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NLSM -Older and Young Men

Young Men Codebook Supplement

The Young Men's Codebook Supplement consists of the following Appendices and Attachments. Click a link to view the corresponding file.

Please contact NLS User Services to obtain copies of Appendices 4-12, 14-16, 20, 24 and 26.

Retention and Reasons for Non-Interview

Reasons for non-interview

A cumulative 'Reason for Noninterview' variable was created by CHRR for the full sample of respondents in each cohort. This created variable is a combination of: (1) the noninterview reasons provided by Census for the subset of respondents designated as eligible for interview in that survey year and (2) the reason for noninterview assigned during a previous survey to out-of-scope respondents. Instructions to interviewers on how to code the reason a respondent was not interviewed appear within the cohort-specific Interviewer's Reference Manuals.

The set of noninterview coding categories present during the initial survey years of each cohort was supplemented over the years with additional reasons for noninterview, and the meaning of existing categories was refined. For each cohort, Table 1 presents the raw coding categories and specifies the survey years during which each category was utilized.

In addition to the cumulative 'Reason for Noninterview' variable, the 1990 resurvey of Older Men data include two noninterview variables which reflect the reasons for noninterview for just those respondents for whom interviews were attempted that year. R06014. provides the reason for noninterview for sample persons with whom an interview was attempted, and R07114. provides the reason for noninterview of the Older Men respondent's widow. The cumulative 1990 variable R06014.01 provides the reason for noninterview for all Older Men respondents and is comparable to the single variable included in the other interview years.

Important information: 'Reason for Noninterview' variables

The 'Reason for Noninterview' variables in the 1990 Older Men survey are constructed in a different manner than in other years. Because the survey included widows, as well as proxies for both living and deceased sample members and their widows, the coding categories were altered to reflect the different types of refusals by those other than the original sample member. Additionally, attempts were made to interview institutionalized respondents, a significant change from previous years. Finally, the 1990 reason for noninterview variables cannot be used to identify deceased sample members. Researchers who wish to identify all respondents known to be deceased as of the 1990 interview should use the variable "Age of R at Death Calculated from 90 Interview & Date of Birth" (R07075.). All respondents with a positive value for this variable, as well as the 33 respondents with a value of -127 (don't know), were deceased at the time of the 1990 interview.

The reason for noninterview coding categories depicted in the tables below were constructed from the raw coding categories as shown in Tables 1a and 1b. For example, the conceptual category "can't locate" is the sum of codes "0" and "3" for the Older Men and codes "1" and "4" for the Young Men. Tables 2 through 5 depict the number of respondents in each cohort not interviewed by survey year, reason, and race. Additional detail on nonresponse rates and numbers by age in 1966 for the Older Men and Young Men cohorts is presented in Parsons (1987a, 1987b).

Table 1a. Constructed and raw coding categories for the 'Reason for Noninterview' variables: Older Men

Constructed Category

Raw Coding Category Note 1a.1

Code Survey Years
Note 1a.2


"Unable to locate [contact] R - reason not specified"

[0] All

"[Unable to locate R] - mover - no good address"

[3] All


"[Unable to locate R] - mover - good address given but interview impossible to obtain ("moved to Germany or "lives too far from PSU" - distance too great)" Note 1a.3

[1] All

"[Unable to locate R] - mover - good address given but unable to obtain interview after repeated attempts, etc."

[2] All

"[Unable to locate R] - nonmover - unable to obtain interview after repeated attempts, etc."

[4] All

"Temporarily absent"

[5] All


[9] All



[7] All

"Congressional refusal"

[13] 1983


"In armed forces"

[11] 1978-83


[6] All

"Moved outside U.S. (other than armed forces)"

[12] 1978-83



[8] All


"Non-interview for two years, R dropped from sample"

[10] 1968-83

Note 1a.1: Specific instructions to Census interviewers on use of these coding categories can be found in the cohort-specific Interviewer's Reference Manuals.

Note 1a.2: Due to the change in fielding procedures for the 1990 resurvey of the Older Men, noninterview coding categories are markedly different for that year and are excluded from this chart. "All years" thus refers to the 1966-83 surveys. Persons interested in the 1990 noninterview variables should reference R06014.00 and R06014.01.

Note 1a.3: Beginning in the 1978/1979 survey years when the separate "moved outside the U.S." coding category was added as a reason for noninterview, this "unable to locate" coding category was to exclude those respondents who had moved outside the U.S.

