differential Effects of Industrial and Worker Resources on Women's Wages
The Differential Impact of College on Becoming a Single Parent
The Differential Impact of Wealth Versus Income in the College-Going Process
Differential Item Functioning in Rehabilitation Research
Differential Mother and Father Influences on the Educational Attainment of Black and White Women
Differential Outcomes Among Children Raised in Different Types of Single Mother Families
Differential Outcomes for Adolescents: Alcohol Users Compared to Alcohol and Marijuana Users
Differential Parenting of Biologically Vulnerable Versus Nonvulnerable Children By Socioeconomic Status
Differential Parenting, Differential Pathways: Understanding the Mediators and Effects of Ethnic Variations in Parenting
Differential Participation In and Returns to Education Over the Life Course
Differential Patterns of Female Labor-force Participation Surrounding the First Birth
Differential Secular Trends in BMI in Relation to Region of Childhood Residence: A 25 Year Follow-up of a Nationally Representative Sample
Differential Test Performance in the American Educational System: The Impact of Race and Gender
Differential-Maternal Parenting Behavior: Estimating Within- and Between-Family Effects on Children
Differentiating the Effects of Entrepreneurs' Intelligence and Educational Attainment on Venture Outcomes
Differentiation and Work: Inequality in Degree Attainment in U.S. Higher Education
Differently Rational Essays on Criminal Behavior
Difficulties in the Transition to Adulthood: Using Propensity Scoring to Understand What Makes Foster Youth Vulnerable
Digital Divide in Computer Access and Use Between Poor and Non-Poor Youth
The Dilemma of Education: Home and Work Roles for Women
The Dimensionality of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: A Multivariate Analysis of DSM-IV Symptom Items in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Dimensionality of Alcohol Dependence in Young Adulthood: Current versus Lifetime Symptomatology
Diminished Lifetime Substance Use Over Time: A Validated Inquiry Into Differential Underreporting
Diploma Attainment Among Teen Mothers
Diploma Effect
Direct and Indirect Effect of Depression in Adolescence on Adult Wages
Direct and Indirect Effects of Body Weight on Adult Wages
Direct and Indirect Effects of Happiness on Wage: A Simultaneous Equations Approach
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Parental Bonds, Parental Drug Use, and Self-Control on Adolescent Substance Use
Direct and Indirect Effects of Teenage Body Weight on Adult Wages
Direct and Indirect Effects of Teenage Body Weight on Adult Wages
Direct and Indirect Pathways to the Long-Term Health, Mental Health, and Work-Related Outcomes for Mothers of Children With Chronic Illness
Direction of Migration and Occupational Mobility Among Young Adult White Males During the 1970s Nonmetropolitan Turnaround
Direction of White/Nonwhite Migration and Occupational Mobility
Disability and Living Arrangements Among Elderly American Men
Disability and Post-High School Transition: Does Placement in Special Education Improve Outcomes for Young People?
Disability and the Context of Boys' First Sexual Intercourse
Disability of Men
The Disadvantage of a Sex-Segregated Labor Market: Sex Composition and the Availability of Work-Family Benefits
Disadvantaged Family Background and Depression among Young Adults in the United States: The Roles of Chronic Stress and Self-Esteem
Disadvantaged Very Early Labor Force Withdrawal
A Disaggregate Study of the Effect of Unemployment Rates on Labor Supply
Disconnected Youth: The Influence of Family, Programs, Peers, and Communities on Becoming Disconnected and on Re-Connecting
Discontinuous Labor Force Participation and Its Effect on Women's Market Earnings
Discordant Relaxations of Misspecified Models
Discrepancies in Estimates of the Growth in Earnings Inequality in the CPS and NLSY
Discrete-Time Event History Analysis Using Segmented Hazards
Discrimination and Human Capital: A Challenge to Economic Theory & Social Justice
Discrimination and Pension Income Among Aging Women
Discrimination and Skill Differences in an Equilibrium Search Model
Discrimination Due to Race and Gender in the Youth Labor Market: Is It a Double Jeopardy?
Discrimination Theory, Labor Turnover, and Racial Unemployment Differentials
Discrimination, Returns to Education, and Teenage Childbearing
Discrimination, Segmentation, and Upward Mobility: A Longitudinal Approach to the Dual Labor Market Theory
Discrimination, Social Risk, and Portfolio Choice
Discriminators of Migration Propensity Among Black and White Men in the Middle and Later Years
Disentangling Adolescent Pathways of Sexual Risk Taking
Disentangling Dynamics of Family Poverty and Child Disability: What if Disability Comes First?
Disentangling Pathways of Adolescent Sexual Risk from Problem Behavior Syndrome
Disentangling Selection from Causation in the Empirical Association Between Crime and Adolescent Work
Disentangling the Contemporaneous and Dynamic Effects of Human and Health Capital on Wages over the Life Cycle
Disentangling the Contemporaneous and Dynamic Effects of Human and Health Capital on Wages over the Life Cycle
Disentangling the Dynamics of Family Poverty and Child Disability: Does Disability Come First?
Disentangling the Effects of Low Self-Esteem and Stressful Events on Depression: Findings From Three Longitudinal Studies
Disentangling the Links from Parental Monitoring and Delinquent Peer Exposure to Youth Delinquency: A Longitudinal, Sibling Comparison Analysis
Disentangling the Relationship Between Age and Marital History in Age-Assortative Mating
Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Three Essays on the Policy Implications of Systems Thinking
Disparate Trajectories of the Effects of Health on Work Participation: A Latent Class Growth Approach
Disparities at the Intersection of Marginalized Groups
Disparities in Birth Weight Between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites: The Effect of Rural Residency
Disparities in Birth Weight between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites: The Effect of Rural Residency
Disparities in Childhood Overweight and Obesity by Income in the United States: An Epidemiological Examination Using Three Nationally Representative Datasets
Disparities in Debt: Parents' Socioeconomic Resources and Young Adult Student Loan Debt
Disparities in Debt: Parents’ Socioeconomic Resources and Young Adult Student Loan Debt
Disparities in School Readiness: How do Families Contribute to Successful and Unsuccessful Transitions into School?
Disparities in Women’s Health Across a Generation: A Mother–Daughter Comparison
Disparities: Health Risks Seen for Single Mothers
Disparity Between Educational Aspirations and Expectations and the Impact on Adolescent Childbearing
Displacement-Related Earnings Losses
Disputing Discrimination, Data Don't Back Up Accusations of Economic Bias
Disrupting Desistance? Minor Criminal Justice Contact and the Age Crime Curve
Disruptions Versus Tiebout Improvement: The Costs and Benefits of Switching Schools
Dissecting the Influence of Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status on Mental Health in Young Adulthood
Distance to Hospital and Children's Use of Preventive Care: Is Being Closer Better, and for Whom?
Distance to Hospitals and Children's Access to Care: Is Being Closer Better, and for Whom?
Distant Horizons: Marital Expectations May Be Dampened by Economic Circumstances
Distinct Voluntary Turnover Paths and Determinants: A Survival Analysis with a Competing Risks Approach
Distribution and Correlates of Unemployment Over a Decade: Variations by Sex, Race, and Age
Distribution and Determinants of Individual Wage Profile Slopes
The Distribution of Household Labor Among Women in Dual-Earner Families
The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women: Comment
The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women: Reply to Mincer and Ofek
Distribution of Maternal Feeding Practices in the United States: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Distribution of the Unemployment Burden: Do the Last Hired Leave First?
A Distributional Approach to Examining Differences in Life Expectancy
The Distributional Effects of Direct College Costs
Divergence in the "Good Marriage Effect": Findings and Processes of an NIJ W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship
Divergent Paths: Economic Mobility in the New American Labor Market
Divergent Pathways: Racial/Ethnic Inequalities in Wealth And Health Trajectories
Diverging Destinies and Inequality of Opportunity Between Socioeconomic and Ethnic Groups in the United States
Diverging Fertility Patterns? Racial and Educational Differences in Fertility Behaviors and their Implications for Socioeconomic Mobility
Diverging Pathways: Using a Lifecourse Perspective to Assess the Cumulative Effects of Education on Physical and Mental Health
Diverging Trajectories or Parallel Paths? The Gender Earnings Gap by Education in Life Course Perspective
Diverse Family Living Situations and Child Development: A Multi-Level Analysis Comparing Longitudinal Evidence from Britain and the United States
Diverse Family Living Situations and Child Development: A Multilevel Analysis Comparing Longitudinal Evidence from Britain and the United States
Diversity Challenged: Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative Action
Diversity, Opportunity and Shifting Meritocracy in Higher Education
Dividing the Costs and Returns to General Training
Division of Labor and the Economic Determinants of Divorce
Division of Labor by New Parents: Does Child Gender Matter?
Division of Labor in Exigency: Work Hours of New Parents in the NLSY79
The Division of Task Responsibility in U.S. Households: Longitudinal Adjustments to Change
Divorce and Children's Behavior Problems
Divorce and Disability: The Experience of the Younger Cohorts in the National Longitudinal Survey
Divorce and Marriage: Does the Marriage Wage Premium Matter?
Divorce and the Cognitive Achievement of Children
Divorce and the Cognitive Achievement of Children
Divorce and the Cognitive Achievement of Children
Divorce and the Cognitive Achievement of Children
Divorce as Risky Behavior
Divorce Hurts Bottom Line, Study Says
Divorce Probabilities and Young Women's Occupational Choices
Divorce Probability and the "Preference" for Sons
Divorce Process and Children's Well-Being: a Longitudinal Analysis
Divorce Process and Children's Well-Being: A Prospective Analysis
The Divorce Process and Young Children's Well-Being: A Prospective Analysis
Divorce Slashes Wealth by 77 Percent
Divorce, Cohabitation and Remarriage: The Association of (Step)Children and Adult Depression
Divorce, Economic Resources, and Survival among Older Black and White Women
Divorce, Educational Attainment, and the Earnings Mobility of Sons
Divorce, Race, and Military Service: More Than Equal Pay and Equal Opportunity
Do 'Skills Beget Skills'? Evidence on the Effect of Kindergarten Entrance Age on the Evolution of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skill Gaps in Childhood
Do African American Mothers Really "Love" Their Sons and "Raise" Their Daughters?
Do All Roads Lead to Rome? Effect of Educational Trajectories on Educational Transitions.
Do Alternative Opportunities Matter? The Role of Female Labor Markets in the Decline of Teacher Quality
Do American Mothers Treat Sons and Daughters Alike?
Do American Mothers Treat Sons and Daughters Alike?
Do as I Say, Not as I Did: A Mother's Influence on Her Daughter's Educational and Occupational Achievements
Do Attitudes and Personal Characteristics Affect Socioeconomic Outcomes? The Case of Welfare Use by Young Women
Do Attitudes and Personality Characteristics Affect Socioeconomic Outcomes? The Case of Welfare Use by Young Women
Do Attitudes and Personality Characteristics Affect Socioeconomic Outcomes? The Case of Welfare Use by Young Women
Do Attitudes Matter? Understanding Regional Variation in the Motherhood Wage Penalty in the United States
Do Ban the Box Laws Increase Crime?
Do Blacks and Whites Experience Depression Differently: Assessing the Validity of the CES-D
Do Changes in Personality Predict Life Outcomes?
Do Child Outcomes of All Disciplinary Enforcements Vary By Ethnicity?
Do Children of the First Marriage Deter Divorce?
Do Cigarette Taxes Affect Children's Body Mass Index? The Effect of Household Environment on Health
Do Cognitive Skills Moderate the Influence of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Subsequent Educational Attainment?
Do College Educated Women Reduce Their Motherhood Wage Penalty by Delaying Childbearing?
Do Community Colleges Really Divert Students from Earning Bachelor's Degrees?
Do Daughters Really Cause Divorce? Stress, Pregnancy, and Family Composition
Do Delinquency and Drug Use Lead to Dropping Out of High School?
Do Detailed Work Histories Help to Explain Gender and Race/Ethnic Wage Differentials?
Do Developmental Changes in Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking Uniquely Predict Violent Victimization? A Test of the Dual Systems Model
Do Differences in Expectations and Preferences Explain Racial/Ethnic Variation in Family Formation Outcomes?
Do Differences in Intentions Explain Racial/Ethnic Variation in Family Formation Outcomes?
Do Different Dimensions of Male High School Students' Skills Predict Labor Market Success a Decade Later? Evidence from the NLSY
Do Dynamic Business Environments Differentially Attract Highly and Less Educated Labor Force Participants? Evidence from the NLSY97
Do Early Academic Achievement and Behavior Problems Predict Long-Term Effects Among Head Start Children?
Do Early Academic Achievement and Behavior Problems Predict Long-Term Effects Among Head Start Children?
Do EITC Eligibility Rules Encourage College Enrollment?
Do Employers Discriminate against Obese Employees? Evidence from Individuals Who Simultaneously Work in Self-employment and Paid Employment
Do Employers’ Offers of Paid Maternity Leave Increase Women’s Job Satisfaction?
Do Enclaves Help or Hinder the American Dream?
Do Family Dinners Reduce the Risk for Early Adolescent Substance Use? A Propensity Score Analysis
Do Fathers Make a Difference? The Determinants and Consequences of Fathers' Absence from the Home of Younger Children
Do Fathers Really Matter?: Father Involvement and Social-Psychological Outcomes for Adolescents
Do Federal Place-Based Policies Improve Economic Opportunity in Rural Communities?
Do Food Stamps Contribute to Obesity in Low-Income Women? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Do For-Profit Colleges Encourage Their Students to Vote and Volunteer?
Do Friends and Relatives Really Help in Getting a Good Job?
Do Friends and Relatives Really Help in Getting a Good Job?
Do Gender and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Sleep Duration Emerge in Early Adulthood? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of U.S. Adults
Do Gender Stereotypes Keep Girls away from Crime? A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Power-Control Theory
Do Happier People Make More Money? An Empirical Study of the Effect of a Person's Happiness on Their Income
Do High School Dropouts Benefit from Obtaining a GED?
Do High School Gifted Programs Lead to Later-in-Life Success?
Do High School Sports Build or Reveal Character?
Do High School Sports Build or Reveal Character? Bounding Causal Estimates of Sports Participation
Do Highly Paid, Highly Skilled Women Experience the Largest Motherhood Penalty?
Do Home Computers Improve Educational Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Current Population Surveys and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
"Do I Look Fat?" Self-Perceived Body Weight and Labor Market Outcomes
Do Immigrants Differ from Natives in Their Wealth Accumulation Patterns? Evidence from the NLSY79
Do Immigrants Have Lower Participation Rates in U.S. Financial Markets?
Do Individual Psychosocial Factors Mediate Critical Period Cohort Effects on Educational Attainment?
Do Investments in Universal Early Education Pay Off? Long-Term Effects of Introducing Kindergartens into Public Schools
Do Job Conditions Influence the Use of Drugs?
Do LARCs Increase Subsequent Intended Fertility?
Do Large Modern Retailers Pay Premium Wages?
Do Male Dropouts Benefit from Obtaining a GED, Postsecondary Education, and Training?
Do Marital Status and Computer Usage Really Change the Wage Structure?
Do Marriage and Cohabitation Provide Benefits to Health in Mid-Life? The Role of Childhood Selection Mechanisms and Partnership Characteristics Across Countries
Do Maternal Investments in Human Capital Affect Children's Academic Achievement?
Do Maternal Investments in Human Capital Affect Their Children's Educational Outcomes?
Do Men Really Prefer to Live with Sons? Stress, Pregnancy and Family Composition
Do Men's Characteristics Affect Whether a Nonmarital Pregnancy Results in Marriage?
Do Mexican Americans Have a Relative Advantage in Health?
Do Minimum Legal Tobacco Purchase Age Laws Work?
Do Minimum Wage Increases Reduce Crime?
Do Minimum Wages Affect Non-Wage Job Attributes? Evidence on Fringe Benefits and Working Conditions
Do Mobile Homes Affect Wealth? Analysis of a Cohort Entering Adulthood During the Mobile Home Boom
Do Mother-Daughter Similarities in Human Capital and Nonmarital Birth Status Explain Intergenerational Linkages in Infant Health Outcomes?
Do Natural Disaster Experiences Limit Stock Market Participation?
Do Neighborhoods Affect Hours Worked? Evidence from Longitudinal Data
Do Neighborhoods Affect Income? Yes and No: Race, Class, and Gender Heterogeneity in Neighborhood Effects
Do Non-g Factors of Cognitive Ability Tests Align with Specific Academic Achievements? A Combined Bifactor Modeling Approach
Do Nonphysical Punishments Reduce Antisocial Behavior more than Spanking? A Comparison Using the Strongest Previous Causal Evidence Against Spanking
Do Nonstandard Work Hours Harm Relationship Quality?
Do Older Peers Affect Adolescent Behavior?
Do Parental Assets Matter for Children's Educational Attainment?: Evidence from Mediation Tests
Do Parental Resources Moderate the Relationship Between Women's Income and First Birth?
Do Parental Resources Moderate the Relationship Between Women's Income and Timing of Parenthood?
Do Parental Separation and Single Motherhood Strengthen Intergenerational Inequality in Educational Attainment? A Decomposition Analysis for Germany, Italy, the UK and the US
Do Parental Transfers Reduce Youths' Incentives to Work?
Do Parenting and the Home Environment, Maternal Depression, Neighborhood, and Chronic Poverty Affect Child Behavioral Problems Differently in Different Racial-Ethnic Groups?
Do Parenting, Maternal Depression, Neighborhood, and Poverty Have the Same Effects on Child Behavior in Different Racial/Ethnic Groups?
Do Parents' Attitudes Toward Risk Influence Juvenile Violence?
Do Parents' Social Skills Influence Their Children's Sociability?
Do Parents' Social Skills Influence Their Children's Sociability?
Do People Save or Spend Their Inheritances? Understanding What Happens to Inherited Wealth
Do Perceptions of Unsafe Schools and Bullying Hinder the Effects of Family and School Social Capital in Deterring Violence?
Do Predisposing and Family Background Characteristics Modify or Confound the Relationship Between Drinking Frequency and Alcohol-Related Aggression? A Study of Late Adolescent and Young Adult Drinkers
Do Public Pensions Provide Equal Pay for Equal Work?
Do Religious Proscriptions Matter? Evidence from a Theory-Based Test
Do Retirement Planning Strategies Alter the Effect of Time Preference on Retirement Wealth?
Do Returns to Schooling Differ by Race and Ethnicity?
Do Returns to Schooling Differ by Race and Ethnicity?
Do Returns to Schooling Differ by Race and Ethnicity?
Do Rural Youth Attain Their Educational Goals?
Do School Resources Matter Only For Older Workers?
Do School Teacher Parents Make a Difference?
Do School-Related Experiences Impact Personality? Selection and Socialization Effects of Impulse Control
Do School-To-Work Programs Help the "Forgotten Half"?
Do Siblings Take the Weight Off Our Shoulders? The Causal Effect of Family Size on the Risk of Overweight and Obesity During Childhood
Do Some Mothers Pay a Higher Price? Variation in Motherhood Wage Penalties by Education, Parity, and Fertility Timing
Do Some Workers Have Minimum Wage Careers?
Do Statutory Rape Laws Work?
Do Stepmothers Pay a Wage Penalty?
Do Students' Perceptions of Unsafe Schools and Experiences With Bullying Hinder the Effects of Family and School Social Capital in Deterring Violence?
Do Subjective Beliefs Affect Obesity?
Do Teenage Daughters Benefit From Their Professional Working Mothers?
Do Teenagers Exhibit Rational Expectations Regarding Mortality, Fertility and Education Outcomes?
Do the Differences Make a Difference? An Empirical Evaluation of the Culture of Poverty in the U.S.
Do the Earnings Deficiencies of Unwed Fathers Account for Their Low Child Support Payments?
Do the Health Benefits of Education Vary by Sociodemographic Subgroup? Differential Returns to Education and Implications for Health Inequities
Do the Health Benefits of Marriage Depend on the Likelihood of Marriage?
Do the Human Capital Investments of Young Mothers Affect Their Children's Educational Outcomes?
Do the Returns to Community Colleges Differ between Academic and Vocational Programs?
Do the Skills of Adults Employed in Minimum Wage Contour Jobs Explain Why They Get Paid Less?
Do the Skills of Adults Employed in Minimum Wage Contour Jobs Explain Why They Get Paid Less?
Do the Stereotypes fit? Mapping Gender-Specific Outcomes and Risk Factors
Do They Just Keep on Moving or Do They Go Home? Internal Migration of Mexican-Origin, Non-Mexican Hispanics, Non-Hispanic Whites and non-Hispanic Blacks in the U.S.
Do Traditional Fathers Always Work More? Gender Ideology, Race, and Parenthood
Do Union Members Receive Compensating Wage Differentials? Note
Do Unions Protect Injured Workers from Earnings Losses?
Do Unions Reduce the Wage Penalty Experienced by Obese Women?
Do Urban Agglomeration Effects and Household Amenities have a Skill Bias?
Do Volatile Firms Pay Volatile Earnings? Evidence Using Linked Worker-Firm Data
Do Voters Join Unions or Do Unions Encourage Voting?
Do Welfare Programs Affect Schooling and Work Patterns of Young Black Men and Women?
Do White People See Variation in Black Skin Tones? Reexamining a Purported Outgroup Homogeneity Effect
Do Women Prefer Female Bosses?
Do Women Prefer Women's Work?
Do Women Receive Compensating Wages for Risks of Dying on the Job?
Do Women Value Marriage More? The Effect of Obesity on Cohabitation and Marriage in the USA
Do Women's Early Work Commitment and Welfare Attitudes Predict Employment After Childbirth?
Do Workplace Structures Matter? A Cross-Cohort Analysis of Mothers' Labor Market Participation and Choice of Child Care Arrangements
Do You Believe in Magic? What We Can Expect from Early Childhood Intervention Programs
Do You Have to be Smart to be Rich? The Impact of IQ on Wealth, Income and Financial Distress
Do You Need to Shop Around? Age at Marriage, Spousal Alternatives, and Marital Dissolution
Do Young Adults with Student Debt Save Less for Retirement?
Do Young Mothers and Fathers Differ in the Likelihood of Returning Home?
Do Youths in Urban Poverty Neighborhoods Underestimate the Returns to Education?
Do Youths Substitute Alcohol and Marijuana? Some Econometric Evidence
Documentation of Statistical Data Sets: The Case of the National Longitudinal Surveys
A Documentation of Woman's Intersectorial and Occupational Mobility Using a Multidimensional Model of Economic Segmentation
Does a College Degree Offset the Wage Penalties Associated with Gender-Essentialized Job Skills?
Does a GED Lead to More Training, Post-Secondary Education, and Military Service for School Dropouts?
Does a Longer Sexual Resume Affect Marriage Rates?
Does a Satisfactory Relationship With Her Mother Influence When a 16-Year-Old Begins to Have Sex?
Does Acquisition of a GED Lead to More Training, Post-Secondary Education, and Military Service for School Dropouts?
Does Age at Enrollment in First Grade Affect Children's Cognitive Test Scores?
Does Aid Matter? Measuring the Effect of Student Aid on College Attendance and Completion
Does Aid Matter? Measuring the Effect of Student Aid on College Attendance and Completion
Does Alcohol-Use Increase the Risk of Sexual Intercourse Among Adolescents? Evidence from the NLSY97
Does Asthma Impair Wealth Accumulation or Does Wealth Protect Against Asthma?
Does Attending Predominately-Female Schools Make A Difference? Labor Market Outcomes For Women
Does Being Planful Always Pay Off? Agency, Economics, and Achievements by Midlife
Does Belief Matter? Social Psychological Characteristics and the Likelihood of Welfare Use and Exit
Does Binge Drinking Mediate the Relationship Between Four Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Traumatic Brain Injury? Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort
Does Bully Victimization Predict Future Delinquency? A Propensity Score Matching Approach
Does Business Ownership Provide a Source of Upward Mobility for Blacks and Hispanics?
Does Business Ownership Provide a Source of Upward Mobility for Blacks and Hispanics?
Does Career and Technical Education Strengthen the STEM Pipeline? Comparing Students With and Without Disabilities
Does Change in Young Men's Employment Influence Fathering?
Does Changing Jobs Pay Off? The Relationship Between Job Mobility and Wages
Does Childhood Victimization Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Substance Use and Criminal Activity From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Does Children's Housework Matter?: Adult Trajectories of Boys and Girls Who Spend Time Doing Household Chores and Sibling Care
Does Chronic Illness Increase Children's Risk for Impaired Peer Relationships? A Longitudinal Exploration of the Relationship Between Childhood Asthma and Social Vulnerability
Does Church Attendance Really Increase Schooling?
Does Cognitive Ability Reduce Psychological Bias?
Does College Education Pay? Evidence From The NLSY-79 Data
Does College Enrollment and Bachelor's Completion by Mothers Impact Children's Educational Outcomes?
Does College Prevent Single Parenthood, and for Whom?
Does College Teach Young Men to Smoke Pot? [Revised October 2006]
Does Competition among Public Schools Benefit Students and Taxpayers?
Does Cultural Capital Really Affect Academic Achievement? New Evidence from Combined Sibling and Panel Data
Does Depression Lead to Criminal Behavior? A Sibling Comparison Design Using the NLSY
Does Dropping Out of School Enhance Delinquent Involvement? Results from a Large-Scale National Probability Sample
Does Dropping Out Of School Mean Dropping Into Delinquency?
Does Drug Use Cause Poverty?
Does Drug Use Lower Wages?
Does Early Adolescent Arrest Alter the Developmental Course of Offending into Young Adulthood?
Does Early Maternal Employment Harm Child Development? An Analysis of the Potential Benefits of Leave Taking
Does Early School Entry Prevent Obesity Among Adolescent Girls?
Does Economic Inequality Constrain Intergenerational Economic Mobility? The Association Between Income Inequality During Childhood and Intergenerational Income Persistence in the United States
Does Education Delay the Timing of First Birth?
Does Education Homogenize Parenting Practices?
Does Education Mediate the Relationship Between IQ and Age of First Birth? A Behavioural Genetic Analysis
Does Employer Learning Vary by Occupation?
Does Employer Learning Vary by Schooling Attainment? The Answer Depends on How Career Start Dates are Defined
Does Employment Contribute to Higher College Dropout Rates among Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds?
Does Employment During High School Impair Academic Progress?
Does Entrepreneurship Pay? The Michael Bloombergs, the Hot Dog Vendors, and the Returns to Self-Employment
Does Ethnic Capital Matter? An Analysis of Intergenerational Transmission of Education Among Hispanic Americans
Does Family Complexity in Childhood Explain Race-Ethnic Disparities in Multipartner Fertility?
Does Family Instability Make Girls Fat? Gender Differences Between Instability and Weight
Does Family Instability Reduce Adult Offspring Socioeconomic Outcomes?
Does Family Structure Affect Children's Educational Outcomes?
Does Family Structure Affect Children's Educational Outcomes?
Does Family Structure Affect Children's Educational Outcomes?
Does Family Structure Really Influence Educational Attainment?
Does Fat Beget Fat? The Relationship between Maternal Pre-Pregnancy BMI and Preschool Obesity
Does Federal Financial Aid Affect College Enrollment? Evidence from Drug Offenders and the Higher Education Act of 1998
Does Federal Financial Aid Affect College Enrollment? Evidence from Drug Offenders and the Higher Education Act of 1998
Does Female Breadwinning Make Partnerships less Healthy or less Stable?
Does FHA Increase Home Ownership or Just Accelerate It?
Does Frequent Prayer Help Reduce Alcohol Use? Heterogeneity in Religious Contexts and Drinking Styles
Does Gender Matter? Effects of Parental Incarceration on Male and Female Juvenile Delinquency
Does Geographic Stagnation Correspond to Economic Stagnation? The Migration Decline and its Association with Economic Well-being
Does Growing Up with a Parent Absent Really Hurt?
Does Growing Up with a Parent Absent Really Hurt?
Does Having Boys (or Girls) "Run in the Family"?
Does Having Boys or Girls Run in the Family?
Does Head Start Help Hispanic Children?
Does Head Start Help Hispanic Children?
Does Head Start Make a Difference?
Does Head Start Make a Difference?
Does Head Start Make a Difference?
Does Head Start Make a Difference?
Does Head Start Yield Long-Term Benefits?
Does Health Insurance Coverage Mitigate or Exacerbate Socioeconomic Inequities in Health in the U.S.?
Does Health Insurance Make You Fat?
Does Health Predict the Reporting of Racial Discrimination or Do Reports of Discrimination Predict Health? Findings from The National Longitudinal Study Of Youth
Does High School Employment Affect High School Academic Performance?
Does High School Employment Develop Marketable Skills?
Does Homeownership Affect Child Outcomes?
Does Incarceration Impair the Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes of Men? Evidence from the NLSY79
Does Incarceration Influence Future Illegal Earnings? Examining Within-Person Changes in Incarceration Status and Illegal Earnings
Does Increased Investment in Parents' Human Capital Relate to Changes in Investment in Early Education Quality?
Does Increasing the Beer Tax Reduce Marijuana Consumption?
Does Industry Sector Matter? An Examination of the Relationship between Industry and Rearrest
Does It Pay to Attend a For-Profit College? Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education
Does It Pay to Attend a For-profit College? Vertical and Horizontal Stratification in Higher Education
Does it Pay to Attend an Elite Liberal Arts College?
Does it Pay to be a Man? A Study of Pay Differentials Between College Graduates
Does Juvenile Delinquency Reduce Educational Attainment?
Does Juvenile Delinquency Reduce Educational Attainment?
Does Leaving School in a Bad Economy Affect Body Weight?: Evidence from Panel Data
Does Leaving School in an Economic Downturn Impact Access to Employer-sponsored Health Insurance?
Does Leaving School in an Economic Downturn Persistently Affect Body Weight? Evidence from Panel Data
Does Leaving the Neighborhood Mean Leaving the Gang?: Considering the Role that Long Distance Residential Mobility Plays in Desistance from Gangs and Criminal Offending
Does Literacy Predict Self-Rated Health and Chronic Illness in Midlife?
Does Living in a Single Parent Family Affect High School Completion for Young Women?
Does Low Wealth Constrain Long-Distance Migration?
Does Low Wealth Constrain Long-Distance Migration? Evidence from the NLSY79 Cohort
Does Marriage Make Men More Productive?
Does Marriage Matter for Kids? The Impact of Legal Marriage on Child Outcomes
Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive?
Does Marriage Strengthen Family Ties? The Analysis of the Effect of Parental Marriage on Out-of-Wedlock Children's Home Environment and Academic Success
Does Married Women's Market Work Affect Marital Stability Adversely? An Intercohort Analysis Using NLS Data
Does Maternal Multipartnered Fertility Affect the Mother-Child Relationship?
Does Maternity Leave Induce Births?
Does Mean-Testing Welfare Discourage Saving? Evidence from a Change in AFDC Policy in the United States
Does Means-testing Welfare Discourage Saving? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Women
Does Military Service Continue to Facilitate Desistance? Revisiting Theory and Practice
Does Money Always Buy Health? The SES Gradient Across Geographic Context
Does Money Matter? A Comparison of the Effect of Income on Child Development in the United States and Great Britain
Does Money Matter? A Comparison of the Effect of Income on Child Development in the United States and Great Britain
Does Money Matter? The Effects of Wealth and Class on Child Caretaking by Fathers
Does More Education Cause Lower BMI, or Do Lower-BMI Individuals Become More Educated? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Does Mother's IQ Explain the Association Between Birth Weight and Cognitive Ability in Childhood?
Does Mothers' Employment Affect Children's Development: Evidence from the Children of the British 1970 Birth Cohort and the American NLSY79
Does Obesity Contribute to Non-fatal Occupational Injury? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Does Obesity Matter for Wages? Evidence from the United States
Does Occupational Mobility Influence Health among Working Women? Comparing Objective and Subjective Measures of Work Trajectories
Does Overwork Attenuate the Motherhood Earnings Penalty among Full-Time Workers?
Does Paid Paternity Leave Taking Impact Mothers' Wages Two Years after the Birth of a Child? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Does Paid Vacation Leave Predict Depression in Working Americans?: A National Longitudinal Analysis
Does Paid Vacation Leave Protect Against Depression among Working Americans? A National Longitudinal Fixed Effects Analysis
Does Parental Incarceration Condition the Relationship Between Childhood Lack of Guilt and Criminal Justice Involvement? A Life-Course Analysis
Does Parenting Explain the Effects of Structural Conditions on Children?
Does Parenting Explain the Effects of Structural Conditions on Children's Antisocial Behavior? A Comparison of Blacks and Whites
Does Parenting Explain the Effects of Structural Conditions on Children's Antisocial Behavior? A Comparison of Blacks and Whites
Does Participation in Transfer Programs During Pregnancy Improve Birth Weight?
Does Participation in Transfer Programs During Pregnancy Improve Birth Weight?
Does Perceived Discrimination Affect Health? Longitudinal Relationships between Work Discrimination and Women's Physical and Emotional Health
Does Perception of School Safety Bolster the Effects of Family and School Social Capital?: An Examination of Educational Attainment, Running Away from Home and Violence
Does Performance Pay Increase Alcohol and Drug Use?
Does Personality Predict Financial Risk Tolerance of Pre-Retiree Baby Boomers?
Does Personality Predict Occupational Gravitation?
Does Policy Affect a Teen's Pregnancy Resolution Decision?
Does Policy Affect Outcomes for Young Children? An Analysis with International Microdata
Does Positive Attitude Matter Only for Older Workers? Evidence from Simultaneous Estimation of Job Satisfaction, Wage and Positive Attitude in the United States
Does Postsecondary Education Result in Civic Benefits?
Does Private Education Increase Earnings?
Does Remarriage Matter? The Well-Being of Adolescents Living with Cohabiting versus Remarried Mothers
Does Returning to Work After Childbirth Affect Breastfeeding Practices?
Does Returning to Work After Childbirth Affect Breastfeeding Practices?
Does Rosie Like Riveting? Male and Female Occupational Choices
Does Rosie Like Riveting? Male and Female Occupational Choices
Does School Education Reduce Childhood Obesity?
Does School Learning Shape Gender Ideology? Academic Performance and Adolescents' Attitudes toward Gender Practices
Does School Performance Increase when Children Enter at Younger Ages?
Does School Performance Increase When Children Enter at Younger Ages?
Does School Quality Affect Juvenile Crime?
Does School Quality Matter and for Whom? Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis
Does School Quality Matter? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Does School Quality Matter? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Does Self-control Predict Wealth Creation Among Young Baby Boomers?
Does Serial Parenting Harm Women over the Long Run? The Link between Multiple Partner Fertility and Women's Mental and Physical Health at Midlife
Does Sibling Composition in Childhood Contribute to Adult Fertility Behaviors?
Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability of Teenage Promiscuity, Drug Use, and Crime? Evidence from Divorce Law Changes
Does Single Parenthood Increase the Probability of Teenage Promiscuity, Substance Use, and Crime?
Does Smoking During Pregnancy Cause Offspring Externalizing Problems?
Does Smoking Harm Wealth as Much as Health?
Does Social Class Matter Equally for the Timely Transition Into and Out of College? Evidence from the NLSY97
Does Spacing Matter? The Effect of Child Spacing on the Cumulative Labor Force Outcomes of Mothers
Does Specialization Explain Marriage Penalties and Premiums?
Does Substance Use Play a Role in Gender Differences in Residential Independence and Returns to the Parental Home?
Does Supervisor Gender Affect Wages?
Does Television Viewing Affect Children's Behaviour?
Does the Birth Order Affect the Cognitive Development of a Child?
Does the Birth Order Affect the Cognitive Development of a Child?
Does the Black-White Test Score Gap Widen After Children Enter School?
Does the CES-D Measure a Continuum from Depression to Happiness? Comparing Substantive and Artifactual Models
Does the Conflict Parents Hide Affect Their Children?
Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Increase Children's Weight? The Impact of Policy‐driven Income on Childhood Obesity
Does the Economy Affect Teenage Substance Use?
Does the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Increase Fertility Behavior?
Does the Family Structure Matter in the Process of Migration Decision-Making? A Longitudinal Analysis of Migration among American Youth: 1984-1994
Does the Gender Composition of Sibships Affect Educational Attainment?
Does the Gender Composition of Sibships Affect Women's Education Attainment?
Does the Impact of Motherhood on Women's Earnings Differ for Women Who Plan Their Transition Into Motherhood?
Does the Impact of Motherhood on Women's Employment and Wages Differ for Women Who Plan Their Transition Into Motherhood?
Does the Impact of Union Experience on Job Satisfaction Differ by Gender?
Does the Measure of Economic Disadvantage Matter? Exploring the Effect of Individual and Relative Deprivation on Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Does the Presence of Neighborhood Gang Affect Youth Criminal Behavior?
Does the Sibling Correlation in Economic Status Vary Across Families and Sibling Pairs?
Does the Timing of School Affect How Much Children Learn?
Does the Type and Timing of Educational Attainment Influence Physical Health? A Novel Application of Sequence Analysis
Does Time Preference Change with Age?
Does Timing of First Incarceration Matter? The Effect of Age at First Incarceration on Midlife Health
Does Unemployment Cause Future Unemployment? Definitions, Questions and Answers from a Continuous Time Model of Heterogeneity and State Dependence
Does Vocational Course-Taking Ease School-to-Work Transitions? A Dynamic Choice Model
Does Vocational Education Make a Difference? A Review of Previous Research and Reanalysis of National Longitudinal Data Sets
Does Wage Volatility Matter in Labor Markets? Theory and Evidence on Labor Mobility
Does Walking or Riding a Bike to School Reduce Obesity? Evidence from the NLSY 1979 using Propensity Score Matching
Does Wanting to Become Pregnant with a First Child Affect Subsequent Maternal Behaviors and Infant Birth Weight?
Does Wanting to Become Pregnant with a First Child Affect Subsequent Maternal Behaviors and Infant Birth Weight?
Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teen Pregnancy? Findings From a National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Does Watching Television Rot your Mind? Estimates of the Effect on Test Scores
Does Watching Television Rot Your Mind? Estimates of the Effect on Test Scores
Does Wealth Explain Black-White Differences in Early Employment Careers?
Does Welfare Play Any Role in Female Headship Decisions?
Does Welfare Policy Influence Children's Behavior? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Food Stamps Recipients
Does Where You Live Matter? An Analysis of Intergenerational Transmission of Education Among Hispanic Americans
Does Women's Part-Time Experience Limit Mobility
Does Working in HIgh School Impair Academic Progress?
Does Working Part-Time Contribute to Women's Occupational Segregation
Does Young Maternal Age Adversely Affect Child Development? Evidence from Cousin Comparisons
Does Young Maternal Age Adversely Affect Child Development? Evidence from Cousin Comparisons
Does Young Maternal Age Adversely Affect Child Development? Evidence from Cousin Comparisons
Does Young Maternal Age Adversely Affect Child Development? Evidence from Cousin Comparisons in the United States
Does Young Motherhood Predict Child Behavior Problems?
Does Your Home Make You Wealthy?
Does Your Home Make You Wealthy?
Doing Gender: Sorting Out the Caste and Crime Condundrum
Doing Well by Doing Good: Volunteering and Occupational Achievement Among American Women
Dollars and Pounds: The Impact of Household Income on Childhood Weight
Dollars and Pounds: The Impact of Family Income on Childhood Weight
Dollars to Doughnuts
Don't Children Grow Out of Their Obesity? Weight Transitions in Early Childhood
Don’t Know? Or Don’t Care? Predicting Educational Attainment Using Survey Item Response Rates and Coding Speed Tests as Measures of Conscientiousness
Double Decomposition of Level-1 Variables in Multilevel Models: An Analysis of the Flynn Effect in the NLSY Data
Double Jeopardy How Third-Grade Reading Skills and Poverty Influence High School Graduation
Double Time: Is Health Affected by a Spouse's Time at Work?
Doubly Insecure: The Experiences of Blacks and Latinos with Labor Market Intermediaries
Downward Assimilation and Mexican Americans: An Examination of Intergenerational Advance and Stagnation in Educational Attainment
Downward Assimilation for Immigrants and their Children: Arrest, Incarceration, High School Dropout, and Early Childbirth
Downward Mobility Aspirations among Adolescents
The Downward Spiral: Socioeconomic Causes and Consequences of Alcohol Dependence among Men in Late Young Adulthood, and Relations to Racial/ethnic Disparities
Drinking and Learning While Black: The Effect of Family Alcoholism on Educational Attainment
Drinking and Schooling
Drinking Mothers, Schooling Kids: The Effects of Maternal Alcohol Consumption on Later Educational Attainment
Drinking Patterns of Young Women Before, During and After Pregnancy: Perinatal and Early Child Outcomes
Drinking Patterns, Drinking Contexts and Alcohol-Related Aggression Among Late Adolescent and Young Adult Drinkers
Drinking Problems in Adult Children of Alcoholics: Evidence from a National Survey
Drinking-Induced Blackouts Among Young Adults: Results from a National Longitudinal Survey
Drop Out, Switch Majors, or Persist? The Contrasting Gender Gaps
Dropping Out Can Pay: A Study of Private Vocational Schooling
Dropping Out of High School and Drug Involvement
Dropping Out of High School: The Influence of Race, Sex, and Family Background
Drug and Alcohol Use at Work: A Survey of Young Workers
Drug Dealing and Legitimate Self-Employment
Drug Dealing and Legitimate Self-Employment
Drug Policy and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Drug Use Among Military Men and Women: A Longitudinal Fixed-Effects Approach
Drug Use and Job Quits: A Longitudinal Analysis
Drug Use and the Value of Life
Drug Use as a Risk Factor for Premarital Pregnancy in a National Sample of Young Women
Drug Use as a Risk Factor for Premarital Teen Pregnancy and Abortion in a National Sample of Young White Women
Drug Use as a Risk Factor for Premarital Teen Pregnancy and Abortion in a National Sample of Young White Women
Drugs, Dorms, and Disparities: How College Contributes to Punishment Inequality
Dual Careers, Volume 1: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of Women
Dual Careers, Volume 2: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of Women
Dual Careers, Volume 2: A Longitudinal Study of Labor Market Experience of Women
Dual Careers, Volume 3: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of Women
Dual Careers, Volume 4: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Labor Market Experience of Women
Dual Careers, Volume 5: A Decade of Changes in the Lives of Mature Women
Dual Careers, Volume 6: Fifteen Year Report on the National Longitudinal Surveys Mature Women's Cohort
Dual Embeddedness: Informal Job Matching and Labor Market Institutions in the United States and Germany
Dual-Earner Migration Patterns: The Role of Locational Compatibility within Households
A Dual-Process Discrete-Time Survival Analysis Model: Application to the Gateway Drug Hypothesis
Dummy Variables and the Relationship of Deaf and Hearing Growth Using SAS/GRAPH®
The Durability of Human Capital: Some New Evidence
Duration Analysis of Birth Intervals and Underlying Fertility Behavior
Duration Analysis of Welfare Spells: With Application to the NLSY and the NLS Young Women Data
Duration Dependence and Labor Market Experience
Duration in Poverty among Young Adults in Rural America
Duration Models with Stochastic Unobserved Heterogeneity
Duration of Public Assistance Receipt: Is Welfare a Trap?
The Duration of Welfare Spells
Dyadic and Dynamic Relationships: An Extension of the SES-Health Framework
A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search
A Dynamic Analysis of Educational, Occupational, and Inter-Firm Mobility Decisions
A Dynamic Analysis of the Effect of Child Care Costs on the Work Decisions of Low-Income Mothers with Infants
A Dynamic Analysis of the Effects of Intelligence and Socioeconomic Background on Job-Market Success
Dynamic Analysis of the Labor Force Behavior of Men and Youth
A Dynamic Analysis of Turnover In Employment and Child Care
A Dynamic Analysis of Women's Employment Exits
A Dynamic Analysis of Women's Labor Supply, Fertility and Child Development: Is Maternal Employment Bad for Child Development?
A Dynamic Analysis of Women's Labor Supply, Fertility and Child Development: Is Maternal Employment Bad for Child Development?
Dynamic and Dyadic Relationships: An Extension of the Socioeconomic Status-Health Relationship
Dynamic and Dyadic Relationships: An Extension of the Socioeconomic Status-Health Relationship
Dynamic and Heterogeneous Effects of Sibling Death on Children's Outcomes
The Dynamic Behavior of Job Mobility: A Specific Human Capital Approach
Dynamic Effects of Educational Assortative Mating on Labor Supply
Dynamic Effects of Educational Assortative Mating on Labor Supply
The Dynamic Effects of Obesity on the Wages of Young Workers
Dynamic Effects of Sibling Death on Children’s Outcomes
The Dynamic Interdependence of Women's Employment and Fertility
Dynamic Labor Force Participation Decisions of Males in the Presence of Layoffs and Uncertain Job Offers
Dynamic Labor Force Participation of Married Women and Endogenous Work Experience
A Dynamic Mixture Biometric Model of Cognitive Development in the NLSY Children
A Dynamic Model of Cultural Reproduction
A Dynamic Model of Female Labor Supply And Fertility: The Role of Part-Time Work
A Dynamic Model of Health, Education, and Wealth With Credit Constraints and Rational Addiction
A Dynamic Model of Welfare Participation
A Dynamic Model of Women's Work
Dynamic Models of Human Capital Accumulation
Dynamic Models of Human Capital Investment
Dynamic Models of Poverty and Psychosocial Adjustment through Childhood
Dynamic Models of the Joint Determination of Labor Supply and Family Structure
A Dynamic Perspective of Intergenerational Mobility
Dynamic Poverty Experiences and Development of Overweight in a Prospective Cohort of US Children Aged 4-14 Years
Dynamic Risk Factors for Handgun Carrying: Are There Developmental or Sex Differences?
Dynamic Search of Non-employed Individuals
Dynamic Skill Development and Labor Market Outcomes
A Dynamic Structural Equation Approach to Modeling Wage Dynamics and Cumulative Advantage across the Lifespan
A Dynamic Study of Young Women's Labor Market Transitions over the Early Life Course: Cohort Trends, Racial Differentials, and Determinants
Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development
Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development
Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development
The Dynamics of Adolescent Depression: An Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression with Fixed Effects Approach
Dynamics of Child Support and its Consequences for Children
Dynamics of Early Childhood Overweight
The Dynamics of Educational Attainment for Black, Hispanic, and White Males
The Dynamics of Educational Attainment for Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites
Dynamics of Educational Attainment for Blacks, Whites and Hispanics
The Dynamics of Health Behaviors, Pregnancies, and Birth Outcomes
Dynamics of Household Saving Behavior
Dynamics of Obesity and Chronic Health Conditions Among Children and Youth
Dynamics of Post-Divorce: How Remarriage and Cohabitation Influence the Changing Economic Resources of Children
Dynamics of Postsecondary Educational Attainment
The Dynamics of Poverty in the United States: A Review of Data, Methods, and Findings
Dynamics of the Inequality Process
The Dynamics of the Smoking Wage Penalty
The Dynamics of the Smoking Wage Penalty
Dynamics of Vocational Education Effects on Labor Market Outcomes
The Dynamics of Welfare and Work: Exploring The Process By Which Women Work Their Way Off Welfare
The Dynamics of Women's Job Mobility
Dynamics of Young Men's Career Aspirations

