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Author: Ashworth, Jared
Resulting in 4 citations.
1. |
Ashworth, Jared |
Dynamic Models of Human Capital Investment Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Duke University, 2015 Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97 Publisher: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; High School Employment; Wage Levels; Wages; Work Experience Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. Chapter 3 investigates the evolution over the last two decades in the wage returns to schooling and early work experience. Using data from the 1979 and 1997 panels of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we isolate changes in skill prices from changes in composition by estimating a dynamic model of schooling and work decisions. Importantly, this allows us to account for the endogenous nature of the changes in educational and accumulated work experience over this time period. We find an increase over this period in the returns to working in high school, but a decrease in the returns to working while in college. We also find an increase in the incidence of working in college, but that any detrimental impact of in-college work experience is offset by changes in other observable characteristics. Overall, our decomposition of the evolution in skill premia suggests that both price and composition effects play an important role. The role of unobserved ability is also important. |
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared. Dynamic Models of Human Capital Investment. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Duke University, 2015. |
2. |
Ashworth, Jared Hotz, V. Joseph Maurel, Arnaud Ransom, Tyler |
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences NBER Working Paper No. 24160, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2017. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97 Publisher: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; Educational Returns; Wages; Work Experience This paper investigates the wage returns to schooling and actual early work experiences, and how these returns have changed over the past twenty years. Using the NLSY surveys, we develop and estimate a dynamic model of the joint schooling and work decisions that young men make in early adulthood, and quantify how they affect wages using a generalized Mincerian specification. Our results highlight the need to account for dynamic selection and changes in composition when analyzing changes in wage returns. In particular, we find that ignoring the selectivity of accumulated work experiences results in overstatement of the returns to education. |
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared, V. Joseph Hotz, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences." NBER Working Paper No. 24160, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2017. |
3. |
Ashworth, Jared Hotz, V. Joseph Maurel, Arnaud Ransom, Tyler |
Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences Journal of Labor Economics published online (24 September 2020): DOI: 10.1086/711851. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97 Publisher: University of Chicago Press Keyword(s): Educational Attainment; Educational Returns; Wages; Work Experience This paper investigates the wage returns to schooling and actual early work experiences, and how these returns have changed over the past twenty years. Using the NLSY surveys, we develop and estimate a dynamic model of the joint schooling and work decisions that young men make in early adulthood, and quantify how they affect wages using a generalized Mincerian specification. Our results highlight the need to account for dynamic selection and changes in composition when analyzing changes in wage returns. In particular, we find that ignoring the selectivity of accumulated work experiences results in overstatement of the returns to education. |
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared, V. Joseph Hotz, Arnaud Maurel and Tyler Ransom. "Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences." Journal of Labor Economics published online (24 September 2020): DOI: 10.1086/711851.
4. |
Ashworth, Jared Ransom, Tyler |
Has the College Wage Premium Continued to Rise? Evidence from Multiple U.S. Surveys Economics of Education Review 69 (April 2019): 149-154. Cohort(s): NLSY79, NLSY97 Publisher: Elsevier Keyword(s): American Community Survey; College Education; Current Population Survey (CPS) / CPS-Fertility Supplement; Educational Returns; Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID); Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP); Wages This paper examines trends in the college wage premium (CWP) by birth cohort across the five major household surveys in the United States: the Census/ACS, CPS, NLSY, PSID, and SIPP. We document a general flattening in the CWP for birth cohorts 1970 and onward in each survey and even a decline for birth cohorts 1980-1984 in the NLSY. We discuss potential reasons for this finding and show that the empirical discrepancy is not a function of differences in composition across surveys. Our results provide crucial context for the vast economic literatures that use these surveys to answer important policy questions about intertemporal changes in the returns to skill. |
Bibliography Citation
Ashworth, Jared and Tyler Ransom. "Has the College Wage Premium Continued to Rise? Evidence from Multiple U.S. Surveys." Economics of Education Review 69 (April 2019): 149-154.