Table 1b. Constructed and raw coding categories for the 'Reason for Noninterview' variables: Young Men

Constructed Category

Raw Coding Category Note 1b.1

Code Survey Years


"Unable to locate [contact] R - reason not specified"

[1] All

"[Unable to locate R] - mover - no good address"

[4] All


"[Unable to locate R] - mover - good address given but interview impossible to obtain ("moved to Germany or "lives too far from PSU" - distance too great)" Note 1b.2

[2] All

"[Unable to locate R] - mover - good address given but unable to obtain interview after repeated attempts, etc."

[3] All

"[Unable to locate R] - nonmover - unable to obtain interview after repeated attempts, etc."

[5] All

"Temporarily absent"

[6] All


[11] All



[9] All

"Congressional refusal"

-- --


"In armed forces"

[7] All


[8] All

"Moved outside U.S. (other than armed forces)"

[13] 1978-81



[10] All


"Non-interview for two years, R dropped from sample"

[12] 1969-81

Note 1b.1: Specific instructions to Census interviewers on use of these coding categories can be found in the cohort-specific Interviewer's Reference Manuals.

Note 1b.2: Beginning in the 1978/1979 survey years when the separate "moved outside the U.S." coding category was added as a reason for noninterview, this "unable to locate" coding category was to exclude those respondents who had moved outside the U.S.

Table 2. 'Reason for Noninterview': Older Men 1966-83
Survey Year Total Interviewed Total Not Interviewed Can't Locate Interview Impossible Refusal Out of Scope Deceased Dropped
1966 5020 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note 2.1
1967 4744 276 44 65 107 0 60 Note 2.1
1968 4648 372 55 25 159 1 132 Note 2.1
1969 4381 639 42 77 249 13 234 24
1971 4175 845 33 48 305 17 399 43
1973 3951 1069 50 22 347 14 567 69
1975 3732 1288 26 25 390 13 741 93
1976 3487 1533 13 39 518 14 841 108
1978 3219 1801 18 36 591 30 1004 122
1980 3001 2019 10 10 626 32 1206 135
1981 2832 2188 4 13 687 26 1307 151
1983 2633 2387 4 13 687 26 1498 159

Table 2 is based on R00635., R01120., R01156., R01639., R02547., R02693., R02862., R03739., R04076., R04488., and R05497.10. 'Reason for Noninterview' variables are available for 1990; because coding categories differ substantially from those in the 1967-83 surveys, noninterview data for 1990 are omitted here.

Note 2.1: Dropped from the sample because of two consecutive noninterviews was added as a coding category in 1969.

Table 3. 'Reason for Noninterview' by race: Older Men 1967-83
Survey Year Race Total Not Interviewed Can't Locate Interview Impossible Refusal Out of Scope Deceased Dropped
1967 Non-Black 198 23 42 94 0 39 Note 3.1
Black 78 21 23 13 0 21 Note 3.1
1968 Non-Black 262 25 16 135 0 86 Note 3.1
Black 110 30 9 24 1 46 Note 3.1
1969 Non-Black 459 25 52 207 7 154 14
Black 180 17 25 42 6 80 10
1971 Non-Black 584 11 30 257 9 251 26
Black 261 22 18 48 8 148 17
1973 Non-Black 732 22 14 292 9 356 39
Black 337 28 8 55 5 211 30
1975 Non-Black 889 11 20 329 9 471 49
Black 399 15 5 61 4 270 44
1976 Non-Black 1079 9 34 440 9 530 57
Black 454 4 5 78 5 311 51
1978 Non-Black 1261 10 22 505 20 636 68
Black 540 8 14 86 10 368 54
1980 Non-Black 1412 5 7 536 23 765 76
Black 607 5 3 90 9 441 59
1981 Non-Black 1523 0 10 580 17 828 88
Black 665 4 3 107 9 479 63
1983 Non-Black 1667 2 10 585 14 963 93
Black 720 2 3 102 12 535 66

Table 3 is based on R00023. (race), R00635., R01120., R01156., R01639., R02547., R02693., R02862., R03739., R04076., R04488., and R05497.10. 'Reason for Noninterview' variables are available for 1990; because coding categories differ substantially from those in the 1967-83 surveys, noninterview data for 1990 are omitted here.

Note 3.1: Dropped from the sample because of two consecutive noninterviews was added as a coding category in 1969.