Early Academic Skills, Not Behavior, Best Predict School Success
Early Academic Skills, not Behavior, Best Predict School Success
Early Adolescent Adjustment Following a Marital Transition: A Growth Model Analysis
Early Adolescent Delinquency: Assessing the Role of Childhood Problems, Family Environment, and Peer Pressure
Early Adolescents' Perceptions of Mothers' and Fathers' Parenting Styles and Problem Behavior.
Early Adult Obesity and U.S. Women's Lifetime Childbearing Experiences
Early Alcohol Use and Timing of Sexual and Reproductive Onset
Early Alcohol Use, Rural Residence, and Adult Employment
Early Alcohol Use, Rural Residence, and Adulthood Employment
Early and Extensive Maternal Employment and Young Children's Socioemotional Development: Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Early and Extensive Maternal Employment/Child Care and 4-6 Year Olds' Socioemotional Development: Children of the NLSY
Early and Higher Education, Dynamic Interactions and Persistent Inequality
Early and Late Human Capital Investments, Borrowing Constraints and the Family
Early and Late Human Capital Investments, Borrowing Constraints, and the Family
Early Cannabis Use and School to Work Transition of Young Men
Early Career Contingencies in the Process of Status Attainment
Early Career Experiences and Later Career Outcomes: Comparing the United States, France, and Germany
Early Career Trajectories: Precarity and Timing within Labor Market Entry
Early Careers and Life Course Transitions for Three Cohorts of Young Adults
Early Childbearing and Children's Achievement and Behavior Over Time
Early Childbearing and Completion of High School
Early Childbearing and Educational Attainment
Early Childbearing and Employment Among Young Mexican, Black and White Women
Early Childbearing and Later Economic Well-Being
Early Childbearing, Union Status, and Women's Health at Midlife
Early Childhood Behavior Problems and the Gender Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States
Early Childhood Behavioral Skills and the Gender Reversal in Educational Attainment in the United States: A New Perspective
Early Childhood Health and Inequalities in Children’s Academic and Behavioral Outcomes
The Early Childhood HOME Inventory and HOME-Short Form in Differing Racial/Ethnic Groups: Are There Differences in Underlying Structure, Internal Consistency of Subscales, and Patterns of Prediction?
Early Childhood Intervention and Life-Cycle Skill Development Evidence from Head Start
Early Childhood Intervention and Life-Cycle Skill Development: Evidence from Head Start
Early Childhood Intervention and Life-Cycle Skill Development: Evidence from Head Start
Early Childhood Intervention Programs: What Do We Know?
Early Childhood Memory and Attention as Predictors of Academic Growth Trajectories
Early Childhood Paternal Absence and Later Childhood Behavior Problems: Evidence from the 1979 NLSY Mother and Child Data
Early Childhood Temperament, Maternal Monitoring, Reactive Criminal Thinking, and the Origin(s) of Low Self-Control
Early Childhood WIC Use and Children's School Readiness
Early Cognitive Stimulation, Emotional Support, and Television Watching as Predictors of Subsequent Bullying Among Grade-School Children
Early Determinants of Heterogeneity and Work Commitment Among Women Near the Time of Childbirth
Early Drug Use and Quits and Discharges Among Adolescent Males
Early Education Experiences and School-to-Work Program Participation
Early Education, Poverty, and Parental Circumstances among Hispanic Children: Pointing Toward Needed Public Policies
Early Employment and Family Formation in the United States
Early Exposure to County Income Mobility and Adult Individual Health in the United States
Early Family Formation: An Important Impediment to College Completion?
Early Family Socioeconomic Status and Asthma-Related Outcomes in School-Aged Children: Results from Seven Birth Cohort Studies
Early Fertility Behavior Among American Youth: Evidence from the 1982 NLS of Labor Force Behavior of Youth
Early Fertility Behavior of Non-College Bound Youth: Trends and Consequences
Early Health Related Behaviours and Their Impact on Later Life Chances: Evidence from the US
Early Identification of Young Children at Risk for Poor Academic Achievement: Preliminary Development of a Parent-Report Prediction Tool
Early Incarceration Spells and the Transition to Adulthood
Early Incarceration Spells and the Transition to Adulthood
Early Jobs and Training: The Role of Small Business
The Early Labor Force Experience of College Students and their Post-College Success
Early Labor Market Differentation Among Terminal High School Graduates
Early Labor Market Experience of College Graduates
Early Labor Market Experiences and Their Consequences for Adult Labor Market Outcomes
Early Labor Market Experiences of Youth and Subsequent Wages
Early Life Environments and Cognitive-Behavioral Outcomes of Children: A Life Course Approach
Early Life Health: Consequences for Human Capital Formation
Early Life Parental Loss and Obesity Risk in the Transition to Adulthood
Early Life Parental Losses and the Timing of Family Formation Events in Young Adulthood
Early Maternal Age at Childbearing and Offspring Functioning During Adolescence: A Sibling-Comparison Study of Sexual Behavior and Depression
Early Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of Children from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Early Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of Children from the NLSY
Early Menarcheal Age and Risk for Later Depressive Symptomatology: The Role of Childhood Depressive Symptoms
Early Onset of Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Drug Involvement
The Early Origins of Birth Order Differences in Children's Outcomes and Parental Behavior
Early Parental Investment and Child Development Trajectories
Early Parental Time Investments in Children's Capital Development: Effects of Time in the First Year on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes
Early Parental Work, Family Social Capital, and Early Childhood Outcomes
Early Parenthood and Educational Trajectories: A Comparison of Men and Women
Early Predictors of Self-Regulation in Middle Childhood
Early Retirement
Early Retirement Processes Among Older Men: Occupational Differences
Early School Adjustment and Educational Attainment
Early School Adjustment and High School Dropout
Early Schooling and Childbearing Experiences: Implications for Post-Secondary School Attendance
Early Schooling and Childbearing Experiences: Implications for Postsecondary School Attendance
Early Sex and Early Childbearing: Risk Taking and Learning the Hard Way
Early Sexual Behavior and First Union Formation in Young Adults
Early Sexual Behavior and First Union Formation in Young Adults
Early Socioeconomic Disadvantage and the Cumulative Impact of Socioeconomic Status over the Life Course on Adult Health
Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children
Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children
Early Television Viewing is Associated with Protesting Turning off the Television at age 6
Early Warning: The Persistence of Cognitive Inequalities at the Start of Schooling
Early Work Exit Patterns of Older Men: The Influence of the Work Sphere
Early Work Experience among White and Non-White Youths: Implications for Subsequent Enrollment and Employment
Early Work Plans, Actual Work Behavior, and Wages of Young Women
Early-Career Work Experience and Gender Wage Differentials
Early-life and Recent Mortality and Fertility Timing
Early-Life Origins of the Race Gap in Men's Mortality
Earned Income Tax Credit, Premarital Pregnancy, and Duration to Marriage
The Earned Income Tax Credit: A Study of Eligible Participants vs. Non-participants
The Earning of Immigrant Young Adults: Analysis Within and Across Cohorts
Earnings and Occupational Amenities
Earnings and Percentage Female: A Longitudinal Study
Earnings and the Decision to Return to School
Earnings Differentials Among Unionized Workers in the Public & Private Sectors
Earnings Dispersion, Risk Aversion and Education
Earnings Dynamics: The Role of Education Throughout a Worker's Career
Earnings Growth Among Disadvantaged Business Owners
Earnings Growth among Young Less-Educated Business Owners
Earnings Growth Among Young Less-Educated Business Owners
Earnings Inequality Narrows for Young Workers Despite a Widening Wage Structure
Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers in Times of Crisis
The Earnings Losses of Injured Men: Reported and Unreported Injuries
The Earnings Losses of Injured Men: Reported and Unreported Injuries
Earnings Mobility of Primary Earners
Earnings Mobility: Permanent Change or Transitory Fluctuations?
Earnings of Migrants in their Origin and Destinations
Earnings of Self-Employed Workers and Peer Effects Among Teenagers
Earnings of Very Young Men
Earnings Patterns and Marital Disruption: The Experience of Mature Women
Earnings Prospects, Matching Effects, and the Decision to Terminate a Criminal Career
Earnings, Health and Marital Status Change: A Longitudinal Study of a Cohort of Mature Women
Earnings, Occupational Choice, and the Early Years of Family Formation, White and Black Women: A Study from the NLS
Earnings’ Potential: The Consequences of Family Background, Adolescent Self-Concept, and Adult Labor Force Factors
Ebbing and Flowing, Learning and Growing: Transitions in Family Economic Resources and Children's Development
Ebbing and Flowing, Learning and Growing: Family Economic Resources and Children's Development
Ebbing and Flowing, Learning and Growing: Transitions in Family Economic Resources and Children's Development
EC-HOME Across Five National Data Sets in the 3rd to 5th Year of Life
The Echo of Neighborhood Disadvantage: Multigenerational Contextual Hardship and Adult Income for Whites, Blacks, and Latinos
The Echo of Neighborhood Disadvantage: Multigenerational Exposure to Community Hardship in Childhood and Economic Well-Being in Adulthood
An Eclectic Model of Fertility: Economic, Attitudinal, and Demographic Factors
An Ecological Examination of the Self-Esteem of Students Receiving Special Education Services
Ecological Factors and Their Relationship to Maternal Reports of Behavioral Problems in African American Adolescents
Econometric Analysis of Functional Data
Econometric Analysis of Labor Income and Job Seeking Disparities in the United States Since 2010
An Econometric Analysis of the Birth Process by Racial/Ethnic Groups
An Econometric Analysis of the Birth Process by Racial/Ethnic Groups
Econometric Analysis of the Birth Process by Racial/Ethnic Groups, An
Econometric Approaches to Public Health Policy: Behavioral Response to Substance Use Regulations
An Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs for Native Americans
An Econometric Model of Birth Inputs and Outputs: A Detailed Report
An Econometric Study of the Impact of Economic Variables on Adult Obesity and Food Assistance Program Participation in the NLSY Panel
Economic Analyses of Child Abuse and Neglect
An Economic Analysis of Decisions on Physical Activity and Energy Imbalance: Cross-Sectional Evidence from a Panel of Middle-Aged Adults
An Economic Analysis of Employer Related Health Insurance Coverage and Job Mobility in The United States
An Economic Analysis of Internal Migration
An Economic Analysis of Quit Behavior: A Case Study of Young U.S. Males
An Economic Analysis of the Impact of Food Prices and Other Factors on Adult Lifestyles: Choices of Physical Activity and Healthy Weight
An Economic Analysis of the Impact of Food Prices and Other Factors on Adult Lifestyles: Choices of Physical Activity and Healthy Weight
Economic and Noneconomic Effects of Alternative Transitions Through School to Work
Economic Aspects of Self-Reported Work Disability
The Economic Attainment of Women: A Comparative Analysis of the Parental Role
The Economic Causes and Consequences of Overweight and Obesity in the United States
Economic Change at Mid-Life Widowhood: A Longitudinal Analysis
Economic Conditions at School Leaving and Sleep Patterns Across the Life Course
Economic Conditions at School-leaving and Self-employment
Economic Consequences of Divorce for Children
Economic Consequences of Divorce or Separation among Women in Poverty
Economic Consequences of Marital Disruption for Women in Their Middle Years
Economic Consequences of Midlife Changes in Marital Status
Economic Consequences of Poor Health in Mature Women
Economic Consequences of Poor Health, by Race and Sex
The Economic Consequences of the Dissolution of Cohabiting Unions
Economic Consequences of Workplace Injuries in the United States: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79)
The Economic Context of Higher Education Expansion: Race, Gender, and Household Finances Across Cohorts and Generations
The Economic Context of Higher Education Expansion: Race, Gender, and Household Finances Across Cohorts and Generations
Economic Contextual Factors, Food Consumption, and Obesity among U.S. Adolescents
Economic Contraction and Birth Outcomes: An Integrative Review
Economic Contraction and Maternal Health Behaviors During Pregnancy in a National Sample of U.S. Women
Economic Contraction and Maternal Pregnancy Behavior in NLSY79
Economic Contractions and Racial Differentials in Male Job Mobility
Economic Cost of Teen Drinking
The Economic Cost of Teen Drinking: Late Graduation and Lowered Earnings
The Economic Costs of Marital Disruption for Young Women Over the Past Two Decades
Economic Costs of Martial Disruption for Young Women in the United States: Have They Declined over the Past Two Decades?
The Economic Decline Of College Graduates: Fact Or Fallacy?
Economic Dependency and Cohabiting Couples' Union Transitions
The Economic Determinants and Cognitive Effects of Childhood Malnutrition in the United States
Economic Determinants and Consequences of Self-Reported Work Disability
Economic Determinants of Child Spacing in Small U.S. Families
Economic Determinants of Truancy
Economic Disparities in Middle Childhood Development: Does Income Matter?
Economic Effects of Physical Appearance
Economic Essays on Adult Students
Economic Factors and Relationship Quality Among Young Couples: Comparing Cohabitation and Marriage
Economic Forecasting with Many Predictors
Economic Hardship and the Development of Five- and Six-Year-Olds: Neighborhood and Regional Perspectives
Economic Incentives and Family Formation
Economic Independence, Economic Status, and Empty Nest in Midlife Marital Disruption
Economic Insecurity and the Spread of Obesity in Social Networks
Economic Instability and Mothers' Employment: A Comparison of Germany and the U.S.
Economic Issues in Crime Policy
Economic Mobility in a Youth Cohort, 1979-1993
Economic Mobility in a Youth Cohort, 1979-1997
Economic Mobility of Single Mothers: The Role of Assets and Human Capital Development
Economic Mobility, Family Background, and the Well-Being of Children in the United States and Canada
An Economic Model of Household Income Dynamics, with an Application to Poverty Dynamics Among American Women
An Economic Model of Teen Motherhood: Opportunity Costs, Biological Constraints and the Timing of First Birth
Economic Perspectives on Childhood Obesity
Economic Perspectives on the Roles of Women in the American Economy
Economic Perturbations and Fetal Growth: A Multilevel Analysis of Exposure to Labor Market Insecurity during Gestation and Birth Weight for Gestational Age
Economic Progress of Black Women
Economic Rationale for Sex Differences in Education
The Economic Reality of the Beauty Myth
The Economic Reality of the Beauty Myth
Economic Research on Women and Families
Economic Resources and Achievement Oriented Parenting Explain Most Ethnic Disparities in Child and Adolescent Achievement
Economic Resources and Single Motherhood: Incidence and Resolution of Premarital Childbearing among Young American Women
Economic Resources and Trajectories of Children's Mental Health over the Early Life Course
Economic Responses to Poor Health in Older Males: Final Report and Executive Summary
Economic Returns to Community and Four-Year College Education
Economic Returns to Education for Entrepreneurs: The Development of a Neglected Child in the Family of Economics of Education?
Economic Returns to Migration: Marital Status and Gender Differences
Economic Returns to Military Service
Economic Segmentation and the Course of the Occupational Career
Economic Shocks and Household Decisions
Economic Statistics, BLS Budget Cuts Said AFfecting Major Data on Employment, Prices, Boskin Initiative
Economic Status as a Determinant of Mortality Among Nonwhite and White Older Males: Does Poverty Kill?
Economic Stress and Psycho-Physiological Well-Being
Economic Value of Academic and Vocational Training Acquired in High School
The Economic Value of Opportunity Youth
The Economic Value of Teeth
The Economic Value of Teeth
Economic Viability And Marriage: Life Course Transitions White and African Americans. 1967-1993
Economic Volatility and Union Formation in Young Adulthood
Economic Well-Being and Marital Stability: Implications for Income Maintenance Programs
Economic Well-Being Following an Exit from Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Economic Well-Being Following Marital Termination: A Comparison of Widowed and Divorced Women
Economic Well-Being in a Youth Cohort
Economics and Psychology of Inequality and Human Development
Economics and Psychology of Inequality and Human Development
Economics of Comparable Worth
Economics of Fertility, Educational Choice and Labor Force Behavior
Economics of Health and Mortality Special Feature: Economics, Technology, and Neuroscience of Human Capability Formation
The Economics of Obesity: Research and Policy Implications from a Canada-U.S. Comparison
Economics of Rectitude: Necessary But Not Sufficient
The Economics of Retirement: A Nontechnical Guide
The Economics of Sexual Orientation and Racial Perception
The Economics of Teacher Quality
The Economics of the Criminal Behavior of Young Adults: Estimation of an Economic Model of Crime with a Correction for Aggregate Market and Public Policy Variables - Statistical Data Included
Education and Crime Over the Life Cycle
Education and Earnings of Working Women
Education and Health Over the Life Cycle
Education and Income of Women: An Analysis of NLS
Education and Labor Market Discrimination
Education and Labor Market Outcomes of High School Diploma and GED Graduates: Indicator of the Month
Education and Obesity at Age 40 among American Adults
Education and Student Debt: Differences in Marriage Patterns Among U.S. Young Adults
Education and the Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry
Education and the Work Histories of Young Adults
Education and Training of American Workers
Education and Unemployment of Women
Education as a Case for Beer Tax
Education Data in the NLSY79: A Premiere Research Tool
Education Differences in Intended and Unintended Fertility
An Education Gradient in Health or a Health Gradient in Education? Education and Self-Rated Health from Age 15 to Age 31
An Education Gradient in Health, a Health Gradient in Education, or a Confounded Gradient in Both?
Education Loans and Asset Building among Black and Hispanic Young Adults
Education Loans and Wealth Building among Young Adults
Education Matters: Longitudinal Pathways to Midlife Heavy Drinking in a National Cohort of Black Americans
Education Outcomes and School Poverty and Urbanicity
Education Policy and Intergenerational Transfers in Equilibrium
Education Policy and Intergenerational Transfers in Equilibrium
Education Policy and Mental Health
Education, Cognition, Health Knowledge, and Health Behavior
Education, Occupation, and Income: The Effects of Attending a Community College on the Labor Market Outcomes of Young Men and Women
Education, Work, and Crime a Human Capital Approach
Education, Work, and Crime: A Human Capital Approach
Education, Work, and Crime: Theory and Evidence
Education: Consumption or Production?
Education's Effect on Mental Ability
Educational Achievement of U.S. Puerto Ricans
Educational Advantage and Unintended Pregnancy
Educational Aid Policy and Inequality: The Case for Merit- and Need-based Aid
Educational and Affective Results of Divorce on Adolescent School Age Children
Educational and Military Experience of Young Men During the Vietnam Era: Non-Linear Effects of Parental Social Class
Educational and Occupational Aspirations and Attainment of Young Hispanic Female Workers
Educational and Occupational Aspirations as Determinants of Adolescent Fertility
Educational Assortative Mating Across Marriage Markets: Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States
Educational Assortative Mating and Income Dynamics in Couples: A Longitudinal and Dyadic Perspective
Educational Assortative Mating and Income Dynamics in Couples: A Longitudinal Dyadic Perspective
The Educational Attainment Among Combat Veterans and Non-Combat Veterans In The Most Recent All-Volunteer Force Era
Educational Attainment and Alcohol Use before, during and after College
Educational Attainment and Gestational Weight Gain among U.S. Mothers
Educational Attainment and Health Behaviors Among Young Adult Men: Racial/Ethnic Disparities
Educational Attainment and Labor Market Integration of Young Adults, with Emphasis on Second-Generation Immigrants
Educational Attainment and Poverty Status of Teen Mothers and Non-Teen Mothers
Educational Attainment and Smoking among Women: Risk Factors and Consequences for Offspring
Educational Attainment and the Gender Wage Gap: A Comparison of Young Men and Women in 1984 and 2007
Educational Attainment of Children from Single-Parent Families: Differences by Exposure, Gender and Race
Educational Attainment of Children of Immigrants: Evidence from NLSY79 and NLSY97
Educational Attainment of Children of Immigrants: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Educational Attainment of First and Second Generation Immigrant Youth New Findings from National Longitudinal Data
Educational Attainment of Second-Generation Immigrants: A U.S.-Canada Comparison
Educational Attainment of Women: Socialization and Allocation Processes
The Educational Attainment of Young Women: Role Model Effects of Female High School Faculty
Educational Attainment Past the Traditional Age of Completion for Two Cohorts of US Adults: Inequalities by Gender and Race/Ethnicity
Educational Attainment Process among Adolescents with Disabilities and Children of Parents with Disabilities
Educational Attainment Process Among Adolescents with Disabilities and Children of Parents with Disabilities
Educational Attainment Trajectories of U.S. Adults: Sociodemographic Differences in When People Finish Their Schooling
Educational Attainment, Continued Learning Experience, and Cognitive Function among Older Men
Educational Attainment, Employment, and Working from Home, February-May 2021
Educational Attainment, Labor Force Participation and the Wages of White, African-American, Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, and Other Hispanic Young Males During the 1980's
Educational Attainment, Romantic Relationships, and Non-Marital Fertility
Educational Attainment: A Comparative Analysis of Asians vs. Traditional Minorities
Educational Attainment: The Effects of Socioeconomic Differences
Educational Attainment: The Fence First and Second Generation Immigrant Youth Straddle
Educational Choice, Initial Wage and Wage Growth
Educational Differences in the Migration Responses of Young Workers to Local Labor Market Conditions
Educational Differentiation and Status Attainments: The Community College Controversy
The Educational Expansion and Persistent Inequality: The Effects of Extra-curricular Activities on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
Educational Expansion, Field of Study, and Gender Inequalities in Skill Usage Across Four Cohort Studies
Educational Expansion, Fields of Study, and the Gender Gap in Analytic Skill Usage on the Job
Educational Experiences and Labor Market Outcomes of Youth
Educational Homogamy in Marital and Cohabiting Unions: A Test of the Double Selection Hypothesis
Educational Homogamy in Marital and Cohabiting Unions: A Test of the Double Selection Hypothesis
Educational Implications of Adolescent Fathering
Educational Indicators and Occupational Achievement
Educational Inequality, Educational Expansion, and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Educational Inequality, Educational Expansion, and Intergenerational Income Persistence in the United States
Educational Input and Fertility Response
Educational Levels, Aspirations and Expectations of Military and Civilian Males, Ages 18-22
Educational Mobility across Three Generations of American Women
Educational Pathways and Cigarette Smoking in Early and Mid-Adulthood: Findings from the NLSY79 Cohort
Educational Pathways and the Smoking and Binge Drinking Behavior of U.S. Young Adults
Educational Reform and Technical Education?
Educational, Career and Family Outcomes of Young Professional Workers
The Effect Interruptions in Work Experience Have on Wages
The Effect of 21st Century Military Service on Civilian Labor and Educational Outcomes
The Effect of a Child’s Sex on Support for Traditional Gender Roles
The Effect of Access and Exposure on Occupational Segregation for Women and Minorities
The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height
The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height
The Effect of Adolescent Neighborhood Poverty on Adult Employment
The Effect of Adolescent Neighborhood Poverty on Adult Employment
The Effect of Affirmative Action Programs on Female Employment and Earnings
The Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Labor Market Outcomes of Young Adults: Evidence from Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws
The Effect of an Early Career Recession on Schooling and Lifetime Welfare
The Effect of Arrests on the Employment and Earnings of Young Men
The Effect of Attitudes on Teenage Premarital Pregnancy and its Resolution
The Effect of Bargaining Positions in Marriage on Human Capital Accumulation
The Effect of Birth Order on Occupational Choice
Effect of Breast Feeding on Intelligence in Children: Prospective Study, Sibling Pairs Analysis, and Meta-Analysis
Effect of Breast Feeding on Intelligence in Children: Prospective Study, Sibling Pairs Analysis, and Meta-Analysis
The Effect of Catholic Secondary Schooling on Educational Attainment
Effect of Change in Industrial Structure on the Early Retirement of American Men
Effect of Change in Industrial Structure on the Early Retirement of American Men
The Effect of Child Care Characteristics on Child Development
The Effect of Child Care Characteristics on Child Development
The Effect of Child Gender on Parents' Labor Supply: An Examination of Natives, Immigrants, and their Children
Effect of Childhood Victimization on Occupational Prestige and Income Trajectories
The Effect of Children on Marital Dissolution
The Effect of Children on the Level of Labor Market Involvement of Married Women: What is the Role of Education?
The Effect Of Children On Women's Wages
Effect of Church Attendance during Youth on Future Psychological Capital Endowments: the US Evidence
The Effect of Community Colleges on Changing Students' Educational Aspirations
The Effect of Corporal Punishment on Antisocial Behavior in Children
The Effect of County-level Smoke-free Air (SFA) Policies on Smoking and Drinking
The Effect of Culture on Fertility Behavior of US Teen Mothers
The Effect of Cumulative Job Mobility on Early-career Wage Development: Does Job Mobility Actually Pay?
The Effect of Curfews on Juvenile Criminal Activity: An Individual-Level Analysis
The Effect of Delayed Childbearing on the Motherhood Wage Penalty
The Effect of Demographic Factors on Schooling and Entry Wages
The Effect of Differential Fertility on Group Occupational Mobility
The Effect of Disability Income on Retirement Decisions and Wealth
Effect of Divorce on Wages of Working Women
The Effect of Drug Arrest on Subsequent Drug Offending and Social Bonding
The Effect of Early Labor Market Experience upon Internal-External Locus of Control Among Young Male Workers
The Effect of Early Marriage on the Educational Attainment of Young Men
The Effect of Economic Conditions at High School Graduation Year on Short and Long Run Labor Market Outcomes
The Effect of Education and Parental Education on Obesity
The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports
The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports
Effect of Educational Attainment on Mortality Rates and Cause of Death Structures
Effect of Employees' Life Events on Organizational Withdrawal Behaviors
Effect of Employer Access to Criminal History Data on the Labor Market Outcomes of Ex-Offenders and Non-Offenders
Effect of Employer Access to Criminal History Data on the Labor Market Outcomes of Ex-Offenders and Non-Offenders
Effect of Employer Access to Criminal History Data on the Labor Market Outcomes of Ex-Offenders and Non-Offenders
Effect of Employer-Provided Health Insurance on Job Mobility: Job-Lock or Job-Push?
The Effect of Employment Frictions on Crime
Effect of Exercise on Earnings: Evidence from the NLSY
The Effect of Exercise on Earnings: Evidence from the NLSY
The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions
The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions
The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions
The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions
The Effect of Experiencing a Death on Life Insurance Ownership
The Effect of Family Background and Dynamics on Child Test Score, Marital Sorting and Risk Preference
The Effect of Family Migration on Wives' Employment: How Long Does it Last
The Effect of Fatherhood on Employment Hours: Variation by Birth Timing, Marriage, and Coresidence
Effect of Favorable Employment Change on Alcohol Abuse: One- and Five-Year Follow-Ups in The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Effect of Firm Size on Wage Rates
The Effect of First Interbirth Interval on Women’s Poverty at Midlife
The Effect of First Interbirth Interval on Women’s Poverty at Midlife
The Effect of Formal Training on Employment Duration
The Effect of Generations and Occupations on Job Satisfaction: Examination of the NLSY Archival Data
The Effect of Geographic Mobility on the Socioeconomic Achievement of Young Hispanic Men
The Effect of Grade Retention on Child Test Scores
The Effect of Having a Disabled Sibling at Various Ages on Educational Attainment
The Effect of Health and Poverty on Early Childhood Cognitive Development
The Effect of Household Hospitalizations on the Educational Attainment of Youth
The Effect of Housing Wealth on College Choice: Evidence from the Housing Boom
The Effect of Housing Wealth on College Choice: Evidence from the Housing Boom
The Effect of Human Capital and Labor Market Segments on Retirement Income: A Policy Analysis
The Effect of Human Capital on the Economic Status of Divorced and Separated Women: Differences by Race
The Effect of Human Capital on the Economic Status of Women Following Marital Disruption
The Effect of Human Capital on the Economic Status of Women Immediately Following Divorce or Separation
The Effect of Illicit Drug Use on the Labor Supply of Young Adults
The Effect of Illicit Drug Use on the Wages of Young Adults
The Effect of Implicit Contracts on the Movement of Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys
The Effect of Incarceration on Adult Male BMI Trajectories, USA, 1981–2006
The Effect of Incarceration on Marriage and Work Over the Life Course
The Effect of Incarceration on Midlife Health: A Life-Course Approach
The Effect of Incarceration on Residential Mobility between Poor and Nonpoor Neighborhoods
The Effect of Income on Child Development
The Effect of Income on Health: Evidence from New Health Measures in the NLSY
The Effect of Income Taxes on Interstate Migration: An Analysis by Age and Race
The Effect of Increasing Welfare Mothers’ Education on their Young Children’s Academic Problems and School Readiness
Effect of Interview Length on Attrition in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Effect Of Item Text Characteristics On Children's Growth In Reading
The Effect of Job Tenure on Wage Offers
Effect of Labor Market Changes from the Early 1970s to the Late 1980s on Youth Wage, Earnings, and Household Economic Position
Effect of Level of College Entry on Midcareer Occupational Attainments
Effect of Marital Status on the Standard of Living of Young Men and Women
The Effect of Marriage on Weight Gain and Propensity to Become Obese in the African American Community
Effect of Marriage, Divorce, Separation and Children on the Relative Standard of Living of Young Men and Women
The Effect of Match Quality and Specific Experience on Career Decisions and Wage Growth
The Effect of Match Quality and Specific Experience on Career Decisions and Wage Growth
The Effect of Maternal and Own Education on BMI Trajectories from Adolescence to Adulthood
The Effect of Maternal Depression and Substance Abuse on Child Human Capital Development
The Effect of Maternal Education on Child Health
The Effect of Maternal Education on Child Health
The Effect of Maternal Educational Upgrading on Children's Well-Being and Academic Achievement
The Effect of Maternal Employment and Child Care Choices on Children's Cognitive Development
The Effect of Maternal Employment and Child Care on Children's Cognitive Development.
The Effect of Maternal Employment Experiences on Adolescent Outcomes
The Effect of Maternal Employment on Adolescent Development
The Effect of Maternal Employment on Adolescents' Transition to Young Adulthood
The Effect of Maternal Incarceration on Adult Offspring Involvement in the Criminal Justice System
The Effect of Maternal Labor Force Participation on Child Development
The Effect of Maternal Labor Force Participation on Child Development
Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring's Cognitive Ability: Empirical Evidence for Complete Confounding in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Effect of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on Offspring's Cognitive Ability: Empirical Evidence for Complete Confounding in the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Effect of Medicaid Abortion Funding Restrictions on Abortions, Pregnancies and Births
The Effect of Medicaid Abortion Funding Restrictions on Abortions, Pregnancies, and Births
The Effect of Minimum Academic Requirements to Participate in Sports on High School Graduation
The Effect of Minimum Drinking Age Laws on Pregnancy, Fertility, and Alcohol Consumption
The Effect of Mother-Child Reading Time on Children's Reading Skills: Evidence From Natural Within‐Family Variation
Effect of Mother's Employment on Adolescent and Early Adult Outcomes of Young Men and Women
The Effect of Mother's Schooling on Children's Outcomes: Causal Links and Transmission Channels
The Effect of Naturalization on the Earnings Profiles of Young Workers
The Effect of Naturalization on Wage Growth: A Panel Study of Young Male Immigrants
The Effect of Neighborhood Context on Educational Achievement
The Effect of Neighborhood Context on Obesity among Youth
The Effect of Neighborhood Context on Obesity and Educational Achievement among Youth
The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty and Migration on Behavior Change in Children
The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty and Residential Mobility on Child Well-Being
The Effect of Obesity on Disability Risk, Recurrence and Recovery, among Working Age Adults Living in the United States
The Effect of Obesity on Intergenerational Income Mobility
The Effect of Obesity on Labor Market Outcomes
The Effect of Obesity on Labor Market Outcomes
The Effect of Occupational Male Dominance on Women's Employment Exits: Differences among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
The Effect of Parental Incarceration Prior to Age 16 on Sexual Health and Characteristics of First Sexual Experience
The Effect of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement in Children Who Attended Head Start
The Effect of Parental Job Loss on Children
The Effect of Parental Leave Duration on Early-career Wage Growth
The Effect of Parental Time Investments: Evidence from Natural Within-Family Variation
The Effect of Parenting Styles and Depressive Symptoms on Young Adult's Educational Attainment
The Effect of Parenting Styles and Depressive Symptoms on Youths' Educational Attainment
The Effect of Parenting Styles in Adolescent Delinquency: Exploring the Interactions Between Race, Class, and Gender
The Effect of Performance Pay on US Workers' Physical and Emotional Health
The Effect of Physical Height on Workplace Success and Income: Preliminary Test of a Theoretical Model
The Effect of Poverty on Children's Academic Performance
The Effect of Pregnancy Intention on Child Development
The Effect of Prenatal and Postnatal Care on Childhood Obesity
The Effect of Promoting Access to Community Colleges on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
Effect of Religious Attendance on the Middle-aged Worker's Wage in the United States: A Possible Causal Connection
The Effect of Remediation on Two-Year College Students
The Effect of Residential Location on the Wages of Black Women and White Women
The Effect of School Discipline on Offending across Time
The Effect of School-to-Work Programs on Entry into Nontraditional Employment: Do Education- and Employment-based Initiatives Influence the Transition to a Stratified Workforce?
The Effect of Schooling and Ability on Achievement Test Scores
Effect of Schooling, Training, Work Experience, and Economic Sector on the Vocational Success of Low-IQ and Average-IQ Young Men
The Effect of Serving in the Military on Family Size: Evidence from the NLSY97
The Effect of Sex Role Attitudes and Personal Characteristics on Job Satisfaction and Labor Force Turnover among Women: A Longitudinal Study
The Effect of Sibling Sex Composition on Women's Education and Earnings
The Effect of Single Mothers’ Employment on Their Children’s Mental Health in Young Adulthood: Random Effects Model for Longitudinal Data
The Effect of Smoke-Free Air Law in Bars on Smoking Initiation and Relapse among Teenagers and Young Adults
The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Delinquency Across Urban and Rural Contexts: Using a Genetically Informed Design to Identify Environmental Risk
Effect of Students' Self-Esteem on Later Employment Status: Interactions of Self-Esteem with Gender and Race
Effect of Survey Conditions on Self-Reported Substance Use
The Effect of Tangible Assets and Human Capital on the Economic Well-Being of Women After Marital Disruption
The Effect of Taxation on the Hours Worked by Married Women
The Effect of Taxation on the Probability of Labor Force Participation by Married Women
The Effect of Taxes on Alcoholic Consumption: An Individual Level of Analysis with a Correction for Aggregate Public Policy Variables
The Effect of Teen Childbearing and Single Parenthood on Childhood Disabilities and Progress in School
The Effect of Teenage Employment on Delinquency and Problem Behaviors
The Effect of Teenage Fertility on Young Adult Childbearing
Effect of Teenage Parenthood on Mental Health Trajectories: Does Sex Matter?
Effect of the Christian Higher Education Ethos on the Probability of Graduates Being Selected for Termination During a Reduction in Workforce
The Effect of the Demographic Cycle on Schooling and Entry Wages
The Effect of the Loss of a Parent on the Future Earnings of a Minor Child.
The Effect of the Marriage Penalty on Female Labor Supply
The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Children's Cognitive Achievement
The Effect of the Price of Housing on Child and Young Adult Achievement
The Effect of the Sex Composition of Jobs on Starting Wages in an Organization: Findings from the NLSY
The Effect of the Timing and Frequency of Marijuana Use on Fetal Growth Based on Sibling Birth Data
The Effect of the Timing and Spacing of Births on the Level of Labor Market Involvement of Married Women
The Effect of Tuition and Labor Market Conditions on College Entry, Dropout and Re-enrollment
The Effect of Type of Child Care and Maternal Employment and Self-Esteem on Children's Behavioral Adjustment: Findings from the U.S. NLSY
The Effect of Type of Education on an Individual's Self Employment Choice: Comparison of Vocational and College Education
The Effect of Type of Union on Member-Nonmember Wage Differentials
Effect of Underemployment on School-Leavers' Self-Esteem
The Effect of Unemployment and Relative Income Disparity on Infidelity for Men and Women
The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Alcohol Use and Abuse Following Job Loss
Effect of Unemployment on School Leavers' Self-Esteem
The Effect of Unionism on Worker Attachment to Firms
The Effect of Unionism on Worker Attachment to Firms
The Effect of Unionism on Workers' Valuation of Future Pension Benefits
The Effect of Unions on the Receipt of Unemployment Insurance Benefits
The Effect of Urbanization on Labor Turnover
The Effect of Variation in Intact Family Forms on Deviant and Antisocial Behavior
Effect of Veteran Status on Spatial and Socioeconomic Mobility: Outcomes for Black and White Men in the Late 20th Century
The Effect of Wealth on Worker Productivity
Effect of Welfare on Child Outcomes
Effect of Welfare on Marriage and Fertility: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?
Effect of Wives' Educations on Husbands' Earnings
Effect of Wives' Employment on Family Migration
Effect of Work Interruptions on Subsequent Earnings
The Effect of Work-schedule Control on Volunteering among Early Career Employees
The Effect of Youth Alcohol Initiation on High School Completion
The Effect of Youth Labor Market Experience on Adult Earnings
The Effect of Youth Poverty Rates and Migration on Adult Wages
The Effect on Black-White Wage Differences of Differences in the Quantity and Quality of Education
The Effect on Teenage Childbearing on Social Capital Development: New Evidence on Civic Engagement
The Effect(s) of Teen Pregnancy: Reconciling Theory, Methods, and Findings
Effective Parenting and Self-Control: Difference by Gender
The Effectiveness of Alternative Methods of Searching for Jobs and Finding Them: An Exploratory Analysis of the Data Bearing Upon Coping with Joblessness
Effectiveness of Job Search and Job Finding Methods of Young Americans
Effectiveness of Workplace Drug Prevention Policies: Does 'Zero Tolerance' Work?
The Effects of a Dedicated Education Savings Account on Children's College Graduation
Effects of Ability and Family Background on Non-Monetary Returns to Education
The Effects of Absent Fathers on Adolescent Criminal Activity: An Economic Approach
Effects of Adolescent Substance Use on Educational Attainment, Adult Substance Use, and the Adult Wage Rate
The Effects of Affordable Housing on Children's Well-Being: Phase Two
Effects of Age at School Entry on Child Cognitive and Behavioral Development
Effects of Age, Length of Work Interruption and State of the Economy on the Reentry Wages of Women
The Effects of Alcohol on the Consumption of Hard Drugs: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 1997
Effects of Alcohol Price Policy on Youth: A Summary of Economic Research
Effects of Alcohol Use on Teenager and Young Adult Sexual Behaviors
The Effects of Alignment of Educational Expectations and Occupational Aspirations on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from NLSY79
The Effects of an Increase in Minimum Wage on Labor Market Transitions: Evidence from NLSY
Effects of Attitudes and Aspirations on the Labor Supply of Young Black Men
The Effects of Attitudes on Teenage Pregnancy and its Resolution
The Effects of Career Origins on Subsequent Socioeconomic Attainments
Effects of Career-Technical and College-Preparatory High School Curricula on Educational Attainment
The Effects of Catholic Secondary Schooling on Educational Achievement
Effects of Changes in Maternal Occupational Characteristics on Maternal Depression and Adolescent Well-Being
Effects of Child Support Enforcement on Pregnancy Intention
The Effects of Child Support Payments on Child Health Outcomes
The Effects of Child Support Payments on Developmental Outcomes for Elementary School-Age Children
Effects of Child Support Reform on Child Well-Being
Effects of Child-Care Arrangements on Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes in 3- and 4-Year-Olds: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY
Effects of Child-Care Programs on Women's Effort
Effects of Childcare Arrangements on Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes: Evidence from a National Sample of 3-4 Year Olds
Effects of Childhood Family Structure on the Transition to Marriage
Effects of Childhood Foster Care and Adoption on Adulthood Childbearing
Effects of Children and Employment Status on the Volunteer Work of American Women
The Effects of Children, Job Changes, and Employment Interruptions on Women's Wages
Effects of Children's and Mothers' Bodyweight on Childhood Educational Achievement
Effects of Children's Behavior Difficulties on Mother's Self-Esteem
The Effects of Children's Head Start Enrollment Age on Their Short- and Long-Term Developmental Outcomes
The Effects of Cigarette Costs on BMI and Obesity
The Effects of Clinical Depression on Schooling and Wages
The Effects of Closely Spaced and Widely Spaced Sibship Size on Intellectual Development: Reply to Phillips and Downey et al.
Effects of Cocaine and Marijuana Use on Marriage and Marital Stability
The Effects of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities on Labor Market Outcomes and Social Behavior
The Effects of Collective Bargaining as Measured for Men in Blue-Collar Jobs
Effects of College Major on Work Outcome: Gender Differences and Change Over Time, 1960s/1970s--1980s/1990s
The Effects of College on Weight: Examining the "Freshman 15" Myth and Other Effects of College Over the Life Cycle
Effects of Computer Assisted Interviewing on Data Quality
Effects of Confidential Access to Oral Contraception in Late Adolescence on Work and Earnings
Effects of County and State Contextual Factors on Youth Disproportionate Contact with the Justice System
Effects of County and State Economic, Social, and Political Contexts on Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in Youth's Penetration into the Justice System
The Effects of Curfews on Juvenile Criminal Activity: An Individual-Level Analysis
Effects of Daycare Reconsidered
Effects of Daycare Reconsidered
Effects of Depressive Symptoms on Earnings
Effects of Divorce Risk on the Labour Supply of Married Couples
Effects of Early and Current Maternal Employment on Children from High Risk Families
Effects of Early and Recent Maternal Employment on Children from Low Income Families
Effects of Early and Recent Maternal Employment on Children from Low-Income Families
Effects of Early Childbearing on High School Completion Among Recent Cohorts of American Women
The Effects of Early Childbearing on Schooling Over Time
The Effects of Early Maternal Employment on Child Cognitive Development
The Effects of Early Maternal Employment on Later Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes
The Effects of Early Work Experience on Young Women's Labor Force Attachment
The Effects of Earned Income Tax Credit Payment Expansion on Maternal Smoking
The Effects of Economic Climate on Job Search
Effects of Economic Conditions on the Labor Market Status and Experience of Displaced Older Male Workers
Effects of Education and Experience on Pay Inequality Among Male and Female Professionals a Cross-Sectional Study
Effects of Education and Occupational Training on the Wages of Mature Women
Effects of Education on Business Ownership: a Longitudinal Study of Women
Effects of Education on Retirement Among White Male Wage-and-Salary Workers
The Effects of Educational Choices on Labor Market, Health, and Social Outcomes
The Effects of EITC Payment Expansion on Maternal Smoking
Effects of Elite College Attendance on Job Quality
Effects of Employment Opportunities and Incentives on the Work Ethic and Initiative of Youths
The Effects of Employment while Pregnant on Health at Birth
The Effects of Familial, Economic, and Social Variables on Children's Educational Attainment
The Effects of Family Background Variables on Children's Educational Attainment
The Effects of Family Characteristics on the Return to Education
Effects of Family Instability, Income, and Income Instability on the Risk of a Premarital Birth
Effects of Family Leave on Wages, Employment, and the Family Wage Gap: Distributional Implications
Effects of Family Religiosity, Parental Control and Monitoring on Adolescent Substance Use
Effects of Family Stability and Nestleaving Patterns on the Transition to Marriage
The Effects of Family Structure and Family Process on the Psychological Well-Being of Children: From the Children's Point of View
Effects of Family Structure and Fathering Time on Child Behavior Problems and Reading Deficits
Effects of Family Structure and Income on the Risk of a Premarital Birth
The Effects of Family Structure and Parental Resources on Child Body Weight
The Effects of Family Structure on African American Adolescents' Marijuana Use
The Effects of Family Structure on Educational Attainment: Do the Effects Vary by Age of the Child?
Effects of Family Structure on the Risk of First Premarital Birth in the Presence of Correlated Unmeasured Family Effects
Effects of Family Structure on the Risk of First Premarital Birth in the Presence of Correlated Unmeasured Family Effects
The Effects of Family Structure on Youth Outcomes in the NLSY97
The Effects of Family, Social and Background Factors on Children's Educational Attainment
Effects of Father Involvement on Adolescent Outcomes in Immigrant and Native Born Families
The Effects of Federal Housing Assistance on Exiting Welfare and Becoming Employed for Welfare Recipients
Effects of Firm and Industry Structures on Black/White Wage Inequality in the United States Economy, 1988
Effects of Firm Structure on Wages and Careers
Effects of Flexible Work Hours and Company-Provided Child Care on Wages of Mothers and Other Women
Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume II, Data Sources
The Effects of Food Stamp Receipt on Weight Gained by Expectant Mothers
The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity
The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity
The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity
The Effects of Gender Segregation, Labor Force Participation, and Family Roles on the Earnings of Young Adult Workers
The Effects of Government-Mandated Family Leave on Employer Family Leave Policies
The Effects of Graduating from College During a Recession on Living Standards
The Effects of Having a Disabled Sibling during Childhood on Young Adults’ Educational Attainment
Effects of Health Problems on the Work Experiences of Middle-Aged Men
Effects of Heterogeneity in Marital Status on Welfare Participation
The Effects of High School Athletic Participation on Education and Labor Market Outcomes
Effects of High School Curriculum on Age-Earnings Profiles
Effects of High School Delinquency on Educational Attainment and Adult Occupational Status
The Effects of High School Employment on Educational Attainment Among Hispanic American Youths
The Effects of High School Math Curriculum on College Attendance: Evidence from the NLSY97
The Effects of High School Mathematics and Science Classes on Wages
The Effects of High School Performing Arts Participation on Educational and Occupational Attainment
Effects of High School Work Experience a Decade Later: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey
Effects of High School Work Experience a Decade Later: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey
Effects of High School Work Experience on Future Economic Attainment
Effects of High Unemployment in the Late 1970s on the Wages of Young Men and Women
The Effects of Higher Education Tax Benefits and Aid Information on College Decisions
Effects of Higher EITC Payments on Children's Health, Quality of Home Environment, and Noncognitive Skills
Effects of Home Environment, SES, and Maternal Test Scores on Mathematics Achievement
The Effects of Homeownership on Children's Outcomes: Real Effects or Self-Selection?
Effects of Household Composition and Income Security on Body Weight in Working-age Men
The Effects of Household Income Volatility on Divorce
The Effects of Housing Wealth on Education and Other Essays in Empirical Microeconomics
Effects of Immigration Status and Maternal Health Behaviors on Gestational Weight Gain and Adherence to Institute of Medicine Gestational Weight Gain Recommendations
Effects of Income and Age at Marriage on Marital Stability
Effects of Income and Assets on Marital Instability: A Longitudinal Analysis
The Effects of Increasing Mothers’ Educational Attainment on Children’s Academic Achievement: Evidence from the NLSY
Effects of Individual and Occupational Characteristics on the Career Paths of Young Males
The Effects of Individual Risk Propensity on Volunteering
Effects of Individual, Occupational, and Industrial Characteristics on Earnings: Intersections of Race and Gender
The Effects of Infant Daycare on Later-in-Life Employment Outcomes
The Effects of Interrupted Schooling on Wages
The Effects of Intervening Work Experience on Undergraduate Persistence [Electronic Resource]
The Effects of Jail and Prison Confinement on Cohabitation and Marriage
Effects of Job Displacement on Younger Workers
Effects of Job Satisfaction on the Worker's Wage and Weekly Hours: A Simultaneous Equations Approach
The Effects of Job Turnover on the Training of Men and Women
Effects of Labor Force Composition on Earnings and Earnings Growth
Effects of Labor Force Participation on Women's Health - New Evidence from a Longitudinal Study
Effects of Labor Market Activity and Financial Resources on the Subjective Well-Being of Older Men
Effects of Labor Market Changes on Young Adult Employment, Labor Market Mobility, Living Arrangements, and Economic Independence: A Cohort Analysis
Effects of Labor Unions on the Wages of Youth
Effects of Living in a Single-Parent Family on Educational Attainment of Young Men and Women and on Earnings of Young Men
Effects of Long-Term Poverty on Physical Health of Children in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Effects of Low Income and Living With a Single Parent on High School Completion for Young Women
Effects of Low-Wage Employment on Family Well-Being
The Effects of Marital Conflict and Marital Disruption on Depressive Affect: A Comparison Between Women In and Out of Poverty
The Effects of Marital Disruption on the Labor Supply Behavior of Young Women
The Effects of Marriage and a Working Wife on Occupational and Wage Attainment
Effects of Marriage and Divorce on the Poverty States of Young Adults
Effects of Marriage and Maternal Education in Reducing Child Poverty
The Effects of Maternal Age-at-Birth on Children's Cognitive Development
The Effects of Maternal Alcohol Use Disorders on Childhood Relationships and Mental Health
Effects of Maternal Depressive Symptomatology on the Continuity and Discontinuity of Problem Behaviors and Substance Use in Offspring: A Life Course Perspective
Effects of Maternal Employment and Child Care Arrangements in Infancy on Preschoolers' Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes
Effects of Maternal Employment and Child-Care Arrangements in Infancy on Preschoolers' Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY
The Effects of Maternal Employment on the Initiation of Adolescent Risky Behaviors
Effects of Maternal Labor Force Participation and Income on Child Development
Effects of Maternal Parenting and Mother-Child Relationship Quality on Short-Term Longitudinal Change in Self-Regulation in Early Adolescence
The Effects of Maternal Welfare Participation on Children's Developmental Outcomes in the Welfare Reform Era
The Effects of Maternal Welfare Participation On Children's Developmental Outcomes in the Welfare Reform Era
Effects of Maternal Work and Child Care During the First Three Years of Life on Children's Cognitive Abilities
Effects of Maternal Work Incentives on Adolescent Behaviors
Effects of Maternal Work Incentives on Adolescent Social Behaviors
Effects of Maternal Working Conditions and Mastery on Child Behavior Problems: Studying the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Control
The Effects of Maternal Working Conditions and Mastery on Child Behavior Problems: Studying the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Control
Effects of Maternal Working Conditions in the First Year of Life on PPVT Among 3-6 Year Old Children: Estimates from Longitudinal Models
Effects of Maternal Working Conditions in the First Year of Life on PPVT-R Among 3-6 Year Olds: Evidence from the NLSY
Effects of Maternity Leave Benefits on Labor Market Outcomes
The Effects of Maternity Leave Legislation on Mothers' Labor Supply after Childbirth
The Effects of Maternity Leave Legislation on Mothers' Labor Supply After Childbirth
Effects of Measurement Timing on Subgroup Identification Using Growth Mixture Modeling: An Empirical Application to Alcohol Use
Effects of Migration and Training on Post-Service Earnings of All-Volunteer Force Veterans
Effects of Military Experience on the Post-Service Lives of Low-Aptitude Recruits: Project 100,000 and the ASVAB Misnorming
The Effects of Minimum Legal Drinking Ages on Teen Childbearing
The Effects of Minimum Wages on (Almost) Everything? A Review of Recent Evidence on Health and Related Behaviors
Effects of Minimum Wages on Human Capital Formation
Effects of Minimum Wages on Teenage Employment, Enrollment, and Idleness
Effects of Mother's Employment in Early Childhood on the Risk of Overweight in Adolescence: Regional Comparisons
The Effects of Motherhood Timing on Career Path
The Effects of Motherhood Timing on Career Path
Effects of Multiple Maternal Relationship Transitions on Offspring Antisocial Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence: A Cousin-Comparison Analysis
Effects of Multiple Roles on Women's Health- Evidence from a National Longitudinal Study
Effects of Nonmaternal Care in the First 3 Years on Children's Academic Skills and Behavioral Functioning in Childhood and Early Adolescence: A Sibling Comparison Study
Effects of Nonmaternal Child Care on Inequality in Cognitive Skills
Effects of Nonparental Child Care on Child Development: An Update
Effects of Nonresponse on the Measurement of Social Life Feelings
The Effects of Occupational Aspirations and Other Factors on the Out-Migration of Rural Youth
The Effects of Occupational Gender Segregation Across Race
The Effects of Offshoring on Employer-provided Training
The Effects of Order of Questions on Reported Alcohol Consumption
The Effects of Paid Family Leave in California on Labor Market Outcomes
The Effects of Paid Family Leave in California on Labor Market Outcomes
Effects of Parent and Peer Behaviors on Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Are Positive and Negative Peer Behaviors Moderators?
The Effects of Parent Religiosity, Family Processes, and Peer Influences on Adolescent Outcomes by Race/Ethnicity
The Effects of Parental Advice and Financial Literacy On Asset Accumulation among American Youth
Effects of Parental AFDC Receipt on Children and Adolescents: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
Effects of Parental Characteristics on the Returns to Education and Labor Market Experience
Effects of Parental Divorce on Children's Psychosocial Skills
Effects of Parental Divorce or a Father's Death on High School Completion
The Effects of Parental Job Displacement on Children's Socioeconomic and Social-Psychological Outcomes
The Effects of Parental Marital Change on Cohabitation Behavior of Young Adulthood
The Effects of Parental Marital Status During Adolescence on High School Graduation
The Effects of Parental Occupational Status, Age at First Fertility and Educational Attainment on the Occupational Prestige of Young Women
The Effects of Parental Practices on Adolescent Sexual Initiation Prior to Age 16
Effects of Parental Resources and Child Care Arrangements on Preschoolers' Cognitive Skills
Effects of Parental Separation on Schooling Outcomes
Effects of Parental Structure in the Family of Origin on Adult Children's Self-Esteem and Marital Relationship
The Effects of Parental Work and Maternal Nonemployment on Children's Reading and Math Achievement
The Effects of Parental Work Characteristics and Maternal Nonemployment on Children's Reading and Math Achievement
The Effects of Parental Work Characteristics and Maternal Nonemployment on Children's Reading and Math Achievement
The Effects of Parenting Practices, Maternal Depression and Other Socio-Demographic Variables on Behavioral Health in White, African American and Latino Children
The Effects of Parenting Styles on Adolescent Achievement Test Scores: Ethnic and Gender Differences (And Similarities)
Effects of Participation in Food Assistance Programs on Children's Health and Development: Evidence from NLSY Children
Effects of Participation in Food Assistance Programs on Children's Health and Development: Evidence from NLSY Children
Effects of Participation in the WIC Food Assistance Program on Children's Health and Development: Evidence from NLSY Children
Effects of Participation in the WIC Program on Birthweight: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Effects of Personality Traits on Wages: A Matching Approach
Effects of Physical Attributes on the Wages of Males And Females
Effects of Positive Attitude and Optimism on Employment: Evidence from the US Data
Effects of Positive Attitude and Optimism on Wage and Employment: A Double Selection Approach
Effects of Positive Attitude on Happiness and Wage: Evidence from the US Data
The Effects of Post-Natal Enrollment and Attainment on Children's Educational Attainment
Effects of Poverty and Quality of the Home Environment on Changes in the Academic and Behavioral Adjustment of Elementary School-Age Children
The Effects of Poverty on Children
The Effects of Poverty on Children's Developmental Outcomes: Absolute Versus Relative Poverty
Effects of Poverty on Mathematics and Reading Achievement of Young Adolescents
The Effects of Poverty Status and Duration on Adolescent Self-Esteem
Effects of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood on High School Dropout
Effects of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood on High School Dropout and Graduation
The Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Child Delinquency
Effects of Prenatal Problems, Family Functioning, and Neighborhood Disadvantage in Predicting Life-Course-Persistent Offending
Effects of Promised Monetary Incentives on Attrition in a Long-Term Panel Survey
The Effects of Race and Marital Status on Child Support and Work Effort
The Effects of Race and Sex Discrimination on Early-Career Earnings
The Effects of Race on Men's Mid- and Late-Career Occupational Mobility
Effects of Relationship Transitions and Paternal Residency on Fathering Salience: Evidence from the NLSY79
Effects of Residence, Family Background and Household Structure on the Educational Attainment of Young Adults
The Effects of Residential Mobility on Child Academic Achievement and Behavior Problems
The Effects of Residential Mobility on Criminal Persistence and Desistance during the Transition to Adulthood
Effects of Retirement on Men's Well-Being and Health
Effects of Risk Tolerance, Financial Literacy, and Financial Status on Retirement Planning
The Effects of Runaway-Homeless Episodes on High School Dropout
The Effects of Rural to Urban Migration on the Poverty of Youth in the 1980s
The Effects of Rural-to-Urban Migration on the Poverty Status of Youth in the 1980s
The Effects of School and Family Characteristics on the Return to Education
The Effects of School Choice on Mental Health
Effects of Selected Variables on Work Hours of Young Women
The Effects of Sex Education on Teen Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy
Effects of Sex, Race, Ethnicity and Marital Status on the Relationship between Intelligence and Fertility
Effects of Siblings on Cognitive and Sociobehavioral Development: Ongoing Debates and New Theoretical Insights
The Effects of Single Mothers' Welfare Participation and Work Decisions on Children's Attainments
The Effects of Single Mothers' Welfare Participation and Work Decisions on Children's Attainments
The Effects of Single Mothers' Welfare Use and Employment Decisions on Children's Cognitive Development
The Effects of Skin Tone, Height, and Gender on Earnings
Effects of Social Environmental Factors on Health Risk Decision-Making Among Adolescents in the NLSY
The Effects of Social Group Membership and Social Capital Resources on Careers
Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on the Migration of Mexicans and Other Hispanics within the United States: A Comparison across Primary and Repeat Migration Types
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Child and Adolescent Physical Health: An Organization and Systematic Comparison of Measures
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Perceived Discrimination and Mastery of Health Status in a Youth Cohort
The Effects of Spanish-Language Background on Completed Schooling and Aptitude Test Scores
The Effects of Spanish-Language Background on Completed Schooling and Aptitude Test Scores
The Effects of Spanking on Psychosocial Outcomes: Revisiting Genetic and Environmental Covariation
Effects of State Welfare, Abortion, and Family Planning Policies on Premarital Childbearing Among White Adolescents
The Effects of State-Level Medicaid Coverage on Family Wealth
The Effects of Status Inconsistency between Spouses on Migration in the United States: Propensities and Rural-Urban Destination Selections
The Effects of Status Inconsistency between Spouses on Migration: Analysis of NLSY79 Couples
The Effects of Student Loan Debt on the Transition to Parenthood
The Effects of Technological Change on Schooling and Training Human Capital
The Effects of Technological Change on Schooling and Training Human Capital
The Effects of Teen and Early Fatherhood on Educational Attainment and Labor Market Outcomes
Effects of Teenage Work Experience Over Ten Years: Evidence From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Effects of Teenage Work Quality on Delinquency
The Effects of the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act on Female Labor Supply
The Effects of the Child Support Provisions of the Family Support Act of 1988 on Child Well-Being
The Effects of the Decision to Marry on the Consequences of Adolescent Childbearing: Education, Income and Subsequent Fertility
The Effects of the Decision to Marry on the Consequences of Adolescent Pregnancy
The Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Child Achievement and Long-Term Educational Attainment
The Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit On Child Development
The Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Children's Health, Quality of Home Environment, and Non-Cognitive Skills
The Effects of the Sequencing of Marriage and First Birth During Adolescence
The Effects of The Welfare System on Marital Dissolution
The Effects of the Work Role on Early Retirement
The Effects of Timing and Duration of Adolescent and Early Adulthood Obesity on College Enrollment and Completion
Effects of Timing and Level of Degree Attained on Depressive Symptoms and Self-Rated Health at Midlife
Effects of Timing and Level of Degree Attainment on Depressive Symptoms and Self-Rated Health at Mid-Life
The Effects of Traditional Family and Gender Ideology on Earnings: Race and Gender Differences
The Effects of Two-Year College on the Labor Market and Schooling Experiences of Young Men
The Effects of U.S. Immigration on the Career Trajectories of Native Workers, 1979–2004
The Effects of Unemployment and Poverty on Sexual Appetite and Sexual Risk in Emerging and Young Adults
The Effects of Unemployment Compensation on the Unemployment of Youths
The Effects of University Affirmative Action Policies on the Human Capital Development of Minority Children: Do Expectations Matter?
The Effects of Vehicle Ownership on Employment
Effects of Vocational Education Programs: Research Findings and Issues
Effects of Weight on Adolescent Educational Attainment
Effects of Weight on Adolescent Educational Attainment
Effects of Weight on Children's Educational Achievement
Effects of Weight on Children's Educational Achievement
The Effects of Welfare Eligibility and Abortion Restrictions on the Pregnancy Decisions of Young Women
The Effects of Welfare on Marital Stability and Remarriage
The Effects of Welfare Reform
Effects of Welfare Reform on Parenting
The Effects of Welfare Vehicle Asset Rules on Vehicle Assets
The Effects of Welfare-to-Work Program on Welfare Recipients' Employment, Earnings, and Welfare Use
The Effects of WIC on Children's Health and Development
The Effects of WIC on Children's Outcomes
The Effects of Women's Economic Independence on Divorce: A Nash Bargaining Model in a Life Course Context
Effects of Women's Employment and Fertility Decisions on the Cognitive Development of Young Children: The Role of Mother's Education
The Effects of Work and Family Experiences on Gender Role Attitudes of Youths: 1982-1987
The Effects of Work Hours on Physical and Mental Health of Late Prime Age Men and Women
The Effects of Worker Investments in Safety on Risk of Accidents and Wages
The Effects of Working in Pink-Collar Occupations on Upward Occupational Mobility
The Effects of Youth Organizations on High School Graduation
Effects on Children Born to Adolescent Mothers
The Effects on Early Work Experience on Young Women's Labor Force Attachment
The Efficacy of Ability Proxies for Estimating the Returns to Schooling: A Factor Model-Based Evaluation
Efficiency Cost of Child Tax Benefits
Efficiency Wages, Inter-Industry Wage Differentials, and the Returns to Ability
EITC & TANF Participation among Young Adult Low-income Families
Elaboration on the Association Between IQ and Parental SES with Subsequent Crime
Elements of Skill: Traits, Intelligences, and Agglomeration
Eliminating Race Differences in School Attainment and Labor Market Success
Elusive Longer-Run Impacts of Head Start: Replications Within and Across Cohorts
Emanuel Miller Lecture - Developmental Risks (Still) Associated with Early Child Care
The Embeddedness of Adolescent Employment and Participation in Delinquency: A Life Course Perspective
Emergent Careers: American Women's Pension Coverage at Midlife
The Emergent Contingent Workforce
The Emerging College Hours Premium for Men
Emotional Health Across the Transition to First and Second Unions Among Emerging Adults
Emotional Health and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Assessment of Early Emotional and Behavioral Problems as Risk Factors for Delinquent Behavior
Empirical Analyses of Household Decision-Making: Location Choice, Property Values, and Women's Labor Force Participation
An Empirical Analysis of Informal Human Capital Investments in Adolescence as a Predictor of Life Outcomes
An Empirical Analysis of Life-Cycle Saving, Income, and Household Size
An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Initial Occupational Choice by Male High School Graduates
An Empirical Analysis of the Dual Labor Market Theory
An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of AFDC on Work, Childbearing, and Marital Status Decisions of Young Women
An Empirical Analysis of the Welfare Magnet Debate Using the NLSY
An Empirical Analysis of the Welfare Magnet Debate Using the NLSY
An Empirical Analysis of Women's Earnings
An Empirical Analysis of Youth Joblessness Durations
Empirical Analysis Part 1 Methodology and Data: Empirical Example of Predicting the Demand for Life Insurance by Using the Dynamic Systemic Framework
An Empirical Approach in Decomposing Attributing Factors to Co-occurring Use of Marijuana and Other Forms of Illicit Drug
An Empirical Assessment of the "Healthy Prisoner Hypothesis"
Empirical Decomposition of the IV-OLS Gap with Heterogeneous and Nonlinear Effects
Empirical Essays in Health and Human Capital
Empirical Evidence on Occupation and Industry Specific Human Capital
An Empirical Examination of Racial and Gender Differences in Wage Distributions
Empirical Explorations in the Economics of the Family
An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of the Expenditures and Time Spent on Formal Schooling: A Test of a Life Cycle Model of Human Capital
An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of the Length of Full Time Schooling
Empirical Likelihood Inferences for Semiparametric Instrumental Variable Models
An Empirical Model of Employed Search, Unemployed Search, and Nonsearch
Empirical Studies on Risk Management of Investers and Banks
An Empirical Study of Gender and Racial Differences in Quits and Layoffs of Young Workers
An Empirical Study of New High School and College Graduates' Wages Using Alternative Labor Market Models
An Empirical Study of the Timing and Spacing of Childbearing
An Empirical Study of the Timing and Spacing of Childbearing
Empirical Tests of Dual Labor Market Theory and Hedonic Measures of Occupational Attainment
Empirical Tests of Job Search Theory Using the Duration of Unemployment
An Empirically Derived Parenting Typology
Employed Job Search Among Young Women: The Role of Marriage and Children
Employed Job Search among Young Workers: Do Women Still Search Differently than Men in the Internet Age?
Employed Mothers and Their Children
Employed Women's Well-Being: The Global and Daily Impact of Work
Employee Awareness of Family Leave Benefits: The Effects of Family, Work, and Gender
Employee Ignorance in the Labor Market
Employee Labor Market Information: Comparing Direct World of Work Measures of Workers' Knowledge to Stochastic Frontier Estimates
Employee Mental Health Strained By Temp Work
Employee Misclassification: Improved Outreach Could Help Ensure Proper Worker Classification
Employee Referrals and Efficiency Wages
Employer and Occupational Instability in Two Cohorts of the National Longitudinal Surveys
Employer Discrimination and Racial Differences in Wages and Turnover
Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination
Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination
Employer Learning and the “Importance” of Skills
Employer Learning and the Signaling Value of Education
Employer Learning Under Asymmetric Information: The Role of Job Mobility
Employer Learning, Job Changes, and Wage Dynamics
Employer Provided Pension Data in the NLS Mature Women's Survey and in the Health and Retirement Study
Employer Provided Pension Data in the NLS Mature Women's Survey and in the Health and Retirement Study
Employer Provided Pension Data in the NLS Mature Women's Survey and in the Health and Retirement Study
Employer Provided Pension Data in the NLS Mature Women's Survey and in the Health and Retirement Study
Employer Size and Labor Turnover
Employer Size and Labor Turnover: The Role of Pensions
Employer Size and Turnover
Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Labor Supply of Married Women
Employer-provided Health Insurance and Labor Supply of Married Women
Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage: A Comparison of Employed Native-born and Immigrant Americans
Employer-provided Training: Results from a New Survey
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and the Gender Wage Gap
Employer-Sponsored Training, Union Status, and the Wage Rates of Young Women
Employers' Discriminatory Behavior and the Estimation of Wage Discrimination
Employment and Child Care Decisions of Mothers and the Well-being of their Children
Employment and Earnings across the Transition to Fatherhood: A Life Course Perspective
Employment and Earnings Effects of Drug Use: Discussion by the Authors
Employment and Earnings of Disadvantaged Young Men in a Labor Shortage Economy
Employment and Marriage: Pathways Off of Welfare?
Employment and the Desistance Process: The Effect of Employment Status and Wages on Criminal Recidivism among Young Adults
Employment and the Sex Ratio in a Two-Sided Model of Marriage
Employment and the Sexual and Reproductive Behavior of Female Adolescents
Employment and the Use of Birth Control by Sexually Active Single Hispanic, Black, and White Women
Employment and Wage Consequences of Teenage Women's Nonemployment
Employment and Wage Consequences of Young Women's Labor Force and Job Transitions
Employment and Wage Effects of Involuntary Job Separation: Male-Female Differences
Employment and Wage Effects of Oil Price Changes: A Sectoral Analysis
Employment and Wage Prospects of Black, White, and Hispanic Women
Employment and Welfare Reform: The Relationship Between Occupational Welfare and Job Tenure of Former Welfare Recipients
Employment Arrangements: Improved Outreach Could Help Ensure Proper Worker Classification
Employment Barriers Facing Ex-Offenders
Employment Before Age 16: Does It Make a Difference?
Employment Conditions of Youths Whose Use of English is Limited
Employment Contacts and Minority-White Wage Differences
Employment Continuity Among New Mothers
Employment Decisions of Female College Students: Influences and Outcomes
Employment Discrimination, Segregation, and Health
Employment Disruptions and Supervisors
Employment During the School-to-Work Transition: An Explanation for Subsequent Black-White Wage Differentials and Bifurcation of Black Income
The Employment Dynamics of Less-educated Men in the United States: The Role of Self-employment
Employment Exits and the Race Gap in Young Women's Employment
Employment Experience and Job Satisfaction of New Mothers
Employment Experiences of Students with Varying Participation in Secondary Vocational Education: A Report Based on the 1979 and 1980 NLS New Youth Cohort
Employment Hazards: An Investigation of Market Performance
Employment History, the Sex Typing of Occupations, Pay and Change in Gender-Role Attitudes: A Longitudinal Study of Young Married Women
Employment of New Mothers and Child Care Choice: Differences by Children's Age
Employment of New Mothers and Child Care Choice: Differences by Children's Age
Employment of Young GED Recipients
Employment Opportunities of Young Men and Family Formation
Employment Opportunity, Wages and Adolescent Premarital Childbearing
Employment Outcomes of Hispanic Youth: An Analysis of Labor Market Behavior
Employment Patterns
Employment Relationships over Time: Retention and Promotion
The Employment Revolution: Young American Women In the 1970's
Employment Status of Hispanics
Employment Trajectories after Incarceration: Patterns and Racial Disparity
Employment Trajectories: Exploring Gender Differences and Impacts of Drug Use
Employment Trajectory Patterns of Ex-Inmates: A Holistic Approach to Heterogeneous Labor Market Trajectories
Employment-Nonemployment Transitions over the Life Course among Young Women of NLSY 1979-1992: A Longitudinal Analyisis (sic)
Employment, Attitudes Toward Employment, and Women's Health
Employment, Crime, and Context: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Relationship Between Work and Crime
Employment, Delinquency, and Sex During Adolescence: Evidence from NLSY 97
Employment, Income, and Family Life: The Case of Marital Dissolution
Employment, Income, Marriage, and Divorce in Two Cohorts of Women
Employment, Job Characteristics, and the Use of Birth Control by Sexually Active, Never-Married Black, Hispanic, and White Women
Employment, Motherhood, and School Continuation Decisions of Young White, Black, and Hispanic Women
Employment, Telework, and Child Remote Schooling from February to May 2021: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Employment, Work Conditions, and the Home Environment in Single-Mother Families
Enabling Healthy Living: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Prevalence Of Overweight and Obesity among Youths in the United States
Enabling Healthy Living: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Youths in the United States
Encouraged or Discouraged? The Effect of Adverse Macroeconomic Conditions on School Leaving and Reentry
Encouraging Marriage and Discouraging Divorce
The End of American Exceptionalism? Mobility in the U.S. Since 1850
Endogeneity of Union Status: An Empirical Demonstration
Endowments and Parental Investments in Infancy and Early Childhood
Enduring Stigma: The Long-Term Effects of Incarceration on Health
Enemy Within: Black-White Differences in Fatalism and Joblessness
Engagement in Criminal Activity from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: The Role of Protective Factors
Engendering Racial Perceptions: An Intersectional Analysis of How Social Status Shapes Race
Enlistment Decisions of Young Men
Enlistment During the Vietnam Era and the 'Representation' Issue of the All- Volunteer Force
Enriching Surveys with Supplementary Data and its Application to Studying Wage Regression
Enrollment in Two- and Four-Year Colleges: The Role of Family Structures and Transitions
The Enrollment Patterns of Higher Education: Do Social Backgrounds Really Matter?
Enrollment, Employment, and the Risk and Resolution of a First Premarital Pregnancy
Ensnared into Crime: A Preliminary Test of Moffitt's Snares Hypothesis in a National Sample of African Americans
Entering Politics: General Self-Efficacy and Voting Behavior Among Young People
The Entrepreneur's Experiential Diversity and Entrepreneurial Performance
Entrepreneurial Origins: A Longitudinal Inquiry
Entrepreneurial Origins: A Longitudinal Inquiry.
Entrepreneurship and Earnings among Young Adults from Disadvantaged Families
Entrepreneurship and Earnings among Young Adults from Disadvantaged Families
Entrepreneurship and Incarceration
Entrepreneurship as a Response to Labor Market Discrimination for Formerly Incarcerated People
Entry into and Consequences of Nonstandard Work Arrangements
Entry into Marriage and Parenthood by Young Adults
Environment and Genetic Influence on Job Satisfaction: Twin Analysis Using the NLSY
Environment and Persistence in Youthful Drinking Patterns
Environmental Factors in Determining Childhood Success
Epidemic Increase in Childhood Overweight, 1986-1998
An 'Epidemic' Model of Adolescent Sexual Intercourse Prevalences: Applications to National Survey Data
An 'Epidemic' Model of Adolescent Sexual Intercourse: Applications to National Survey Data
Epidemiology of Work Injuries among Former Participants in Vocational Education
Epistemic Injustice in Educational Policy: An Account of Structural Contributory Injustice
Equalization or Reproduction? "Some College" and the Social Function of Higher Education
Equalization or Selection? Reassessing the "Meritocratic Power" of a College Degree in Intergenerational Income Mobility
Equalizing Differences in the Labor Market
Equalizing Outcomes and Equalizing Opportunities: Optimal Taxation when Children's Abilities Depend on Parents' Resources
Equilibration in the Labor Market
Equilibrium Job Search and Gender Wage Differentials in the U.K.
Equilibrium Search Models and the Transition from School to Work
Equilibrium Tuition, Applications, Admissions and Enrollment in the College Market
Equilibrium Tuition, Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment in the College Market
Equilibrium Wage and Dismissal Processes
The Equivalence of the Behavior Problem Index Across U.S. Ethnic Groups
Equivalent Approaches to Dealing with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Cross-lagged Panel Models? Investigating the Benefits and Drawbacks of the Latent Curve Model with Structured Residuals and the Random Intercept Cross-lagged Panel Model
Error in the Measurement of Mortality: An Application to the Analysis of Racial Mortality Disparity
Escape from Poverty: What Makes a Difference for Children?
Escaping Poverty and Becoming Self-Sufficient
Essays in Applied Economics and Public Policy
Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Applied Microeconomics: Policy Interventions and Spillovers to Crime
Essays in College Admissions and College Major Choice
Essays in Consumer Finance
Essays in Development and Labor Economics
Essays in Economic History and Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Economics of the Family: Incorporating Cohabitation
Essays in Education and Health Economics
Essays in Empirical Labor Economics
Essays in Empirical Labor Economics and the Economics of Gender (Computer-Use, Workgroup's Gender Composition And Motherhood)
Essays in Entrepreneurship
Essays in Family Economics
Essays in Financial Economics
Essays in Health and Urban Economics
Essays in Health Economics
Essays in Health Economics
Essays in Health Economics
Essays in Health Economics
Essays in Health Economics of Cigarette Consumption
Essays in Health Economics: Understanding Risky Health Behaviors
Essays in Higher Education Economics
Essays in Inequality
Essays in Inequality and Family Economics
Essays in Information and Labor Economics
Essays in Job Satisfaction
Essays in Labor and Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Labor and Education Economics
Essays in Labor and Family Economics
Essays in Labor and Health Economics: Economic Effect of Obesity on Wages and Its Impact Over Time
Essays in Labor and Information Economics
Essays in Labor and Public Economics
Essays in Labor and Trade
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics
Essays in Labor Economics and Applied Microeconomics
Essays in Labor Economics and Contract Theory
Essays In Labor Economics and Public Finance
Essays in Labor Economics and Public Policy
Essays in Labor Economics: Alcohol Consumption and Socioeconomic Outcomes
Essays in Law and Economics
Essays in Macro and Labor Economics
Essays in Macroeconomics
Essays in Macroeconomics
Essays in Nonparametric Econometrics
Essays in Public Policy Issues
Essays in Quantitative Economics
Essays in the Economics of Care
Essays in the Economics of Child Mental Health
Essays in the Economics of Crime and Discrimination
Essays in the Economics of Education
Essays in the Economics of Education and Experimental Economics
Essays in the Economics of Education and Microeconometrics
Essays in the Economics of Education and Skill Development
Essays in the Economics of Gender
Essays in the Economics Of Obesity
Essays on Applied Economics
Essays on Asymmetric Employer Learning and the Economics of Education
Essays on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Essays on Behavioral Responses to Welfare Generosity
Essays on Business Ownership and Self-Employment
Essays on Childhood Disability, Policy, and Family Outcomes
Essays on Children's Health, Maternal Outcomes, and Teen Childbearing
Essays on Children's Skill Formation
Essays on Cognitive Skills, Non-cognitive Skills, Government Policy, and Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on College Major, College Curriculum, and Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on Credit Constraints and Education
Essays on Crime and Public Policy
Essays on Decision Making in the Labor and Housing Market
Essays on Drug and Alcohol Policies in the United States
Essays on Dynamic Behavior in Labor Markets
Essays on Economics of Human Capital and Natural Resources
Essays on Economics of Inequality
Essays on Education and Health Disparities
Essays on Education and Labor Market
Essays on Education and Labor Supply
Essays on Educational Attainment and Labor Outcomes
Essays on Effects of the Housing Market Collapse
Essays on Employer Size, Search, and Racial Differences in the United States Labor Market
Essays on Endogenous Preferences and Public Generosity
Essays on Enrollment and Persistence in Higher Education
Essays on Entrepreneurship
Essays on Family and Public Policies
Essays on Family Economics
Essays on Female Labor Supply
Essays on Female Self-Employment
Essays on Frictional Labor Markets and Measurement
Essays on Gender Differences in Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on Gender Differences in Occupational Choices and Cohort Analysis of Saving Adequacy
Essays on Gender Gaps and Investments in Children
Essays on Gender in Labor Markets
Essays on Health and Family Economics
Essays on Health and Labor Market Practices in the U.S.
Essays on Health Economics
Essays on Health Economics and Agricultural Labor Migration
Essays on Health Economics and Health Behaviors
Essays on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in The Labor Market
Essays on Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in The Labor Market
Essays on High School Accountability and College Readiness
Essays on Higher Education and Human Capital Investments
Essays on Higher Education and Job Matching
Essays on Household and Corporate Finance
Essays on Household and Family Economics
Essays on Household Behavior
Essays on Household Economics
Essays on Household Investment in Children
Essays on Housing and Locational Choices
Essays on Housing, Education, and Inequality
Essays on How Health and Education Affect the Labor Market Outcomes of Workers
Essays on Human Capital
Essays on Human Capital
Essays on Human Capital Accumulation in the Presence of Social Influences
Essays on Human Capital and Altruism
Essays on Human Capital Externalities and Migration
Essays on Human Capital Formation
Essays on Human Capital Investment
Essays on Human Capital Investment and Labor Markets
Essays on Human Capital, Expectations and Behaviors
Essays on Human Capital, Fertility, and Child Development
Essays on Human Capital, Geography, and the Family
Essays on Human Capital, Health Capital, and the Labor Market
Essays on Human Capital, Public Policy, and Decision-Making
Essays on Impacts of Childhood Experiences
Essays on Incarceration and Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on Income Mobility and Counterfactual Distributions
Essays on Income, Social Policy, and Education
Essays on Industry Specialization, Job Mobility and Wages
Essays on Inequality
Essays on Inequality and Education
Essays on Inequality and Human Capital
Essays on Inter Vivos Transfers and Choice of College Major
Essays on Internal Labor Markets and Education
Essays on Job Search and Hyperbolic Discounting
Essays on Labor and Health Economics
Essays on Labor Economics
Essays on Labor Economics
Essays on Labor Economics
Essays on Labor Economics
Essays on Labor Market Dynamics and the Existence of Political Equilibrium
Essays on Labor Market Frictions and Macroeconomic Welfare
Essays on Labor Market Matching, Labor Mobility and Educational Mismatch
Essays on Labor Markets and Cities
Essays on Macroeconomics of Human Capital Accumulation
Essays on Marriage and Labor Markets
Essays on Married Women Labor Supply
Essays on Mental Health and Behavioral Outcomes of Children and Youth
Essays on Microeconometrics and Labor Economics
Essays on Microeconomic Causal Inference in Welfare, Education, and Health
Essays on Motherhood, Wages, and Labor Supply
Essays on Nonparametric and Semiparametric Identification and Estimation
Essays on Occupational Choice, College Major, and Career Outcomes
Essays on Policies in Labor and Urban Economics
Essays on Public Debt, Expenditure and Policy
Essays on Racial Discrimination and Turnover in the Labor Market
Essays on Recovering Latent Characteristics Using Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods
Essays on Risky Health Behaviors and Policy Intervention
Essays on Schooling, Occupations, and Earnings
Essays on Schools, Crime, and Punishment
Essays on Self-Employment of Young Workers
Essays on Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics
Essays on Skills and Racial Gaps in the U.S. Labor Market
Essays on SNAP Participation, BMI, and Food Purchasing Decisions
Essays on Social Capital and Human Capital
Essays on Social Inequality and Discrimination
Essays on Sports Participation, Development, and Educational Outcomes
Essays on Statistical Discrimination and on the Payoff to Publishing in Economics Journals
Essays on Student Debt, Unemployment, and Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on Teacher Supply and Quality, and School Quality: Evidence from the United States and the Philippines
Essays on Technological Change and Labor Markets
Essays on the Application of Theory of Time to Labor Supply and Wages
Essays on the Causes and Consequences of Marital Sorting on Schooling
Essays on the Causes of Increased Earnings Inequality
Essays on the Choice of Job Search Method
Essays on the Determinants of Educational Attainment
Essays on the Determinants of Substance Use and Mental Health Among Mothers and Adolescents
Essays on the Economic Linkages Among Family Members
Essays on the Economics of Ability, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on the Economics of Education
Essays on the Economics of Education
Essays on the Economics of Family Interactions
Essays on the Economics of Fertility
Essays on the Economics of Health and Education
Essays on the Economics of Juvenile Crime and Education
Essays on the Economics of Marriage [Electronic Resource]
Essays on the Economics of Minimum Competency Testing
Essays on the Economics of the Family
Essays on the Economics of the Family
Essays on the Effect of Expectations about Future Opportunities on the Human Capital Development of Minority Children
Essays on the Effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Adult Obesity
Essays on the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
Essays on the Identification of Treatment Effects with Applications to the Labor Market
Essays on the Impact of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills on Labor Market Outcomes
Essays on the Incentive Effects of United States Welfare Policy
Essays on the Labor Market and Work Schedule Flexibility
Essays on the Labor Market Supply Behavior of Young Women
Essays on the Labor Market, Public Policy, and Economic Opportunity
Essays on the Link Between Alcohol Consumption and Youth Fertility
Essays on the Macroeconomic Implications of Financial Frictions
Essays on the Public Sector Labor Supply
Essays on the Returns to Higher Education
Essays on the Role of Noncognitive Skills in Decision-Making
Essays on the Spatial Economics of the Family
Essays on the Timing of Human Capital Policies
Essays on Unemployment Insurance
Essays on Unemployment Insurance and Risky Behavior
Essays on Urban and Labor Economics
Essays on Wage Inequality Using the Search Framework
Essays on Women's Employment and Children's Well-Being
Essays on Worker Displacement and the Minimum Wage
Establishing a Sense of Personal Control in the Transition to Adulthood
Establishing Immigrant Legacies: A Study of Immigrant Homeownership in the United States
Establishing New Relationships Within a Traditional Voluntary Turnover Model: The Effects of a Multidimensional Approach to Actual Ease of Movement in the Job Market
The Establishment of Stable and Successful Employment Careers: The Role of Work Attitudes and Labor Market Knowledge
An Estimable Dynamic Model of Schooling: An Application to High School Dropouts' Return to School
An Estimate of a Sectoral Model of Labor Mobility
An Estimate of the Effects of Age, Taxes, and Other Socioeconomic Variables on the Alcoholic Beverage Demand of Young Adults
An Estimated Model of Entrepreneurial Choice under Liquidity Constraints
Estimates and Meanings of Marital Separation
Estimates of Injury Risks for Healthcare Personnel Working Night Shifts and Long Hours
Estimates of the Demand for Health: Males in the Pre-Retirement Years
Estimates of the Return to Schooling and Ability: Evidence From Sibling Data
Estimates of the Returns to Schooling from Sibling Data: Fathers Sons and Brothers
Estimates of the Returns to Schooling from Sibling Data: Fathers, Sons, and Brothers
Estimating a Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium Model to Evaluate the Welfare Implications of Regional Adjustment Processes: The Decline of the Rust Belt
Estimating a Market Equilibrium Search Model from Panel Data on Individuals
Estimating a Simultaneous Search Model
Estimating a Structural Search Model: The Transition from School to Work
Estimating a Structural Search Model: The Transition from School to Work
Estimating a Theoretically Consistent Human Capital Production Function With an Application to Head Start
Estimating AFQT Scores for National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) Respondents
Estimating AFQT Scores for National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) Respondents
Estimating Criminal and Criminogenic Outcomes Across Racial Differences Using Propensity Score Matching
Estimating Distributions of Potential Outcomes Using Local Instrumental Variables with an Application to Changes in College Enrollment and Wage Inequality
Estimating Distributions of Treatment Effects with an Application to the Returns to Schooling and Measurement of the Effects of Uncertainty on College Choice
Estimating Effects of Latent and Measured Genotypes in Multilevel Models
Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Observational Data
Estimating High Tech Army Recruiting Markets
Estimating Hispanic-White Wage Gaps Among Women: The Importance of Controlling for Cost of Living
Estimating Interdependence Between Health and Education in a Dynamic Model
Estimating Marginal Returns to Education
Estimating Mobility Rates in Search Models with Initial Condition Problems
Estimating Models of Learning in Individual Decision Making with an Application to Youth Smoking
Estimating Nonseparable Models With Mismeasured Endogenous Variables
Estimating Parental Demand for Children's Screen Time in a Model of Family Labor Supply
Estimating Returns to College Attainment: Comparing Survey and State Administrative Data–Based Estimates
Estimating Returns to Schooling: When Does the Career Begin?
Estimating the Child Support Potential of Nonresident Fathers and the Partners of Welfare Mothers
Estimating the Education-Earnings Equation Using Geographic Variation
Estimating the Education-Earnings Equation Using Geographic Variation
Estimating the Effect of Racial Discrimination on First Job Wage Offers
Estimating the Effect of Smoking on Birth Weight in a Dynamic Model When Fertility Is a Choice
Estimating the Effect of Student Loan Debt on Timing of Marriage among Race/Ethnic Groups
Estimating the Effects of a Youth Differential on Teenagers and Adults
Estimating the Effects of Family Relocation on Children's Education and Youth Risky Behavior
Estimating the Effects of Sports and Physical Exercise on Bullying
Estimating the Energy Gap Among US Children: A Counterfactual Approach
Estimating the Gender-Dependent Effects of Parental Incarceration
Estimating the Impact of Marriage on Women's Wages
Estimating the Price Elasticity of Demand for Different Levels of Alcohol Consumption among Young Adults
Estimating the Relationships among Education, Cognitive Ability, and Religion: Evidence from NLSY
Estimating the Relationships between Unemployment Compensation and the Duration of Unemployment--The Problem of Eligible Nonfilers
Estimating the Returns to a High School Education for Female Dropouts
Estimating the Returns to a Secondary Education for Female Dropouts
Estimating the Returns to College Quality with Multiple Proxies for Quality
Estimating the Returns to College Quality with Multiple Proxies for Quality
Estimating the Returns to Schooling: Some Econometric Problems
Estimating the Returns to Schooling: Implications from a Dynamic Discrete Choice Model
Estimating the Social Return to Higher Education: Evidence From Longitudinal and Repeated Cross-Sectional Data
Estimating the Social Return to Higher Education: Evidence from Longitudinal and Repeated Cross-sectional Data
Estimating the Technology of Children's Skill Formation
Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
Estimating the Veteran Effect with Endogenous Schooling When Instruments are Potentially Weak
Estimating the Youth Population Qualified for Military Service
Estimating Vector Autoregressions with Panel Data
Estimating Welfare Effects Consistent with Forward-Looking Behavior: Part II: Empirical Results
Estimating Workers' Marginal Willingness to Pay for Job Attributes Using Duration Data
Estimating Youth Employment and Unemployment: The National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience
Estimation of a Dynamic Model of Labor Supply: The Case of Older Males
The Estimation of a Joint Wage-Hours Labor Supply Model
Estimation of Academic Attrition Behavior: An Analysis of Predictors of High School Dropout Behavior in the United States
Estimation of an Occupational Choice Model When Occupations Are Misclassified
Estimation of Educational Borrowing Constraints Using Returns to Schooling
The Estimation of Fertility Equations on Panel Data
Estimation of Hedonic Prices in the Case of a Pure Search Good
Estimation of Markov Decision Processes in the Presence of Model Uncertainty
Estimation of the Demand for Marriage Based on a Bargaining Model
Estimation of the Earnings Functions of Married Women in the Presence of Discontinuous Labor Supply
An Estimation of the Effect of Union Status on Wage Growth
An Estimation of the Returns to Migration of Male Youth in the United States: A Longitudinal Analysis
Estimation of Varying Coefficient Models with Measurement Error
Estimations of Child Development Production Functions
Ethical Behaviors and Wealth: Generation Y's Experience
Ethnic and Racial Similarity in Developmental Process: A Study of Academic Achievement
Ethnic Capital and Intergenerational Mobility
Ethnic Density and Obesity: Evidence from Fixed-effects Models
Ethnic Differences in Correlates of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking
Ethnic Differences in Predictors of Initiation and Persistence of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Five Disciplinary Techniques on Subsequent Externalizing Behavior Problems
Ethnic Differences in Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms: Disadvantage in Family Background, High School Experiences, and Adult Characteristics
Ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Body Mass Index in the United States: The Role of Parental Socioeconomic Status and Economic Contextual Factors
Ethnicity and the Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Dependency
Ethnicity, Family Income, Home Environment and the Well-Being of Children from Infancy to Adolescence
Ethnicity, Labor Markets, and Crime
Ethnicity, Neighborhoods, and Human-Capital Externalities
Ethnicity, Race and Gender in the Labor Market
The Etiology of Intelligence on Juvenile Delinquency using a Multivariate Analysis Approach
Evaluating a Simple Method for Estimating Black-White Gaps in Median Wages
Evaluating Competing Theories of Interfirm Worker Mobility
Evaluating Early Childhood Interventions: Lessons from Head Start
Evaluating Latent Growth Curve Models Using Individual Fit Statistics
Evaluating Male Fertility Data: Who Reports Consistently and What are the Analytical Implications?
Evaluating Marginal Policy Changes and the Average Effect of Treatment for Individuals at the Margin
Evaluating Match Quality in Labor Markets
Evaluating Policies in a Dynamic Context When Agents Anticipate Policy Change: The Case of Indoor Smoking Bans
Evaluating School-to-Work Programs Using the New NLSY
Evaluating the Dimensional Structure of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment--Short Form
Evaluating the Evidence from the Literature on the Returns to College Quality
Evaluating the Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Health Insurance Coverage
Evaluating the Seven-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Short-form: a Longitudinal US Community Study
Evaluating the State EITC Expansion on Children's Health
Evaluating the Unique Effects of Cognitive Ability and Parental Socioeconomic Status on Adult Dietary Behaviors and Receipt of Preventive Health Services
Evaluating Welfare Reform in an Era of Transition
Evaluation of a Monetary Incentive Payment Experiment in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 Cohort
Evaluation of Bias in Estimates of Early Childhood Obesity From Parent-Reported Heights and Weights
Evaluation of Data. Part II: The Measurement of Change: A Comparison of Retrospective and Panel Surveys
Evaluation of Fertility Data and Preliminary Analytical Results from the 1983 (Round 5) Survey of the National Longitudinal Surveys of Work Experience of Youth
An Evaluation of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking Among Youth
An Evaluation of Manpower Programs for Young Men, 1964-1972 Based Upon the National Longitudinal Surveys
An Evaluation of Outcomes for Post-School Participants in Government Employment and Training Programs with Attention to Selectivity Bias
An Evaluation of Real Earnings Growth Based on U.S. Census P-60 Data
Evaluation of School-to-Work Programs Using the NLSY97 Database
Evaluation of Test Statistics for Robust Structural Equation Modeling With Nonnormal Missing Data
Evaluation of the 1989 Child-Care Supplement in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Evaluation of the 1989 Child-Care Supplement in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Evaluation of the Head Start Program: Additional Evidence from the NLSCM79 Data
An Evaluation of the National Longitudinal Survey on Youth
An Evaluation of the NLSY
An Evaluation of the Opportunity Cost and Inservice Training and Earnings of the Modern Military on Young Male Enlistees
An Evaluation of the Partial Mediation of Volunteerism on the Effects of Personality on Life Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Model
Evaluation of the Return of the Federal Work-Study
Even Supermoms Get the Blues: Employment, Gender Attitudes and Depression
Even Supermoms Get the Blues: Employment, Gender Attitudes, and Depression
An Event History Analysis of Employee Turnover in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Dataset
An Event History Analysis of Young Women's Labor Market Transitions: NLSY 1979-1991 (Transliterated title not available.)
Event History Data and Survey Recall: An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Recall Experiment
Events Across the Life Course Contribute to Higher Mobility Impairment Rates in Rural U.S.
Every Child Every Promise: Turning Failure into Action
Everything's Better in Moderation: Young Women's Gender Role Attitudes and Risky Sexual Behavior.
Evidence on Adverse Selection and Establishment Size in the Labor Market
The Evidence on Credit Constraints in Post-Secondary Schooling
The Evidence on Credit Constraints in Post-Secondary Schooling
Evidence on Omitted Variable Bias in Earnings Equations
Evidence on the Effect of Young Adults' Wages on their College Attendance Decisions
Evidence on Youth Employment, Earnings, and Parental Transfers in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
The Evolution of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills Over the Life Cycle of the Child
The Evolution of Fertility Expectations Over the Life Course
The Evolution of the Black-White Test Score Gap in Grades K-3: The Fragility of Results
The Evolution of the Black-White Test Score Gap in Grades K–3: The Fragility of Results
The Evolution of the US Family Income‐Schooling Relationship and Educational Selectivity
Evolving Notions of Childhood Chronic Illness: Editorial
The Evolving Structure of Female Work Activities: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Women, 1967-1989
Ex Ante Divorce Probability and Marital-Specific Investment: Three Applications
Exacerbating Inequality Over the Life-Course: Examining Race Differences in the Reciprocal Effects Between Incarceration and Income
An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories
An Examination of Genotype-environment Interactions for Academic Achievement in an U.S. National Longitudinal Survey
An Examination of Occupational Mobility among Full-Time Workers
An Examination of Parent Child Individual Variations and Child Outcomes
An Examination of School-to-Work Transitions in the NLSY
An Examination of the ‘Marriage Effect’ on Desistance from Crime among U.S. Immigrants
An Examination of the Effects of Occupational Trajectories and Psychosocial Characteristics of Work on Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Birth Outcomes
An Examination of the Latent Structure of Family Capital Estimated Using Family Resources and Processes Measures
An Examination of the Reciprocal Relations Between Treatment by Others, Anger, and Antisocial Behavior: A Partial Test of General Strain Theory
Examining an Indirect Pathway from the Variety of Stressful Life Events to Violent Victimization through Acquired Psychological Symptoms
Examining Arrest and Cigarette Smoking in Emerging Adulthood
Examining Criminal Justice Contact on Future Outcomes: Does Age at First Arrest or Incarceration Impact Future Mental Health and Substance Use?
Examining Fertility from a Couple-Perspective: Do Relative Resources Matter for First and Second Births?
Examining Gambling and Substance Use: Applications of Advanced Latent Class Modeling Techniques for Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Data
Examining Homeleaving Processes during the Transition to Adulthood
Examining Immigrant Experiences in Asset Building: Implications for Asset-Based Policies
Examining Income Dynamics and Externalizing and Internalizing Trajectories through a Developmental Psychopathology Lens: A Nationally Representative Study
Examining Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests
Examining Sedentary Work and BMI Prospectively: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)
Examining Sedentary Work and Weight Gain Prospectively: Evidence from NLSY79
Examining the Achievement Test Score Gap Between Urban and Suburban Students
Examining the AFQT as a Proxy for Human Capital
Examining the Antecedents of U.S. Nonmarital Fatherhood
Examining the Antecedents of U.S. Nonmarital Fathering using Two National Datasets
Examining the Association Between Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Child Behavior Problems Using Quality-Adjusted Life Years
Examining the Black Gender Gap in Educational Attainment: The Role of Exclusionary School Discipline & Criminal Justice Contact
Examining the Causal Link between Divorce and Mental Health of their Offspring Using the Cross-generational Sibling Comparison Model
Examining the Changing Influence of Predictors on Adolescent Alcohol Misuse
Examining the Cumulative Effects of Protective Factors: Resiliency among a National Sample of High-Risk Youths
Examining the Effects of Adult Children's Incarceration on Mothers' Health
Examining the Effects of Birth Order on Personality
Examining the Genetic and Environmental Influences on Self-Control and Delinquency: Results From a Genetically Informative Analysis of Sibling Pairs
Examining the Impact of Maternal Health, Race, and Socioeconomic Status on Daughter's Self-Rated Health Over Three Decades
Examining the Impact of Military Experience on Crime: Issues of Race and the Life Course
Examining the Influence of Delinquent Peer Association on the Stability of Self-Control in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence: Toward an Integrated Theoretical Model
Examining the Link Between Being a Victim of Bullying and Delinquency Trajectories Among an African American Sample
Examining the Long-Term Consequences of Bullying on Adult Substance Use
Examining the Mechanics of Latino Racialization: What Factors Predict How People Racially Classify Self-identified Latinos?
Examining the Origins and Influence of Low Self-Control
Examining the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Extrinsic Career Success Among NLSY79 Young Adult Respondents
Examining the Residential Mobility Patterns of Individuals with a History of Incarceration
Examining the Salience of Marriage to Offending for Black and Hispanic Men
Excess Body Mass Index–Years, a Measure of Degree and Duration of Excess Weight, and Risk for Incident Diabetes
Excess Zeros, Endogenous Binary Indicators, and Self-selection Bias with Application to First Marriage, Smoking and Drinking Outcomes
Excessive Gestational Weight Gain and Subsequent Maternal Obesity at Age 40: A Hypothetical Intervention
Excessive Gestational Weight Gain over Multiple Pregnancies and the Prevalence of Obesity at Age 40
An Exchange: The Theory of Human Capital and the Earnings of Women: Women's Earnings Reexamined
An Exchange: Theory of Human Capital and the Earnings of Women: A Reexamination of the Evidence
Exercise in Young Adulthood with Simultaneous and Future Changes in Fruit and Vegetable Intake
Existing Labor Market Data: Current and Potential Research Uses
The Exit-Voice Tradeoff in the Labor Market: Unionism, Job Tenure, Quits and Separations
The Exit-Voice Tradeoff in the Labor Market: Unionism, Job Tenure, Quits
The Exit-Voice Tradeoff in the Labor Market: Unionism, Job Tenure, Quits, and Separations
Exiting and Returning to the Parental Home for Boomerang Kids
Exits from Poverty Among Rural and Urban Black, Hispanic, and White Young Adults
Expanding the Scope of the NLS Surveys: Merging Data from Other Sources Based on Geographic Identifiers
Expanding Wallets and Waistlines: The Impact of Family Income on the BMI of Women and Men Eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit
Expanding Wallets and Waistlines: The Impact of Family Income on the BMI of Women and Men Eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit
Expectation Formation for All? Group Differences in Student Response to Signals about Academic Performance
Expectations and Incentives: Parental Financial Support for College During the Transition to Young Adulthood
Expectations in Micro Data: Rationality Revisted
Expectations Matter: Job Prospects And Turnover Dynamics
Expectations of Adult Wages and Teenage Childbearing
Expectations of Adult Wages and Teenage Childbearing
Expectations of Adult Wages and Teenage Childbearing
Expectations to Marry Among American Youth: The Effects of Unwed Fertility, Economic Activity, and Cohabitation
Expectations, Education, and Opportunity
Expectations, Realizations, and the Aging of Young Men
Expected Income and Labor Market Choices of U.S. Married Couples: A Locally Weighted Regression Approach
Expected Versus Actual Work Roles of Women
Expected Work Experience and the Gender Wage Gap: A New Human Capital Measure
Experience and Earnings of Young Women
Experience-Based Measures of Heterogeneity in the Welfare Caseload
An Experience-Weighted Measure of Employment and Unemployment Durations
Experience, Human Capital and Complementarity: The Case of Young Men
Experience, Tenure, and the Perceptions of Employers
Experience, Tenure, and Wage Growth of Young Black and White Men
Experimental Analysis of Neighborhood Effects on Youth
Experimental and Empirical Studies of Belief Formation
Experimentation and Job Choice
Experimentation and Job Choice
Experimentation and the Returns to Entrepreneurship
Experimentation and the Returns to Entrepreneurship
Explaining Birth Order Effects Using Variation in Compulsory Schooling Law
Explaining Children's Heath Problems: The Effects of Poverty and Access to Health Insurance
Explaining Cross-Racial Differences in the Educational Gender Gap
Explaining Cultural Differences in the Perceived Role of Work: An Intranational Cross Cultural Study
Explaining Differences in the Timing of First Births Among Young Adults: Contextual Effects
Explaining Differentials in Employment and Wages Between Young Adults with and Without Disabilities
Explaining Female Teenagers' Sexual Behavior and Outcomes: A Bivariate Probit Analysis with Selectivity Correction
Explaining Intergenerational Mobility: The Role of Fertility and Family Transfers
Explaining Occupational Sex Segregation and Wages: Findings from a Model with Fixed Effects
Explaining Procyclical Male-Female Wage Gaps
Explaining Regional Variation in Verbal Facility Among Young Children
Explaining Rising Income and Wage Inequality Among the College Educated
Explaining Rising Wage Inequality: Explorations with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of Labor Earnings with Heterogeneous Agents
Explaining Southern Disadvantage in Verbal Facility Among Young Children
Explaining the 2004 Decrease in Minority Stock Ownership
Explaining the Associations of Education and Occupation with Childlessness: The Role of Desires and Expectations to Remain Childless
Explaining the Birth Order Effect: The Role of Prenatal and Early Childhood Investments
Explaining the Curvilinear Relationship Between Age at First Birth and Depression Among Women
Explaining The Decline In Women's Household Labor: Individual Change and Cohort Differences
Explaining the Effects of Capital Sector for Income Determination
Explaining the Gap in Girls' and Boys' Educational Successes: Emulating Role Models or Anticipating Economic Payoffs?
Explaining the Increase in On-the-job Search
Explaining the Performance Gap between Public and Private School Students
Explaining the Route to Owner-Occupation: A Transatlantic Comparison
Explaining Work and Family Linkages in Dual-Earner Families: Effects of Parents' Occupational Conditions on Children's Outcomes
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Risky Sexual Behavior and Substance Use by Teenagers and Young Adults
Exploratory or Confirmatory Factor Analysis?
An Exploratory Study of the Connection of Mother's Age at Childbearing to Her Children's Delinquency in Four Data Sets
An Exploratory Study of the Economic Theory of Marriage
Exploring Differences in the Antisocial Behaviors of Adolescent Rule-breaking that Affect Entrepreneurial Persistence
Exploring Family Processes in the NLSY97
Exploring Fertility Expectations
Exploring Gender Specific Wage Differentials Between Obese and Non-Obese Adults: Evidence from the NLSY
Exploring Income Inequality in the United States through Redistribution Preferences, Intergenerational Mobility, and Political Polarization
Exploring New Life Course Patterns of Mother's Continuing Secondary and College Education
Exploring the "Present Through the Past": Career and Family Across the Last Century
Exploring the "School-to-Prison" Pipeline: How School Suspensions Influence Incarceration During Young Adulthood
Exploring the Connection between College Credits and Young Adult Health
Exploring the Effects of Childhood Family Structure on Teenage and Young Adult Labor Force Participation
Exploring the Effects of Personal Perceptions and Expectations on Teenage Employment
Exploring the Gender Differences in Protective Factors
Exploring the Link Between Wages and Psychological Capital
Exploring the Links Between Receiving Special Education Services and Adulthood Outcomes
Exploring the Mechanisms through which Employment Affects Women's Childrearing Practices
Exploring the Reasons Behind the Narrowing Gender Gap in Earnings
Exploring the Relationship Between Depression and Delinquency: A Sibling Comparison Design Using the NLSY
Exploring the Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Arrest within the Forgotten Half
Exploring the Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Crime
Exploring the Relationship between Employment Stability and Desistance from Illicit Substance Use across Various Racial Categories
Exploring the Role of Self-Control Across Distinct Patterns of Cyber-Deviance in Emerging Adolescence
Exploring the School-to-Prison Pipeline: How School Suspensions Influence Incarceration During Young Adulthood
Exploring the Usefulness of a Non-Random Holdout Sample for Model Validation: Welfare Effects on Female Behavior
Exploring the Usefulness of a Nonrandom Holdout Sample for Model Validation: Welfare Effects On Female Behavior
Exposure to Gun Violence and Handgun Carrying from Adolescence to Adulthood
Extended Family Living Arrangements and Their Effects on Young Women
Extension of the College-Going/College-Choice Model to the NLS Class of 1971 Data
Externalities of Imprisonment: Does Maternal Incarceration Affect Child Outcomes?
Externalities of Imprisonment: Does Maternal Incarceration Affect Child Outcomes?
The Externalities of Imprisonment: Does Maternal Incarceration Affect Child Outcomes?
Externalizing and Internalizing Subscales of Behavior Problems Index
Extra Weight, Higher Costs
Extra-Ordinary Siblings: The Early Life Course Consequences of having a Sibling with a Disability
Extraversion and Low Introversion More Equivalent to High Introversion in Depression During COVID-19
Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap
Eye Color Predicts Alcohol Use in Two Archival Samples

