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Author: Maurel, Arnaud
Resulting in 7 citations.
1. Arcidiacono, Peter
Aucejo, Esteban M.
Maurel, Arnaud
Ransom, Tyler
College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation
NBER Working Paper No. 22325, National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2016.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Keyword(s): Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB); Attrition; College Enrollment; College Graduates; College Major/Field of Study/Courses; Grade Point Average (GPA)/Grades; Test Scores/Test theory/IRT; Wages

This paper investigates the role played by informational frictions in college and the workplace. We estimate a dynamic structural model of schooling and work decisions, where individuals have imperfect information about their schooling ability and labor market productivity. We take into account the heterogeneity in schooling investments by distinguishing between two- and four-year colleges, graduate school, as well as science and non-science majors for four-year colleges. Individuals may also choose whether to work full-time, part-time, or not at all. A key feature of our approach is to account for correlated learning through college grades and wages, whereby individuals may leave or re-enter college as a result of the arrival of new information on their ability and productivity. Our findings indicate that the elimination of informational frictions would increase the college graduation rate by 9 percentage points, and would increase the college wage premium by 32.7 percentage points through increased sorting on ability.
Bibliography Citation
Arcidiacono, Peter, Esteban M. Aucejo, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation." NBER Working Paper No. 22325, National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2016.
2. Arcidiacono, Peter
Aucejo, Esteban M.
Maurel, Arnaud
Ransom, Tyler
College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation
IZA Institute of Labor Economics (2023 November).
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: IZA Institute of Labor Economics
Keyword(s): Academic Development; Achievement; College Degree; College Dropouts; College Education; College Graduates; Higher Education; Income; Informational Friction; Schooling, Post-secondary; Wages

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

We examine how informational frictions impact schooling and work outcomes. To do so, we estimate a dynamic structural model where individuals face uncertainty about their academic ability and productivity, which respectively determine their schooling utility and wages. Our framework accounts for heterogeneity in college types and majors, as well as occupational search frictions and work hours. Individuals learn from grades and wages in a correlated manner and may change their choices as a result. Removing informational frictions would increase the college graduation rate by 4.4 percentage points, which would increase further by 2 percentage points in the absence of search frictions. Providing students with full information about their abilities would also result in large increases in the college and white-collar wage premia, while reducing the college graduation gap by family income.
Bibliography Citation
Arcidiacono, Peter, Esteban M. Aucejo, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "College Attrition and the Dynamics of Information Revelation." IZA Institute of Labor Economics (2023 November).
3. Ashworth, Jared
Hotz, V. Joseph
Maurel, Arnaud
Ransom, Tyler
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences
NBER Working Paper No. 24160, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2017.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97
Publisher: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; Educational Returns; Wages; Work Experience

This paper investigates the wage returns to schooling and actual early work experiences, and how these returns have changed over the past twenty years. Using the NLSY surveys, we develop and estimate a dynamic model of the joint schooling and work decisions that young men make in early adulthood, and quantify how they affect wages using a generalized Mincerian specification. Our results highlight the need to account for dynamic selection and changes in composition when analyzing changes in wage returns. In particular, we find that ignoring the selectivity of accumulated work experiences results in overstatement of the returns to education.
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared, V. Joseph Hotz, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences." NBER Working Paper No. 24160, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2017.
4. Ashworth, Jared
Hotz, V. Joseph
Maurel, Arnaud
Ransom, Tyler
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences
Journal of Labor Economics published online (24 September 2020): DOI: 10.1086/711851.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; Educational Returns; Wages; Work Experience

This paper investigates the wage returns to schooling and actual early work experiences, and how these returns have changed over the past twenty years. Using the NLSY surveys, we develop and estimate a dynamic model of the joint schooling and work decisions that young men make in early adulthood, and quantify how they affect wages using a generalized Mincerian specification. Our results highlight the need to account for dynamic selection and changes in composition when analyzing changes in wage returns. In particular, we find that ignoring the selectivity of accumulated work experiences results in overstatement of the returns to education.
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared, V. Joseph Hotz, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences." Journal of Labor Economics published online (24 September 2020): DOI: 10.1086/711851.
5. Clark, Brian
Joubert, Clément
Maurel, Arnaud
The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans
IZA Journal of Labor Economics 6,3 (December 2017): .
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Springer
Keyword(s): Armed Forces Qualifications Test (AFQT); Career Patterns; Current Population Survey (CPS) / CPS-Fertility Supplement; Overeducation; Racial Differences; Wages

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

In this paper we analyze career dynamics for US workers who have more schooling than their peers in the same occupation. We use data from the NLSY79 combined with the CPS to analyze transitions into and out of overeducated employment, together with the corresponding effects on wages. Overeducation is a fairly persistent phenomenon at the aggregate and individual levels, with 66% of workers remaining overeducated after 1 year. Overeducation is not just more common but also more persistent among blacks and low-AFQT individuals. Further, the hazard rate out of overeducation drops by about 60% during the first 5 years spent overeducated. However, the estimation of a mixed proportional hazard model suggests that this is attributable to selection on unobservables rather than true duration dependence. Lastly, overeducation is associated with lower current as well as future wages, consistent with scarring effects.
Bibliography Citation
Clark, Brian, Clément Joubert and Arnaud Maurel. "The Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans." IZA Journal of Labor Economics 6,3 (December 2017): .
6. D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier
Gaillac, Christophe
Maurel, Arnaud
Partially Linear Models Under Data Combination
Review of Economic Studies published online (29 March 2024): rdae022.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Keyword(s): Data Combination; Geometric Properties; Microeconomics, Empirical; Optimal Transport Theory; Partially Linear Model

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

We study partially linear models when the outcome of interest and some of the covariates are observed in two different datasets that cannot be linked. This type of data combination problem arises very frequently in empirical microeconomics. Using recent tools from optimal transport theory, we derive a constructive characterization of the sharp identified set. We then build on this result and develop a novel inference method that exploits the specific geometric properties of the identified set. Our method exhibits good performances in finite samples, while remaining very tractable. We apply our approach to study intergenerational income mobility over the period 1850–1930 in the U.S. Our method allows us to relax the exclusion restrictions used in earlier work, while delivering confidence regions that are informative.
Bibliography Citation
D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier, Christophe Gaillac and Arnaud Maurel. "Partially Linear Models Under Data Combination." Review of Economic Studies published online (29 March 2024): rdae022.
7. D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier
Maurel, Arnaud
Zhang, Yichong
Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap
Journal of Econometrics 203,1 (March 2018): 129-142.
Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97
Publisher: Elsevier
Keyword(s): Armed Forces Qualifications Test (AFQT); Family Background and Culture; Racial Differences; Wage Gap

We consider the estimation of a semiparametric sample selection model without instrument or large support regressor. Identification relies on the independence between the covariates and selection, for arbitrarily large values of the outcome. We propose a simple estimator based on extremal quantile regression and establish its asymptotic normality by extending previous results on extremal quantile regressions to allow for selection. Finally, we apply our method to estimate the black-white wage gap among males from the NLSY79 and NLSY97. We find that premarket factors such as AFQT and family background play a key role in explaining the black-white wage gap.
Bibliography Citation
D'Haultfoeuille, Xavier, Arnaud Maurel and Yichong Zhang. "Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap." Journal of Econometrics 203,1 (March 2018): 129-142.