Table 4. 'Reason for Noninterview': Young Men 1966-81
Survey Year Total Interviewed Total Not Interviewed Can't Locate Interview Impossible Refusal Out of Scope
Note 4.1
Deceased Dropped
1966 5225 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note 4.2
1967 4790 435 47 45 66 263 14 Note 4.2
1968 4318 907 68 91 136 588 24 Note 4.2
1969 4033 1192 113 84 190 732 35 38
1970 3993 1232 117 65 227 672 48 103
1971 3987 1238 106 89 281 541 59 162
1973 4014 1211 207 70 350 292 76 216
1975 3977 1248 193 47 438 211 89 270
1976 3695 1530 147 108 615 185 96 379
1978 3538 1687 122 93 729 165 117 461
1980 3438 1787 130 40 801 151 132 533
1981 3398 1827 61 80 866 136 139 545

Table 4 is based on R00644., R01169., R01751., R02342., R03059., R03925., R04130., R04389., R05480., R05967., and R06835.

Note 4.1: Large numbers of Young Men remained out-of-scope for interviewing in 1967-71 due to enlistment in the Armed Forces. A separate out-of-scope coding category, "moved outside the U.S.," was added in 1978. Respondents who could not be interviewed in 1967-76 because their residence--either within or outside of the U.S--was too far away were coded within the "interview impossible" category. Out-of-scope counts for pre-1978 survey years thus may be understated.

Note 4.2: Respondents who had been noninterviews for two consecutive survey years due to reasons other than refusal or death were eliminated from the eligible sample beginning with the 1969 interview.

Table 5. 'Reason for Noninterview' by race: Young Men 1967-81
Survey Year Race Total Not Interviewed Can't Locate Interview Impossible Refusal Out of Scope Deceased Dropped
1967 Non-Black 310 21 30 50 200 9 Note 5.2
Black 125 26 15 16 63 5 Note 5.2
1968 Non-Black 632 30 56 108 424 14 Note 5.2
Black 275 38 35 28 164 10 Note 5.2
1969 Non-Black 811 55 50 148 515 22 21
Black 381 58 34 42 217 13 17
1970 Non-Black 825 51 42 173 473 30 56
Black 407 66 23 54 199 18 47
1971 Non-Black 789 52 51 212 359 36 79
Black 449 54 38 69 182 23 83
1973 Non-Black 717 91 46 261 175 45 99
Black 494 116 24 89 117 31 117
1975 Non-Black 725 82 30 326 118 52 117
Black 523 111 17 112 93 37 153
1976 Non-Black 939 66 77 482 103 55 156
Black 591 81 31 133 82 41 223
1978 Non-Black 1012 53 36 574 95 65 189
Black 675 69 57 155 70 52 272
1980 Non-Black 1089 57 17 634 87 72 222
Black 698 73 23 167 64 60 311
1981 Non-Black 1165 31 46 694 78 77 239
Black 662 30 34 172 58 62 306

Table 5 is based on R00023. (race), R00644., R01169., R01751., R02342., R03059., R03925., R04130., R04389., R05480., R05967., and R06835.

Note 5.1: Large numbers of Young Men remained out-of-scope for interviewing in 1967-71 due to enlistment in the Armed Forces. A separate out-of-scope coding category,  "moved outside the U.S.," was added in 1978. Respondents who could not be interviewed in 1967-76 because their residence--either within or outside of the U.S--was too far away were coded within the "interview impossible" category. Out-of-scope counts for pre-1978 survey years thus may be understated.

Note 5.2: Respondents who had been noninterviews for two consecutive survey years due to reasons other than refusal or death were eliminated from the eligible sample beginning with the 1969 interview.

Sample representativeness and attrition

The retention rate for the Older Men as of the 1983 survey was 52.5 percent, or 2,633 of the original 5,020 respondents. In 1990, 41.5 percent or 2,092 of the original respondents completed an interview, along with 1,341 widows and 865 other next-of-kin; some information was obtained about 85.6 percent of the cohort members. The retention rate for the Young Men as of the final 1981 survey was 64.9 percent, or 3,398 of the original 5,225 respondents. Retention rate is defined as the percent of base year respondents who were interviewed in any given survey year; included in the calculations are deceased and other out-of-scope respondents (see Table 1 for definitions).

An analysis of selected characteristics of respondents interviewed in the tenth year samples of the Original Cohorts found that noninterviews had not seriously distorted the sample representativeness of any of the cohorts for the characteristics studied (Rhoton 1984). A second analysis of differential attrition among wealthy and non-wealthy subsamples of each of the four Original Cohorts found that non-wealthy respondents of each cohort showed a consistent tendency toward greater attrition (Rhoton and Nagi 1991). Among the three younger cohorts, almost all of the difference between wealthy and non-wealthy subsamples is accounted for by attrition reasons other than the death of the respondent.

In Tables 6a and 6b, the racial composition of interviewed respondents is presented for the base survey year (1966) and the most recent interview year for which data are available. These tables also provide information on numbers of deceased respondents by race.