Facing the Realities of the American Dream: Upward Maternal Socioeconomic Mobility and Black-White Disparities in Infant Birthweight
Factor Structure and Predictive Validity of the HOME-Short Form for Three Racial/Ethnic Groups in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Factor Structure of Global Self-Esteem among Adolescents and Adults
Factors Affecting Early Family Formation: A Path Model
Factors Affecting Individual Persistence Rates in Undergraduate College Programs
Factors Affecting Mortality in the Years Surrounding Retirement
Factors Affecting Retirement Income
Factors Affecting the Economic Status of Early Childbearers
Factors Affecting the Labor Market Experience of Young Men with Special Needs
Factors Affecting Work Time Supplied by Women Ages 30 to 44 Years
Factors Associated with Bullying Behaviors in a Longitudinal Sample of Children
Factors Associated With Changes in Fruit Intake During Young Adulthood: A Classification and Regression Tree Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Factors Associated With Self-sufficiency of Young Adults
Factors Associated with the Transition to Multiple Partner Fertility among Young Unmarried Parents
Factors Determining the Number of Hours Supplied by Married Women
Factors in Career Orientation and Occupational Status
Factors in the Adjustment of Latchkey Children
Factors in the Resolution of Adolescent Premarital Pregnancies
Factors Influencing Private Capital Accumulation on the 'Eve of Retirement'
Factors Influencing Young Women's Occupational Choice and Aspirations
Factors Influencing Young Women's Transitions among Multiple Role Combinations: U.S. 1968-73
Factors Predicting Post-High School Employment for Young Adults with Visual Impairments
Factors Related to Individual Differences in the Academic and Behavioral Adjustment of Young Children from Low-income Families
Factors Related to Propensity for Parents to Pay for Child Care
Factors Related to the Achievement and Adjustment of Young African American Children
Factors Related to the Achievement and Adjustment of Young Black Children
Factors Related to the Decisions of Rural Public High School Students to Participate in Vocational Education
Factors Related to the Quality of the Home Environment and Children's Achievement
Factors Shaping the Probability of Divorce and Early Remarriage Among Young Men
Failing at Remediation? College Remedial Course-taking, Failure and Long-term Student Outcomes
Failing at Remediation? College Remedial Coursetaking, Failure and Long-Term Student Outcomes
Failing Grades: Examining The Long-Term Effects of Failure in Education
Failing Workers, Failing Women: Job Quality Deterioration, Educational Expansion, and Gender Stratification in the Labor Market, 1985-2017
The Failure of Human Capital Theory to Explain Occupational Sex Segregation
Failure to Earn a High School Diploma: Correlates and Consequences for Central Pennsylvania
Failure to Launch? Exits from and Returns to the Parental Home among Emerging Adults in the U.S.
Faith and Money: How Religious Belief Contributes to Wealth and Poverty
The Fall in Men's Return to Marriage: Declining Productivity Effects or Changing Selection?
Falling Behind: The Black-White Wealth Gap in Life Course and Intergenerational Perspective
Falling Behind: The Role of Inter- and Intragenerational Processes in Widening Racial and Ethnic Wealth Gaps through Early and Middle Adulthood
The Falling Time Cost of College: Evidence from Half a Century of Time Use Data
Familial and Behavioral Antecedents of Children's Injuries
Familial and Self-Concept Variables Related to Substance Abuse in a National Study of Disadvantaged Young Adults
Familial Confounding of the Association Between Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Substance Use and Problems
Familial Deaths and First Birth
Familial Religiosity, Family Processes, and Juvenile Delinquency in a National Sample of Early Adolescents
Familial Social Capital and Children's Behavior Problems: Differences Between Dual Earner and Male Earner Families
Familial Transmission of Gang Involvement
Families and Mobility: A Re-Conceptualization of the Social Class of Children
Families Could Bite the Dust, Study Warns
Families in the Life Course: Interdependency of Roles, Role Configurations, and Pathways
Families of Adolescent Parents: Predictors of Developmental Outcomes
Families of Men: Exploring Relationship Dynamics with the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Families Swept Away by Fear of Housework
Family and Faith: The Roots of Prosperity, Stability and Freedom
Family and Friends: The Driving Forces Behind Our Academic Success and Skill Development
Family and Household Effects on the Educational Attainment of Young Adults
Family and Household Predictors of Injury Repetition Among Children in the United States
Family and Religious Characteristics' Influence on Delinquency Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Family and School Capital Explaining Regional Variation in Math and Reading Achievement
Family and Women's Labor Force Participation
Family and Youth Behavioral and Social-Psychological Antecedents of Adolescent Smoking Among High Risk Youth
Family Assets and Child Outcomes: Current Evidence and Future Directions
The Family Background and Attitudes of Teen Fathers
Family Background and Contemporary Changes in Young Adults' School-Work Transitions and Family Formation in the United States
Family Background and Higher Education Attainment Among Children of Immigrants
Family Background and Labor Market Outcomes
Family Background and Optimal Schooling Decisions
Family Background Consistently Affects Economic Success Across the Life Cycle
Family Background, Childhood Disadvantage, and Unintended Fertility
Family Background, Home Environment and the Rate of Child Cognitive Development
Family Background, Non-Cognitive Skills, and Gender Gaps in Education
Family Background, Parenting Practices, and the Black-White Test Score Gap
Family Background, School and Early Marriage
Family Benefits if Mom's Career is Challenging
Family Change and Early Sexual Initiation
Family Change and Early Sexual Initiation
Family Characteristics, Public Program Participation, and Civic Engagement
Family Cohesion: The Link between Mother's Alcohol Use and Child's Substance Use
Family Composition and College Choice: Does It Take Two Parents To Go To The Ivy League?
Family Configurations and Child-Care Patterns: Families with Two or More Preschool-Age Children
Family Context and Adolescents' Fertility Expectations
Family Context of Children's Social and Emotional Development: Marital Quality and Mother-Child Interaction in Mother-Father and Mother-Stepfather Families
Family Debt as Investment in Young Adult Children
The Family Demography of Higher Education
Family Developmental Risk Factors Among Adolescents With Disabilities and Children of Parents with Disabilities
Family Disruption and the Cognitive and Behavioural Development of Children in Longitudinal Data from Britain and USA
Family Dynamics Through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems
Family Dynamics Through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems
Family Earning and Wage Inequality Early in the Life Cycle
A Family Economic Self Sufficiency Measure
Family Effects on Children's Social and Emotional Outcomes: The Impact of Marital Quality and Mother-Child Interaction Patterns
Family Effects on the Human Capital and Earnings of Men and Women
Family Endowments and the Achievement of Young Children with Special Reference to the Underclass
Family Environment
Family Environment and Adolescent Sexual Debut in Alternative Household Structures
The Family Environment in Early Childhood Has a Long-term Effect on Self-esteem: A Longitudinal Study from Birth to Age 27 Years.
Family Environment, Child Behavior, and Child Injury Propensity
Family Environments and the Relationship Context of First Adolescent Sex: Correlates of First Sex in a Casual versus Steady Relationship
Family Formation Among Women in the U.S. Military: Evidence from the NLSY
Family Formation History and the Psychological Well-Being of Women from Diverse Racial-Ethnic Groups
Family Formation Intentions from Adolescence to Middle Adulthood: Emergence, Persistence, and Process
Family Friendly Policies and Women at Work
The Family Gap for Young Women in the United States and Britain: Can Maternity Leave Make a Difference?
Family Histories and Teen Pregnancy in the United States and Canada
Family History, Alcohol Use and Dependence Symptoms Among Young Adults in the United States
Family Income and Higher Education Choices: The Importance of Accounting for College Quality
Family Income at Birth & Childhood Obesity: The Developmental Origins of an Obesity Gradient
Family Income, Ability and Post-Secondary Attendance in the US and Canada
Family Influences on the Formation of Moral Identity in Adolescence: Longitudinal Analyses
Family Instability and Adolescents’ Dating and Sexual Initiation
Family Instability and Child Well-Being
Family Instability and Crime: Does One Really Lead to the Other?
Family Instability and Selection Effects on Children
Family Instability, Gender, and Overweight Status in Young Adulthood
Family Investment Responses to Childhood Health Conditions: Intrafamily Allocation of Resources
Family Investments in Human Capital: Earnings of Women
Family Labor Supply, Non-Market Work, and Fertility
Family Leave and Child Outcomes: Evidence from the NLSY
Family Leave Policies and Women's Retention after Childbirth: Evidence from the United States, Britain, and Japan
Family Life Course Statuses and Transitions: Relationships with Health Limitations
Family Life Cycle, Work Career Patterns, and Women's Wages at Midlife
Family Life Events and Child Injury Risk
Family Linguistic Culture and Social Reproduction: Verbal Skill from Parent to Child in the Preschool and School Years
Family Matters: The Developmental Course of Adolescents' Relationships with Their Parents
Family Mediators of the Effects of Maternal Employment in the First Year of Life
Family Migration and Female Employment: The Problem of Underemployment among Migrant Married Women
Family Migration and Wives' Employment
Family Migration Largely Unresponsive to Wife's Employment
Family Networks in Prenatal and Postnatal Health
Family Poverty and Public Dependency
Family Poverty and Public Dependency
Family Process Environmental Measures in the NLSY97: Variation by Race and Socioeconomic Conditions
Family Process Mediators of the Relation between Components of SES and Child Outcomes
Family Process Variables in the NLSY97: A Primer
Family Processes and Adolescent Religiosity and Religious Practice: View from the NLSY97
Family Processes and Delinquency: The Consistency of Relationships by Race/Ethnicity
Family Relationships as Sources of Stress and Support: Making the Connection Between Work and Family Experiences.
Family Religious Involvement and the Quality of Parental Relationships for Families with Early Adolescents
Family Resources, Behavior, and Children's Cognitive Development
Family Resources, Family Structure, Public Policies, and Child Maltreatment Risk: A Longitudinal Analysis
Family Role Definitions as Determinants of Labor Force Behavior
Family Size Effects on Childhood Obesity: Evidence on the Quantity-Quality Trade-off Using the NLSY
Family Size Preferences in Early Adulthood: Measurement Error and Dimensionality
Family Size, Intelligence, and Expected Education
Family Social Capital and Children's Behavior Problems
Family Social Capital through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems
Family Social Capital Through Childhood: A Sibling Model of Behavior Problems
Family Socio-Economic Status, Childhood Life-Events and the Dynamics of Depression from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Family Structure and Child Outcomes in the United States and Sweden
Family Structure and Child Support: What Matters for Youth Delinquency Rates?
Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Examining the Role of Parental Social Connections
Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Examining the Role of Parental Social Networks
Family Structure and Child Well-Being: The Role of Parental Social Connections
Family Structure and Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes
Family Structure and Children's Educational Outcomes: Blended Families, Stylized Facts, and Descriptive Regressions
Family Structure and Children's Educational Outcomes: Blended Families, Stylized Facts, and Descriptive Regressions
Family Structure and Children's Social and Emotional Development: Marital Quality, Mother-Child Interaction and Child Outcomes in Mother-Father and Mother-Stepfather Families
Family Structure and Children's Social and Emotional Outcomes: The Impact of Marital Quality and Mother-Child Interaction Patterns in Stepfather and Intact Families
Family Structure and Community Context: Evaluating Influences on Adolescent Outcomes
Family Structure and Economic Success across the Life Course
Family Structure and Educational Attainment of Children: Addressing Income Controls and Endogeneity
Family Structure and First-Term College GPA: Do Resources, Selectivity, and Resilience Factors Explain Potential Differences Across Family Structures?
Family Structure and High School Graduation: How Children Born to Unmarried Mothers Fare
Family Structure and Infant Health
Family Structure and Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood: How Children Born to Unwed Mothers Fare
Family Structure and the Reproduction of Inequality: A Decomposition Approach
Family Structure and the Timing and Quality of College Attendance
Family Structure and the Transition to Early Parenthood
Family Structure and the Transition to Early Parenthood
Family Structure Dynamics and Child Outcomes
The Family Structure Experiences of Children in Single Mother Families
Family Structure History and Young Adults' Receipt of Financial Assistance for College
Family Structure Instability and Mobility: The Consequences for Adolescents’ Problem Behavior
Family Structure Instability and Residential and School Mobility: The Consequences for Adolescents' Behavior
Family Structure Patterns from Childhood through Adolescence and the Timing of Cohabitation among Diverse Groups of Young Adult Women and Men
Family Structure States and Transitions: Associations with Children's Well-Being During Middle Childhood.
Family Structure Transitions and Child Achievement
Family Structure Transitions and Children's Wellbeing During Middle Childhood
Family Structure, Closeness to Residential and Nonresidential Parents, and Psychological Distress in Early and Middle Adolescence
Family Structure, Early Sexual Behavior, and Premarital Births
Family Structure, Early Sexual Behavior, and Premarital Births
Family Structure, Father Involvement and Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
Family Structure, Father Involvement, and Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
Family Structure, Intergenerational Mobility and the Reproduction of Poverty: Evidence for Increasing Polarization?
Family Structure, Maternal Employment, and Change in Children's Externalizing Problem Behaviour: Differences by Age and Self-regulation
Family Structure, Race, and Feminization of Poverty
Family Structure, Race, and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Family Structure, Race, and the Hazards of Young Women in Poverty, or Getting Into Poverty Without a Husband and getting Out, With or Without
Family Structure, Race, and Wealth Ownership: A Longitudinal Exploration of Wealth Accumulation Processes
Family Structure, Substitute Care, and Educational Achievement
Family Support Networks, Welfare, and Work Among Young Mothers
Family Transition and Juvenile Delinquency
Family Types, Direct Money Transfers from Parents, and School Enrollment among Youth
Family Wage Gap in the United States
Family Wage? A Cross-Cohort Comparison of the Motherhood Wage Penalty
The Family Way: Treating Fathers As Optional Has Brought Big Social Costs
Family Wealth and College Attendance: Borrowing Constraints or Scholastic Ability?
Family- and Work-Related Attitudes and Aspirations of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Youth
Family-friendly Benefits and Full-time Working Mothers' Labor Force Persistence
Family-friendly Policies for Rural Working Mothers
"Family-Friendly" Fringe Benefits and the Gender Wage Gap
The Family-Go-Round: Family Complexity and Father Involvement from a Father's Perspective
The Family-Go-Round: Multi-Partner Fertility and Father Involvement From a Father's Perspective
Family-related Disparities in College Enrollment across the Great Recession
The Family-to-Prison-or-College Pipeline: Married Fathers and Young Men's Transition to Adulthood
Family, Academic, and Peer Group Predictors of Adolescent Pregnancy Expectations and Young Adult Childbearing
Family, Gender, and Delinquency from an Integrated Power-Control Model
Family, Gender, and Educational Outcomes in Elementary and Middle School
Family, Labor Market, and Race/Ethnic Differences in Women's Employment Histories
Family, Religion, and Well-Being from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Patterns of Religious Participation and the Influence of Family and Religious Characteristics on Trajectories of Well-Being
Family, Religious Attendance, and Trajectories of Psychological Well-being among Youth
Family, Work, and Access to Health Insurance Among Mature Women
Family/School Inequality and African-American/Hispanic Achievement
Far Beyond the First Three Years: Parental Employment and Problem Behavior in Early Adolescence
The Fascinating Connection between How Much Married People Make and How Likely They Are to Cheat
Fast Food Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity
Fast Food and Financial Impatience: A Socioecological Approach
Fast Food Costs and Adolescent Body Mass Index: Evidence from Panel Data.
Fast Food Prices and Adult Body Weight Outcomes: Evidence Based on Longitudinal Quantile Regression Models
Fast-Food Ad Ban Could Cut Child Obesity: U.S. Study
Fast-Food Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity
Fast-Food Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity
Fast-Food Restaurant Advertising on Television and Its Influence on Childhood Obesity
Fat City: Questioning the Relationship Between Urban Sprawl and Obesity
Fatalism and Savings
Fatalism and Savings
Fatalism and Savings
Fate of the Family
Father Absence and Adolescent Depression and Delinquency: A Comparison of Siblings Approach
Father Absence and Early Sexual Activity: Revisiting Evolutionary Theories
Father Absence and the Welfare of Children
Father Absence and Youth Incarceration
Father Absence and Youth Incarceration
Father as Breadwinner: Gendered Wage Penalties for Job Interruptions
Father Closeness and Adult Son's School/Work Engagement
Father Involvement and Gender Role Ideology of Young Hispanic Adults: Analysis Using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
Father Involvement and Youth Transition into Risky Behaviors in Immigrant and Native-Born Families
Father Involvement with Their Nonmarital Children Patterns, Determinants, and Effects on Their Earnings
Father Involvement with Their Nonmarital Children: Patterns, Determinants and Effects on Their Earnings
Father-Child Relationship, Parenting Styles, and Adolescent Risk Behaviors in Intact Families
Father-Daughter Relationship Quality as a Predictor of Sexual Activity in Adolescent Women
Fatherhood Across Two Generations
The Fatherhood Bonus and The Motherhood Penalty: Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Pay
Fatherhood: Research, Interventions and Policies
Fathering in Reconstituted Families: The Effects of Maternal Cohabitation and Remarriage on Children's Relationships with Fathers and Father-Figures
Fatherless Boys Grow Up Into Dangerous Men
Fathers and the Flexibility Stigma
Fathers as Providers of Child Care
Fathers Presence and Young Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Adjustment
Fathers Unequal: Men as Partners and Parents in an Era of Rapid Family Change
Fathers' and Mothers' Parenting Predicting and Responding to Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors
Fathers' Involvement and Children's Developmental Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies
Fathers' Time vs. Fathers' Money: Effects of the Child Support Enforcement System
Fathers' Use of Leave at the Birth of a Child: An Examination of Factors Influencing Fathers' Leave-Taking Behaviors
Favorable Self-Selection and the Internal Migration of Young White Males in the United States
Favourable Employment Status Change and Psychological Depression: A Two-Year Follow-Up Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Federal Data on Educational Attainment and the Transition to Work
Federal Financial Aid and Family Formation: Examining the Social Security Student Benefit Program
Federal Financial Aid, Educational Attainment, and Family Formation: Re-Examining the Social Security Student Benefit Program
Feeling Politics: Carceral Contact, Well‐Being, and Participation
Female Challenge -- Converging Dreams and Separate Realities
The Female College Boom, Educational Mobility, and Overeducation in the United States
Female Gang Members and Desistance: Motherhood as a Possible Exit Strategy? A Quantitative Analysis of Fleisher and Krienert (2004)
Female Labour Supply and Spousal Education
Female Mobility and the Returns to Seniority: Should EEO Policy Be Concerned with Promotion?
Female Occupational Achievement and Marital Status: A Research Note
Female-Headed Families: Personal Fate Control and the Provider Role
The Feminization of Poverty
Fertility and Education Premiums
Fertility and Female Employment
Fertility and Female Occupational Choice
Fertility and Female Occupational Choice
Fertility and Marital Dissolution among Young American Women
Fertility and Welfare Participation
Fertility Behavior of Black and White Families: Some Evidence from the NLS
Fertility Delay and Childlessness in the NLSY-79 Cohort
Fertility Effects on Women's Career Paths
Fertility Expectations and the Changing Role of Women
Fertility in the U.S. Military - Evidence from the NLSY
The Fertility Motivations of Youth Predict Later Fertility Outcomes: A Prospective Analysis of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Data
Fertility of Women in the NLSY79
The Fertility Patterns of Women Who Breastfeed
Fertility Policy and Employment: Implications from the Former Soviet Union
Fertility Postponement and Late Transitions to Motherhood
Fertility Related Data in the 1982 National Longitudinal Survey of Work Experience of Youth: An Evaluation of Data Quality and Some Preliminary Analytical Results
Fertility Responses to Individual and Contextual Unemployment: Differences by Socioeconomic Background
Fertility Timing, Wages, and Human Capital
Fertility-Related Data in the 1982 National Longitudinal Survey of Work Experience of Youth: An Evaluation of Data Quality & Some Preliminary Analytical Results
Fertility, Education, and Couple Dynamics: Three Essays on Childbearing Behavior in the United States and Germany
Fertility, Marital Instability, and Alimony
Fertility, Maternal Employment, and the Effect on a Child's Cognitive Achievement
Fertility, Women's Wage Rates, and Labor Supply
Fields of Study, College Selectivity, and Student Inequalities in Higher Education
Filling in the Gaps: The Association between Intelligence and Both Color and Parent-Reported Ancestry in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Finance and Children's Academic Performance
Financial Behavior among Young Adult Consumers: The Influence of Self-determination and Financial Psychology
Financial Capital, Human Capital, and the Transition to Self-Employment: Evidence from Intergenerational Links
Financial Capital, Human Capital, and the Transition to Self-Employment: Evidence from Intergenerational Links
The Financial Correlates of Midlife Obesity
The Financial Implications of Cohabitation Among Young Adults
Financial Integration and Relationship Transitions of Young Adult Cohabiters
Financial Literacy Among the Young
Financial Literacy: An Essential Tool for Informed Consumer Choice?
Financial Markets and Wages
Financial Markets and Wages
Financial Risk Tolerance, Sensation Seeking, and Locus of Control Among Pre-Retiree Baby Boomers
Finding Dynamic Treatment Effects under Anticipation: The Effects of Spanking on Behaviour
Finding Jobs: Work and Welfare Reform
Finding Mover-Stayer Quantile Difference due to Unobservables using Quantile Selection Corrections
Finding the Missing Einsteins: Expanding the Breadth of Cognitive and Noncognitive Measures Used in Academic Services
Fine Motor Skills and Early Comprehension of the World: Two New School Readiness Indicators
Finite Mixture Model Selection with Psychometric Applications
A Finite-Sample Hierarchical Analysis of Wage Variation Across Public High Schools: Evidence from the NLSY and High School and Beyond
Firm Size, Occupational Segregation, and the Effects of Family Status on Women's Wages
First Children Are Smarter--but Why?
First Comes Marriage or the Baby Carriage? The Connection Between the Sequencing of Marriage and Parenthood and Millennial Parents' Economic Well-being
The First Family Formation among Young Americans: The Role of Family Process
First Job: Its Determinants and Impact on Early Career
The First Sexual Experience Among Adolescent Girls With and Without Disabilities
First Time Mothers' Postpartum Employment Breaks: Predictors, and Marital Quality and Mental Health
First-birth Timing, Marital History, and Women's Health at Midlife
First-Generation College Students and Patterns of Cohabitation and Marriage
First-Generation College Students and the Timing of Marriage
First-Generation College Students, Social Mobility and Family Formation
First-Job Effects on Career Development
First-Timers and Late-Bloomers: Youth-Adult Unionization Differences in a Cohort of the U.S. Labor Force
Fiscal Greenhorns Need Your 'Read'
Fitting Cross-Lagged Panel Models with the Residual Structural Equations Approach
The Five Life Decisions: How Economic Principles and 18 Million Millennials Can Guide Your Thinking
The Five-factor Model of Personality and Physical Inactivity: A Meta-analysis of 16 Samples
Five-year Diagnostic Utility of "Diagnostic Orphans" for Alcohol Use Disorders in a National Sample of Young Adults
Fixed Costs and Labor Supply
Fixed Effects Individual Slopes: Accounting and Testing for Heterogeneous Effects in Panel Data or Other Multilevel Models
Fixed Effects Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Flexibly Parametric Proportional Hazard Model with an Application to Job Exits
Fixed Effects Regression Methods In SAS®
Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis
Flexibility for Whom? The Effects of Nontraditional Work Arrangements on Parental Involvement with Children
Flexibility or Constraint? The Implications of Mothers' and Fathers' Nonstandard Schedules for Children’s Behavioral Outcomes
Flexible Work and Housework: Work and Family Constraints on Women's Domestic Labor
Flow of Cognitive Capital across Rural and Urban United States
The Flynn Effect Can Become Embedded in Tests: How Cross-sectional Age Norms Can Corrupt Longitudinal Research
Flynn Effect Within Demographic Subgroups and Within Items: Moving from the General to the Specific
The Flynn Effect Within Subgroups in the U.S.: Gender, Race, Income, Education, and Urbanization Differences in the NLSY-Children Data
Focus on Day Care Heartens Specialists
Following Children Over Time: Child Development and Its Linkages with Family Social and Economic Transitions
Following the NLSY Mothers: An Examination of Their Children's Cigarette Use
Food for Thought: The Cognitive Effects of Childhood Malnutrition in the United States
Food Prices and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among Young American Adults
Food Prices, Access to Food Outlets and Child Weight
Food Prices, Access to Food Outlets and Child Weight Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis
Food Stamp Program Linked to Overweight in Young Children
Food Stamp Program Participation and Health: Estimates from the NLSY97
Food Stamp Program Participation and Obesity: Estimates from the NLSY79
Food Stamp Program Participation Is Positively Related To Obesity In Low Income Women
For Better or For Worse, But How About a Recession?
For Better or For Worse, But How About a Recession?
For Better or Worse: Relationship Status and Body Mass Index
For Better or Worse: Relationship Status and Body Mass Index
For Example the CES-D: Using the National Longitudinal Surveys to Study Public Health
For Many Older Women, Classrooms are Alluring
For Richer, for Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America
For Richer: The Effects of Marriage on Wealth Accumulation
For the Love of the Game
For This I Waited? One in Eight Working Women Who Are Promoted Does Not Receive a Pay Increase
Forecasting High-Tech ASVAB Scores
Foregone Earnings of College Students in the U.S. 1970 and 1979: A Microanalytic Approach
Foregone Earnings of College Students: A Microanalytical Approach
Forgotten Fathers: A Collection of Essays on Low-Skilled Men and Marriage
The Formation of a Socioeconomic Disparity: A Case Study of Cocaine and Marijuana Use in the 1990s
Formation of Educational Expectations of Lower Socioeconomic Status Children
The Formation of Extended Households During Middle Age
Formation of the Stepfamily: Are Men Substituting New, Residential Stepchildren for Children from Their First Unions?
Forming Families and Careers: The Effects of Family Size, First Birth Timing, and Early Family Aspirations on U.S. Women's Mental Health, Labor Force Participation, and Career Choices
Forming Wage Expectations through Learning: Evidence from College Major Choices
Formulating a Design for the ECLS: A Review of Longitudinal Studies
Formulating, Identifying and Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
Formulating, Identifying and Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
Formulating, Identifying, and Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation
A Formulation of the Earnings Function Using the Concept of Occupational Investment
Fortified, Not Secularized: Longitudinal Influence of Higher Education on Religious Beliefs and Behaviors
Fortunate Sons: Estimates of Intergenerational Mobility in the United States Using Social Security Earnings Data
Forward-Thinking Teens: The Effects of College Costs on Adolescent Risky Behavior
Foster Care Youth in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Four Essays in Empirical Macro and Labor Economics
Four Essays on a Student's Expectation That They Will Complete College
Four Essays on Risk Preferences, Entrepreneurship, Earnings, Occupations, and Gender
Four Essays on the Supply of Volunteer Labor and Econometrics
Four Parameters of Interest in the Evaluation of Social Programs
Four Successful Tests of the Cognitive Differentiation-Integration Effort hypothesis
Fragile Families, Welfare Reform, and Marriage
Free Markets, Free Choices II: Smashing the Wage Gap and Glass Ceiling Myths
Free Markets, Free Choices: Women in the Workforce
Frequency of Family Dinner and Adolescent Body Weight Status: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997
Frequency of Sexual Activity Among Unmarried Adolescent Girls: Do State Policies Pertaining To Abortion Access Matter?
The Freshman 15: A Critical Time for Obesity Intervention or Media Myth?
'Freshman 15' a Myth, Ohio State Study Says
Frictions in the Youth Labor Market: Theory and Evidence
Friendships and Early Relationships: Links to Sexual Invitation among American Adolescents Born to Young Mothers
Fringe Benefits and Chinese Import Competition
Fringe Benefits and Job Satisfaction
From Bakke to Hopwood: Does Race Affect Attendance and Completion?
From Bullied to Deviant: The Victim-Offender Overlap Among Bullying Victims
From Childhood Victim to Adult Criminal: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Patterns of Victimization-Offending among Americans in Early Adulthood
From Colors and Guns to Caps and Gowns? The Effects of Gang Membership on Educational Attainment
From Cradle to Classroom: High Birth Weight and Cognitive Outcomes
From GED to College: Age Trajectories of Nontraditional Educational Paths
From Happy Hour to Rush Hour: Effects of At-Risk Drinking on Labor Market Outcomes Among Mid-Career Men and Women
From Housing Assistance to Student Debt: the Effects of Government Aid on Household Behavior and Welfare
From Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Employment: The Implications of Drug Dealing at Young Ages for Job Mobility in the U.S.
From Midlife to Retirement: The Middle-Aged Woman Worker
From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development
From Parent to Child: Emerging Inequality in Outcomes for Children in Canada and the U.S.
From Playpen To Federal Pen: Family Instability and Youth Crime
From School to Work via Military Service: An Improved Transition
From School to Work: A Transition with Job Search Implications
From Selection Effects to Reciprocal Processes: What Does Attention to the Life Course Offer?
From Some to None? Fertility Expectation Dynamics of Permanently Childless Women
From Sons to Fathers in the NLSY79
From the Adolescence to the Young Adulthood: Cohabitation, Marriage and Mobility of NLSY 97 Cohort
From the Cot to the Couch? Young Adult Incarceration and Returns to the Parental Household
From the Middle to the Later Years: Longitudinal Studies of the Pre- and Postretirement Experience of Men
From the Middle to the Later Years: Longitudinal Studies of the Preretirement and Postretirement Experiences of Men
From the Valley to the Summit: A Brief History of the Quiet Revolution that Transformed Women's Work
From the Valley to the Summit: A Brief History of the Quiet Revolution that Transformed Women's Work
From the Valley to the Summit: The Quiet Revolution That Transformed Women's Work
From Work to Retirement: The Experience of a National Sample of Men
Fruit and Vegetable Intake as a Moderator of the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Cigarette Smoking
Full-Time and Part-Time Work Among Young Women
Functional Capacities of Older Men for Extended Work Lives
Funding Sources, Family Income, and Fields of Study at Four-year Colleges
Funding Sources, Family Income, and Fields of Study in College
Funding Sources, Family Income, and Fields of Study: Evidence from the NLSY97
Further Consideration of the Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Young Adult Smoking in Light of the Liberalization of Cannabis Policies
Further Evaluating the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Antisocial Behavior, and Violent Victimization: A Sibling-Comparison Analysis
Further Evidence on the Economic Effects of Poor Health
Further Examination of the NLSY PIAT-Math and PPVT-R Items that Exhibit the Flynn Effect
Future Expectations Among Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis
Future Expectations and Adolescent Risk Behavior
The Future of Remarriage in the United States: Its Determinants and Model-Based Projections
Future of the NLS: A Report from the NSF Conference on the Future of the NLS and the NLS Technical Review Committee
Future Outlook in African American Kinship Care Families

Gaining Faith, Losing Faith: How Education Shapes the Relationship between Religious Transitions and Later Depression
Gaining Ground, Moving Up: The Change in the Economic Status of Single Mothers Under Welfare Reform
Gains and Gaps: Changing Inequality in U.S. College Entry and Completion
Galton versus the Human Capital Approach to Inheritance
A Game of Catch-Up? The Offending Experience of Second-Generation Immigrants
Games Daughters and Parents Play: Teenage Childbearing, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers
Games Daughters and Parents Play: Teenage Childbearing, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers
Games Daughters and Parents Play: Teenage Childbearing, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers
Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviors, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers
Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviors, Parental Reputation, and Strategic Transfers
Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviour, Parental Reputation and Strategic Transfers
Games That Families Play: Parental Reputation, Transfers and Teen Childbearing
Gang Membership and Drug Involvement: Untangling the Complex Relationship
Gang Membership and Race as Risk Factors for Juvenile Arrest
Gang Membership and Violent Delinquency: How Strong is the Association After Taking into Account Familial Confounds?
Gang Membership Between Ages 5 and 17 Years in the United States
Gang Membership, Drug Selling, and Violence in Neighborhood Context
Gang Neighborhood and Youth Criminal Behavior
The GED as a Predictor of Mid-Life Health and Economic Well-Being
The GED Certificate and the Poverty Status of Adult Women
Gender and Childhood Victimization: A Longitudinal Study of Heavy Drinking in Young Adulthood
Gender and Crime : Patterns in Victimization and Offending
Gender and Ethnic Differences in School Departure Does Youth Employment Promote or Undermine Educational Attainment?
Gender and Ethnic Differences in the Co-occurrence of Adolescent Risk Behaviors
Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace
Gender and First Job: Ticket for a Life Journey
Gender and Piece Rates, Commissions, and Bonuses
Gender and Race Differences in Company Training
Gender and Race Differences in Early Adolescent Delinquency
Gender and Race Differences in the Determinants of Early Adolescent Relationships: Evidence from the NLSY
Gender and Race in Families and at Work: Fatherhood and Men's Labor Market Outcomes
Gender and Race Wage Gaps Attributable to Obesity
Gender and Socioeconomic Status Differences in First and Second Marriage Formation
Gender and the Economic Consequences of Divorce in the United States: Variation by Race and Ethnicity
Gender and the Journey-To-Work: Commuting Behavior and Reward Systems in the American Workplace
Gender and the Short-Run Economic Consequences of Marital Disruption
Gender and the STEM Trajectory: Evidence from the NLSY97
Gender and Wage Attainment at Entry into the Labor Market: Cohort and Racial Comparisons
The Gender Career Interruption Gap: Measuring the Cumulative Prevalence of Labor Force Dropout Due to Caregiving
Gender Composition and Job Satisfaction: Are People Happier in Gender Segregated Jobs?
Gender Differences in Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Young Adults
Gender Differences in Associations with Deviant Peer Groups: Examining Individual, Interactional, and Compositional Factors
Gender Differences in College Effects on Employment across Economic Context
Gender Differences in Depression across Parental Roles
Gender Differences in Depression across Parental Roles
Gender Differences in Developmental Patterns of Child Behavior Problems: Evidence from the Children of the NLS Youth
Gender Differences in Family Effects on Human Capital and Earnings: An Empirical Study of Siblings
Gender Differences in Family Formation Behavior: The Effects of Adolescent Substance Use
Gender Differences in Formal On-The-Job Training: Incidence, Duration, and Intensity
Gender Differences in Healthy and Unhealthy Food Consumption and Its Relationship with Depression in Young Adulthood
Gender Differences in Impulsivity
Gender Differences in Job Search among Young Workers: A Study Using Displaced Workers in the United States
Gender Differences in Labor Force Participation: Multilevel Analyses
Gender Differences in Mathematical Trajectories
Gender Differences in Mathematics: Evidence from the NLSY and the NELS
Gender Differences in Mathematics: Genetic and Environmental Influences With Special Emphasis on High and Low Ability
Gender Differences in Occupational Distributions Among Workers
Gender Differences in Patterns of School Victimization and Problem Behaviors During Middle School and Their Relation to High School Graduation
Gender Differences in Predictors of Assaultive Behavior in Late Adolescence
Gender Differences in Remarriage: Marriage Formation and Assortative Mating After Divorce
Gender Differences in Sexual Activity: What Role do Parents Play in Shaping Behaviors?
Gender Differences in the Acquisition of Self-control Over Time
Gender Differences in the Effect of Education on the Slope of Experience-Earnings Profiles: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979-1988
Gender Differences in the Impact of Job Mobility on Earnings: The Role of Occupational Segregation
Gender Differences in the Influence of Parental Class on Young Adults’ Participation in Postsecondary Education in the US
Gender Differences in the Job Turnover Behavior of Young Workers
Gender Differences in the Labor Market Experiences of Young Workers
Gender Differences in the Life Course Effects of Unemployment on Mid- and Later-Life Health
Gender Differences in the Low-Wage Labor Market
Gender Differences in the Marriage and Cohabitation Income Premium
Gender Differences in the Quit Behavior of Young Workers
Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Heavy Episodic Drinking, Social Roles, and Alcohol-Related Aggression in a U.S. Sample of Late Adolescent and Young Adult Drinkers
Gender Differences in Wage Growth and Job Mobility
Gender Differences in Wages and Job Turnover Among Continuously Employed Workers
Gender Differences on the Road to Redemption
Gender Differentials in the Labor Force: Measurement, Causes, and Probes
Gender Disparities among the Association between Cumulative Family-level Stress & Adolescent Weight Status
Gender Disparities in STEM Majors and Occupations: The Role of Early Skill Profiles
The Gender Earnings Gap Across the Life Course: Variation by Race, Educational Attainment, and Family Status
The Gender Gap in Alcohol Consumption during Late Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Gendered Attitudes and Adult Roles
The Gender Gap in College Expectations: Further Evidence of Boys Falling Behind
The Gender Gap in College Major: Revisiting the Role of Pre-College Factors
The Gender Gap in College Major: Revisiting the Role of Pre-college Factors
The Gender Gap in Company Job Training
The Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry
Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry: Racial and Ethnic Variation
Gender Gap in Education-Occupation Mismatch among Highly-Educated Workers
The Gender Gap in Financial Distress
The Gender Gap in Raise Magnitudes of Hourly and Salary Workers
The Gender Gap in Voluntary Turnover
Gender Gap in Wages, circa 2000
The Gender Gap: Looking at the Entire Distribution
Gender Ideology and Depressive Symptoms among Older Black and White Women
Gender Ideology and Fertility Trends in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Gender Ideology and Motherhood: The Consequences of Race on Earnings
Gender Ideology Construction From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Gender Ideology Construction: A Life Course and Intersectional Approach
Gender Ideology, Marital Disruption, and the Employment of Married Women
Gender in the Labor Market: The Role of Equal Opportunity and Family-Friendly Policies
Gender in the Labor Market: The Role of Equal Opportunity and Family-Friendly Policies
Gender Matters: Racial Variation and Marital Stability Among Intraracial Couples
Gender Occupational Segregation: Theory and Evidence
The Gender Pay Differential: Choice, Tradition, or Overt Discrimination?
Gender Pay Differentials among the Teenage Labor Force
The Gender Pay Gap by Occupation: A Test of the Crowding Hypothesis
The Gender Pay Gap, Fringe Benefits, and Occupational Crowding
The Gender Pay Gap, Fringe Benefits, and Occupational Crowding
Gender Role Attitudes and Fertility Revisited: Evidence from the United States
Gender Role Attitudes, Labor Supply, and Human Capital Formation
Gender Segregation and Union Transitions
Gender Stratification, Racial disparities, and Student Debt Trajectories in the United States
Gender Studies; Study Findings From T.A. Berdahl et. al. Broaden Understanding of Gender Studies
The Gender System Makes Me Sick: Structural Sexism and Health in the United States
Gender Variation in Depressive Symptoms and Multiple Roles during the First Decade of Midlife
Gender Variations in the Associations Between Father's Absence from the Home and Children's Behavior: Sensitivity to Life Cycle Stage
Gender Wage Disparities among the Highly Educated
The Gender Wage Ratio: Does it Differ Between Races?
Gender, Cognitive Transformation and Desistance from Crime
Gender, College Major, and Earnings
Gender, Debt, and Dropping Out of College
Gender, Debt, and Dropping Out of College
Gender, Family Structure, and Adolescents' Primary Confidants
Gender, Job Satisfaction and Quits: A Generational Comparison
Gender, Nativity and Family Variations in the Timing of Sexual Initiation
Gender, Race, and Changing Families: the Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Early Career Matches Between Employees and Supervisors, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Young Employees
Gender, Self-Employment, and Earnings The Interlocking Structures of Family and Professional Status
Gendered Diverging Destinies: Changing Family Structures and the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities Among Sons and Daughters in the United States
The Gendered Effect of Incarceration on Wages
The Gendered Structure of Career Goals: Influences of Role Models, Gender Ideology, and Agency
Gendered Transitions to Adulthood by College Field of Study
Gendered Transitions to Adulthood by College Field of Study in the United States
The Gendered Valuation of Occupations and Skills: Earnings in 1980 Census Occupations
Gendering Depression, Drugs, and Crime Among Young Adults
Gene Bomb: Does Higher Education and Advanced Technology Accelerate the Selection of Genes for Learning Disorders, ADHD, Addictive, and Disruptive Behaviors?
Gene x Environment Interactions in Early Externalizing Behaviors: Parental Emotional Support and Socioeconomic Context as Moderators of Genetic Influences?
General and Specific Training: Evidence and Implications
General Education Development (GED) Recipients' Life Course Experiences: Humanizing the Findings
General Equilibrium Cost Benefit Analysis of Education and Tax Policies
General Intellectual Achievement, Enlistment Intentions, and Racial Representativeness in the U.S. Military
General Mental Ability and Pay: Nonlinear Effects
A General Panel Model with Random and Fixed Effects: A Structural Equations Approach
General Strain Theory, Peer Rejection, and Delinquency/Crime
Generalized Instrumental Inequalities: Testing the Instrumental Variable Independence Assumption
Generalized Linear Model for Partially Ordered Data
Generalized Mixed Models with Mixture Links for Multivariate Zero-Inflated Count Data
A Generalized Partially Confirmatory Factor Analysis Framework with Mixed Bayesian Lasso Methods
The Generalized Roy Model and the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Social Programs
Generalized Trust Questions
Generating Educational Inequality: Multigenerational Approaches to the Transmission of Advantage and Disadvantage
Generating Jobs: How to Increase Demand for Less-Skilled Workers
Generating Labor Market Inequality: Family Background, Employment Histories, and Earnings Disparities
Generating New Knowledge From Existing Data: The Use of Large Data Sets for Nursing Research
Generating The Other: An Exploration of The Relationship Between Item Response and Immigrant Generational Status in A Sample of Black and Latinx Children
A Generation Indebted: Young Adult Debt across Three Cohorts
A Generation Indebted? Young Adult Debt across Three Cohorts
Generational Differences in Female Occupational Attainment -- Have the 1970's Changed Women's Opportunities?
Generational Differences in Workplace Attitudes and Job Satisfaction: Lack of Sizable Differences across Cohorts
Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe
A Generational Shift: Race and the Declining Lifetime Risk of Imprisonment
Generational Shifts in Life Course Trajectories: Implications for Homeownership by Age 30
Generational Status, Family Background, and Educational Attainment Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Youth
Genes Determine First Sex Romp
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Associations between Infant Fussy Temperament and Antisocial Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Offending Over the Life Course
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Stability and Change in Levels of Self-Control
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Association between Violent Victimization and Major Depressive Disorder
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Alcohol Use: DF Analysis of NLSY Kinship Data
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Alcohol Use: DF Analysis of NLSY Kinship Data
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Delinquency: DF Analysis of NLSY Kinship Data
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Fertility Expectations and Outcomes Using NLSY Kinship Data
Genetic and Shared Environmental Contributions to the Relationship between the Home Environment and Child and Adolescent Achievement
Genetic Influence Helps Explain Variation in Human Fertility: Evidence from Recent Behavioral and Molecular Genetic Studies
Genetic Influences on Language, Reading, and Mathematic Skills in a National Sample: A Selected and Unselected Analysis in the NLSY
Genetic Influences on Language, Reading, and Mathematics Skills in a National Sample: An Analysis Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Genetic Source of Reading Disability and a Proposal to Use NLSY-Children to Study Genetic and Environmental Influences on Reading Disability
Genetically Influenced Change in Sensation Seeking Drives the Rise of Delinquent Behavior during Adolescence
A Genetically Informed Study of the Associations Between Maternal Age at Childbearing and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes
Geographic Mobility and Locus of Control
The Geography of Child Penalties and Gender Norms: Evidence from the United States
Geography of Opportunity and Unemployment: An Integrated Model of Residential Segregation and Spatial Mismatch
Get a Job and Keep It! High School Employment and Adult Wealth Accumulation
Get High and Get Stupid: The Effect of Alcohol and Marijuana Use on Teen Sexual Behavior
Get High and Get Stupid: The Effect of Alcohol and Marijuana Use on Teen Sexual Behavior
Getting Ahead: The Determinants of and Payoffs to Internal Promotion for Young U.S. Men and Women
Getting Ahead: The Statistical Relationship Between Head Start and College Attendance
Getting Better with Age: Employment, Gender Attitudes, and Depression
Getting Inside the "Black Box" of Head Start Quality: What Matters and What Doesn't
Getting into Poverty Without a Husband, and Getting Out, With or Without
Getting Married in the Great Recession: Local Contexts and Marriage Formation among U.S. Young Adults
Getting on Your Bike: What Difference Does a Migration History Make?
Getting Rich: America's New Rich and How They Got That Way
Getting Sick and Falling Behind: Health and the Risk of Mortgage Default and Home Foreclosure
Getting Sick and Falling Behind: Health and the Risk of Mortgage Default and Home Foreclosure
The Gift That Keeps on Giving: Racial Integration, Upward Mobility, and Health Across the Life Course
Girls Who Start School Early for Their Age Are Less Likely than Others to Be Obese as Teens, According to New Research
Giving Mercenaries a Chance to be Missionaries: Making the Case for Universal Paid Family Leave in the United States
The Glass Ceiling Myth
The Glass Floor: Education, Downward Mobility, and Opportunity Hoarding
Going Against the Flow: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Cognitive Skills and Gender Beliefs on Occupational Aspirations and Outcomes
Going Away to College and Wider Urban Job Opportunities Take Highly Educated Youth Away from Rural Areas
Going Rates?
Going Separate Ways? School-To-Work Transitions in the United States and Europe
Going the Extra Mile at Work: Relationships Between Working Conditions and Discretionary Work Effort
A Good Fit: How Matching Students and Schools by Religion Improves Academic Outcomes
Good Kids in Bad Circumstances: A Longitudinal Analysis of Resilient Youth
The Good Marriage Effect among Recent Cohorts
Good Parenting: Do Younger Parents Learn from Their Mothers?
Gore Blows Empty Kisses
Gore's Equal Wage Plan Hurts Women
Government Assistance and Recidivism
Government Regulation and Wages: Evidence from Continuing Coverage Mandates
Government Regulation of the Household Production Function: A Study of Prenatal Health Care
Government Spending During Childhood and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Gradual Return To Work: The Antecedents and Consequences of Switching to Part-Time Work After First Childbirth
Graduate Education, School Quality, Experience, Student Ability, and Earnings
Graduating High School in a Recession: Work, Education, and Home Production
Grandmothers and Coresident Grandchildren
A Grandparent at Home Buffers Drawbacks of Single-Parenthood
Grandparent Coresidence and Foster Care Entry Over Time: Evidence From the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Grandparents and Coresident Grandchildren in a Youth Cohort
Grandparents Know Best: Multigenerational Coresidence and Psychological Distress During Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Grandparents' Childcare and Female Labor Force Participation
Grandparents’ Childcare and Female Labor Force Participation
Graphical Causal Modelling: an Application to Identify and Estimate Cause-and-Effect Relationships
A Graphical System for Longitudinal Modeling using Dynamic Documents: Application to NLSY97 Religiosity Data
Graphing Longitudinal Data: Deaf Children in the "Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth"
The Great Decoupling: The Disconnection Between Criminal Offending and Experience of Arrest Across Two Cohorts
Great Equalizer or Great Selector? Reconsidering Education as a Moderator of Intergenerational Transmissions
Great Harm of Too Much Kindness
The Great Recession and Causal Effects of College for Young Workers
The Great Recession and Its Impact on Job Loss and Mental Health
The Great Recession and Shifting Patterns of College Effects for Young Men
The Great Recession and the Effects of Higher Education
Group Living Decisions as Youth Transition to Adulthood: The Effect of Local Shelter Costs
Group Living Decisions as Youths Transition to Adulthood
The Growing Importance of Decision-Making on the Job
Growing Importance of Family and Community: An Analysis of Changes in the Sibling Correlation in Earnings
The Growing Importance of Family: Evidence from Brothers' Earnings
The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market
The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market
The Growing Importance of Socioemotional Skills for Academic Achievement in the United States
Growing Up and Acting Out: Developmental Trajectories Of Externalizing and Delinquent Behaviors in Adolescence
Growing Up and Getting Less: The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit On Labor Force Participation Using An Individual Level Fixed Effects Model
Growing Up in a Single-Parent Family: The Effect on Education and Earnings of Young Men
Growing Up in the Projects: Educational Aspiration and Achievements of Children in Public Housing
Growing Up Poor and Childhood Weight Problems
Growing Up Poor: Examining the Link between Persistent Childhood Poverty and Delinquency
Growing up Too Fast? The Implications of Precocious Social Competence in Young Adults from Disrupted Families
Growing Up Too Fast? The Longitudinal Association between Adultification and School Suspension
Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps
Growth Curve Analyses of the Relationship between Early Maternal Age and Children's Mathematics and Reading Performance
Growth Differences by Age of Menarche in African American and White Girls
Growth in the Labor Force Attachment of Married Women: Accounting for Changes in the 1970s
Growth Mixture Modeling with Non-normal Distributions
Growth Modeling of Mathematics Achievement using Ordinary and Weighted Least Squares Methods Part 1: Descriptive Analysis
The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination
Growth Rate Models: Emphasizing Growth Rate Analysis through Growth Curve Modeling
Guide to Federal Data on Children, Youth, and Families
Guns, Gangs, and Genes: Evidence of an Underlying Genetic Influence on Gang Involvement and Carrying a Handgun

H. R. 4241: A Bill to Amend the Head Start Act, and for Other Purposes
Habit and Heterogeneity in the Youthful Demand for Alcohol
Habits of the Heart: Youth Religious Participation as Progress, Peril, or Change?
Habits That Make, Habits That Break: Early Childhood Behavior Problems and the Gender Gap in Education in the United States
Habits that Make, Habits that Break: Gender, Children's Behavior Problems, and Educational Attainment Across Two Decades
Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 4B
Handedness and Earnings
Handedness and Earnings
Handedness, Health and Cognitive Development: Evidence from Children in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Handedness, Health and Cognitive Development: Evidence from Children in the NLSY
Handgun Carrying Among Young United States Adolescents
Hands on Sociology: Revised and Expanded Edition
The Happiness Syndrome: Methodological and Substantive Issues in the Study of Social-Psychological Well-being in Adulthood
Hard Evidence on Soft Skills
The Hard Truth about Telecommuting
Has "Who Comes Back" Changed? Teacher Reentry 2000-2019
Has Cognitive Ability Become More Important for Education and the Labor Market? A Comparison of the Project Talent and 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohorts
Has Family Leave Legislation Increased Leave-Taking?
Has Higher Education Solved the Problem? Examining the Gender Wage Gap of Recent College Graduates Entering the Workplace
Has Job Polarization Squeezed the Middle Class? Evidence from the Allocation of Talents
Has the College Wage Premium Continued to Rise? Evidence from Multiple U.S. Surveys
Has the Motherhood Penalty Changed? The Declining Effect of Children on Young Women’s Wages
Has the Price of Motherhood Declined Over Time? A Cross-Cohort Comparison of the Motherhood Wage Penalty
Has Welfare Reform Changed Teenage Behaviors?
Has Welfare Reform Changed Teenage Behaviors?
Have Asians Really Achieved Labor Market Equity with Whites?
Have Children Adapted to Their Mothers Working, or Was Adaptation Unnecessary? Cohort Effects and the Relationship Between Maternal Employment and Child Well-Being
Have Unions Impeded Growing Wage Dispersion Among Young Workers?
Having a Baby: Some Predictions of Maternal Employment around Childbirth
Having a Premarital Birth Reduces the Likelihood a Woman Will Marry
A Hazard Model of College with Endogenous Waiting
Hazard Pay in Unsafe Jobs: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications
Hazardous Occupations Within the Job Hierarchy
Hazardous or Not? Cannabis Use and Early Labor Market Experiences of Young Men
Head Start and School-to-Work Program Participation
Head Start and the Distribution of Long Term Education and Labor Market Outcomes
Head Start and the Distribution of Long term Education and Labor Market Outcomes
A Head Start for the Whole Family: Assessing the Labor Supply Response of Mothers of Head Start Participants
Head Start May Offer Next-Generation Benefits, Researchers Say
Head Start, Other Preschool Programs, and Life Success in a Youth Cohort
Head Start, Poor Children, and Their Families
Head Start's Long-Run Impact: Evidence from the Program's Introduction
Headstrong Girls and Dependent Boys: Gender Differences in the Labor Market Returns to Child Behavior
Headstrong Girls and Dependent Boys: Gender Differences in the Labor Market Returns to Child Behavior
'Headstrong' Women and 'Dependent' Men May Get Paid Less, Research Finds
The Health and Economic Status of Very Early Retirees
Health and Environmental Effects on the Academic Readiness of School-Age Children
Health and Female Self-Empowerment
Health and the Development of Academic and Behavioral Skills in Early Childhood
Health and the Education-Earnings Relationship
Health and the Educational Attainment of Adolescents: Evidence from the NLSY97
Health and the Educational Attainment of Adolescents: Evidence from the NLSY97
Health and the Educational Attainment of Adolescents: Evidence from the NLSY97
Health and the Wage: Cause, Effect, Both, or Neither? New Evidence on an Old Question
Health and the Working Poor
Health and Wealth: The Late-20th Century Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.
Health and Youth Employment
Health Behaviors and Health Outcomes among Construction Workers in the United States, a Longitudinal Study
Health Behaviors and the Role of Job Conditions: Smoking Cessation and Work Transitions through Young Adulthood and Midlife
Health Behaviors and the Transition to Adulthood During the Great Recession
The Health Benefits of Extended Union Membership Among Women: A Family Status Perspective
Health Coverage Instability for Mothers in Working Families
The Health Effects of Economic Decline
The Health Effects of Leaving School in a Bad Economy
Health Effects of Night and Irregular Shift Work
Health Effects of Parental Problem Drinking on Adult Children
Health Effects of Work and Family Transitions
Health Endowments and Parental Investments in Infancy and Early Childhood
Health History and Current Market Earnings: Further Evidence on the Economic Effects of Poor Health
Health Information Search and Retirement Planning
Health Insurance Among Children: The Role of Expanded Medicaid Coverage
Health Insurance and Young Adults: An Analysis Using the NLSY
Health Insurance Coverage and Risky Health Behaviors among Young Adults
Health Insurance Coverage and Self-reported Health: New Estimates from the NLSY97
Health Insurance Coverage and the Role Of Income Uncertainty
Health Insurance for Whom? The 'Spill-up' Effects of Children's Health Insurance on Mothers
Health Insurance, Employment-sector Choices and Job Attachment Patterns of Men and Women
Health Lifestyles in Late Middle Age
Health Limitations and Additional Predictors of Personal Bankruptcy: A Longitudinal Analysis
Health Limitations and Post-Secondary School Enrollment
Health of Infants Born to Teenage Mothers Affected More by Family Background than by Mother's Age
The Health of Mothers of Adult Children with Serious Conditions
Health of Very Early Retirees
Health Outcomes for Children in Canada, England, Norway and the United States
The Health Penalty of the GED: Testing the Role of Noncognitive Skills, Health Behaviors, and Economic Factors
Health Risk Factors Associated with Lifetime Abstinence from Alcohol in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Cohort
Health Savings Account Associations from a Social Work Perspective
Health Savings Account Effects on Health and Debt
Health Status and Prenatal Care Use among Women on Welfare Enrolled in Medicaid vs. Private Insurance: Impact on Infant Birth Weight
Health Status and Work Activity of Older Men: Event-History Analyses of Selected Social Policy Issues
Health Trajectories of Individuals Who Quit Active Religious Attendance: Analysis of Four Prospective Cohort Studies in the United States
The Health Value of the GED: Testing the Role of Noncognitive Skills, Health Behaviors, and Labor-Market Factors
Health-Pension Interaction in the Analysis of Early Retirement Trends
Health-Related Behavior and Marriage Selection: New Perspectives on an Old Question
Health-related Debt and Health Savings Accounts over Time
Health, Air Pollution, and Location Choice
Health, Crime, and the Labor Market: Theory and Policy Analysis
Health, Family Structure, and Labor Supply
Health, Nutrition, and Economic Development
Health, Obesity, and Earnings
Health, Pension Policy and Retirement
Health, Safety, and Socioeconomic Impacts of Cannabis Liberalization Laws: An Evidence and Gap Map
Healthy Development of Young Children: SES Disparities, Preventing Strategies, and Policy Opportunities
Healthy Paths? The Transition to Adulthood and Trajectories of Self-Rated Health
Hearing of the Joint Economic Committee: Improving Federal Statistics
Heavy Alcohol Use, Alcohol and Drug Screening and their Relationship to Mothers' Welfare Participation: A Temporal-ordered Causal Analysis
Heavy Drinking, Alcohol Dependence, and Injuries at Work among Young Workers in the United States Labor Force
Heavy Drinking, Alcoholism and Injuries at Work
Heavy Episodic Drinking in Early Adulthood and Outcomes in Midlife
The Hedgehog's Curse: Knowledge Specialization and Displacement Loss
Height and Adult Alcohol Consumption
Height and Higher Wages: An Econometric Analysis Using NLSY79 Data
Heightened Incidence of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents Involved in the Arts
Heir and the Spare: Impact of Birth Order on Risk Attitudes, Discount Rates, and Behaviors
Help or Hindrance: Temporary Help Agencies and the United States Transitory Workforce
Help or Hindrance? : The Economic Implications of Immigration for African Americans
Helping Others? The Effects of Childhood Poverty and Family Instability on Prosocial Behavior
Her Support, His Support: Money, Masculinity, and Marital Infidelity
Here's A Very Tall Tale
Here's The Answer To Bumper Sticker
A Hero at Home, but Losing the Zeros at Work? How Length of Maternity Leave Effects Women's Income
Herrnstein's Syllogism: Genetic and Shared Environmental Influences on IQ, Education, and Income
Heterogeneity and Risk in the Return to Higher Education: Change over Time
Heterogeneity in Educational Pathways and the Health Behavior of U.S. Young Adults
Heterogeneity in the Labor Market: Ability and Information Acquisition
Heterogeneity in the Production of Human Capital
Heterogeneity in the Returns to Schooling: Implications for Policy Evaluation
Heterogeneity of Human Capital and Its Valuation on the Labour Market
Heterogeneous Causal Effects and Sample Selection Bias
Heterogeneous Cognitive Development: Parental Divorce, Gender and Socioeconomic Status
Heterogeneous Effects of College on Family Formation Patterns among Women
Heterogeneous Effects of Employment Instability on Transitions to First-time Homeownership: Evidence from NLSY79 Cohort
Heterogeneous Effects of Higher Education on Civic Participation
Heterogeneous Effects of Higher Education on Civic Participation: A Research Note
The Heterogeneous Impact of Insurance on Health Care Demand among Young Adults: A Panel Data Analysis
The Heterogeneous Impacts of Business Cycles on Educational Attainment
Heterogeneous Returns to College over the Life Course
Heterogeneous Trends in U.S. Teacher Quality 1980-2010
Hidden Schooling: Endogenous Measurement Error and Bias in Education and Labor Market Experience
Hidden Schooling: Repeated Grades and the Returns to Education and Experience
Hidden Social Costs of Precarious Employment: Marriage Formation in a Period of Rising Precarity
The Hidden Social Costs of Precarious Employment: Parental Co-Residence, Marriage Timing, and Political Participation During Young Adulthood
High Birth Weight and Cognitive Outcomes
High Hopes and the Highway: The Influence of Expectations on Migrant Occupational Attainment
High School and Women's Life Course: Curriculum Tracking, Race/Ethnicity, and Welfare Receipt
High School Athletes and Marijuana Use
High School Athletics and the Wages of Black Males
High School Clubs Participation and Earnings
High School Clubs Participation and Future Supervisory Status
High School Completion for Young Women: Effects of Low Income and Living with a Single Parent. Also published as: Effects of Low Income and Living with a Single Parent
High School Composition and Health Outcomes in Adulthood: A Cohort Study
High School Dropout and the Role of Career and Technical Education: A Survival Analysis of Surviving High School
High School Dropout and the Roles of Career and Technical Education: A Survival Analysis of Surviving High School
High School Dropout Determinants: The Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Learning Disabilities
High School Employment
High School Employment and Adult Wealth Accumulation
High School Employment and Youths' Academic Achievement
High School Employment: Consumption or Investment
High School Experience and the Risk of Adult Incarceration
High School Experience: Comparing Self-Report and Transcript Data from the NLSY97
High School Mathematics Coursework as a Predictor of Earnings in the Labor Market
High School Vocational Education Experiences: In School and in the Labor Market
High School Vocational Education, Apprenticeship, and Earnings: A Comparison of Germany and the United States
High School Vocational Graduates: Which Doors Are Open?
High School Work Experience and Its Effects
High School Youths' Dropout and Re-enrollment Behavior
High-Dimensional Model-Assisted Inference for Local Average Treatment Effects With Instrumental Variables
High-Earning White Women Face Steepest Motherhood Penalty
Higher Education and Health at Midlife: Evaluating the Role of College Quality
Higher Education and Social Inequality: The Role of Community Colleges
Higher Education and the Black-White Earnings Gap
Higher Education and the Black-White Earnings Gap
Higher Education as Moral Community: Institutional Influences on Religious Participation During College
The Higher Returns to Formal Education for Entrepreneurs versus Employees
Highest Earned Degree, Education in Years, and Health Behavior among U.S. Young Adults
The Highs and Lows of Medical Marijuana Legalization
Hispanic Educational Attainment: The Effects of Family Background and Nativity
Hispanic Youth in the Labor Market
Hispanic Youth in the Labor Market: Explorations into the Job Search Process
Hispanic Youth: Emerging Workers
Hispanic-white Women's Wage Differentials
Historical Change in American Women's Life Course Construction
Historical Change in the Transition to Adulthood for American Women
Hitch in Time Saves $$ - Lasting Marriage Will Double Your Wealth
Hitting Kids: American Parenting and Physical Punishment
A Hobo Syndrome? Mobility, Wages, and Job Turnover
Home Alone: Maternal Employment, Child Care and Adolescent Behavior
Home Alone: Supervision After School and Child Behavior
Home Alone: The Impact of Maternal Employment on Delinquency
Home Alone: The Impact of Maternal Employment on Delinquency
Home and Parenting Resources Available to Siblings Depending on Their Birth Intention Status
Home Computers and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the NLSY97 and CPS
Home Environment and Child's Cognitive and Emotional Developmental Delay: Evidence from the 1988 NLSY
Home Environment and Maternal Intelligence as Predictors of Verbal Intelligence: A Comparison of Preschool and School Age Children
Home Environment and Maternal Intelligence as Predictors of Verbal Intelligence: A Comparison of Preschool and School Age Children
Home Environment and Maternal Intelligence as Predictors of Verbal Intelligence: A Comparison of Preschool and School-Age Children
Home Environment, Self-Concept, and School Achievement in a Disadvantaged and Multiethnic Sample
Home Environment: A Mechanism through which Maternal Employment Affects Child Development
Home Environments and Developmental Outcomes of Children Born to Teenage Mothers
The Home Environments of Children in the United States Part I: Variations by Age, Ethnicity, and Poverty Status
The Home Environments of Children in the United States Part II: Relations with Behavioral Development through Age Thirteen
Home Environments of Physically Handicapped Children: An Analysis of NLSY Data
Home Improvement: Evaluating Secular Changes in NLSY HOME-Cognitive Stimulation and Emotional Support Scores
Home Investment in Children in Anticipation of Divorce
Home Literacy Supports and Children's Reading Trajectories
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) in Middle Childhood: A Study of Three Large-Scale Data Sets
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) Inventory: The Derivation of Conceptually Designed Subscales
Home Ownership As a Labor Market Friction
Home Ownership as a Labor Market Friction
Homeleaving at the Transition to Adulthood: Moving Out vs. Economic Independence
Homeownership among Young Americans: A Look at Student Loan Debt and Behavioral Factors
Homeownership and Child Welfare
Homeownership and Housing Equity: An Examination of Native- Immigrant Differences in Housing Wealth
Homeownership Experiences Following Criminal Justice Contact
Household Characteristics, Ability and Education: Evidence from a Dynamic Expected Utility Model
Household Debt Across the Life Course: An Analysis of the Late Baby Boomers
Household Demand: A Synthesis of Interdisciplinary Theory and Empiricism
Household Food Stamp Program Participation and Childhood Obesity
Household Formation over Time: Evidence from Two Cohorts of Young Adults
Household Formation over Time: Evidence from Two Cohorts of Young Adults
Household Incarceration in Early Adolescence and Risk of Premarital First Birth
Household Income and Cumulative Property Crime from Early Adolescence into Young Adulthood
Household Income and Depressive Mood Among Single Women in Midlife: A Nuanced Approach Across Economic Strata
Household Income and Maternal Education in Early Childhood and Activity-limiting Chronic Health Conditions in Late Childhood: Findings from Birth Cohort Studies from Six Countries
Household Income and Maternal Education in Early Childhood and Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Late Childhood: Findings from Seven Birth Cohort Studies in Six High-income Countries
Household Income Histories and Child Mental Health Trajectories
Household Income, Economic Pressure, and Depressive Mood among Unmarried Women in Midlife: The Moderating Effects of Locus of Control, Financial Instrumental Support Received From Parents, and Race
Household Migration and the Labor Market Experience of Married Women
Household Mobility in America: Patterns, Processes, and Outcomes
Household Productivity and its Effects on Labor Force Participation
Household Wealth Accumulation during Periods of Inflation: Some Evidence from Longitudinal Data
Housework in the Family Economy: Division of Labor between Wife, Husband, and Children. Also: Work in the Home: The Productive Context of Family Relationships
Housing Decisions of American Youth
Housing Decisions of Female-Headed Households
Housing Experiences of Former Foster Youth: How Do They Fare in Comparison to Other Youth?
Housing Instability Following Felony Conviction and Incarceration: Disentangling Being Marked from Being Locked Up
Housing Instability Following Incarceration and Conviction
Housing Markets and Labor Mobility
Housing Tenure, Stability and Children's Outcomes
How 'Economic' are Women's Work Decisions?
How Accurate are Workers' Perceptions of Future Pension Benefits?
How Arrest Impacts Delinquency Over Time Between and Within Individuals
How Aspirations Are Formed and Challenged in the Transition to Adulthood and Implications for Adult Well-Being
How Bad is Occupational Coding Error? A Task-based Approach
How Buyers Cope with Uncertainty when Acquiring Firms in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: Caveat Emptor
How Can We Explain the Apparent Sex Similarities in Occupational Status Attainment?
How College Shapes Union Formation Processes
How Craftsmen Learn Their Skills: A Longitudinal Analysis
How Cyclical Is the User Cost of Labor?
How Did Employment Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from a New BLS Survey Supplement
How Did Safety-Net Reform Affect Early Adulthood among Adolescents from Low-Income Families?
How Did Safety-Net Reform Affect the Education of Adolescents from Low-Income Families?
How Did We Get Here from There? Movement into Temporary Employment
How Do Drug Use and Social Relations Affect Welfare Participation?
How Do Families Fare When the Breadwinner Retires?
How Do Firing Costs Affect Worker Flows in a World with Adverse Selection?
How do firms interpret a job loss? Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth NLSY79
How Do Marital Status, Work Effort, and Wage Rates Interact?
How Do Married Men Get Ahead? A Process-Based Examination of the Male Marriage Premium
How Do Men's Work Lives Change After Fatherhood?
How Do On-the-Job Injuries and Illnesses Impact Wealth?
How Do Parents Matter? Income, Interactions, and Intervention During Early Childhood
How Do the Adolescent Children of Adolescent Mothers Behave?
How Do the Impacts of Parental Divorce on Children's Educational and Labor Market Outcomes Change Based on Parents' Socioeconomic Backgrounds?
How Do Young People Choose College Majors?
How Does a Single Mother Choose Kin and Welfare Support?
How Does Adolescent Fertility Affect the Human Capital and Wages of Young Women?
How Does Adolescent Fertility Affect the Human Capital and Wages of Young Women?
How Does Adolescent Fertility Affect the Human Capital and Wages of Young Women?
How Does Alcohol Access Affect Transitional Adults' Healthy Dietary Behaviors?
How Does Early Adulthood Arrest Alter Substance use Behavior? Are There Differential Effects by Race/Ethnicity and Gender?
How Does Family Structure Matter? Father Involvement and the Behavior of Young Adolescents
How Does Parental Education Affect Infant Health?
How Does Premarital Cohabitation Affect Trajectories of Marital Quality?
How Does Relative Income Affect Entry into Pure and Hybrid Entrepreneurship?
How Does Youth Cigarette Use Respond to Weak Economic Periods? Implications for the Current Economic Crisis
How Early Life Religious Exposure Relates to the Timing of First Birth
How Education Shapes Women’s Work and Family Lives Across Race and Ethnicity
How Educational Inequality Develops
How Endogenous Risk Preferences and Sample Selection Affect Analysis of Firm Survival
How Far Does the Apple Fall from the Tree? Maternal Delinquency and Sex-specific Patterns of Offspring Delinquent Behavior
How Far up the River? Assessing the Health Consequences of Criminal Justice Contact
How Far Up the River? Criminal Justice Contact and Health Outcomes
How Free Preschool May Help Poor Kids When They Become Parents
How Harmonious Family Encourages Individuals to Enter Entrepreneurship: A View from Conservation of Resource Theory
How Have Performance Based Pay Systems Fared During the Past Decade? Evidence from the NLSY79
How Heavy Is the Price of Smoking? Estimating the Effects of Prenatal Smoking on Child Weight Outcomes
How Important are Dispositional Factors as Determinants of Job Satisfaction? Implications for Job Design and Other Personnel Programs
How Important Is Anticipation of Divorce in Married Women's Labor Supply Decisions? An Intercohort Comparison Using NLS Data
How Important Is Your Personality? Labor Market Returns to Personality for Women in the US and UK
How Incarceration Affects Juveniles: A Focus on the Changes in Frequency and Prevalence of Criminal Activity
How Intergenerational Estrangement Matters for Maternal and Adult Children's Health
How is Motherhood Associated Waistline at Midlife? Women's Fertility History and Body Weight at 40s
How Kinship Systems and Welfare Regimes Shape Leaving Home: A Comparative Study of the United States, Germany, Taiwan, and China
How Late Do Women Wait? Expectations of Parenthood and Childlessness across the Reproductive Life Course
How Latino Identity Drives Patterns of Change in Racial Classification Over Time
How Long do the Benefits Of Training Last? : Evidence of Long Term Effects Across Current and Previous Employers, Education Levels, Test Scores and Occupations
How Long Do the Benefits of Training Last? Evidence of Long Term Effects Across Current and Previous Employers
How Many Jobs Have You Had? A Dozen If You're an Average Baby Boomer
How Many Paid Sick Days Are Enough?
How Many Public Workers Without Social Security Could Fall Short?
How Might Genetic Influences on Academic Achievement Masquerade as Environmental Influences?
How Much Difference Would Comparable Worth Make?
How Much Does Additional Income Help Children?
How Much Does the Long Term Cost of a Work Interruption Influence Women's Employment Behavior Surrounding First Birth?
How Much Is Too Much: Educational Loans and College Graduation
How Much More Can They Work? Setting Realistic Expectations for Welfare Mothers
How Much Would Eliminating Drug Crimes Decrease Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Criminal Conviction?
How Our Longitudinal Employment Patterns Might Shape Our Health as We Approach Middle Adulthood—US NLSY79 Cohort
How Parenting Behaviors Influence Weight and Health Status of African American Adolescents
How Private Education Gives Graduates a Leg Up on Life
How Race and Class Shape Women's Work and Family Lives From Early Adulthood to Midlife
How Race-Gender Status Affects the Relationship Between Spanking and Depressive Symptoms Among Children and Adolescents
How Recessions Affect Returns to College
How Responsive are Quits to Benefits?
How Robust Are Hedonic Wage Estimates of the Price of Risk? The Final Report. Appendix C.
How Robust Is the Evidence on the Effects of College Quality? Evidence from Matching
How Secure Is the Retirement of Contingent Workers?
How Social Roles Affect Sleep Health during Midlife
How Social Status Shapes Race
How Socialization Contributes to Gender Disparities in Health and Achievement
How the Economy Affects Teenage Weight
How the Federal Government Uses Data from the National Longitudinal Surveys
How the Other Half Works: Claudia Goldin's Contributions to Our Understanding of Women's Labour Market Outcomes
How the Perception of Control Influences Unemployed Job Search
How the Rich (and Happy) Get Richer (and Happier): Relationship of Core Self-Evaluations to Trajectories in Attaining Work Success
How the Rise in Student Loan Debt Affects Residential Real Estate
How Unregulated is the U.S. Labor Market? The Penal System as a Labor Market Institution
How Valid are Self-Report Measures for Evaluating Relationships Between Women's Health and Labor Force Participation?
How Welfare Harms Kids
How Well Can a Childhood Measure of Self-Control Predict Deviance Across Time?
How Well Do Parents With Young Children Combine Work and Family Life?
How Well Do Retrospective Recalls Match Panel Reports?
How Well Do We Measure Training?
How Well Does a Dynamic Mincer Equation Fit NLSY Data? Evidence Based on a Simple Wage-Bargaining Model
How Women Arrange for the Care of Their Children While They Work: A Study of Child Care Arrangements, Costs, and Preferences in 1971
How Women's Health Affects Labor Force Attachment
How Young Mothers Manage: Is There Evidence for Heterogeneity after an Early Birth?
How Youth Cognitive and Sociodemographic Factors Relate to the Development of Overweight and Obesity in the UK and the USA: A Prospective Cross-cohort Study of the National Child Development Study and National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979
How, and For Whom, Does Higher Education Increase Voting?
Human Capital and Black-White Earnings Gaps, 1966-2017
Human Capital and Educational Institutions
Human Capital and Labor Market Employment: Additional Evidence for Women
Human Capital and the Lifetime Costs of Impatience
Human Capital and the Lifetime Costs of Impatience
Human Capital Development Before Age Five
Human Capital Development Before Age Five
Human Capital Development through Postschool Education and Training: A Model of Men's Participation
Human Capital Effect of the GED on Low Income Women
Human Capital in the Family and Early Transitions into Parenthood in the United States and Canada
Human Capital in the Inner City
Human Capital in the Inner City
Human Capital in the Inner City
Human Capital in the Inner City
Human Capital Investment Specialization and the Wage Effects of Voluntary Labor Mobility
Human Capital Investments of Workers and the Schooling Decision of Young Adults
A Human Capital Model of Sex Differences in Occupational Distribution and Wages
A Human Capital Model of the Effects of Ability and Family Background on Optimal Schooling Levels
Human Capital Policy
Human Capital Policy
Human Capital Policy for Europe
Human Capital versus Signaling Models: University Access and High School Dropouts
Human Capital, Contracts and Worker-Firm Attachment in the US Labor Market
Human Capital, Marital and Birth Timing, and the Postnatal Labor Force Participation of Married Women
Human Capital, Specificity, and Value: Making Space for New Perspectives
Human Capital, Technological Change and Wage Inequality
A Human Performance Model of Work Disability
Human Resources Micro Data of the United States of America (The National Longitudinal Surveys) and a Package for Using Magnetic Tape Data
Husband's Health and the Wife's Labor Supply
Husbands, Wives See Finances Differently
Husbands' and Wives' Relative Earnings: Exploring Variation by Race, Human Capital, Labor Supply, and Life Stage
Husbands' and Wives' Relative Income: Persistence, Variation, and Outcomes
Husbands' and Wives' View of the Family Finances
A Hybrid Model for the Intergenerational Relationship Between Maternal Poverty and Their Young Adult Child’s Self-Esteem
Hyperactivity, Peer Conflicts, Antisocial Behavior, and How They Predict Marijuana Use
Hypermobility, Destination Effects, and Delinquency: Specifying the Link between Residential Mobility and Offending
Hypertension Development by Midlife and the Roles of Premorbid Cognitive Function, Sex, and Their Interaction
Hypothetical Labor Market Response of Black and White Women to a National Program of Free Day Care Centers
Hypothetical Questions as Measures of Labor Mobility

