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Author: Monson, William
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Covington, Reginald
Monson, William
Peters, H. Elizabeth
Price, Joseph P.
Sabia, Joseph J.
The Consequences of Teen Fatherhood: A Cohort Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97
Presented: Bethesda MD, National Center for Family and Marriage Research's Fathers and Fathering in Contemporary Contexts Research Conference, May 2012
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97
Publisher: National Center for Family and Marriage Research
Keyword(s): Adolescent Fertility; Civic Engagement; Educational Attainment; Fatherhood; Parenthood

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

Research Questions:

What are the consequences of having a teen birth on a variety of educational and economic outcomes and on civic engagement?
What are the differences in effects for teen mothers compared to teen fathers?
How have the consequences of teen parenthood changed across cohorts?
How stable are the results across different methods used to account for selection into teen parenthood


Having a teen birth has negative consequences for a variety of outcomes
Some Consequences are similar for man and Women: Education; Civic engagement measures (except charitable giving)
Other consequences affect women primarily: Charitable giving; Poverty; Food stamp receipt
Many results are robust across multiple methods to account for selection: Education; Charitable giving (for women)
Other results become insignificant when using methods that account for unobservables: Civic engagement measures (except charitable giving); Food stamp receipt; Poverty

Bibliography Citation
Covington, Reginald, William Monson, H. Elizabeth Peters, Joseph P. Price and Joseph J. Sabia. "The Consequences of Teen Fatherhood: A Cohort Comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97." Presented: Bethesda MD, National Center for Family and Marriage Research's Fathers and Fathering in Contemporary Contexts Research Conference, May 2012.