Table 6a. Cohort characteristics by race: Older Men 1966 and 1990
Note 6a.1
# of Interviewed Respondents Racial Composition Retention,
1990 as % of 1966
Number of Deaths as of 1990
Note 6a.2
1966 1990 1966 1990
Non-Black 3600 1603 71.7% 76.6% 44.5% 1807
Black 1420 489 28.3% 23.4% 34.4% 886

Note 6a.1: See the Race, Ethnicity and Nationality section of this guide for details on race classifications. Respondent totals in this table are based on R00023. for the Older Men.

Note 6a.2: Numbers are derived from R07075. for the Older Men.

Table 6b. Cohort characteristics by race: Young Men 1966 and 1981
Note 6b.1
# of Interviewed Respondents Racial Composition Retention,
1981 as % of 1966
Number of Deaths as of 1981
Note 6b.2
1966 1981 1966 1981
Non-Black 3787 2622 72.5% 77.2% 69.2% 77
Black 1438 776 27.5% 22.8% 54.0% 62

Note 6b.1: See the Race, Ethnicity and Nationality section of this guide for details on race classifications. Respondent totals in this table are based on R00023. for the Young Men.

Note 6b.2: Numbers are derived from R06835. for the Young Men.

Finally, Tables 7 and 8 present the number of interviews completed by respondents, broken down by race. In these tables, the "number who completed" column shows how many respondents completed exactly that number of surveys. The "cumulative %" column shows a cumulative total percent of those completing at least a given number of surveys rather than a percentage of those completing an exact number of surveys.

Table 7. Number of interviews completed out of 13 survey years by race: Older Men 1966-90
Number of Surveys
Note 7.1
All Respondents Non-Black Respondents Black Respondents
Number who completed Cumulative % Number who completed Cumulative % Number who completed Cumulative %
13 1601 31.9 1223 34.0 378 26.6
12 944 50.7 657 52.2 287 46.8
11 316 57.0 223 58.4 93 53.4
10 174 60.5 115 61.6 59 57.5
9 240 65.2 163 66.1 77 63.0
8 280 70.8 200 71.7 80 68.6
7 201 74.8 151 75.9 50 72.1
6 233 79.5 164 80.4 69 77.0
5 230 84.0 151 84.6 79 82.5
4 267 89.4 169 89.3 98 89.4
3 216 93.7 155 93.6 61 93.7
2 169 97.0 118 96.9 51 97.3
1 149 100.0 111 100.0 38 100.0
Total 5020   3600   1420  

Table 7 is based on R00635.01, R01120.01, R01156.01, R01629.01, R02541.01, R02689.01, R02857.01, R03739.10, R04076.10, R04488.10, R05496.10, and R06015.90. The number of respondents completing 13 interviews does not represent the total for whom data are available. The 1990 resurvey collected information about deceased respondents from widows or other next-of-kin.

Note 7.1: Surveys completed in any year, not necessarily consecutive survey years.

Table 8. Number of interviews completed out of 12 survey years by race: Young Men 1966-81
Number of Surveys
Note 8.1
All Respondents Non-Black Respondents Black Respondents
Number who completed Cumulative % Number who completed Cumulative % Number who completed Cumulative %
12 2084 39.9 1692 44.7 392 27.3
11 611 51.6 440 56.3 171 39.2
10 486 60.9 355 65.7 131 48.3
9 354 67.7 249 72.2 105 55.6
8 364 74.6 268 79.3 96 62.2
7 254 79.5 167 83.7 87 68.3
6 224 83.8 127 87.1 97 75.0
5 194 87.5 96 89.6 98 81.8
4 143 90.2 75 91.6 68 86.6
3 177 93.6 98 94.2 79 92.1
2 190 97.2 126 97.5 64 96.5
1 144 100.0 94 100.0 50 100.0
Total 5225   3787   1438  

Table 8 is based on R00645., R01169.10, R01751.10, R02343., R03059.10, R03925.10, R04130.10, R04390., R05468.10, R05967.10, and R06835.10.

Note 8.1: Surveys completed in any year, not necessarily consecutive survey years.

Interview Methodology

Interview schedule and fielding periods

In the initial survey plan, respondents from each of the four Original Cohorts were to be interviewed yearly over a five-year period. Due to cost considerations, it was decided after the second survey of the Older Men to survey the two older groups (Older Men and Mature Women) biennially rather than annually. Due to their greater mobility, the Young Women and Young Men were interviewed annually.