"I Can't Get Pregnant Anyway": Perceived Subfecundity and Nonuse of Contraception
I Got 99 Problems But Being Female Ain’t One…Or Is It? Estimating the Gender Gap on Math Test Scores
I.Q. Redux
Identification and Estimation of Unconditional Policy Effects of an Endogenous Binary Treatment
Identification and Sequential Estimation of Panel Data Models with Insufficient Exclusion Restrictions
Identification of a Flynn Effect in the NLSY: Moving from the Center to the Boundaries
Identification of a Flynn Effect in the NLSY: Moving from the Center to the Boundaries
Identification of a Nonseparable Model under Endogeneity Using Binary Proxies for Unobserved Heterogeneity
Identification of Average Effects under Magnitude and Sign Restrictions on Confounding
Identification of Search Models using Record Statistics
Identification of Search Models with Initial Condition Problems
Identification Problems in Personality Psychology
Identifying Agent's Information Sets: An Application to a Lifecycle Model of Schooling, Consumption and Labor Supply
Identifying and Describing Trajectories of Alcohol Use Frequency and Binge Drinking Frequency Among Those Age 15-30 in a National Cohort of U.S. Adolescents: A Group-Based Trajectory Modeling Approach
Identifying and Estimating Ability from Nonlinear Human Capital Earnings Functions
Identifying Race and Ethnicity in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Identifying Race and Ethnicity in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Identifying Sheepskin Effects in the Returns to Education
Identifying Sibling Influence on Teenage Substance Use
Identifying Sibling Influence on Teenage Substance Use
Identifying Sibling Influences on Teenage Risky Behavior
Identifying Social Drinkers Likely to Consume Alcohol During Pregnancy: Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study
Identifying the Causal Effect of Income on Religiosity Using the Earned Income Tax Credit
Identifying the Channels Through Which Head Start Affects Long-Term Outcomes
Identifying the Determinants of Gender-Atypical Occupational Choice Among Men and Women
Identifying the Effect of College Education on Business and Employment Survival
Identifying the Effects of Parental Absence on the Probabilities of Graduation and Arrests
Identifying the Role of Cognitive Ability in Explaining the Level of and Change in the Return to Schooling
Identifying the Role of Cognitive Ability in Explaining the Level of and Change in the Return to Schooling
Identifying Treatment Effects in the Presence of Confounded Types
Identity and Occupational Choice in the American Midwest
Identity, Parochial Institutions, and Occupational Choice: Linking the Past to the Present in the American Midwest
If You Are So Smart, Why Aren't You an Entrepreneur? Returns to Cognitive and Social Ability: Entrepreneurs Versus Employees
If You're Smoking You've Just Got to Have a Drink: Cigarette Smoking by American Women and Interactions with Alcohol Use in a Longitudinal Study
Ignorance and Bliss: Early Onset Mood Disorders, Human Capital Accumulation, and Labor Market Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Illegal Child Labor in the United States: Prevalence and Characteristics
Illegal Child Labor in the United States: Prevalence and Characteristics
Illegal Drug Use and Employment
Illegal Drug Use, Depressive Symptoms, and General Health: Exploring Co-occurrence across 11 Years in a National Sample
Illegal Drugs, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes
Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Family Income on Child and Adolescent Bullying
Immigrant Generation, Race, and College: Testing Assimilation Theory with the NLSY97
Immigration and Crime Among Young Black Men: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Immigration and Occupational Crowding in the United States
Immigration Measures and Reproductive Health Among Hispanic Youth: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997-2003
Immigration Status, School Suspension, and Offending: A Longitudinal Analysis
Impact of a Religious/Spiritual Turning Point on Desistance: A Lifecourse Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Differences
The Impact of Adolescent Childbearing on Later Life: A Social Class Analysis
Impact of Adolescent Conscientiousness and Intelligence on Health at Middle Age: A Sibling Comparison Approach
Impact of Adolescent Illegitimacy on Academic Achievement: An Analysis Within Racial and Socio-Economic Status Groups
The Impact of AFDC on Birth Decisions and Program Participation
The Impact of AFDC on Young Women's Childbearing Decisions
Impact of AFDC on Young Women's Childbearing Decisions
The Impact of AFDC on Young Women's Childbearing Decisions
The Impact of Alcohol and Drug Use on Employment: A Labor Market Study Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Impact of Alcohol Consumption and Marijuana Use on High School Graduation
The Impact of Alcohol Consumption and Marijuana Use on High School Graduation
The Impact of Amnesty on Labor Market Outcomes: A Panel Study Using the Legalized Population Survey
The Impact of an Early Career Recession on Schooling and Lifetime Welfare
The Impact of an Early First Birth on Young Women's Educational Attainment
The Impact of Arrest and Incarceration on Juvenile Crime and Education
The Impact of Attrition on the Children of the NLSY79
Impact of Availability of Child Care Arrangements on the Career Paths and Eventual Job Satisfaction of Women in Vocational Education
The Impact of Biological Preferences on Parental Investments in Children and Step-Children
The Impact of Body Weight on Occupational Mobility and Career Development
The Impact of Career and Technical Education on Post-School Employment Outcomes Among Youth with Disabilities
The Impact of Child Health and Family Inputs on Child Cognitive Development
The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Fertility, Parental Investments, and Child Well-being
The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Nonmarital and Marital Births: Does It Differ by Racial and Age Groups?
The Impact of Child Support on Child Health
The Impact of Child Support on Cognitive Outcomes of Young Children
The Impact of Child Support on Enforcement of Nonmarital and Marital Births: Is It Different by Racial and Age Groups?
The Impact of Child Support on Fertility, Parental Investments and Child Well-Being
The Impact of Child, Mother, and Neighborhood Factors On the Use of Corporal Punishment: A Longitudinal Repeated Measures Analysis
Impact of Childhood and Adolescent Chronic Health Conditions on Educational Attainment
The Impact of Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage on Adult Joblessness and Income
The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Academic Performance
The Impact of Clean Air Policies on Smoking Among a National Longitudinal Panel of U.S. Young Adults
The Impact of Cognitive Ability on Roth IRA Ownership
The Impact of Collective Bargaining: Can the New Facts be Explained by Monopoly Unionism?
The Impact of College Education on Fertility: Evidence for Heterogeneous Effects
The Impact of College Education on Geographic Mobility: Evidence from the Vietnam Generation
The Impact of College Graduation on Geographic Mobility: Identifying Education Using Multiple Components of Vietnam Draft Risk
Impact of Computer Skills on Wages in USA
The Impact of Consequential Accountability Policies on Teachers' Mental Health
The Impact of Court-Ordered and Non-Court-Ordered Volunteering on Substance Use: A Life Course Approach
The Impact of Covariance Misspecification in Multivariate Gaussian Mixtures on Estimation and Inference: An Application to Longitudinal Modeling
The Impact of COVID-19 on Older Black and Hispanic Workers’ Perceptions of their Workplace
The Impact of Different Drinking Habits on Marijuana Use among College-aged Youths
Impact of Divorce on Locus of Control Orientation in Adult Women: A Longitudinal Study
The Impact Of Divorce on the Likelihood of Graduating from High School by Age 20
The Impact of Drinking on Psychological Well-Being: Evidence from Minimum Drinking Age Laws in the United States
The Impact of Early Fertility Desires on Union Formation and Timing
Impact of Early Maternal Employment on Children's Development: Insights from a National U.S. Sample
Impact of Early Maternal Employment on Children's Development: The Role of the Home Environment
The Impact of Early Work Experience on the High School Retention of Young Men
The Impact of Economic Conditions during the College-aged Years on Educational Outcomes
Impact of Economic Opportunities on Teen Birth Rates and Crime
The Impact of Economic Resources on Premarital Childbearing and Subsequent Marriage among Young American Women
The Impact of Education on Health Knowledge
The Impact of Education on Health Status: Evidence from Longitudinal Survey Data
Impact of Education on Lifestyles: What Do Longitudinal Data Show?
The Impact of Employer-Provided Health Insurance on Dynamic Employment Transitions
The Impact of Employer-Provided Health Insurance on Dynamic Employment Transitions
Impact of Extending Minimum Wages to Private Household Workers
Impact of Familial Alcoholism Density, Environmental Exposure, and Depression on Recurrent Use of Alcohol and Illicit Drugs in the General Population
The Impact of Familial Stability on Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
The Impact of Families on Juvenile Substance Use
The Impact of Family Adversity: Behavioral Outcomes of Having a Disabled Sibling during Childhood
The Impact of Family Assets and Debt on College Graduation
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
Impact of Family Stability on Children's Delinquency: An Implication for Family Preservation
Impact of Family Structure and Family Transition on Children's Behavioral Outcomes
The Impact of Family Structure Transitions on Youth Achievement: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY79
The Impact of Family Structure Transitions on Youth Achievement: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY79
The Impact of Father's Absence from the Home on Subsequent Cognitive Development of Younger Children: Linkages Between Socio-Emotional and Cognitive Well-Being
The Impact of Father's Absence from the Home on Subsequent Maternally Reported Behavior Problems of Younger Children
The Impact of Females' Economic Well-being on Fertility: Race and Ethnicity
The Impact of Fertility on Women's Work Experience: Evaluating the Motherhood Penalty among Mature Women
The Impact of Financial Aid on Women's Demand for Higher Education
The Impact of First Non-Marital Birth on the Formation of the First Marriage
The Impact of Foreclosure Prevention Policies on Preventive Care and Health Behaviors
The Impact of Future Expectations on Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior
The Impact of Head Start Participation on the Criminal Behavior of Teenagers
The Impact of Health on Earnings and Labor Market Activity
The Impact of Health Problems and Mortality on Family Well-Being
The Impact of Health upon Earnings and Labor Market Activity of Middle-Aged Men
Impact of High School Curriculum on the Earnings and Employability of Youth
The Impact of Home Ownership on Child Outcomes
The Impact of Home Ownership on Child Outcomes
The Impact of Homeless Prevention on Residential Instability: Evidence from the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
The Impact of Homeownership on Child Outcomes
The Impact of Host-Country Schooling on Earnings: A Study of Male Immigrants in the United States
Impact of Household Structure on the Economic Status of Employed Women: A Cohort and Racial Comparison
The Impact of Human Capital Investments on Pension Benefits
The Impact of Incarceration on Earnings Mobility and Inequality
The Impact of Incarceration on Employment during the Transition to Adulthood
The Impact of Incarceration on Wage Mobility and Inequality
The Impact of Income and Family Structure on Delinquency
The Impact of Informal Caregiving Intensity on Women's Retirement in the United States
The Impact of Information Technology on Labour Productivity in the Service and Trade Sectors of the USA
The Impact of Intergenerational Head Start Participation on Success Measures Among Adolescent Children
The Impact of International Migration on Occupational Trajectories During the Transition to Adulthood: A Binational Study of Mexicans in the United States and Return Migrants in Mexico
The Impact of IRCA on the Job Opportunities and Earnings of Mexican-American and Hispanic-American Workers. (Immigration Reform and Control Act)
The Impact of Job Displacement on Employer Based Health Insurance Coverage
The Impact of Job Mobility on Earnings: Using Occupational and Industrial Classifications to Identify Job Changes
The Impact of Job Mobility, Hourly Compensation, and Work Hours on Job Satisfaction
The Impact of Juvenile Incarceration on Employment Prospects for Young Women
The Impact of Labor Force History on Self-Esteem and Its Component Parts, Anxiety, Alienation and Depression
Impact of Local Food Prices on the Relationship Between Food Stamp Program Participation and Bodyweight Status of Adults in the South
The Impact of Local Labor Markets on the Employment Patterns of Young Inner-City Males
The Impact of Long Term Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Child Obesity
The Impact of Long Term Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Child Obesity
The Impact of Long-Term Participation In the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Child Obesity
The Impact of Longitudinal Data Files on Research on Women's Roles
The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions in Childhood on Adult Labor Market Outcomes
The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Health Insurance Coverage of Americans
The Impact of Marital Conflict and Disruption on Children's Health
The Impact of Market Structure on Wages, Fringe Benefits, and Turnover
The Impact of Maternal Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use on Children's Behavior Problems: Evidence from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Impact of Maternal Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use on Children's Behavior Problems: Evidence from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Impact of Maternal Characteristics and Significant Life Events on the Work Orientation of Adolescent Women: A Longitudinal Look
The Impact of Maternal Characteristics on Child Academic Achievement as Mediated by Home Environment: A Cohort-Sequential Approach to Latent Growth Modeling
The Impact of Maternal Depression and Substance Abuse on Cognitive, Behavioral, and Educational Outcomes of Children
Impact of Maternal Drug Use and Life Experiences on Preadolescent Children Born to Teenage Mothers
The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child's Mental Health: Evidence from NLSY-Child
The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child's Mental Health: Evidence from NLSY-Child
The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child's Mental Health: Evidence from the NLSY-Child
The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child's Mental Health: Evidence from the NLSY-Child
The Impact of Maternal Employment on Serious Youth Crime: Does the Quality of Working Conditions Matter?
Impact of Maternal Problem Drinking on Children's Developmental Outcomes: Focus on Parenting as Mediator
Impact of Mental Health Insurance Legislation on Mental Health Treatment in a Longitudinal Sample of Adolescents
Impact of Metropolitan Residential Segregation on the Employment Chances of Blacks and Whites in the U.S.
The Impact of Metropolitan Residential Segregation on the Employment Chances of Blacks and Whites in the United States
The Impact of Military Training on Veterans' Earnings in the Private Sector: Is There Complimentarity Between Military and Private Training for Veterans
The Impact of Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws on Alcohol Consumption, Smoking, and Marijuana Use Revisited
The Impact of Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws on Alcohol Consumption, Smoking, and Marijuana Use: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design Using Exact Date of Birth
Impact of Motherhood on the Career Patterns of Working Women: Differences in the Life Histories and Career Status of Mothers and Women Without Children
The Impact of Multigenerational Caregiving on the Health and Wellbeing of U.S. Adults and Their Children
The Impact of Non-traditional College-going on Entry into Marriage and Divorce
The Impact of Obesity on Consumer Bankruptcy
The Impact of Obesity on Wages
The Impact of Obesity on Wages: The Role of Personal Interactions and Job Selection
The Impact of Occupational and Economic Pressures on Young Mothers' Self-Esteem: Evidence from the NLSY
The Impact of Oil and Gas Job Opportunities during Youth on Human Capital
The Impact of Overtime and Long Work Hours on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses: New Evidence from the United States
The Impact of Overweight and Obesity on Unemployment Duration Among Young American Workers
The Impact of Overweight and Obesity on Unemployment Duration Among Young American Workers
The Impact of Parental Alcohol Misuse and Family Environment on Young People's Alcohol Use and Behavioral Problems in Secondary Schools
Impact of Parental Education on Children's Development
The Impact of Parental Working Conditions on School-Age Children: The Case of Evening Work
The Impact of Parenting Style on Children's Educational Outcomes in the United States
The Impact of Parents' Savings on Their Childrens' Future Education
The Impact of Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Child Obesity
The Impact of Paternal Incarceration on Boys' Delinquency: A New Method for Adjusting for Model-Driven Bias
The Impact of Perceived Race Discrimination in the Labor Market on the Criminal Activity of African American Youth
The Impact of Personality on Economic Decisions
The Impact of Placement Stability on Behavioral Well-being for Children in Foster Care
The Impact of Poor Health on Earnings
Impact of Poor Health on the Work Status of Women
The Impact of Post-School Joblessness on Male Black-White Wage Differentials
The Impact of Poverty Duration on Youth Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes
Impact of Poverty on Adolescent Drug Use: Moderation Effects of Family Support and Self-Esteem
The Impact of Prenatal Medicaid Programs on the Health of Newborns
The Impact of Prepregnancy Obesity on Children’s Cognitive Test Scores
The Impact of Preretirement Labor Market Experience on Postretirement Well-being
The Impact of Private Sector Training on Race and Gender Wage Differentials and the Career Patterns of Young Workers
The Impact of Provider Availability and Legal Restrictions on the Demand for Abortions by Young Women
The Impact of Psychological and Human Capital on Wages
The Impact of Public Assistance on the Rehabilitation Process of Handicapped Women
The Impact of Racial Discrimination on the Early Career Outcomes of Young Men
The Impact of Real Rents and Wages on Household Formation
The Impact of Religion on Youth Outcomes
The Impact of Religious Practice and Importance on College Students’ Financial Well-Being
The Impact of Roles on Involvement in Deviant Behavior During Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
The Impact of School and College Expenditures on the Wages of Southern and Non-Southern Workers
The Impact of School Resources on Women's Earnings and Educational Attainment: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women
The Impact of School Resources on Women's Earnings and Educational Attainment: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women
The Impact of School Resources on Women's Earnings and Educational Attainment: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women
The Impact of School-to-Work and Career and Technical Education in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997
The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Wealth Accumulation and Portfolio Choice
The Impact of Sex Education on Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Premarital Pregnancy Among American Teenagers
The Impact of Social and Economic Policy on the Family Structure Experiences of Children in the United States
Impact of Social Stressors on Academic and Social Difficulties in Early Adolescence: Evidence from the NLSY Mothers and Children
The Impact of Socio-demographic Characteristics and Cognitive Transformation on Desistance from High Risk Behaviors
The Impact of Structural Change on Human Capital and Dual Market Theories of Racial Earnings Disparity
The Impact of Structural Changes on the Job Mobility Rates in the United States
The Impact of Structural Dynamics on Job Mobility Rates in the United States
The Impact of Technological Mobility on Workers' Careers
The Impact of Teenage Childbearing on Selected Indicators of Women's Economic Well-Being in Early Adulthood: A Decade Comparison
The Impact of the 1990s Economic Boom on Less-Educated Workers in Rural America
Impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform on Child and Family Well-being
The Impact of the Antidiscrimination Legislation on the Employment Status of Women
The Impact of the Censoring Problem on Estimating Women's Occupational Attainment Equations
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Workers with a Criminal History
The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Childhood Health Outcomes
The Impact of the False ID Laws on Alcohol Consumption among Young Adults: New Results from the NLSY97
Impact of the Unemployment Rate on Labor Force Entries and Exits
Impact of the United States Federal Child Tax Credit on Childhood Injuries and Behavior Problems
The Impact of the WIC Program on Pregnancy, Infant, and Child Outcomes
The Impact of Time Perspective on Resilience in at-Risk African American Youth
Impact of Total Vending Machine Restrictions on U.S. Young Adult Smoking
The Impact of Tracking: An Examination of Outcomes
The Impact of Training on the Frequency and Duration of Employment
The Impact of Trauma Upon the Self-Esteem of African American Adolescents and the Moderating Effect of Boundaries in the Parent-Adolescent Relationship
The Impact of U.S. Tax Laws on the Labor Supply of Married Women
The Impact of Ultrasound Laws on the Demand for Abortions by Young Women
The Impact of Welfare Benefit Levels and Tax Rates on the Labor Supply of Poor Women
Impact of Welfare Generosity on the Fertility Behavior of Recipients
The Impact of Welfare on Young Mothers' Subsequent Childbearing Decisions
The Impact of Welfare Reform on Parents' Ability to Care for Their Children's Health
The Impact of WIC on the Infant-Feeding Decisions of Poor Women: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Impact of Women's Liberation on Marriage, Divorce, and Family Life Style
The Impact of Work Experience and Training in the Current and Previous Occupations on Earnings: Micro Evidence From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Impact of Work, Family, and Welfare Receipt on Women's Self-Esteem in Young Adulthood
The Impact of Youth Characteristics and Experiences on Transitions Out of Poverty
The Impact of Youth Debt on College Graduation
The Impact of Youth Debt on College Graduation
The Impacts of an Early Entry Age Into the Head Start Program on Children's Developmental Outcomes
The Impacts of Children's Disability on Mothers' Labor Supply and Marital Status
The Impacts of Drinking Alcohol, Using Marijuana, and Smoking Cigarettes as a Teenager on the Educational Attainment and the Income of Young Adults
Impacts of Economic and Psychological Factors on Women’s Obesity and Food Assistance Program Participation: Evidence from the NLSY Panel
Impacts of Job Loss on the Careers of Midlife Women: A Metropolitan/Nonmetropolitan Comparison with Implications for Rural Labor Policy
Impacts of Maternal Employment On Gender Attitudes and Work Behavior--an Analysis From National Longitudinal Survey 1979, 1987 & 2004
Impacts of Parental Resources on Child Educational Outcomes: Assets and Mediating Pathways
The Impacts of Teenage Childbearing on Mothers and the Consequences of those Impacts for Government
The Impacts of Teenage Childbearing on the Mothers and the Consequences of those Impacts for Government
Impacts of Unemployment Insurance on the Duration of Unemployment and the Post-Unemployment Wage
Impacts of Welfare Receipt and Family Disruption on Children
The Impacts of Welfare Reform on Children: The Indiana Welfare Reform Evaluation
Impairment and Labor Market Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis
Impatience and Crime. Evidence from the NLSY97
Impatience, Incentives, and Obesity
Impatience, Incentives, and Obesity
Impatience, Incentives, and Obesity
Implementation of the Carl D. Perkins Career-Technical Education Reforms of the 1990s: Postsecondary Education Outcomes of Students Taking an Enhanced Vocational Curriculum
Implementations of Welfare Changes for Parents of Young Children [Revised June 1998]
The Implications of Arrest for College Enrollment: An Analysis of Long-Term Effects and Mediating Mechanisms
Implications of Cohabitation for Children's Well-Being
Implications of Family Formation for Educational Attainment Among Young Women
Implications of Family Poverty for a Pattern of Persistent Offending
The Implications of Job Matching for Retirement Health Insurance and Leave Benefits
Implications of Occupational Self-Selection in a Labor Market with Moral Hazard and Asymmetric Information
The Implications of the Expansion of Nonstandard Employment for Children's Health
Implications of the Secular Rise in IQ for Convergence of Black and White IQ Scores (Also titled: The Secular Increase in IQ and Longitudinal Changes in the Magnitude of the Black-White Difference: Evidence from the NLSY)
Implications of Using Different Measures of Work Shift in Survey Research
Importance of Community Context for Young Women's Occupational Aspirations
The Importance of Parental Ability for Cognitive Ability and Student Achievement: Implications for Social Stratification Theory and Practice
Importance of Segregation, Discrimination, Peer Dynamics, and Identity In Explaining Trends in the Racial Achievement Gap
The Importance of Social Skills in Recovery from Graduating in a Recession
Importance of Temporary Layoffs: An Empirical Analysis
The Importance of Time Metric Precision When Implementing Bivariate Latent Change Score Models
Imposing Moment Restrictions from Auxiliary Data by Weighting
Imposing Moment Restrictions from Auxiliary Data by Weighting
The Imprint of Labor Markets on Entrepreneurial Performance
Improved Job Information: Its Impact on Long Run Labor Market Experience
Improving Access to and Confidentiality of Research Data
Improving Children’s Life Chances: Estimates from the Social Genome Model
Improving Data Quality through CAPI: Evidence from the 1994 NLSY Child and Young Adult Data
Improving Econometric Prediction by Machine Learning
Improving School-to-work Transitions
Improving the NAEP Data For Policy Analysis
Improving the Transition from School to Work in the United States
Improving Youth Employment Prospects: Issues and Options
Impulsivity and Offending from Childhood to Young Adulthood in the United States: A Developmental Trajectory Analysis
Imputation of Missing Covariate Data Prior to Propensity Score Analysis: A Tutorial and Evaluation of the Robustness of Practical Approaches
In a Representative Sample Grit Has a Negligible Effect on Educational and Economic Success Compared to Intelligence
In Defense of Marriage
In Search of a New Family Form: The Distribution and Duration of Shotgun Cohabitation
In Search of a Second Chance: The Consequences of GED Certification, Education and Training for Young Women Without High School Diplomas
In Search of the Origins of Crime Continuity: Aggressive Versus Nonaggressive Delinquency as a Key Factor in the Psychological Inertia Process
In Sickness and in Health: Unintended Consequences in the American Health Insurance System
In Some Families, It Pays to Be a Teen
In the Wind: Low-level Criminal Justice Contact & Housing Instability
In Their Footsteps or Shadow? Gender Differences in Choosing a STEM Major as a Function of Sibling Configuration and Older Sibling's Gender and Math Ability
In-School Labor Force Status and Early Post-School Labor Market Outcomes for Young Women
In-School Work Experience and the Returns to Schooling
Inactivity and Activity Among Young Black and White Non-Hispanic Men
Inactivity: Transitions into and out of Idleness
Inadequate Employment and High Depressive Symptoms: Panel Analyses
Incapacitation: Revisiting an Old Question with a New Method and New Data
Incarceration and Childbearing in a Cohort of Young Adults in the United States
Incarceration and Earnings: Distributional and Long-Term Effects
Incarceration and Educational Attainment: A Propensity Score Analysis
Incarceration and Family Transitions in Young Adulthood
Incarceration and Health in a Life Course Perspective: A Semiparametric Approach
Incarceration and Residential Mobility Between Poor and Non-Poor Neighborhoods
Incarceration and Social Inequality
Incarceration and the Formation and Stability of Marital Unions
Incarceration and the Transition to Residential Independence
Incarceration as Exposure: The Prison, Infectious Disease, and Other Stress-Related Illnesses
Incarceration History and Access to and Receipt of Health Care in the US
Incarceration History and Health Insurance and Coverage Changes in the U.S.
Incarceration History and Relationship Transitions in Young Adulthood
Incarceration in the Household: Academic Outcomes of Adolescents with an Incarcerated Household Member
Incarceration of Youths in an Adult Correctional Facility and Risk of Premature Death
Incarceration-Related Costs of Early Childbearing
Incarceration, Employment, and Earnings: Dynamics and Differences
Incarceration, Health, and Racial Disparities in Health.
Incarceration, Marriage, and Family Life
Incarceration, Social Bonds, and the Lifecourse
Incentive Effects of Higher Education Subsidies on Student Effort
Incentive Effects of Social Policies on Education and Labor Markets
Incentive Pay, Information, and Earnings: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Incentives, Teams and the Organization of Work: Evidence from the United States and Australia
Incentives? The Effect of Profit Sharing Plans Offered by Previous Employers on Current Wages
Incentivos de Mercado e Comportamento Criminoso: Uma Analise Economica Dinamica (with English summary)
Incidence and Chronicity of Functional Impairments in Older Men
Incidence and Wage Effects of Occupational Training Among Young Men
The Incidence of Extended Households among Middle-Aged Black and White Women: Estimates from a 15-Year Panel Study
Incidence of First-Marriage Divorce among Women in the 1979 Panel of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Incidence of the Healthcare Costs of Obesity
The Incidence of the Healthcare Costs of Obesity
The Incidence of the Healthcare Costs of Smoking
Incidence, Distribution, and Correlates of Unemployment Over a Decade Among Males by Age and Race
Incidence, Predictors, and Resolution of Marital Separations
Income and Wealth in the NLSY79
Income Changes and Cognitive Stimulation in Children's Home Environments during the Preschool and Early Elementary School Years
Income Changes and Cognitive Stimulation in Young Children's Home Environments
Income Changes and Cognitive Stimulation in Young Children's Home Learning Environments
Income Changes and Cognitive Stimulation in Young Children's Home Learning Environments
Income Changes Do Not Influence Political Involvement in Panel Data from Six Countries
Income Changes Do Not Influence Political Participation: Evidence from Comparative Panel Data
Income Changes Following Divorce and Remarriage
Income Differences Between Men and Career Women
Income Differences Between the Sexes: Findings from a National Canadian Survey
Income Dynamics and Behavior Problems in Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, and the Transition to Adolescence
Income Effects Across the Life Span: Integration and Interpretation
Income Effects of Occupational Change and the Investment in Occupational Skills
Income Hedging and Portfolio Decisions
Income Inequality and Education
Income Inequality and Health: A Multilevel Analysis Investigating Interactions with (Non)Metropolitan Status, Sex, Income and Race/Ethnicity
Income Inequality and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Income Inequality and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Income Inequality and Physical and Mental Health: Testing Associations Consistent with Proposed Causal Pathways
Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and the Decision to Drop Out of High School
Income Inequality, Social Mobility, and the Decision to Drop Out of High School
Income Instability Among Young and Middle-Aged Men
Income Mobility in the United States
Income Mobility, Mortality, and Health in the U.S.
Income Prospects and Job Mobility of Younger Men
Income Resources of Low-Income Families with Children: Does Cohabitation Matter?
Income Returns for Working Women by Place of Residence
Income Risk and Portfolio Choice: An Empirical Study
Income Security for the Disabled
Income Shocks and Investments in Human Capital
Income Study Says, Like Father, Like Son
Income Tax Treatment of Families with Children
Income Tax Treatment of Families with Children
Income Volatility and Psychological Depression
The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality
Income, Family Structure, and Child Maltreatment Risk
Income, Family Structure, and the Dynamics of Achievement and Behavior in Middle Childhood
Income's Role in Explaining Black-White Differences in the Educational Gradient in Health: Evidence from the NLSY79 and G-Computation
Inconsistencies in Lifetime Cocaine and Marijuana Use Reports: Impact on Prevalence and Incidence
Incorporating Occupational Attainment in Studies of Male-Female Earnings Differentials
Incorporating the Causes of Occupational Differences in Studies of Racial Wage Differentials
Incorporation of Covariates in Bayesian Piecewise Growth Mixture Models
Increased Depressive Symptoms in Female but Not Male Adolescents Born at Low Birth Weight in the Offspring of a National Cohort
Increased Educational Attainment among U.S. Mothers and their Children's Academic Expectations
Increased Resources or Incompatible Roles?: Union Status and College Completion Among Young Adults in the United States
Increasing Co-Morbidity of Obesity and Asthma in Children
Increasing Co-Morbidity of Obesity and Asthma in Children
Increasing Returns to Schooling by Ability? A Comparison Between US and Sweden*
Incremental Punishment: School Discipline as a Continuous Variable
The Indelible Weight of Place: Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage, Timing of Exposure, and Obesity across Adulthood
Independence for Young Millennials: Moving Out and Boomeranging Back
Independence Giving or Autonomy Taking? Childhood Predictors of Decision-Sharing Patterns between Parents and Young Adolescents
Independence Giving or Autonomy Taking? Childhood Predictors of Decision-Sharing Patterns Between Young Adolescents and Parents
Independence Giving or Autonomy Taking? Childhood Predictors of Decision-Sharing Patterns Between Young Adolescents and Parents
Independent and Interactive Effects of Smoking Bans and Tobacco Taxes on a Cohort of US Young Adults
Indicators of Children's Well-Being
Indicators of Problem Behavior and Problems in Early Childhood
Indirect Effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Teen Pregnancy
An Indirect Test of Complementarity in a Family Labor Supply Model
Individual and Aggregate Influences on the Age at First Birth
Individual and US County Determinants of Repeat Migration: a Comparison of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
Individual Demographic Transitions and Financial Hardship
Individual Differences and the Effect of Education on Religiosity
Individual Differences and the Relationship between Education and Religiosity in Longitudinal versus Cross-sectional Studies
Individual Differences in the Development of Sensation Seeking and Impulsivity during Adolescence: Further Evidence for a Dual Systems Model
Individual Differences in the Trajectories of Early Adolescent Development and in the Adjustment to the Transition of Adolescence
The Individual Economic Costs of Teenage Childbearing
Individual Heterogeneity and Interindustry Wage Differentials
Individual Histories as the Focus of Analysis in Longitudinal Surveys
Individual Labor Force Decisions and Unemployment in Local Labor Markets
Individual Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System
Individual Retirement and Savings Behavior
Individual Risk Preference and Sector Choice: Are Risk-Averse Individuals More Likely to Choose Careers in the Public Sector?
Individual Stockownership in the United States: Native-Immigrant Gap and the Role of Risk Tolerance.
Individual Wealth Management: Does Self-esteem Matter?
Individualization, Opportunity and Jeopardy in American Women's Work and Family Lives: A Multi-state Sequence Analysis
Individualized Choices or Unequal Opportunity? A Comparison of School-to-Work Transition Between GED and High School Graduates Using Innovative Sequence Analysis Approaches
Industrial Composition and Intergenerational Educational Mobility
Industrial Composition and Intergenerational Mobility
Industrial Feudalism Reconsidered: The Effects of Unionization on Labor Mobility
Industrial Feudalism Reconsidered: The Effects of Unionization on Labor Mobility
Industrial Organization, Economic Conditions, and the Labor Market Success of Young Men: An Overview and Extension
Industrial Sector and Career Mobility Reconsidered
Industrial Segmentation and Men's Career Mobility
Industry-Specific Capital and the Wage Profile: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Inequalities in Educational Choice and Outcomes
Inequality Among Young Adult Siblings, Public Assistance Programs, and Intergenerational Living Arrangements
Inequality and Careers: A Dynamic Model of Socioeconomic Achievement
Inequality and Mobility: Trends in Wage Growth for Young Adults
Inequality and Retirement Savings among Young Adults
Inequality and the Transition to Adulthood
Inequality at Birth: The Scope for Policy Intervention
Inequality at Birth: The Scope for Policy Intervention
Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth
Inequality in Human Capital and Endogenous Credit Constraints
Inequality in Men's Mortality: The Socioeconomic Status Gradient and Geographic Context
Inequality in Post-Secondary Educational Attainment among Traditional and Non-Traditional High School Graduates
Inequality in Postsecondary Education
Inequality in the Intergenerational Economic Mobility in Single Mother-headed Households
Inequality in Work and Family Life Courses at the Intersection of Gender and Race
Inequality of Income Acquisition: The Role of Childhood Circumstances
Inequality Taboo
Inequities in Life Course Criminal Legal System Sanctions: Measuring Cumulative Involvement
Inevitable, Influential, or Unnecessary?: Exploring the Utility of Genetic Explanation for Delinquent Behavior
Infant Affect and Home Environment
Infant Affect and Home Environment
Infant Care and Full-Time Employment
Infant Temperament, Parenting and Behavior Problems: Variation by Parental Education and Income
Infant-Toddler HOME in the 2nd and 3rd Years of Life
Inference for Monotone Single-index Conditional Means: A Lorenz Regression Approach
Inferring Sibling Relatedness from the NLSY Youth and Children Data: Past, Present, and Future Prospects
Inflation and Early Retirement: Recent Longitudinal Findings
Inflation and the Accumulation of Wealth by Older Households, 1966-1976
Inflation and the Retirement Decision: Recent Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Inflation Effects on the Labor Market: A Transition Rate Model
The Influence of a Sister's Breastfeeding Experience on a Mother's Breastfeeding Behavior: Is There an Intragenerational Effect?
The Influence of Age at Degree Completion on College Wage Premiums
The Influence of Age at Migration on Criminal Offending among Foreign-Born Immigrants
The Influence of Auditory Short-term Memory on Behavior Problem Development
The Influence of Changes in Marital Status on Developmental Trajectories of Alcohol Use In Young Adults
Influence of Child Arrest on Parenting
Influence of Child Characteristics on Divorce
Influence of Current and Past Alcohol Use on Earnings: Three Approaches to Estimation
Influence of Early Health Morbidity and Environmental Risk Factors on the Cognitive Functioning of Young School Age Children
The Influence of Early School Punishment and Therapy/Medication on Social Control Experiences during Young Adulthood
The Influence of Family Background on Education, Earnings, and Wealth
The Influence of Family Background on the Educational Attainment of Latinos
The Influence of Family Income on College Completion: Discovering the Nonlinear and Heterogeneous Effects of a Continuous Treatment
The Influence of Family Structure and Transitions on Parenting, Income, Residential Mobility, and Substance Initiation in Early Adolescence: A Comparison of Caucasian and African American Youth
The Influence of Family Structure on Social Outcomes
The Influence of Family Unions and Parenthood Transitions on Self-Development
The Influence of Father Involvement on Youth Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents: A Comparison of Native-Born and Immigrant Families
The Influence of Fatherhood on Time Spent at Work: Job Characteristics as a Moderating Factor
Influence of Fertility Strategies on the Labor Force Status of American Wives
Influence of Food Stamp Program Participation on Adult Health: Estimated from the NLSY79
Influence of Gender Role Ideology, Socioeconomic Factors, Residential Location, Family Structure and Ethnic Background on Child-Care Arrangements in United
Influence of Generational Status on Developmental Trajectories of Delinquency for Asian, African American, Hispanic, and White Youth
Influence of Grandparent Care on the Verbal and Mathematical Performance of 6-7 Year-Olds
The Influence of Grandparents in Single-Mother Families
Influence of Individual Factors, Economic Sector, and Sex Stereotyping on Women's Occupational Mobility and Status Attainment
The Influence of Individual Health Outcomes on Individual Savings Behavior
The Influence of Labor Market Discrimination on Locus of Control
Influence of Neighborhood Poverty on Personality Change
The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of First Marriages
The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of First Marriages
The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of Marital Unions
The Influence of Nonmarital Childbearing on the Formation of Marital Unions
The Influence of Occupational Characteristics on Men's Early Retirement
Influence of Parent-Daughter Relationship on American Teenagers Early Sexual and Reproductive Behavior
Influence of Parent, Child and Contextual Factors on the Quality of the Home Environment
Influence of Parental Income on Children's Outcomes
The Influence of Parenting Style: Socially Deviant Behavior across Adolescence
Influence of Past Labor Force Experience and Education on Economic Activity and Inactivity
The Influence of Past Unemployment Duration on Symptoms of Depression Among Young Women and Men in the United States
The Influence of Peer Groups, Gangs, and Neighborhoods on Juvenile Delinquent Alcohol and Marijuana Use
Influence of Personal Attitudes on Occupational Typicality: A Study of Mature Women Reentering the Labor Force
The Influence of Police Interventions and Alternative Income Sources on the Dynamic Process of Choosing Crime as a Career
The Influence of Present and Future Time Perspective on Financial Net Worth
The Influence of Religiosity on Alcohol Use Among Sexual Minority Youth in Same- and Different-Sex Unions
Influence of Social and Family Contexts on Self-Esteem of Latino Youth
The Influence of Social Status and Social Control on the Health Behaviors of Young Adults
Influence of the Home Environment on the Development of Obesity in Children
The Influence of the Quantity and Quality of Education on Black-White Earnings Differentials: Some New Evidence
Influence of Wealth and Race in Four-Year College Attendance
The Influence of Wealth on Repartnering
Influence of Work Experience, Skill Requirement, and Occupational Segregation on Women's Earnings
Influences and Mediators of the Effect of Poverty on Young Adolescent Depressive Symptoms
Influences of Family Background on Adolescent Childbearing: From the 1940s to the 1980s
Influences of High School Curriculum on Determinants of Labor Market Experiences
Influences of Race and Family Environment on Child Hyperactivity and Antisocial Behavior
Influences on Gender-Role Attitudes during the Transition to Adulthood
Influences on the Timing of First Childbearing
Informal Care and Inter-vivos Transfers: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Women
Informal Caregiving and Health in Middle and Late Adulthood
Informal Job Search and Black Youth Unemployment
Informal Peer Networks and School Sentiments as Integrative and Social Control Mechanisms
Informal Training: A Review of Existing Data and Some New Evidence
Information and Inner City Educational Attainment
Information and Inner-City Educational Attainment
Information and Safe Sex: Are Better Informed Youth More Likely to Use Contraceptives and Condoms?
Information Deficiencies and Search Unemployment
Information Frictions and Entrepreneurship
Information in the Labor Market: Empirical Studies of Incentive Pay, Work Hours, and Earnings
Information, Risk Perceptions, and Smoking Choices of Youth
Information, Risk Perceptions, And Smoking Choices Of Youth
Informing America's Policy on Illegal Drugs: What We Don't Know Keeps Hurting Us
Inheritance and Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Care
Inheritance of Earnings and Wealth
Inhibiting the Inhibitor: Are Callous-Unemotional Traits Capable of Suppressing the Inhibitory Effect of Child Self-Disclosure on Delinquency?
Initial Wage, Human Capital and Post Wage Differentials
Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding Among Employed Women in the United States
Initiation and Persistence of Alcohol Use in United States Black, Hispanic, and White Male and Female Youth
Initiation of Drug and Alcohol Use and Personality Development during Adolescence
An Inquiry into the Labor Market Behavior of Black Youth : a Cross-Sectional Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey Data for 1968 and 1971
Insights from a Sequential Hazard Model of Entry into Sexual Activity and Premarital First Births
Instability of Inverse Probability Weighting Methods and a Remedy for Nonignorable Missing Data
Institutional Participation and the Delay in Entry Into Marriage: Generational Differences Between Late Baby Boomer and Early Millennials
Institutions in Childhood and the Transition to Adulthood: Consequences of Criminal Justice and Child Welfare System Contact in the United States
Instrument Selection: The Case of Teenage Childbearing and Women's Educational Attainment
An Instrumental Variables Approach to Measuring the Effect of Body Weight on Employment Disability
Integrating Federal Statistics on Children
Integrating Person-Centered and Variable-Centered Analyses: Growth Mixture Modeling With Latent Trajectory Classes
Integration of Wives into Wage-Work and the Working-Class' Struggle to Maintain its Standard of Living
Integration of Women into the Military: A Preliminary Investigation of Relevant Factors
An Integrative Model of Inter- and Intragenerational Preconception Processes Influencing Birthweight in the United States
An Integrative Review of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Reproductive Traumas of Infertility and Pregnancy Loss
Intellectual Growth during Late Adolescence: Effects of Sex and Race
Intelligence and Fertility in the NLSY79 Respondents: Children of Siblings and Biometrical Models
Intelligence and Job Satisfaction
Intelligence and Past Use of Recreational Drugs
Intelligence and Religiosity: Within Families and Over Time
Intelligence and the Rationality of Political Preferences
Intelligence and the Repayment of High- and Low-consequences Debt
Intelligence in Youth and Health at Age 50
Intelligence in Youth and Health Behaviours in Middle Age
Intelligence in Youth and Mental Health at Age 50
The Intelligence-Religiosity Nexus: A Representative Study of White Adolescent Americans
Intelligence, Education, and Facets of Job Satisfaction
Intelligence, Genes, and Success: Scientists Respond to THE BELL CURVE
Intelligence, Income, and Education as Potential Influences on a Child's Home Environment: A (Maternal) Sibling-Comparison Design
Intelligence, Self-confidence and Entrepreneurship
Intended Childbearing and Labor Force Participation of Young Women: Insights from Nonrecursive Models
Intended Retirement and Wealth Adequacy
Intensive Parenting: Fertility and Breastfeeding Duration in the United States
Intentions to Remain Childless: An Old Response to New Exigencies or a New Response to Old Exigencies?
Inter-Generational Transfer of Welfare Dependency
Inter-Generational Transfer of Welfare Dependency: Program Effects on Future Welfare Recipiency
Inter-Generational Transmission of Health Status in the U.S Among Natives and Immigrants
Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and Government Regulation: An Empirical Analysis
Inter-Relatedness of Age at First Intercourse, Early Pregnancy, Alcohol, and Drug Use Among American Adolescents
Inter-Religious Marriage and Migration
Inter-Religious Marriage and Migration
Interacting Effects of Multiple Roles on Women's Health
Interacting Effects of Multiple Roles on Women's Health
Interacting With Curves: How to Validly Test and Probe Interactions in the Real (Nonlinear) World
Interaction Between Labor Market Outcomes and Asset Accumulation
Interaction in Linear versus Logistic Models: A Substantive Illustration Using the Relationship Between Motivation, Ability, and Performance
Interaction of Birth Weight, Gestation, and Parental Investment in the Production of Cognitive Development
Interactions among Actual Ease-of-Movement Determinants and Job Satisfaction in the Prediction of Voluntary Turnover
Interactions Between Divorce and Its Long-Term Economic Consequences
Interactions between Job Search and Housing Decisions: A Structural Estimation
Interactions Between Job Search and Housing Decisions: A Structural Estimation
Interactions between Unmarried Fathers and Their Children: The Role of Paternity Establishment and Child-Support Policies
Interactive Effect of Birth Weight and Common Parental Investment on Child Test Scores
Interactive Effect of Birth Weight and Parental Investment on Child Test Scores
Interactive Effects of Gender Ideology and Age at First Marriage on Women's Marital Disruption
The Interactive Effects of Infant Activity Level and Fear on Growth Trajectories of Early Childhood Behavior Problems
Interactive Effects of Infant Activity Level and Fear on Growth Trajectories of Early Childhood Symptomatology
The Interactive Role of SNAP Participation and Residential Neighborhood in Childhood Obesity
Intercohort Change in Women's Labor Market Status
Intercohort Differences in Women's Labor Market Transitions
Interdependencies over the Life Course Women's Fertility, Marital, and Educational Experiences
Interdependent Preferences, Habit Formation, and the Growth in Women's Employment
Intergenerational Altruistic Links: A Model of Family Coresidence
Intergenerational Analysis of Social Interaction
Intergenerational and Program-Induced Effects of Welfare Dependency: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Intergenerational Benefits of Maternal Education: The Effect of Increases in Mothers' Educational Attainment on Children's Academic Outcomes
Intergenerational Consequences of Social Stressors: Effects of Occupational and Family Conditions on Young Mothers and Their Children
Intergenerational Coresidence and Mothers' Body Weight at Midlife
Intergenerational Coresidential Patterns by Young Adult's and Their Mother's Mental Health and Substance Use
Intergenerational Correlation in AFDC Participation: Welfare Trap or Poverty Trap?
Intergenerational Correlations of Skills
Intergenerational Correlations of Skills
The Intergenerational Costs of Parental Social Stressors: Academic & Social Difficulties in Early Adolescence for Children of Young Mothers
Intergenerational Cycle of Teenage Motherhood: An Ecological Approach
Intergenerational Divorce Propensities: A Study of Mothers and Daughters
Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in the Nordic Countries, the United Kingdom and the United States: An Overview
Intergenerational Economic Mobility Between Mothers and Children: Racial and Ethnic Disparities
Intergenerational Educational Attainment, Family Characteristics and Child Obesity
Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Life Course Income Trajectories in the United States
Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Life-Course Income Trajectories in the United States
Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Denmark and the United States
The Intergenerational Effects of Education on Delinquency
Intergenerational Effects of Fatherlessness on Educational Attainment and Entry-level Wages
The Intergenerational Effects of Maternal Depression on Their Young Adult Children's Depression
Intergenerational Effects of Mothers Schooling on Children's Outcomes: Causal Links and Transmission Channels
The Intergenerational Effects of the Vietnam Draft on Risky Behaviors
Intergenerational Family Predictors of the Black–White Achievement Gap
Intergenerational Health Disparities: Socioeconomic Status, Women's Health Conditions, and Child Behavior Problems
Intergenerational Income Mobility in Sweden Compared to the United States
Intergenerational Income Mobility, Income Inequality, and Government Investment in the United States
Intergenerational Long Term Effects of Preschool--Structural Estimates from a Discrete Dynamic Programming Model
Intergenerational Long-term Effects of Preschool--Structural Estimates from a Discrete Dynamic Programming Model
Intergenerational Mobility and the Transmission of Inequality: an Empirical Study Using Longitudinal Data
Intergenerational Mobility Begins Before Birth
Intergenerational Mobility for Whom? The Experience of High and Low Earnings Sons in International Perspective
Intergenerational Mobility in the United States and Abroad: Quantile and Mean Regression Measures
Intergenerational Mobility Measurement with Latent Transition Matrices
The Intergenerational Mobility of LGBTQ+ Individuals
Intergenerational Mobility, Inequality and Government Investment in the United States
An Intergenerational Model of Earnings, Hours and Wages
An Intergenerational Model of Wages, Hours and Earnings
An Intergenerational Model of Wages, Hours, and Earnings
Intergenerational Obesity Transmission and Correlations of Human Capital Accumulation
Intergenerational Persistence of Health in the U.S.: Do Immigrants Get Healthier as they Assimilate?
Intergenerational Persistence of Health: Do Immigrants Get Healthier as They Remain in the U.S. for More Generations?
Intergenerational Predictors of the Black-White Achievement Gap in Adolescence
Intergenerational Predictors of the Black-White Achievement Gap in Adolescence
The Intergenerational Production of the Health Gradient: Evidence among Immigrant Families
Intergenerational Relationship Quality and Mental Health at Midlife: Considering Mother's Relationship With Multiple Children
Intergenerational Relationships between the Smoking Patterns of a Population-Representative Sample of US Mothers and the Smoking Trajectories of their Children
Intergenerational Social Mobility and Family Formation in the United States
Intergenerational Support and the Life-Cycle Incomes of Parents and Children: Co-Residence and Interhousehold Financial Transfers
Intergenerational Support and the Life-Cycle Incomes of Young Men and Their Parents: Human Capital Investments, Coresidence, and Intergenerational Financial Transfers
The Intergenerational Transfer of Criminal Justice Involvement: Risk and Protective Factors as Moderating Variables
Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital among Immigrant Families
Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital among Immigrant Families
Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital among Immigrant Families
Intergenerational Transfers and the Economic Attainment of Women: A Comparative Analysis of the Parental Role
Intergenerational Transfers and the Rate of Time Preference in a Dynamic Model of Schooling Decisions
Intergenerational Transmission of "Intelligence": Down the Slippery Slopes of the Bell Curve
Intergenerational Transmission of Achievement, with Special Reference to the Underclass
Intergenerational Transmission of Age at First Birth in the United States: Evidence from Multiple Surveys
Intergenerational Transmission of Age at First Birth in the United States: Evidence from Multiple Surveys
Intergenerational Transmission of Antisocial Behavior and Age at Primiparity
The Intergenerational Transmission of Cohabitation and Marriage in the U.S.: The Role of Parental Union Histories
The Intergenerational Transmission of Discrimination: Children's Experiences of Unfair Treatment and Their Mother's Health at Midlife
The Intergenerational Transmission of Discrimination: Children's Experiences of Unfair Treatment and Their Mothers' Health at Midlife
Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Advantages and Disadvantages from the Asset Perspective
Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes and its Implications for Female Labor Force Participation
The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes and its Implications for Female Labour Force Participation
The Intergenerational Transmission of Grandmother-Grandchild Co-Residency
The Intergenerational Transmission of Health Status: Estimates and Mechanisms
The Intergenerational Transmission of Income Mobility between Mothers and their Young Adult Daughters: The Mediating Role of their Daughters' Educational Attainment
The Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Expectations and Age at First Marriage: Evidence from Mothers and Children in the NLSY79 and NLSY79 Young Adults
The Intergenerational Transmission of Marital Instability: Comparisons by Race and Sex
Intergenerational Transmission of Mastery Between Mothers and Older Offspring: Considering Direct, Moderated, and Mediated Effects
Intergenerational Transmission of Maternal Poverty to Self-esteem among Young Adult Children: The Role of Employment
The Intergenerational Transmission of Partnering
Intergenerational Transmission Of Relationship Behaviors : The Influence Of The Marital Relationship Versus Parent-Youth Relationship
Intergenerational Transmission of Skills and Differences in Labor Market Outcomes for Blacks and Whites
The Intergenerational Transmission of Teaching
Intergenerational Transmission of Volunteering: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey
The Intergenerational Transmission of War
The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Participation: Facts and Possible Causes
Intergenerational Wealth Effects in the United States and Germany
Intergenerational Wealth Transfers and the Educational Decisions of Male Youth
Interhousehold Contributions of Nonresidential Fathers to Children
Interindustry Variation in Wages and Turnover
Intermittent Employment Histories and Labor Market Outcomes
Internal Labor Markets and Occupational Sex Segregation: An Event History Analysis of Gender Differences in Job and Upward Wage Mobility
Internal Migration of Mexican and Other Hispanics: Comparisons of Primary and Repeat Migration in the United States
The Internal Structure of Self-Reported Health Measures Among Older Workers and Retirees
Internal-External Attitudes, Personal Initiative, and the Labor Market Experience of White and Black Men
Internal-External Attitudes, Sense of Efficacy, and Labor Market Experience: A Reply to Duncan and Morgan
Internal-External Control as Contributor to and Outcome of Work Experience
Internal-External Locus of Control and Labor Market Performance: Empirical Evidence Using Longitudinal Survey Data
Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problem Scores: Cross-Ethnic and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the Behavior Problem Index
Internalizing and Externalizing Children's Behaviour Problems in Britain and the US: Relationships to Family Resources
International Evidence on Intergenerational Mobility
Internet Access and Partnership Formation in the United States
Internet Access and Partnership Formation in the United States
Internet and the Timing of Births
The Interplay between Child and Maternal Health: Reciprocal Relationships and Cumulative Disadvantage during Childhood and Adolescence
The Interplay of Family Formation and Early Work Careers in Germany and the United States
The Interplay of Work and Family Trajectories over the Life Course: Germany and the United States in Comparison
Interpreting Degree Effects in the Returns to Education
Interpreting Degree Effects in the Returns to Education
Interpreting Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Returns to Schooling
Interpreting Panel Data on Job Tenure
Interpreting the NLSY79 Empirical Data on “IQ” and "Achievement": A Comment on Borghans et al.'s "Identification Problems in Personality Psychology"
Interregional Migration, Education and Poverty in the Urban Ghetto: Another Look at Black-White Earnings Differentials
Interrelated Quits: An Empirical Analysis of the Utility Maximizing Mobility Hypothesis
Interrelation of Child Support, Visitation, and Hours of Work
Interrelations of Fertility and Women's Labor Force Participation, with Particular Emphasis on the Effects of Education
The Interrelations of Young Women's Marriage and Employment Outcomes
Interrelationships between Life Course Events in the United States
Interrupted Work Careers: Depreciation and Restoration of Human Capital
Interruptions in Schooling of Young Women and Young Men
Intersecting Inequalities in the Paid Care Work Sector Under Changing Social and Economic Contexts
Intersecting Social Inequalities and Body Mass Index Trajectories from Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Intersectionality at Work: Racial Variation in Women's Employment after First Birth
Intersectionality at Work: The Effect of Fertility on the Employment Trajectories of White, Latina, and Black Women
Intersections on the Class Escalator: Gender, Race, and Occupational Segregation in Paid Care Work
Intersections on the Road to Self-Employment: Gender, Family and Occupational Class
Intertemporal Labor Supply and Human Capital Accumulation
Intertemporal Labor Supply and Human Capital Accumulation
Intertemporal Labor Supply and Human Capital Accumulation
Intertemporal Labor Supply and Human Capital Accumulation
Intertemporal Labor Supply and Long-Term Employment Contracts
Intertemporal Substitution in Labor Supply: A Meta-Analysis
Intertemporal Substitution in Maternal Labor Supply: Evidence Using State School Entrance Age Laws
Intertemporal Substitution in Maternal Labor Supply: Evidence Using State School Entrance Age Laws
Intertemporal Substitution in Maternal Labor Supply: Evidence Using State School Entrance Age Laws
Interview Mode Effects in NLSY97 Round 4 and Round 5
Interviewer Ratings of Mother-Child Interaction and the Home Environment in the Context of Survey Research: Contributions and Concerns
Into Adulthood: The Continued Importance of Quality Parent-Adolescent Relationships
Into the Red and Back to the Nest? Debt and Returning to the Parental Home
Into the Red and Back to the Nest? Debt and Returning to the Parental Home among Young Adults
Into the Red and Back to the Nest? Student Debt, College Completion, and Returning to the Parental Home among Young Adults
Intra-Familial Interactions and Juvenile Substance Use: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the Children of NLSY-79
Intra-household Resource Allocation: Do Parents Reduce or Reinforce Child Cognitive Ability Gaps?
Intra-Household Transfers While Children are Still at Home
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Do Parents Reduce or Reinforce Child Ability Gaps?
Intraoccupational Wage Differentials by Class of Workers: A Comparison of Wages in the Public and Private Sectors
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators and Older Employees' Attitudes Towards Their Current Jobs
Introduction and Overview
Introduction to Econometrics, 4th Edition
An Introduction to Latent Growth Models for Developmental Data Analysis
Introduction to Longitudinal Research
An Introduction to School-to-Work Programs in the NLSY97: How Prevalent Are They, and Which Youths Do They Serve?
Introduction to the Journal of Human Resources Early Results Issue
Introduction to the Journal of Human Resources Special Issue on Data Quality
Introduction: Panel Studies: What Can We Learn from Them?
"Introduction" to the Special Issue on Early Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 Cohort
An Inventory of Longitudinal Data Sets of Interest to Economists
Investigating a Cognitive Complexity Hierarchy of Jobs
Investigating Core Assumptions of the "American Dream": Historical Changes in How Adolescents' Socioeconomic Status, IQ, and GPA Are Related to Key Life Outcomes in Adulthood
Investigating Dual Labor Market Theory for Women
Investigating Religion and Inequality through Women's Work‐Family Pathways
Investigating the Disconnect between Financial Knowledge and Behavior: The Role of Parental Influence and Psychological Characteristics in Responsible Financial Behaviors among Young Adults
Investigating the Dynamic Interdependency between Poverty and Marital Separation
Investigating the Immigrant Health Advantage in Smoking Initiation: Evaluating Differences by Sex and Hispanic Ethnicity
Investigating the Impact of Prior Criminal Justice Contact on Labor Market Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Propensity Score Analysis
Investigating the Relationship Between Gang Membership and Carrying a Firearm: Results from a National Sample
An Investigation into the Effect of Type I and Type II Diabetes Duration on Employment and Wages
Investigation of Change in Adolescent Perceptions of Mothers' and Fathers' Contributions to Interparental Discord From 7th to 9th Grades
Investigation of Mathematics and Reading Achievement of 5- through 14-Year Olds Using Latent Growth Curve Methodology
An Investigation of Selected Sociopsychological Variables in Relation to the Traditional or Nontraditional Occupational Choices of Middle Age Women
An Investigation of Socially Contagious Fertility
An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Patterns
Investing in Disadvantaged Young Children is an Economically Efficient Policy
Investing in Our Young People
Investment in Child Quality over Marital States
Investment in Child Quality Over Marital States
Investment in Child Quality Over Marital States
Investment in Human Capital and Gender Wage Differences: Evidence from the NLSY
Investment in Human Capital: Work, Military Service, and College
Investments in Human Capital and the Poverty Transition
Involuntary Early Retirement
Involuntary Unemployment and Occupational Sex Segregation
Involvement in Activities and the Psychological Well-Being of Retired Men
IQ and Income Inequality in a Sample of Sibling Pairs from Advantaged Family Backgrounds
IQ and Stratification: An Empirical Evaluation of Herrnstein and Murray's Social Change Argument
IQ Controversy: The Other Side
IQ Haves and Have-Nots?
IQ, Socioeconomic Status, and Early Death: The US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.
IRT–ZIP Modeling for Multivariate Zero-Inflated Count Data
Is a College Degree Still the Great Equalizer? Intergenerational Mobility across Levels of Schooling in the United States
Is AFI All in the Family? A Multi-Level Family Study of Age of First Intercourse
Is Asthma Really a Risk Factor for Depression?: A Cohort Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Is Baby a Blessing? Wantedness, Age at First Birth, and Later-Life Depression
Is Back to the Nest a Good Decision? The Effect of Returning to Parental Home on the Individual Economic Outcomes Among Young Adults in the US
Is Bad Parenting a Learned Behavior? Insights from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Is Being in School Better? The Impact of School on Children's BMI When Starting Age is Endogenous
Is Breadwinning a Health Hazard? The Relationship between Relative Income and Self-Reported Mental and Physical Health
Is Breast Truly Best? Estimating the Effects of Breastfeeding on Long-term Child Health and Wellbeing in the United States Using Sibling Comparisons
Is Breastfeeding Truly Cost Free? Income Consequences of Breastfeeding for Women
Is Breastfeeding Truly Free? The Economic Consequences of Breastfeeding for Women
Is Credit Status a Good Signal of Productivity?
Is Educational Attainment a Cause of Better Health? A Test of Conventional Wisdom
Is Eye Color Associated With Alcoholism Abuse?
Is Father Instability Always Bad for Daughters? The Relationship between Father Churning and Adolescent Depression
Is Going to a Community College Better than Not Going to College at All?
Is High School Employment Consumption or Investment?
Is High School Employment Consumption or Investment?
Is Higher Cognitive Ability Associated with a More Stable Marriage?
Is Household Extension Beneficial or Harmful for Immigrant-Origin Youth? Evidence from the NLSY97
Is Internet Job Search Still Ineffective?
Is It All About Money? Work Characteristics and Women’s and Men’s Marriage Formation in Early Adulthood
Is it Really Worse to Have Public Health Insurance Than to Have No Insurance at All? Health Insurance and Adult Health in the United States
Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?
Is Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy a Causal Environmental Risk Factor for Adolescent Antisocial Behavior? Testing Etiological Theories and Assumptions
Is Maternal Work Behavior Affected by Children's Health and Behavioral Problems?
Is Maternal Work Behavior Affected by Children's Health and Behavioral Problems?
Is Maternal Work Behavior Affected by Children's Health and Behavioral Problems?
Is Negative Selection True for College Major?
Is Obesity as Dangerous to Your Wealth as to Your Health?
Is Obesity Associated With School Dropout? Key Developmental and Ethnic Differences
Is Optimal Matching Suboptimal?
Is Parental Knowledge of their Adolescent Offspring's Whereabouts and Peer Associations Spuriously Associated with Offspring Delinquency?
Is Post-secondary Access More Equitable in Canada or the United States?
Is Post-Smoking-Cessation Weight-Gain a Significant Trigger for Relapse?
Is Reproductive Development Adaptively Calibrated to Early Experience? Evidence From a National Sample of Females
Is Rural Residency a Risk Factor for Childhood Poverty?
Is Smoking Delayed Smoking Averted?
Is Student Loan Debt Discouraging Home Buying Among Young Adults?
Is Student Loan Debt Discouraging Homeownership among Young Adults?
Is Superwoman a Myth? Marriage, Children, and Wages
Is Teen Risk of Having Sex With Strangers Associated With Family Environment? Family Processes, Household Structure, and Adolescent Sex With Strangers
Is the 'Idiot's Box' Raising Idiocy? Early and Middle Childhood Television Watching and Child Cognitive Outcome
Is the Beneficial Effect of College on Self-esteem and Mastery Overstated?
Is the Duration of Poverty and Unemployment a Risk Factor for Heavy Drinking?
Is the Gap More Than Gender? A Longitudinal Analysis of Gender, Gender Role Orientation, and Earnings
Is the GED a Viable Human Capital Treatment for Poor and Welfare Dependent Women?
Is the Gender Wage Gap Really a Family Wage Gap in Disguise?
Is the Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking From Mother to Child Mediated by Children’s Behavior Problems?
Is The Male Marriage Premium Due To Selection? The Effect of Shotgun Weddings on the Return to Marriage
Is the Mexican American "Epidemiologic Paradox" Advantage at Birth Maintained through Early Childhood?
Is the Motherhood Wage Penalty Worse at the Top or Bottom?
Is the Past Prologue?: A Test of Ghiselli's Hobo Syndrome
Is the Ring the Thing? Child Well-being and the Transition from Cohabitation to Marriage
Is the Shape of the Age-Crime Curve Invariant by Sex? Evidence from a National Sample with Flexible Non-parametric Modeling
Is the Unemployment Rate of Women Too Low? A Direct Test of the Economic Theory of Job Search
Is The Wage Gap Between High School And College Graduates Widening? A Panel Analysis
Is There a 'Bad Mother' Syndrome? Evidence of Overlapping High Risk Behavior During Pregnancy Among a National Cross-section of Young Mothers
Is There a Career Penalty for Mother's Time Out? A Comparison Between the United States, Germany and Sweden
Is There a Career Penalty for Mothers' Time Out - A Comparison of Germany, Sweden and the United States
Is there a Causal Relationship between Childhood Asthma and Childhood Depression?: A Retrospective Cohort Study of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Is There a Cohabitation Premium in Men's Earnings?
Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars? Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression
Is There a Link Between Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Job Mobility? Evidence from Recent Micro Data
Is There a Male Marital Wage Premium? New Evidence from the United States
Is There a Mommy Track? Occupational Skill and Childbearing
Is There a Problem with the Youth Labor Market and If So How Should We Fix It?: Lessons for the U. S. from American and European Experience
Is There a Relationship between Veteran Status, Spatial Mobility, and Social Mobility in the All Volunteer Force Era?
Is There a Stepping Stone Effect in Drug Use? Separating State Dependence from Unobserved Heterogeneity Within and Between Illicit Drugs
Is There a Supply Side to Occupational Sex Segregation?
Is There a Tradeoff between Remote Living and Healthy Living? The Impact of Remoteness on Body Weight
Is There an Economic Bar for Marriage? Socioeconomic Status Differentials and Implications for Marriage Promotion Policies
Is Time Preference and Present Bias Associated with the Decision to Start, Quit or Maintain Physical Activity over Time?
Is Timing Everything? Disability Onset of Youth and Their Outcomes As Young Adults
Is Two Too Many? Parity and Mothers Labor Force Exit
Is Two Too Many? Parity and Mothers' Labor Force Exit
Isolating the Effect of Major Depression on Obesity: Role of Selection Bias
Isolating the Effect of Major Depression on Obesity: Role of Selection Bias
Issues for Manpower Research on Youth in the Transition from School to Work
It Helps, Even If You Fake It/Property Value
It Runs in the Family: Testing for Longitudinal Family Flynn Effects
It’s about Time: What to Make of Reported Declines in How Much College Students Study
It’s Not Enough to Stay in School: Race and Gender Differences in the Wage Returns of Educational Attainment

Jack-of-All-Subjects? The Association between Individual Grade Variance and Educational Attainment
A Jensen Effect on Dysgenic Fertility: An Analysis Involving the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Job and Wage Mobility in a Search Model with Non-Compliance (Exemptions) with the Minimum Wage
Job and Wage Mobility with Minimum Wages and Imperfect Compliance
Job Autonomy and Marriage Formation: A Comparison between Men and Women
Job Change and Job Stability among Less Skilled Workers
Job Change and Job Stability Among Less-Skilled Young Workers
Job Change and Job Stability Among Less-Skilled Young Workers
Job Change of Young Men
Job Change Patterns and the Wages of Young Men
Job Changes, Employment Exits, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty
Job Changing Behavior of Young Men in the Civilian Labor Market
Job Characteristics and Health Status Effects on Retirement Behavior
Job Characteristics and Health Status Effects on Retirement Behavior
Job Characteristics and Health: Differential Impact on Benefit Entitlement
Job Characteristics and Job Retention of Young Workers With Disabilities
Job Characteristics and the Form of Compensation
Job Characteristics and the Labor Force Participation Behavior of Black and White Male Youth
Job Characteristics, Wages, and the Employment Contract
Job Competition versus Wage Competition: An Analysis of Competing Models
Job Complexity and Employee Substance Use: The Moderating Effects of Cognitive Ability
Job Continuity among New Mothers
Job Displacement
Job Displacement among Single Mothers: Effects on Children’s Outcomes in Young Adulthood
Job Displacement and Mobility of Younger Workers
Job Displacement of Established Women Workers: Correlates and Employment Consequences
Job Displacement's Long-run Effect on Access to Employer-provided Health Insurance and other Fringe Benefits
Job Does No Harm - Study
Job Duration and Match Characteristics over the Business Cycle
Job Duration and the Cleansing and Sullying: Effects of Recessions
Job Duration over the Business Cycle
Job Exit Behavior of Older Men
Job Expectations and Unemployment among Young Women with Work Experience
Job Experience and Earnings Among Middle-Aged Men
Job Exposures, Health Behaviours, and Work-related Injuries among young Construction Workers in the United States: a 12-year Follow-up Study
Job Flexibility and Household Labor Supply: Understanding Gender Gaps and the Child Wage Penalty
Job Hopping and Adverse Selection in the Labor Market
Job Insecurity and Workers' Compensation Filing
Job Investment, Actual and Expected Labor Supply, and the Earnings of Young Women
A Job Isn't Just a Job: The Differential Impact of Formal Versus Informal Work on Adolescent Problem Behavior
Job Loss Among Long-Service Workers
Job Loss and Alcohol Dependence among Blacks and Whites in a National Longitudinal Survey
Job Loss, Unemployment Benefits, and Mental Health of Middle-Aged US Women
Job Match Quality over the Business Cycle
Job Matching and Women's Wage-Tenure Profile
Job Matching: The Effects of Job Search on Match Quality
Job Mobility Among Millennials: Do They Stay or Do They Go?
Job Mobility and Early Career Wage Growth of White, African-American, and Hispanic Women
Job Mobility and Earnings over the Life Cycle
Job Mobility and Gender-Based Wage Growth Differentials
Job Mobility and Wage Growth: Evidence from the NLSY79
Job Mobility and Wage Trajectories for Men and Women in the United States
Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the United States
Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the United States
Job Polarisation and the Decline of Middle-class Workers’ Wages
Job Quality and the Educational Gradient in Entry into Marriage and Cohabitation
Job Quality and the Educational Gradient in Entry Into Marriage and Cohabitation
Job Quality and the Risk of Divorce: The Role of Wages, Health Insurance, and Pension Benefits
Job Quits and Job Changes: The Effects of young Women's Work Conditions and Family Factors
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Among Early Labor Force Participants: Unexpected Outcomes in Public and Private Sector Comparisons
Job Satisfaction among Working Women
Job Satisfaction Among Youth in Military and Civilian Work Settings
Job Satisfaction and Employer-sponsored Training
Job Satisfaction and Gender: An Expanded Specification from the NLSY
Job Satisfaction and Promotions
Job Satisfaction and the Gender Composition of Jobs
Job Satisfaction as an Economic Variable
Job Satisfaction Determinants: Differences Between Servicemen and Civilians
Job Satisfaction Developmental Trajectories and Health: A Life Course Perspective
Job Satisfaction Developmental Trajectories and Health: A Life Course Perspective
Job Satisfaction in the United States: Are Blacks Still More Satisfied?
Job Satisfaction of Low Income Men Ages 45-59
Job Satisfaction--Antecedents and Associations
Job Satisfaction, Wages, and Unions
Job Search and Asset Accumulation Under Borrowing Constraints
Job Search and Asset Accumulation Under Borrowing Constraints
Job Search and Hyperbolic Discounting: Structural Estimation and Policy Evaluation
Job Search and Hyperbolic Discounting: Structural Estimation and Policy Evaluation
Job Search and Impatience
Job Search and Impatience
Job Search and Labor Force Participation in Equilibrium: Theory and Estimation
Job Search and Labor Force Participation in Equilibrium: Theory and Estimation
Job Search and Unionized Employment
The Job Search Behavior of Employed Youth
Job Search by Employed and Unemployed Youth
Job Search by Unemployed Women: Determinants of the Asking Wage
The Job Search Intensity Supply Curve: How Labor Market Conditions Affect Job Search Effort
Job Search Methods: Use and Effectiveness
Job Search under Debt: Aggregate Implications of Student Loans
Job Search with Organizational Size As a Signal
Job Search, Bargaining, and Wage Dynamics
Job Selection and Wages over the Business Cycle
Job Shopping Among Young Men
Job Shopping and the Wage Growth of Young Men
Job Shopping Behavior of Young Men
Job Stability Among Young Women: A Comparison of Traditional and Nontraditional Occupations
Job Stability is no Virtue for Young Men
Job Stability, Earnings, and Marital Stability: How Are They Related?
Job Turnover, Wage Rates, and Marital Stability: How Are They Related?
Job Turnover, Wage Rates, and Marital Stability: How Are They Related?
Job-Seeking Behavior in Young Adults: Do Unemployment Insurance Benefits Hurt Job Search Efforts?
Jobs and Workers: A Labor Market Segmentation Perspective on the Work Experience of Younger Men
Jobs and Workers: A Labor Market Segmentation Perspective on theWork Experience of Middle-Aged Men
Jobs Before College Completion and Career Building of Young Workers Through Job Switching
Jobs Held and Weeks Worked by Young Adults
Jobs, Marriage, and Children: How His and Her Jobs Affect Child Well-Being
Joining Up: Did Military Service in the Early All Volunteer Era Affect Subsequent Civilian Income?
The Joint Determination of Household Membership and Market Work: The Case of Young Men
A Joint Dynamic Model of Fertility and Work of Married Women
A Joint Dynamic Model of Fertility and Work of Married Women
The Joint Effects of Marital Status and Education on Health Limitations: NLSY-79
Joint Estimation of Sequential Labor Force Participation and Fertility Decisions Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
Joint Estimation of Sequential Labor Force Participation and Fertility Decisions Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
Joint Estimation of Sequential Labor Force Participation and Fertility Decisions Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
Joint Estimation of Sequential Labor Force Participation and Fertility Decisions Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
The Joint Impact of Income Supplementation and Food Prices on Child and Adolescent Overweight
The Joint Influence of Childhood Mental and Physical Health on Educational Attainment
Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and State-Change Processes
A Journey from Wild to Textbook Data to Reproducibly Refresh the Wages Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Database
The Journey to Work and Gender Inequality in Earnings: A Cross-Validation Study for the United States
Just Getting By? Income Dependence on Minimum Wage Jobs
Just Getting By? Income Dependence On Minimum Wage Jobs
Just Skin Deep? The Impact of Interviewer Race on the Assessment of African American Respondent Skin Tone
Juvenile Arrest and Court Outcomes using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)
Juvenile Arrest and Later Economic Attainment: Strength and Mechanisms of the Relationship
Juvenile Court Outcomes Following Youth's First Arrest: A National Test of the Racial and Ethnic Threat Hypothesis
Juvenile Incarceration in an Adult Correctional Facility as a Risk Factor for Adolescent Childrearing?
Juvenile Transfers to Adult Court: An Examination of the Long-Term Outcomes of Transferred and Non-Transferred Juveniles
Juvenile Violence and Its Relationship to Family Dysfunction and Parental Educational Levels

Keeping in Touch: How Women in Mid-life Allocate Social Contacts among Kith and Kin
Keeping the Job You Find: Understanding Job Turnover Among Welfare Recipients Who Obtain Work
Keeping Track of Respondents in Longitudinal Studies
Keeping Up with The Joneses: Income Inequality's Effect of Mental Health
Key Indicators of Child and Youth Well-Being: Completing the Picture
Key Indicators of Health and Safety: Infancy, Pre-School and Middle Childhood
Key Indicators of Health and Safety: Infancy, Pre-School and Middle Childhood
Key Labor Market Findings from Young GED Credential Recipients in the 21st Century: A Snapshot from NLSY97
Kicking the Camel: Adolescent Smoking Behaviors After Two Years
Kids and Guns
Kids and TV: Maybe It’s Not an Idiot Box
The Kids Are OK: Divorce and Children's Behavior Problems
Kids Cause Specialization: Evidence for Becker's Household Division of Labor Hypothesis
Kids Having Kids : A Robin Hood Foundation Special Report on the Costs Of Adolescent Childbearing
Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy
Kids Having Kids: Economic Costs and Social Consequences of Teen Pregnancy, 2nd Edition
The Kids of Parents Who Smoke Marijuana Wind Up Vaping Weed
Kids Whose Goals Are Too Modest
Kids' $50 Allowance Has Experts Divided Over Division
Kids' School Success Depends More on Early Academic Skills than Behaviour
Kin Access and Residential Mobility Among Young Mothers
Kin Effects on Black-White Account and Home Ownership
Kin Support and Productive Activities Among Single Mothers
Kin Support, Welfare, and Out-of-Wedlock Mothers
Kin Support, Welfare, and Out-of-Wedlock Mothers
Kith and Kin - Informal Child Care: Highlights from Recent Research
Knowing Younger Workers Better: Information from the NLSY97.
Knowledge of the World of Work
Knowledge of the World of Work: A Test of Occupational Information of Young Men

Labor and Population Program. Job Continuity Among New Mothers
Labor Demand Shocks at Birth and Cognitive Achievement during Childhood
Labor Force and Employment Status of Students
Labor Force and Work Attitudes
Labor Force Attachment and Maternity Leave Usage of Cohabiting Mothers in the United States
Labor Force Attachment and the Evolving Wage Gap Between White, Black, and Hispanic Young Women
Labor Force Attachment during the Early Childbearing Years: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women
Labor Force Attachment of American Youth
Labor Force Attachment of Married Women Age 30 to 34: an Intercohort Comparison
Labor Force Behavior: A Longitudinal Perspective
Labor Force Changes and Participation in Secondary Vocational Education in the United States from 1979-1985
Labor Force Earnings, and College Choice of Young Women: An Examination of Selectivity Bias and Comparative Advantage
Labor Force Entry and Exit by Married Women: A Longitudinal Analysis
Labor Force Experience, Job Turnover, and Racial Wage Differentials
Labor Force Experiences of a National Sample of Young Adult Men: The Role of Drug Involvement
Labor Force Participation and Pair-wise Efficient Contracts with Search and Bargaining
Labor Force Participation and the Probability of Completing College
Labor Force Participation Decision of Females: A Comparison between Younger and Older Cohorts
The Labor Force Participation of Handicapped Women: An Empirical Analysis
The Labor Force Participation of Older Women: Retired? Working? Both?
Labor Force Participation of Young Married Women
Labor Force Participation Over the Life Course: The Long-Term Effects of Employment Trajectories on Wages and the Gendered Payoff to Employment
Labor Force Participation, Labor Markets, and Crime, Final Report
Labor Force Participation: The Long-Term Effects of Employment Trajectories on Wages
Labor Force Patterns of Mature Rural Women
Labor Force Response of Career vs. Noncareer Married Women to the Unemployment Rate
Labor Force Transitions of Married Women in the United States
Labor Force Withdrawal Patterns Among Older Men in the United States
Labor Market Activity, Education, And Partner Status Among Americans At Age 33: Results From A Longitudinal Survey
Labor Market and Socioeconomic Effects on Marital Stability
Labor Market Behavior of Women 30-44 in 1967 and Women 14-24 in 1968: The National Longitudinal Surveys
Labor Market Categorization: Theory and Evidence on Initial Wages from the NLSY
Labor Market Choices of Male Youth: A Longitudinal Analysis of the School to Work Transition
Labor Market Conditions and Racial/Ethnic Differences in College Enrollment
Labor Market Conditions at School-Leaving: Long-Run Effects on Marriage and Fertility
Labor Market Consequences of Dropping Out of High School
The Labor Market Consequences of Dropping out of High School
Labor Market Data Needs from the Perspective of 'Dual' or 'Segmented Labor' Market Research: A Comment on Harrison and Sum
Labor Market Discrimination and Racial Differences in Premarket Factors
Labor Market Discrimination and Racial Differences in Premarket Factors
Labor Market Double Jeopardy: The Gendered Effect of Incarceration on Wages
Labor Market Dynamics and Individual Learning Ability
Labor Market Effects from Involuntary Job Losses in Layoffs and Plant Closings: The Role of Human Capital in Facilitating Reemployment and Reduced Wage Loss
Labor Market Effects of High School Athletic Participation: Evidence from Wage and Fringe Benefit Differentials
Labor Market Effects of Marijuana and Cocaine Use Among Young Men
Labor Market Effects of Obesity, Smoking, and Alcohol Use
Labor Market Effects of Obesity, Smoking, and Alcohol Use
Labor Market Effects of Women's Post-School-Age Training
Labor Market Experience of Noncollege Youth: A Longitudinal Analysis
Labor Market Experience of Teenagers With and Without High School Diplomas
Labor Market Experiences and More: Studying Men, Women, and Children Since 1966, National Longitudinal Surveys
Labor Market Experiences and Socioeconomic Effects on Marital Dissolution
Labor Market Experiences and Transitions to Adulthood
Labor Market Experiences and Transitions to Adulthood
Labor Market Experiences of African and European American Men, 1979--1996
Labor Market Experiences of Handicapped Youth
Labor Market for Young Men
Labor Market Impacts of Post-school Occupational Training for Young Men
Labor Market Imperfections: Effects on Occupational Injuries and Earnings
Labor Market Inefficiencies and Relative Wages Between Unionized and Nonunionized Workers
Labor Market Inequality, Debt, and the Consequences of Sub-Baccalaureate Higher Education
Labor Market Mobility Among Young Black and White Women: Longitudinal Models of Occupational Prestige and Income
Labor Market Policies in an Equilibrium Matching Model with Heterogenous (sic) Agents and On-The-Job Search
Labor Market Problems of Older Workers
The Labor Market Returns to a For-Profit College Education
The Labor Market Returns to a For-Profit College Education
Labor Market Returns to College Enrollment and Degree Attainment: Heterogeneous Effects by Socioeconomic Status
Labor Market Returns to Community Colleges: Evidence for Returning Adults
Labor Market Segmentation and Relative Black/White Teenage Birth Rates
Labor Market Structure and Sex Differences in Occupational Careers
Labor Market Transitions of Young Adults
Labor Market Transitions of Young Women Over the Early Life Course: Age Pattern, Life Cycle Variation, and Racial Differences
Labor Mobility and Wages
Labor Month in Review
The Labor of Love: Occupational Education and the Transition to First Marriage
Labor Quality Upgrading and Restrictive Hiring Practices in Union Workplaces
Labor Sectors and the Status Attainment Process: Race and Sex Comparisons
Labor Sectors and the Status Attainment Process: Race and Sex Comparisons
Labor Supply and Weight
Labor Supply Behavior of Prospective and New Mothers
Labor Supply Decision of Transfer Recipients
The Labor Supply Effects of Delayed First Birth
Labor Supply Estimation Biases from Disregarding Nonwage Benefits
Labor Supply of Males 45-59: A Preliminary Report
Labor Supply of Women Potentially Eligible for Family Assistance
Labor Supply of Young GED Recipients
Labor Supply of Young, Married, Former Participants in Vocational Education in Secondary Schools in the United States
Labor Turnover and Youth Unemployment
Labor Turnover, Racial Unemployment Differentials, and the Dual Labor Market Hypothesis
Labor Union Membership Tenure and Midlife Health: a Gendered Perspective
Labor Unions and Career Mobility of American Workers
Labor Unions and Racial Wage Differentials: A Longitudinal Analysis
Labor Utilization of Married American Women
Labor-Health-Education Appropriations: Eliminating Waste and Enhancing Accountability
Labor-Market Returns to Two- and Four-Year College
Labour Force Transitions among Married Women in the USA
Labour Mobility and Employment Stability: Rhetoric and Reality on the Sex Differential in Labour-Market Behaviour
Lagged Dependent Variable Predictors, Classical Measurement Error, and Path Dependency: The Conditions Under Which Various Estimators are Appropriate
The Lasting Benefits of Early Work Experience
The Lasting Effects of Leaving School in An Economic Downturn On Alcohol Use
The Lasting Effects of Leaving School in an Economic Downturn on Alcohol Use
The Lasting Effects of Marijuana Use on Educational Attainment in Midlife
Lasting Legacy of Recessions: Behavior Problems Among Teens
A Lasting Marriage Doubles $
Lasting Scars: The Impact of Depression in Early Adulthood on Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes
Late 20th-Century Persistence and Decline of the Female Homemaker in Germany and the United States
Late Life Cognition Among Men: A Life Course Perspective On Psychosocial Experience
A Late Start: Delayed Entry, Life Course Transitions and Bachelor's Degree Completion
Late-Adolescent Delinquency: Risks and Resilience for Girls Differing in Risk at the Start of Adolescence
Latent Class Analysis for Repeatedly Measured Multiple Latent Class Variables
A Latent Class Analysis of Maternal Responsiveness and Autonomy-Granting in Early Adolescence: Prediction to Later Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking
A Latent Class Model to Multiply Impute Missing Treatment Indicators in Observational Studies When Inferences of the Treatment Effect Are Made Using Propensity Score Matching
Latent Class Models For Adolescents' Routine Care Use: Evidence For Differences In Care Use By Sex And Cohort Starting In Childhood From A U.S. Panel
Latent Class Profile Analysis: An Application to Stage Sequential Processes in Early Onset Drinking Behaviours
Latent Class Profile Analysis: Inference, Estimation and Its Applications
Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective
Latent Difference Score Structural Models for Linear Dynamic Analyses with Incomplete Longitudinal Data
A Latent Growth Curve Analysis Examining Maternal Education and Parenting during Childhood as Predictors of Academic Achievement during the Transition to Adolescence
Latent Growth Curve Models with Random and Fixed Effects
Latent Structure of Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior: Is Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy a True Taxonomy?
Latent Transition Analysis of Substance Use Among Adolescents in the National Longitudinal Survey
Latent Transition Analysis of Substance Use Among Adolescents in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Latent Transition Analysis of Substance Use Among Adolescents in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Latent Variable-Autoregressive Latent Trajectory Model: A General Framework for Longitudinal Data Analysis
Later-Life Economic Inequality in Longitudinal Perspective
Latinas' Transition to First Marriage: An Examination of Four Theoretical Perspectives
Latino Cultural Differences in Maternal Assessments of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms in Children
The Latino Health Paradox: A Cross-Generational Comparison
The Latino Remarriage Conundrum : Explaining the Divergence in Latino and White Marital Transitions in Remarriage
Layoff, Discharge and Youth Unemployment
Lead Exposure and Behavior: Effects on Antisocial and Risky Behavior among Children and Adolescents
Lead Exposure and Behavior: Effects on Antisocial and Risky Behavior Among Children and Adolescents
The Lean Years
Learning "Self-Sufficiency": How High Schools Help Women Avoid Welfare
Learning about Heterogeneity in Returns to Schooling
Learning About Yourself: Occupation Choice with Unknown Own-Preference
Learning After School - The Impacts of Parent's Education and Social and Economic Status on Children's Learning Attitudes and Activities
Learning and Life Cycle Patterns of Occupational Transitions
Learning and Student Life Quality of Public and Private School Youth
Learning and Wage Dynamics
Learning and Wage Dynamics
Learning in Labor Markets: Models of Discrimination and School Enrollment and Empirical Tests
Learning to Do the Job
Leaving a Job during the Great Recession: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Leaving Gets Easier as You Age: Effects of Cohabitation Dissolution on Mental Health by Age and Gender
Leaving Home, Entering Institutions: Implications for Home‐Leaving in the Transition to Adulthood
Leaving Home, Moving to College, and Returning Home: Economic Outcomes in the United States
Leaving School in an Economic Downturn and Self-esteem across Early and Middle Adulthood
Leaving School in an Economic Downturn: Long-Run Effects on Marriage and Fertility
Leaving the Countryside: Young Adults Follow Complex Migration Patterns
Leaving the Nest: Departure from the Parental Home in the Transition to Adulthood
Leaving the Parental Home: A Comparison between the United States, Taiwan and Germany
Leaving Welfare: Differences Between Those Who Exited Voluntarily and Those Who Stayed
Left-handedness and Economic Development
Legal Minimum Wages and Employment Duration
Leisure Activities and Social Networks
Leisure College, USA: The Decline in Student Study Time
Leisure to Explore or Failure to Launch? A Cohort Comparison of the Transition to Adulthood between Late Baby Boomers and Early Millennials
Less-Skilled Workers, Welfare Reform, and the Unemployment Insurance System
Lessons for the Aggregate Labor Market from Employment and Turnover Patterns Across Workers
Lessons for Welfare Reform: An Analysis of the AFDC Caseload and Past Welfare-to-Work Programs
Lessons from the National Longitudinal Surveys: A Commentary
Lessons from the Technology of Skill Formation
Letting Boys In On the Fun
Level and Stability of Young Adult Fertility Preferences
Level of Criminal Justice Contact and Early Adult Wage Inequality
Level of Resources Versus Uncertainty of Resources: What Matters Most to Children
Leveling the Home Advantage: Assessing the Effectiveness of Parental Involvement in Elementary School
Leveling the Peaks and Troughs of the Demographic Cycle: An Application to School Enrollment Rates: A Comment
Levels and Determinants of Female Job Satisfaction for a National Sample of Females
Liberal Welfare State Policies and Health: The Effect of The Earned Income Tax Credit on Child Well-Being
Life After Welfare: A Recent Study Looks at the Economic Well-Being of Women and Children Following An Exit from AFDC
Life After Welfare: The Economic Well-Being of Women and Children Following An Exit From AFDC
Life Circumstances and Development of Children in Welfare Families: A Profile Based on National Survey Data
Life Circumstances and Development of Children in Welfare Families: A Profile Based on National Survey Data
A Life Course Analysis of the Relationship Between Military Service and Criminal Behavior
A Life Course Approach to Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health: Tracking the Influence of Income Dynamics on the Health of Children
A Life Course Approach to Understanding Racial/Ethnic Differences in Transitions Into and Out of Alcohol Problems
The Life Course Boat: A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Variation in Family Lives Across Time, Place, and Social Location
Life Course Dynamics of Unintended and Mistimed Pregnancies Among American Women
Life Course Events and Migration in the Transition to Adulthood
Life Course Influences on African American Men's Depression: Adolescent Parental Composition, Self-Concept, and Adult Earnings
A Life Course Investigation of Childhood Risk Patterns and the Development of Trajectories of Competence in Early Adolescence
A Life Course Model of Race Disparities in Men's Mortality: The Role of Childhood Social Conditions
Life Course of Activity Limitations: Exploring Indicators of Functional Limitations over Time
The Life Course of High School Dropouts During the Transition to Adulthood
The Life Course of Unemployment and Midlife Health
The Life Course of Unemployment: The Timing and Relative Degree of Risk
Life Course Patterns and Predictors of the Relationship Between Adult Children and Their Mothers
A Life Course Perspective on Foster Care: An Examination of the Impact on Variations in Levels of Involvement in the Foster Care System on Adult Criminality and Other Indicators of Adult Well-being
Life Course Religious Attendance and Cognitive Health at Midlife: Exploring Gendered Contingencies
Life Course Stratification and Adult Health in the U.S.: The Contribution of Health Insurance to Socioeconomic Inequities in Health
A Life Course Trajectory Framework for Understanding the Intracohort Pattern of Wage Inequality
Life Course Transitions of American Children: Parental Cohabitation, Marriage, and Single Motherhood
Life Cycle Bias in the Estimation of Intergenerational Earnings Persistence
Life Cycle Bias in the Estimation of Intergenerational Earnings Persistence
A Life Cycle Model of Fertility and Female Labor Supply with Stochastic Births
A Life Cycle Model of Labor Force Inequality: Extending Clogg's Life Table Approach
Life Cycle Models of Women's BMI and Probability of Being Obese: Evidence from Panel Data
Life Cycle Schooling and Dynamic Selection Bias: Models and Evidence for Five
Life Events and Mental Health at the Transition to Parenthood
Life Goals and Occupational Plans: A Comparison of Young American Men and Women
Life History Strategy and Young Adult Substance Use
Life on a Tightrope: The Role of Precarious Employment on Moving Back Home
Life-Course Effects of Work and Family Circumstances on Children
The Life-Course Employment Profiles of Early Baby-Boom Women: A Group-Based Trajectory Analysis
Life-Course Trajectories of Childless Women: Country-Specific or Universal?
Life-Course Transitions Among Adolescents With and Without Disabilities
Life-Course Transitions, Self-Control and Desistance from Crime
Life-Cycle Aspects of Poverty Among Older Women
Life-Cycle Jobs
A Life-Cycle Model of Entrepreneurial Choice: Understanding Entry into and Exit from Self-Employment
A Life-Cycle Model of Female Labor Supply
A Life-Cycle Model of Human Capital and Crime: Estimating Deterrent Effects of Wage and Education Subsidies
Lifecourse Drinking Patterns, Hypertension, and Heart Problems Among U.S. Adults
Lifecourse Educational Trajectories and Hypertension in Midlife: An Application of Sequence Analysis
Lifecycle Changes in the Rate of Time Preference: Testing the Theory of Endogenous Preferences and Its Relevance to Adolescent Substance Use
Lifestyle Preferences versus Patriarchal Values: Causal and Non-Causal Attitudes
The Lifetime Earnings Premia of Different Majors: Correcting for Selection Based on Cognitive, Noncognitive, and Unobserved Factors
The Lifetime Earnings Premia of Different Majors: Correction for Selection Based on Cognitive, Noncognitive, and Unobserved Factors
Lifetime Participation in the Labor Force and Unemployment Among Mature Women
Lighting Up and Slimming Down: The Effects of Body Weight and Cigarette Prices on Adolescent Smoking Initiation
Like Father Like Son: How Does Parents' Financial Behavior Affect Their Children's Financial Behavior?
Like Father, Like Son, Or, Like Mother, Like Daughter: Parental Education and Child Health
Like Father, Like Son; Like Mother, Like Daughter Parental Resources and Child Height
Like Father, Like Son: The Intergenerational Cycle of Adolescent Fatherhood
'Like Father, Like Son' Holds True for Income
Like Mother Like Daughter: Does SES Account for the Similarity between Mothers and Daughters?
Like Mother, Like Child: Offspring Marital Timing Desires and Maternal Marriage Timing and Stability
Like Mother, Like Daughter? Maternal Education and BMI
Like Mother, Like Daughter? The Intergenerational Consequences of Teen Childbearing
Like Mother, Like Daughter? The Intergenerational Transmission of Union Formation Patterns
Linear and Nonlinear Growth Models: Describing a Bayesian Perspective
Lingering Crisis Of Youth Unemployment
The Link Between Ability and Specialization: An Explanation for Observed Correlations Between Wages and Mobility Rates
Linkages Between Early Childhood Family Structure, Socio-Economic Well-Being and Middle-Childhood Socio-Emotional Development
Linkages Between Sexual Activity and Alcohol and Drug Use Among American Adolescents
Linked Lives in Double Jeopardy: Child Incarceration and Maternal Health at Midlife
Linked Lives: Stability and Change in Maternal Circumstances and Trajectories of Antisocial Behavior in Children
Linking Characteristics of the Adolescent Mothers to the Context in Which Parenting Occurs: A Study on Adolescent Mothers and their School-Aged Children of the
Linking Oppositional Behaviour Trajectories to the Development of Depressive Symptoms in Childhood
Linking Parental Work Experiences to Adolescents' Future Orientation
Linking Perceived Discrimination during Adolescence to Health during Mid-adulthood: Self-esteem and Risk-Behavior Mechanisms
Linking Perceived Discrimination during Adolescence to Health during Middle Adulthood via Self-esteem and Risk Behaviors
Linking Perceived Discrimination During Adolescence to Health During Middle Adulthood: The Mechanisms Through Self-Esteem and Risk Behaviors
Linking Self-Regulation and Risk Proneness to Risky Sexual Behavior: Pathways through Peer Pressure and Early Substance Use
Links Between Early Childhood Programs and Maternal Employment in Three Countries
Literacy and Education Needs in Public Indian Housing Developments Throughout the Nation
Literacy and Fertility: Lifecourse Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
Literacy Development in United States Families: A Multi-Level Analysis of the Effects of Maternal Literacy, Maternal Schooling, Family Income, and Home Literacy Supports on Children's Growth in Reading
Litigation Costs and Returns to Experience
Litigation, Settlement, And the Public Welfare: Lessons from the Master Settlement Agreement
Living Arrangements and School Dropout among Minor Mothers Following Welfare Reform
The Living Arrangements of Young Parents and Their Children
Living Life Like a Marathon, Not a Sprint: The Relationship Between Grit and Criminal Justice Involvement
Living Together -- Essays on Cohabitation
Living Together Is Basically the Same as Marriage, Study Finds
Living Together No Longer 'Playing House'
Loathe Your Job in Your 20s or 30s? That May Hurt Your Health by Your 40s
Local Intergenerational Mobility
Local Market Scale and the Pattern of Job Changes Among Young Men
Local Market Scale and the Pattern of Job Changes among Young Men
Local Measures of Intergenerational Mobility of Income, Cognitive, and Noncognitive Skills
Location and Well-Being Among Retired Men
Location-Specific Human Capital, Migration and Amenities
Locked Up, Locked Out: The Social Costs of Incarceration
Locus of Control and Human Capital Investment Revisited
Locus of Control and Job Turnover
Locus of Control and Marital Stability: A Longitudinal Study
Locus of Control and Marital Termination: Comparing Divorced and Widowed Women
Locus of Control and Work Limitations of Handicapped Women
Locus of Control as a Dispositional Determinant of Men's Traditional Sex-Role Attitudes
Locus of Control in Hispanic and Mainstream Samples
Locus of Control, Educational Attainment, and College Aspirations: the Relative Role of Effort and Expectations
Log-Linear Probability Models: An Application to the Analysis of Timing of First Birth
Logistic Microdata Model of Army Reenlistment
Logit Analysis for Determinants of Higher Education
The Long and Short of It: Maternity Leave Coverage and Women’s Labor Market Outcomes
Long and the Short of How to Make More Money
The Long and Winding Road: Heterogeneity in the Form and Timing of Postsecondary Education
The Long Arm of Adolescent Health Among Men and Women: Does Attained Status Explain Its Association with Mid-Adulthood Health?
Long Arm of Childhood: The Influence of Early Life Social Conditions on Men's Mortality
Long Arm of Childhood: The Influence of Early-Life Social Conditions on Men's Mortality
The Long Arm of Early Exclusionary School Discipline? A Multi-Model Analysis
The Long Arm of Justice: The Potential for Seizing the Assets of Child Support Obligors
The Long Arm of Maternal Multipartnered Fertility and Adolescent Well-being
The Long Arm of the Law: Effects of Labeling on Employment
The Long Reach of Families: Family Structure History, Parental Support, and the Reproduction of Inequality in Young Adulthood
Long Reach of the Job: Effects of Mothers' Work Experiences on Oppositional Action in Early Adolescence
Long Reach of the Job: Effects of Parents' Occupational Conditions on Family Patterns and Children's Well-Being
The Long Road to Probation Completion: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Life Events on Re-Arrest among Probationers
The Long Road to the Fast Track: Career and Family
The Long Road to the Fast Track: Career and Family
Long Run Outcomes and Early Life Events
Long Term Determinants of Income: Early Career Choices and Their Effect on Future Income
Long Term Effects of Preschool Investment on School Performance and Labor Market Outcome
The Long Term Impact of Adolescent Risky Behaviors and Family Environment
The Long Term Impact of Multi-partnered Fertility on Adolescent Well-being
Long Term Returns to Vocational Training: Evidence from Military Sources
Long Work Hours and the Effect of Motherhood on Earnings
Long Workhours, Work Scheduling and Work Related Injuries Among Construction Workers in the United States
The Long- and Short-Term Effects of Marriage on Drinking
Long-Run Economic Effects of Early Childhood Programs on Adult Earnings
The Long-Run Effect of Income on Health: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credits
Long-Run Effects of Early Maternal Employment on Children's Achievement and Behavior
The Long-Run Effects of Job Changes and Unemployment Among Male Teenagers
The Long-Run Effects of Job Displacement on Sources of Health Insurance Coverage
The Long-Run Effects of Teacher Collective Bargaining
Long-Run Wage and Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers
Long-Term and Short-Term Economic Resources and Marriage Formation: An Insight into Black-White Differences in Marriage Formation among Cohabitors
Long-term Cohabitation: Prevalence, Predictors, and Mental Health Outcomes
Long-Term Consequences for Women of Having a Child During the Teen Years
The Long-Term Consequences of Childbearing
The Long-Term Consequences of Having Children with More than One Man: Assessing Women’s Wages, Depression and Physical Health at Midlife
Long-Term Consequences of Nontraditional Employment
Long-Term Costs of Job Displacement Among Young Workers
Long-Term Costs of Job Displacement Among Young Workers
The Long-Term Costs of Job Displacement for Young Adult Workers
Long-Term Disadvantage among Elderly Women: The Effects of Work History
The Long-term Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Women's Physical and Mental Health
Long-Term Effects of Adolescent Childrearing: A Retrospective Analysis
Long-Term Effects of Age Discrimination on Mental Health: The Role of Perceived Financial Strain
The Long-Term Effects of Caregiving on Women's Health and Mortality
The Long-Term Effects of Early and Recent Maternal Employment on a Child's Academic Achievement
Long-term Effects of Employment and Employment Discrimination on Women's Health and Mortality
Long-Term Effects of Incentives: Results from the NLSY97
Long-term Effects of Preschool on School Performance, Earnings and Social Mobility
The Long-term Effects of Self-Esteem on Depression: The Roles of Alcohol and Substance Use During Young Adulthood
Long-Term Effects of Teenage Childbearing on Mental Health in Young Adulthood
The Long-Term Effects of Youth Unemployment
The Long-Term Effects of Youth Unemployment
Long-Term Employment and Earnings of Women in Relation to Employment Behavior Surrounding the First Birth
Long-Term Entrepreneurship Patterns: A National Study of Black and White Female Entry and Stayer Status Differences
Long-term Filtering Effects of Juvenile Punishment
Long-Term Food Stamp Program Participation is Differentially Related to Overweight in Young Girls and Boys
Long-Term Food Stamp Program Participation Is Positively Related to Simultaneous Overweight in Young Daughters and Obesity in Mothers
The Long-Term Health Consequences of Bullying Victimization
The Long-Term Health Impacts of Medicaid and CHIP
Long-term Health Outcomes of Work-related Injuries among Construction Workers--Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Long-Term Impact of Family Routines and Parental Knowledge on Alcohol Use and Health Behaviors: Results from a 14 Year Follow-Up
The Long-Term Impact of Incarceration During the Teens and 20s on the Wages and Employment of Men
Long-Term Impact of Labor Market Interruptions: How Crucial Is Timing?
The Long-Term Impact of the Head Start Program
The Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating from College in a Bad Economy
Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating from College in a Bad Economy
The Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating From College in a Bad Economy
Long-term Obesity Prevention and the Motivating Adolescents with Technology to CHOOSE Health™ Program
Long-Term Poverty Among Older Women: The Effects of Work in Midlife
Long-Term Poverty and Child Development in the United States: Results from the NLSY
Long-Term Poverty and Child Development in the United States: Results from the NLSY
Long-Term Poverty, Children's Nutritional Status and Growth in the U.S.
Long-Term Trends in Relative Earnings Mobility
Long-term Use of AFDC: Women and Poverty
Longer Exposure to Obesity, Slimmer Chance of College? Body Weight Trajectories, Non-Cognitive Skills, and College Completion
Longer Hours and Larger Waistlines? The Relationship Between Work Hours and Obesity
The Longer Long-Term Impact of Head Start: Intergenerational Transmission of Program Effects
Longer Term Determinants of Male Mortality in the Years Surrounding Retirement
The Longevity Legacy of World War II: The Intersection of GI Status and Mortality
Longitudinal Analyses of the Effects of Trade Unions
Longitudinal Analyses of Training Processes in the United States
Longitudinal Analysis for Continuous Outcomes: Random Effects Models and Latent Trajectory Models
Longitudinal Analysis of Ability-Job Complexity Fit and Job Change
Longitudinal Analysis of Complex Survey Data: Math and Reading Achievement from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), 1986-1994
Longitudinal Analysis of Complex Survey Data: Math and Reading Achievement from the National Longitudinal Survey Of Youth (NLSY), 1986-1994
A Longitudinal Analysis of Depression: Associations with Parental Divorce during Emerging Adulthood
A Longitudinal Analysis of Drug Use and Youth Crime in the U.S.
A Longitudinal Analysis of Early Self-employment in the NLSYs
Longitudinal Analysis of Functional Disabilities in Older Men
A Longitudinal Analysis of Late Adolescent Co-Morbidity Between Cigarette Use and Mental Health Problems Using the NLSY
A Longitudinal Analysis of Racial Wage Differentials for Young Nonfarm Rural Workers
Longitudinal Analysis of Resource Competitiveness and Homelessness among Young Adults
Longitudinal Analysis of Retest Artifact in NLSY Drug Use Reporting
Longitudinal Analysis of Retest Artifact in NLSY Drug Use Reporting
A Longitudinal Analysis of Single, Female Labor Force Participants' Net Worth
A Longitudinal Analysis of Socioeconomic Difference in Obesity and Weight Change during the Early Adult Years
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of State Economic Freedom on Individual Wages
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Migration of Young Adults in the United States
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Monetary Benefits to Training for Craftsmen
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Union Wage Premium for US Workers
A Longitudinal Analysis of Welfare Use and Educational Attainment Among Teenage Parents: Comparing the Effects of Socioeconomic Background with Age and Marital Status at Childbirth
A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Adult Pathways to STEMH Occupations
A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Women's Fertility and Educational Advancement
Longitudinal and Cross-Cohort Employment Patterns of Women
Longitudinal and Early Childhood Datasets
Longitudinal Association Between Marital Disruption and Child BMI and Obesity
Longitudinal Associations of Emerging Adults' Drinking Trajectories with Their Behavior, Health, Education and Work Outcomes 1, 4, and 9 Years Later
Longitudinal Data for Rural Poverty Research
Longitudinal Data on Families: Growth Modeling Alternatives
Longitudinal Design and Longitudinal Analysis: A Comparison of Three Approaches
Longitudinal Effect of an Early Entry Age into Head Start Program on Children's Developmental Outcomes
Longitudinal Effects of Parental Welfare Receipt on Children and Adolescents
Longitudinal Effects of Retirement on Men's Well-Being and Health
Longitudinal Effects of Working Memory on Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems
A Longitudinal Evaluation of Government-sponsored Job Skills Training and Basic Employment Services among U.S. Baby Boomers with Economic Disadvantages
A Longitudinal Examination of Adolescent and Young Adult Homeless Experience, Life Course Transitions, and Health
A Longitudinal Examination of Earnings Inequality and Mobility Among Young, Full-Time Workers in the United States
A Longitudinal Examination of Family Processes, Demographic Variables, and Adolescent Weight
A Longitudinal Examination of Parenting Processes and Latino Youth's Risky Sexual Behaviors
A Longitudinal Examination of the Influences of Family Processes and Demographic Variables on Adolescent Weight
Longitudinal Experiences of Minimum Wage Youth
Longitudinal Heterogeneity in Handgun-Carrying Behavior Among Urban American Youth: Intervention Priorities at Different Life Stages
The Longitudinal Impact of Arrest, Criminal Conviction, and Incarceration on Smoking Classes
Longitudinal Impacts of Religious Profiles on Substance Abuse Among Emerging Adults: A Fusion of Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Approach
Longitudinal Labor Market Data: Sources, Uses, and Limitations
Longitudinal Latent Class Analysis of College-Educated Women's Economic Attainment Patterns During Mid-Career
Longitudinal Links between Income Dynamics and Young Adult Socioeconomic and Behavioral Health Outcomes
A Longitudinal Model of Sex-Role Attitudes, Labor Force Participation and Childbearing
Longitudinal Modeling of the Relationship between Crime and Employment among Young White Americans
Longitudinal Patterns of Welfare Use Among Young Mothers
Longitudinal Predictors of Binge Drinking in Middle Adolescence
Longitudinal Predictors of Homelessness: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-97
Longitudinal Relationship Between Tobacco Product Use and Mental Health in Adolescence and Adulthood
Longitudinal Research and Labor Force Behavior
Longitudinal Studies of Immigrants
A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Effects of Baumrind's Parenting Styles on Deviant, Delinquent, and Criminal Behavior
A Longitudinal Study of Alcohol and Drug Use in the Workplace
A Longitudinal Study of Antisocial Behaviors in Early Adolescence as Predictors of Late Adolescent Substance Use: Gender and Ethnic Group Differences
A Longitudinal Study of Early Adolescent Precursors to Running Away
A Longitudinal Study of Enlistment in the Armed Forces with Special Reference to the Effect of Intentions on Behavior
A Longitudinal Study of Labor Market Behavior--Advantages and Some Methodological Problems in Analysis
A Longitudinal Study of Past Influences on Migration
A Longitudinal Study of Piece Rate and Health: Evidence and Implications for Workers in the US Gig Economy
Longitudinal Study of Precursors to Running Away Among Adolescents in the General Population, A
A Longitudinal Study of the Determinants and Consequences of Public Assistance
A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of the Birth of a Sibling During Preschool and Early Grade School Years
A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of the Birth of a Sibling During the First 6 Years of Life
Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Working Memory on Behavior Problems
A Longitudinal Study of the Link Between Labor Force Participation and Reproduction/Child-Care Behavior of United States Women
Longitudinal Surveys
Longitudinal Surveys and Labor Market Analysis
Longitudinal Surveys as a Source of Migration Data
Longitudinal Surveys of Children
Longitudinal Surveys of Children and Youth: Perspectives from Outside the USA
Longitudinal Surveys: Prospects and Problems
Longitudinal Trajectories of Financial Retirement Planning of Baby Boomer Women: The Role of Demographic Characteristics and Attitudes toward Retirement
Longitudinal Trajectories of Perceived Body Weight: Adolescence to Early Adulthood
A Look at Public Service Motivation Using NLSY97 Data: Examining Prosocial Attitudes and Altruistic Behavior in Young Adults with Professional Public Service Experience
A Look at the New Job-task Information in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth
Looking at Lives: American Longitudinal Studies of the 20th Century
Looking Backward: Post Hoc Reflections on Longitudinal Surveys
Loss Aversion, Education, and Intergenerational Mobility
Love After Lockup: Examining the Role of Marriage, Social Status, and Financial Stress Among Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Low Birth Weight, Race/Ethnicity, and Developmental Outcomes among Children in the United States
Low Birth Weight, Social Factors, and Developmental Outcomes Among Children in the United States
Low Birth-Weight and Risk for Major Depression: A Community-based Longitudinal Study
Low Self-Control, Peer Rejection, Reactive Criminal Thinking, and Delinquent Peer Associations: Connecting the Pieces of the Crime Puzzle
Low Self-Esteem Prospectively Predicts Depression in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Low-Income Female Students and the Reversal of the Black-White Gap in High School Graduation
Low-income Mothers' Entry into Postsecondary Education during Middle Childhood: Effects on Adolescents
Low-Income Parents: How Do Working Conditions Affect Their Opportunity to Help School-Age Children at Risk?
Low-Wage Maternal Employment and Outcomes for Children a Study
Lower Fertility Associated with Obesity and Underweight: The US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Lower Worker Satisfaction A Problem For Employers
The Luxury of Waiting for Marriage to Have Kids

