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Author: Baker, Reginald P.
Resulting in 3 citations.
1. Baker, Reginald P.
Bradburn, Norman M.
CAPI: Impacts on Data Quality and Survey Costs
In: Proceedings, 1991 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 1992: pp. 459-464
Cohort(s): NLS General, NLSY79
Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Keyword(s): Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI); Data Quality/Consistency; Interviewing Method; NLS Description

Some questions remain, however, about the impact of CAPI on the quality of survey data and about its cost. This paper focuses on these two critical issues. It describes a controlled experiment to detect mode effects and measure costs on a nationwide CAPI survey. The analysis it presents is very preliminary, but, we believe, provides an interesting overview of the types of benefits which CAPI surveys are likely to realize and the problems they may encounter.
Bibliography Citation
Baker, Reginald P. and Norman M. Bradburn. "CAPI: Impacts on Data Quality and Survey Costs" In: Proceedings, 1991 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, 1992: pp. 459-464
2. Bradburn, Norman M.
Frankel, Martin R.
Baker, Reginald P.
Pergamit, Michael R.
A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) with Paper-and-Pencil Interviews (PAPI) in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
NLS Discussion Paper No. 92-2, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC, May 1991.
Cohort(s): NLSY79
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
Keyword(s): Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI); Data Quality/Consistency; Interviewing Method

In discussions of mode effects, the survey methodology literature distinguishes three modes of data collection-face-to-face, telephone and self-administered. There is an extensive literature on possible effects of collecting data by each of these modes because they appear to differ in fundamental ways. What has been less noticed, however, is that there are variations within each of these methods regarding whether or not they are computer-assisted; that is, whether the questionnaire is represented in electronic or paper-and-pencil form. There is a paucity of literature on within-mode effects of using computers to assist in the data collection process. We examined the differences for 139 variables between CAPI and PAPI cases in an experiment where assignments had been made randomly to mode of administration. Except for effects on interviewer errors that were programmed into the CAPI itself, in all of these comparisons we found only 4 differences that looked as if they might even approach statistical significance. This number is within the number that one might expect by chance when making multiple comparisons. There are a few differences, however, that deserve further study before rejecting them.
Bibliography Citation
Bradburn, Norman M., Martin R. Frankel, Reginald P. Baker and Michael R. Pergamit. "A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) with Paper-and-Pencil Interviews (PAPI) in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." NLS Discussion Paper No. 92-2, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC, May 1991.
3. Bradburn, Norman M.
Wojcik, Mark S.
Schoua-Glusberg, A.
Pergamit, Michael R.
Frankel, Martin R.
Ingels, Julia
Hunt, Edwin
Baker, Reginald P.
Two Papers on the Use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
NLS Discussion Paper No. 92-2, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC, May 1991
Cohort(s): NLS General
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
Keyword(s): Behavior; Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI); Data Quality/Consistency; Interviewing Method

In discussions of mode effects, the survey methodology literature distinguishes three modes of data collection--face-to-face, telephone and self-administered. There is an extensive literature on possible effects of collecting data by each of these modes because they appear to differ in fundamental ways. What has been less noticed, however, is that there are variations within each of these methods regarding whether or not they are computer-assisted; that is, whether the questionnaire is represented in electronic or paper-and-pencil form. There is a paucity of literature on within-mode effects of using computers to assist in the data collection process. [?] In discussing mode effects, we can distinguish among three types of effects--those that change the interviewer's behavior, those that change the respondent's behavior, and those that change in the interaction between the interviewer and the respondent. The most obvious effects of CAPI are those that change the interviewer's behavior because it is the interviewer that is most affected by a change from PAPI to CAPI. Indeed, it is not immediately obvious that there should be any effect on respondents' behavior because, from their point of view, they are getting the same questionnaire as they would if the interviewer were working with a paper-and-pencil representation. The use of a computer for recording answers, however, may change the way respondents view the task and thus have an impact on their behavior. Finally, reading questions off a computer screen and typing in responses may change the quality of the interaction between interviewer and respondent, for example by reduced eye contact or an increased formality in which the computer becomes a third party to the interview.
Bibliography Citation
Bradburn, Norman M., Mark S. Wojcik, A. Schoua-Glusberg, Michael R. Pergamit, Martin R. Frankel, Julia Ingels, Edwin Hunt and Reginald P. Baker. "Two Papers on the Use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth." NLS Discussion Paper No. 92-2, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington DC, May 1991.