A decision was made at the end of the first five-year period to continue the interviews for another five years because of the usefulness of these data and the relatively small sample attrition. At this point, the interviewing pattern changed to a 2-2-1 schedule; each respondent was contacted by phone approximately every two years, then again in person one year after the second phone interview. The 2-2-1 schedule was continued through 1981 for the Young Men and 1983 for the Older Men, when interviewing of both cohorts ceased. The Older Men or their proxies were then personally reinterviewed in 1990.

Tables 1a and 1b depict the years in which each cohort was surveyed, the type of interview used, the fielding period, and the number and percent of respondents with completed interviews.

Table 1a. Older Men sample sizes, retention rates, and fielding periods
Survey Year Type of Interview Fielding Period Total Interviewed Retention Rate
Note 1a.1
Retention Rate, Living Respondents Only
Note 1a.2
1966 Personal May - July 5020 100.0 100.0
1967 Personal May - July 4744 94.5 95.6
1968 Mail May - July 4648 92.6 95.1
1969 Personal July - Sept. 4381 87.3 91.5
1971 Personal July - Sept. 4175 83.2 90.3
1973 Telephone July - Sept. 3951 78.7 88.7
1975 Telephone July - Sept. 3732 74.3 87.2
1976 Personal July - Sept. 3487 69.5 83.4
1978 Telephone July - Sept. 3219 64.1 80.2
1980 Telephone July - Sept. 3001 59.8 78.7
1981 Personal July - Sept. 2832 56.4 76.3
1983 Telephone July - Sept. 2633 52.5 74.8
1990 Personal Oct. - Dec. 2092
Note 1a.3
41.5 89.9

Note 1a.1: Retention rate is defined as the percent of base-year sample members who were interviewed in any given survey year. Included in the calculations are deceased and institutionalized sample members, as well as those serving in the military.

Note 1a.2: This retention rate excludes sample members known to be deceased in each survey year.

Note 1a.3: Interviews were completed during 1990 with 2,092 surviving members of the original sample and with 1,341 widows and 865 next-of-kin of deceased respondents from whom data about the decedent was obtained. Table 3 below presents additional information on the 1990 universes.

Table 1b. Young Men sample sizes, retention rates, and fielding periods
Survey Year Type of Interview Fielding Period Total Interviewed Retention Rate
Note 1b.1
Retention Rate, Living Respondents Only
Note 1b.2
1966 Personal Oct. - Dec. 5225 100.0 100.0
1967 Personal Oct. - Dec. 4790 91.7 91.9
1968 Personal Oct. - Dec. 4318 82.6 83.0
1969 Personal Oct. - Dec. 4033 77.2 77.7
1970 Personal Oct. - Dec. 3993 76.4 77.1
1971 Personal Oct. - Dec. 3987 76.3 77.2
1973 Telephone Oct. - Dec. 4014 76.8 78.0
1975 Telephone Oct. - Dec. 3977 76.1 77.4
1976 Personal Oct. - Dec. 3695 70.7 72.0
1978 Telephone Oct. - Dec. 3538 67.7 69.3
1980 Telephone Oct. - Dec. 3438 65.8 67.5
1981 Personal Oct. - Dec. 3398 65.0 66.8

Note 1b.1: Retention rate is defined as the percent of base-year sample members who were interviewed in any given survey year. Included in the calculations are deceased and institutionalized sample members, as well as those serving in the military.

Note 1b.2: This retention rate excludes sample members known to be deceased in each survey year.

Important information: Interview modes

Although each of the personal interviews contains data of roughly the same degree of completeness, data gathered during the telephone interviews was not meant to update the longitudinal record of a respondent. Rather, the telephone interviews were intended to obtain a brief update of information on each respondent and to maintain sufficient contact so that the lengthier personal interview could be completed. The combination of fluctuating fielding periods and type of interview (i.e., personal or phone) may affect not only the probability of reinterview but also the reference periods of time-related questions.

There is another source of inconsistency with respect to time references. A given year's survey instrument may use the previous calendar year as a reference period for some questions, while other questions will collect data for the year since last interview. Income data, for example, were often collected for the calendar year, corresponding to the time frame for a respondent's tax records; employment data were usually collected for the year since the last interview.

Interview methods and target universe

Listings of respondents to be interviewed were generated by the Census Bureau and distributed to its 12 regional offices. Current addresses and contact information were generated from information on the various Household Record Cards as well as through a postal check conducted by Census. Cases were assigned to interviewers who lived in the same geographic area as the respondent. For each respondent in their caseload, interviewers received copies of the questionnaire, respondents' Household Record Cards, flashcards, and information booklets.