Macro-economic Effects on Educational Reenrollment: Human Capital Catch-Up or Acquired Risk Aversion?
Macroeconomic Environment During Infancy as a Possible Risk Factor for Adolescent Behavioral Problems
The Macroeconomics of Automation: Data, Theory, and Policy Analysis
Made in America: Travel's Contribution to Workforce Development and Career Advancement
The Magnitude and Timing of Grandparental Coresidence during Childhood in the United States
A Major Choice: An Examination of Higher Education and Ability-Adjusted Income
Making A Difference
Making Gender Fit and "Correcting" Gender Misfits: Sex Segregated Employment and the Nonsearch Process
Making No Allowance for Values
Making Sense of Intersections
Making Sense of Intersections: Does Quantitative Analysis Enlighten or Obfuscate?
Male Advantage and the Gender Composition of Jobs: Who Rides the Glass Escalator?
Male and Female Differences in the Pattern of Occupational Persistence
Male Data Collection: Inferences from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Male Entry into the Labor Force: Estimates of Occupational Rewards and Labor Market Discrimination
Male Fertility and the Intendedness Status of Births 1982-1998
The Male Labor Force Participation Decision: Health, Reported Health, and Economic Incentives
The Male Labor Supply Function Reconsidered
The Male Marital Wage Differential: Race, Training, and Fixed Effects
Male Marital Wage Differentials: Training, Personal Characteristics, and Fixed Effects
Male Nonworkers: Who Are They and Who Supports Them?
Male Prime-age Nonworkers: Evidence from the NLSY97
Male Prime-age Nonworkers: Evidence from the NLSY97
Male Teenage Fertility: An Analysis of Fatherhood Commitment and its Association with Educational Outcomes and Aspirations
Male Wage Inequality and Marital Dissolution: Is There a Link?
Male Workers' Attitudinal Perceptions of Their Jobs and Their Characteristics: A Two-Cohort Analysis
Male-Female and Black-White Discrimination in the Labor Market
Male-Female Differences in Job Turnover Behavior: a Competing Risk Hazard Model Approach Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Male-Female Differences in Occupational Choice and the Demand for General and Occupation-Specific Human Capital
Male-Female Differences in the Low-Wage Labor Market
Male-Female Differences in the Potential for Union Growth Outside Traditionally Unionized Industries
The Male-Female Wage Gap: A Test of Becker's Hypothesis
"Man of the House": A Turning Point That Leads to Criminal Behavior?
Manpower Policies and Unemployment Among Youth
A Manufactured Crisis: Women, Wage Gaps, and Equal Pay
Manufacturing Wages and Imports: Evidence from the NLSY
Many in U.S. Are Arrested by Age 23, Study Finds
Many in U.S. Slip from Middle Class, Study Finds
Many Women Have Children By More Than One Man
Mapping Careers in the Low-Wage Labor Market
Mapping Racial Boundaries: For Whom Do Varying Racial Identities Decrease Happiness?
Margin of Safety: Life History Strategies and the Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Self-selection into Accounting
Marginal and Nested Structural Models Using Instrumental Variables
Marginal Structural Models: An Application to Incarceration and Marriage During Young Adulthood
Marginalization or Incorporation? Welfare Receipt and Political Participation among Young Adults
Marguerite Ables, 68, Finds Her Life's Work Can't Get Her a Job
Marijuana in the Basement: Examining the Effect of Social Class-Conditioned Parenting on Adolescent Substance Use
Marijuana Legalization and Fertility
Marijuana Use among Adults: A Longitudinal Study of Current and Former Users
Marijuana Use and Depression Among Adults: Testing for Causal Associations
Marijuana Use and Self-reported Quality of Eyesight
Marijuana Use Initiation among Young Adults in the USA: The Role of Family and Peer Socialization
Marijuana Use Patterns and Risk Attitudes in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Marijuana Use Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Social and Occupational Outcomes
Marijuana, Sex, and Racialized State Domination
Marital and Parental Relationship Quality and Educational Outcomes for Youth
Marital and Racial Disparities in Economic Resources and Survival Among Older Women
Marital Biography and Mothers' Wealth
Marital Biography and Women's Wealth
Marital Disruption and Accidents/Injuries among Children
Marital Disruption and Accidents/Injuries Among Children
Marital Disruption and Childhood Accident Propensity: The Role of Aggression and Parental Relationship
Marital Disruption and the Employment of Married Women
Marital Disruption, Conflict, and the Well Being of Children and Youth
Marital Dissolution, Early Motherhood and Early Marriage
Marital History, Later Training, and the Labor Market: Women's Experiences
Marital Homogamy: Conditions, Contingencies and Consequences
Marital Paths from Welfare to Self-Sufficiency: A Dynamic Analysis of Women's Marriage Timing and Transitions out of and into Welfare
Marital Quality and Divorce Decisions: How Do Premarital Cohabitation and Nonmarital Childbearing Matter?
Marital Quality and Educational Differences in Divorce
Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Components of Relationship Strengths in Married Couple Families
Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Effects on Adolescent and Young Adult Well-Being
Marital Quality over the Life Course and Child Well-being from Childhood to Early Adolescence
Marital Quality, Mothers' Parenting and Children's Outcomes: A Comparison of Mother/Father and Mother/Stepfather Families
Marital Quality, Mothers' Parenting and Children's Outcomes: A Comparison of Mother/Father and Mother/Stepfather Families
Marital Separation in First Marriages and Remarriages of Women: An Examination of Divergent Patterns
Marital Separation, Divorce, and Health Consequences
Marital Status and Obesity: Cause and Effect
Marital Status and Other Correlates of Personal Bankruptcy, 1986–2004
Marital Status and Socioeconomic Status: The Case of Female-Headed Families
Marital Status and Work-related Health Limitation: A Longitudinal Study of Young Adult and Middle-aged Americans
Marital Status Change and Labor Force Readjustments: An Analysis of Female Heads of Families
Marital Status Effects on Health - Are There Differences Between Never Married Women and Divorced and Separated Women?
Marital Status, Children and Women's Labor Market Choices
Marital Status, Early Childbearing and Income Achievement of Mature Women
Marital Timing and Earnings over the Life Course
Marital Transitions and Changes in African American Mothers' Depressive Symptoms: The Buffering Role of Financial Resources.
Marital Transitions and Short-Term Weight Changes
Marital Transitions and Weight Changes
Market Conditions and Worker Training: How Does It Affect and Whom?
Market Defenses: Early Work Decisions of Today's Middle-aged Men
Market Differentials and Labor Force Behavior
Market Opportunities and the Job-Risk Choices of Black Men
Market Wages and Youth Crime
Market Wages and Youth Crime
A Markov Chain Analysis of the Movement of Young Men Using the Holland Occupational Classification
A Markov Model of School vs. Work Choices of Black and White Young Men
Marriage and Alcohol Use: A Longitudinal Study of "Maturing Out"
Marriage and Career: The Dynamic Decisions of Young Men
Marriage and Childbearing of Adults: An Evaluation of the 1992 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Marriage and Consumption Insurance: What's Love Got to Do with It?
Marriage and Divorce: Patterns by Gender, Race, and Educational Attainment
Marriage and Divorce's Impact on Wealth
Marriage and Heavy Drinking among Young Adults
Marriage and Men's Earnings: Specialization and Cross-Productivity Effects
Marriage and Mental Health: Effects by Social and Self-selection
Marriage and Offending: Examining the Significance of Marriage among the Children of Immigrants
Marriage and Sex Role Attitudes of Young Women
Marriage and the Motherhood Wage Penalty Among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites
Marriage and Wages: An Empirical Analysis for Men
Marriage and Women's Earnings from Work
Marriage and Work among Prime-Age Men
The Marriage Earnings Premium as a Distributed Fixed Effect
The Marriage Effect Revisited: Desistance from Crime, or Desistance from Arrest?
Marriage Formation and Dissolution in the United States
Marriage Gives Women a Wealth Advantage
Marriage Makes Monetary Sense, Analysis Finds
Marriage Market Incentives to Invest in Health
Marriage Market Signaling and Women's Occupation Choice
Marriage Markets and Marital Behavior among Low-Income Women
Marriage Markets and Marital Choice
Marriage Markets and Marital Choice
Marriage Markets and the Paradox of Mexican Nuptiality
Marriage Markets and Union Formation in the United States: Evidence from Young Adults during the Great Recession
Marriage Markets as Explanation for Why Heavier People Work More Hours
Marriage or Dissolution? Union Transitions Among Poor Cohabiting Women
Marriage Outcomes of First-Generation College Graduates: Marital Market Constraint or Incomplete Assimilation?
Marriage Patterns of Black Women: Education, Competition and the Shortage of Available Men
The Marriage Premium and Compensating Wage Differentials
Marriage Protection and Marriage Selection--Prospective Evidence for Reciprocal Effects of Marital Status and Health
A Marriage That Matures Will Double Your Money
Marriage Versus Employment: Comparing Antipoverty Strategies for Mothers
Marriage Versus Employment: Comparing Antipoverty Strategies for Mothers
Marriage, Baby Carriage and Poverty
Marriage, Career, and the City: Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Marriage, Cohabitation and Criminal Offending among Young Adults
Marriage, Cohabitation, and Crime: Differentiating Associations by Partnership Stage
Marriage, Divorce, and Alcohol Use in Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Sibling-Comparison Study
Marriage, Divorce, and Social Safety Net Policy
Marriage, Motherhood, and Wages
Marriage: Does It Protect Young Women from Alcoholism?
Married and Unmarried Parenthood and Economic Wellbeing: A Dynamic Analysis of a Recent Cohort
Married Moms, Money and Mental Health
Married White Women: Occupational Mobility and Earnings of Part-Time vs Full-Time Workers
Married Women in Part-Time Employment
Married Women's Labor Supply: A Comparison of Alternative Estimation Procedures
Marrying Ain't Hard When You Got a Union Card? Labor Union Membership and First Marriage
Marrying, Unmarrying, and Poverty Dynamics among Mothers with Children Living at Home
Mass Imprisonment and Economic Inequality
Mass Imprisonment and the Life Course: Race and Class Inequality in U.S. Incarceration
Mass Incarceration and Subsequent Preventive Health Care: Mechanisms and Racial/Ethnic Disparities
Mass Incarceration in the United States: New Evidence on Implications and Ways Forward
Master Minds: Ohioans' Research May One Day Change The World
Mastery in Middle Adolescence: The Contributions of Socioeconomic Status, Maternal Mastery and Supportive-Involved Mothering
Mastery, Homeownership, and Adult Roles During the Transition to Adulthood
Match Quality and Contractual Sorting
The Match Quality Gains from Unemployment Insurance
Matching and Semi-parametric IV Estimation, a Distance-Based Measure of Migration, and the Wages of Young Men
Matching Workers and Jobs: Cyclical Fluctuations in Match Quality
Matching, Sorting and Wages
Mate Selection in America: Do Spouses' Incomes Converge When the Wife Has More Education?
Mate Similarity, Heavy Substance Use and Family History of Problem Drinking Among Young Adult Women
Maternal Age and Child Achievement
Maternal Age and Child Cognitive Development: Maternal Maturity vs. Family Background
Maternal Age and Child Development
Maternal Age at Childbirth and Offspring Disruptive Behaviors: Testing the Causal Hypothesis
Maternal Age at First Birth and Children's Behavior and Cognitive Development
Maternal Age, Early Childhood Temperament, and Youth Outcomes
Maternal Age, Sociodemographics, Prenatal Health, and Behavior: Influences on Neonatal Risk Status
Maternal Alcohol Abuse/Dependence, Children's Behavior Problems, and Home Environment: Estimates from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Using Propensity Score Matching
Maternal Alcohol Use Disorders and Depression in Emerging Adulthood: Examining the Relevance of Social Ties, Childhood Adversity, and Socioeconomic Status
Maternal Alcohol Use during Pregnancy, Birth Weight and Early Behavioral Outcomes
Maternal and Child Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Use: Data from the NLSY Study
Maternal and Child Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Use: Data from the NLSY Study
Maternal and Family Predictors of Mental Development at 18 to 30 Months and of School Readiness in 6- and 7-Year-Olds
Maternal and Family Predictors of School Readiness in Black, Hispanic, and White 6- and 7-Year-Olds
Maternal and Infant Health of Mexican Immigrants in Chicago: A Comparative Analysis of Local and National Data
Maternal and Offspring Intelligence in Relation to BMI across Childhood and Adolescence
Maternal Attachment Trajectories and Criminal Offending By Race
Maternal Behavior Prior to Parenting as a Transgenerational Predictor of Offspring Behavior
Maternal Cannabis Use During a Child's Lifetime Associated With Earlier Initiation
Maternal Characteristics, Parenting, and Adolescent Sexual Behavior; the Role of Self-Control
Maternal Childhood Adversity, Prepregnancy Obesity, and Gestational Weight Gain
Maternal Civic Engagement, Paternal Involvement, and the Effects on Academic Outcomes for Children
Maternal Depression and Physical Punishment as Mediators of the Effect of Poverty on Socioemotional Problems of Children in Single-Mother Families
Maternal Depression, Child Behavior, and Injury
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and the Trajectories of Child Problem Behaviors in a National U.S. Sample
Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Father's Involvement, and the Trajectories of Child Problem Behaviors in a US National Sample
Maternal Economic Well-Being and Mental Health among Young Adult Children: Race/Ethnicity
Maternal Education and Adolescent Drug Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of Causation and Selection Over a Generation
Maternal Education and Children's Academic Achievement During Middle Childhood
Maternal Education, Home Environments and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Maternal Education, Home Environments and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Maternal Education, Home Environments, and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Maternal Emotional Support and Children's Trajectories of Depression and Anxiety: Moderation by Economic Context
Maternal Employment and Academic Achievement: An Empirical Project
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Development
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Development
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Development
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Risky Behavior
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Risky Behavior
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Risky Behavior
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Self-Care
Maternal Employment and Adolescent Self-Care
Maternal Employment and Career Orientation of Young Chicana, Black, and White Women
Maternal Employment and Child Behavior Problems: A Household Economics Analysis
Maternal Employment and Child Behavioral Outcomes - A Household Economics Analysis
Maternal Employment and Child Cognitive Outcomes in the First Three Years of Life: The NICHD Study of Early Child Care
Maternal Employment and Child Development: A Fresh Look Using Newer Methods
Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity
Maternal Employment and Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Development Over Time
Maternal Employment and Children's Body Mass Index: Examining Developmental Timing and Explanatory Mechanisms
Maternal Employment and Children's Cognitive Outcomes: A Latent Trajectory Model
Maternal Employment and Latchkey Adolescents
Maternal Employment and Latchkey Adolescents
Maternal Employment and Mother-Child Interaction
Maternal Employment and Overweight Children
Maternal Employment and Overweight Children
Maternal Employment and Overweight Children
Maternal Employment and Parent-Child Interaction
Maternal Employment and the Young Child
Maternal Employment During Infancy: An Analysis of "Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)"
Maternal Employment in Early Childhood and the Risk of Overweight in Adolescence
Maternal Employment Should Be Studied Within Social Ecologies
Maternal Employment, Child Care, and Child Behavioral Outcomes: What Do We Know?
Maternal Employment, Migration, and Child Development
Maternal Employment, Migration, and Child Development
Maternal Employment, Migration, and Child Development
Maternal Employment, Relative Income, and Child Well-Being: The Effects of Gendered Household Resource Allocation on Children's Cognitive Development Trajectories
Maternal Employment: Family Structure, and Preschooler's Well-being
Maternal Expectations and Ex Post Rationalizations The Usefulness of Survey Information on the Wantedness of Children
Maternal Exposure to Unexpected Economic Contraction and Birth Weight for Gestational Age
Maternal Full-time Employment and Childhood Obesity
Maternal Full-Time Employment and Overweight Children: Parametric, Semi-Parametric, and Non-Parametric Assessment
Maternal History of Child Abuse and Obesity Risk in Offspring: Mediation by Weight in Pregnancy
Maternal Human Capital Accumulation and Children's Well-being
Maternal Incarceration and Children's Education and Labor Market Outcomes
Maternal Influence on Adolescents' Formation of Work-family Gender Ideology: Variations by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
Maternal Influences on Child Health Behaviors
Maternal Input Choices and Child Cognitive Development: Testing for Reverse Causality
Maternal Input Choices and Child Cognitive Development: Testing for Reverse Causality
Maternal Job Displacement and Child School Success
Maternal Labor Decisions and the Effects on Adolescent Risky Behavior
Maternal Labor Supply and Child Decision Power: Evidence on the Adultification Hypothesis
Maternal Labor Supply and Children's Cognitive and Affective Development
Maternal Labor Supply and Children's Cognitive and Affective Performance
Maternal Labor Supply and Children's Cognitive Development
Maternal Labor Supply and Children's Cognitive Development
Maternal Multipartnered Fertility and Adolescent Well-being
Maternal Nonstandard Work Schedules and Adolescent Overweight
Maternal Nonstandard Work Schedules and Adolescent Overweight
Maternal Parenting Style and Delinquency by Race and the Moderating Effect of Structural Disadvantage
Maternal Physical Abuse in Childhood is Associated with Offspring Overweight and Obesity in Early Childhood
Maternal Pre-pregnancy BMI, Gestational Weight Gain, and Age at Menarche in Daughters
Maternal Precarious Employment and Child Overweight/Obesity in the United States
Maternal Prenatal Substance Use and Behavior Problems Among Children in the U.S.
Maternal Prenatal Substance Use and Behavioral Problems among Children in the U.S.
Maternal Prepregnancy Weight and Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Outcomes
Maternal Re-Partnering and New-Partner Fertility: Associations with Nonresident Father Investments in Children
Maternal Re-Partnering and Non-Resident Father Investments in Children
Maternal Re-Partnering and Non-Resident Father Investments in Children
Maternal Risk Factors, Early Life Events, and Deviant Outcomes: Assessing Antisocial Pathways from Birth Through Adolescence
Maternal Smoking and Behavior Problems of Children
Maternal Smoking and Infant Low Birth Weight: Exploring the Biological Mechanism Through the Mother's Pre-pregnancy Weight Status
Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy, Birth Weight, and Childhood Overweight: A Suppression Effect Model
Maternal Supports for Children's Literacy Development: Changes as Children Age and Association with Maternal Literacy, Education, Income, and Race/Ethnicity
Maternal Time, Child Care and Child Cognitive Development: The Case of Single Mothers
Maternal Unemployment and Childhood Overweight: Is There a Relationship?
Maternal Union Status and Youth Educational Attainment: Does Age at Birth Matter?
Maternal Union Status and Youth Educational Attainment: Does Age at Birth Matter?
Maternal Upward Socioeconomic Mobility and Black-White Disparities in Infant Birthweight
Maternal Use of Corporal Punishment and Behavior Problems in Early Childhood: A Sibling Comparison Analysis
Maternal Work and Birth Outcome Disparities
Maternal Work and Child Obesity: The Importance of Timing and Developmental Stage
Maternal Work and Child Overweight and Obesity: The Importance of Timing
Maternal Work Early in the Lives of Children and Its Distal Associations with Achievement and Behavior Problems: A Meta-Analysis
Maternal Work Hours and Childhood Obesity: Evidence Using Instrumental Variables Related to Sibling School Eligibility
Maternal Work, Job Characteristics, and Birthweight
Maternal Working Conditions and Child Verbal Facility: Studying the Transmission of Intergenerational Inequality from Mothers to Young Children [Revised Version]
Maternal Working Conditions and Children's Verbal Facility: Studying the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality from Mothers to Young Children
Maternal Youth or Family Background? On the Health Disadvantages of Infants with Teenage Mothers
Maternal Youth or Family Background? Preliminary Findings on the Health Disadvantages of Infants with Teenage Mothers
Maternal-Child Feeding Patterns and Child Body Weight: Findings from a Population-Based Sample
Maternal-Child Health Data from the NLSY: 1988 Tabulations and Summary Discussion
Maternity Leave and the Employment of New Mothers in the United States
Maternity Leave, Early Maternal Employment and Child Health and Development in the US
Mathematics Skill and Male/Female Wages
Matters of the Heart: Childhood Maltreatment, Religious Transitions, and Cardiovascular-Related Problems over the Life Course
Mature and Young Women's Volunteer Work, 1974-1981
Mature Women in the Work Force: Research Findings and Policy Recommendations from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Mature Women's Kin Availability and Contact
Maximizing Mentoring Takes Time And Training
Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Pooled Observations: An Example from Labor Economics
Maximum Likelihood Estimation With Sample Selection: An Application to the Labor Supply of Women
Meaning of Motherhood: Testing a Sociocultural Model of Identity Transformation
The Meaning of Work: Conceptualizing the Deterrent Effect of Employment on Crime Among Young Adults
Meanings and Measures of Marital Separation
The Measured Black-White Wage Gap among Women Is Too Small
The Measured Black-White Wage Gap Among Women Is Too Small
Measurement and Mismeasurement of Social Indicators
Measurement Error and Its Consequences: The Case of Annual Hours of Work
Measurement Error and the Estimation of Labor Supply Functions from Panel Data
Measurement Error in the AFQT in the NLSY79
A Measurement Model for Labor Force Attachment of Youth
The Measurement of Labor Force Dynamics with Longitudinal Data: The Labour Market Activity Survey Filter
Measurement of Participation in Vocational Education: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model
Measurement Timing in Growth Mixture Modeling of Alcohol Trajectories
Measures of Economic Well-Being as Predictors of Psychological Well-Being
Measures of the Intergenerational Transmission of Body Mass Index Between Mothers and Their Children in the United States, 1981 – 2004
Measuring Behavioral Problems in a Large Cross Sectional Survey: Reliability and Validity for Children of the NLS Youth
Measuring Cohabitation in National Surveys
Measuring Cohabitation in U.S. National Surveys
Measuring Constructs in Family Science: How Can Item Response Theory Improve Precision and Validity?
Measuring Economic Dependency for Children: Persistence of Poverty Across Generations
Measuring Effects of SNAP on Obesity at the Intensive Margin
Measuring Effects of SNAP on Obesity at the Intensive Margin
Measuring Employment and Income for Low-Income Populations with Administrative and Survey Data
Measuring Infants' Home Environment: The IT-HOME for Infants between Birth and 12 Months in Four National Datasets
Measuring Internal Migration Prospectively Using Longitudinal Data
Measuring Job Security
Measuring Lifetime Earnings Losses Caused by Teenage Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing
Measuring Low Self-Control and Reactive Criminal Thinking in the NLSY-Child Sample: One Construct or Two?
Measuring Maternal Multi-partnered Fertility with the NLSY79
Measuring Obesity in Young Children
Measuring Peer Group Teenage Behavior: A Study of Teenage Behavior
Measuring Poverty in the NLSY97
Measuring Poverty in the NLSY97
Measuring Precarious Work Schedules
Measuring Returns to Migration Using the Method of Maximum Simulated Likelihood: An Application to Migration among Poor Whites
Measuring Temperament in a Large Cross Sectional Survey: Reliability and Validity for Children of the NLS Youth
Measuring the Effect of the Timing of First Birth on Wages
Measuring the Effects of Cognitive Ability
Measuring the Employment Status of Youth: A Comparison of the Current Population Survey and the National Longitudinal Survey
Measuring the Influence of Juvenile Arrest on the Odds of Four-Year College Enrollment for Black Males: An NLSY Analysis
Measuring the Influence of Juvenile Arrest on the Odds of Four-Year College Enrollment for Black Males: An NLSY Analysis
Measuring the Rate of Return to Interrupted Schooling
Measuring the Relationship Between Youth Criminal Participation And Household Economic Resources
Measuring the Value of Children by Birth Order and Infant Health
Measuring Time Use: A Comparison of Alternate Research Strategies
Measuring Time-inconsistency: Evidence from Work-Welfare Decisions in NLSY
Mechanisms for Maternal Age Differences in Birth Weight
Mechanisms Linking Depression to Delinquency for Males and Females
Mechanisms Linking Teenage Mothers' Educational Attainment with Self-reported Health at Age 50
The Mechanisms Mediating the Effects of Poverty on Children's Intellectual Development
Media Research: The Black Box
Mediating Mechanisms: Understanding the Link between Parenting and Adolescent Deviance
The Mediating Role of Mental Health in the Link between Incarceration and Recidivism and Employment Outcomes
Mediating Role of Risk Proneness on the Ecology of Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Mediation Analysis with Missing Data through Multiple Imputation and Bootstrap
The Mediation Effect of Education on Self-Esteem and Wages
The Mediation Effect of Self-Esteem on Weight and Earnings
Mediational Effects of Sensation Seeking on Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors by Mother's Educational Attainment
Mediators of Educational Attainment Among Early Childbearers
Medicaid and Medical Care for Children
Medicaid and Medical Care for Children
Medicaid and Wealth: A Re-Examination
Medicaid and Wealth: An Examination Using the NLSY79
Medicaid Expansions and the Crowding Out of Private Health
Medicaid Expansions and the Crowding Out of Private Health Insurance
Medical Care for Children Public Insurance, Private Insurance, and Racial Differences in Utilization
Medical Marijuana Laws and Teen Marijuana Use
Medical Marijuana Laws and Teen Marijuana Use
Medical Marijuana Legalization and Life Course Marijuana Usage
Medical Savings Accounts and Preventative Health Care Utilization
The Mediocre Performance of U.S. Students on International Education Tests: Are Schools to Blame?
Medium-Run Effects of Student Loans on Debt Holdings
Meeting Children's Needs: How Does the United States Measure Up?
Men and Islands: Dealing with the Family in Empirical Labor Economics
Men and Islands: Dealing with the Family in Empirical Labor Economics
Men in Female- and Male-Concentrated Occupations: A Comparative Analysis
Men in Female-Concentrated Occupations
Men in the Pre-Retirement Years. Papers on the Occasion of a Conference on National Longitudinal Surveys of Men 45-64 Years of Age
Men Who Do Not Work during Their Prime Years: What Do the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Data Reveal?
Men Who Father Children Out of Wedlock Face Reduced Odds of Marrying and Increased Socioeconomic Hardship
Men Who Leave Work Before Age 62: A Study of Advantaged and Disadvantaged Very Early Labor Force Withdrawal
Men's Career Development and Marriage Timing During a Period of Rising Inequality
Men's Career Development and Marriage Timing During a Period of Rising Inequality
Men's Career Development and Marriage Timing: Race and Schooling Differences
Men's Differing Work Trajectories and Fatherhood
Men's Income Trajectories and Physical and Mental Health at Midlife
Men's Work Efforts and the Transition to Fatherhood
Men's Work Pathways and Physical and Mental Health at Midlife
Menopause Transition and Labor Market Outcomes
Mental Ability, Schooling, and Early Career Achievement of Low-IQ and Average-IQ Young Men
Mental and Physical Health Impairments at the Transition to College: Early Patterns in the Education-Health Gradient
Mental Health Among Mothers and Fathers Who Borrow to Pay for Their Child's College Education
Mental Health and Happiness: Evidence From the U.S. Data
Mental Health and Labor Market Outcomes
Mental Health and the Labor Market
Mental Health and the Relationship Between Parental Divorce and Children's Higher Degree Acquisition
Mental Health and Welfare Transitions: Depression and Alcohol Abuse in AFDC Women
Mental Health Consequences of Unintended Childlessness and Unplanned Births: Gender Differences and Life Course Dynamics
Mental Health Factors in Determining Adolescent Aggressive Behavior in the Neighborhood Setting
The Mental Health Implications of Emerging Adult Long-Term Cohabitation
Mental Health in Childhood and Human Capital
Mental Health in Childhood and Human Capital
Mental Health in Childhood and Human Capital
Mental Health in Childhood and Human Capital
Mental Health in Emerging Adults: Mother and Father Parental Support
Mental Health, Social Roles and the Gendered Life Course
Mental Illness and College Educational Outcomes: Evidence from State Equal Coverage Laws
Mental Illness, Self-Concept, and Interpersonal Relationships as Predictors of Recidivism: Exploring Correctional Adaptation
Mentally Spent: Credit Conditions and Mental Health
A Mercenary Army of the Poor? Technological Change and the Demographic Composition of the Post-9/11 U.S. Military
Merely Having an Older Sibling Can Be Bad Influence
Meritocracy and Economic Inequality
Meritocracy and Success: The Role of I.Q. in Processes of Achievement and Social Allocation
Meritocracy in America: Wages Within and Across Occupations
Methodological Issues In Random Coefficent Growth Modeling Using a Latent Variable Framework: Applications to the Development of Heavy Drinking in Ages 18-37
Methodological Problems with Event Histories in Secondary Analysis of Longitudinal Data: The Case of Marital Transitions in the NLS
Methods of Pay and Earnings: A Longitudinal Analysis
The Methuselah Effect: The Pernicious Impact of Unreported Deaths on Old Age Mortality Estimates
Mexican American Mobility: An Exploration of Wealth Accumulation Trajectories
Mexican-American Entrepreneurship
Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Other Latino Origin Internal Migration in the U.S. A Panel Study of Migration Utilizing the NLSY79
Micro- and Macroeconomic Implications of Heterogeneity in the Production of Human Capital
Microeconomic Essays on Market Entry, Optimal Education, and Measured Experience
Microeconomics of the Family: Three Essays
Mid-Life Health Consequences of Crime and Punishment
Middle-Age Job Mobility: Its Determinants and Consequences
Middle-Aged and Older Men in the U.S. Labor Force: Research Findings and Policy Recommendations
Middle-Aged Job Changers
Middle-Aged Job Losers
Middle-Aged Men in the Labor Force: A Graphical and Empirical Exploration of Health Capital, Disability Insurance and Time Allocated to Work
Midlife Marital Disruption: a Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Economic Status and Employment
Midlife Parenthood and Mental Well-being: How Does Parent-Child Coresidence and Children's Life Course Stage Matter?
Midlife Women at Work: A Fifteen Year Perspective
Midlife Work and Women's Long-Term Health and Mortality
Midlife Work and Women's Long-Term Health and Mortality
Migrating for Opportunity? Internal Migration and Economic Advancement among Black and White Women and Men
Migration Across Metro-Nonmetro Boundaries and Hourly Wages
Migration And Child Educational Production: Aggregated Vs. Disaggregated Resource Modeling
Migration and Market Wage Risk
Migration and Marriage: Modeling the Joint Process
Migration and Wage Growth: A Human Capital Approach
Migration and Wages of Young Men
Migration Behaviors and Educational Attainment of Metro and Non-Metro Youth
Migration Data: Prospects for Research Based on the Youth Cohort of the NLS
The Migration Decision: What Role Does Job Mobility Play?
Migration During the Relatively Stationary Mid-Life Years: Migration Among Mid-Lifers By County Context
Migration History, Migration Behavior and Selectivity
The Migration of Dual-Worker Families: Does the Wife's Job Matter?
Migration of Hispanic Youth and Poverty Status: A Logit Analysis
Migration of Hispanic Youth and Poverty Status: A Logit Analysis
Migration of Recent College Graduates: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Migration of the Unemployed: A Relocation Assistance Program
The Migration of Youth and the Business Cycle: 1978 to 1984
Migration Streams Among White Middle-Aged and Elderly American Men in the Context of Migration Turnaround
A Migration Study of Mother's Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development
A Migration Study of Mother's Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development
A Migration Study of Mother's Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development
Migration, Employment, and Occupational Mobility: A Study of Trends and Interrelations and an Evaluation of Data
Migration, Job Change and Wage Growth Among Young Men
Migration, Job Change, and Wage Growth: A New Perspective on the Pecuniary Return to Geographic Mobility
Migration, Residential Mobility and Union Formation
The Military as a Bridging Environment in Criminal Careers: Differential Outcomes of the Military Experience
Military Enlistment of Hispanic Youth: Obstacles and Opportunities
Military Officer Aptitude in the All-Volunteer Force
Military Service and Alcohol Use
Military Service and Alcohol Use in the United States
Military Service and Civilian Wages: Another Look
Military Service and Educational Attainment in the All-Volunteer Era
Military Service and Educational Attainment in the All-Volunteer Force
Military Service and Entry into Marriage: Comparing Service Members to Civilians
Military Service and Entry into Marriage: Comparing Service Members to Civilians
Military Service and Marital Dissolution: A Trajectory Analysis
Military Service and Military Vocational Training Effects on Post-Service Earnings
Military Service and Post-Service Labor Market Outcomes
Military Service and the Civilian Labor Force: Time- and Income-Based Evidence
Military Service as a Determinant of Post-Service Earnings
Military Service Effects for Minority Youth
Military Service in the Vietnam Era and Educational Attainment
Military Service, Occupational Training, and Labor Market Outcomes: An Update
Military Service, Race, and the Transition to Marriage and Cohabitation
Military Skill Training: Some Evidence of Transferability
Millennial Generation's Job Search Activity and Job Quality: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Millennial Success Sequence: Marriage, Kids, and the 'Success Sequence' among Young Adults
Millennials and the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S.: A Cross-Cohort Comparison of Young Workers Born in the 1960s and the 1980s
Minding the Gap: Gender Disparities in the Early Career Wages of College Graduates and the Role of Individual Choice
Minimum Distance from Independence Estimation of Nonseparable Instrumental Variables Models
Minimum Drinking Age Laws and Infant Health Outcomes
Minimum Drinking Age Laws and Infant Health Outcomes
The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Marijuana Use: New Estimates from the NLSY97
Minimum Wage and Compliance in a Model of Search on-the-Job
The Minimum Wage and Crime
The Minimum Wage and Gender Differences in the Employment of Young Adults
Minimum Wage and Handicapped Workers
The Minimum Wage and the Employment of Teenagers. Recent Research
The Minimum Wage and the Employment of Youth: Evidence from the NLSY
Minimum Wage Careers
Minimum Wage Effect on Training on the Job
Minimum Wage Effects on Employment and Post Secondary Education Choices
Minimum Wage Legislation and the Educational Outcomes of Youth
Minimum Wage versus Minimum Compensation
Minimum Wage Youth: Training and Wage Growth
The Minimum Wage, Income Distribution, and Poverty
Minimum Wages and On-the-Job Training
Minimum Wages and Teenagers' Enrollment-Employment Outcomes: A Multinomial Logit Model
Minimum Wages, Employment, and College Enrollment
Minority Adults Grow Obese at Faster Rates than Whites
Minority Population Concentration and Earnings: Evidence From Fixed-Effects Models
Miscarriage, Religious Participation, and Mental Health
Miscarriage, Religious Participation, and Mental Health
Misleading Interaction and Curvilinear Terms
Mismatch Between Students and Colleges: Evidence from the NLSY-97
Mismatch Cycles
Mismatch, Sorting and Wage Dynamics
Missing Data and Self-Selection in Large Panels
Missing Data Methods for Clustered Longitudinal Data
Missing Data Techniques for Structural Equation Modeling
Missing the Target? Correspondence of Fertility Intentions and Behavior in the U.S.
Missing Treatments
The Missing Women in Science, Math, Engineering, and Behavioral Science Jobs? Accounting for Gender Differences in Entrance into STEM Occupations
The Missing Women in STEM? Assessing Gender Differentials in the Factors Associated with Transition to First Jobs
Mixed Federal Funding Outlook for Social and Behavioral Science Research
Mixed Signals: The Effect of Employment Training on Employment Outcomes for Previously Incarcerated Individuals
Mixed-effects Hidden Markov Model
Mixed-Effects Models with Crossed Random Effects for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
A Mixture Model of Discontinuous Development in Heavy Drinking From Ages 18 to 30: The Role of College Enrollment
A Mixture of Generalized Latent Variable Models for Mixed Mode and Heterogeneous Data
Mobility and Fertility in the Military
Mobility and the Metropolis: How Communities Factor into Economic Mobility
Mobility Disparity between Race/Ethnic Groups: Onward and Return Migrations
Mobility from Pre-Retirement to Post-Retirement Job
Mobility in the Middle: Bachelor's Degree Selectivity and the Intergenerational Association in Status in the United States
Mobility Indices in Continuous Time Markov Chains
Mobility Restrictions, Bargaining, and Wages: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Mobility, Human Capital Accumulation, And Wage Growth
Mobility, Job Search, and Wage Growth: Are There Gender Differences?
Mode Effects and Item Nonresponse: Evidence from CPS and NLSY Income Questions
Model of Asymmetric Employer Learning with Testable Implications
A Model of Educational Attainment from a Social Learning Perspective
A Model of Educational Choice Responses to Economic, Attitudinal, and Family Responsibility Factors
A Model of Optimal Human-Capital Accumulation and the Wages of Young High School Graduates
A Model of Religious Involvement, Family Processes, Self-Control, and Juvenile Delinquency in Two-Parent Families
Model Uncertainty and Race and Gender Heterogeneity in the College Entry Decision
Modeling Age-of-Onset in Behavior Genetic Substance Use Research: It's About Time?
Modeling Change Trajectories with Count and Zero-inflated Outcomes: Challenges and Recommendations
Modeling Discrimination: Gender, Weight, and Income Inequality
Modeling Equal Opportunity
Modeling Longitudinal and Multilevel Data: Practical Issues, Applied Approaches, and Specific Examples
Modeling NLSY Fertility Patterns Longitudinally and Biometrically: Evolutionary, Genetic, and Social Interpretations
Modeling the Effects of the Early Home Environment on Cognitive Abilities in Children and Adolescents
Modeling the Effects of the Geography of Opportunity on Labor Market Outcomes
Modeling Trait Depression Amplifies the Effect of Childbearing on Postpartum Depression
Modeling True Intradindividual Change in Structural Equation Models: The Case of Poverty and Children's Psychosocial Adjustment
Models for the Analysis of Labor Force Dynamics
Models of Labor Market Turnover: A Theoretical and Empirical Survey
Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Depression: A Marginal Structural Model Approach Promoting Causal Inference
The Moderating Role of Wealth for Intergenerational Income Persistence by Race/Ethnicity
Modern American Incarceration and Labor Economics
Mom and Dad Took Me to Church: Religion and Educational Attainment
Mom's IQ, Not Family Size, Key to Kids' Smarts
Mom's Money or Dad's Money: Resources Provided to Children
The Mommy Effect: Do Women Anticipate the Employment Effects of Motherhood?
The Mommy Track Divides: The Impact of Childbearing on Wages of Women of Differing Skill Levels
The Mommy Track Divides: The Impact of Childbearing on Wages of Women of Differing Skill Levels
The Mommy Track: The Consequences of Gender Ideology and Aspirations on Age at First Motherhood
Moms' Poor Vocabulary Hurts Kids' Future, Deprived Children May Never Recover, Sociologist Says
Moms' Time--Married or Not
Money or Grit? Determinants of MisMatch by Race and Gender
Monitoring Changes in Health Care for Children and Families
Monopsony Power in Occupational Labor Markets
Monotone Instrumental Variables with an Application to the Returns to Schooling
Monotone Instrumental Variables: with an Application to the Returns to Schooling
Monotone Instrumental Variables: With an Application to the Returns to Schooling
A Monte Carlo Study of Migration and Child Educational Production: Aggregated vs. Disaggregated Resource Modeling
Moonlighting Behavior over the Business Cycle
Moonlighting Over the Business Cycle.
More Bad News for Smokers? The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Labor Market Outcomes
More Bad News for Smokers? The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Wages
More Evidence on Social-Psychological Processes that Perpetuate Minority Segregation: The Relationship of School Desegregation and Employment Desegregation
More Evidence That Lefties Have the Right Stuff
More in High School Are Virgins, Study Finds
More on Brothers
More Runaways Citing Economy
More Runaways Citing Economy; Report: Family Issues Still Top Reason to Flee
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: Trends in Long-term Employment in the United States, 1969-2002
More Traditional Each Year? Earnings and Married Mothers' Employment Hours over the Childrearing Years
More Work Doesn't Pay
Mortality Among a Cohort of Older Men
Mortality and Labor Force Projections from Longitudinal Survey Data
Mortality Risk Among Black and White Working Women: The Role of Perceived Work Trajectories
Mortality, Education and Bequest
Mortgage Debt as a Moderator in the Association between Unemployment and Health
Mortgage Worries: Young Adults and the US Housing Crisis
Most American Kids Start Work by Age 15
Most Eligible Workers Do Not File for Unemployment, GAO Report Finds
Most Thieves Are Actually Really Bad at What They Do
Mother and Daughter Reports About Upward Transfers
Mother Feeding Style and Health Outcomes of Children
Mother Involvement as an Influence on Father Involvement with Early Adolescents
Mother Love Through Mother's Milk: Can it Protect Against Pneumonia?
Mother or Market? Effects of Maternal Employment on Cognitive Development of Four-Year-Old Children
Mother or Market? Effects of Maternal Employment on the Intellectual Ability of 4-Year-Old Children
Mother-Daughter Relationship During Early Adolescence and its Influence on Sexual Initiation Prior to age 16 in the Daughter
Mother-Daughter-Aunt-Niece (MDAN) Design, Applied to Cross-Generational NLSY
Mother-Only Families: Low Earnings Will Keep Many Children in Poverty
Mother's Delinquency, Family Economic Status, Divorce, Children's Externalizing Problems
Mother's Educational Attainment and their Young Adult Daughters' Fast Food Intake: The Role of Race/Ethnicity
Mother's Home Time and the Production of Child Quality
Mother's Union History and the Health of Children Born to Single Mothers
Mother's Welfare Dependency Effects on Daughter's Early Fertility and Fertility Out of Wedlock
Motherhood and Earnings: Wage Variability by Major Occupational Category and Earnings Level
Motherhood and Employment Among Whites, Hispanics, and Blacks: A Life Course Approach
Motherhood Delay and the Human Capital of the Next Generation
Motherhood Delay and the Human Capital of the Next Generation
Motherhood Delay and the Human Capital of the Next Generation
Motherhood Penalties and Fatherhood Premiums: Effects of Parenthood on Earnings Growth Within and Across Firms
Motherhood Penalties by Race and Marital Status
The Motherhood Penalty at Midlife: Long-Term Effects of Children on Women's Careers
The Motherhood Penalty at Midlife: The Long-Term Impact of Birth-Timing on Women’s Careers
The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus
The Motherhood Wage Gap for Women in the United States: The Importance of College and Fertility Delay
Motherhood Wage Penalty Across Life Course and Cohorts
The Motherhood Wage Penalty by Work Conditions: How Do Occupational Characteristics Hinder or Empower Mothers?
Motherhood Wage Penalty in the External and Internal Labor Market
The Motherhood Wage Penalty Revisited: Experience, Heterogeneity, Work Effort, and Work-Schedule Flexibility
The Motherhood Wage Penalty: The Role of Occupation and Postponing Pregnancy
The Motherhood Wage Penalty: Which Mothers Pay It and Why?
The Motherhood Wage Penalty: Which Mothers Pay It and Why?
Motherhood, Fatherhood and Midlife Weight Gain in a US Cohort: Associations Differ by Race/ethnicity and Socioeconomic Position
Motherhood, Fatherhood, and the Gender Gap in Occupational Authority
Motherhood, Labor Force Behavior, and Women's Careers: An Empirical Assessment of the Wage Penalty for Motherhood in Britain, Germany, and the United States
Motherhood, Timing of a First Birth and Psychological Well-Being Over the Life Course
Mothers and Fathers, Sons and Daughters: Parental Knowledge and Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship as Predictors of Delinquency in Same- and Cross-Sex Parent‒Child Dyads
Mothers And Mastery: The Consequences Of Perceived Neighborhood Disorder
Mothers and Nonstandard Work: Effects on Children's Home Environments
Mothers' Careers and Child Development: Evidence from the NLS Youth
Mothers' Careers Don't Hurt Kids
Mothers' Employment Works for Children; Study Finds No Long-Term Damage
Mothers' Homeownership and Children's Economic Success 20 Years Later among a Sample of US Citizens
Mothers' Income and Young Adult Children's Education and Fast Food Intake
Mothers' Involuntary Job Loss and Children's Academic Achievement
Mothers' Level of Attachment to the Labor Market Following the Birth of a Second Child
Mothers' Long-Term Employment Patterns
Mothers' Nonstandard Employment, Family Structure, and Children's Health Insurance Coverage
Mothers' Postsecondary Entry during Early Childhood: Short- and Long-term Effects on Children
Mothers' Work Hours and Marital Quality: Variations by Family Structure and Family Size
Mothers', Fathers', and Children's Choices That Influence a Child's BMI
Mothers’ Union Histories and the Mental and Physical Health of Adolescents Born to Unmarried Mothers
Motivation, Test Scores, and Economic Success
Move Up or Move Back? The Impact of Nonemployment Duration and Reason on Women's Wages and Work Hours at Workforce Reentry
Movers versus Stayers: Neighborhood Effects on Achievement Scores
Moving and Union Formation in the Transition to Adulthood in the United States
Moving Back Home: Insurance against Labor Market Risk
Moving Beyond Black and White: Examining the Incarceration-Earnings Relationship among Latinos
Moving Beyond Linear Regression: Implementing and Interpreting Quantile Regression Models With Fixed Effects
Moving Beyond the Socialization Hypothesis: The Effects of Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy on the Development of Self-control
Moving Beyond the STEM/non-STEM Dichotomy: Wage Benefits to Increasing the STEM-Intensities of College Coursework and Occupational Requirements
Moving Up, Moving Out or Going Nowhere? A Study of the Employment Patterns of Young Women and the Implications for Welfare Mothers
Moving Up, Moving Out, or Going Nowhere? A Study of the Employment Patterns of Young Women and the Implications for Welfare Mothers
Moving Up: The Training and Wage Gains of Minimum-Wage Entrants
Moving Up: Challenges to the American Dream; Slow Train: Promotion Track Fades for Those Starting at Bottom; Decline of In-House Training, Rise of Outsourcing Leave More Stuck in Menial Jobs; Lessons From N.Y.'s Subways
Moving Upstream: The Effect of Tobacco Clean Air Restrictions on Educational Inequalities in Smoking Among Young Adults
Ms. Workaholic Can Make About The Same Salary As A Man, But . . . Who Will Raise The Children?
Much Ado About Siblings: Change Models, Sibship Size, and Intellectual Development: Comment on Guo and VanWey
Multi-Dimensional Human Skill Formation with Multi-Dimensional Parental Investment
Multi-ethnic Comparison of Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Pregnancy
Multi-Ethnic Longitudinal Comparison of Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Pregnancy: A Focus on American Indian Women
The Multi-Generational Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Mortality
Multi-Level Analyses of Work and Welfare
A Multi-Level Longitudinal Analysis of Racial Convergence and Segmentation between African-American and White Women in the Professions: 1967-1993
Multi-Morbidity, Poverty, and Community Context: An Analysis of Factors Related to Medical Complexity At Midlife
Multidimensional Item Response Theory: A SAS MDIRT Macro and Empirical Study of PIAT Math Test
Multidimensional Profiles of Welfare and Work Dynamics: Development, Validation, and Associations with Child Cognitive and Mental Health Outcomes
The Multidimensional Relationship Between Early Adult Body Weight and Women’s Childbearing Experiences
Multidimensional Skill Mismatch
Multidimensional Skills, Sorting, and Human Capital Accumulation
Multiethnic Labor Markets and Socioeconomic Mobility: A Career Trajectory Perspective
Multigenerational Attainments and Mortality Among Older Men: An Adjacent Generations Approach
Multigenerational Attainments, Race, and Mortality Risk among Silent Generation Women
Multigenerational Coresidence and Welfare Policy
Multigenerational Educational Attainment and Women's Mortality
Multigenerational Socioeconomic Attainments and Mortality Among Older Men: An Adjacent Generations Approach
The Multigenerational Transmission of Neighborhood Disadvantage
A Multilevel Analysis of Hispanic Youth, Exposure to the United States, and Retail Theft
A Multilevel Analysis of Young Adult Migration, 1980-1998
A Multilevel Approach to the Relationship Between Birth Order and Intelligence
Multilevel Growth Curve Analysis for Quantitative Outcomes
Multilevel Modeling Approach to Adolescent Risk Perception in the Neighborhood Setting
A Multilevel Test of Constrained Choices Theory: The Case of Tobacco Clean Air Restrictions
Multimorbidity at Midilfe: An Analysis of Morbidity Patterns and Life Course Socioeconomic Cofactors
A Multinomial Logit Analysis of Teenage Fertility and High School Completion
A Multinomial Logit Model of Labor Turnover
Multipartner Fertility and Psychological Distress: Evidence for Social Selection
Multiple Agendas? How Women's Reasons for Employment Exits Affect Their Return to Work
A Multiple Equation Family Model
Multiple Generations of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Adult Obesity Among Grandchildren
Multiple Imputation for Nonignorable Dropout Using Bayesian Pattern-Mixture Models
Multiple Marital Dissolutions and Midlife Health
Multiple Pathways Linking Early Socioeconomic Circumstances and Depressive Symptoms in Late Middle Age in the U.S.
Multiple Roles and Alcohol Consumption in the Transition to Adulthood
Multiple Welfare Exits and Recidivism: Understanding of Culture of Poverty, Local Labormarket/Area Characteristics, Welfare Reform and Job Quality
Multiple-output Child Health Production Functions: The Impact of Time-varying and Time-invariant Inputs
Multiple-Partner Fertility and Cohort Change in the Prevalence of Half-Siblings
Multiple-Partner Fertility and Depression in Young Adulthood
Multiple-partner Fertility and the Growth in Sibling Complexity
Multivariate Analysis of Individual Differences in Preferences for Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Aspects of Work among National Samples of Young and Middle-Aged Women
A Multivariate Analysis of the Correlates of Job Satisfaction among Men Aged 45-59
Multivariate Applications in Substance Use Research: New Methods for New Questions
A Multivariate Approach to the Gender Wage Gap
Multivariate Cholesky Models of Human Female Fertility Patterns in the NLSY
Multivariate Discrete Hidden Markov Models for Domain-Based Measurements and Assessment of Risk Factors in Child Development
A Multivariate Latent Class Profile Analysis for Longitudinal Data with a Latent Group Variable
Multivariate Longitudinal Methods for Studying Developmental Relationships Between Depression and Academic Achievement
A Multivariate Reduced-Rank Growth Curve Model with Unbalanced Data
Multivariate Regression Models for Panel Data
Multiwave Analysis of Retest Artifact in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Drug Use
Multiyear Nonfatal Work Injury Rates
Mum's Out, But The Kids Are All Right
My Brother's (Bar)keeper? Sibling Spillovers in Alcohol Consumption at the Minimum Legal Drinking Age
The Myth of Men’s Stable, Continuous Labor Force Attachment: Multitrajectories of U.S. Baby Boomer Men’s Employment
The Myth of Racial Discrimination in Pay in the United States
The Myth of the Drinker's Bonus
Myths and Realities of Working at Home: Characteristics of Homebased Business Owners and Telecommuters

The Narrowing of Black-White Wage Differentials Is Illusory
A Nash-Bargained Linear Expenditure System: The Demand for Leisure and Goods
National Clinical Guidelines For Weight Control and Obesity Management in Children and Adolescents
National Data for Studying Rural Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Applications
National Estimates of Teenage Sexual Activity: Evaluating the Comparability of Three National Surveys
National Evidence on the Influence of Mothers' Employment on Children's Development
National Longitudinal Data
National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Force Behavior, Youth Survey (NLS): Technical Sampling Report
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997 Cohort
The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: 1979 Cohort at 25
The National Longitudinal Surveys
The National Longitudinal Surveys and Sociological Research
The National Longitudinal Surveys Data Files: Content and Structure
The National Longitudinal Surveys Data for Labor Market Entry: Evaluating the Small Effects of Race Discrimination and the Large Effects of Sex Discrimination
The National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience Merged Child-Mother Data
The National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience: An Annotated Bibliography
The National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience: Past and Future Uses to Study Labor Market Policy Questions
The National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth: Research Highlights
The National Longitudinal Surveys Program
The National Longitudinal Surveys Ten-Year Data Book for Middle-Aged and Older Men, 1966-1976
The National Longitudinal Surveys: A Progress Report
The National Longitudinal Surveys: A Selective Survey of Recent Evidence
The National Longitudinal Surveys: An Interim Assessment
The National Longitudinal Surveys: Lessons for Human Resource Policy
The National Longitudinal Surveys: New Vistas for Labor Market Research
National Longitudinal Surveys: A Guide for Rural Poverty Analysts
National Longitudinal Surveys: Development and Uses
The National Longitudinal Surveys' Data Processing System
A National Profile of Young Unwed Fathers: Who Are They and How Are They Parenting?
A National Profile of Young Unwed Fathers: Who Are They and How Are They Parenting?
National Surveys as Data Resources for Public Policy Research on Poor Children
Natural "Natural Experiments" in Economics
The Natural History of the Development of Obesity in a Cohort of Young US Adults Between 1981 and 1998
The Nature and Impact of Early Achievement Skills, Attention and Behavior Problems
The Nature and Impact of Early Achievement Skills, Attention and Behavior Problems
The Nature and Impact of Early Achievement Skills, Attention Skills, and Behavior Problems
The Nature and Nurture of Economic Outcomes
The Nature of Credit Constraints and Human Capital
The Nature of the Youth Unemployment Problem: A Review Paper
Nature vs. Nurture? The Bell Curve and Children's Cognitive Achievement
Nature, Nurture and First Sexual Intercourse in the USA: Fitting Behavioural Genetic Models to NLSY Kinship Data
Nature, Nurture, and First Intercourse: Fitting Behavior Genetic Models to NLSY Kinship Data
Navigating Flexibility: Labor Markets and Intermediaries in Silicon Valley
Necessary Condition Analysis Has Either Low Specificity or Low Sensitivity: Results from Simulations and Empirical Analyses of Grit, Depression, and Anxiety
The Neglected Source of Human Wealth: A Study of Formal Education and Training During the Adult Years
Negotiating Gender, Work, and Family: Examining Gendered Consequences of Leave-taking over Time
Negotiating Gender, Work, and Family: Gendered Consequences of Family Leave Taking
Neighborhood and Family Influences on the Intellectual and Behavioral Competence of Preschool and Early School-Age Children
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Obesity across Childhood and Adolescence: Evidence from the NLSY Children and Young Adults Cohort (1986-2010)
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Poor Health: The Consequences of Race, Gender, and Age among Young Adults
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Verbal Ability as Explanations of the Black–White Difference in Adolescent Violence: Toward an Integrated Model
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Wellbeing across the Life Course
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Gang Membership, Drug Dealing and Violence
Neighborhood Disorders, Migration, Socioeconomic Status, and Self-Rated Health: A Longitudinal Study
Neighborhood Effects and the Development of Cognitive Ability: A Re-examination of The Bell Curve
Neighborhood Effects on Body Mass: Temporal and Spatial Dimensions
The Neighborhood Food Environment and Adult Weight Status: Estimates from Longitudinal Data
The Neighborhood Food Environment and Adult Weight Status: Estimates Using Longitudinal Data
Neighborhood Impacts on Child Anxiety and Depression: The Mediating Influences of Maternal Well-Being and Parent-Child Relationships
Neighborhood Perception and Risk Taking Attitudes Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men
Neighborhood Perceptions and Well-being across the Early Life Course
Neighborhood Poverty and Physical Health at Midlife: The Role of Life-Course Exposure
Neighborhood, Family and School Environments: Associations with the Timing of Adolescent First Sex
Neighborhoods and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior
Neoclassical and Bargaining Approaches to Household Decision-Making with an Application to the Household Labor Supply Decision
Nested Heterogeneity and Difference in Differences
Nestleaving Patterns and the Transition to Marriage for Young Men and Women
Net Migration, Unemployment, and the Business Cycle
Net Worth as an Aspect of Status
Network Effects across the Earnings Distribution: Payoffs to Visible and Invisible Job Finding Assistance
Never Say Never? Uncovering the Never-Unionized in the United States
Never Too Old To Learn. Data from the National Longitudinal Surveys
A New Approach for Measuring Wage Ignorance in the Labor Market
New Approaches to Measuring Multipartnered Fertility Over the Life Course
New Categories Are Not Enough: Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surveys
New Data Available for the National Longitudinal Surveys
New Dimensions of Educational Inequality: Changing Patterns of Combining College and Work in the U.S. over Time
New Economy, Stress, and Health: An Examination of Underemployment Trajectories over the Adult Life Course
New Estimates of the Effect of Marijuana and Cocaine Use on Wages
New Evidence against a Causal Marriage Wage Premium
New Evidence Against a Causal Marriage Wage Premium
New Evidence for the Intergenerational Transmission of Family Instability
New Evidence of Generational Progress for Mexican Americans
New Evidence on Real Wage Cyclicality within Employer-Employee Matches
New Evidence on Real Wage Cyclicality within Employer-Employee Matches
New Evidence on the Effect of the Demographic Cycle on the Timing of School Completion
New Evidence on the Growing Value of Skill and Consequences for Racial Disparity and Returns to Schooling
New Evidence on Whether Cigarette Taxes Reduce Youth Smoking
New Evidence on Whether Unemployment and Out of the Labor Force are Distinct States
New Evidence on Workers' Willingness to Pay for Job Attributes
New Evidence That Quayle Was Right, Young Offenders Tell What Went Wrong at Home
New Facts and Hot Stats from the Social Sciences
New Families, No Families?: the Transformation of the American Home
New Findings Contradict Experts' Long-Held View; Big Families: Not Necessarily Duller
New Findings on Children, Families, and Economic Self-Sufficiency
New Methods and Data Sources for Measuring Economic Consequences of Workplace Injuries
New Methods for Analyzing Structural Models of Labor Force Dynamics
New Methods for the Analysis Of Change
A New Midlife Crisis?: An Examination of Parents Who Borrow to Pay for Their Children's College Education
A New SAS Procedure for Latent Transition Analysis: Transitions in Dating and Sexual Risk Behavior
New Study Finds Your Debt Could Be Hurting Your Kids
New Tax Rules for Day-Care Providers
'New Woman' Is Not So New, Study Says
The Newest National Longitudinal Survey: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997
Nicotine Exposure before Birth and Children's Behavior Problems in Middle Childhood: Toward Understanding the Linkage
The NLS Mature Women's Cohort: A Socioeconomic Overview
The NLS Mature Women's Cohort: A Socioeconomic Overview
The NLS Older Male Sample Revisited: A Unique Data Base for Gerontological Research. A Description of the Data Base and Illustrative Tables
NLSDBA: The National Longitudinal Surveys on Compact Disc
NLSY Child Handbook - Revised Edition: A Guide to the 1986-1990 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Child Data
NLSY Child Handbook 1989: A Guide and Resource Document for the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1986 Child Data
The NLSY Children 1992: Description and Evaluation
NLSY Kinship Links: Creating Biometrical Design Structures from Cross-Generational Data
The NLSY Kinship Links: Using the NLSY79 and NLSY-Children Data to Conduct Genetically-Informed and Family-Oriented Research
NLSY79 Wealth Data Evaluation
NLSY97: An Introduction
No Bullies Allowed: Understanding Peer Victimization, the Impacts on Delinquency, and the Effectiveness of Prevention Programs
No Evidence for Cumulating Socioeconomic Advantage. Ability Explains Increasing SES Effects with Age on Children's Domain Test Scores
No Evidence That Siblings' Gender Affects Personality Across Nine Countries
No Fault Divorce and the Post-Divorce Finances of Women
No More Than Skin Deep: Ethnic and Racial Similarity in Developmental Process
No Relationship between Abortion Numbers and Maternal Cognitive Ability
No Room to Fall: Criminal Justice Contact and Neighborhood Disadvantage
No Shift in Locus of Control Among Women During the 1970s
No, Millennials Aren’t Killing Stable Employment
Nominal Loss Aversion, Housing Equity Constraints, and Household Mobility: Evidence from the United States
Nominal Loss Aversion, Housing Equity Constraints, and Household Mobility: Evidence from the United States
Nominal-Contracting Theories of Unemployment: Evidence from Panel Data
Non-g Residuals of Group Factors Predict Ability Tilt, College Majors, and Jobs: A Non-g Nexus
Non-clinical Risk Factors for Hysterectomy
Non-Clinical Risk Factors of Hysterectomy
Non-Cognitive Abilities and Loan Delinquency: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Avoiding Financial Distress
Non-cognitive Mismatch and Occupational Switching
Non-Cognitive Skills and Crime
Non-college Occupations, Workplace Routinization, and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment
Non-Combat Military Service in the United States and its Effects on Depression
Non-Combat Military Service in the United States and Its Effects on Depressive Symptoms Among Men
The Non-Criminal Consequences of Gang Membership: Impacts on Education and Employment in the Life-Course
Non-Economic Benefits of Obtaining a GED
Non-g Residuals of the SAT and ACT Predict Specific Abilities
Non-ignorable Missing Data, Single Index Propensity Score and Profile Synthetic Distribution Function
Non-intact Families and Diverging Educational Destinies: A Decomposition Analysis for Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States
Non-marital and Marital Cohabitation Partners: Are the Effects on Marital Quality the Same?
The Non-Market Benefits of Education and Ability
Non-market Determinants of Human Capital Accumulation: Theory and Evidence
Non-parental Care in the First Three Years of Life and its Association with Academic and Behavior Problems in Later Childhood
Non-pecuniary Rewards and the Labor Force Participation of Black and White Youth
Non-Random Selections in Head Start Program
Non-Searching for Jobs Patterns and Payoffs to Non-Searching Across the Work Career
Non-separable Models with High-dimensional Data
Non-Standard Work Hours and the Relationship Quality of Dual-Earner Parents
Non-Standard Work Schedules and Father Involvement: Moderating the Negative Impact of a 24/7 Economy on Child Behavioral Outcomes
Non-Wage Characteristics and the Case of the Missing Margin
Non-Wage Characteristics and the Case of the Missing Margin
Noncognitive Abilities and Financial Delinquency: The Role of Self‐Efficacy in Avoiding Financial Distress
Noncognitive Skills and the Racial Wage Gap
Noncompete Agreements, Bargaining, and Wages: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Noncustodial Fathers: Can They Afford to Pay More Child Support?
Noneconomic Effects of Vocational Education
The Nonequivalence of High School Equivalents
Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations Among Young Adults
Nonignorable Item Nonresponse in Panel Data
Nonlinear Latent Curve Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
Nonlinearities in Intergenerational Earnings Mobility: Consequences for Cross-Country Comparisons
Nonlinearities in Intergenerational Mobility: A Comparison of Germany and the United States
Nonmarital Childbearing and Socioeconomic Trajectories for Men and Women
Nonmarital Childbearing, Union History, and Women’s Health at Midlife
Nonmarital Childbearing: Influences of Schooling, Marriage, and Prior Fertility
Nonmarital Childbearing: Influences of Education, Marriage, and Fertility
Nonmarital Fertility, Union History, and Women's Wealth
Nonmarital First Births, Marriage, and Income Inequality
A Nonparametric Analysis of Black-White Differences in Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
A Nonparametric Analysis of Black-White Differences in Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States
Nonparametric Bounds on Treatment Effects with Imperfect Instruments
Nonparametric Estimation of Conditional Quantile Functions in the Presence of Irrelevant Covariates
Nonparental Child Care Environments: Differences in Preschool Cognitive Skills by Type of Care
Nonpecuniary Job Characteristics: The Impact on Women's Wages
Nonresident Father Involvement with Children and Divorced Women's Likelihood of Remarriage
Nonresident Father Involvement with Children and Divorced Women’s Likelihood of Remarriage
Nonresident Fatherhood and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: A Comparison of Siblings Approach
Nonresident Fatherhood and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: A Comparison of Siblings Approach
Nonresident Parenting: Measuring Support Provided to Children by Nonresident Fathers
Nonresidential Father Involvement and Child Well-Being: Can Dads Make a Difference?
Nonresidential Father Involvement and Child Well-Being: Can Dads Make a Difference?
Nonstandard Shift Schedules and the Risk of Job-Related Injuries
Nonstandard Work and Marital Instability: Evidence From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Behavioral Outcomes
Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes
Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Cognitive Outcomes
Nonstandard Work Schedules over the Life Course: A First Look
Nonstandard Work Schedules, Family, and Relationship Quality
Nonstandard Work Schedules, Parental Involvement, and Children's Academic Achievement
Nontraditional Occupational Aspirations and Attainment of Potential Female Recruits
Nontraditional Students and Nontraditional Enrollment Patterns: College Choice, Multiple Life Roles, and Developmental Education
Nonvoluntary Sexual Activity Among Adolescents
Normal Variation and Abnormality: An Empirical Study of the Liability Distributions Underlying Depression and Delinquency
Normalising Desistance: Contextualising Marijuana and Cocaine Use Careers in Young Adults
Not by Bread Alone: The Role of the African-American Church In Inner-City Development
Not By g Alone: The Benefits of a College Education among Individuals with Low Levels of General Cognitive Ability
Not Getting Their Money’s Worth: African-American Disadvantages in Converting Income, Wealth, and Education into Residential Quality
Not on Track to Apply to College: School Punishment and Taking the SAT
Not Without a Price: The Influence of Conviction on Illegal Earnings
Not Worth the Weight: Wage Penalties from Overweight and Obesity in the United States, 2002-2008
A Note on Racial Differences in Employed Male Job Search
A Note on School Size and Wages
A Note on the Effect of Minimum Drinking Age Laws on Youth Alcohol Consumption
A Note on the New Minimum Wage Research
A Note on the Return of Dropouts to High School
A Note on Young Women's Occupational Expectations for Age 35
Notes: On Policies to Reward the Value Added by Educators
A Novel Method for Estimating the Effects of Job Conditions on Asthma and Chronic Lung Disease
Nowhere to Launch? County-Level Correlates of Home-Leaving and Home-Returning
NTIS Reexamining the Returns to Training: Functional Form, Magnitude, and Interpretation
Number of Jobs Held, Labor Market Activity, and Earnings Growth Over Two Decades: Results from a Longitudinal Survey Summary
Number of Jobs, Labor Market Experience, and Earnings Growth: Results from a National Longitudinal Survey
Number of Sexual Partners and Social Disorganization: A Developmental Trajectory Approach
Numeracy, Literacy and Earnings: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Nurses' Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs: Findings from a National Probability Sample
Nurturing Fatherhood: Improving Data and Research on Male Fertility, Family Formation and Fatherhood
Nutrigenomics Hypothesis: Examining the Association Between Food Stamp Program Participation and Bodyweight Among Low-Income Women
Nutrition Label Use Is Associated with Lower Longer-term Diabetes Risk in US Adults

The Obese Smoker's Wage Penalty
Obesity among U.S. Rural Adults: Assessing Selection and Causation with Prospective Cohort Data
Obesity and Asthma: Implications for Treatment
Obesity and Credit Risk
Obesity and Depression: Establishing Causality
Obesity and Educational Attainment
Obesity and First Birth: Timing, Union Status, And Subsequent Union Formation And Dissolution
Obesity and Household Financial Distress
Obesity and Labor Market Outcomes
Obesity and Physical Fitness in the Labor Market
Obesity and Self-control: Food Consumption, Physical Activity, and Weight-loss Intention
Obesity and Union Status at First Birth Among Women
Obesity during Pregnancy and Children's Outcomes
Obesity History and Male Employment
Obesity Incidence in U.S Children and Young Adults: A Pooled Analysis
Obesity Is in the Eye of the Beholder: BMI and Socioeconomic Outcomes across Cohorts
Obesity Over the Life Course: A Study of How Obesity Produces Health Disadvantage and Excess Mortality in the United States
Obesity Persistence and Duration Dependence: Evidence From a Cohort of US Adults (1985-2010)
Obesity, Cigarette Prices, Youth Access Laws and Adolescent Smoking Initiation
Obesity, Disability, and Movement onto the Disability Insurance Rolls
Obesity, Occupational Attainment, and Earnings
Obesity, Timing of Sexual Initiation And Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescent Girls
Objective and Perceived Weight: Associations with Risky Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Objective and Subjective Parental Working Conditions' Effects on Child Outcomes: A Comparative Test
Objective Indices vs. Subjective Perceptions of Career Progress
Observing Labor Market Adjustment: Employment in the US Construction Industry: 1983-1990
Occupation Choice, Information, and Migration
Occupation-Specific Human Capital and Local Labour Markets
Occupation, Employment, and Lifetime Work Experience of Women
Occupation, Impaired Health, and the Functional Capacity of Men to Continue Working
Occupational Achievement Process Among 30 to 44 Year Old Married, Never-Married, and Divorced or Separated Females
The Occupational Achievements of Community and Four-Year College Entrants
Occupational Advancement in the Late 1960s: An Indirect Test of the Dual Labor Market Hypothesis
The Occupational and Marital Mobility of Women
Occupational and Non-occupational Factors Associated with Work-related Injuries among Construction Workers in the USA
Occupational and Residential Segregation
Occupational Aspirations And Sex Segregation: Trends And Predictions
Occupational Aspirations, Gender, and Educational Attainment
Occupational Aspirations, Rural to Urban Migration, and Intersectionality: A Comparison of White, Black, and Hispanic Male and Female Group Chances for Leaving Rural Counties
Occupational Assignment and Choice of Females: A Comparison between Younger and Older Cohorts
Occupational Attainment and Segregation by Sex
Occupational Attainment Processes of Mature American Women
Occupational Attainment Resources and the Life Cycle Patterns of Young Women
Occupational Atypicality: Changes, Causes, and Consequences
Occupational Breaks, their Incidence and Implications for Training Provision: Case-Study Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Occupational Careers and Mortality of Elderly Men
Occupational Careers of Young Women
Occupational Change, Employer Change, and the Transferability of Skills
Occupational Change: The Movement of Women Between Stereotypically Male and Female Jobs
Occupational Characteristics and Life Course Health: Evidence From NLSY97
Occupational Characteristics and the Male-Female Income Differential
Occupational Characteristics and Women's Employment During the Transition to Parenthood
Occupational Choice and Returns to Skills in the United States: Evidence from the NLSY79 and O*NET
Occupational Choice and the Intergenerational Mobility of Welfare
Occupational Choices of Black Women: A Longitudinal Study of Two Cohorts
Occupational Consequences for Men's Early Retirement
Occupational Constraints and Opportunities Faced by School Dropouts
Occupational Determinants of Health: A Labor Market Segmentation Analysis
Occupational Differences in the Ability of Men to Delay Retirement
Occupational Differences in the Determination of U.S. Workers' Earnings: Both the Human Capital and the Structured Labor Market Hypotheses Are Useful in Analysis
Occupational Differences in the Wage Penalty for Obese Women
Occupational Differentiation among White Men in the First Decade after High School
The Occupational Feminization of Wages
The Occupational Feminization of Wages
Occupational Gender Composition and Union Dissolution: Exploring the Relationship and Mechanisms
Occupational Human Capital and Wages: The Role of Skills Transferability Across Occupations
Occupational Human Capital: Its Role and Implication for Earnings
Occupational Influences on Retirement, Disability and Death
Occupational Information and Labor Market Status: The Case of Young Men
Occupational Injuries in the United States: A Longitudinal Analysis of Race-Gender Differences
Occupational Injury and Absence From Work Among African American, Hispanic, and Non-Hispanic White Workers in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Occupational Intelligence as a Measure of Occupational Complexity
Occupational Match Quality and Gender over Two Cohorts
Occupational Matching: A Test of Sorts
Occupational Mobility and Earnings of Male Workers: Metro and Nonmetro Comparisons
Occupational Mobility and Employment Reallocation: Evidence from the NLSY79
Occupational Mobility and Short Cycles
Occupational Mobility and Structural Change in the U.S. Economy: A Review
Occupational Mobility and the Dual Economy: The Impact of Industrial Sectors and Three Human Capital Variables on the Movement of Young Women and Men
Occupational Mobility and the Returns to Training
Occupational Mobility as Measured by Holland's Theory of Career Selection
Occupational Mobility for Whom?: Education, Cohorts, the Life Course and Occupational Gender Composition, 1970-2010
Occupational Mobility in a Dual Economy
Occupational Mobility, Gender and Class in the United States, 1965-2015
Occupational Racial Composition and Nonfatal Work Injuries
Occupational Segregation and Earnings: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Youth Labor Market
Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap
Occupational Segregation and Wages: Is There Long Run Convergence Among Young Male and Female Workers?
Occupational Segregation by Sex: An Analysis of the Determinants of Occupational Sex Composition Among Female Workers
Occupational Segregation, Human Capital, and Motherhood: Black Women's Higher Exit Rates from Full-time Employment
Occupational Segregation: A Defense of Human Capital Predictions
Occupational Segregation: A Human Capital Approach
Occupational Segregation: An Alternative Hypothesis
Occupational Self-selection in a Labor Market with Moral Hazard
Occupational Self-selection in a Labor Market with Moral Hazard
Occupational Self-Selection: A Human Capital Approach to Sex Differences in Occupational Structure
Occupational Sex Composition and Marriage: The Romantic Cost of Gender‐Atypical Jobs
Occupational Sex Segregation and Marriage: The Romantic Cost of Gender-Deviant Jobs
Occupational Sex Segregation and Mobility: An Analysis of the Career Experiences of Mature Women, 1967-1977
Occupational Sex Segregation and Mobility: The Early Careers of White Women and Men
Occupational Sex Segregation, Maternity and Job Transitions among Women
Occupational Sex Segregation, Private Sector Training and Earnings: The Early Careers of White Women and Men
Occupational Skill Mismatch: Differences by Gender and Cohort
Occupational Sorting, Multidimensional Skill Mismatch, and the Child Penalty among Working Mothers
Occupational Standing and Occupational Differentials in Cognitive Ability
Occupational Stratification over the Life Course
Occupational Structure and Retirement
Occupational Training in Proprietary School and Technical Institutes
An Odd Couple: Monotone Instrumental Variables and Binary Treatments
Ohio State Has 50 Years of Data on Our Lives
The Ohio State University Center for Human Resource Research History and Project Summaries 1965-1984
Old Solutions for New Dystopias; The Bell Curve - Richard J. Herrnstein & Charles Murray
Older and Wiser: An Event History Analysis of Women's Adult College Enrollment Behavior
Older Men's Perceptions of Personal Control: The Effect of Health Status
Older Sibling Influence on Adolescent Sexuality: Inferring Process Models from Family Composition Patterns
Older Worker
Oligopsony and Monopsonistic Competition in Labor Markets
Omitted Variable Bias in Panel Data: Estimating the Returns to Schooling
Omitted-Ability Bias and the Increase in the Return to Schooling
On "The Effects of Early Marriage on the Educational Attainments of Young Men": Comment on Kerckhoff and Parrow
On Comparing Apples and Oranges and Making Inferences About Bananas
On Imbalance of Impulse Control and Sensation Seeking and Adolescent Risk: An Intra-individual Developmental Test of the Dual Systems and Maturational Imbalance Models
On Intelligence Education and Religious Beliefs
On Measuring a Mirage: Why U.S. Training Numbers Don't Add Up
On Policies to Reward the Value Added by Educators
On Positive and Negative Attributes in Perceptions of Value
On Rural-Urban Differences in Human Capital Formation: Finding the 'Bottlenecks'
On the (Lifetime) Prevalence of Running Away from Home
On the Association Between Repeat Bully Victimizations and Carrying a Firearm: Evidence in a National Sample
On the Asymmetry of g
On the Black-White Gaps in Labor Supply and Earnings over the Lifecycle in the US
On the Blurring of the Color Line: Wages and Employment for Black Males of Different Skin Tones
On the Covariance Structure of Earnings and Hours Changes
On the Declining Labor Market Value of Schooling
On the Determinants of Reservation Wages: An Empirical Specification
On The Discriminative Validity of a Family History of Problem Drinking Index With a National Sample of Young Adults
On the Distributional and Evolutionary Nature of the Obesity Wage Penalty
On the Estimation of Treatment Effects with Endogenous Misreporting
On the Fringe: Family-Friendly Benefits and the Rural-Urban Gap Among Working Women
On the Genetic and Environmental Reasons Why Intelligence Correlates with Criminal Victimization
On the Human Wealth of Females Across Generations
On the Job or in the Joint: Criminal Justice Contact and Employment Outcomes
On the Job or in the Joint: Employment Outcomes and Criminal Justice Contact
On the Measurement of Low Self-Control in Add Health and NLSY79
On the Move: Incarceration, Race, and Residential Mobility
On the Possibility of the Reemergence of a Dysgenic Trend with Respect to Intelligence in American Fertility Differentials
On the Production of Skills and the Birth-Order Effect
On the Rarity of Mathematically and Mechanically Gifted Females: A Life History Analysis
On the Recurrence of Occupational Injuries and Workers' Compensation Claims
On the Relationship between Body Mass Index and Marital Dissolution
On the Relationship Between Family Structure and Antisocial Behavior: Parental Cohabitation and Blended Households
On the Relationship Between Welfare and Marital Stability: A Research Note
On the Road to Adulthood: Sequencing of Family Experiences
On The Role of Incentives in The Formation of Human Capital in The Family
On the Scaling and Modeling of Pay
On the Sensitivity of Wage Gap Decompositions
On the Technical Efficiency of Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Child Outcome Production Functions
On the Training and Education of Canadians
On the Use of Expectations Data in Micro Surveys: The Case of Retirement
On the Use of Survey Sample Weights in the Linear Model
On the Validity of Retrospective Assessments of Pregnancy Intention
On the Validity of Retrospective Assessments of Pregnancy Intention
On the Values of Jobs and Specific Training
On-call and On-demand Work in the USA: Adversarial Regulation in a Context of Unilateral Control
On-the-Job Search and Precautionary Savings
On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training
On-the-Job Training, Immigration Reform, and the True Wages of Native Male Workers
Once an Entrepreneur, Always an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurial Identity, Job Characteristics, and Voluntary Turnover of Former Entrepreneurs in Paid Employment
ONDCP Media Campaign: Contractor's National Evaluation Did Not Find That the Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Was Effective in Reducing Youth Drug Use
One is One and Two is Ten: Motherhood Transitions and Mothers’ Labor Force Participation
One of America's Healthiest Trends Has Had a Pretty Unexpected Side Effect
One or Two Parents? Half or Step Siblings? The Effect of Family Structure on Young Children's Achievement
One Percent Budget Showdown: Clinton's Veto Threats In Perspective
One Size Does Not Fit All: Multiple Dimensions of Ability, College Attendance and Earnings
One Size does not Fit All: Multiple Dimensions of Ability, College Attendance and Wages
One Step Back in Understanding Racial Differences in Birth Weight
One Trend Fits All?: Combining Multiple-Hierarchy Stratification and Life Course Perspectives to Understand BMI Trajectories
One Way Childhood Trauma Leads to Poorer Health for Women
Ongoing Major Research on Welfare Reform: What Will be Learned
Only the Fit Survive Recessions: Estimating Labor Market Penalties for the Obese Over the Business Cycle
Onset Drinking: How It Is Related Both to Mother's Drinking and Mother-Child Relationships.
Onward Migration Differentials among Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks and Whites
Onward Migration Differentials among Hispanics and non-Hispanic Blacks and Whites in the U.S. 1979-2002
Opportunistic Behavior by Firms in Implicit Pension Contracts
Opportunities Denied, Wages Diminished: Using Search Theory to Translate Audit-Pair Study Findings into Wage Differentials
Opportunities for Geographic Research with the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Opportunities to Meet: Occupational Education and Marriage Formation in Young Adulthood
The Opt-In Revolution? Contraception and the Gender Gap in Wages
The Opt-In Revolution? Contraception and the Gender Gap in Wages
Optimal Investment in Schooling When Incomes are Risky
Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid
Optimal Parenting Styles: Evidence from a Dynamic Game with Multiple Equilibria
Opting Out and Leaning In: The Life Course Employment Profiles of Early Baby Boom Women in the United States
Opting Out or Pushed Out?: Women's Decisions to Leave Work and Career
Options for NICHD Funding of the NLSY Child Assessment
Order from Chaos? The Effects of Early Labor Market Experiences on Adult Labor Market Outcomes
Order or Chaos? Understanding Career Mobility Using Categorical Clustering and Information Theory
Ordinal Estimation Of Income-Achievement Gaps
Ordinal Estimation of Income-Achievement Gaps and Adult Outcome Inequality
Organizations' Environment and Retirement: The Relationship between Women's Retirement, Environmental Munificence, Dynamism, and Local Unemployment Rate
Orientation Plan to Use the NLS Youth Data Base to Examine the Labor Market Experiences of Handicapped Youth
The Origins of Life-Course Persistent Offending Revisited: Does Self-Control Mediate the Effect of Neuropsychological Deficits on Early-Onset Offending?
The Other Side of the Track: Curriculum Tracking and the Pathway to Delinquency
The Other Student Debt Crisis: How Borrowing to Pay for a Child's College Education Relates to Parents' Mental Health at Midlife
Out of the Nest and into the Red: Three Essays on Debt in Young Adulthood
Out-of-Home Placement of Children and Economic Factors: An Empirical Analysis
Outcome of Adolescent First Premarital Pregnancies: The Influence of Family Background
Outcomes of Academic Tracking Among Young Adults in the United States: A Longitudinal Survey Analysis
Outcomes of Early Childbearing: An Appraisal of Recent Evidence
Outcomes of Marital Separation: A Longitudinal Test of Predictors
Outcomes of School Desegregation: Findings from Longitudinal Research
Outcomes of Vocational Education for Women, Minorities, the Handicapped, and the Poor
Outcomes of Youth with Foster Care Experiences Based on Permanency Outcome – Adoption, Aging out, Long-term Foster Care, and Reunification: A Systematic Review
Outlying Observation Diagnostics in Growth Curve Modeling
Over the Long Haul: The Persistent Economic Consequences of Single Motherhood
Over-Identification Tests in Earnings Functions with Fixed Effects
Overeducation and Wages Revisited: A Two‐cohort Comparison and Random Coefficients Approach
Overeducation in the United States: An Evaluation of Its Economic Impact and Its Relationship to College Quality, Individual Ability, and Job Duration
Overqualified and Underpaid: Understanding the Mechanisms Producing the Earnings Penalty for Care Workers
An Overview of Results from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Overweight, Obesity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Early Adulthood

The Pace of Repeated Childbearing among Young American Mothers
Paid Employment Among U.S. College Students: Trends, Effects, and Possible Causes
Paid Parental Leave Duration, Number of Children, and Income Growth: A Longitudinal Analysis
Pain Interference in Young Adulthood and Work Participation
The Pains of Parenting: The Importance of Perceived Financial Strain and Parental Mental Health
A Panel Based Analysis of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Other Individual Level Characteristics at Leaving on Returning
Panel Data
A Panel Data Analysis of the US-Canadian Nonemployment Rate Gap Between Young, Low Skilled Males
Panel Data Models with Discrete Dependent Variables
Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects: A Bayesian Approach
Panel Data Quantile Regression for Treatment Effect Models
Panel Estimates of Male and Female Turnover Behavior: Can Female Non-Quitters Be Identified?
Panel Modeling: Random Coefficients and Covariance Structures
Panel Models for the Analysis of Change and Growth in Life Course Studies
Panel Paper: Passing the Baton: Does a Parent's 'Head Start' Affect Their Children's Outcomes?
Paper Finds a Surprising Link between Warmer Temperatures and Math Test Scores
Paper Raises at Least Three Concerns: Letter in re: Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in Young Women
Parallel Development of Risk Behaviors in Adolescence: Potential Pathways to Co-occurrence
Parallel Latent Trajectories of Mental Health and Personal Earnings among 16- to 20 Year-old US Labor Force Participants: A 20-year Longitudinal Study
A Parametric Control Function Approach to Estimating the Returns to Schooling in the Absence of Exclusion Restrictions: An Application to the NLSY
A Parametric Control Function Approach to Estimating the Returns to Schooling in the Absence of Exclusion Restrictions: An Application to the NLSY
A Parametric Control Function Approach to Estimating the Returns to Schooling in the Absence of Exclusion Restrictions: An Application to the NLSY
Parent and Child Factors That Predict Who Helps Young Adult Children Pay for College
Parent Factors and Offspring Emotional and Behavioral Problems during Childhood and Adolescence
Parent Income-Based Gaps in Schooling, Earnings and Family Income: Cross-Cohort Trends in the NLSYs and the PSID
Parent Income–Based Gaps in Schooling: Cross-Cohort Trends in the NLSYs and the PSID
Parent Involvement in Child Care Settings: Conceptual and Measurement Issues
Parent Involvement in Schools, the Intergenerational Transfer of Occupational and Economic Success, and the Grouping of Students: Lessons from Suburbia
Parent Marital Quality and the Parent-Adolescent Relationship: Effects on Adolescent and Young Adult Health Outcomes
Parent Marital Quality and the Parent-Adolescent Relationship: Profiles of Relationship Quality
Parent Marital Quality and the Parent–Adolescent Relationship: Effects on Sexual Activity among Adolescents and Youth
Parent or Not: A Longitudinal View of Fertility Intentions and Outcomes
Parent Religiosity, Family Processes, and Adolescent Outcomes
Parent Religious Beliefs and Adolescent Outcomes
The Parent-Adolescent Relationship Scale
Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Education and Health: The Importance of Parent-Adolescent Relationships
Parent-Adult Child Estrangement in the United States by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Sexuality
Parent-Child Interaction, Family Composition and the Quality of the Home: Effect on Adolescent Depression
Parent-Child Relationships at the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, and White Immigrant and Native-Born Youth
Parent-Child Relationships at the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of Immigrant and Native-Born Youth
Parent-Reported Height and Weight as Sources of Bias in Survey Estimates of Childhood Obesity
Parent-Teen Relationship As Associated With Youth Outcomes: Differences Based on Family Income
Parent-Teen Relationships and Interactions: Far More Positive Than Not
Parental Alcoholism as a Risk Factor for DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in American Women: Another Look at the Moderating Effects of Dyadic Cohesion in Marital Communication Using Latent Structural Models
Parental Alcoholism as a Risk Factor for DSM-IV-Defined Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in American Women: The Protective Benefits of Dyadic Cohesion in Marital Communication
Parental and Public Transfers to Young Women and Their Children
Parental Asset Accumulation Trajectories and Children's College Outcomes
Parental Assets and Children's Educational Outcomes
Parental Attachment and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adolescents
Parental Availability for the Care of Sick Children
Parental Cohabitation, Marriage, and Single Motherhood: Life Course Transitions of American Children
Parental Conflict and Marital Disruption: Do Children Benefit When High-Conflict Marriages Are Dissolved?
Parental Conflict, Marital Disruption and Children's Emotional Well-Being
Parental Credit Constraints and Children’s College Education
Parental Criminality Links to Additional Risk Factors for Juvenile Delinquency
Parental Debt and Child Wellbeing
Parental Debt and Children's Socioemotional Well-being
Parental Divorce and Child Well-Being: Are There Lasting Effects?
Parental Divorce in Early Life and Entrepreneurial Performance in Adulthood
Parental Divorce is not Uniformly Disruptive to Children's Educational Attainment
Parental Divorce, Educational Expectations, and Children's Post-Baccalaureate Educational Attainment
Parental Divorce, Educational Expectations, and Educational Attainment among Young Adults
Parental Divorce, Social Capital, and Postbaccalaureate Educational Attainment Among Young Adults
Parental Education, Labor Market Experience and Earnings: New Wine in an Old Bottle?
Parental Efficacy And Delinquent Behavior: Do Control And Support Matter?
Parental Emotional Support and Subsequent Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children
Parental Emotional Support Trajectories and the Risk of Adolescent Overweight or Obesity
Parental Employment and Child Cognitive Development
Parental Employment and Child Cognitive Development
Parental Employment and Child Cognitive Development
Parental Employment and Child Cognitive Development
Parental Employment and Children
Parental Employment and Children's Body Weight: Mothers, Others, and Mechanisms
Parental Experience of Unemployment and Children's Development
Parental Family Stability and Socioeconomic Success: Effects of the Broken Home
Parental Generation Effects on the Marital Fertility of Offspring
Parental Imprisonment, the Prison Boom, and the Concentration of Childhood Disadvantage
Parental Incarceration and Within-Individual Changes in Criminal Justice Involvement Across Developmental Stages
Parental Income, College Attendance, and First Birth Timing
Parental Influence over Adolescent Women of Generation X and their Career Choices and Satisfaction in Adulthood
Parental Investment and Early Adolescent Behavior Problems: Evidence from NLSY Mothers and Children
Parental Investment and Later Outcomes Among Low Birthweight Children
Parental Investment Responses to a Low Birth Weight Outcome: Who Compensates and Who Reinforces?
Parental Investment, Child Health Formation and Racial Differences
Parental Involvement and Education Outcomes of Their Children
Parental Involvement, Summer Activities, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment
Parental Learning and Teenagers' Risky Behavior
Parental Leave and Child Care: Setting a Research and Policy Agenda
Parental Leave Legislation and Women's Work: A Story of Unequal Opportunities
Parental Leave Policies, Early Maternal Employment, and Child Outcomes in the U.S.
Parental Marital History and Measured Cognitive Development
Parental Marital Relations and Family Outcomes: How Conflict Kids See and Don't See Impacts Their Well-Being
Parental Monitoring During Early Adolescence Deters Adolescent Sexual Initiation: Discrete-Time Survival Mixture Analysis
Parental Nonstandard Schedules and Child Academic Outcomes
Parental Nonstandard Work Schedules and Child Behavioral Outcomes
Parental Nonstandard Work Schedules, Parent-Child Communication, and Adolescent Substance Use
Parental Nonstandard Work, Family Processes, and Delinquency During Adolescence
Parental Physical Illness and Adolescents' Engagement in Delinquent Activities and Substance Use
Parental Problem-Drinking and Adult Children's Labor Market Outcomes
Parental Regulation and Adolescent Discretionary Time-Use Decisions: Findings from the NLSY97
Parental Religious Service Attendance and Adolescent Substance Use
Parental Reputation
Parental Reputation and School Performance
Parental Resources, Educational Progression, and Family Formation
Parental Shift Works and Children's Cognitive Outcomes: A Sibling Fixed-Effects Regression Model
Parental Social Class and the Transition to Adulthood in Italy and the United States
Parental Socialization and Community Context: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Structural Sources of Low Self-Control
Parental Socioeconomic Instability and Child Obesity
Parental Status and Psychological Well-Being Among Midlife Adult Women Using the Life Course Perspective
Parental Supervisory Knowledge and Neighborhood Disadvantage as Moderators of the Link from Childhood Externalizing Problems to Substance Use Initiation
Parental Support Influencing the Timing of Repeat Pregnancy for Adolescent Mothers
Parental Time, Family Income, and Child Outcomes
Parental Transfers, Student Achievement, and the Labor Supply of College Students
Parental Transfers, Student Achievement, and the Labor Supply of College Students
Parental Transfers, Student Achievement, and the Labor Supply of College Students
Parental Unions, Financial Transfers, and School Enrollment among Adolescents
Parental Wealth and Intergenerational Mobility
Parental Work Hours and Childhood Obesity: Evidence Using Instrumental Variables Related to Sibling School Eligibility
Parental Work Schedules and Adolescent Depression
Parental Work Schedules and Adolescent Health Behaviors
Parental Work Schedules and Adolescent Risky Behaviors
Parental Work Schedules and Children's Cognitive Trajectories
Parental Work Schedules, Family Process, and Early Adolescents' Risky Behavior
Parental Work Schedules, Home Life and Adolescents' Socio-Emotional Outcomes
Parental Work, Family Social Capital, and Early Childhood Outcomes
Parenthood and Earnings Changes Within and Across Organizations: How Do Women's and Men's Experiences Differ?
Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Parenthood as a Turning Point in the Life Course for Male and Female Gang Members: A Study of Within-Individual Changes in Gang Membership and Criminal Behavior
Parenthood Wage Gaps Across the Life Course: A Comparison by Gender and Race
Parenthood, Life Course Expectations, and Mental Health
Parenting a Child with a Disability: An Examination of Resident and Non-Resident Fathers
Parenting After Divorce: Remarriage and Cohabitation from the Perspective of Children
Parenting After Divorce: Remarriage and Cohabitation from the Perspective of Children
Parenting and Children's Self-Control: Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations
Parenting and College Enrollment: The Effects of Parenting Style and Practices on College Enrollment for Black, White and Hispanic Children from Different Economic and Family Contexts
Parenting and Depression: Differences Across Parental Roles
Parenting and Self-Control across Three Generations
The Parenting Gap
Parenting in Vain? Stepfather Influences on Early Transitions to Parenthood
Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children
Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children
Parenting Style Transitions and Delinquency
Parenting Style, Religiosity, Peer Alcohol Use, and Adolescent Heavy Drinking
Parenting Styles and Children's Delinquency Reconsidered: An Empirical Assessment
Parenting Styles and College Enrollment: A Path Analysis of Risky Human Capital Decisions
Parenting Styles and Juvenile Delinquency: Exploring Gendered Relationships
Parenting, Birth Order and School Achievement (Revised as Strategic Parenting, Birth Order and School Achievement , February 2011).
Parenting, Family Processes, Relationships, and Parental Support in Multiracial and Multiethnic Families: An Exploratory Study of Youth Perceptions
Parents and Partners: The Effect of Children on Men's and Women's Family Formation Processes Over the Life Course in the United States
Parents Marital History and Intergenerational Transmission of Earnings and Income
Parents Matter: The Role of Parents in Teens' Decisions About Sex
Parents, Children, and Residential Mobility in Life Course Perspective
Parents' Education, Cognitive Ability, Educational Expectations and Educational Attainment: Interactive Effects
Parents' Jobs and Children's Lives
Parents' Long Hours May Harm Children
Parents' Nonstandard Work Schedules and Adolescents' Socio-Emotional Outcomes
Parents' Psychological Well-being and Story Reading: A Six Year Cross-Lagged Analysis
Parents' Work and Children's Social Capital: The Interface of Work, Parenting, and Child Adjustment in Mother/Father and Mother/Stepfather Families
Parents' Workshift and Attention and Behavior Problems in School Aged Children
Parity and Body Mass Index in U.S. Women: A Prospective 25-year Study
Parity and Women's Labor Force Participation
Part-time Employment and Women's Health
Part-Time Employment as Predictors of Adolescent Alcohol Use in a National Longitudinal Survey
Part-Time Employment Transitions Among Young Women
Part-Time Industry, Women's Attachment to the Labor Force, and the Hourly Wage
Part-Time Work and the Structure of Youth Labor Market Entry
Part-Week Work and Human Capital Investment by Married Women
Part-Week Work and Women's Unemployment
Part-Week Work by Married Women
Partial Insurance and Investments in Children
Partial Insurance and Investments in Children
Partially Linear Models Under Data Combination
Participation Dynamics in Low-Income Housing Assistance Programs
Participation in Career and Technical Education and School-To-Work in American High Schools
Participation in Food Assistance, Maternal Employment, and Child Obesity
Participation in Food Assistance, Maternal Employment, and Child Obesity
Participation in Job Training Over Working Life and Employment Outcomes Among Mid-Career Women in the United States
Participation in Low-Wage Labor Markets by Young Men
Participation in Project Head Start: Determinants and Possible Intermediate-Term Consequences
Participation in Project Head Start: Determinants and Possible Short-Term Consequences
Participation in Secondary Vocational Education and its Relationship to College Enrollment and Major
Participation in Secondary Vocational Education and its Relationship to College Enrollment and Major
Participation in Secondary Vocational Education and its Relationship to Training-Related Placement and Unemployment Rates
Participation in the All-Volunteer Force: The Effect on Civilian Earnings
Participation in the Unemployment Insurance Program and Childhood Achievement
Participation in Vocational Education and Underemployment Among United States High School Graduates
Participation in Vocational Education: An Overview of Patterns and Their Outcomes
Partner and Grandmother Contact in Black and White Teen Parent Families
The Partners of Welfare Mothers. Potential Earnings and Child Support
Partnership and Insomnia Status Among Mothers
Partnership Status and Sleep Quality among Mothers
Partnership Status and the Human Sex Ratio at Birth
Partnership Status and the Human Sex Ratio at Birth
Partnership Status and the Wage Premium in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Norway: What Explains Differentials Between Married and Cohabiting Adults?
Passing the Torch: Does Higher Education for the Disadvantaged Pay Off Across the Generations?
Paternal Absence and Child Behavior: Does a Child's Gender Make a Difference?
Paternal Absence and Child Behavior: Does Child Gender Make a Difference?
Paternal Absence from the Home: Consequences for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Paternal Child Care and Children's Development
Paternal Death, Parental Divorce, and Timing of First Substance Use in an Ethnically Diverse Sample
Paternal Relationship History and Male Fertility: Evidence from the NLSY
Paternal Residence and Parental Involvement with Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Parental Relationship Quality
Paternity Establishment: A Public Policy Conference; Vol. II: Studies of the Circumstances of Mothers and Fathers. Special Report #56B
Paternity Leave, Religion, and Father Involvement with Children
The Path to SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Dynamics Among Young Adults
Paths Through Secondary Education: Race/Ethnic and Gender Differences
Pathways From ADHD to Delinquency: The Role of Interpersonal Relationships and Self-Perception
Pathways from Family Religiosity to Adolescent Sexual Activity and Contraceptive Use
Pathways from Parental Education to Adult Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms
Pathways into and Out of Confinement: A Life-Course Study of Girls and School Discipline
Pathways into Bankruptcy: Accumulating Disadvantage and the Consequences of Adverse Life Events
Pathways of Children’s Long-term Living Arrangements: A Latent Class Analysis
Pathways of Early Fatherhood, Marriage, and Employment: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
Pathways to Adolescent Overweight: Body Mass Index and Height Percentile Change in Childhood
Pathways to Adulthood and Marriage: Teenagers’ Attitudes, Expectations, and Relationship Patterns
Pathways to Adulthood and Marriage: Teenagers’ Attitudes, Expectations, and Relationship Patterns
Pathways to Adulthood and Their Precursors: Roles of Gender and Race
Pathways to Childlessness in the United States: A Group-Based Analysis of Employment and Marital Union Trajectories
Pathways to College across Two Youth Cohorts
Pathways to Educational Attainment and their Effect on Early Career Development
Pathways to Educational Homogamy in Marital and Cohabiting Unions
Pathways to Family Formation in an Era of Student Loan Debt
Pathways to High School Graduation: Dynamic Modeling-Based Microsimulation of School Enrollment and Youth Employment
Pathways to High-Quality Jobs for Young Adults
Pathways to Increasing Child Health: Implications for Policy, Research, and Practice
Pathways to Marriage and Union Formation among Young Adults
Pathways to Nonmarital Birth in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Pathways to the Future, Volume II: A Final Report on the National Survey of Youth Labor Market Experience in 1980
Pathways to the Future, Volume III: A Final Report on the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience in 1981
Pathways to the Future, Volume IV: A Report on the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience in 1982
Pathways to the Future, Volume V: A Report on the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience in 1983
Pathways to the Future, Volume VI: A Report on the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience of Youth in 1984
Pathways to the Future: A Longitudinal Study of Young Americans: Preliminary Report on the 1980 Survey
Pathways to the Future: A Longitudinal Study of Young Americans: Preliminary Report on the 1981 Survey
Pathways to the Future: A Report on the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Labor Market Experience in 1979
Pathways to the Future: A Longitudinal Study of Young Americans. Preliminary Report: Youth and the Labor Market - 1979
Pathways to the Middle Class: Balancing Personal and Public Responsibilities
Patient, Inform Thyself
Patriotism and the All-Volunteer Force
Patterned Adolescent Socially Deviant Behavior
Patterned Adolescent Socially Deviant Behavior
Patterning of Child Assessment Completion Rates in the NLSY: 1986-1996
The Patterning of Female Teenage Sexual Behavior and its Relationship to Early Fertility
Patterns and Determinants of Paternal Child Care During a Child's First Three Years of Life
Patterns and Determinants of Paternal Child Care During a Child's First Three Years of Life
Patterns and Factors of High School Dropout Risks of Racial and Linguistic Groups
Patterns and Implications of Step-Parents/Adolescent Relationships
Patterns and Predictors of Debt: A Panel Study, 1985-2008
Patterns and Predictors of Women's Employment during Early Parenthood: An Application of the Group-Based Trajectory Method
Patterns of Adult Male Coresidence Among Young Children of Adolescent Mothers
Patterns of Caregiving and Work: Evidence from Two Surveys
Patterns of Childcare Use for Young Children within Women's Work/Family Pathways: A Group-Based Multi-Trajectory Modeling Approach
Patterns of Childhood Residence and the Relationship to Young Adult Outcomes
Patterns of Coresident Adult Men in Maritally Disrupted Families and the Verbal Intellectual Functioning and Psychosocial Dysfunctioning of Young Children
Patterns of Early Labor Force Participation of American Women
Patterns of Early Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: An Analysis of Children from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Patterns of Informal Job Matching Across the Life Course: Entry-Level, Reentry-Level, and Elite Non-Searching
Patterns of Labor Mobility in a Dual Economy: The Case of Semi-skilled and Unskilled Workers
Patterns of Later Life Education Among Teenage Mothers
Patterns of Marriage and Divorce From Ages 15 to 55: Evidence From the NLSY79
Patterns of Migration Propensity for Black and White American Men: Evidence from a Cohort Analysis
Patterns of Nonresident Father Contact
Patterns of Nonresident-Father Involvement
Patterns of Participation in Secondary Vocational Education: A Report Based on Transcript and Interview Data of the 1979 and 1980 NLS New Youth Cohort
Patterns of Poverty and Financial Assistance Among Premature Mothers
Patterns of Poverty Exposure and Children's Trajectories of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors
Patterns of School Victimization and Problem Behaviors: Longitudinal Associations with Socioeconomic Well-Being and Criminal Justice Involvement
Pavement Pounding Patterns. Work and Family: Jobs Held and Weeks Worked by Young Adults, NLS Report 827
Pay Differentials by Class of Worker: A Comparison of Hourly Earnings in the Public and Private Sectors
"Pay Equity Day" Is Not What It Seems
Pay Matters: The Positive Economic Impacts of Paid Family Leave for Families, Businesses and the Public
Pay Premiums for Economic Sector and Race: A Decomposition
Pay Premiums for Economic Sector and Race: A Decomposition
Paying Kids' Way: Parental Financial Support and Adolescents' College Choices
PC-based Model for Estimating Regional Recruit Markets
Pecuniary Implications of On-the-Job Search and Quit Activity
Peer and Individual Risk Factors in Adolescence Explaining the Relationship Between Girls' Pubertal Timing and Teenage Childbearing
Peer and School Externalizing Behaviors Among Early Adolescents: An Ecological Systems Analysis
Peer Effects on Substance Use Among American Teenagers
Peer Effects on Substance Use Among American Teenagers
Peer Influence or Projection Bias? Predicting Respondent Delinquency with Perceptual Measures of Peer Delinquency in 22 Samples
Peer Pressure and Substance Use: A Trajectory Analysis Using Primary Socialization Theory
Penalties Compounded for African American Men: Incarceration, Earnings and Racial Inequality In Labor Markets
The Penalty of Obesity on Grade Point Average: Evaluating Mechanisms through Variation by Gender, Race, and School Subject
The Pension Mix For Women In Middle and Late Life: The Changing Employment Relationship
Pensions and Implicit Contracts: A Labor Market Test
People Details
People of Color are More Likely to Work Long, Irregular Hours that Could Lead to Severe Health Issues by Age 50
People Patterns: Women Who Get Ahead May Not Get Richer
People People
Perceived Discrimination, Work Attitudes, and Labor Market Experience
Perceived Environmental Threats as a Factor in Reproductive Behavior: An Examination of American Youth
Perceived Purchases: The Effects of Financial Strain on Depressive Symptoms in Early Adulthood
Perceived Subfecundity and Contraceptive Use Among Young Adult U.S. Women
Perceived Utility of Job Training Methods Among Young Men
Perceived Work-Related Discrimination by Women: Implications for Social Justice and Affirmative Action
Perception of Financial Progress and Family Saving, Debt, and Labor Force Behavior
Perceptions of Crime and Punishment: An Analysis of the Effect on Juvenile Delinquency
Perceptions of Educational Opportunity and Early Childbearing: An Empirical Assessment of the Opportunity Cost Hypothesis
Perceptions of Educational Opportunity Transition to First Birth: An Empirical Assessment of the Opportunity Cost Hypothesis
Perceptions of Family Relationship Factors and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: What Roles Do Parents and Gender Play?
Perceptual Deterrence and Deterrability: Individual Differences and Risk Perceptions in a National Sample
Performance Pay and Employee Turnover
Performance Pay and Fringe Benefits: Work Incentives or Compensating Wage Differentials?
Performance Pay and the White-Black Wage Gap
Performance Pay and Work Hours: US Survey Evidence
Performance Pay and Workplace Injury: Panel Evidence
Performance Pay, Competitiveness, and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from the United States
Performance Pay, the Gender Gap, and Specialization within Marriage
Performance Standards for Secondary School Vocational Education
Perinatal and Infancy Factors Associated with Personality Functioning During Early Childhood
Permanent and Transitory Wage Effects in a Multi-Period Family Labor Supply Model
Permanent Exits from Public Assistance: The Impact of Duration, Family, and Work
Permanent Income and the Black-White Test Score Gap
Persistence Bias and the Wage-Schooling Model
Persistence of Poverty across Generations: A Comparison of Anglos, Blacks, and Latinos
The Persistence of Wives' Income Advantage
Persistent and Transitory Poverty Across Locations in the United States
Persistent Economic Deprivation and Grade Retention among Urban Black Children
Persistent Exposure to Poverty During Childhood Limits Later Leader Emergence
Persistent Inequality? Answers From Hybrid Models for Longitudinal Data
Persistent Marijuana Use: Evidence from the NLSY
Persistent Poverty and Rural Residence Among Young Adults
Person Level Analysis in Latent Growth Curve Models
Personal and Family Predictors of Children's Medically Attended Injuries that Occurred in the Home
Personal and Family Predictors of Children's Medically Attended Injuries that Occurred in the Home
Personal Bankruptcy and the Health of Families and Children
Personal Retirement Accounts and the American Welfare State: A Study of Income Volatility and Socioeconomic Status as Correlates of PRA Support
Personality and Development in Childhood: A Person-Centered Approach
Personality and Internet Usage: A Large-scale Representative Study of Young Adults
Personality and the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Status
Personality Risk for Antisocial Behavior: Testing the Intersections Between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Sensation Seeking, and Impulse Control in Adolescence
Personality Trait by Intelligence Interaction Effects on Grades Tend to Be Synergistic
Perspectives on Educational Attainment from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Behavior
Perspectives on Longitudinal Surveys
Phew! Working Moms Finally Get A Break Just In Time For Mother's Day, Shari Thurer Busts A Guilt-Tripping Myth
Physical Activity and Childhood Obesity
Physical Activity and Time Preference
The Physical and Mental Health Returns of Head Start 25 Years After Participation: Evidence from Income Eligibility Cutoffs
Physical Appearance and Ancestry as Predictors of Racial Passing: A Research Note on Racial (Non-)Fluidity in the U.S.
Physical Appearance and Earnings, Hair Color Matters
Physical Appearance and Wages: Do Blondes Have More Fun?
Physical Discipline and Behavior Problems in African American, European American, and Hispanic Children: Emotional Support as a Moderator
Place Meets Race: Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Association Between Childhood Neighborhood Disadvantage and Adult Incarceration
Place of Residence as It Relates to Female Labor Force Participation, Work Time Supplied and Income Returns
Placing Racial Fluidity in Context
Placing the Community College Effect in Context: An Institution Serving Uncertainty and Marginality
Play Dough
"Playing House": Financial Integration and Relationship Transitions among Current Cohabitors
Police Record an Extra Burden in Job Hunt
Policy Findings Related to Military Service from the Youth Cohort of the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience
Policy Findings Related to Military Service from the Youth Cohort of the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience
Policy Matters: The Relationship Between Public Policy, Paid Family Leave, and Economic Security for U.S. Workers
Political Engagement's Non-political Roots: Examining the Role of Basic Psychological Needs in the Political Domain
Poor Parents, Poor Parenting? The Influence of Poverty
Poor White Kids Are less Likely to Go to Prison than Rich Black Kids
Poor Youth and Employment: A Social Psychological Perspective
Population Density And Youth Antisocial Behavior
Population Growth and Human Capital Investments: Theory and Evidence
Population with Criminal Records and Racial Disparity in Labor Markets
A Population-based Analysis of the Association between Health Insurance Coverage and Psychological Distress and the Influence of other Mediating Factors among Young Adults in the United States
A Population-based Analysis of the Association between Health Insurance Coverage and Psychological Health, and the Influence of Other Mediating Factors among Young Adults in the United States Who Have Been a Victim of a Violent Crime
Por Qué la Desigualdad Salarial entre Hombres y Mujeres Empieza en la Adolescencia (y Cómo Evitarlo)
Portfolio of Employment Choices: How Important is Diversification for Unemployment Duration and Wage Loss?
Position in the Economic Structure and Unexpected Retirement
Positive Outcomes among the Adolescent Children of Teen Mothers
Post Service Earnings Growth Rates of Military Veterans in the Era of the All-Volunteer Force
Post-conviction Employment: Navigating the "Free" Market with the Stigma of a Criminal Record
Post-Conviction Housing Instability
Post-Pregnancy Factors Predicting Teen Mothers' Educational Attainment by Age 30 in Two National Cohorts
Post-School Training of Young Adults
Post-school-age Training among Women: A Comparison of Education, On-the-Job and Other Training and Their Effects on Wages
Post-School-Age Training among Women: Training Methods and Labor Market Outcomes at Older Ages
Post-Schooling Off-The-Job Training and Its Benefits
Post-Secondary Attendance by Parental Income in the U.S. and Canada : What Role for Financial Aid Policy?
Post-secondary Attendance by Parental Income in the U.S. and Canada: Do Financial Aid Policies Explain the Differences?
Post-service Earnings of Vietman-era Veterans
Post-Service Educational Benefits & the All-Volunteer Force: Some Evidence from the Youth Cohorts of the National Longitudinal Surveys
The Postmilitary Earnings of Female Veterans
Postponing Marriage: The Influence of Young Women's Work Expectations
Postschool Education and Training: Accessible to All?
Postschooling Training Investment and Employer Learning
Postsecondary Academic Experiences in the Link between Education and Health
Postsecondary Curricular Trajectories: Trends, Outcomes, and New Directions
Postsecondary Education and Mental Health: Effects of Earned Credits versus Credentials
Postsecondary Experiences of Students with Varying Participation in Secondary Vocational Education
Postsecondary Vocational Training and Its Relationship to Labor Force Participation and Wages Among Youth in the United States
Potential Biases in Measuring Male-Female Discrimination
Potential Cultural Bias in a Standardized Reading Test: Implications for Predicting Subsequent Academic Achievement
Potential Effect of Welfare Reform Policies on Promoting Responsible Young Fatherhood
Potential Recipients of Family Assistance Payments: Characteristics and Labor Market Behavior
Poverty Among Older Women
Poverty and Adolescent Mental Health: The Role of Maternal Psychological Resources
Poverty and Change in Children's Depression and Self-Esteem During the Adolescent Transition
Poverty and Child Development: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit
Poverty and Child Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Processes and Effects
Poverty and Child Well-Being in Canada and the United States: Does it Matter How We Measure Poverty?
Poverty and Children's Nutritional Status in the United States
Poverty and Crime: The Role of Public Assistance Receipt
Poverty and Education in the United States, 1969-1988: An Analysis of Women's Returns to Human Capital Investment
Poverty and Family Structure Effects on Children's Mathematics Achievement: Estimates from Random and Fixed Effects Models
Poverty and Migration Among Metropolitan Young Adults: Race and Gender
Poverty and Migration: Synthesis of Macrolevel and Microlevel Perspectives of Migration
Poverty and the Development of African American Children: Testing an Adaptation of McLloyd's Theoretical Model with the NLSY
Poverty and the Marital Behavior of Young Women
Poverty and the Minimum Wage
Poverty and Welfare Duration Among Young Adults
Poverty and Welfare Patterns: Implications for Children
Poverty and Welfare Patterns: Implications for Children
Poverty Duration, Maternal Psychological Resources, and Adolescent Socioemotional Outcomes
Poverty During Adolescence and Subsequent Educational Attainment
Poverty Dynamics Among Mature Women: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys, 1967-1989
Poverty Dynamics Among Young Adults in Rural and Urban United States
Poverty Dynamics and Cognitive Development Among Young Children
Poverty Dynamics and Cognitive Development Among Young Children
Poverty Dynamics, Poverty Thresholds and Mortality: An Age-Stage Markovian Model
Poverty Experience and Children's Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes: Contrasting a Latent Growth Curve and Piece-Wise Model of Individual Change
Poverty Experiences and the Transition to Adolescence: Measuring the Impact of Poverty Status and Duration of Internalized and Externalized Outcomes of Young Adolescents
Poverty Experiences of Young Children and the Quality of Their Home Environments
Poverty History, Marital History, and Quality of Children's Home Environments
Poverty in the Family: Race, Siblings, and Socioeconomic Heterogeneity
Poverty in the Family: Siblings of the Black and White Middle Class
Poverty in the Family: Siblings of the Black and White Middle Class
Poverty over Time and Location: An Examination of Metro/Nonmetro Differences
Poverty Patterns and Cognitive Development in the NLSY
Poverty, Delinquency, and Educational Attainment: Cumulative Disadvantage or Disadvantage Saturation?
Poverty, Food Stamp Program Participation, and Health: Estimates from the NLSY97
Poverty, Nutritional Status, Growth and Cognitive Development of Children in the United States
Poverty, Parenting, and Children's Mental Health
Poverty, Parenting, Peer, and Neighborhood Influences on Young Adolescent Antisocial Behavior
Poverty, Pregnancy, and Birth Outcomes: A Study of the Earned Income Tax Credit
Poverty, Public Assistance and Children in Intact and Single-Mother Families
Poverty, Public Assistance, and Children in Intact and Single-Mother Families
Poverty, Social Context and Children's Mental Health Across the Early Life Course
Poverty, Social Mediators, and Early Adolescents' Mental Health
Poverty, Welfare, and Family Structure: Consequences for Children's Cognitive Development
Power and Mobilization: The Problem of All-Volunteer Force Enlistment
Power in Numbers? A Dynamic Model of Wages and Gender Sorting in the Face of Time-Varying Prejudice
Power of Personality: Labor Market Rewards and the Transmission of Earnings
Power of Teen Motherhood in Predicting Later Educational Attainment
The Power of the Pill: Oral Contraceptives and Women's Career and Marriage Decisions
Powerlessness and Job Satisfaction
Powerlessness, Health and Mortality: A Longitudinal Study of Older Men and Mature Women
Pre- and Post-Natal Maternal Smoking Trajectories: The Role of Multiple Health Behaviors and Behavioral-Risk Profiles
Pre-Marital Birth, Marriage, and Welfare
Pre-Market Skills, Occupational Choice, and Career Progression
Pre-parenthood Sense of Self and the Adjustment to the Transition to Parenthood
Pre-retirement Labor Market Effects of Woman's Post-School-Age Training
Pre-Retirement Years, Volume 1: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of the Cohort of Men 45-59 Years of Age
Pre-Retirement Years, Volume 2: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of Men
Pre-Retirement Years, Volume 3: A Longitudinal Study of the Labor Market Experience of Men
Pre-Retirement Years, Volume 4: Five Years in the Work Lives of Middle-Aged Men
Precarious Employment and Entry into Marriage and Cohabitation
Precarious Transitions: How Precarious Employment Shapes Parental Coresidence among Young Adults
Precarious Work Schedules among Early-Career Employees in the US: A National Snapshot
Precautionary Saving and Unemployment Insurance: Theoretical Insights and Their Empirical Relevance
Precautionary Saving by Young Immigrants and Young Natives
Precautionary Savings - A Panel Study
Precautionary Savings--A Panel Study
Precocious Life Course Transitions, Exits From, and Returns to the Parental Home
Predicted Future Earnings and Choice of College Major
Predicted vs. Potential Work Experience in an Earnings Function for Young Women
Predicting Age at Onset of Menopause: Testing the “Adaptive Onset” Hypothesis
Predicting Age of Sexual Initiation: Family-Level Antecedents in Three Ethnic Groups
Predicting Antisocial Behavior Among Latino Young Adolescents: An Ecological Systems Analysis
Predicting Arrest Probability Across Time: A Test of Competing Perspectives
Predicting Arrest Probability Across Time: An Exploration of Competing Risk Perspectives
Predicting Educational Attainment for a Minor Child: Some Further Evidence
Predicting Educational Attainment: Does Grit Compensate for low Levels of Cognitive Ability?
Predicting Heavy Drug Use: Results of a Longitudinal Study, Youth Characteristics Describing and Predicting Heavy Drug Use by Adults
Predicting High Quality AFQT with Youth Attitude Tracking Study Data
Predicting High-risk versus Higher-risk Substance Use during Late Adolescence from Early Adolescent Risk Factors Using Latent Class Analysis
Predicting Life-Course Persistent Offending Using Machine Learning
Predicting Marital Separation: Do Parent–Child Relationships Matter?
Predicting Middle School Students' Academic Self-Esteem: Family- and School-Level Antecedents
Predicting Participation in Retirement Preparation Programs
Predicting Physical Activity and Lifelong Health Through Personal Control and Educational Attainment
Predicting School-Age Behavior Problems: The Role of Early Childhood Risk Factors
Predicting Teenage Birth: A Latent Class Analysis
Predicting the Divorce Decisions of Young Women Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Predicting the Influence of Demographic Differences and Schooling Experience in Adolescence on Occupational Choice in Adulthood
Predicting the Retirement Intentions of Professional Workers
Predictive Power of Early Adulthood Reports of Intentions for Childlessness
Predictors of Adolescent Delinquent Trajectories: Neighborhood Factors and Family Processes Examined Through Longitudinal Growth Modeling
Predictors of Alcohol Use Are Different for Youth Attending and Not Attending College
Predictors of Birth Planning Status and Its Consequences for Children
Predictors of Categorical At-Risk High School Dropouts
Predictors of Early Alcohol Drinking Onset
Predictors of Latent Growth in Sexual Risk Taking in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Predictors of Maternal Behavior and Their Effects on the Achievement of Children: Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Predictors of Military Enlistment: Analysis of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Socio-economic Status, Educational Achievement, and Delinquency
The Predictors of Parental Use of Corporal Punishment
Predictors of Retirement
Predictors of the Presence of Parents in Households of Middle-Aged Women
Predictors of the Quality of the Home Environment Adolescent Mothers Provide for Their School-Age Children
Predictors of the Trajectory of Hyperactivity in Middle and Late Childhood
Predictors of Verbal Intelligence and Behavior Problems Among Four-Year-Old Children
Predictors of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses: National Survey Findings
Preemployment Consequences of Job Search and Likelihood of Offer Acceptance
Preference Heterogeneity and Optimal Capital Income Taxation
Preferences for Employment and Perceived Well-Being Among Black Single Employed Mothers of Preschool-Aged Children
Preferences, Partners, and Parenthood: Linking Early Fertility Desires, Marriage Timing, and Achieved Fertility
Preferences, Partners, and Parenthood: Linking Early Fertility Desires, Union Formation Timing, and Achieved Fertility
Pregnancy and Post-delivery Maternal Weight Changes and Overweight in Preschool Children
Pregnancy Intention from Men's Perspectives: Does Child Support Enforcement Matter?
Pregnancy Intention from Men's Perspectives: Does Child Support Enforcement Matter?
Pregnancy Risk Lessened For Teenagers with High Educational Aspirations
Pregnancy Wantedness and Pregnancy Resolution: Profiling the Population from an Interventionist Perspective
Pregnancy: A Risk Factor for Social Inequalities in Overweight and Obesity?
Prejudice and Racial Matches in Employment
A Preliminary Analysis of the Occupational Aspirations of Hispanic, Black, and White Youths: The Role of Government-Sponsored Employment and Training
Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Quality: A Reassessment
Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Quality: A Reassessment
Premarital Pregnancies, Pregnancy Resolutions and Public Policy
Premature Death Risk from Young Adulthood Incarceration
Prenatal Caloric Intake and the Development of Academic Achievement Among U.S. Children From Ages 5 to 14
Prenatal Investments, Breastfeeding, and Birth Order
Prenatal, Perinatal, Early Life, and Sociodemographic Factors Underlying Racial Differences in the Likelihood of High Body Mass Index in Early Childhood
Preparing Interviewers' Training Materials: An Evaluation of New Materials Used on the 1971 Survey of Work Experience of Young Women
Prepregnancy Obesity and Birth Outcomes
Prepregnancy Obesity and Birth Outcomes
Preschool-Age Skills Gaps and the Changing Technology of Parenting
Prescription and Non-Prescription Drug Use: A Longitudinal Study
Prescription for a Longer Life
Presence of Father's Day
Prestige Versus Socioeconomic Status in the Attainment Processes of American Men and Women
The Prevalence and Instability of Grandparental Coresidence During Childhood
Prevalence and Patterns of Earned Income Tax Credit Use Among Eligible Tax-Filing Families: A Panel Study, 1999-2005
Prevalence and Population Validity of DSM-III-R Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: The 1989 National Longitudinal Survey on Youth
The Prevalence of Obesity and Overweight Among Young Adults: An Analysis Using the NLSY
The Prevalence of Precarious Work Schedules Among Early-Career Adults in the US
Prevalence, Correlates, and Trajectory of Television Viewing Among Infants and Toddlers
Prevalence, Patterns, and Outcomes
Preventing Behavior Problems in Childhood and Adolescence: Evidence from Head Start
Preventing Risky Sex
Preventing Youthful Disconnectedness
Price for Early School
The Price of Polarization: Estimating Task Prices under Routine‐biased Technical Change
The Price of Privilege? Investigating Gendered Child Wage Gaps within Couples By Educational Attainment and Professional/Managerial Status
Price, Quality, and Income in Child Care Choice
Prices of Unhealthy Foods, Food Stamp Program Participation, and Body Weight Status among U.S. Low-Income Women
Pricing Labor in an Uncertain World
Primary and Repeat Migration: Comparisons of Hispanics, Black and non-Hispanic White Migration in the United States
The Primary Parental Investment in Children in the Contemporary USA is Education
Principal Component Analysis vs. Exploratory Factor Analysis
Prior Incarceration Is Associated with Poor Mental Health at Midlife: Findings from a National Longitudinal Cohort Study
A Prison of Debt? Incarceration and Consumer Debt in Young Adulthood
Prison Time Shortens Life Spans for Black Americans, But Not Whites
Prison, Race and Space: The Impact of Incarceration on Career Trajectories and Labor Market Outcomes
Private Pensions and Savings: New Evidence
Private Sector Training and Its Impact on the Earnings of Young Workers
Private Sector Training: Who Gets It and What Are Its Effects
Private-sector Training and the Earnings of Young Workers
Probabilities of Job Choice and Employer Selection and Male-Female Occupational Differences
Probability of Children's Treatment for Depression, Conditional on Symptomology, as a Function of Socioeconomic Status
The Probability of Receiving Benefits at Different Hours of Work
The Probability of Receiving Benefits at Different Hours of Work
The Probability of Teenage Parenthood: Parental Predictions and Their Accuracy
Probing Factors that Influence Job Satisfaction and Health
Problem Behaviors in Childhood: Behavior-Genetics Modeling of National Data
Problem of Respondent Attrition: Survey Methodology is Key
Problem with Men, The
Problems of Labor Market Reentry
A Process Model of Dropping Out of School: Implications for Research and Policy in an Era of Raised Academic Standards
Process of Career Goal Formation
Processing Speed Mediates the Development of General Intelligence (g) in Adolescence
Processing Speed Mediates the Development of Tech Tilt and Academic Tilt in Adolescence
The Production of Cognitive Achievement in Children: Home, School and Racial Test Score Gaps
The Production of Cognitive Achievement in Children: Home, School and Racial Test Score Gaps
The Production of Cognitive Achievement in Children: Home, School, and Racial Test Score Gaps
Productive Activities and Support Systems of Single Mothers
The Productivity Argument for Investing in Young Children
The Productivity Argument for Investing in Young Children
The Productivity Argument for Investing in Young Children
The Productivity Argument for Investing in Young Children
Productivity Consequences of What is Learned in High School
Productivity Differences and the Marriage Wage Premium for White Males
Productivity Spillovers Within Families and Firms
Professionals, Carpenters, and Childcare Workers: Sex Differences in Self-Employment Participation and Earnings
Profile of American Youth: 1980 Nationwide Administration of the ASVAB
Profile of Disability Among Families on AFDC
A Profile of Women Potentially Eligible for the Displaced Homemaker Program under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1978
Profiles of Fertility, Labour Supply, and Wages of Married Women: A Complete Life-Cycle Model
Profiling the Plight of Disconnected Youth in America
Profiling the Plight of Disconnected Youth in America
Profit Sharing and the Demand for Low-Skill Workers
Programs That Mitigate the Effects of Poverty on Children
Progress through College: Determinants of Successful Completion of Each Undergraduate Year
Projecting Female Labor Force Participation From Sex-Role Attitudes
Projecting the Impact of Obesity on a Cohort of School-Aged Hispanic Children
Projections of the Male Youth Population and Enlistment Propensity by Army Recruiting Battalion, 1980-1995
The Promise of Early Interventions for Improving Socioeconomic Outcomes of Black Men
Promotion and Wages in Mid-Career: Gender, Unionism, and Sector
Promotion Prospects, Job Search and the Quit Behavior of Employed Youth
Promotion Prospects, Job Search and the Quit Behavior of Employed Youth
Promotions Among Women
Promotions and Race: An Analysis of Wage Returns and Job Satisfaction
Propagation of Obesity across Generations: The Roles of Differential Realized Fertility and Assortative Mating by Body Mass Index
Propensity and the Enlistment Decision
Propensity of Parental Divorce and the Educational Attainment of Children
Propensity of Young Women to Enlist in the Military: A Report to Congress
Propensity Score Matching, a Distance-Based Measure of Migration, and the Wage Growth of Young Men
Propensity Score-based Methods Versus MTE-based Methods in Causal Inference: Identification, Estimation, and Application
Propensity to Agree to be an NLSY97 Respondent: Evidence from the Screener Data
Propensity to Marry and Heterogeneity in the Health Benefits of Marriage
Property Crime: Investigating Career Patterns and Earnings
Proposal for Targeted, Neo-Evolutionary-Oriented, Secondary Prevention of Early-Onset Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Part I: Pathogenic Aspects
Prospective Association of Childhood Receptive Vocabulary and Conduct Problems with Self-Reported Adolescent Delinquency: Tests of Mediation and Moderation in Sibling-Comparison Analyses
Prospective Associations between US State-level Corruption and Individual-level Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Middle-aged Americans: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youths 1979
Prospective Fertility Among Young Women in the United States: The Determinants of Fertility Expectations and Ideals
Prospective Life Style Congruence Among American Adolescents: Variations in the Association Between Fertility Expectations and Ideas Regarding Women's Roles
A Prospective Study of Adolescent Pregnancy
A Prospective Study of Teen Pregnancy
Prospective versus Retrospective Measurement of Unwanted Fertility: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Inconsistencies Assessed for a Cohort of US Women
The Protective Role of Parental Vigilance in the Link between Risky Childhood Environments and Health
Prototypical Career Paths in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Locations in the United States
Proxies for Observations on Individuals Sampled from a Population: A Reply
The Proximate Determinants of Educational Homogamy: The Effects of First Marriage, Marital Dissolution, Remarriage, and Educational Upgrading
Psychic Income and Self Employment
Psychological and Demographic Characteristics as Determinants of Women's Health Insurance Coverage
Psychological Distress and Health Insurance Coverage among Formerly Incarcerated Young Adults in the United States
Psychological Distress, Hopelessness and Welfare
The Psychological Impact of Unemployment and Joblessness
Psychological Profiles and Adolescent Adjustment: A Person-Centered Approach
Psychological Stress and Maternal Mental Health -- Transcript
Psychological Traits and the Gender Wage Gap
Psychological Well-Being in Development: Interdisciplinary Analysis of Race, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status
Psychological Well-Being in the Early Life Course: Variations by Socioeconomic Status, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity
Psychological Well-Being of Adolescent Parents and Their Non-Parenting Peers
Psychological, Attitudinal, and Socio-Demographic Correlates of Economic Well-Being of Mature Women
Psychology, Money, and Marital Arguments: What Shapes a Woman's Happiness Level?
The Psychosocial Adjustment of Well Siblings of Chronically Ill Children
Psychosocial Correlates of Women's Attachment to the Labor Force
A Psychosocial Development Approach to Understanding Youth Work Outcomes: An Exploratory Study Utilizing National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997) Data
Psychosocial Functioning of Well Siblings of Chronically Ill Children: Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Psychosocial Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis in a Nationally Representative Sample of American Youths
Public and Private Support Systems: Evaluating the Effects of Welfare Status and Children's Participation in Head Start on Child Outcomes
A Public Health Model of Alcohol Use and Related Problems: Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Public Housing Revisited: Racial Differences, Housing Assistance, and Socioeconomic Attainment Among Low-Income Families
Public Policies and Economic Hardship: Determining Where Individual Decisions Confront Structural Barriers
Public Policies, Private Support and Single Mothers' Schooling, Work, and Child Care
Public Policy and the Economics of Entrepreneurship
Public Sector-Private Sector Differences in Reasons Underlying Expressed Union Preferences
Public vs. Private Schools: The Impact on Wage Rates
Punishing Race and Suspending Futures: The Effects of Suspension on Young Adult Involvement in the Criminal Justice System
Punishment and Inequality in America
Punishment and Inequality in America
Punitive versus Medicalized Responses to Childhood Behavior Problems and High School Graduation
Punitive versus Medicalized Responses to Childhood Behavior Problems and Well-Being in Young Adulthood
The Push and the Pull: Adolescents' Expectations for Early Pregnancy
Putting Process into Policy Development: A Case Study in Manpower Policy for Young Men
Putting Training in Perspective: A Longitudinal Case-Study Approach

The Quality and Comparability of Child Care Data in U.S. Surveys
Quality of Center Care and Preschool Cognitive Outcomes: Differences by Family Income
The Quality of Education and Cohort Variation in Black-White Earnings Differentials: Reply
The Quality of Male Fertility Data in Major U.S. Surveys
The Quality of Male Fertility Data in Major U.S. Surveys
The Quality of the Caregiving Environment and Child Developmental Outcomes Associated with Maternal History of Abortion Using NLSY Data
Quality Over Quantity? Using Sibling Comparisons to Examine Relations between Sleep Quality, Sleep Duration, and Delinquency
The Quality-Adjusted Cyclical Price of Labor
Quality, Price, and Income in Child Care Choice
A Quantile Correlated Random Coefficients Panel Data Model
Quantile Regression Analysis of Body Mass and Wages
Quantile Regression with Panel Data
A Quantitative Procedure for the Assignment of Industries to Capital Sector Types
A Quantitative Theory of the Gender Gap in Wages
A Quantitative Theory of the Gender Gap in Wages
Quantity and Frequency of Alcohol Consumption: Race-Gender Differences During Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Quantity of Learning and Quality of Life for Public and Private High School Youth
The Quantity-Quality Trade-off and the Formation of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills
The Quantity-Quality Tradeoff and the Formation of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills
Quarrelsome Love: A Growth Curve Analysis of Interparental and Parent-Child Relationship Factors on Romantic Relationship Conflict in Emerging Adulthood
Quasi-Experimental Analyses of Early Schooling Investments
A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of the Association Between Family Income and Offspring Conduct Problems
A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Child and Adolescent Conduct Problems
Quasi-experimental Approaches to Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Teenage Childbirth
Quasi-Structural Estimation of a Model of Child Care Choices
Quasi-structural Estimation of a Model of Childcare Choices and Child Cognitive Ability Production
Questions and Answers on Measurement of High School Graduation Rates and Trends
The Quiet Struggle of Male Breadwinners

Race and Cohort Differences in Family Status in the United States
Race and Ethnic Differences in Determinants of Preterm Birth in the USA: Broadening the Social Context
Race and Ethnicity, Family Structure, and High School Graduation
Race and Gender Differences in The Cognitive Effects of Childhood Overweight
Race and Gender in Families and at Work:The Fatherhood Wage Premium
Race and General Cognitive Ability: The Myth of Diminishing Returns to Education
Race and Marital History as Correlates of Women's Access to Family-Friendly Employee Benefits
Race and Sex Differences in Career Dynamics
Race and Sex Differences in Career Dynamics
Race and Sex Differences in Quits by Young Workers
Race and Sex Differences in the Effects of Early Unemployment on Wages
Race and the Accumulation of Human Capital across the Career: A Theoretical Model and Fixed-Effects Application
Race and the Retreat from Marriage: A Shortage of Marriageable Men?
Race and the Role of Economic Independence in Women's Marriage Formation
Race and Women's Income Trajectories: Employment, Marriage, and Income Security Over the Life Course
Race Differences in Drug Offending and Drug Distribution Arrests
Race Differences in Family Experience and Early Sexual Initiation: Dynamic Models of Family Structure and Family Change
Race Differences in Job Satisfaction: A Reappraisal
Race Differences in Linking Family Formation Transitions to Women's Mortality
Race Differences in Middle Class Lifestyle: The Role of Home Ownership
Race Differences in Nonresident Father Involvement: New Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Race Differences in Retirement Life Cycle Experiences and Labor Force Participation Rates
Race Differences in the Effects of Multiple Roles on Health: Longitudinal Evidence from a National Sample of Older Men
Race Inequities in Men's Retirement
The Race of a Criminal Record: How Incarceration Colors Racial Perceptions
Race Studies: Contentious, But Legitimate, Science Research Into Heredity and IQ Is Valid; How The Results Are Used Is Another Matter
Race-Ethnicity, Class, and Unemployment Dynamics: Do Macroeconomic Shifts Alter Existing Disadvantages?
Race-Gender Variation in the Relationship between Arrest History and Poor Health from Adolescence to Adulthood
Race, Children's Cognition Achievement and the Bell Curve
Race, Children's Cognitive Achievement and the Bell Curve
Race, Class, and Occupational Mobility: Black and White Women in Service Work in the United States
Race, Employment Disadvantages, and Heavy Drinking: A Multilevel Model
Race, Employment Disadvantages, and Heavy Drinking: A Multilevel Model
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Disparities in the Embedding and Accumulation of Childhood Poverty on Young Adult BMI
Race, Ethnicity, and Attainment in the Early Career
Race, Ethnicity, and Structural Variations in Youth Risk of Arrest: Evidence From a National Longitudinal Sample
Race, Ethnicity, and the Determinants of Low Birthweight in the U.S.
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and the Pursuit of Economic Opportunity in the Age of the Migration Decline
Race, Family Income, and Low Birth Weight
Race, Gender, and Parenthood on Returns from Job Changes in the New and Traditional Economies
Race, Gender, and the Labor Market: Black and White Women's Employment
Race, Gender, Higher Education, and Socioeconomic Attainment: Evidence from Baby Boomers at Midlife
Race, Kin Networks, and Assistance to Mother-headed Families
Race, Labor Turnover, and Male Earnings
Race, Life Course Exposure to Death of a Family Member, and Health
Race, Local Mate Availability, and Transitions to First Marriage Among Young Women
Race, Military Service, and Marital Timing: Evidence from the NLSY-79
Race, Pathology and IQ
Race, Poverty and Enlistment: Some Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Race, Powerlessness and the Status Attainment Process: Evidence from the Sixties and Early Seventies
Race, Region, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Grandmother-Grandchild Co-Residency
Race, Self-Assessed Health, and the Healthy Worker Effect in a Cohort of Older Men
Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Health during Childhood: A Longitudinal Examination of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Parental Socioeconomic Timing and Child Obesity Risk
Race, Socioeconomic Variables, and Intelligence: A Review and Extension of the Bell Curve
Race, Space, and Life-Chances: The Role of Parental Housing in Stratification Processes
Race, State Surveillance, and Policy Spillover: Do Restrictive Immigration Policies Affect Citizen Earnings?
Race, Turnover, and Male Earnings
Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Race/Ethnicity, Citizenship Status, and Crime Examined through Trauma Experiences among Young Adults in the United States
Race/Ethnicity, Parental Support, and Youth Depressive Symptoms: A Moderated Longitudinal Mediation Analysis
Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Experience and Adult Health
Race/Gender Economic Inequality: The Confluence of Residential and Occupational Segregation
Races Differ On IQ Tests, Studies Show American and British Whites Score Lower Than East Asians
Racial and Educational Disparities in Union Transitions of Cohabitors: The Importance of Long-term Economic Prospects
Racial and Ethnic Comparison of Migration Selectivity: Primary and Repeat Migration
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Birthweight: The Role of Income and Financial Assistance
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Legitimation
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Nonwage Compensation
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Consequences of School Suspension for Arrest
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Likelihood of Marriage: The Effect of Incarceration
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Risk Factors Associated with Bully Victimization
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation
Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Transition to a Teenage Birth in the United States
Racial and Ethnic Differences of the Effect of the GED Test on Entry into and Exit Out of Poverty Among Women
Racial and Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Student Loan Debt and the Transition to First Birth
Racial and Gender Differences in the Returns to 2-Year and 4-Year Degrees
Racial and Gender Disparities in the Wage Returns for Educational Attainment
Racial and Gender Pay Disparities: The Role of Education
Racial and Gender Variations in the Process Shaping Earnings' Potential: The Consequences of Poverty in Early Adulthood
Racial Comparisons of Female Labor Market Entry Models
Racial Comparisons of Female Labor Market Entry Models
Racial Convergence Thesis in Women's Intergenerational Occupational Mobility
Racial Differences among Young Men in the Selection of Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Destinations
Racial Differences in Access to High-Paying Jobs and the Wage Gap Between Black and White Women
Racial Differences in Age at First Sexual Intercourse: Residential Racial Segregation and the Black-White Disparity Among U.S. Adolescents
Racial Differences in Availability of Fringe Benefits as an Explanation for the Unexplained Black-White Wage Gap for Males in US
Racial Differences in Birth Health Risk: A Quantitative Genetic Approach
Racial Differences in Depression Trajectories among Older Women: Socioeconomic, Family, and Health Influences
Racial Differences in Earnings Over the Business Cycle
Racial Differences in Family Labor Supply
Racial Differences in Female Labor Force Participation: Trends and Implications for the Future
Racial Differences in Female Labor-Force Participation: Trends and Implications for the Future
Racial Differences in First Union Formation
Racial Differences in Fringe Benefits and Compensation
Racial Differences in Locational Return to Socioeconomic Resources: The Impact of Rural Versus Urban Residence
Racial Differences in Men's Attitudes About Women's Gender Roles
Racial Differences in Retirement
Racial Differences in Self-employment Exits
Racial Differences in the Association between Maternal Prepregnancy Obesity and Children's Behavior Problems
Racial Differences in the Effects of College Quality and Student Body Diversity on Wages
Racial Differences in the Effects of Education on Earnings: Findings from the NLSY, 1979-2000
Racial Differences In The Rates Of Return To Education
Racial Differences in the Transition from School to Stable Employment Among Young Men
Racial Differences in Younger Male Occupational Mobility over the Business Cycle, 1966-1975
Racial Differences in Youth Employment
Racial Differentials in Male Youth Unemployment
Racial Differentials in Returns to Human Capital Investments: Further Evidence from the Longitudinal Surveys
Racial Differentials in Union Relative Wage Effects: A Simultaneous Equations Approach
Racial Discrimination And Costs of Labor Force Participation
Racial Discrimination and Labor Unions: Evidence from the NLS Sample of Middle-Aged Men
Racial Discrimination and Occupational Choice: Estimates Based on a Sample of Young Men
Racial Discrimination and the Collective Bargaining Coverage of Male Youths
Racial Disparities in Health among Nonpoor African Americans and Hispanics: The Role of Acute and Chronic Discrimination
Racial Disparities in Income Security for a Cohort of Aging American Women
Racial Disparities in Men's Mortality: The Role of Childhood Social Conditions in a Process of Cumulative Disadvantage
Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Affluence: Implications for the Test Scores of Children
Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Subsequent Outcomes: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Racial Disparities in Student Loan Debt and the Reproduction of Inequality
Racial Disparities in the Cognition-Health Relationship
Racial Disparities in Welfare Dependence and Financial Independence: Links to Human Capital, Local Economy, and State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Policies
Racial Disparity in Earnings and Earnings Growth: The Case of Young Men
Racial Disparity in Unemployment
Racial Earnings Differentials and Performance Pay
Racial Equity, Racial Equality, and Reverse Discrimination
Racial Fluidity and Inequality in the United States
Racial Fluidity, Skin Tone, and Immigrant Status in the NLSY97
Racial Gaps, Occupational Matching, and Skill Uncertainty
The Racial Identification of Young Adults in a Racially Complex Society
Racial Identity Not Determined by Skin Tone Alone
Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Significance of Discrimination
Racial Inequality in the 21st Century: The Declining Significance of Discrimination
Racial Inequality in Wealth: Do Labor Unions Matter?
Racial Inequality in Wealth: Do Labor Unions Matter?
Racial Labor Market Gaps: The Role of Abilities and Schooling Choices
Racial Pay Disparities Among Older Men
Racial Trends in Male Labor Force Participation
Racial Variation in Economic Returns to Gang Participation
Racial Variation in the Effect of Incarceration on Neighborhood Attainment
Racial Variation in the Effect of Motherhood on Women's Employment: Temporary or Enduring Effect?
Racial Variation in the Effects of Sons versus Daughters on the Disruption of the First Marriage
Racial Variations in the Effect of Fertility on Women's Employment: Declining or Enduring Effects?
Racial Wage Differences among Young Male Job Changers: The Relative Contribution of Migration, Occupation Change, Site Characteristics, and Human Capital
Racial Wage Differentials Among Young Adults: Evidence from the 1990s
Racial Wage Differentials for Females by Occupation
The Racial Wage Gap: The Importance of Labor Force Attachment Differences across Black, Mexican and White Men
Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in Smoking Cessation Associated with Employment and Joblessness Through Young Adulthood in the US
Racial, Ethnic, and Nativity Differences in Marriage and Premarital Pregnancy Outcomes
Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Differences in the Incidence of Obesity Related to Childbirth
Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in Individual Workplace Injury Risk Trajectories: 1988-1998
Racial/Ethnic Differences in 30-year Trajectories of Heavy Drinking in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Health Behaviors and Its Roles on Depressive Symptoms among Young Female Adults
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Illicit Substance Use: A Temporal-Ordered Test of General Strain Theory
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between Parental Wealth and Child Behavioral Problems
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Longitudinal Progression of Co-occurring Negative Affect and Cigarette Use: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship Between Wealth and Health
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between Wealth and Health across Young Adulthood
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Voluntary and Involuntary Job Mobility Among Young Men
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Boys' Probability of Arrest and Court Actions in 1980 and 2000: The Disproportionate Impact of "Getting Tough" on Crime
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Inadequate Gestational Weight Gain Differ by Pre-pregnancy Weight
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Midlife Depressive Symptoms: The Role of Cumulative Disadvantage Across the Life Course
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events
Racial/Ethnic Heterogeneity in Parental Wealth and Substance Use from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Racial/Ethnic Inequality in Wealth during Young Adulthood and Midlife: A Social-psychological Perspective of the Middle Class
Racial/Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Educational Assortative Mating and Wives' Income Trajectories
Racialized Feedback and Social Welfare Receipt: Disentangling Duration and Dollar Amount Mechanisms on Policy Feedback Effects
Racializing the Gender Friendship Gap
The Rate of Return of the General Equivalency Diploma
The Rate of Return to Schooling and the Business Cycle
The Rate of Return to Schooling and the Business Cycle: Additional Estimates
The Rate of Return to the Highscope Perry Preschool Program
The Rate of Return to the Highscope Perry Preschool Program
A Rational Choice Based Model of Teenage Childbearing
Rational Expectations and Ex Post Rationalizations: The Value of Subjective Measures of Excess Children
Rationing of Jobs: Consequences for Women Who Want to Work
Re-employment Probabilities over the Business Cycle
Re-Employment Probabilities over the Business Cycle
Re-evaluating the Costs of Teenage Childbearing
A Re-Evaluation of Teenage Childbearing
A Re-examination of Government Wage Differentials in the United States: Evidence from the NLSY with Geocode
Re-examining the Impact of Dropping Out on Criminal and Labor Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Re-Examining Women's Wages and Fertility: Has the Relationship Changed over Time?
Reach and Effects of Health Messages on Drinking During Pregnancy
Reaching Out to Families: Head Start Recruitment and Enrollment Practices
Reaching Self-sufficiency: A Life-course Perspective
Readers Should bear in Mind Potential Conflict of Interest: Letter in re: Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in Young Women
Reading Deficiency and Delinquency: Interactions with Social, Physical, Human and Cultural Capital
Reading Skills and Earnings: Why Do Doing Words Good Hurt You’re Wages?
Reading, Writing, and Raisinets: Are School Finances Contributing to Children's Obesity?
Reading, Writing, and Raisinets: Are School Finances Contributing to Children's Obesity?
Reading, Writing, and Raisinets: Are School Finances Contributing to Children's Obesity?
Real Rents and Household Formation: The Effect of the Tax Reform Act of 1986
The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community
Real Wages over the Business Cycle: Estimating the Impact of Heterogeneity with Micro Data
Real Wages over the Business Cycle: Evidence from Panel Data
The Reality of Longitudinal Data Collection: Locating Vanishing Veterans
A Reanalysis of Data Concerning the Effects of Maternal Employment on the Vocabularies of Four-Year-Old Children
A Reanalysis of The Bell Curve
Reassessing the College Gender Gap: Analyzing Current Trends in College Attainment by Gender
Reassessing the Generational Disparity in Immigrant Offending: A Within-family Comparison of Involvement in Crime
Reassessing the Impacts of Head Start on Children's Cognitive and Health Outcomes
Reassessing the Link between Women's Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Quality
Rebound of Never? A Life Course Approach to the Motherhood Wage Penalty
Receipt of Child Support by Working Single Women
Recent Behavior of the 'Full-Time' Workweek in the U.S.
Recent Changes in the Relationship Between Marital Dissolution and Women's Labor Supply Behavior: A Two-Cohort Study Using National Longitudinal Survey Data
Recent Developments in Intergenerational Mobility
Recent High School and College Experiences of Youth: Variations by Race, Sex, and Social Class
Recent Longitudinal Evidence of Size and Union Threat Effects across Genders
Recent Trends and Current Sources of the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S.
Recent Trends in Men's Earnings Volatility: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1985-2009
Recent Trends in the Inheritance of Poverty and Family Structure
Recessions and the Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Social Skills
Reciprocal Association Between Chronic Pain and Health Insurance Type in a Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study
Reciprocal Associations Between Marital Timing Expectations and Changing Economic and Relationship Circumstances in Cohabiting Individuals
Reciprocal Effects of Health and Labor Force Participation Among Women: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies
Reciprocal Spheres: Educational Advantage and the Marriage Wage Premium
Reconceptualizing Crime as an Independent Variable: The Social and Personal Consequences of Criminal Involvement
Reconceptualizing Family Instability to Include Measures of Childbearing: The Practical Value of Assessing Multiple Partner Fertility
A Reconsideration of the Fatherhood Premium: Marriage, Coresidence, Biology, and Fathers’ Wages
Reconsidering Marital Exchange: A Comparison of First Marriage and Remarriage Patterns in the United States
Reconsidering Poverty and Race as Criminogenic Influences Among American Youth
Reconsidering the Crowded Nest: Wealth Accumulation of Young Adults before and after Leaving Parental Home
Redistribution and Family Formation: Theory and Evidence on Individual and Collective Decision Making
Reducing Recidivism Risk for Juvenile Offenders: Contributing Risk Factors
Reevaluating the Costs of Teenage Childbearing
Reevaluating the Costs of Teenage Childbearing: Response to Geronimus and Korenman
Reexamining Community College Effects: New Techniques, New Outcomes
Reexamining the Association of Maternal Age and Marital Status at First Birth With Youth Educational Attainment
Reexamining the Returns to Training: Functional Form, Magnitude, and Interpretation
Reexamining the Returns to Training: Functional Form, Magnitude, and Interpretation
Refocusing Civic Education: Developing the Skills Young People Need to Engage in Democracy
Reforming Food Stamps to Promote Work and Reduce Poverty and Dependence
Regime Switching in the Latent Growth Curve Mixture Model
Regional Differences in the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality: Evidence from the NLSY
Regional Outmigration Rates and Migration Histories: A Longitudinal Analysis
Regional Wage Differentials: Has the South Risen Again?: A Comment
Regression to the Mean in Latent Change Score Models: An Example Involving Breastfeeding and Intelligence
Regression Toward Mediocrity in Economic Stature
The Regulation of Occupations and the Earnings of Women
The Relation Between Heavy Alcohol Use and Bar Patronage: A Latent Growth Model
The Relation Between the Rate of Return to Tenure, Earnings Growth, and Job Switching
The Relation Between the Rate of Return to Tenure, Earnings Growth, and Job Switching
The Relation Between Vocational Training in High School and Economic Outcomes
Relation of Achievement to Religious Participation: Examination of the NLSY Archival Data
Relations among General Intelligence (g), Aptitude Tests, and GPA: Linear Effects Dominate
The Relationship Between Alcohol-Related Aggression and Drinking Patterns, Social Roles, Drinking Contexts, Predisposing and Family Background Characteristics Ii Late Adolescent and Young Adult Drinkers
The Relationship Between Child Support and Visitation: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
The Relationship Between Date of Birth and Individual Differences in Personality and General Intelligence: A Large-scale Study
The Relationship Between Delinquent Behavior and Work Values of Noninstitutionalized Youth
The Relationship Between Education and Health Behaviors: Is it Causal?
The Relationship Between Education and Health: Is It Causal?
The Relationship Between Employee Turnover and Employee Compensation in Small Business
The Relationship Between Family Income Background and the Returns to Education
Relationship Between Family Size and Children's Cognitive Development: Investigating SES and Race as Possible Mediating Factors
The Relationship Between Family Structure and Adolescent Sexual Activity
The Relationship between Female Delinquent Behavior and Work Values, Occupational Aspirations and Labor Market Experience
The Relationship Between Female Delinquent Behavior and Work Values, Occupational Aspirations, and Labor Market Experience
The Relationship Between Female Labor Supply and Caregiving Over the Life Cycle
Relationship Between Fertility and Labor Participation of Married Women, White and Black Women
The Relationship Between Frequency of Family Dinner and Adolescent Problem Behaviors After Adjusting for Other Family Characteristics
Relationship Between Health Patterns in the Family and Married Women's Dependency
The Relationship Between Height and Income With Potential Application to Treatment of Limb Length Discrepancy
The Relationship between Household's Risk Preference and the Homeownership Decisions among Young Adults in Changing Housing Market Conditions
The Relationship between Incarceration and Premature Adult Mortality: Gender Specific Evidence
Relationship Between Industrial Arts Education and Secondary Students' Performance in Mathematics Utilizing Data from the NLSY
Relationship Between Maternal Behavior During Pregnancy, Birth Outcome, and Early Childhood Development: An Exploratory Study
The Relationship Between Maternal Pre-pregnancy BMI and Preschool Obesity
The Relationship between Mental Health Capital and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the U.S. and Chile
Relationship Between Mental Health, Physical Health, Physical Appearance and Marital Dissatisfaction
Relationship Between Migration Behavior and Poverty Status of Hispanic Youth
The Relationship between Military Service and Childbearing for Men and Women
Relationship Between Mother's Alcohol Use and Child's Well-Being
The Relationship Between Neighborhood Quality and Obesity Among Children
The Relationship between Nonstandard Work Schedules and Substance Use: New Evidence From NLSY97
The Relationship between Obesity and Cognitive Performance in Children: A Longitudinal Study
The Relationship Between Parental Receipt of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Children's High School Dropout Status
The Relationship between Participation in Different Types of Training Programs and Gainful Employment for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
The Relationship between Participation in Different Types of Training Programs and Gainful Employment of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Relationship Between Participation in Vocational Education, Pay, and Employment of 16- to 21-Year-Olds in the Continental United States
Relationship between Positive Attitude and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from the US Data
The Relationship Between Religion and Earnings: Recent Evidence from the NLS Youth Cohort
The Relationship Between Selected Demographic Variables and Participation in Voluntary Activities by Mature Women
The Relationship Between Skin Tone and School Suspension for African Americans
The Relationship between Social Capital and Educational Outcomes for Biological Children in Two-Parent Families: An Examination of "True" Family Structure
The Relationship Between Symptoms of Depression and Body Weight in Younger Adults
Relationship Between the Structure of the Labor Market and Demand for Education by Young Black and White Males
Relationship Between Urban Sprawl and Weight of United States Youth
The Relationship Between Veteran Status and Smoking
The Relationship Between Wage Growth and Wage Levels
The Relationship Between Wage Growth and Wage Levels
The Relationship Between Wages and Weekly Hours of Work: The Role of Division Bias
The Relationship Between Work Experience and Well-Being among Mexican-Origin Youths
The Relationship Between Youth Employment And Future Employability And Earnings
Relationship Characteristics and Contraceptive Use Among Young Adults
Relationship Characteristics and the Relationship Context of Nonmarital First Births Among Young Adult Women
Relationship Context and the Transition to a Nonmarital Birth
The Relationship of Abortion to Well-Being. Do Race and Religion Make a Difference?
Relationship of Corporal Punishment and Antisocial Behavior by Neighborhood
Relationship of Family Structure and Context to Reports of Behavior Problems and Academic Performance in African-American Adolescents
The Relationship of Family Structure and Postsecondary Schooling in the U.S.
The Relationship of High School Curriculum Tracks to Degree Attainment and Occupational Earnings
The Relationship of High School Curriculum Tracks to Degree Attainment and Occupational Earnings
The Relationship of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control to Unintended Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Adolescent Females
The Relationship of Welfare Receipt to Child Outcomes
The Relationship of Welfare Receipt to Child Outcomes
The Relationship of Youth Employment to Future Educational Attainment and Labor Market Experience
Relationship Profiles and Contraceptive Use Within Young Adult Dating Relationships
Relationship Quality Among Young Couples from an Economic and Gender Perspective
Relationship Quality in Response to Economic Stress Among Young Couples
Relationship Trajectories Among American Adolescents
Relationship Transitions among First-Time Cohabitors: Predicting Marriage or Dissolution in a Competing Risks Framework
Relationship Types and Contraceptive Use Within Young Adult Dating Relationships
Relationships Among Labor Force Status, Wages, and Participation in Vocational Education Among Young American Indians
Relationships Among the Family Incomes and Labor Market Outcomes of Relatives
Relationships Among the Family Incomes and Labor Market Outcomes of Relatives
Relationships Between Mothers' Working Conditions and Young Children's Home Environments and Early Development
The Relationships between Mothers’ Work Pathways and Physical and Mental Health
The Relationships between Mothers’ Work Pathways and Physical and Mental Health
Relationships Between Obesity, Romantic Involvement, and Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Relationships Between Stressful Work Schedules and Occupational Injuries: New Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Relationships of Policy and Place with Substance Use, Alcohol Misuse, and Other Risk Behaviors
The Relationships of Time-Varying Family Structure and Poverty Status to Child Trajectories of Mathematical Achievement
The Relative and Interactive Effects of Parental Conflict and Parental Marital Disruption on Child Well-Being
The Relative and Interactive Impacts of Parental Conflict and Marital Disruption on Children's Well-Being
Relative Body Weight and Self-Esteem Among African Americans in Four Nationally Representative Samples
Relative Distribution Methods
Relative Earnings and Depressive Symptoms among Working Parents: Gender Differences in the Effect of Relative Income on Depressive Symptoms
Relative Earnings in Families and Depression
The Relative Earnings of Young Mexican, Black, and White Women
The Relative Effects of Employed and Unemployed Job Search
Relative Obesity and the Formation of Non-cognitive Abilities During Adolescence
The Relative Occupational Attainment of Young Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics
Relative Occupational Attainments of Spouses and Later Changes in Marriage and Wife's Work Experience
The Relative Occupational Success of Blacks and Whites
Relative Supervisor Education and Worker Well-being
Relative Wage Effects of Unions in the Public and Private Sectors
Relative Wages of Men and Women Over Business Cycles and Over Time
Relevance of Education to Occupation: A New Empirical Approach Based on College Courses
Reliability and Validity of Temperament Scales of the NLSY Child assessments
Reliability and Validity of Temperament Scales of the NLSY Child Assessments
The Reliability of Self-Reported Age of Onset of Tobacco, Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use
The Reliability of Self-Reported Age of Onset of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug Use
Reliability of the Knowledge of the World of Work Test
Reliable Trees: Reliability Informed Recursive Partitioning for Psychological Data
Religion and Earnings: Evidence from the NLS Youth Cohort
Religion and Labor: An Examination of Religious Service Attendance and Unemployment Using Count Data Methods
Religion and Wealth Across Generations
Religion and Wealth: The Role of Religious Affiliation and Participation in Early Adult Asset Accumulation
Religion and Wealth: The Role of Religious Affiliation and Participation in Early Adult Asset Accumulation and Mobility
Religion as a Social Control: A Longitudinal Study of Religious Involvement and Substance Use
Religion Factors Impact on Health Utilizing the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79)
Religion, Marriage Markets, and Assortative Mating in the United States
Religion, Marriage Markets, and Assortative Mating in the United States
Religion, Work-Family Gender Ideology, and Fertility
Religion's Role in the Shaping of Self-Image, Aspirations, and Achievement in Youth (2005—2010)
Religiosity as a Protective Factor: Does Affiliation or Frequency Restrict Delinquency
Religiosity Is Associated with a More Feminine Intelligence Profile: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 1979
Religiosity, Psychological Distress, and Wellbeing: Evaluating Familial Confounding with Multicohort Sibling Data
Religious Attendance and Physical Health in Later Life: A Life Course Approach
Religious Capital and Intergenerational Transmission of Volunteering as Correlates of Civic Engagement
The Religious Context of Parenting, Family Processes, and Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence
Religious Heritage and Premarital Sex: Evidence from a National Sample of Young Adults
Religious Heritage and Premarital Sex: Evidence from a National Sample of Young Adults
Religious Heritage and Teenage Marriage
Religious Participation Effects on Mental and Physical Health
Religious Pathways During the Transition to Adulthood: A Life Course Approach
Religious Roots and Consequences of Women's Work-Family Configurations in Adulthood
Religious Service Attendance and Labour Force Status: Evidence from Survey Data Using Count Data Methods
Religiousness and Adolescent Behaviors: A Comparison of Boys and Girls
Remaining Childless: Examining the Different Patterns of Expectations that Lead to a Childless Life for Men
Remarital Chances, Choices, and Economic Consequences: Issues of Social and Personal Welfare
Remedial Enrollment During the 1st Year of College, Institutional Transfer, and Degree Attainment
Remote Learning and Parent Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Remote Schooling's Perverse Social Divide
Removing the Veil of Ignorance in Assessing the Distributional Impacts of Social Policies
Repeat Births Among Adolescents: The Effects of Income, Education and Contraceptive Behaviors
Repeat Bully Victimizations and Legal Outcomes in a National Sample: The Impact Over the Life Course
Repeat Migration in the United States: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, and White Return and Onward Migrants
Repeated Payment Delinquency Among Young Adults in the United States
Repeating the Problem: An Examination of Unwed Adolescent Motherhood
Repetition of Medically Attended Injuries Among Children in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: An Issue of Access or Risk?
Report on Task 1: The Labor Market Trajectories of 20-24 Year Old Veterans
Report on Task 2: Developing a Deeper Understanding of the Labor Market Dynamics of Recently Discharged Veterans
Report on the NLSY Round 16 Recall Experiment
Report on the Youth Labor Force
Report to the Illinois General Assembly on Missing Young Adults
Reported Income in the NLSY: Consistency Checks and Methods for Cleaning the Data
The Reproduction of Fatherhood: A Cautionary Tale
The Reproduction of Intelligence
Reproductive Decision-making under Uncertainty: Exploring the Relationship of Economic Preferences and Reproductive Health
Reproductive Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: How Economic Preferences Shape Reproductive Behavior
The Reproductive Ecology of Industrial Societies, Part II: The Association between Wealth and Fertility
Reproductive Patterns and Women's Later Life Health
Reputation, Voluntary Mobility and Wages
The Reputational Effect of Job Mobility
A Research Agenda for the NLS of Labor Market Experience: Report on the Social Science Research Council's Conference on the NLS, Parts I to IV
A Research Note on the Stability of Coresidential Unions Formed Postconception
Research on Youth Employment and Employability Development: Findings of the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Americans, 1979
Research Uses of the National Longitudinal Survey Data on Mature Women
Research Uses of the National Longitudinal Surveys
Research Uses of the National Longitudinal Surveys: An Update
Researching the Family: A Guide to Survey and Statistical Data on U.S. Families
Reservation Wage Rules and Learning Behavior
Reservation Wage, Job-Search Behavior, and Labor Turnover: A Stochastic-Frontier Approach
Reservation Wages and Their Labor Market Effects for Black and White Male Youth
Reservation Wages: An Analysis of the Effects of Reservations on Employment of American Indian Men
Residence Exposure and Fertility Expectations of Young Mormon and Non-Mormon Women in Utah
A Residential Comparison of Women's Earnings and Types of Child Care Arrangement
Residential Differences in Non-marital Conception and Conception and Childbearing Outcomes in the U.S.
Residential Mobility and Change and Continuity in Parenting Processes
Residential Mobility and Desistance from Crime and Substance Use during the Transition to Adulthood
Residential Mobility and Desistance from Crime During Young Adulthood
Residential Mobility, Neighborhood Effects, and Educational Attainment of Blacks and Whites
Residential Mobility, Neighborhood Effects, and Educational Attainment of Blacks and Whites
Residential Racial Segregation and Racial Differences in Sexual Behaviours: An 11-year Longitudinal Study of Sexual Risk of Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood
Residential Racial Segregation and Sexual Risk in the United States
Residential Relocation and the Reentry Outcomes of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Residual Effects of Repeated Bully Victimization before the Age of 12 on Adolescent Functioning
Resilience to Drinking Vulnerability in Women with Alcoholic Parents: The Moderating Effects of Dyadic Cohesion in Marital Communication
Resilience to Drinking Vulnerability in Women with Alcoholic Parents: The Moderating Effects of Dyadic Cohesion in Marital Communication
Resilient and Stress-Affected Adolescents in an Urban Setting
Resolution of Premarital Pregnancies: What is the Role of Public Policy?
Resolving the Debate Over Birth Order, Family Size, and Intelligence
Resource Allocation in Families: A Comparative Analysis Using Stepfamilies
Resource Allocation to Children in Families: A Comparative Analysis Using Stepfamilies
Resources and Reproductive Effort: The Positive Effect of Doing Relatively Well
Resources and Stress: The Experiences of Middle-Aged Women
Respondent Attrition Versus Data Attrition and Their Reduction
Responding to a 100-Year-Old Challenge from Fisher: A Biometrical Analysis of Adult Height in the NLSY Data Using Only Cousin Pairs
Response Bias in Reports of Father's Education and Socioeconomic Status
Response Error in Reporting Starting Wages
The Response of Household Parental Investment to Child Endowments
Response Rates in National Panel Surveys
Response to Nielsen's Review of Inequality by Design
Response to Teuber-James, Cain-Goldberger and Morgan
Responses of Female Labor Supply and Fertility to the Demographic Cycle
Responses of Female Labor Supply and Fertility to the Demographic Cycle
The Responsiveness of the Demand for Condoms to the Local Prevalence of AIDS
Restrictions on Medicaid Funding of Abortion: Effects on Birth Weight and Pregnancy Resolution
Restrictions on Medicaid Funding of Abortion: Effects on Pregnancy Resolutions and Birthweight
Retention of Women in the STEM Labor Force: Gender Similarities and Differences with a Focus on Destination Status
Rethinking "Success" of Second Generation Immigrants: The Role of Families and Communities in the Transition to Young Adulthood
Rethinking "Success": The Role of Families and Communities in Second Generation Immigrants' Transition to Adulthood
Rethinking High School Graduation Rates and Trends
Rethinking Images of the Mobility Regime: Making a Case for Women's Mobility
Rethinking Shotgun Marriage
Rethinking the Case Against Divorce
Rethinking the IQ-Delinquency Relationship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Multiple Theoretical Models
Retired Men's Evaluation of the Timing of their Retirement
Retirement Among American Men
Retirement Among American Men
Retirement and Older American's Participation in Volunteer Activities
Retirement and Unemployment Behavior of Older Men
Retirement Behaviors of Low-Income and Nonlow-Income Males
Retirement Causes Two-Career Couples To Re-examine Priorities
The Retirement Circumstances of Very Early Retirees: A Life Cycle Perspective
Retirement Condition and Migration: Determinants of Migration Decision and Destination Selection Among American Men, 1973-1983
Retirement Decision of Older Men: An Empirical Analysis
Retirement Decision of Older Men: An Empirical Analysis
Retirement Decision Process: A Multinomial Logit Analysis of the Expected Retirement Decisions of Middle-Aged Male Workers
Retirement Decision: A Question of Opportunity
Retirement Decisions of Husbands and Wives
Retirement Expectations of Middle-Aged Men
Retirement Expectations, Planned Retirement and Postretirement Satisfaction
Retirement Experience
Retirement Experience as a Policy Factor: An Applied History Approach
The Retirement Experience: Psychological and Financial Linkages to the Labor Market
Retirement Implications of Industrial and Occupational Labor Market Segmentation
Retirement in a Family Context: A Structural Model for Husbands and Wives
Retirement in Dual-Career Families: A Structural Model
Retirement in Dual-Career Families: Estimates Using Firm-Reported Pensions
Retirement Planning: Different Strokes for Different Folks, Depending on Age
Retirement Plans of Middle-Aged Married Women
Retirement Plans of Middle-Aged Women
Retirement Preparation Programs: Differentials in Opportunity and Use
Retirement Process of Women
Retirement Savings among Immigrant Women in Child-rearing Years
Retirement Savings among U.S. Older Adult Male Workers by Paid Sick Leave, Flexible Work, and Vacation Benefit Status
Retirement Spectrum: A Socioeconomic Analysis
Retirement Timing: Factors Influencing Expectations for Early, Timely, and Late Retirement
Retirement, Disability and Death Among Older Men in the U.S.: The Influence of Occupation
Retirement: Causes and Consequences
Retrospective Cohort Study of the Association between Maternal Employment Precarity and Infant Low Birth Weight in Women in the USA
Retrospective Longitudinal Research: Methodological Considerations
Retrospective Reporting of First Employment in the Life-courses of U.S. Women
Retrospective Reports of Family Structure: A Methodological Assessment
Retrospective Versus Panel Data in Analyzing Life-Cycle Events
Retrospective Versus Panel Reports of First Employment in the Life Courses of U.S. Women
Return On Cognitive Ability in the Labor Market
The Return on Returning: The Economic Benefit of Baccalaureate Degree Completion after Stopping Out
Return-To-School Decisions of Adults in the Workforce
Returning to School and Women's Educational Attainment
Returning to School at Midlife: Mature Women with Educational Careers
Returning to School for Higher Returns
Returns To Basic Skills For Young Adults In The United States
The Returns to Community College
The Returns to Education and Degrees
Returns to Education and Teenage Childbearing
Returns to Education and Wage Equations: a Dynamic Approach
Returns to Education for Self-Employed US Millennials and the Self-Employment Gender Earnings Gap: A Quantile Regression Approach
Returns to Education: The Causal Effects of Education on Earnings, Health and Smoking
Returns to Educational Training in Math and Science for American Women
Returns to High School Quality: College Choice and Earnings
Returns to Human Capital and Explaining the Recent Decline of Married Women's Labor Supply: A Cohort Approach
The Returns to Individual and College Characteristics: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Returns to Labor from Farm and Non-farm Employment
The Returns to Migration: The Influence of Education and Migration Type
The Returns to Mobility and Job Search by Gender
Returns to On-the-job Search and the Dispersion of Wages
Returns to On-The-Job Search and Wage Dispersion
Returns to Postincarceration Education for Former Prisoners
The Returns to School Quality: College Choice and Earnings
Returns to Schooling and Bayesian Model Averaging: A Union of Two Literatures
Returns to Schooling, Implicit Discount Rates and Black-White Wage Differentials
Returns to Schooling: Union - Nonunion Differential
Returns to Skill, Compensating Differentials, and Gender Bias: Effects of Occupational Characteristics on the Wages of White Women and Men
Returns to Skills and the College Premium
Review Article: The Bell Curve by Herrnstein and Murray
Review of Data Sets Available for Research on Welfare Dependency
Review of the National Longitudinal Surveys
Review of: Divergent Paths: Economic Mobility in the New American Labor Market
Review of: On the Job: Is Long-Term Employment a Thing of the Past?
Revisiting "Missing the Target": Correspondence of Fertility Intentions and Behavior in the U.S.
Revisiting Measures of Childbearing Intentions: Should We Worry About Measurement Error?
Revisiting Parental Influence in Individual Political Development: Democratic Parenting in Adolescence
Revisiting the Concept of Stability in the General Theory of Crime
Revisiting the Effect of Criminal Justice Involvement on Employment using the NLSY
Revisiting the Relationship Between Unemployment and Wages
Revolving Doors: Sex Segregation and Women's Careers
The Rhythm of Work: Health Effects of Women's Work Dynamics
Risch's Lambda Values for Human Obesity
Rise and Grind? Working Late, Volatile Hours May Lead to Depression, Illness by 50
Rise in Obesity across the Atlantic: An Economic Perspective
Rise in Occupation Changing Rates in the United States 1979-2007: Evidence from Three National Data Sources
Rising Above Poverty: The Consequences of Poverty Status and Individual Characteristics on Earnings
Rising Cigarette Prices and Rising Obesity: Coincidence or Unintended Consequence?
Rising College Expectations Among Youth in the United States: A Comparison of the 1979 and 1997 NLSY
Rising Household Debt and Children's Socioemotional Well-being Trajectories
Rising Household Debt and Children's Socioemotional Well-being Trajectories
Rising Nonmarital First Childbearing among College-educated Women: Evidence from three National Studies
Rising Public College Tuition and College Entry: How Well Do Public Subsidies Promote Access to College?
Rising Tides Lift Which Boats? Connecting Absolute and Relative Mobility Across Generations
Risk and College Majors
Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Opportunity Youth
Risk and Protective Factors in Children's Behavioral and Academic Adjustment
Risk and Protective Factors in the Mental Health and Substance Use of Opportunity Youth
Risk Assessment in the Work Environment of Adolescents and Their Attainment of Occupational Injury or Illness as Young Adult Workers
Risk Aversion or Risk Management?: How Measures of Risk Aversion Affect Firm Entry and Firm Survival
Risk Behaviors Among Children and Youth Who Have a Sibling With a Disability
Risk Factors and Child Outcomes Associated with Short and Long Interpregnancy Intervals
Risk Factors and Levels of Risk for High School Dropouts
Risk Factors for Obesity in Young Adults: Hispanics, African Americans and Whites in the Transition Years, Age 16-28 Years
Risk Governance and Precarity in the Scheduling Process: Three Studies of the US Labor Market and Retail Sector
Risk of Excess and Inadequate Gestational Weight Gain among Hispanic Women: Effects of Immigration Generational Status
The Risk of Unrealistic Optimism: When Expectations and Aspirations Don’t Match
Risk Orientation and Risk-Taking Behavior: The Impact of Race/Ethnicity and Gender on Mental Health and Substance Use among Young Adults
Risk Pooling in The Family: Within Couple Inter-Temporal Responsiveness in Labor Market Activities
Risk Prone or Risk Adverse: Sensation Seeking and Adolescent Health Risk Behavior
Risk Tolerance among National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Participants: The Effects of Age and Cognitive Skills
Risk-taking and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: The Interplay Between Psychosocial Factors and Socio-environmental Influence
Risk-Taking Behavior and Well-Being of Young Baby Boomers
Risky Behavior Among Youths: An Economic Analysis
Risky Behaviors in Late Adolescence: Co-Occurrence, Predictors, and Consequences
Risky Eating in Romantic Relationships: Exploring the Role of Relationship Status and Quality
Risky Sexual Behavior: A Race-specific Social Consequence of Obesity
A Road to Assimilation: Immigrants and Financial Markets
Road to Independence: Patterns of Living Arrangements among Young Adults
Road to Remarriage: A Prospective Study of Child Well-Being Following Divorce
Robust Bayesian Approaches in Growth Curve Modeling: Using Student's t Distributions versus a Semiparametric Method
Robust Growth Mixture Models with Non-ignorable Missingness: Models, Estimation, Selection, and Application
Robust M-Estimation of Location and Regression
The Role and Types of Job Search Strategies as Career Growth Tool for Mid-Career Professionals
Role Experiences of Young Women: A Longitudinal Test of the Role Hiatus Hypothesis
The Role of Alcohol/Drug Use and Psychosocial Well-Being in Teenage Sexual Behavior: Findings from the 1994 NLSY
The Role of Boomerang Fathers in Adolescent Female Depression
Role of Child Care in Employment and School Enrollment of Unmarried Mothers
The Role of Coding Time in Estimating and Interpreting Growth Curve Models
The Role of Cognitive Ability in the Health-Education Nexus
The Role of Cohabitation in Asset and Debt Accumulation During Marriage
The Role of Contingent Work in the War Against Poverty
The Role of Credit Constraints in the Cyclicality of College Enrolments
The Role of Depressive Symptoms between Neighbourhood Disorder, Criminal Justice Contact, and Suicidal Ideation: Integrating an Ecological Stress Model with General Strain Theory
The Role of Discrimination in Determining Occupational Structure
Role of Early Childhood Behavior Problems and Initiating Gateway Substance Use
The Role of Education for Intergenerational Income Mobility: A Comparison of the United States, Great Britain, and Sweden
The Role of Education in Marital Decisions of Blacks and Whites
The Role of Education in Marital Decisions of Blacks and Whites
The Role of Education/Economic Prospects in Timing of First Marriage and First Birth in the U.S. and South Korea
The Role of Familiar versus New Work Environments in the Likelihood of Rearrest During and After Transitioning into Adulthood
The Role of Family and Gender in the Transfer of and Returns to Human Capital
The Role of Family Characteristics in Shaping Educational Mobility: Mediators or Moderators of Class and Race?
The Role of Family Conflict on Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents Aged 15 to 21
The Role of Family Income and Sources of Income in Adolescent Achievement
The Role of Family Support in Determining Developmental Outcomes in Children of Teen Mothers
The Role of Firm Size and Performance Pay in Determining Employee Job Satisfaction Brief: Firm Size, Performance Pay, and Job Satisfaction
The Role of Gender in Income Mobility: Evidence from the NLSY79
The Role of Gender in Intergenerational Transmissions of Education and Occupational Promotion
The Role of Gender in Job Promotions
The Role of Gender in Promotion and Pay over a Career
The Role of Grandparents in Single-Mother Families
The Role of Health Insurance in Labor Supply Decisions of Divorced Females
The Role of Home Environments During Childhood for Predicting Academic Achievement of African-American and Latina/o Adolescents
The Role of Human Capital in Earnings Differences Between Black and White Men
The Role of Incarceration as a Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairment
Role of Income and Family Influence on Child Outcomes
The Role of Income in Marriage and Divorce Transitions Among Young Americans
The Role of Intact Family Childhood on Women's Earnings Capacity: Implications for Evidence-Based Practices
The Role of Intelligence in the Formation of Well-being: From Job Rewards to Job Satisfaction
The Role of Labor and Marriage Markets, Preference Heterogeneity, and the Welfare System in the Life Cycle Decisions of Black, Hispanic, and White Women
The Role of Literacy in the Wealth of Individuals and Nations
The Role of Marriage in Explaining Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Health Care for Men in the US
The Role Of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences And Race In Intergenerational High-Risk Smoking Behaviors
The Role of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Race in Intergenerational High-Risk Smoking Behaviors
Role of Maternal Morbidity in Measuring Social Inequality Among Low Birth Weight Children
The Role of Money Arguments in Marriage
Role of Neurotic Personality Trait in the Determination of Self Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction
The Role of Occupational Attainment, Labor Market Structure, and Earnings Inequality on the Relative Earnings of Mexican Americans: 1986-1992
The Role of Off-the-Job vs On-the-Job Training for the Mobility of Women Workers
The Role of Other Family Members in Intergenerational Occupational Mobility
The Role of Parent Religiosity in Teens' Transitions to Sex and Contraception
The Role of Parental Social Class in the Transition to Adulthood: a Sequence Analysis Approach in Italy and the United States
The Role of Parenting Style in Child Substance Use
The Role of Parenting Style in Child Substance Use
The Role of Parenting Style in Child Substance Use
The Role of Parents' Early Experiences in Children's Academic Achievement and Well-Being
The Role of Part-time Jobs in the Labor Supply Choices of Young Women
The Role of Postsecondary Education in Welfare Recipients' Paths to Self-Sufficiency
The Role of Postsecondary Education in Welfare Recipients' Paths to Self-Sufficiency
The Role of Pre- and Postconception Relationships for First-Time Parents
The Role of Pre-Market Factors in Black-White Wage Differences
The Role of Pre-Market Factors in Black-White Wage Differences
The Role of Preferences and Constraints as Determinants of Male-Female Occupational Differences
Role of Psychological Variables in the Determination of the Worker's Wage: Further Evidence from the United States
The Role of Race and Gender in Topics Surrounding Job Promotions and High School Dropout Likelihood
The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Internal Migration Decline
The Role of Residential Mobility in the Transition to First Marriage
The Role of Schooling in Binge Drinking and Smoking
The Role of Social Psychological Variables in the Status Attainment of Young Men
The Role of Stress and Absence: How Household Member Incarceration is Associated with Risky Sexual Health Behaviors
The Role of Test Scores in Explaining Race and Gender Differences in Wages
The Role of the Family in the Economic Well-being of the Elderly
Role of Time Preference in the Correlation Between Health and Education
The Role of Time Preference on Wealth
The Role of Work Commitment in the Occupational Attainment of Young Women
The Role of Workplace Characteristics in Breastfeeding Practices
The Role of Young Adult Children's Income in the Relationship between Single Mothers' Poverty and Their Young Adult Children's Depression
The Role Of Young Men's Attainment Of Alternate Educational Credentials In Their Entry To Fatherhood
The Roles of Birth Inputs and Outputs in Predicting Health, Behavior, and Test Scores in Early Childhood
The Roles of Gender and Marital Status on Risky Asset Allocation Decisions
The Roles of High School Completion and GED Receipt in Smoking and Obesity
The Roles of High School Completion and GED Receipt in Smoking and Obesity
The Roles of Race and Behavior as Determinants of Punishment versus Diagnosis of Childhood Behavior Problems
The Roles of School-Level and Neighborhood-Level Characteristics in Explaining Delinquency and Involvement with the Criminal Justice System: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Analysis
Roles, Race and Subjective Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Elderly Men
Romantic Partners and Young Adult Offending: Considering the Role of Partner's Socioeconomic Characteristics
Romantic Partnerships and Criminal Desistance: Considering the Role of Partner's Socioeconomic Characteristics
Romantic Relationships and Depressive Symptoms among Young Women
Romantic Relationships, Parenthood, and the Personal Sense of Mastery: The Consequences of Gender among Young Adults
The Rotten Kid at College: The Incentive Effects of Higher Education Subsidies on Student Achievement
Routes to Children's Economic Recovery after Divorce: Are Cohabitation and Remarriage Equivalent?
Routes to Higher Wages and Status: An Analysis of Career Mobility Among Women Workers
Rural and Urban High School Dropout Rates: Are They Different?
Rural Education and Training
Rural Employment of Health Care Workers: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Rural Manpower Resources and the Migration Turnaround
Rural-non-Rural Differences in Youth Status Attainment
Rural-Urban Differences in Motherhood Wage Penalty
Rural-Urban Differences in Work Patterns Among Adults with Depressive Symptoms
Russian Fertility and Labor Supply: Implications for Fertility Policy