Interviewers were responsible for contacting each respondent in their caseload and for using additional local resources to locate respondents who had moved since the last interview. Respondents who had moved outside the geographic district of their original interviewer were assigned another interviewer unless there was no interviewer nearby. In the latter event, an effort was made to interview the respondent by telephone.

Each respondent to be interviewed was sent various materials designed to encourage continued participation. Advance letters thanking respondents for their continued participation and informing them of the coming survey were mailed prior to each interview period. Fact sheets highlighting recent research findings from each cohort's survey data were also provided. Respondents who initially refused to participate in a survey were sent refusal letters by the regional offices designed to encourage their continued participation and were once again contacted by local level interviewers to secure the interview.

While the type of survey, personal or telephone, determined the chief mode of contact, an alternate contact method was used for certain respondents. During a personal survey, for example, those respondents who lived long distances from the Census interviewer's base of operation or those for whom the Census supervisor decided that another contact method was warranted were contacted by telephone. Although survey instruments are written in English only, multilingual interpreters were made available by the regional offices to interviewers who needed them.

The average length of an interview varied depending on the type conducted, with personal interviews lasting from 50-60 minutes and telephone interviews averaging 20-25 minutes. No stipends were paid to respondents in the men's cohorts for their participation in the NLS.

Respondents selected for interviewing each year were, with the exceptions noted below, those who had participated in the initial year interviews and who were alive, living within the United States at the interview date, and noninstitutionalized. Subsequent to the first year interview for each cohort, those respondents who had refused to be interviewed were dropped from the sample; respondents who had been noninterviews for reasons other than death or refusal for two consecutive years were also eliminated from attempted interviewing. This noninterview exclusion was not applied to those members of the Young Men cohort who were subsequently inducted into the Armed Forces. No interviews were attempted with this group while they were on active military duty. They were, however, retained in the sample and attempts were made to reinterview them as soon as they left active military service. Table 2 depicts reasons for exclusion from the eligible samples.

Table 2. Reasons for exclusion from the eligible samples: The Original Cohorts

Out-of-Scope Reason


Years Exclusion Reason in Effect

Institutionalized Older Men All years except the 1990 survey during which interviews were conducted with both institutionalized respondents and widows
Young Men All years
In the Armed Forces Older Men All years
Young Men All years
Residing outside the U.S. Older Men All years
Young Men All years
Deceased Older Men All years except the 1990 survey during which information on deceased respondents was collected from interviews with 1,206 widows (or other next-of-kin) of deceased respondents and with a select number of men who had been reported deceased at an earlier survey point
Young Men All years
Refusal during any one previous interview Older Men All years except 1990
Young Men All years
Dropped due to two consecutive noninterviews for reasons other than refusal, death, or membership in the Armed Forces Older Men 1968-83
Young Men 1969-81 excluding Young Men enlisted in the Armed Forces
Congressional refusal
Note 2.1
Older Men 1983
Young Men NA
Note 2.1: Congressional refusal refers to a congressional representative requesting a respondent not be contacted again for an NLS survey after a respondent has completed one or more survey rounds.

Survey design and fielding procedures for the 1990 Older Men resurvey differed substantially from those employed during earlier interviews. Respondents in this cohort were last surveyed in 1983 and, if living, would have been between 69 and 83 years of age at the time of the 1990 interviews. It was expected that nearly half of the original cohort members could be deceased by the time of this resurvey.

The goal of the 1990 interviews was expanded to include obtaining information about the original cohort member regardless of his ability to respond. Questionnaires were designed for interviews with not only respondents, called "sample persons" for the purposes of this survey, but with widows of deceased sample members, or other next-of-kin in the absence of a widow. Information was to be collected not only on the labor market activities, retirement experience, and health of the respondent, whether living or deceased, but also on the widow's work experience, household composition, and family income. Institutionalized sample persons or widows--those who resided in nursing homes, homes for the needy, mental institutions, correctional facilities and long stay hospitals--were to be interviewed. Staff members at institutions could be contacted to provide information on residency within and medical insurance coverage for long-term care facilities. To assess cognitive functioning, e.g., orientation to time and place, long-term memory, and arithmetic ability, the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) was administered to all sample persons and widows.

Proxy interviews were encouraged in cases where the sample person was physically or mentally unable to participate. Eligible proxies, in order of preference, included a sample person's wife, child, relative, friend, or neighbor, with those residing with or close to the respondent (e.g., in the same household, in the same community) preferred over those living some distance away. Finally, Census address information, which had last been updated in 1983, was supplemented by locator information from the Social Security Administration for both sample persons and their beneficiaries. These unusual procedures resulted in some information being collected from or about 4,298 (86%) of the original cohort members. Interviews were completed with 2,092 original sample persons (90% of those designated by Census as alive in 1990) and with 2,206 respondent widows or other next-of-kin (82% of those designated deceased before the interviews began). Table 3 summarizes response rates and types of interviews for the 1990 resurvey.