Salary or Benefits?
Same-Sex Union Formation During the Transition to Adulthood
Sample Selection Bias and Endogeneity in the Estimation of a Wage Equation: An Alternative Specification
Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error with an Application to the Estimation of Labor Supply Functions
Sample Selection Rules and the Intergenerational Correlation of Earnings
'Sandwich Generation': Women Caring for Parents and Children
Sartor Resartus: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Entrant Quality Reanalyzed
A SAS Macro for Estimating and Visualizing Individual Growth Curves
SAT and ACT Predict College GPA After Removing g
SAT Predicts GPA Better for High Ability Subjects: Implications for Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns
Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Changes in the Medicaid Eligibility of Pregnant Women
Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansion of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women
Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansions of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women
Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansions of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women
Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansions of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women
Saving Behavior of Older Households: Rate-of-Return, Precautionary and Inheritance Effects
Saving Horatio Alger: The Data Behind the Words (and the Lego Bricks)
Saving, Investment, and the Entrepreneurship Decisions of the Wealthy
Saving, Sharing, or Spending? The Wealth Consequences of Raising Children
Savings of Young Parents
Savings of Young Parents
Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?
Scaling Back Survey Scales: How Short is too Short?
Scaling Criminal Offending
Scalogram Analysis of an Index of Substance Use
The Scarring Effect of "Women's Work": The Determinants of Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Occupations
The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage across Credit and Labor Markets
The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage Across Credit and Labor Markets
The Scarring Effects of Primary-Grade Retention? A Study of Cumulative Advantage in the Educational Career
Scheduling of Life Course Events, Economic Adaptations, and Marital History: An Analysis of Economic Survival after Separation and Divorce for Midlife Women
Scheduling Uncertainty and Employment of Young Adults with Disabilities
Scholastic Assessment or g? The relationship Between the Scholastic Assessment Test and General Cognitive Ability?
School Age Offspring of Adolescent Mothers: Environment and Outcomes
School Age Offspring of Adolescent Mothers: Environments and Outcomes
School and Work Transitions in Young Adulthood: The Influence of Prior and Concurrent Family Conditions
School Based Program Assistance to Adolescent Mothers: Transferring Benefits From Mothers to Their Children
The School Context as a Source of Self-Control
School Discipline and Delinquency: Suspension, Arrest, and Incarceration in the NLSY97
School Discipline as a Turning Point: The Cumulative Effect of Suspension on Arrest
School Discipline: Its Impact and Cumulative Effect on Juvenile Delinquency
School Dropout and Subsequent Offending: Distinguishing Selection from Causation
School Engagement, Attachment, and Performance: The Impact of Early Justice System Involvement
School Failure as an Adolescent Turning Point
School Mobility and Increased Behavioral Health Problems in Children Ages 5-14
School Quality and Labor Market Earnings: Some New Results on an Old Debate
School Quality and Student Inequality
School Readiness and Later Achievement
School Readiness and Later Achievement
School Reentry and Degree Attainment after the Transition to Motherhood
The School Setting and Health Across the Lifespan: High School Student Composition and Health Outcomes in Adulthood
School Status, Employment Status, and Criminal Activity in a Large-Scale National Probability Sample
School to Work Transition for Adolescents with Disabilities
School to Work Transition of Noncollege Young Persons
School-Age Mothers: 1968-1979
School-to-Career Programs and Transitions to Employment and Higher Education
School-To-Career Programs and Transitions to Employment and Higher Education
The School-to-Gang Pipeline: Examining the Impact of School Suspension on Joining a Gang for the First Time
School-to-Work Experience of Hispanic Youth
School-to-work in the 1990s: A Look at Programs and Practices in American High Schools
School-to-Work Initiatives and the Early Employment of Young Adults with Disabilities
School-To-Work Program Participation and the Post-High School Employment of Young Adults with Disabilities
School-to-Work Programs and Adolescents' Expectations: Evidence from the NLSY97
School-To-Work Programs: Information from Two Surveys
School-to-Work Transition Among Hispanic Youth: Selected Findings from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth Labor Market Experience
School-to-Work Transition: The Experience of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Youth
School, Family and County Effects on Adolescents' Later Life Chances
Schooling and the AFQT: Evidence From School Entry Laws
Schooling and the Armed Forces Qualifying Test: Evidence from School-Entry Laws
Schooling as a Wage Depressant
Schooling Choices and Demographic Cycles
Schooling Decision: A Dynamic Model
Schooling Interruption, Work While in School and the Returns from Schooling
Schooling Trajectories: Patterns of Women's Education and Training in Early Mid-Life
Schooling, Cognitive Ability and Health
Schooling, Experience, Career Interruptions, and Earnings
Schooling, Intelligence, and Income in America: Cracks in the Bell Curve
Schooling, Self-Selection, and Health
Schooling, Skills, and Self-rated Health: A Test of Conventional Wisdom on the Relationship between Educational Attainment and Health
Schools, Skills, and Synapses
Scientific Criticism and the Study of Early and Extensive Maternal Employment
Screening for Commitment: The Effect of Maternity Leave Use on Wages
Search and Nonwage Job Characteristics
Search and the Sources of Life-Cycle Inequality
Search Capital
Search Costs and the Duration of Unemployment
A Search Interpretation of Male-Female Wage Differentials
A Search Interpretation of the Family Gap
Search, Matching and Training
Searching for Peer Group Effects: A Test of the Contagion Hypothesis
Searching For Work with a Criminal Record
Searching for Work with a Criminal Record
Seasonal and Sectoral Patterns in Youth Employment
Seasonal Differences in Breastfeeding in the United States: A Secondary Analysis of Longitudinal Survey Data
Seasonality of First Coitus in the U.S.
Seasonality of Menarche Among U.S. Females
Seasonality of Menarche Among U.S. Females: Correlates and Linkages
The Seasonality of Onset of Adolescent Sexuality
Seasonality of Sexual Debut: The "Summer Vacation Theory" Reconsidered
Second Births and Employment Around the First Birth: A Focused Test of Preference Theory
'Second-Chance' Strategies for Women Who Drop Out of School
Second-Generation Parenthood: A Panel Study of Grandmother and Grandchild Coresidency among Low-Income Families, 1967-1992
Secondary Analysis in Entrepreneurship: An Introduction to Databases and Data Management
Secondary Analysis in Social Work Research Education: Past, Present, and Future Promise
Secondary Data Analysis in Family Research
Secondary Labor Market's Effect on the Work-Related Attitudes of Youths
Secondary School Segregation and the Transition to College
The Secret Behind College Completion: Girls, Boys, and the Power of Eighth Grade Grades
Secretary of Labor's Invitational Conference on the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Men and Young Women
Sector-Specific On-the-Job Training: Evidence from U.S. Data
Sectors and Occupations: An Analysis of Wage Growth in Returns from Employer Changes
Secular Changes in Female Job Aspirations
Security for American's Children: a Report from the Annual Conference of the National Academy of Social Insurance; Part 2
Seeing Their Surroundings: The Effects of Neighborhood Setting and Race on Maternal Distress
Seeking Relief: Bankruptcy and Health Outcomes of Adult Women
Seeking Support or Avoiding Institutions: Examining Social Safety Net Usage After Incarceration
Segmented Paths? Generational Differences in the Transition to Homeownership
Segmented Paths? Mexican Generational Differences in the Transition to First-Time Homeownership in the United States
A Select Group of Friends - the Returns to Social Networking
Select Works on the Economics of Education
Selected Fertility and Racial Inequality
Selected Mother and Child Tabulations from the 1984 (Sixth Wave) Survey of the National Longitudinal Survey of Work Experience of Youth
Selection and Serial Entrepreneurs
Selection and the Marriage Premium for Infant Health
Selection Effects in the Relationship Between Women's Work/Family Status and Perceived Control
Selection in Employer Sponsored Health Insurance
Selection into Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
Selection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head Start
Selection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head Start
Selection into Street Gangs: Signaling Theory, Gang Membership, and Criminal Offending
Selection Works Both Ways: BMI and Marital Formation Among Young Women
Selection, Investment, and Women's Relative Wages over Time
Selection, Investment, and Women's Relative Wages Since 1975
Selectivity Among Nonmetropolitan-Bound Male Migrants in the Middle and Later Years
Selectivity Bias and Comparative Advantage: A Generalized Approach
Selectivity Problems in Longitudinal Data
Self-Control and Racial Disparities in Delinquency: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Self-Control and School Failure: Examining Individual Effects on Academic Achievement
Self-Control Theory and the Concept of Opportunity: The Case For A More Systematic Union
Self-control, Financial Literacy, and the Financial Behaviors of Young Adults
Self-control, Parental Crime, and Discipline across Three Generations
Self-Control, Peer Relations, and Delinquency
Self-Control, Peer Relations, and Delinquency
Self-Efficacy and Welfare: an Evaluation of Causal Effects
Self-efficacy, Risk Behaviors and Health Outcomes: Evidence from the NLSY
Self-Employed Workers: Returns to Education and Training
Self-employment among Women: Do Children Matter More than We Previously Thought?
Self-employment as an Alternative to Unemployment
Self-Employment Duration of Younger Men Over the Business Cycle
Self-Employment Rents: Evidence from Job Satisfaction Scores
Self-employment, Entrepreneurship, and the NLSY79
Self-Employment, Workplace Flexibility, and Maternal Labor Supply: A Life-Cycle Model
Self-employment: The New Solution for Balancing Family and Career?
Self-Esteem and Earnings
Self-esteem and Earnings
Self-Esteem and Educational Aspirations as Antecedents of Adolescent Unmarried Motherhood
Self-Esteem and Extrinsic Career Success: Test of a Dynamic Model
Self-Esteem and Men's Negative Stereotypes of Women Who Work
Self-Esteem and the Development of Partisan Identity
Self-Esteem Development From Age 14 to 30 Years: A Longitudinal Study
Self-Esteem Enhancement Through Fertility? Addressing Issues of Socio-Economic Prospects, Gender, and Mutual Influence
Self-Esteem Enhancement Through Fertility? Socioeconomic Prospects, Gender, and Mutual Influence
Self-Esteem, Education, and Wages Revisited
Self-Esteem, Financial Knowledge and Financial Behavior
Self-Esteem: From Adolescence to Adulthood
Self-Report Stability of Adolescent Cigarette Use Across Ten Years of Panel Study Data
Self-Report Stability of Adolescent Cigarette Use Across Ten Years of Panel Study Data.
Self-Report Stability of Adolescent Substance Use: Are There Differences for Gender, Ethnicity, and Age?
Self-Reported Age of Onset and Telescoping for Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Marijuana: Across Eight Years of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Self-Reported Delinquency by 12-Year-Olds, 1997
Self-Reported Drug Use Data: What Do They Reveal?
Self-Reported Substance Use and Survey Conditions: An Examination of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Self-Reported Versus Objective Measures of Health in Retirement Models
Self-Selection and Internal Migration in the United States
Self-Selection and Internal Migration in the United States
SEM for Health, Business and Education
Semi-Parametric Estimation of Program Impacts on Dispersion of Potential Wages
Semiparametric Bayesian Estimation for Marginal Parametric Potential Outcome Modeling: Application to Causal Inference
Semiparametric Bayesian Inference for Dynamic Tobit Panel Data Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity
Semiparametric Bayesian Inference in Smooth Coefficient Models
Semiparametric Bayesian Inference in Smooth Coefficient Models
Semiparametric Bayesian Inference in Smooth Coefficient Models
Semiparametric Estimation of a Panel Data Proportional Hazards Model with Fixed Effects
Semiparametric Estimation of a Panel Data Proportional Hazards Model with Fixed Effects
A Semiparametric Investigation of the School Quality-gs Relationship
A Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Non-stationary Errors
Sensation Seeking Risk Profiles of Adolescent Alcohol Use and Sexual Behavior
Sense of Control in Pregnancy:Does it Promote Maternal and Fetal Health?
The Sense of Control, Cumulative Advantages and Disadvantages from Status Attainment and Stress Moderation
Sense of Efficacy and Subsequent Change in Earnings - A Replication
Sensitivity Analysis on the Relationship Between Alcohol Abuse or Dependence and Annual Hours Worked
Sensitivity Analysis on the Relationship Between Alcohol Abuse or Dependence and Wages
Sensitivity of School Re-enrollment to Market Conditions and the Cost of Attendance
Separating Risk from Heterogeneity in Education: A Semiparametric Approach
Separating the Harmful Versus Beneficial Effects of Marital Disruptions on Children
Sequences of Early Adult Transitions: How Variable Are They, and Does It Matter?
Sequencing of Births by Wantedness: Implications for Changes in Mid-Life Health Among Aging NLSY79 Women
Sequencing of Planned and Unplanned Births and Implications for Mid- and Later-Life Health among NLSY79 Women
A Sequential Study of Birth Probabilities: An Economic Model
Serial Cohabitation and Depressive Symptoms in Emerging Adulthood
Serial Cohabitation and the Marital Life Course
Serial Monogamy Increases Reproductive Success in Men but not in Women
Serving Her Country: An Analysis of Women's Enlistment
SES-Based Effect Modification and Intergenerational Educational Stratification
A Set-Analytic Approach to Intersectionality
"Setting the Tone": Sex of the First Child and Educational Outcomes of Subsequent Siblings
Seven Jobs in a Lifetime? An Analysis of Employee Tenure
Sex and Education: Does Sexual Debut During Adolescence Lead to Poor Grades?
Sex and Education: Does the Onset of Sex during Adolescence Lead to Bad Grades?
Sex and Race Differences in Locus of Control and Adult Criminal Involvement: Towards An Integration of Self and Social Structural Perspectives
Sex and Race Differentials in the Economic Consequences of Poor Health
Sex and the Process of Status Attainment: A Comparison of Working Women and Men
Sex as a Moderator and Perceived Peer Pressure as a Mediator of the Externalizing-Delinquency Relationship: A Test of Gendered Pathways Theory
Sex at an Early Age: A Multi-System Perspective
Sex Differences Across Different Racial Ability Levels: Theories of Origin and Societal Consequences
Sex Differences in Ability Tilt: Support for Investment Theory
Sex Differences in Childhood Bullying Victimization and Trajectories of Substance Use From Adolescence to Adulthood
Sex Differences in Early Contingencies in Attainment
Sex Differences in Intelligence: Developmental Origin Yes, Jensen Effect No
Sex Differences in Job Quitting by Younger Workers
Sex Differences in Mental Test Scores, Variability, and Numbers of High-Scoring Individuals
Sex Differences in Spatial and Mechanical Tilt: Support for Investment Theories
Sex Differences in Tech Tilt and Academic Tilt in Adolescence: Processing Speed Mediates Age-Tilt Relations
Sex Differences in Tech Tilt: Support for Investment Theories
Sex Differences in the Causes of Self-Control: An Examination of Mediation, Moderation, and Gendered Etiologies
Sex Differences in the Causes of Self-Reported Adolescent Delinquency
Sex Differences in the Entry into Marriage
Sex Differences in the Health Risk Behavior Outcomes of Childhood Bullying Victimization
Sex Differences in the Relationship between Status and Number of Offspring in the Contemporary U.S.
Sex Differences in the Transition to Marriage: Evidence about Change
Sex Differences in Union Membership: The Impact of Occupation and Industry
Sex Discrimination and Labor Market Segmentation
Sex Discrimination and Women's Labor Market Interruptions
Sex Discrimination and Women's Labor Market Outcomes
Sex Education for American Youth: Its Availability, Timing, and Relationship to Teenage First Intercourse and Premarital Pregnancies
Sex Inequality in the Labor Market: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Sex Ratios and Risky Sexual Behavior
Sex Role Attitudes, Female Employment, and Marital Satisfaction
Sex Similarities in Occupational Status Attainment: Are the Results Due to the Restriction of the Sample to Employed Women?
Sex Typing of Aspirations and Occupations: Instability during the Careers of Young Women
Sex-Role Attitudes and Employment Among Women: Dynamic Models of Continuity and Change
Sex-Role Attitudes and Employment Among Women: A Dynamic Model of Change and Continuity
Sex-Role Attitudes and Labor Force Participation among Young Hispanic Females and Non-Hispanic White Females
Sex-Segregation of Occupations and the Career Patterns of Women
Sex-Segregation of Occupations as a Circulating System
Sex-type of Parental Occupations and Sex-Typed Occupational Aspirations: Factors Affecting the Sex-typed Occupational Attainments of Young White Women and Men
Sex, Contraception and Childbearing Among High-Risk Youth: Do Different Factors Influence Males and Females?
Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and Subjective Well‐Being: Selection or Causation?
Sex, Drugs, and Baby Booms: Can Behavior Overcome Biology?
Sex, Drugs, and Rolling Rocks: Adolescent Counter-Normative Behaviors and Their Job Mobility as Young Adults
Sex, Educational Differentiation, and Occupational Status: Analyzing Occupational Differences for Community and Four-Year College Entrants
Sex, Marijuana and Baby Booms
Sex, School, and Work: How Sex and Educational Attainment Bring About Different Occupational Outcomes
Sex, Violence, Man, Woman: Adolescent Health Risk Behavior from a Contextual Resource Perspective
Sexist Attitudes and the Wage Gap
The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents
Sexual Behaviors Across 9 National Cohorts of Young Males and Females Ages 15-19
Sexual Double Standard and Men's Depression: Assessing the Association between Late Sexual Debut during Adolescence and Subsequent Depression in Two Nationally Representative Cohorts
Sexual Experience Before 15
Sexual Risk Behaviors during Adolescence: Associations with Childhood and Adolescent BMI
Sexual Risk Taking in Adolescence: The Role of Self-Regulation and Attraction to Risk
Sexuality-Related Outcomes of Adolescent Children of Teen Mothers
Sexuality-Related Outcomes of Adolescent Children of Teen Mothers
Sexually Integrated Workplaces and Divorce: Another Form of On-the-Job Search
Shackled Labor Markets: Bounding the Causal Effects of Criminal Convictions in the U.S.
Shadow Prices, Market Wages, and Labor Supply
Shaping Nurture: Evocative Effects of Children on Their Environments
Shaping Perseverance: Evidence of Shared Environmental Effects on Grit and a Task-Based Measure of Persistence
She Earns, He Earns: Exploring Race and Class Variation in Wives' Contributions to Couples' Income
Shift Work and Child Behavioral Outcomes
Shift Work and Child Care Among Young Dual-Earner American Parents
Shift Workers: A Descriptive Analysis of Workers' Characteristics
Shift-Work Patterns Among Youth: A Three-Year Analysis
The Shifting Burden of Body Weight for Women's Childbearing Experiences
Shifting Challenges: Fifty Years of Economic Change Toward Black-White Earnings Equality
Shifting Parenting Styles and the Effect on Juvenile Delinquency
The Shifting Salience of Skin Color for Educational Attainment
The Shifting Salience of Skin Color for Educational Attainment
Shifts and Stability in Locus of Control During the 1970s: Divergence of the Sexes
Shoot for the Moon, If You Miss You'll at Least Land in the Stars: How Parental and Youth Expectations Affect Educational Attainment
Short Inter-pregnancy Intervals, Parity, Excessive Pregnancy Weight Gain and Risk of Maternal Obesity
Short Term Labour Market Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy
The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Life Events on Residential Mobility
Short- and Long-Term Health Consequences of Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage among Young Adults
Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Early Parental Employment on Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
The Short-Term Effects and Unintended Long-Term Consequences of Binge Drinking in College: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study
Short-Term Effects of Marital Disruption on the Labor Supply Behavior of Young Women
Short-Term Fertility Intentions and Subsequent Outcomes over the Life Course
Short-Term Goals and Physically Hedonistic Values as Mediators of the Past-Crime--Future-Crime Relationship
Shotgun Wedding Magic
Should I Quit My Day Job?: A Hybrid Path to Entrepreneurship
Shuffling the Line-Up: How Shifting Household Membership Following Parental Divorce Affects Child Welfare
Shunning Retirement: Work Experience of Men in Their Seventies and Early Eighties
Shunning Retirement: Work Experience of Men in Their Seventies and Early Eighties
Sibling Delinquency and the Family Environment: Shared and Unshared Influences
Sibling Differences in Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Inferring Process Models from Family Composition Patterns
Sibling Gender and Wage Differences
Sibling Influence on Smoking Behavior: A Within-Family Look at Explanations for a Birth-Order Effect
Sibling Influences on the Career Plans of Male and Female Youth
A Sibling Model of Teenage Childbearing and Child Outcomes
Sibling Models and Data in Economics: Beginnings of a Survey
Sibling Models for Panel Attrition Bias in the Analysis of School Transitions
Sibling Models of Socioeconomic Effects on the Timing of First Premarital Birth
Sibling Resemblance in Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes: The Role of Father Presence
Sibling Resemblance in Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes: The Role of Father Presence
Sibling Resemblance in Educational Attainment: An Investigation of the Effects of Family Background
Sibling Similarities, Differences and Economic Inequality
Sibling Similarity in High School Graduation Outcomes: Causal Interdependency or Unobserved Heterogeneity?
Sibling Structure and Gender Inequality: Assessing Gender Variation in the Effects of Sibling Structure on Housework Performance, Education, and Occupation
Sibling Transmission of Gang Involvement
A Sibling-Comparison Study of Smoking During Pregnancy and Childhood Psychological Traits
A Siblings Analysis of the Effects of Alcohol Consumption Onset on Educational Attainment
Siblings and Gender Differences in African-American College Attendance
Siblings and Illness: A Study of How Children Are Differentially Impacted by the Chronic Illness of a Sibling
Sibship Size and Intellectual Development: Is the Relationship Causal?
Sick Leave Inadequate For Many U.S. Families
Sick of Our Loans: Student Borrowing and the Health of U.S. Young Adults
Sick of Our Loans: Student Borrowing and the Mental Health of Young Adults in the United States
Signaling in the Market for GED Graduates: Empirical Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Signalling Academic Achievement to the Labor Market: Testimony to the House Education Labor Committee Hearing on H.R. 1
The Signalling Value of Education across Genders
Signals of Child Achievement as Determinants of Child Support
The Significance of Higher Education on the Racial Gap in Marriage Rates
The Significance of Marriage in Rural America
The Significance of Wealth in Understanding Associations between Race and the Risk of Low Birth Weight
Similarities and Differences in the Longitudinal Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Mid-Adolescence to Young Adulthood: the Intersectionality of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Levels of Depressive Symptoms
Similarities in Maternal Weight and Birth Weight Across Pregnancies and Across Sisters
A Simple Approach to Assess Group Differences in Estimated Baseline Survivor Functions from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
A Simple Correction for Fertility Selection
Simple Estimators for Treatment Parameters in a Latent Variable Framework with an Application to Estimating the Returns to Schooling
A Simple Threshold Model of Theft
Simplicity and Complexity in the Effects of Parental Structure on High School Graduation
A Simplified Equation for Adult BMI Growth, and Its Use to Adjust BMI for Age
Simulating Bias in the Estimator of Labor Market Discrimination
Simulation of Growth Trajectories of Childhood Obesity into Adulthood
A Simulation Study of Bootstrap Approaches to Estimate Confidence Intervals in DeFries-Fulker Regression Models (with Application to the Heritability of BMI Changes in the NLSY)
Simultaneity and Selection in Financial Hardship and Divorce
Simultaneity of Ability and Education
Simultaneous Equations Models of Sex Discrimination
Simultaneous Factor Analysis of the Behavior Problem Index across Racial Groups
Single Custodial Fathers’ Involvement and Parenting during Adolescence and Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood
Single Custodial Fathers’ Involvement and Parenting: Implications for Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood
A Single Father's Shopping Bag: Purchasing Decisions in Single Father Families
Single Moms and Deadbeat Dads: The Role of Earnings, Marriage Market Conditions, and Preference Heterogeneity
Single Mothers, the Underclass, and Social Policy
Single Mothers' Employment Dynamics and Adolescent Well-Being
Single Mothers' Employment Dynamics and Adolescent Well-Being
Single Mothers' Employment Dynamics and Adolescent Well-Being
Single Parenthood and School Readiness in White, Black, and Hispanic 6- and 7-year-olds
Single Parenthood is Not Necessarily a Risk Factor for School Readiness and Achievement in 6- and 7-Year Olds
Single Parenthood, Achievement, and Problem Behavior in White, Black, and Hispanic Children
Single With Children
Sinistrality Is Associated with (slightly) lower General Intelligence: A Data Synthesis and Consideration of Secular Trend Data in Handedness
Sinners or Saints? Preachers’ Kids and Risky Health Behaviors
Sisters, Siblings and Mothers: The Effect of Teen-age Childbearing on Birth Outcomes in a Dynamic Family Context
Sisters, Siblings and Mothers: The Effects of Teenage Childbearing on Birth Outcomes
Sisters, Siblings, and Mothers: The Effects of Teen-age Childbearing on Birth Outcomes
Situating Drug Use Over the Lifecourse: Using Empirical Findings to Attempt to Build Theory
Size Does Matter After All: Her Bigger Paycheck May Drive Him to Cheat
Size Matters: The Influence of Adolescents' Weight and Height on Dating and Sex
Skew T Based Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Growth Curve Models with Non-Normal and Missing Data
Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children
Skill Mismatch, Turnover, and the Development of Young Workers' Careers: The Role of Information in the Labor Market
Skill Prices, Occupations, and Changes in the Wage Structure for Low Skilled Men
Skill Remoteness and the Economics of Local Labor Markets
Skill Uncertainty, Skill Accumulation, and Occupational Choice
Skill-biased Technological Change, Earnings of Unskilled Workers, and Crime
Skill-Biased Technological Change, Earnings of Unskilled Workers, and Crime
Skill, Parental Income, and IV Estimation of the Returns to Schooling
Skills in the City
Skills Mismatch? Military Service, Combat Occupations, and Civilian Earnings
Skills over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the United States and the Philippines
The Skills Problem
Skills, Standards, and Disabilities: How Youth with Learning Disabilities Fare in High School and Beyond
Skills, Standards, and Disabilities: How Youth with Learning Disabilities Fare in High School and Beyond
Skin Tone and Self-Employment: Is there an Intra-Group Variation among Blacks?
The Slowdown in American Educational Attainment
Small Business and Self-employment as Income Mobility Mechanisms
Small Families Are Better for Kids, New Research Says
Small-for-Gestational-Age Births are Associated with Maternal Relationship Status: A Population-Wide Analysis
Smart and Illicit: Who Becomes an Entrepreneur and Do They Earn More?
Smart and Illicit: Who Becomes an Entrepreneur and Does It Pay?
Smart Money: The Effect of Education, Cognitive Ability, and Financial Literacy on Financial Market Participation
Smoke Or Fog? The Usefulness of Retrospectively Reported Information About Smoking
Smoke Signals: Adolescent Smoking and School Continuation
Smoke Tied to Child Behavioral Ills
Smoking Bans, Taxes Encourage Quitting, Study Finds
Smoking Cessation Advantage Among Adult Initiators: Does It Apply to Black Women?
Smoking Cigarettes, Marijuana, and the Transition to Marriage among Cohabiters in the USA
Smoking During Pregnancy And Offspring Externalizing Problems: An Exploration of Genetic and Environmental Confounds
Smoking Initiation Among Youth: The Role of Cigarette Excise Taxes and Prices by Race/Ethnicity and Gender.
Smoking Initiation and the Iron Law of Demand
Smoking Initiation Associated With Specific Periods in the Life Course From Birth to Young Adulthood: Data From the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Smoking is Hazardous to Your Wealth
Smoking to Cope: Addictive Behavior as a Response to Mental Distress
Smoking Trajectories from Adolescence to Early Adulthood as a Longitudinal Predictor of Mental Health in Adulthood: Evidence from 21 Years of Nationally Representative Cohort
Smoothing the Transition to College?: The Effect of Tech-Prep Programs on Educational Attainment
Social and Demographic Correlates of Fast Food Consumption: A Review of Recent Findings in the United States and Worldwide
Social and Economic Consequences of Overweight in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
The Social and Economic Context of Worker Displacement
Social and Economic Determinants of Disparities in Professional Help-Seeking for Child Mental Health Problems: Evidence from a National Sample
Social and Economic Determinants of Marital Separation
Social and Emotional Development of Children 0 to 36 Months in Poverty
Social Attitudes and the Gender Pay Gap in the USA in Recent Years
Social Awakening: Adolescent Behavior as Adulthood Approaches
Social Background and Social Context Effects on Young Men's Idleness Transitions
Social Capital and Finding a Job: Do Contacts Matter?
Social Capital and the Normative Order of Life Events Among At-Risk Female Youth
Social Capital as Process: The Network Sources of Latent, Available, and Accessed Job Information
Social Capital, Financial Planning, and Black Males
Social Capital, Social Controls, and Desistance from Crime
Social Change in Structures of the Life Course: Examining Latent Pathways in the Transition to Adulthood, 1966 to 2010
Social Class and Educational and Occupational Aspirations and Expectations: A Study of Females
Social Class and Racial Differences in the Antecedents of Unwed Adolescent Childbearing
Social Class, Gender, and Children's Behavior Problems across Two Decades
Social Classes, Inequalities and Health Disparities: The Intervening Role of Early Health Status
Social Comparisons and Satisfaction With Work
The Social Construction of Child Social Control via Criminalization and Medicalization: Why Race Matters
Social Contagion and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: A Developmental EMOSA Model
Social Contagion and General Diffusion Models of Adolescent Religious Transitions: A Tutorial, and EMOSA Applications
A Social Contagion Model of Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Explaining Race Differences
Social Contagion, Adolescent Sexual Behavior, and Pregnancy: A Nonlinear Dynamic EMOSA Model
The Social Control of Childhood Behavior via Criminalization or Medicalization: Why Race Matters
Social Costs of Underemployment : Inadequate Employment as Disguised Unemployment
Social Determinants of Adolescent Fatherhood
Social Determinants of College Completion and Wealth Mobility: A Life Course Approach to Educational Completion among Young Baby Boomers
Social Disengagement and Military Enlistment: A Discrete-Time Event History Analysis Using the NLSY97
Social Ecology of Early Maternal Employment: Effects on Verbal Intelligence and Behavior Problems in a National Sample
Social Effects in Employer Learning: An Analysis of Siblings
Social Exchange in Remarriage: Are Marriages More Traditional the Second Time Around?
Social Exclusion of Children in North America
Social Exclusion of Children in the United States: Identifying Potential Indicators
Social Genome Model Analysis of the Bridgespan Group's Billion-Dollar Bets to Improve Social Mobility
The Social Genome Model: Estimating How Policies Affect Outcomes, Mobility and Inequality across the Life Course
Social Inequalities in Occupational Health and Health Services
Social Inequalities in Occupational Health Care
Social Insurance Programs and Compensating Wage Differentials in the United States
Social Integration During Midlife and Beyond: An Examination of How Social Roles and Work Affect Sleep
Social Interaction and Youth Smoking
Social Isolation and Inequality
Social Isolation and Inequality, Second Version
Social Jobs and the Returns to Drinking
Social Learning in the Labor Market: An Analysis of Siblings
Social Mobility among Young Black and White Men: A Longitudinal Study of Occupational Prestige and Income
Social Mobility in the New Market for Black Workers
Social Mobility in the United States as a Markov Process
Social Networks and Black-White Differentials in Public Employment Agency Usage among Mature Job Seekers
Social Opportunities and Controls: Revisiting the Desistance Effect of Employment
Social Origins and Post-High School Institutional Pathways: A Cumulative Dis/advantage Approach
Social Policy and Demographic Change: Trends in Survival for U.S. Males in the Years Preceding Retirement, 1966-1981
Social Policy and Determinants of Retirement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Older White Males, 1969-1975
A Social Psychological Model of Women's Gender-Typed Occupational Mobility
A Social Psychological Model of Women's Gender-Typed Occupational Mobility
A Social Psychological Perspective of Racial/Ethnic Inequality in Wealth
Social Psychological Processes that Perpetuate Racial Segregation: The Relationship Between School and Employment Segregation
The Social Relevance of Visible Physical Characteristics for Educational Outcomes
Social Resources and Divorced Mothers' Economic Well-being
Social Return to Education
Social Returns to Quantity and Quality of Education: A Further Statement
Social Roles as Process: Caregiving Careers and Women's Health
Social Security and Life-Cycle Labor Supply
Social Security and the Labor Supply of Older Men
Social Security, Pensions, and Retirement Behavior Within the Family
Social Selection and Social Causation in Marriage and Health: Longitudinal Evidence of Body Weight Change
Social Sources of Change in Children's Home Environments: The Effects of Parental Occupational Experiences and Family Conditions
Social Sources of Stability and Change in Children's Home Environments: Effects of Parental Occupational Experiences and Family Conditions
Social Spillovers in Beliefs, Preferences, and Well-Being
Social Status Inconsistency and Migration
Social Stratification and Health: Resources and Exposures Related to the Racial, Ethnic and Gender Differences in Smoking
Social Stressors in Childhood and Adolescence
Social-Demographic, School, Neighborhood, and Parenting Influences on the Academic Achievement of Latino Young Adolescents
Social-Ecological Antecedents of Oppositional-Defiant Behavior in U.S. Schools: Findings from a Nationally Representative Sample of Early Adolescents
Social-Psychological Factors in Perinatal Labor-Force Participation
Socially Insuring Family Leave: The Relationship Between Public Policy, Paid Family Leave, and Economic Well-Being
Socially Isolated? How Parents and Neighbourhood Adults Influence Youth Behaviour in Disadvantaged Communities
Socially Structured Survival: the Effects of Occupational Mobility and Occupational Context on Older Men's Mortality
Socio-Demographic Differentials in Experiencing a Major Occupational Injury in the Prime Working Ages: Estimation Using Within-Survey and Cross-Survey Multiple Imputation of Injury Histories
The Socio-Economic Causes of Obesity
Socio-Economic Determinants of Mobility of Middle Aged Men in the United States
Socio-Economic Effects of Teen Childbearing Re-Considered: A Re-Analysis of the Teen Miscarriage Experiment
Socio-economic Returns to Voluntary Armed Forces Service
Socio-Economic Structure of Retirement
Sociodemographic Profile of Children Experiencing Living in a Maternal Cohabiting Household: Current Estimates and Trends over Time
Socioeconomic (Dis)advantage, Contextual Risk and Educational Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Socioeconomic and Cultural Incorporation and Family Behavior Among Mexican Americans
Socioeconomic and Cultural Incorporation and Marital Disruption Among Mexican Americans
Socioeconomic and Other Factors Influencing Depression: A Comparison of Black and White Mothers
Socioeconomic Attainment Process
Socioeconomic Background and High School Completion: Mediation by Health and Moderation by National Context
Socioeconomic Background and Racial Earnings Inequality: A Propensity Score Analysis
Socioeconomic Careers and Differential Mortality Among Older Men in the United States
Socioeconomic Changes Associated with Social Role Displacements in the Middle Years
Socioeconomic Characteristics Associated With the Development of Chronic Pain After Pain Interference Experienced in Early Adulthood
Socioeconomic Characteristics of the All Volunteer Force: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey, 1979
Socioeconomic Consequences of Divorce for Women
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Teen Childbearing Reconsidered
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Teen Childbearing Reconsidered
Socioeconomic Consequences of Young Women's Childbearing: Reconciling Disparate Evidence
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Young Women's Childbearing: Reconciling Disparate Evidence
The Socioeconomic Costs of Teenage Childbearing: Evidence and Interpretation
The Socioeconomic Determinants and Consequences of Women's Body Mass
The Socioeconomic Determinants and Consequences of Women's Body Mass
Socioeconomic Determinants and Shortrun Consequences of Marital Disruption
Socioeconomic Determinants of Smoking Behavior During Pregnancy
Socioeconomic Disadvantage in Childhood as a Predictor of Excessive Gestational Weight Gain and Obesity in Midlife Adulthood
Socioeconomic Experience, Race/Ethnicity and Adult Health
Socioeconomic Factors and Substandard Parenting
Socioeconomic Gaps in Parents' Discipline Strategies From 1988 to 2011
Socioeconomic Gradient in Mental Health: Exploring the Transition to Adulthood
Socioeconomic Mobility and Reproductive Outcomes Among African American and White Women in the United States
A Socioeconomic Model of Disability: The Interaction of Occupation and Health on Disability
Socioeconomic Outcomes of Youths Living in Poverty during the Post-1996 Welfare Reform Era
Socioeconomic Pathways to Depressive Symptoms in Adulthood: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Socioeconomic Returns to Migration Among Married Women
Socioeconomic Status and Age at Menarche: An Examination of Multiple Indicators in an Ethnically Diverse Cohort
Socioeconomic Status and Child Development
Socioeconomic Status and Child Externalizing Behaviors: A Structural Equation Framework
The Socioeconomic Status of Households Headed by Women: Results from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Socioeconomic Status of World War II Veterans by Race: An Empirical Test of the Bridging Hypothesis
Socioeconomic Status, Depression Disparities, and Financial Strain: What Lies Behind the Income-Depression Relationship?
Socioeconomic Status, Parenting, and Child Development
Socioeconomic Stratification in the STEM Pathway from College to the Labor Market
Socioeconomics, Culture, and Black-White Differences in Marriage
Sociology of African American Nonresident Fatherhood
Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and the Black/White Wage Gap
A Soldier's Choice among Job, College and Career: Do Educational Benefits Matter?
Some Contacts Are More Equal than Others: Informal Networks, Job Tenure, and Wages
Some Correlates of the Labor Market Status of Male Youth
Some Dimensions of Work-Fertility Analysis from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience
Some Economic Complexities of Child Care Provided by Grandmothers
Some Economic Consequences of Dropping Out of High School
Some Economic Determinants and Consequences of Marital Disruption
Some Empirical Aspects of Entrepreneurship
Some Empirical Evidence of the Efficacy of Job Matching in Urban Labor Markets
Some Further Evidence on the Rate of Return to Schooling and the Business Cycle
Some Like it Hot: Assessing Longer-term Labor Market Benefits from a High-Pressure Economy
Some Men Earn More, Some Men Earn Less: Which Men Earn More When They Marry?
Some Recent Governmental Uses of the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) in the USA
Some Relevant Policy Uses of the NLS
Some Women Marry Young: Transitions to First Marriage in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas
Sons, Daughters and Fathers' Absence: Differentials in Father-Leaving Probabilities and in Home Environments
Sons, Daughters, and Maternal Weight
Sons, Mothers, and Externality: Is There a Father Effect?
Sorting and Timing: Search, Population Structure, and Marriage Markets
Sorting in the Labor Market: Theory and Measurement
Sorting Multidimensional Types: Theory and Application
Soul Mates: Religion, Sex, Love, and Marriage among African Americans and Latinos
Sourcebook of Comparison Data for Evaluating Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Programs
Sourcebook of Family Theory and Methods
Sources of Bias in Teenagers' College Expectations
Sources of Bias in Women's Wage Equations: Results Using Sibling Data
Sources of Support for Adolescent Mothers
Sources of Training and Their Impact on Wages
Sources of Variance in Incumbent Perceptions of Job Complexity
Spanking by Parents and Subsequent Antisocial Behavior of Children
Spanking Effects, Ethnicity Linked in Survey
Spanking in Early Childhood and Later Behavior Problems: A Prospective Study of Infants and Young Toddlers
Spare the Rod? What Can We Say About the Causal Effect of Spanking?
Sparse Data Reconstruction, Missing Value and Multiple Imputation through Matrix Factorization
Spatial Dimensions of the Effect of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Delinquency
Spatial Influences in Upward Mobility
Spatial Variation in Higher Education Financing and the Supply of College Graduates
Spatially Gifted, Academically Inconvenienced: Spatially Talented Students Experience Less Academic Engagement and More Behavioural Issues than other Talented Students
Spearman's "Law of Diminishing Returns" Tested with Two Methods
Spearman's Law of Diminishing Returns: A Look at Age Differentiation
Specific Training and Inter-Industry Wage Differentials in U.S. Manufacturing
Specification of Veteran Status in Estimating Post-Service Civilian Earnings
Specifying the Gender-Class-Delinquency Relationship: Exploring the Effects of Educational Expectations
Speech and Wages
Speech and Wages
Speech Patterns and Racial Wage Differences
Spillover Effect
Spillover Effects Between the Insured and Uninsured Unemployed
Spillover Effects of Job Skills Training on Substance Misuse Among Low-Income Youths With Employment Barriers: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Spillover Effects of Restrictive Immigration Policy on Latinx Citizens: Raising or Lowering Earnings?
Splitting? 79% of Marital Separations End in Divorce
Sponsored and Contest Education Pathways to Jobs in Great Britain and the United States
Spotlight on Research: Youth Debt and College Graduation
Spousal Alternatives and Marital Dissolution
Spousal Alternatives and Marital Dissolution
Spouse Selection the Second Time Around
Spurious Correlations in Research on Ability Tilt
Spurious Correlations in Research on the Effects of Specific Cognitive Abilities
Stability and Change in Children's Home Environments: The Effects of Parental Occupational Experiences and Family Conditions
Stability and Change in Labor Force and Employment Status among Non-Students
Stability and Change in the Transition to Adulthood: A Latent Structure Analysis of Three Generations in the National Longitudinal Surveys
Stability and Prevalence of Drinking Among Young Adults
Stability of Alcohol Consumption Among Youth--A National Longitudinal Study
Stability of Alcohol Consumption over Time: Evidence from Three Longitudinal Surveys from the United States
Stability of Health Care Coverage Among Low-Income Working Women
Stability of Perceived Personal Control for Older Black and White Men
Stability of Pregnancy Intentions and Pregnancy-Related Maternal Behaviors
The Stability of Risk-seeking from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood
The Stability of Self-Reported Marijuana Use across Eight Years of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Stable Cohabitation and Health during the Transition to Adulthood
A Standardized Process for Using 0*NET to Estimate the Association between Work Exposures and Chronic Disease Occurrence
Start-of-Job Training and the Gender Wage Gap
Starting Behind: Wage and Employment Differentials Between Young Adults With and Without Disabilities
Starting Over: How Children Fare in Remarriages and Cohabiting Unions Following Divorce
Starting Salaries of New College Graduates Drop; Study Says Harder to Find Work After Prison
Starting School at a Younger Age May Reduce Girls' Risk of Becoming Obese Years Later, a New Study Suggests
Starting School on Unequal Ground: Environmental Origins of Economic Disparities in School Readiness and Early Academic Achievement
Starting Wages of Women in Female and Male Occupations: A Test of the Human Capital Explanation of Occupational Sex Segregation
State Bans on Pay Secrecy and Earnings: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
State Firearm Legislation and Youth/Young Adult Handgun Carrying in the United States
State Health Insurance Mandates and Labor Market Outcomes
State Health Insurance Mandates and Labor Market Outcomes: New Evidence on Old Questions
State Liquor Policies, Maternal Substance Use, and Child Outcomes
State Mental Health Insurance Parity Laws and College Educational Outcomes
State of the Nation
State Space Dynamic Mixture Modeling: Finding People with Similar Patterns of Change
State Supervision, Punishment and Poverty: The Case of Drug Bans on Welfare Receipt
State-Level Income Inequality and County-Level Social Capital in Relation to Individual-Level Depression in Middle-Aged Adults: A Lagged Multilevel Study
Static and Dynamic Labor Supply Functions
Statistical Discrimination and the Early Career Evolution of the Black-White Wage Gap
Statistical Discrimination and the Implication of Employer-Employee Racial Matches
Statistical Discrimination in a Competitive Labor Market
Statistical Inference via Bootstrapping for Measures of Inequality
Statistical Models for Heterogeneity in the Labor Market
Statistical Signature of Pervasive Competition on Wage and Salary Incomes
Statistics, BLS Officials Weighing Budget Cuts as House, Senate Near Conference
Stature and Status: Height, Ability, and Labor Market Outcomes
Stature, Obesity, and Portfolio Choice
Status Attainment and Wealth in the United States and Germany
Status Attainment Processes in the United States: Analysis by Gender, Race, and Public/Private Employment
Status Claims and Status Attainment: The Determinants of Financial Well-Being
Status Maintenance and Change During Old Age
Status Maintenance or Status Competition? Wife's Relative Wages as a Determinant of Labor Supply and Marital Instability
Status Traps
Status Variations in Alcohol Use Among Young Adults: Results from the 1984 National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth
Stay with Mommy and Daddy or Move Out? Consequences of the Age at Leaving Home in the United States
Stay-at-Home Moms Have the Hardest Job
Staying Out of Trouble: Community Resources and Problem Behavior Among High-Risk Adolescents
Staying Out of Trouble: Neighborhood Influences on Adolescent Problem Behavior
Staying Out of Trouble: Neighborhood Influences on Adolescent Problem Behavior
Steady-State Inequality? Single Motherhood and Income
Step Up or Step Back? The Impact of Non-Employment Duration and Reason on Women's Workforce Reentry
A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Secondary Data for Psychological Research
Stepfamily Functioning and Closeness: Children's Views on Second Marriages and Stepfather Relationships
Stepping Stone versus Dead End Jobs: Occupational Pathways out of Working Poverty in the NLSY 1979-2006
"Stepping-Stone" Versus "Dead-End" Jobs: Occupational Structure, Work Experience, and Mobility Out of Low-Wage Jobs
Stigma in the Labor Market: Evidence from Juveniles Transferred to Adult Court and Occupations with Mandated Criminal Background Checks
Stigma or Separation? Understanding the Incarceration-Divorce Relationship
Still Paying for the Past: Examining Gender Differences in Employment Among Individuals with a Criminal Record
Still Penalized? Parity, Age at First Birth and Women's Income in Later Life
Stochastic Earnings Functions, Risk, and the Rate of Return to Schooling
The Stock of Human Capital and Differences in Post-School Formal Occupational Training for Middle-Aged Men
Stop Calling Marriage a 'Luxury Good'
Stopgappers? The Occupational Trajectories of Men in Female-Dominated Occupations
Stopping Out and Going Back: The Impact of Educational Attainment on Criminal Desistance Among Stopped-Out Offenders
The Strain of Sons' Incarceration on Mothers' Health
Strain, Depression, and Adolescent Substance Use: A Temporal-Ordering Analysis
Strategic Parenting, Birth Order and School Performance
Strategic Parenting, Birth Order, and School Performance
Street Dreams: The Effect of Incarceration on Illegal Earnings
Stress and Well-being: the Buffering Role of Locus of Control Beliefs
Stress Test: Examining the Evolution of Teachers' Mental Health Over Time
Stressful Events and Religious Identities: Investigating the Risk of Radical Accommodation
Stressful Life Events, the Incidence of Infertility, and the Moderating Effect of Maternal Responsiveness: A Longitudinal Study
Structural Advantages, Personal Capacities, and Young Adult Functioning during the Great Recession
A Structural Analysis of Crime and Economic Incentives of Youth
A Structural Analysis of the Correlated Random Coefficient Wage Regression Model
A Structural Analysis of the Correlated Random Coefficient Wage Regression Model with an Application to the OLS-IV Puzzle
Structural and Individual Determinants of Commitment to Work
Structural and Social Psychological Influences on the Adolescent Self-Concept, Adult Achievement and Adult Mental Health of African-American Males
A Structural Approach to Estimating Sex-Based Wage Discrimination: Causal and Indicator Models
Structural Characteristics of Firms and Industries and Black and White Wage Inequality in the U.S. Economy: 1998
Structural Equation Modeling of Repeated Measures Data: Latent Curve Analysis
Structural IVE for Dynamic Treatment Effects: Spanking Effects on Behavior
A Structural Model for the Development Status of Young Children
A Structural Model of Taxation and Unemployment Insurance on Search Dynamics
Structural Model of The Effects of Poverty on Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors of Four- to Five-Year-Old Children
A Structural Model of the Effects of Poverty on the Socio-Emotional Development of Children
Structural Opportunity and Individual Preference: The Determinants of Spouse Selection in Second Marriages
Structural Patterns of Women's Occupational Choice
Structural Sexism and Health in the United States
Structural Sexism and Health in the United States: A New Perspective on Health Inequality and the Gender System
Structure and Determinants of Youth Unemployment: An Empirical Analysis of Black-White, Male-Female Differences
The Structure of Achievement and Behavior across Middle Childhood
The Structure of Early and Higher Education, Dynamic Interactions and Persistent Inequality
Structure of Earnings and Investments in Human Resources: A Comparison Between the United States and Japan
Structure of Labor Markets and Sectors of Production: An Analysis of Underemployment Among Hispanic Youth
Structure of Opportunity: A Multilevel Analysis of Interfirm Job Mobility
Structure of Retirement: A Longitudinal Study of Socioeconomic Factors that Influence the Retirement Decisions of Older Males
The Structure Of Wage Differences Among Mature Male Workers
Structure of Wage Rates Among Black and White Career Women
Student Abilities During the Expansion of US Education
Student Achievement and the Changing American Family
Student Characteristics Affecting the Decision to Enroll in a Community College: Economic Rationale
Student Debt and Geographic Disadvantage: Disparities by Rural, Suburban, and Urban Background
Student Debt and Labor Market Outcomes
Student Debt Spans Generations: Characteristics of Parents Who Borrow to Pay for Their Children's College Education
Student Debt, Income-based Repayment, and Self-employment: Evidence from NLSY 1997 and NFCS 2015
Student Employment and Persistence: Evidence of Effect Heterogeneity of Student Employment on College Dropout
Student Loan Debt and Home Buying: Are Student Loans Replacing Home Mortgages Among Young Adults?
Student Loan Debt and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Review of Scholarly Literature from 1900 to 2019
Student Loan Debt and Race Ethnic Variation in Timing of First Birth
Student Loan Debt: Causes and Consequences
Student Loans and Graduation from American Universities
Student Loans and Racial Disparities in Self-reported Sleep Duration: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample of US Young Adults
Student Loans, Mental Health, and Substance Use: A Gender Comparison among US Young Adults
Student Performance and the Changing American Family
Students’ Perceptions of Unsafe Schools: An Ecological Systems Analysis
Studies in the Dynamics of Labor Turnover
Studies of Economic Assimilation, Earnings Dynamics, and Race Differences in Wealth
Studies of Occupation Mobility for Black and White Men
Studies of Sequential Choice in Labor Market
Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education
Study Aims to Dispel Rhetoric about Black Men's Success
Study Casts Doubt on Link between College Debt, "Boomerang" Effect
Study Finds Intelligence, Family Size Not Related
Study Finds that Marriage Builds Wealth and Divorce Destroys It
A Study of Birth Weight as a Predictor of Cognitive Ability in Childhood: Applications of Loess Regression and Generalized Propensity Score Methods
A Study of Intercohort Change in Women's Work patterns and Earning
A Study of Liquidity Constraints and Precautionary Savings: Micro Evidence for the Young
A Study of Managerial Employee Propensity Towards Unionization
A Study of the Relationship between Family Income and Worker Compensation Measured as Wage and Fringe Benefits
A Study of the Relationship Between Self Esteem and Heavy Use of Cannabis Among Women
A Study of the Work Outcomes of Training and Self-concept: Evidences from NLSY79 Dataset
A Study on Obesity and its Relationship to Socioeconomic Background and Current Earnings
Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles
Study Urges Campaign On Teen Second Births
Study: Children of Mothers Who Use Pot Are More Likely to Try It Earlier
Study: College Lifts IQs of Blacks; Gains Are Greater Than For Whites
Study: Financially Dependent Spouses Are More Likely to Cheat
Study: Firstborn Children Have Intellectual Advantage over Younger Siblings
Study: More Kids Have Chronic Health Conditions
Study: Over Half of Teens 14, 15 Work
Study: Post-prison Death Risks Increased for Blacks, But not Others, Who were Incarcerated as Youth
Study: Working Moms Don't Spoil the Child with Day Care; Study Finds Kids With Working Moms Do Fine
Studying the Real Child Rather than the Ideal Child: Bringing the Person into Developmental Studies
Studying Unicorns: Single-Father Student Educational Attainment and Tinto's Model
Subjective Discount Rates, Intergenerational Transfers and the Return to Schooling
Subjective Perceptions of Career Movement in the Mid/Late Career Stage: Objective Correlates, Antecedents, and Consequences of Various Patterns
Subjective Well-being and Social Desirability
Subjective Well-Being, Fertility and Partnerships: A Biodemographic Perspective
Subpopulation Analyses of Current Youth Aptitudes
Subsequent Childbearing Among Teenage Mothers: The Determinants of a Closely Spaced Second Birth
The Subsequent Fertility of Adolescent Mothers in the United States
Subsidized Housing, Public Housing and Adolescent Problem Behavior
Subsidized Housing, Public Housing, and Adolescent Violence and Substance Use
Substance Consumption among Youth: A Dynamic Analysis of Alcohol, Cigarette and Marijuana Use
Substance Use Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People: The Role of Neighborhood, School, and Family
Substance Use and Abuse Among Adolescent Runaways: A Four-Year Follow-up Study
Substance Use and Adolescent Sexual Activity
Substance Use and Educational Impacts in Youth With and Without Chronic Illness
Substance Use and Mating Success
Substance Use and Participation in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: The Role of Unobserved Heterogeneity
Substance Use and Prenatal Care During Pregnancy Among Young Women
Substance Use and Prenatal Care During Pregnancy Among Younger Mothers: Linkages and Antecedents
Substance Use and Risky Sex: A Longitudinal Investigation
Substance Use and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Substance Use Associated With Unintended Pregnancy Outcomes in the National Longitudinal Survey Of Youth
Success and Failure in College: A New Approach to Persistence in Undergraduate Programs
Successful Children of Adolescent Mothers: Identifying Microsystem Factors Impacting the Adjustment of Children
Successful Entrepreneurship and Human Capital
Sufficient Statistics for Frictional Wage Dispersion and Growth
Summary Review of Data Sources for School to Work Transitions by Youth with Disabilities - Policy Brief
Summary Tables: The National Longitudinal Surveys of Older Males 1966-1983
Summary Tables: The National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Males 1966-1981
Supervisory Status and Upper-level Supervisory Responsibilities: Evidence from the NLSY79
Supervisory Status and Upper-Level Supervisory Responsibilities: Evidence from the NLSY79
Supplement to "Understanding Instrumental Variables in Models with Essential Heterogeneity"
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Child Obesity: Revisiting the NLSY79
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Childhood Obesity in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Supplementary Papers from the Conference on Youth Unemployment: Its Measurement and Meaning
Supply and Demand Factors in Income Determination
Supply of Enlisted Personnel to the Armed Force
The Supply of Labor Time of Mature Females
Supply Side Discrimination
Support Seeking, System Avoidance, and Citizenship: Social Safety Net Usage After Incarceration
Supportive and Mitigating Factors Associated with Financial Resiliency and Distress
Surprising Effects of Marital Conflict and Disruption on Children's Health
The Surprising Impact of High School Math on Job Market Outcomes
Surveillance and System Avoidance: Criminal Justice Contact and Institutional Attachment
Survey Attrition and Schooling Choices
Survey Attrition and Schooling Choices
Survey of Program Dynamics -- A Mid-Term Status Report
Survey Says Women Struggling to Keep Pace on the Career Track
A Survival Analysis of First Marriage Postponement
Surviving the Gauntlet: Adult Undergraduates in American Higher Education
The Sustainability of Homeownership: Factors Affecting the Duration of Homeownership and Rental Spells
Switching High Schools: Cause of Dropping Out or Symptom of Disengagement?
Switching Schools: Revisiting the Relationship Between School Mobility and High School Dropout
Switching Tracks In Search of the Right Career Path; For Young, Skilled Workers Who Jump From Job to Job, Earnings Potential Might Not Be Affected, But Benefits Are
Symptomatic Repercussions of Early Drinking Onset: Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
A Synopsis of Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
A Synthetic Theory to Integrate and Explain the Causes of the Flynn Effect: The Parental Executive Model
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Medical and Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Cannabis Use Among Youth in the United States
A Systematic Review of Social Processes and Mechanisms in the Community That Influence Risky Sexual Behaviour Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Taking the Long View: The Prenatal Environment and Early Adolescent Overweight
A Tale of Two Cohorts: Educational Differentials in Labor Market Outcomes Cumulated over the Early Life Course
TANF and the Status of Teen Mothers Under Age 18
Targeting Education to Reduce Obesity: At What Life Stages Are Interventions Effective?
Task Based Discrimination
Task Interdependence and the Gender Wage Gap: The Role of the Gender Composition of an Occupation
Task-specific Human Capital Accumulation and Wage Outcomes among Young Men: An Empirical Analysis
Tasks and Heterogeneous Human Capital
Tax and Transfer Policy, and Family Formation: Marriage and Cohabitation
Tax Credits, Labor Supply and Child Care
Tax Credits, Labor Supply and Child Care: Theory and Measurement
Tax Credits, Labor Supply, and Child Care
Tax Illusion and the Labor Supply of Married Women
Taxes and the Timing of Births
Taxes and the Two-Earner Family: Impact on the Work Decision
Taxes in a Labor Supply Model with Joint Wage Hour Determination
Tech Tilt Predicts Jobs, College Majors, and Specific Abilities: Support for Investment Theories
Technical Training and Earnings: A Polychotomous Choice Model with Selectivity
Technological Change and On-the-Job Training of Young Workers
Technological Change and Retirement Decisions of Older Workers
Technological Change and the Careers of Older Workers
Technological Change and the Skill Acquisition of Young Workers
Technological Change and the Skill Acquisition of Young Workers
Technological Change and Wages: An Inter-Industry Analysis
Technological Change and Wages: An Interindustry Analysis
Technology and Job Separation Among Young Adults, 1980-98
The Technology and Neuroscience of Skill Formation
Technology of Skill Formation
Teen Childbearing and Human Capital: Does Timing Matter?
Teen Expectations for Significant Life Events
Teen Fatherhood and Educational Attainment: A Cohort Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Teen Fatherhood and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Three Cohorts of Youth
Teen Fathers and the Child Support Enforcement System
Teen Fathers Trouble-Prone In Other Ways, Study Finds
Teen Motherhood and Long-Term Health Consequences
Teen Mothers' Educational Attainment and Their Children's Risk for Teenage Childbearing
Teen Parenthood and Adult Civic Engagement: New Evidence from the NLSY97
Teen Parenting: Implications for the Mother and Child Generations
Teen Parenting: Implications for the Mother and Child Generations
Teen Parents' Cumulative Inequality in Job Achievement: Mediation Effect of Educational Achievement
Teen Sex Begins At Home, Study Finds
Teenage Alcohol and Drug Use Does It Increase Non Drug Related Crime?
Teenage Childbearing among Youth Born to Teenage Mothers
Teenage Childbearing Among Youth Born to Teenage Mothers
Teenage Childbearing and Adult Wages
Teenage Childbearing and AFDC Duration
Teenage Childbearing and Cultural Rationality: A Thesis in Search of Evidence
Teenage Childbearing and High School Completion: Accounting for Individual Heterogeneity
Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences
Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment
Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment
Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment
Teenage Childbearing and Maternal Schooling Outcomes: Evidence from Matching
Teenage Childbearing and Poverty
Teenage Childbearing and Social and Reproductive Disadvantage: The Evolution of Complex Questions and the Demise of Simple Answers
Teenage Childbearing and Social Disadvantage: Unprotected Discourse
Teenage Childbearing, Marital Status, and Depressive Symptoms in Later Life
Teenage Delinquency: The Role of Child Support Payments and Father's Visitation
Teenage Delinquency: The Role of Child Support Payments and Father's Visitation
Teenage Employment and High School Completion
Teenage Employment: Personal Characteristics, Job Duration, and the Racial Unemployment Differential
Teenage Fatherhood as a Potential Turning Point in the Lives of Delinquent Youth
Teenage Fatherhood: High School Accreditation and Educational Attainment
Teenage Fertility and Early Adult Labor Force Participation
Teenage Fertility and High School Completion
Teenage Fertility and High School Completion
Teenage Fertility and High School Completion
Teenage Locus of Control and Adult Unemployment
Teenage Marriage and Marital Stability
Teenage Motherhood: Social and Economic Consequences
Teenage Pregnancy in Adolescents With an Incarcerated Household Member
Teenage Sex, Drugs and Alcohol Use: Problems Identifying the Cause of Risky Behaviors
Teenage Unemployment: Permanent Scar or Temporary Blemish
Teenage Unemployment: Some Evidence of the Long-Run Effects on Wages
Teenage Unemploymnet: Permanent Scars or Temporary Blemishes
Teenage, Out-of-Wedlock, Childbearing and Marriage: The Experience of the NLSY Cohort
Teenagers: What Are Their Choices About Work?
Teens' Alcohol Consumption and Schooling
Teens' Allowances Often Well-Paid; Survey Shows Amount Typically $50 Per Week
Teens’ Alcohol Consumption and Schooling
Telecommuting and Earnings Trajectories Among American Women and Men 1989-2008
Television and Perceived Control: A Longitudinal Study of the Cultivation of Powerlessness among Millenial Adolescents
Television Viewing and Initiation of Smoking Among Youth
Television Viewing and Symptoms of Inattention and Hyperactivity Across Time: The Importance of Research Questions
Television Viewing as a Cause of Increasing Obesity Among Children in the United States, 1986-1990
Temperament and Parenting during the First Year of Life Predict Future Child Conduct Problems
Temperament in Context: Infant Temperament Moderates the Relationship Between Perceived Neighborhood Quality and Behavior Problems
Temperature and Human Capital in the Short- and Long-Run
The Tempo of Remarriage Among Young American Women
Temporal Configuration Analysis of Developmental Trajectories in Young Children of Heavy Episodic Drinking Mothers
The Temporal Effects of Divorces and Separations on Children's Academic Achievement and Problem Behavior
The Temporal Effects of Parental Divorce on Youth Substance Use
Temporal Tempering: An Event History Analysis of the Process of Voluntary Turnover
Temporary Work and Depressive Symptoms: A Propensity Score Analysis
Ten Years Later: Economic Well-Being among Those Who Left Welfare
Ten-and-Over Years: Self-Reports from the Children of the NLSY
Tenure Choice of American Youth
Tenure, Experience, and Men's and Women's Wages: Panel Estimates from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Terminations of First-Time Homeownership
A Test of Adverse Selection in the Market for Experienced Workers
A Test of Ghiselli's "Hobo Syndrome"
Test of Lazear's Mandatory Retirement Model
A Test of Screening Discrimination with Employer Learning
A Test of the Axiom of Cumulative Inertia across Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Settings
Testing Censoring Point Independence
Testing Conditions Influence the Race Gap in Cognition and Achievement Estimated by Household Survey Data
Testing Conditions Influence the Race Gap in Cognition and Achievement Estimated by Household Survey Data
Testing Descriptive Hypotheses Regarding Sex Differences in the Development of Conduct Problems and Delinquency
Testing for Asymmetric Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination
Testing for Educational Credit Constraints Using Heterogeneity in Individual Time Preferences
Testing for Employee Discrimination by Race and Sex
Testing Instrument Validity and Identification with Invalid Instruments
Testing Labour Supply and Hours Constraints
Testing Moffitt's Account of Delinquency Abstention
Testing Prospective Effects in Longitudinal Research: Comparing Seven Competing Cross-Lagged Models
Testing the Causal Hypothesis that Repeated Bullying Victimization Leads to Lower Levels of Educational Attainment: A Sibling-comparison Analysis
Testing the Correlated Random Coefficient Model
Testing the Cross-Racial Generality of Spearman's Hypothesis in Two Samples
Testing the Independence of Job Arrival Rates and Wage Offers
Testing the Length of Time Theory of Recall Decay: Examining Substance Use Report Stability With 10 Years of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Data
Testing the Opportunity Cost Hypothesis of Adolescent Premarital Childbearing
Testing the Theory of Social Security and Life Cycle Accumulation
Thank You for Your Service? Diverging Pathways for People of Color Within the Armed Forces
That’s One Expensive Bundle of Joy: The True Cost of Motherhood for Women
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Individual Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System
The Theory of Human Capital and the Earnings of Women: A Re-examination of the Evidence
There's No Place Like Home: The Relationship of Nonstandard Employment and Home Ownership over the 1990s
The Thief's Wages: Theft and Human Capital Development
Thirty-day Smoking in Adolescence is a Strong Predictor of Smoking in Young Adulthood
Those Who Pay and Those Who Don't: Family Aid, Student Loan Debt, and Consequences for the Transition to Adulthood
Those Who Pay and Those Who Don’t: The Role of Family Support in Protecting Young Adults from Student Loan Debt
Three Applications of Matching Estimation in Applied Microeconomics
Three Empirical Essays in Labor Markets
Three Empirical Studies of Human Capital, Labor Supply, and Health Care
Three Essays Examining Early Life Shocks That Affect Human Capital Production
Three Essays Examining the Effects of Labor Market Conditions on College Enrollment and Completion
Three Essays Examining the Impact of Paid Maternity Leave Offers on Women's Labor Market Outcomes
Three Essays in Applied Econometrics
Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Three Essays in Behavioral Economics
Three Essays in Demand Analysis
Three Essays in Empirical Economics
Three Essays in Financial Aid and Education
Three Essays in Financial Economics
Three Essays in Health and Labor Economics
Three Essays in Health and Labor Economics
Three Essays in Labor and Education Economics
Three Essays in Labor and Public Economics
Three Essays in Labor Economics
Three Essays in Labor Economics
Three Essays in Labor Economics
Three Essays in Labor Economics
Three Essays in Labour Economics and Applied Econometrics
Three Essays in Life-cycle Labor Supply and Human Capital Formation
Three Essays in Public Economics
Three Essays on Adolescent BMI Growth
Three Essays on Applied Economics
Three Essays on BMI Trajectories by Generation during the Transition to Adulthood
Three Essays on CGE Modeling, Education Economics and Energy Economics
Three Essays on Child Development
Three Essays on Child Health and Skill Formation: Maternal Employment and Non-Cognitive Skill Formation: Evidence from NLSY79
Three Essays on Children's Skill Acquisition and Academic Performance
Three Essays on College Enrollment, Completion and Labor Market Returns
Three Essays on Economics of Immigration
Three Essays on Employee Mobility
Three Essays on Employer Learning and Statistical Discrimination
Three Essays on Estimating the Effects of School and Student Improvement Interventions
Three Essays on Estimation with Unpriced Amenities
Three Essays on Extremal Quantiles
Three Essays on Families, Children and Human Capital Formation
Three Essays on Family Economics
Three Essays on Family Structure and School Dropout among Adolescents
Three Essays on Female Labor Supply and Assortative Mating
Three Essays on Fertility, Labor Market Performance, and Parental Mental Health
Three Essays on Frictional Labor Markets
Three Essays on Health and Labor Economics
Three Essays on Health Economics
Three Essays on Household Behavior in the Housing Market
Three Essays on Human Capital
Three Essays on Income Dynamics and Demographic Economics
Three Essays on Investment in Human Capital
Three Essays on Job Search Methods and Search Outcomes
Three Essays on Labor and Credit Markets
Three Essays on Labor Economics
Three Essays on Labor Economics
Three Essays on Labor Economics and Public Policy
Three Essays on Labor Market Disparities and Inequality
Three Essays on Labor Market Outcomes
Three Essays on Latency in Economics and Decision-Making
Three Essays on Macroeconomics with Search Frictions
Three Essays on Market Imperfections and Inequality
Three Essays on Market Structure Variation and Labor Market Outcomes
Three essays on money arguments and financial behaviors
Three Essays on Noncognitive Skills and Youth Education and Labor Outcomes
Three Essays on Occupational Segregation: Women and Men in the Labor Force
Three Essays on Partial Identification for Applied Health Economics
Three Essays on Race and Human Capital
Three Essays on Racial Reclassification: Racial Reclassification in the U.S., Latino Racialization, and Racialized Ethnic Classification
Three Essays on Racial-Ethnic Variation in Fertility in the United States, with a Focus on Hispanics
Three Essays on Regional Economic Development
Three Essays on Remarriage
Three Essays on Search Theory
Three Essays on Self-Esteem and Retirement Planning Behaviors
Three Essays on Semiparametric Models of Dynamic Discrete Choice, Program Evaluation, and the College Premium in the Eighties
Three Essays on Skill Heterogeneity in Frictional Labor Markets
Three Essays on Social Inequality and the U.S. Criminal Justice System
Three Essays on Social Networks in Labor Markets
Three Essays on Spousal Matching, Intra-Household Allocation, and Family Welfare
Three Essays on the Appalachian Region
Three Essays on the Black White Wage Gap
Three Essays on the Determinants and Consequences of Union Experiences
Three Essays on the Economics of Education
Three Essays on the Economics of Food and Health Behavior
Three Essays on the Economics of Gender
Three Essays on the Economics of Household Decision Making
Three Essays on the Economics of the Family
Three Essays on the Effects of Gender and Motherhood on Labor Force Outcomes
Three Essays on the Health Insurance Coverage of Young Adults
Three Essays on the Impact of Publicly Funded Programs on the Well-Being of Lower-Income Individuals
Three Essays on the Impact of Welfare Policies
Three Essays on the Interrelationships between Socioeconomic Resources, Family Formation, and Child Wellbeing
Three Essays on the Law and Economics of Bankruptcy
Three Essays on the Micro Basis of Socioeconomic Inequality: The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills
Three Essays on the Relationships Between Mothers' Education and Employment Status and Children's Outcomes
Three Essays on the Role of Siblings in the Determination of Individual Outcomes
Three Essays on the Social, Economic, and Demographic Causes and Consequences of Low Fertility
Three Essays on the Well-Being of Vulnerable Populations
Three Essays on U.S. Social Policy's Impact on the Human Capital Development of Young Adults At-Risk of Poverty
Three Essays on Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance
Three Essays on Welfare Reform
Three Essays Using Natural Experiments to Measure Causal Effects on Education
Three Generations: The NLS of Labor Market Experience of Women
Three Microeconomic Applications Using Administrative Records
Three Papers in Labor Economics
Three Papers on the Black-White Mobility Gap in the United States
Three Regimes of Childcare: the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden
Three Studies on the Value and Risk of Higher Education
Three-Step Latent Class Analysis with Inverse Propensity Weighting in the Presence of Differential Item Functioning
Through the Red Tape Ceiling
Tight Labor Markets and Extensive Job Searches: How Changes in the Unemployment Rate Affect Job Search Behaviors
Time and Job Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study of the Differential Roles of Age and Tenure
A Time and Place for Us: Essays on Migration, Time Preferences and Marriage Stability
Time for Work and Kids? Women’s Work Characteristics and Childbearing Expectations
Time Is Money? Wage Premiums and Penalties for Time-Related Occupational Demands
Time is on My Side: Time, General Mental Ability, Human Capital, and Extrinsic Career Success
Time Off at What Price? The Effects of Career Interruptions on Earnings
A Time to Plant and a Time to Reap
Time vs. Money: Which Resources Matter for Children?
Time vs. Money: Which Resources Matter for Children?
Time-Inconsistency and Welfare Program Participation: Evidence from the NLSY
Time-Inconsistency and Welfare Program Participation: Evidence from the NLSY
Time-intensive Occupations and the Motherhood Gap in Authority
Time-Varying Outcomes Associated with Maternal Age at First Birth
Time-Varying Outcomes Associated With Maternal Age at First Birth
Timing Effects of College During the School-to-Work Transition: Evidence from the NLSY97
Timing Effects of Family Disruption on the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings
Timing Effects of Women's Family Careers on Employment and Occupational Attainment
Timing Matters: How Adolescent Police Contact Shapes Political Lives
The Timing of a First Birth and High School Completion
The Timing of a First Birth Do Economic, Social and Cultural Capital Matter?
Timing of Childbearing and Disability in Older Age
Timing of Childbearing and Disability in Older Age
The Timing of Childbearing and Women's Wages
The Timing of Childhood Poverty, Contextual Risk and Educational Outcomes in Early Adulthood
Timing of College Dropout: Factors Related to Dropping Out and Persistence in College
Timing of Departure From the Parental Home: Differences by Immigrant Generation and Parents' Region of Origin
Timing of Dropout Decisions: Rethinking the ABCs
Timing of First Alcohol Use and First Sex in Male and Female Adolescents
Timing of Poverty in Childhood and Adolescent Health: Evidence from the US and UK
The Timing of Retirement of American Men
The Timing of the First Birth and Changes in Personal Efficacy
The Timing of the Influences of Cumulative Poverty on Children's Cognitive Ability and Achievement
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Patient: Work Attributes and Depression Disparities Among Young Adults
Tipping the Scales: Why Are American Kids Getting Fatter?
To A Larger Degree, More Girls Make College Plans
To Ghetto or Not to Ghetto: Ethnicity and Residential Segregation
To Ghetto or Not to Ghetto: Ethnicity and Residential Segregation
To Spank Or Not To Spank; In Past Studies, And Today, Even Experts Are Divided On It
Tobacco Control Policies and Smoking Cessation: A Cross-Country Analysis
Tobacco Use as Response to Economic Insecurity: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Together Despite the Odds: Explaining Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity in Union Dissolution after Incarceration
Toil and Toxics: Workplace Struggles and Political Strategies for Occupational Health
Tomorrow's Workers
Too Much Time Away from Home? Work Hours and Early Adolescent Behavior
Total Income Trajectories Over the Life Course Post-Incarceration
Tough Love? Crime and Parental Assistance in Young Adulthood
Toward a Better Measure of Work Experience
Toward a Fruitful Policy Discourse about Less Educated Young Men
Toward a More Perfect Union: Basic Skills, Poor Families, and Our Economic Future
Tracing the U.S. Deficit in PISA Reading Skills to Early Childhood: Evidence from the United States and Canada
Tracing the U.S. Deficit in PISA to Early Childhood: Evidence from the United States and Canada
Tracking Lost Respondents
Tracking of School Children: a Comparison of Life Outcomes
Tracking Women's Transition to Adulthood: High School Experiences, Race/Ethnicity, and the Early Life Course Outcomes of Schooling
Tracking Women's Transitions to Adulthood: Race, Curricular Tracking, and Young Adult Outcomes
Tracking: A Form of Educational Neglect?
Trade Unions and Hiring Standards
The Trade-Off Between Supervision and Wages: Evidence of Efficiency Wages from the NLSY
The Trade-Off Between Wages and Wage Growth
Trade, Ttraining, Employment, and Wages: Evidence from the U.S. Manufacturing Industry
A Tradition of Public Service in Families
Training Among Young Adults: Who, What Kind, and for How Long?
Training and Job Mobility Among Young Workers in the United States
Training and Retirement Patterns
Training and Wage Growth: Depreciation, Portability, and Varying Returns For Different Demographic Groups
Training at Work: A Comparison of U.S. and British Youths
Training at Work: A Comparison of U.S. and British Youths
Training Field Interviewers to Use Computers: A Successful CAPI Training Program
Training Opportunities in Monopsonistic Labour Markets
Training Young People
Training, Trading or Taking? Parents' Work, Children's Work and Intergenerational Transfers
Training, Wages, and the Human Capital Model
Training, Wages, and the Human Capital Model
Training, Wages, and the Human Capital Model
Trajectories and Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Among Offspring of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979
Trajectories of Children's Health Inequalities and the Role of Parental Resources
Trajectories of Delinquency from Age 14 to 23 in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Sample
Trajectories of Depression between 30s and 50s: Latent Growth Modeling
Trajectories of Failure: The Educational Careers of Children with Mental Health Problems
Trajectories of Failure: The Educational Careers of Children with Mental Health Problems
Trajectories of HIV Risk Behavior from Age 15 to 25 in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Sample
Trajectories of Human Capital Accumulation after Women's Transition to Motherhood in the US: Determinants and Consequences
Trajectories of Individual Behavior in the US Housing Market
Trajectories of Marijuana Use and the Transition to Adulthood
Trajectories of Maternal Weight from Before Pregnancy through Postpartum and Associations with Childhood Obesity
Trajectories of Mental Health across Baby Boomers: Latent Growth Curve Modeling for Depression
Trajectories of Mental Health and the Impact of Economic Well-Being across Middle Aged Adults
Trajectories of Parenting Processes and Adolescent Substance Use: Reciprocal Effects
Trajectories of Parenting Styles and Delinquency: An Examination Using a Sample of African-Americans
Trajectories of Poverty and Children's Mental Health
Trajectories of Productivity Loss over a 20-year Period: An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Trajectories of Public Assistance Receipt among Female High School Dropouts
Trajectories of Religious Participation from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Trajectories of Sexual Risk From Middle Adolescence to Early Adulthood
Trajectories of Socioeconomic Status Across Children's Lifetime Predict Health
Trajectories of Subjective Health: Testing Longitudinal Models for Self-rated Health From Adolescence to Midlife
Trajectories of Union Transition in Emerging Adulthood: Socioeconomic Status and Race/Ethnicity Differences in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort
Trajectories of Unsecured Debt across the Life Course and Mental Health at Midlife
Trajectories of Youthful Antisocial Behavior: Categories or Continua?
Trajectories through Postsecondary Education and Students' Life Course Transitions
Trajectory Analysis for Identifying Classes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children of the United States
The Trajectory from School to Work. A Study of Life Chances of School Leavers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden
Trajectory of Adolescent Obesity: Exploring the Impact of Prenatal to Childhood Experiences
The Transaction Cost Economics Approach to the Organization of Labor: An Empirical Analysis
The Transferability of Military-Provided Occupational Training in the Post-Draft Era
A Transition Analysis of Housing Tenure Choice
The Transition from School to Adulthood
The Transition from School to Jail: Youth Crime and High School Completion Among Black Males
The Transition from School to Work with Job Search Implications
The Transition from School to Work: Education and Work Experiences
Transition into Adulthood: Cannabis Use and Mental Health
Transition Patterns Between Work and School
The Transition to Adulthood Among the Forgotten Half: Home Leaving and Living Arrangement Among Less Educated Young Adults in the United States
The Transition to Adulthood in China, Germany and the US: Prevalence and Timing in Private and Professional Life
The Transition to Adulthood in the Developed Western World: A Focus on the Achievement of Economic Independence and on the Role of Family Background
The Transition to Adulthood of Contemporary Delinquent Adolescents
Transition to Adulthood: African American Youth and Youth from Low-Income Working Families
The Transition to Early Fatherhood: National Estimates Based on Multiple Surveys
The Transition to Fatherhood and the Health of Men
The Transition to First Intercourse Among Racially and Culturally Diverse Youth
Transition to Retirement and Geographic Mobility
Transition to Retirement and Migration Behavior in the United States
The Transition to Stable Employment: The Experience of U.S. Youth in Their Early Labor Market Career
The Transition to Work in the Post-Industrial Labor Market
Transitioning to Adulthood: Are Conventional Benchmarks as Protective Today as They Were in the Past?
Transitions Between Employment and Nonemployment
Transitions from School to Work: A Survey of Research Using the National Longitudinal Surveys
Transitions in Family Structure and Children's Wellbeing
Transitions in the Life Course and Gender Role Ideology: Stability and Change from Adolescence to Adulthood
Transitions in Work and Family Arrangements: Mother's Employment Conditions, Children's Experiences, and Child Outcomes
Transitions into Idleness Among White, Black, and Hispanic Youth: Some Determinants and Policy Implications of Weak Labor Force Attachment
Transitions of Disadvantaged Cohabiting Mothers into Marriage
Transitions onto and off of Hormonal Methods among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S.
The Transmission of Cognitive Achievement Across Three Generations
The Transmission of Fathering from Fathers and Mothers to Sons
The Transmission of Homeownership in the United States: How Much Does Family Matter?
The Transmission of Parenting from Fathers to Sons
Travel Time to Child Care Settings--Evidence from the NLSY97
Treatment Effects in Interactive Fixed Effects Models with a Small Number of Time Periods
The Trend in the Male-Female Wage Gap in the United States
Trends in BMI and Weight Perception Among Young Adults: An Analysis of Gender, Race, and Educational Disparities
Trends in Body Mass Index in Adolescence and Young Adulthood in the United States: 1959–2002
Trends in Earnings Dispersion in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the Current Population Survey
Trends in Earnings Inequality Among Young Adults
Trends in Family Life and Children's School Performance
Trends in Job Instability and Wages for Young Adult Men
Trends in Job Instability and Wages for Young Adult Men
Trends in the Determinants of Early Childbearing
Trends in the Determinants of Early Childbearing
Trends in the Economic Independence of Young Adults in the United States: 1973–2007
Trends in the Employment of Young Women: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Trends in the Joint Retirement Decisions of Husbands and Wives
Trends in Voluntary and Involuntary Job Turnover
Trends in Welfare Receipt and Nonmarital Births: Is There a Link?
Trends in Worker Demand for Union Representation
Trends Now Shaping the Future
Trends Over Time in the High School Dropouts
Trigger Events and Financial Outcomes Over the Lifespan
Trois Essais sur La Mobilité la Formation des Travailleurs en Allemagne et Aux Etats-Unis (French and English Text)
The Trouble with Boys: Social Influences and the Gender Gap in Disruptive Behavior
Troubled Young Pupils may Turn Out Well, too, Studies Say
Trust and Household Debt
Trust, Consumer Debt, and Household Finance
Trying to Be Supermom Is a Recipe for Depression
Trying to Keep Children Out of Trouble: Child Characteristics, Neighborhood Quality, and Within-Household Resource Allocation
Turbulence During Childhood
Turbulent Times: Effects of Turbulence and Violence Exposure in Adolescence on High School Completion, Health Risk Behavior, and Mental Health in Young Adulthood
Turning Job Finders into Job Keepers
Turning Job Finders into Job Keepers; Helping Welfare Recipients Keep Their Jobs; Includes Related Articles on Welfare
Turning Thirty--Job Mobility and Labor Market Attachment
A Turnover Analysis of Joblessness for Young Women
Turnover in Child Care Arrangements
Turnover in the Youth Labor Market
Turnover or Turnaway? Competing Risks Analysis of Male and Female IT Professionals' Job Mobility and Relative Pay Gap
TV Ads Contribute to Childhood Obesity, Economists Say
Twentieth Century Change in the Educational Costs of Adolescent Childbearing
A Two Decade Examination of Historical Race/Ethnicity Disparities in Academic Achievement by Poverty Status
Two Decades of Change in Premarital First Births: Cohort Comparisons from the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Two Decades of Family Change: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage
Two Essays in Economics of Education and Political Economy
Two Essays in Labor and Public Economics
Two Essays in Social Program Evaluation
Two Essays in the Human Capital Theory
Two Essays on Human Capital Acquisition Among Children
Two Essays on the Economics of Education and Inequality
Two Essays on Youth Criminal Behavior and Drug Use
Two Faces of Unionism
The Two Income‐Participation Gaps
Two Methods for Studying the Developmental Significance of Family Structure Trajectories
Two Papers on the Use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Two Roads in a Wood: An Econometric Analysis of the Major Choice of First-Generation College Students
Two Sides of the Same Coin: U.S. "Residual" Inequality and the Gender Gap
Two Strikes Against Them? Exploring the Influence of a History of Poverty and Growing Up in an Alcoholic Family on Alcohol Problems and Income
Two-Year College Enrollment and Educational Attainment
Types of Education and the Occupational Attainments of Young Men
Typing, Shorthand, and Occupational Assignments of Women: Some Black-White Differentials
Typologies of Recanting of Lifetime Cigarette, Alcohol And Marijuana Use During a Six-Year Longitudinal Panel Study

U.S. Childhood Obesity Policies and Their Projected Impact on Adult Health Through 2040
U.S. Juvenile Arrests: Gang Membership, Social Class, and Labeling Effects
U.S. Mothers' Long-Term Employment Patterns
The U.S. Safety Net and Obesity
U.S. Seen as Falling Short on Basic Supports for Children
U.S. Social Welfare Reform: Policy Transitions from 1981 to the Present
U.S.-Canadian Unemployment Rate and Wage Differences Among Young, Low-Skilled Males in the 1980s
Unclaimed Injuries and Workers' Compensation Adequacy
Unconventional Wisdom: New Facts and Hot Stats from the Social Sciences. The Happy (Later) Life Of Orphanage Alums
Unconventional Wisdom: The Marriage Money Gap
Uncovering Social Stratification: Intersectional Inequalities in Work and Family Life Courses by Gender and Race
Uncovering Sociological Effect Heterogeneity Using Tree-Based Machine Learning
Uncovering the Roots of Obesity-Based Wage Discrimination: The Role of Job Characteristics
Under Pressure: A Preliminary Test of Stress Proliferation in Predicting Victimization
Under the Skin: On the Impartial Treatment of Genetic and Environmental Hypotheses
The Under-Controlled Do It First: Childhood Personality and Sexual Debut
The Under-Utilization of Women's Talent: Academic Achievement and Future Leadership Positions
Underachieving Fertility: Education, Life Course Factors, and Cohort Change
Underadjustment Bias in the Evaluation of Manpower Training
Underadjustment Bias in the Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Manpower Training
Underclass Behaviors in the United States: Measurement and Analysis of Determinants
Underemployment and Alcohol Misuse in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Underemployment and Depression in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Underemployment and Depression: Longitudinal Relationships
Underemployment As Disguised Unemployment and Its Social Costs
Underemployment: A SociaL Ecological Perspective
Underreporting of Abortion in Surveys of U.S. Women: 1976 to 1988
Underreporting of Substance Use in a National Longitudinal Youth Cohort: Individual and Interviewer Effects
Understanding Birth Order: A Within-Family Analysis of Birth Order Effects
Understanding Differences in Black and White Child Poverty Rates
Understanding Differences in Children's Test Scores Across Socioeconomic Status and Race
Understanding Differences in Health Behaviors by Education
Understanding Ethnic Differences in Academic Achievement: Empirical Lessons from National Data
Understanding Family Change: Past, Present, and Future Effects of Family Events on Children
Understanding Fathering and Adolescents' Wellbeing: Father Figures and Transition to Young Adulthood
Understanding Foster Youth Outcomes: Is Propensity Scoring Better Than Traditional Methods?
Understanding How Birth Spacing Influences the Employment Decisions of At-risk, Unmarried Mothers after the Birth of a Second Child
Understanding How Family Socioeconomic Status Mediates the Maternal Intelligence-Child Cognitive Outcomes Relationship: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
Understanding Instrumental Variables in Models with Essential Heterogeneity
Understanding Links Among Adolescent Health, Social Background and Education
Understanding Links Between Adolescent Health and Educational Attainment
Understanding Links between Children's Health and Education
Understanding Race Differences in the Role of Grandparents in Single-Mother Families
Understanding Religious Choice: A Product Attributes Model Application
Understanding Status Attainment in the 21st Century: The Importance and Incorporation of Race-Specific Models within the Transition from School to Work
Understanding the "Family Gap" in Pay for Women with Children
Understanding the Accumulation of Health-related Inequities over the Life Course Using the Mean Cumulative Count
Understanding the Antecedents of Adverse Peer Relationships Among Early Adolescents in the United States: An Ecological Systems Analysis
Understanding the Benefits of Different Types and Timing of Education for Mental Health: A Sequence Analysis Approach
Understanding the Black-White and Hispanic-White Test Score Gaps For Children Ages 5 to 13
Understanding the Crime Choice - The Role of Market Wages
Understanding the Demand for Alcohol in the United States
Understanding the Disability Dynamics of Youth: Health Condition and Limitation Changes for Youth and Their Influence on Longitudinal Survey Attrition
Understanding the Effect of Obesity on Male and Female Labor Outcomes
Understanding the Fertility-Economy Link for Teenagers
Understanding the Gap Between Fertility Intentions and Outcomes
Understanding the Gender Earnings Gap: Hours Worked, Occupational Sorting, and Labor Market Experience
Understanding the Housing Experience of Former Foster Youth During the Transition to Adulthood
Understanding the Labor Market Returns to Mobility for Young Workers
Understanding the Link Between the Economy and Teenage Sexual Behavior and Fertility Outcomes
Understanding the Potential Long-term Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Early Experiences of Victimization
Understanding the Relationship of Pregnancy Weight and Weight Change with Infant and Child Health
Understanding the Returns to Delayed Childbearing for Working Women
Understanding the Role of Cognitive Ability in Accounting for the Recent Rise in the Economic Return to Education
Understanding Variation in Cohabitation through a Lens of Marital Expectations and Fertility
Understanding Why Students Drop Out of High School, According to Their Own Reports: Are They Pushed or Pulled, or Do They Fall Out? A Comparative Analysis of Seven Nationally Representative Studies
Undesirable Juvenile Behavior and the Quality of Parental Relationships
Unemployment and Childbearing: Whose Unemployment Matters and to Whom Does It Matter?
Unemployment and Compensating Wages: An Analysis of Shift Work
Unemployment and Compensating Wages: An Analysis of Shift Work
Unemployment and Health Behaviors over the Business Cycle: A Longitudinal View
Unemployment and Health Behaviors over the Business Cycle: A Longitudinal View
Unemployment and Labor Force Participation of Married Men and Women: A Simultaneous Model
Unemployment and the Transition From Separation to Divorce
Unemployment as a Factor in Early Retirement Decisions
Unemployment Compensation's Effect on Early Childhood Development
Unemployment Duration and the Personalities of Young Adult Workers
Unemployment Duration in Non-Metropolitan Labor Markets
Unemployment Experience of Individuals Over a Decade
Unemployment Experiences of Nonstudents
Unemployment Insurance and Job Quits
Unemployment Insurance and Labor Turnover: Estimates from a Multiple-Spell Two-State Competing-Risk Hazard Model with Endogenous Unemployment Insurance Receipt
Unemployment Insurance and the Duration of Unemployment: A Note on Ehrenberg and Oaxaca
Unemployment Insurance Effects on Child Academic Outcomes: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Unemployment Insurance Eligibility and the Transition from School to Work in Canada and the United States
Unemployment Insurance in Labor Search Model and Money Demand
Unemployment Insurance, Duration of Unemployment, and Subsequent Wage Gain
Unemployment Insurance, Job Search, and the Duration of Unemployment
Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Durations and Re-employment Wages
Unemployment Insurance: Factors Associated with Benefit Receipt
Unemployment of Women: A Human Capital Analysis
Unemployment over the Work History: Structure, Determinants, and Consequences
Unemployment Trajectories across the Life Course: Gender, Economic Context, and Work-Family Responsibilities
Unemployment, Joblessness, Psychological Well-being and Self-esteem: Theory and Evidence
Unemployment, Occupational Mobility, and Retirement: A Survey of Policies and Experiences
Unequal Access: Punishment and High School Completion
Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success
Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success
The Unequal Distribution of Nuclear Family Deaths by Race and Its Effect on Attaining a College Degree
The Unequal Distribution of Sibling and Parent Deaths by Race and its Effect on Attaining a College Degree
Unequal Opportunity? Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Returns to Internal U.S. Migration
Unequal Risk: Combat Occupations in the Volunteer Military
Unequal Spacing in Dynamic Panel Data: Identification and Estimation
The Unequal Weight of Discrimination: Gender, Body Size, and Income Inequality
Unequally Indebted: Debt by Education, Race, and Ethnicity and the Accumulation of Inequality in Emerging Adulthood
Unexamined Stable Family: An Examination of Child Well-Being in Stable-Single Parent Families
An Unexpected Success Story: Transition to Adulthood in Youth with Chronic Physical Health Conditions. Special Issue: Late Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood
Unexpectedly Expecting: Unintended Fertility, Nonmarital Conceptions, and Well-being among Parents and Children
An Unforeseen Story of Alpha-woman: Breadwinner Women Are More Likely to Quit the Job in Work-Family Conflicts
Unfulfilled Expectations and Symptoms of Depression among Young Adults
A Unification of Mediator, Confounder, and Collider Effects
Uninsured Children: Do Child Support Policies Matter?
Unintended Birth and Children's Long-term Mental Health
Unintended Childbearing and Children's Cognitive Ability and Achievement
The Unintended Effects of Ban-the-Box Laws on Crime
The Unintended Effects of Minimum Wage Increases on Crime
Unintended Fertility, Wealth, and Wealth Trajectories of U.S. Adult Mothers
Unintended Impacts of Sentencing Guidelines on Family Structure, Revised Technical Report
Unintended Impacts of Sentencing on Family Structure
Unintended Policy Effects and Youth Crime
Unintended Pregnancy and the Consequences of Non-Marital Childbearing
Union Coverage, Membership and Performance-Related Pay: Are Piece Rates Different?
Union Effects on Quit Rates and Training
Union Formation and Stability Among Non-Cohabiting, Unmarried Parents: Incorporating Unions with Their Child's Parent
Union Preferences, Job Satisfaction, and the Union-Voice Hypothesis
Union Strength and Wage Inflation
Union Wage Distortions and Investment in Schooling: Evidence from Continuing Education
Union Wage Effect: Differential Determinants and Differential Returns
Union Wage Impact: Cross-Sectional & Longitudinal Analyses Using the NLSY
Union-Nonunion Differentials and Establishment Size: Evidence from the NLSY
Union-Nonunion Effects on Wage and Status Attainment
Union-Nonunion Gender Benefit Differentials across Firm Sizes: Evidence from NLSY
Union-Nonunion Gender Wage and Benefit Differentials across Establishment Sizes
Union-Nonunion Wage Differential: A Human Capital Approach
Union-Nonunion Wage Differentials Revisited
Union/Nonunion Differentials: Membership or Coverage?
Union/Nonunion Wage Gaps in the Public Sector
Unionism and the Size Distribution of Earnings
Unionism and Turnover: Exit-Voice Tradeoff, Firm Size, and Spillover Effects
Unionism, Labor Turnover, and Wages of Young Men
Unionism, Seniority and Turnover
Unionization Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Unionization and Female Wage and Status Attainment
Unionization and Income Inequality
Unions and Nonwage Racial Discrimination
Unions as Facilitators of Employment Rights: An Analysis of Individuals' Awareness of Parental Leave in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Unions Increase Job Satisfaction in the United States
Unions Increase Job Satisfaction in the United States
Unions, Wages, and Skills
Unique Matching Patterns in Remarriage: Educational Assortative Mating Among Divorced Men and Women
United States Adolescent Health Literacy Development, Disparities, and Preventive Service Use Throughout the Lifecourse
United States Men's and Women's Wage Attainment, 1968-1988
Unmarried Women Do Not Show Psychological Harm from Abortion: Letter in re: Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in Young Women
Unmet Fertility Expectations, Education, and Fertility Postponement among U.S. Women
Unobservable Individual Effects, Marriage and the Earnings of Young Men
Unobserved Ability and the Return to Schooling
Unobserved Ability and the Return to Schooling
Unobserved Ability, Efficiency Wages, and Interindustry Wage Differentials
Unobserved Family Effects on the Risk of a First Premarital Birth
Unobserved Heterogeneity and Risk in Wage Variance: Does More Schooling Reduce Earnings Risk?
Unobserved Worker Quality and Inter-Industry Wage Differentials
Unpacking the Linkages between Single Parent Households and Early Adolescent Adjustment
Unpacking the Relationship Between Adolescent Employment and Antisocial Behavior: A Matched Samples Comparison
Unplanned Careers: The Working Lives of Middle-Aged Women
The Unrelenting Significance of Minority Statuses: Gender, Ethnicity, and Economic Attainment since Affirmative Action
Untangling Race and Class Effects on Juvenile Arrests
Untangling the Direct and Indirect Effects of Body Mass Dynamics on Earnings
Untangling the Heterogeneity in the Marriage Effect
Untangling the Interconnected Relationships between Alcohol Use, Employment, and Offending
Unwed Fathers and Fragile Families
Up from Slavery? African American Intergenerational Economic Mobility Since 1880
Up in Smoke
An Update of the Educational Attainment Model for a Minor Child
Updated Estimates of Earnings Benefits from Reduced Exposure of Children to Environmental Lead
Updating Women's Life Course: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations
Upgrading Employee Computer Skills: Methods and Outcomes
Upholding CCRI In California
Upward Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States
Upward Mobility Benefits White Women's Infants, But Not Black Women's
The Upward Trend in Women's College-Going: The Role of Teenagers' Anticipated Future Labour Force Attachment
Upward Wealth Mobility: Exploring the Roman Catholic Advantage
Urban Agglomeration, Wages and Selection: Evidence from Samples of Siblings
Urban America as a Context for the Development of Moral Identity in Adolescence
Urban Growth and Its Aggregate Implications
Urban Labor Markets and Job Opportunity
Urban Poverty Database Inventory 1992
Urban Poverty Database Inventory Aims To Document On-going Studies
Urban Sprawl, Obesogenic Environment, and Child Weight
Urban-Rural Residential Mobility Associated With Political Party Affiliation: The U.S. National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth and Young Adults
US and Foreign Born Mexican American Youth: A Socioeconomic Comparison
US Study: Jews Richer Because of Religion
The Use and Prevalence of Contingent Work Arrangements in the United States
The Use of An Income Maintenance Program By Young Men: An Exploratory Study
The Use of Cognitive Ability Measures as Explanatory Variables in Regression Analysis
The Use of Discordant Sibling Pairs for Finding Genetic Loci Linked to Obesity: Practical Considerations
Use of Discrete-time Survival Analysis for Modeling Multivariate ACE Models of Fertility Precursors from the Children of the NLSY
Use of Food Labels as a Weight Loss Behavior
The Use of Marriage as an Anti-Poverty Measure: Assessing Racial Differences in Effects on Income
Use of Panel Surveys to Measure Employment Precarity in a Cross-National Framework: An Integrated Approach to Harmonize Research Concepts and Longitudinal Data
The Use of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve Analysis for the Prediction of Educational Outcomes: Lessons Learned from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)
The Use of Survey Data in Estimating the Impact of Unemployment Insurance
Use of Weighted Path Analysis in Testing the Influence of Self-regulation, Risk Proneness, Peer Pressure, and Substance Use on Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior
Useful Interactions in Economic Models: The Case of Black/White Earnings Differentials
Usefulness of the Parnes Data for Analysis of the UI System
Using a Multinomial Logit Specification to Model Two Interdependent Processes with an Empirical Application
Using an Online Panel to Crosswalk Alternative Measures of Alcohol Use as Fielded in Two National Samples
Using Couple Models to Investigate the Determinants of Adult Mortality
Using Geographic Variation in College Proximity to Estimate the Return to Schooling
Using Information on the Moments of Disturbances to Increase the Efficiency of Estimation
Using Item Response Theory to Assess the Flynn Effect in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 79 Children and Young Adults Data
Using Item Response Theory to Assess the Lynn-Flynn Effect
Using Longitudinal Data to Estimate the Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage
Using Longitudinal Self-Report Data to Study the Age-Crime Relationship
Using Machine Learning to Examine Heterogeneity of the Effects of Changes in the Earned Income Tax Credit on Child Health and Development
Using Mixtures of t Densities to Make Inferences in the Presence of Missing Data with a Small Number of Multiply Imputed Data Sets
Using National Longitudinal Surveys to Track Young Workers
Using NLSY to Estimate the Determinants of the Violent Criminal Behavior of Teenagers
Using NLSY-Geocode Data to Determine the Effects of Taxes and Minimum Age Laws on the Alcoholic Beverage Demand of Young Adults
Using O*NET Occupational Characteristics with Longitudinal Panel Data
Using O*NET to Estimate the Association Between Work Exposures and Chronic Diseases
Using Occupational Preference in Estimating Market Wage Discrimination: The Case of the Gender Pay Gap
Using On-Line and CD-ROM Database Archives as an Adjunct to Teaching Survey Research Methods
Using Panel Data to Assess the Bias in Cross-sectional Inferences of Life-Cycle Changes in the Level and Consumption of Household Wealth
Using Sibling Differences to Estimate Effects of Parenting on Adolescent Sexual Risk Behaviors
Using Siblings to Estimate The Effect of School Quality on Wages
Using Siblings to Investigate the Effects of Family Structure on Educational Attainment
Using State Child Labor Laws to Identify the Causal Effect of Youth Employment on Deviant Behavior and Academic Achievement
Using Survey Data to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Anti-Abortion Legislation
Using Synthetic Growth Trajectories to Predict Childhood Obesity Trends at the Individual and Population Level
Using the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition Method to Measure Racial Bias in Achievement Tests
Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth in the US to Study the Birth Process: A Bayesian Approach
Using the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth (NLSY) to Conduct Life Course Analyses
Using the National Longitudinal Surveys to Examine Changes in Women's Role Behavior
Using the Two-Sided Logit Model to Elucidate the Determinants of Occupational Attainment
The Utility of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Assessment in Relation to Adult Health
Utility of the HOME-SF Scale for Child Development Research in a Large National Longitudinal Survey: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort

Validation of the Delinquency Index: Youth Report Against the Rasch Measurement Model
Validity and Stability of Self-Reported Health among Adolescents in a Longitudinal, Nationally Representative Survey
The Value of Job Displacements as a Signal of Worker Quality: Layoffs, Lemons, and Labor Market Conditions
The Value of Reanalysis: TV Viewing and Attention Problems
The Value of Stable Employment as Inferred from Market Wages
The Value of Veteran Status in the Labor Market
Values, Policies and the Well-Being of Young Children: A Comparison of Canada, Norway and the United States
Valuing the Family
A Variable Coefficients Analysis of Young Men's Labor Supply Using the National Longitudinal Survey
Variables Affecting the Post High School Outcomes of Students with Learning Disabilities
Variables Impacting the Supply of Majority Female and Male Scientists and Engineers
Variance Function Regressions for Studying Inequality
Variance in Obesity Across Cohorts and Countries: A Norms-Based Explanation Using Happiness Surveys
Variance in Trajectories of Marital Quality Prior to Divorce
Variation by Race/Ethnicity-Gender in the Relationship Between Arrest History and Alcohol Use
Variation in Marital Quality in a National Sample of Divorced Women
Variation in Selected Forms of Leisure Activity Among Elderly Males
Variation in Self-Perceived Fecundity among Young Adult U.S. Women
Variation in the Consequences of Nonresident Father Involvement for Children's Well-Being
Variation in the Consequences of Outside Father Involvement for Children's Well-Being: The Effects of Race, Education, and Wedlock Status
Variation in the Relationship Between Education and Marriage: Marriage Market Mismatch?
Variation in Trajectories of Women's Marital Quality
Variations by Family Structure and Family Size in the Relationship Between Maternal Work Hours and Marital Quality
Variations in Retirement Account Holdings among Women: Native and Immigrants in the U.S.
Variations in the Association between Education and Self-reported Health by Race/Ethnicity and Structural Racism
Variations in the Educational and Career Development Paths of Brothers and Sisters
Variations in the Experience of Job Displacement for Single Mothers and the Effects on Their Children’s Educational Outcomes
Varieties of Financial Stressors and Midlife Health Problems, 1996-2016
The Varying Effects of Incarceration, Conviction, and Arrest on Wealth Outcomes Among Young Adults
The Varying Effects of Incarceration, Conviction, and Arrest on Wealth Outcomes among Young Adults
Veteran Status and Body Weight: A Longitudinal Fixed-Effects Approach
Veteran Status, Earnings, and Race: Some Long Term Results
Veteran Status, Income, and Intergenerational Mobility Across Three Cohorts of American Men
Veteran Status, Onward and Return Migration in the All Volunteer Force Era
A Veterans' Advantage: World War II and Vietnam Compared
A View from the Cradle: Household and Parental Characteristics and Behaviors from the Perspective of Young Children
Vine Copula Regression for Observational Studies
Vine Regression with Bayes Nets: A Critical Comparison with Traditional Approaches Based on a Case Study on the Effects of Breastfeeding on IQ
The Vintage Schooling Hypothesis and Racial Differences in Earnings and On-The-Job Training: A Longitudinal Analysis
Violence and Beyond: Life-course Features of Handgun Carrying in the Urban United States and the Associated Long-term Life Consequences
Violence in Early Life: A Canada-US Comparison
Violent Victimization, Stressful Events, and Depression: A Longitudinal Study of Young Adults in the U.S.
A Vita Theory of the Personal Income Distribution
Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: The Value of Depth Over Breadth
Vocational and Career Tech Education in American High Schools: The Value of Depth Over Breadth
Vocational Education and the High School Dropout
Vocational Education and the High-Risk Student
Vocational Education and the Younger Adult Worker
Vocational Education and Training: Impact on Youth
Vocational Education Today: Participation Rates, Student Composition, and Early Outcomes of the NLSY97
Vocational Education, Training, and Job Skills for Youth
Vocational Education, Training, and Work Experience as Investments for Youth
Volunteer Spirit Is Growing Stronger in Women
Volunteering in the Creation of Entrepreneurship
The Voting Behavior of Young Disenfranchised Felons: Would They Vote if They Could?
Voting with Their Feet: Do People Choose Residential Destinations Based on Naturally Occurring Advantages or Man-Made Advantages of Locations?
Vulnerability in the Transition to Adulthood: Defining Risk Based on Youth Profiles
Vulnerability, Risk, and the Transition to Adulthood
Vulnerable Boys: Short-term and Long-term Gender Differences in the Impacts of Adolescent Disadvantage
Vulnerable Youth and the Transition to Adulthood

Wage Change in the Late Career: A Model for the Outcomes of Job Sequences
Wage Curve Evidence from Panel Data
Wage Declines Among Older Men
Wage Declines Among Older Men
Wage Determination and Firm Performance in the Presence of Individual and Firm Heterogeneity
Wage Determination and Marital Status: Another Look
Wage Determination in the Union and Nonunion Sectors: A Sample Selectivity Approach
Wage Differences among Black and White Career Women
Wage Differences Between Community College and Four-Year College Entrants
Wage Differentials Among Black, Hispanic, and White Male Youth
Wage Differentials Based on Marital Status of Women
Wage Differentials Between College Graduates With and Without Learning Disabilities
Wage Dynamics and Labor Market Transitions: A Reassessment through Total Income and "Usual" Wages
Wage Dynamics and Unobserved Heterogeneity: Time Preference or Learning Ability?
The Wage Dynamics of Internal Migration within the United States
The Wage Earnings Impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
The Wage Effects of Cumulative Job Mobility
The Wage Effects of Job Polarization: Evidence from the Allocation of Talents
Wage Effects of Obesity among Young Workers
The Wage Effects of Obesity: A Longitudinal Study
Wage Effects of Unionization and Occupational Licensing Coverage in the United States
Wage Effects of Unionization and Occupational Licensing Coverage in the United States
The Wage Effects of Voluntary Labor Mobility With and Without Intervening Unemployment
Wage Expectation
Wage Expectations and the Future Earnings of Women
Wage Gains Associated with Height as a Form of Health Human Capital
Wage Gains, but Few Health Returns to Some College: A Role for Employment Histories?
Wage Growth and Endogenous Experience
Wage Growth and Job Turnover: An Empirical Analysis
Wage Growth Due to Human Capital Accumulation and Job Search: A Comparison Between the United States and Germany
Wage Growth Rates of Young Men: A Longitudinal Analysis
Wage Growth, Search And Experience: Theory And Evidence
The Wage Impacts of Job Search
Wage Inequality and Labor Market Segmentation: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study Cohorts
Wage Inequality and Labor Market Segmentation: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Study Cohorts
Wage Mobility and Wage Inequality Among Young Workers
Wage Mobility in the United States
Wage Mobility in the United States
Wage Mobility Through Job Mobility
Wage Patterns of Women Over the Business Cycle
The Wage Penalty for Motherhood
Wage Premium and High Layoff Probability Jobs
Wage Rate Differences Among the Working Poor
Wage-Gap Equation is Calculated on Spurious Assumptions
Wage-Specific Search Intensity
Wages and Job Mobility of Young Workers
Wages and Mobility: the Impact of Employer-Provided Training
Wages and Pension Benefits Among Older Workers: Theory and Evidence
Wages and Performance-Based Pay: Evidence from the NLSY
Wages and the Composition of Experience
The Wages and Work Patterns of Women Who Breastfeed Their Children
The Wages of Irregular Tasks: Workers’ Compensation Benefits and Occupational Misclassification
Wages of Nurturant and Reproductive Care Workers: Individual and Job Characteristics, Occupational Closure, and Wage-Equalizing Institutions
The Wages of Older Men
The Wages of Sinistrality: Handedness, Brain Structure and Human Capital Accumulation
The Wages of Sinistrality: Handedness, Brain Structure, and Human Capital Accumulation
Wages of Very Young Men
Wages Of Virtue: The Relative Pay of Care Work
Wages, Earnings, And Occupational Status: Did World War II Veterans Receive A Premium?
Wages, Fringe Benefits and Savings: Interactions and Implications for Determination of Labor Market Outcomes Analysis with the National Longitudinal Survey
Wages, Hours, and the School-to-Work Transition: The Consequences of Leaving School in a Recession for Less-Educated Men
Wages, Non-Wage Characteristics, and Predominantly Male Jobs
Wages, Nonwage Job Characteristics, and Labor Mobility
Wages, Pensions, and Compensation Profiles
Wages, Welfare Benefits and Migration
Waiting for Work
Walk Tall; Height And Earnings
Want to Be Wealthy? Try Marriage
The Ways Weight Matters: The Intergenerational Transmission of Weight, Health and Human Capital Disadvantage
"We Don't Talk About That": Exploring Money Conversations of Black, Hispanic, and White Households
Wealth and Child Development: Differences in Associations by Family Income and Developmental Stage
Wealth and Divorce
Wealth and Divorce
Wealth and Labor Supply Heterogeneity
Wealth and Obesity Among US Adults Entering Midlife
Wealth and Retirement: Pondering the Fate of Formerly Incarcerated Men During the Golden Years
Wealth and the Marital Divide
Wealth and the Marital Divide
Wealth and the Propensity to Marry
Wealth and the Transition to Motherhood
Wealth and Unintended First Births
The Wealth Effects of Smoking
Wealth in Middle and Later Life: Examining the Life Course Timing of Women's Health Limitations
Wealth Inequality : Effects Of Gender, Marital Status, and Parenthood on Asset Accumulation
Wealth Matters: People with Stuff Are More Likely to Marry
Wealth Mobility
Wealth Mobility in America: A View from the National Longitudinal Survey
Wealth Mobility in America: A View from the National Longitudinal Survey
The Wealth Mobility of Men and Women During the 1960s and 1970s
The Wealth of Single Women: Marital Status and Parenthood in the Asset Accumulation of Young Baby Boomers in the United States
Wealth, Mobility and Race: A Longitudinal Study of U.S. Young Baby Boomers
Wealth, Race, and Place: How Neighborhood (Dis)advantage From Emerging to Middle Adulthood Affects Wealth Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap
Wealth, Race, and Place: How Neighborhood Disadvantage From Adolescence to Middle Adulthood Affects Wealth Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap at Age 50
Wealthy Kids Are More Affected by Divorce Than Poor Kids
Web-Based Learning Environments Guided by Principles of Good Teaching Practice
Web-based Learning Environments: Issues of Best Teaching Practice
Weight and Wages: Fat Versus Lean Paychecks
Weight Discrimination: A Multidisciplinary Analysis
Weight Gain during the Transition to Adulthood among Children of Immigrants: Is Parental Co-Residence Important?
Weight Gain in Pregnancy and Child Weight Status from Birth to Adulthood in the United States
Weight Gain More Likely for Women After Marriage, Men After Divorce
Weight Gain Prevention: An Emerging Public Health Challenge for Health Education
Weight Gain Trajectory and Pain Interference in Young Adulthood: Evidence from a Longitudinal Birth Cohort Study
Weighty Problems: An Examination of Childhood Weight and School Outcomes
Welfare (to School?) to Work: How Welfare Reform Affects Collegiate Attainment
Welfare and Child Health: The Link Between AFDC Participation and Birth Weight
Welfare and Child Health: The Link Between AFDC Participation and Birth Weight
Welfare and Early Motherhood
Welfare and Marital Dissolution: A Reply
Welfare and Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing
Welfare and Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing: Evidence from the 1980s
Welfare and Poverty: Pathways to Adult Economic Outcomes
Welfare and the Children of Immigrants: Transmission of Dependence or Investment in the Future?
Welfare and the Children of Immigrants: Transmission of Dependence or Investment in the Future?
Welfare and the Well-Being of Children
Welfare and Women's Earnings
Welfare and Work Participation of Single Mothers and Children's Cognitive Development
Welfare and Work Participation of Single Mothers and Children's Cognitive Development
Welfare and Work Participation of Single Mothers and Children's Cognitive Development
Welfare and Work: Complementary Strategies for Low-Income Women?
Welfare Background, Attitudes, and Employment Among New Mothers
Welfare Dynamics, Support Services, Mothers' Earnings, and Child Cognitive Development: Implications for Contemporary Welfare Reform
Welfare Dynamics, Support Services, Mothers' Earnings, and Child Development: Implications for Contemporary Welfare Reform
Welfare Effects on the Marital Decisions of Never-Married Mothers
Welfare Exit, Marriage, and Welfare Recidivism: A Reevaluation of Patterns of the 1980s and 1990s.
Welfare Generosity, Pregnancies and Abortions Among Unmarried Recipients
Welfare Generosity, Pregnancies, and Abortions among Unmarried AFDC Recipients
Welfare Incidence and Welfare Dependency Among American Women: A Longitudinal Examination
Welfare Mothers as Potential Employees: A Statistical Profile Based on National Survey Data
Welfare Mothers: Barriers to Labor Force Entry
Welfare Patterns amoung Young Mothers
Welfare Policy and Child Welfare
Welfare Receipt Among Black and White Adolescent Mothers: A Longitudinal Perspective
Welfare Receipt and Family Structure: Evaluating the Effects on Child Cognitive Outcomes
Welfare Recipiency and Welfare Recidivism: An Analysis of the NLSY Data
Welfare Recipients, Job Skills and Employment Prospects
Welfare Recipients' College Attendance and Consequences for Time-Limited Aid
Welfare Recipients' College Attendance and Consequences for Time-Limited Aid
Welfare Reform and Children: Potential Implications
Welfare Reform and Children's Early Cognitive Development
Welfare Reform and Children's Short-Run Attainments
Welfare Reform and Marriage
Welfare Reform and Marriage Promotion: The Marital Expectations and Desires of Single and Cohabiting Mothers
Welfare Reform and the Quality of Young Children's Home Environments
Welfare Reform Reforms Teens, Study Says
Welfare Use and Children's Longer-term Achievement
Welfare, Marital Prospects, and Nonmarital Childbearing
Welfare, Work Experience, and Economic Self-Sufficiency
Welfare, Work, and Dependence: Analyzing the Potential Effects of Work-Related Welfare Reform
The Well-Being of Children Born to Teen Mothers
The Well-Being of Children Born to Teen Mothers: Multiple Approaches to Assessing the Causal Links
The Well-Being of Children Born to Teen Mothers: Multiple Approaches to Assessing the Causal Links
The Well-Being of Young Canadian Children in International Perspective
The Well-Being of Young Canadian Children in International Perspective: A Functionings Approach
Well, What Did You Expect?: Family Transitions, Life Course Expectations, and Mental Health
What Are College Degrees Worth? Evidence from the NLSY79 Using Matching Methods
What are the Determinants of Delayed Childbearing and Permanent Childlessness in the United States?
What are the Determinants of Delayed Childbearing and Permanent Childlessness in the United States?
What Are the Determinants of Intentions for Childlessness?
What are We Working For? Comparing the Importance of Job Features for Job Satisfaction over the Career Span
What Can We Learn About the Effect of Mental Health on Labor Market Outcomes Under Weak Assumptions? Evidence from the NLSY79
What Can we Learn about the Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity in the Presence of Misreporting?
What Can You Do with That Degree? College Major and Occupational Status of College Graduates over Time
What Causes Job Loss among Former Welfare Recipients: The Role of Family Health Problems
What Children Need
What Determines Adolescent Demand For Alcohol and Marijuana? A Comparison of Findings from the NLSY79 and the NLSY97
What Determines Employer Accommodation of Injured Workers? The Influence of Workers' Compensation Costs, State Policies, and Case Characteristics
What Determines Family Structure?
What Determines Family Structure?
What Determines Happiness? Income or Attitude: Evidence from the U.S. Longitudinal Data
What Do Children Need to Flourish? Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development
What Do Educational Credentials Signal and Why Do Employers Value Credentials?
What Do Social Scientists Know About the Benefits of Marriage? A Review of Quantitative Methodologies
What Do Unions Do for Mothers? Paid Maternity Leave Use and the Multifaceted Roles of Labor Unions
What Do Unions Do for Mothers? Paid Maternity Leave Use and the Multifaceted Roles of Labor Unions
What Does a Broken Home Cost a Child? $61,600, Study Finds
What Does a High School Diploma Get You? Employment, Race, and the Transition to Adulthood
What Does the AFQT Really Measure: Race, Wages, Schooling and the AFQT Score
What Drives Entrepreneurship?
What Explains Race and Gender Differences in the Relationship between Obesity and Wages?
What Grades and Achievement Tests Measure
What Happened to the "Long Civic Generation"? Explaining Cohort Differences in Volunteerism
What Happens to High School Students?
What Have Researchers Learned from the National Longitudinal Surveys?
What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants
What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants
What If Mom Went Back to School? A Mixed Methods Study of Effects and Experiences for Both Generations When Mothers Return to School
What If You Earned a Diploma and Delayed Parenthood? Intergenerational Simulations of Delayed Childbearing and Increased Education
What is a Promotion?
What Is Intelligence, and Who Has It?
What is the Effect of Dropping Out of High School on Delinquency?
What is the Effect of Having a Disabled Sibling on a Youth’s Outcome?
What Is the Effect of IQ on Offending?
What is the Full Cost of Body Mass in the Workplace?
What Kinds of Training 'Work' for Noncollege Bound Youth?
What Mom and Dad's Match Means for Junior: Marital Sorting and Child Outcomes
What Money Can't Buy: Family Income and Children's Life Chances
What Parents Pay For: Child Care Characteristics, Quality, and Costs
What Parents Pay For: Quality of Child Care and Child Care Costs
What Predicts Fertility Intention Persistence and Change During Adolescence and Middle Adulthood?
What Researchers Have Learned from the National Longitudinal Surveys About Youth Unemployment
What SES May Explain about Work-related Health Limitations: A Temporal-ordered Model
What Similarities Between Siblings Tell Us About Inequality in the U.S.
What Skills Can Buy: Transmission of Advantage through Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills
What Skills Can Buy: Transmission of Advantage through Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills
What the Science Says About Long-Term Damage From Lead
What We Have and Where We Live: Race, Wealth, and Neighborhood Locational Attainment
What You Know or Who You Know? Occupation-Specific Work Experience and Job Matching Through Social Networks
What's Love Got to Do with It? The Emotional Climate of the Home, Cultural Capital, and Children's Educational Performance
What's So Special about STEM? A Comparison of Women's Retention in STEM and Professional Occupations
What's to Like? Facebook as a Tool for Survey Data Collection
Whatever Happened to Yesterday's Rebels? Longitudinal Effects of Youth Delinquency on Education and Employment
When and For Whom is College "Worth" It? The Direct and Indirect Effects of Less-Selective College Enrollment on Economic Insecurity
When Conscientiousness Differentially Pays Off: The Role of Incongruence Between Conscientiousness and Black Stereotypes in Pay Inequality
When Crime No Longer Pays: A Dynamic Economic Analysis of Crime Desistance Decisions
When Dad's Away the Kids and Family Will Pay
When Do Computers Reduce the Value of Worker Persistence?
When Do Covariates Matter? And Which Ones, and How Much?
When Do Covariates Matter? And Which Ones, and How Much?
When Do Fertility Expectations Predict Fertility?
When Does Social Capital Matter? Non-Searching for Jobs Across the Life Course
When Does Weight Matter Most?
When Father Walks, Does Son Follow? An Intergenerational Analysis of Fathering Patterns
When I Grow Up: Exploring the Link Between Future Expectations and Criminal Trajectories
When I Grow Up: Future Expectations, Race and Criminal Desistance
When I Was Your Age: The Intergenerational Transmission of Mothers' High School Academic Programs
When Is a Dollar Not a Dollar? Income Sources and Child Well-Being
When Is a Father Really Gone: Patterning of Father-Child Contact in Father-Absent Homes of Young Children Born to Adolescent and Young Adult Mothers
When is a Father Really Gone? Paternal-Child Contact in Father-Absent Homes
When It Comes to Pay, Do the Thin Win? The Effect of Weight on Pay for Men and Women
When Jobs Move, Do Black and Latino Men Lose? The Effect of Growth in Job Decentralisation on Young Men's Jobless Incidence and Duration
When Mom Goes to School: Maternal Education and Intergenerational Mobility
When Opportunity Knocks, Who Answers? Infidelity, Gender, Race, and Occupational Sex Composition
When Parents Split, Preschoolers Show Behavior Problems
When Race Makes No Difference: Marriage and the Military
When Size Matters: IV Estimates of Sibship Size on Educational Attainment in the U.S.
When Size Matters: The Influence of Sibship Size on Attainment
When Studying Schooling Is Not Enough: Incorporating Employment in Models of Educational Transitions
When the Honeymoon is Over: The Effects of Family Structure on Children's Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Achievements
When the Kids Come Home: Coresidence with Adult Children and Its Influence on Parental Wealth
When the Kids Grow Up: Women's Employment and Earnings across the Family Cycle
When the Kids Live at Home: Coresidence, Parental Assets, and Economic Insecurity
When the Ties that Bind Unwind: Examining the Enduring and Situational Processes of Change Behind the Marriage Effect
When Wealth Matters: Parental Wealth and Child Outcomes
When Working Isn't Enough: Family Demographic Processes and In-Work Poverty Across the Life Course in the United States
When You Say Nothing at All: The Predictive Power of Student Effort on Surveys
When You Say Nothing at All: The Surprising Predictive Power of Student Effort on Surveys
Whence Came the 'Bell Curve' Data
Where Are all the Self-employed Women? Push and Pull Factors Influencing Female Labor Market Decisions
Where Are They Going? A Comparison of Urban and Rural youths? Locational Choices After Leaving the Parental Home
Where Do Prisoners Come From?: Simultaneous Shift of Military Downsizing and Mass Incarceration and Its Consequence
Where Do They Live Now? Racial Variation in the Effect of Incarceration on Neighborhood Disadvantage
Where Our High-School Dropout Crisis Really Is
Where Should Babies Come From? Measuring Schemas of Fertility and Family Formation Using Novel Theory and Methods
Where Should Teen Mothers Live? What Should We Do About It?
Where to Look for Comparable Worth
Which Children Stabilize Marriage?
Which Demographic, Social, and Environmental Factors Are Associated with the Eating Habits and Exercise Patterns of Racial and Ethnic Minority Adolescents
Which Individual, Social, and Urban Factors in Early Childhood Predict Psychopathology in Later Childhood, Adolescence and Young Adulthood? A Systematic Review
Which Mothers Pay a Higher Price? Education Differences in Motherhood Wage Penalties by Parity and Fertility Timing
White and Latino Remarriage Differences in the United States: A Case for Moving beyond the Catholic Assumption
White Collar Occupational Stress, Heavy Drinking-Smoking in Later Life, and the Moderating Effects of Social Support: A Longitudinal Study of Older Men
"The White Picket Fence Dream": Effects of Assets on the Choice of Family Union
White-Black Differences in Tech Tilt: Support for Spearman's Law and Investment Theories
White-Hispanic Differences in Meeting Fertility Intentions over the Life Course
White-Hispanic Differences in Meeting Lifetime Fertility Intentions in the U.S.
White–Black Differences in g and non-g Effects for the SAT and ACT
Who 'opts-out' and Who 'opts Back in'? Women's Labor Force Attachment before and after the First Birth
Who are the Young Absent Fathers?
Who Are Youth "At Risk"? Expectations Evidence in the NLSY97
Who Becomes a Multigenerational Grandmother? Selection into Multigenerational Households
Who Becomes an Entrepreneur? Labor Market Prospects and Occupational Choice
Who Benefit from College Education? Relationship Outcomes of Cohabitors in the United States
Who Benefits First? Whose Benefits Last? Economic Returns on College Over the Life Cycle
Who Benefits Most from a University Degree? A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the U.S., U.K. and Germany
Who Benefits Most from a University Degree?: A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the US, UK, and Germany
Who Benefits Most from College? Dimensions of Selection and Heterogeneous Returns to Higher Education in the United States and the Netherlands
Who Benefits Most from College? Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher Education
Who Can Access the "Good" Jobs? Racial Disparities in Employment among Young Men Who Work in Paid Care
Who Cares about the Health of Health Care Professionals? An 18-Year Longitudinal Study of Working Time, Health, and Occupational Turnover
Who Cares for America's Children?
Who Comes Back? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Re-entry Behavior of Exiting Teachers
Who Drinks Soda Pop? Economic Status and Adult Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
Who Escapes? Relation of Church Going and Other Background Factors to the Socio-economic Performance of Black Male Youths from Inner-City Poverty Tracts
Who Fares Better? Postnatal Adjustment of Adolescent Fathers and Mothers
Who Gets Ahead in Estonia and America? A Comparative Analysis of Mental Ability and Social Origin as Determinants of Success
Who Gets the Daddy Bonus?: Organizational Hegemonic Masculinity and the Impact of Fatherhood on Earnings
Who Gets to Walk the Straight Line? Racial Differences in Boys' and Girls' Acting Out and the Accumulation of Structural Privilege/Disadvantage in School
Who Goes to College, Army, Jail, or Nowhere? Selection to Racialized Competing Labor Market Institutions
Who Goes to College, Military, Prison, or Long-Term Unemployment? Racialized School-to-Labor Market Transitions Among American Men
Who Goes To College? Evidence From The NLSY97
Who Had Richer Parents, Doctors Or Artists?
Who Is Mixed Race? Patterns and Determinants of Adolescent Racial Identity
Who Marries Differently Aged Spouses? Ability, Education, Occupation, Earnings, and Appearance
Who Marries Differently-Aged Spouses? Earnings, Ability and Appearance
Who Participated in School-to-Work Programs in 1998? Technical Report
Who Participates in New Vocational Programs? A Preliminary Analysis of Student Data from NLSY97
Who Pays for Obesity? Evidence from Health Insurance Benefit Mandates
Who Receives the College Wage Premium? Assessing the Labor Market Returns to Degrees and College Transfer Patterns
Who Returns to School? Non-traditional Patterns of Mothers' School Attendance
Who Runs Away from Home?: An Exploratory Analysis
Who Starts Ahead and Who Moves Ahead? Achievement, Social Adjustment and their Production in Children
Who Stays, Who Leaves? Attrition Among First-Term Enlistees
Who Uses Illegal Drugs
Who Will Graduate? Disruption of High School Education by Arrest and Court Involvement
Who's Hurt Most by Economic Shock? Exploring Heterogeneity in the Health-Related Effects of Wealth Loss
Who's in the House? Effects of Family Structure on Children's Home Environments and Cognitive Outcomes
Who's In the House? Race Differences in Cohabitation, Single Parenthood and Child Development
Who's Your Daddy?: A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility of Socioeconomic Status for Sons and Daughters
Why are Educated Adults Slim—Causation or Selection?
Why Are Returns to Schooling Higher for Women than for Men?
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?
Why Are So Many Older Women Poor? Late-Life Events or Life-Long Circumstances?
Why are Teenagers in the United States Less Likely to Breast-Feed than Older Women?
Why Are the Returns to Education Higher for Entrepreneurs Than for Employees?
Why Are the Returns to Education Higher for Entrepreneurs than for Employees?
Why Are the Wages of Job Changers So Procyclical?
Why Congress Must Reform Welfare
Why Did The Black-White Score Gap Narrow In The 1970s And 1980s?
Why Didn't the Joneses Keep Up? The Unusual Occupational Outcomes of the Late Baby Boomers and the Future of Professional Work
Why Do Dancers Smoke? Smoking, Time Preference, and Wage Dynamics
Why Do Millennials Have Kids Before Marriage? Jobs
Why Do Smaller Firms Pay Less?
Why Do So Many Young Americans Commit Crimes and What Might We Do About It?
Why Do Some Adolescents Have Risky Sex? The Role of Family Background, Childhood Behaviors and Adolescent Relationships
Why Do Some Students Delay College Enrollment? Does It Matter?
Why Do Southern Children Have Lower Verbal Facility Scores Than Children in Other Regions?
Why Do Southern Children Have Lower Verbal Facility Scores Than Children in Other Regions?
Why Do Unhealthy Children Do Worse in School? Understanding Links among Children's Health, Education and Race
Why Do Unionized Workers Have More Nonfatal Occupational Injuries?
Why Do Wage Profiles Slope Upwards? Tests of the General Human Capital Model
Why Do Women Feel the Way They Do About Market Work: The Role of Familial and Economic Factors
Why Do Women Opt Out? The Ideological and Economic Determinants of Women's Employment Status
Why Do(n't) They Leave?: Motherhood and Women's Job Mobility
Why Does College Education Matter? Unveiling the Contributions of Selection Factors
Why Does Growing up in an Intact Family during Childhood Lead to Higher Earnings during Adulthood in the United States?
Why Does Parental Divorce Lower Children's Educational Attainment? A Causal Mediation Analysis
Why Does the Rate of Youth Labor Force Activity Differ Across Surveys?
Why Has Home Ownership Fallen Among the Young?
Why Has the College Gender Gap Expanded?
Why Has the Prevalence of Obesity Doubled?
Why Have Divorce Rates Fallen? The Role of Women's Age at Marriage
Why Is the Rate of College Dropout so High and Why Is It Rising for Men?
Why Is the Rate of College Dropout So High?
Why is There a Long-term Relationship between Disadvantaged Family Background and Symptoms of Depression?
Why is There Mandatory Retirement? An Empirical Re-Examination
Why is There More Crime in Cities?
Why Is There More Crime in Cities?
Why Living Together Costs You More Than You Think
Why Parents Play Favorites: Explanations for Unequal Bequests
Why Parents Play Favorites: Explanations for Unequal Bequests
Why Religion Matters
Why the Gap? Determinants of Self-Employment Earnings Differentials for Male and Female Millennials in the US
Why the Gender Gap in Wages Narrowed in the 1980s
Why the Poor Get Fat: Weight Gain and Economic Insecurity
Why the Poor Get Fat: Weight Gain and Economic Insecurity
Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wage Growth of Men and Women
Why Wait? The Effect of Marriage and Childbearing on the Wages of Men and Women
Why We Fight: Understanding Military Participation over the Life Cycle
WIC Nutrition Risk Criteria: A Scientific Assessment
WIC Participation and the Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding
The Widening Academic Achievement Gap Between the Rich and the Poor: New Evidence and Possible Explanations
The Widening Gap: A New Book on the Struggle to Balance Work and Caregiving
The Widening Gap: Why American Working Families Are in Jeopardy and What Can Be Done About It
Wife's Earnings as a Factor in Family Net Worth Accumulation
Wife's Labor Supply and Marital Dissolution: Evidence from the NLSY79
Will Promoting Education Really Increase People's Trust Levels? A Test Utilizing a Sample of American Siblings
Will Wages Grow with Experience for Welfare Mothers?
Will Women Catch Up to their Fertility Expectations?
Willingness to Work Among Youth
With or Without You: Divorce Rates and Intra-Household Allocation of Time
With or Without You: Hazard of Divorce and Intra-Household Allocation of Time
Withdrawal from the Labor Force by Middle-Aged Men, 1966-1967
Within-Couple Age Differences and Sorting on Earnings
Within-Family Differences in Head Start Participation and Parent Investment
Within-Family Differences in Head Start Participation and Parent Investment Behavior
Within-Family Variation in Obesity
Within-Individual Changes in Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking from Childhood to Early Adulthood and Educational Attainment
The Within-Individual Effects of U.S. Immigration on Individual-Level Offending During Adolescence and Early Adulthood
The Within-individual Lagged Effects of Time Spent Incarcerated on Substance Use: A Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study from the United States
Within-Occupation Schooling Dispersion, Over-education and Mismatch in the Labor Market: Theory and Empirics
Within-occupation Sources of Variance in Incumbent Perception of Job Complexity
Wives' Employment: The Roles of Husbands' Perceived Attitudes
Wives' Relative Wages, Husbands' Paid Work Hours, and Wives' Labor-Force Exit
Wives’ Economic Resources and Risk of Divorce
A Woman in the Labor Force: Factors Affecting Both Her Labor Force Decision and the Time She is Willing to Supply in the Labor Market
Woman's Work: Essays on Female Life-Cycle Labor Choices
Women Achieve Workplace Gains
Women and Labor (Part 2): Sex Discrimination in the American Labor Market
Women and Labor: Rise in the Labor Force Participation Rate of Women in Post-War America
Women and Occupational Prestige: A Case of Vacuous Sex Equality
Women and Part-Week Work
Women and Retirement: Life Course and Temporally Proximate Determinants of Early Retirement of White and African American Women in the NLS Mature Women Cohort
Women and Substance Use: Are Women Less Susceptible to Addiction?
Women and the American Occupational Structure
Women and the Economics of Family Migration
Women and the Economy: A Bibliography and a Review of the Literature on Sex Differentiation in the Labor Market
Women and Work: Dynamics of the Glass Ceiling and Public Policy Perspectives
Women are Literally Working Themselves to Death
Women as Volunteers and Activists
Women in Middle Management: Their Career Development and Aspirations
Women in Nontraditional Occupations: Choice and Turnover
Women in Nontraditional Occupations: Comparisons of the Military and Civilian Sectors
Women in the Economy: Perspectives on Gender Inequality
Women in the Labor Force: Place of Residence as It Relates to Labor Participation, Work Time Supplied and Income Returns
Women in the Work Force: Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control from 1968-1991
Women in Their Forties
Women Most Likely to Leave Labor Force after First Child, not Later Births
Women Who Die Young: The Cumulative Disadvantage of Race
Women Who Get Ahead May Not Get Richer
Women Who Get Ahead May Not Get Richer
Women Who Remain Above the Poverty Level in Divorce: Implications for Family Policy
Women Working for Less: Family Status and Women's Pay in the United States and United Kingdom
Women, Men, and Changing Families: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage
Women, Men, and Changing Families: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage
Women, Race, and Crime
Women, Work, and Divorce
Women, Work, and Family: Dimensions of Change in American Society
Women's Alcohol Consumption: Personal, Familial, and Geopolitical Dimensions
Women's Career Orientation, Labor Supply and Fertility Behavior
Women's Career Success: The Contributions of Human Capital, Individual, Organizational, and Power Variables
Women's Caregiving and Paid Work: Causal Relationships in Late Midlife
Women's Childbearing Histories and Their Alcohol Use at Midlife
Women's College Decisions: How Much Does Marriage Matter?
Women's Cost of Child Care Breaks in Britain, Germany and the United States
Women's Early Career Goals and Attainments at Midlife
Women's Economic Gains from Employment, Marriage and Cohabitation
Women's Education, International Migration and the Educational Attainment of the Next Generation: The Tale of Two Countries
Women's Employment During Pregnancy and After the First Birth: Occupational Characteristics and Work Commitment
Women's Employment During Pregnancy and Following Birth
Women's Employment During Pregnancy and Following Childbirth
Women's Employment Exit and Reentry: Differences Among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
Women's Employment Patterns and Occupational Achievements
Women's Employment Patterns During Early Parenthood: A Group-Based Trajectory Analysis
Women's Employment, Time Expenditure and Divorce
Women's Household Income Contributions and Higher-order Births in the United States
Women's Human Capital Investment and Its Returns in the United States: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 79
Women's Incorrect Expectations and Their Labor Market Consequences
Women's Increasing Wage Penalties from Being Overweight and Obese
Women's Intergenerational Occupational Mobility
Women's Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: The Effects of Mothers' Occupations on the Occupations of Children
Women's Job Mobility Processes Within and Between Employers
Women's Job Transitions: A Dynamic Analysis of Job Mobility and Job Leaving
Women's Labor Force Attachment Patterns and Maternity Leave: A Review of the Literature
Women's Labor Force Experiences: The First Decade
Women's Labor Force Participation and Family Financial Resources
Women's Labor Force Participation and Fertility: A Comparison of Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women and the Consumer Panels
Women's Labor Force Participation and Marital Stability in the United States: A Panel Study
Women's Labor Force Participation And Volunteer Work
Women's Labor Force Participation--A Look at Some Residential Patterns
Women's Labor Market Reactions to Family Disruptions
Women's Marital Status May Not Have Been Accurate in Study: Letter in re: Depression and Unintended Pregnancy in Young Women
Women's Occupational Careers: Individual and Structural Explanations
Women's Participation in Employer Sponsored Pension Plans at Midlife: A Cohort Comparison
Women's Participation in Market Work and the Availability of Child Care in the United States
Women's Relative Pay: The Factors that Shape Current and Future Trends
Women's Retirement Expectations: A Longitudinal Study of a Transitional Cohort in the U.S.
Women's Retirement Expectations: How Stable Are They?
Women's Return to Work after First Birth: Differences between Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics
Women's Use of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception for Birth Timing and Birth Stopping
Women's Wages: Cohort Differences in Returns to Education and Training over Time
Women's Work and Employment Attitudes: A Longitudinal Causal Model
Women's Work and Working Women: The Demand for Female Labor
Women's Work Characteristics and Fertility Expectations
Women's Work Expectations and Labor Market Experience in Early and Middle Family Life-Cycle Stages
Women's Work Pathways Across the Life Course
Women's Work Plans: Contrasting Expectations and Actual Work Experience
Women's Work, Cohort Change, and Health
Women’s College Decisions: How Much Does Marriage Matter?
Women’s Work and Working Conditions: Are Mothers Compensated for Lost Wages?
Work After Retirement: The Experiences of Older Men in the United States
Work After Welfare: Women's Work Effort, Occupation, and Economic Well-Being
Work and Crime: The Effects of Labor Stratification
Work and Earnings: Cumulative Experience Method of Analysis of Longitudinal Surveys
Work and Family Circumstances and Child Trajectories: When (and for What) Does AFDC Receipt Matter?
Work and Family in the School Leaving Years: A Comparison of Female High School Graduates and Dropouts
Work and Family Patterns: Effects Across Generations
Work and Family Patterns: Effects Across Generations
Work and Family: Employer-Provided Training Among Young Adults
Work and Family: Jobs Held and Weeks Worked by Young Adults
Work and Fertility Control Sequences Among Younger Married Women
Work and Fertility: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Labor Force Participation and Premarital Fertility
Work and Grow Rich: The Dynamic Effects of Performance Pay Contracts
Work and Opportunity in the Post-Industrial Labor Market
Work and Pay in Flexible and Regulated Labor Markets: A Generalized Perspective on Institutional Evolution and Inequality Trends in Europe and the U.S.
Work and Retirement Among a Cohort of Older Men in the United States, 1966-1983
Work and Retirement Data: National Longitudinal Surveys of Middle-Aged and Older Men 1966-1976
Work and Retirement Decisions of Older Women: A Literature Review
Work and Retirement: A Longitudinal Study of Men
Work and School in the Transition to Adulthood: Implications for Objective and Subjective Career Outcomes Across Individuals from Diverse Backgrounds
Work and School Pathways Into the Transition to Adulthood: Adolescent Family, Individual, and Industry Precursors
Work and Socioeconomic Life Cycles: An Agenda for Longitudinal Research
Work and Welfare: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Work and Welfare: A LISREL Analysis of NLS
Work Attachment and Home Role Among a Cohort of American Women
Work Attitudes and Labor Market Experience: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys
Work Attitudes and Work Experience: The Impact of Attitudes on Behavior
Work Attitudes and Work Experience: The Impact of Attitudes on Behavior
Work Capacity of Older Men and Age-Eligibility for Medicare Benefits
Work Commitment Among Young Women: Its Relation to Labor Force Participation, Marriage, and Childbearing
Work Conditions and Marriage Dissolution
Work Demands, Family Demands, and BMI in Dual-earners Families: A 16-year Longitudinal Study
Work Demands, Family Demands, and BMI: A Gendered Experience
Work Expectations, Human Capital Accumulation and the Wages of Young Women
Work Experience as a Source of Specification Error in Earnings Models: Implications for Gender Wage Decompositions
Work Experience, Age, and Gender Discrimination
Work Experience, Job Tenure, Job Separation and Wage Growth
Work Experience, Job Tenure, Job Separation, and Wage Growth
Work Experiences and Family Interaction Processes: The Long Reach of the Job?
Work History and Mobility
Work in College and Subsequent Wage Rates
Work in Widowhood: A Viable Option?
Work Interruptions and Young Women’s Career Prospects in Germany, Sweden and the US
Work Life and Marital Dissolution
Work Often Not Enough for Welfare Recipients Despite Jobs, Many Remain Poor and Return to Public Aid, Study Says
Work or Welfare? Assessing the Impacts of Recent Employment and Policy Changes on Very Young Children
Work Patterns of Women Near Retirement
Work Schedule Patterns and Health over Thirty-Years of Working Lives: NLSY79 Cohort
Work-Family Attitudes and Career Interruptions Due to Childbirth
The Work-Family Balance: What Hurdles Are Parents Leaving Welfare Likely to Confront?
Work-Family Issues and Low-Income Families: Making Work Pay in the Low-Income Labor Market
Work-Family Mismatch and Child Health and Well-Being: A Review of the Economics Research
Work-Family Trajectories in Germany and the United States
Work-Life Trajectories in Young Adulthood: Insights Across Generations of American Women
Work-Related Attitudes and the Earnings Attainment Process of Women and Men
Work-Related Health Limitations, Education, and the Risk of Marital Disruption
Work-Related Injuries and Workers Compensation among Construction Workers, a Longitudinal Study
Work-Related Physical Exertion and Risk of Preterm, Low Birthweight Delivery
Work-Related Psychosocial Stress and Risk of Preterm, Low Birthweight Delivery
Work, Earnings and Well-Being After Welfare
Work, Earnings, and Well-Being after Welfare: What Do We Know?
Work, Earnings, and Well-Being after Welfare: What Do We Know?
Work, Family and Self-Esteem During the Transition to Adulthood
Work, Family Patterns, and Child Well Being: Tracing Consequences over Time
Work, Family, and Social Class
Work, Family, Health, and Well-being
Work, Search, and Travel Among White and Black Youth
Work, Wages, and Job Changes: Returns to Labor Market Mobility for Women
Work/Family Mismatch and Family Health: Some Comments on the Economics Literature
Worker Heterogeneity, Job Screening, and Firm Size
Worker Investments in Safety, Workplace Accidents, and Compensating Wage Differentials
Worker Quality and Labor Market Sorting
Worker Responses to Occupational Risk of Cancer
Worker Responses to Workplace Hazards
Worker Signals among New College Graduates: The Role of Selectivity and GPA
Worker Sorting in Different-Sized Employers: Selection and Placement Effects by Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity
Worker Training: What We've Learned from the NLSY79
The Worker, the Firm, and the Decision to Use Drugs
Workers on the Edge
Workers' Compensation "Reforms" and Benefit Claiming
Workers' Participation in Training and Import Competition: Evidence from the USA
Workers' Risk Tolerance and Occupational Injuries
Working (and Studying) Day and Night: Heterogeneous Effects of Working on the Academic Performance of Full-time and Part-time Students
Working and Poor: A Panel Study of Maturing Adults in the U.S.
Working Around Childbirth: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives on Parental-Leave Policy
Working Around the Clock: The Association between Shift Work, Sleep Health, and Depressive Symptoms among Midlife Adults
Working Around The Clock: The Effect of Shift Work and Sleep on Depressive Symptoms
Working Conditions and Marital Dissolution
Working for Pay or Raising a Family? Work Expectations and Market Outcomes in Two Cohorts of American Women
Working from Home and the Gender Gap in Earnings for Self-employed US Millennials
Working From Home Usually Means Longer Hours For Less Money
Working Hard for the Money? Efficiency Wages and Worker Effort
Working in College: Risk or Return?
The Working Life Expectancy of American Adults Experiencing Depression
Working Long Hours and Early Career Outcomes in the High-End Labor Market
Working Moms Raise Children, Not Statistics
Working Moms: A Study of the Factors That Affect the Hours of Employment Per Week of Married Mothers Whose Youngest Child Is Less Than Six
Working Mothers Then and Now: A Cross-Cohort Analysis of the Effects of Maternity Leave on Women's Pay
Working Mothers Then and Now: A Cross-Cohort Analysis of the Effects of Maternity Leave on Women's Pay
Working Mothers Then and Now: A Cross-Cohort Analysis of the Effects of Maternity Leave on Women's Pay
Working Mums Need Not Feel Guilty
Working Poor: Research, Outreach, and Public Policy
Working Poor: Research, Outreach, and Public Policy
Working Too Early?
Working When No One Is Watching: Motivation, Test Scores, and Economic Success
Working When No One Is Watching: Motivation, Test Scores, and Economic Success
Working Wives and the Life Cycle
Working Yourself to Death? The Relationship Between Work Hours and Obesity
Workplace Flexibility Policies and Wage Growth: Do Organizational Characteristics Matter?
Workplace Hazards and Workers' Desires for Union Representation
Workplace Transformation and Worker Upskilling Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Workplace Transformation and Worker Upskilling: The Perspective of Individual Workers
World War II Veterans: Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns to Service
Worse Off But Happier? The Affective Advantages of Entering the Workforce During an Economic Downturn

Yea-saying, Nay-saying, and Going to Extremes: Black-White Differences in Response Style
Years for Decision, Volume 1: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor market Experience of Young Women
Years for Decision, Volume 2: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experiences of Young Women
Years for Decision, Volume 3: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational and Labor Market Experience of Young Women
Years for Decision, Volume 4: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational, Labor Market and Family Experiences of Young Women, 1968 to 1973
Years for Decision, Volume 5: A Longitudinal Study of the Educational, Labor Market and Family Experiences of Young Women, 1968-1978
Yes, Denmark Is a More Educationally Mobile Society than the United States: Rejoinder to Kristian Karlson
Yes, Motherhood Lowers Pay
Yet Another Look at the Omitted Variable Bias
You Can Go Home Again: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
You Can't Buy Marital Quality, Can You? A Study of the Effects of Income and Its Sources on Marital Quality
You Have to Believe: The Effects of Locus Of Control and Self-Efficacy on Welfare Use and Long-Term Outcomes
You Will Likely Be Unemployed before the Next Crisis
You're Educated, Now What? The Over-Time Effects of Education on Gender Wage Inequality
Young Absent Fathers' Income and Child Support
Young Adult Alcohol Involvement: The Role of Parental Monitoring, Child Disclosure, and Parental Knowledge during Childhood
Young Adult Drinking and Depression: Consequences of Poverty, Maternal Depression, and Childhood Behavioral Problems
Young Adult Fertility and the Intendedness of Births
Young Adult Labor Force Careers in the U.S., 1979-1985: An Analysis of the Initial Stratification and Attainment Process
Young Adult Offspring and Mothers' Depression
Young Adult Weight Trajectories Through Midlife by Body Mass Category
Young Adulthood: Cohabitation, Birth, and Marriage Experiences
Young Adults and the Labor Market
Young Adults at 23
Young Adults' Economic Well-Being and Mental Health: The Mediation Model of Self-Esteem
Young Adults' Fertility Expectations and Events: Associations With College Enrollment and Persistence
Young Adults' Financial Advice-seeking Behavior: The Roles of Parental Financial Socialization
Young Adults' Roles as Partners and Parents in the Context of Family Complexity
Young Adults' Race, Wealth, and Entrepreneurship
Young American Parents as Shiftworkers: Their Distinctive Socio-Demographic Characteristics
Young Baby Boomers' Wealth
Young Fathers at Work: The Influence of Parental Closeness and Contact on Employment
Young Fathers' Involvement with Fragile Families: A Longitudinal Analysis
Young GED Credential Recipients in the 21st Century: A Snapshot from NLSY97
Young Hispanic Mothers Enrolled in School and/or Employed in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of the Labor Force
Young Men and the Transition to Stable Employment
Young Men's Transition to the Adult Work Role
Young Motherhood and Infant Hospitalization During the First Year of Life
Young Mothers' Time Spent at Work and Time Spent Caring for Children
Young Residential Fathers Have Lower Earnings: Implications for Child Support Enforcement
Young Unwed Fathers: Research Review, Policy Dilemmas and Options
Young Women and Higher Education
Young Women and Labor: In-School Labor Force Status and Early Postschool Labor Market Outcomes
Young Women's Antisocial Behavior and the Later Emotional and Behavioral Health of their Children
Young Women's Entry Into and Exit from the Labor Market: The Effect of Governmental and Familial Support
Young Women's Food Consumption and Mental Health: The Role of Employment
Young Women's Job Mobility: The Influence of Motherhood Status and Education
Young Women's Preferences for Market Work: Responses to Marital Events
Young Women's Transition to Marriage
Young Worker Occupational Surveillance in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges
Young Worker Participation in Post-School Education and Training
Young, Black, and (Still) in the Red: Parental Wealth, Race, and Student Loan Debt
The Youngest Baby Boomers' Experience in the Labor Market
Your Mother's Romantic Past Affects Your Own Dating Adventures
YOUR S.T.U.F.F.; Campus crunch; Kids make do in schools stuffed to capacity
Your Work Schedule as a Young Adult May Harm Your Health Decades Later, Study Finds
Yours, Mine and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?
Youth and Jobs: Participation and Unemployment Rates
Youth and Obesity
Youth and the Labor Market: Analyses from the National Longitudinal Survey
Youth and the Military Services: 1980 NLS Studies of Enlistment, Intentions to Serve, Reenlistment and Labor Market Experience of Veterans and Attriters
Youth Arrest as a Turning Point in Delinquency: The Role of Labeling across Time
Youth Attitudes and Adult Labor Market Activity
Youth BMI Trajectories: Evidence from the NLSY97
Youth Crime and Family Formation: Does Fatherhood Pull Young Men Out of the High Risk Set for Jail?
Youth Crime and High School Completion
Youth Debt, Mastery, and Self-Esteem: Class-Stratified Effects of Indebtedness on Self-Concept
Youth Earnings and Work Experience
Youth Employment
Youth Employment and Parental Transfers
Youth Employment and Substance Use
Youth Employment During School: Results from Two Longitudinal Surveys
Youth Employment Effects During School Years and Analysis of Their Household Characteristics
Youth Employment in the Hospitality Sector
Youth Employment in the United States
Youth Employment in the United States
Youth Employment in the United States
Youth Employment: Does Life Begin at 16?
Youth Energy Balance: Evaluating Family and Economic Trajectories
Youth Energy Balance: Evaluating the Impact of Family and Economic Trajectories
Youth in Crisis: An Examination of Adverse Risk Factors Affecting Children's Cognitive and Behavioral/Emotional Development, Children Ages 10-16
Youth in the Eighties: Papers from the Australian Longitudinal Survey Research Project
Youth Incarceration in Adult Facilities and Mental Health in Early Adulthood
Youth Initiation into the Labor Market
Youth Knowledge Development Report 2.1 - Youth Unemployment: Its Measurement and Meaning
Youth Labor Force Activity: Alternative Surveys Compared
The Youth Labor Market In the Eighties: Determinants of Re-employment Probabilities for Young Men and Women
Youth Labor Market Problem: Its Nature, Causes, and Consequences
Youth Labor Market: A Dynamic Overview
Youth Labor Markets in the United States: Shopping Around vs. Staying Put
Youth Labor Supply and the Minimum Hours Constraint
Youth Labour Supply and the Minimum Hours Constraint: The Case of Single Males
Youth Living Arrangements, Economic Independence, and the Role of Labor Market Changes: A Cohort Analysis from the Early 1970s to the Late 1980s
Youth Migration in Deindustrializing Regions of the United States
Youth Migration in the United States: An Analysis of a Deindustrializing Region
Youth Participation Rates and the Availability of Jobs
Youth Peer Interactions and Socially Deviant Behavior: A Study of Adolescence
Youth Self Employment: Its Nature and Consequences
Youth Substance Use and Human Capital Formation
Youth Tobacco Control: Reconciling Theory and Empirical Evidence
Youth Training in the United States, Britain, and Australia
Youth Who Are "Disconnected" and Those Who Then Reconnect: Assessing the Influence of Family, Programs, Peers and Communities
Youth, Permanent Part-Time Employment as a Labor Market Alternative to Full-Time Work: A Longitudinal Analysis
Youthful Arrest and Parental Support: Gendered Effects in Straining the Parent–Child Relationship
Youths' Perceptions of Unsafe Schools: An Ecological Systems Analysis