Table 3. Types of interviews by residence status: 1990 Older Men resurvey

Types of Interview

Total Residence Status
Residence Status
Residence Status

Sample Person or Proxy

2092 1954 60 78

Sample Person

1899 1877 22 --

Proxy for Sample Person

151 77 33 41

Staff Member for Sample Person

5 -- 5 --

Sample Person and Proxy

37 -- -- 37

Widow or Widow Proxy

1341 1205 38 98


1213 1201 12 --

Proxy for Widow

112 4 24 84

Staff Member for Widow

2 -- 2 --

Widow and Proxy

14 -- -- 14

Other Next-of-Kin

865 865 -- --

Total Interviews

4298 4024 98 176

Sample Design and Screening Process

Sample design

Each of the original NLS samples was designed to represent the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States at the time of the initial survey. The Older Men cohort includes individuals who were ages 45-59 as of March 31, 1966, and the Young Men cohort consists of respondents ages 14-24 as of the same date.

Each cohort is represented by a multi-stage probability sample originally drawn by the Bureau of the Census from 1,900 primary sampling units (PSUs) that had originally been selected from the nation's counties and cities for the experimental Monthly Labor Survey, conducted between early 1964 and late 1966. A primary sampling unit consists of Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs), counties (or parishes in some states), parts of counties (parishes), and independent cities. A total of 235 sample areas comprising 485 counties and independent cities were chosen to represent every state and the District of Columbia. 

From the sample areas, 235 strata were created of one or more PSUs that were relatively homogeneous according to socioeconomic characteristics. Within each of the strata, a single PSU was selected to represent the stratum. Finally, within each PSU, a probability sample of housing units was selected to represent the civilian noninstitutionalized population. Because the addresses for the sample frame came from the 1960 Census, respondents are covered by Title 13 confidentiality restrictions. Variables linked to geographic residence, including county and state, are available for use at Census Data Centers.

Restricted-use data

Information about access to restricted-use geographic and school survey data is available on the Accessing Data page.

Screening process

The initial sample of about 42,000 housing units for all four NLS Original Cohorts was selected and screening interviews took place in March and April 1966. Of this number, about 7,500 units were found to be either vacant, occupied by persons whose usual residence was elsewhere, changed from residential use, or demolished. On the other hand, about 900 additional units were found created within existing living space or changed from what had been nonresidential space. A total of 35,360 housing units were available for interview, from which usable information was collected for 34,662 households, for a completion rate of 98.0 percent.

The original plan called for using the initial screening to select all four Original Cohorts. However, after the sample members for the Older Men were chosen, the sample was rescreened in September 1966 before the initial interview of the Young Men. This decision was made because a seven-month delay between the screening and first interview seemed inordinate due to the mobility of Young Men in their late teens and early twenties. To increase efficiency, it was decided to stratify the sample for the rescreening by the presence or absence of a 14- to 24-year-old male in the household. The probability was high that a household that contained a 14- to 24-year-old in March would also have such a member in September. However, to insure that the sample also represented persons who had moved into sample households in the intervening period, a sample of addresses that previously had no 14- to 24-year-old males was also included in the screening operation. Since a telephone number had been recorded for most households at the time of the initial interview, every attempt was made to complete the short screening interview by telephone. The sample of households obtained through rescreening for young men was subsequently used to obtain the two samples of women ages 30-44, the Mature Women, and ages 14-24, the Young Women (Shea, Roderick, Zeller and Kohen 1971).

Important information: Screening process

During the screening process a large number of multiple respondent households were designated for interview; more than half of respondents in the Mature Women, Young Women, and Young Men cohorts and one third of respondents in the Older Men cohort originated from multiple respondent households (i.e., a household with at least one other respondent). For more information on multiple respondent households and on the types of relationships that existed between respondent pairs (e.g., spouse, sibling, etc.), see the Household Composition section.

Sampling process

The sample was designed to provide approximately 5,000 respondents--about 1,500 blacks and 3,500 non-blacks--for each of the men's cohorts. The men were sampled differentially within four strata: whites in predominantly white enumeration districts (EDs), blacks in predominantly black EDs, whites in predominantly black Eds, and blacks in predominantly white EDs. The sampling rate of households in predominantly black EDs was between three and four times that for households in predominantly white EDs in order to meet the survey requirement of providing separate reliable statistics for black respondents; the sample design called for oversampling of blacks at twice the expected rate in the total population. An enumeration district is a geographical area considered to be an appropriate size for an interviewer to complete all the necessary interviews within a prescribed time frame.

Following the initial household interview and screening operation, 5,518 men ages 45-59 as of March 31, 1966, were designated to be interviewed. After rescreening, 5,713 young men ages 14-24 as of March 31, 1966 were designated for interview. Initial interviews with both of the men's cohorts occurred in 1966. Among the individuals designated for interview, 5,020 or 91.0% of the Older Men and 5,225 or 91.5% of the Young Men were interviewed in 1966.

Important information: Sampling process

Initially, 5,027 Older Men respondents were interviewed. When the data were reviewed, it was discovered that the data file contained 5,034 records and that 7 men had duplicate records. These men were dropped from the sample. Due to technical considerations related to the use of data tapes, survey staff did not remove their records from the data set but rather assigned a value of "not available" (-128 or -999) for all variables for all 14 records. Therefore, although the cohort contains 5,020 respondents, the data actually include 5,034 observations. In other words, although a given variable may include data for 5,034 observations, 14 of these are dropped cases and will have a value of "not available." The dropped cases have the following identification numbers (R00001.): 693, 694, 809, 810, 903, 904, 1146, 1147, 1237, 1238, 3436, 3437, 5010, and 5011. For every variable except R00001., all of these cases have missing values.

Older and Young Men Cohorts: An Introduction

Older Men cohort

Official title

National Longitudinal Survey of Older Men, part of the Original Cohorts from the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) program.

Status of survey

Not active. The most recent interviews of the Older Men respondents took place in 1990.

Age of cohort

Born between 1906 and 1921. At the time of first interview (1966), respondents' ages ranged from 45 to 59. The respondents were 69 to 83 at the time of their last interviews in 1990.

Number of respondents in the survey

5,020 individuals were initially interviewed in round 1. For the last fielding period in 1990, a total of 2,092 men were interviewed, 41.7% of the original sample. (The 1990 survey also collected information about deceased respondents from 1,341 widows and 865 other family members, so information is available for 85.6% of the original sample members.)


All men (although the widows of the Older Men were interviewed in the final fielding period). The NLS Original Cohorts project also interviewed two women's cohorts, the Young Women and the Mature Women.

Race/ethnicity (in initial survey)

  • White: 3,518 (70%)
  • Black: 1,420 (28.3%)
  • Other: 82 (1.6%)

Number of survey rounds available to the public

13 rounds. Older Men respondents were surveyed annually between 1966-1969. After that, they were interviewed three years out of every five until 1983. In 1990, a final interview was conducted with both living Older Men respondents and widows or other family members of deceased respondents. Public data are available for no charge at

Types of information gathered in the survey

Funding sources for the Older Men

The Older Men interviews were originally sponsored by the Office of Manpower, Automation, and Training (now the Employment and Training Administration), part of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) currently oversees the NLS program. The National Institute on Aging sponsored the 1990 interview.

Young Men cohort

Official title

National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men, part of the Original Cohorts from the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) program.

Status of survey

Not active. The most recent interviews of the Young Men respondents took place in 1981.

Age of cohort

Born between 1941 and 1952. At the time of first interview (1966), respondents' ages ranged from 14 to 24. The respondents were 29 to 39 at the time of their last interviews in 1981.

Number of respondents in the survey

5,225 individuals were initially interviewed in round 1. For the last fielding period in 1981, a total of 3,398 were interviewed, 65% of the original sample.


All men. The NLS Original Cohorts project also interviewed the Young Women cohort that was the same 14-24 age range, as well as the older Mature Women cohort.

Race/ethnicity (in initial survey)

  • White: 3,734 (71.5%)
  • Black: 1,438 (27.5%)
  • Other: 53 (1.0%)

Number of survey rounds available to the public

12 rounds. Young Men respondents were surveyed annually between 1966-1971. After that, they were interviewed three years out of every five through the final 1981 survey year. Public data are available for no charge at

Types of information gathered in the survey

Funding sources for the Young Men

The Young Men interviews were originally sponsored by the Office of Manpower, Automation, and Training (now the Employment and Training Administration), part of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) currently oversees the NLS program.

National Longitudinal Survey of Older and Young Men (NLSM)

The National Longitudinal Survey of Older and Young Men, a two-cohort survey, is part of the NLS Original Cohort project. The Older Men's cohort includes 5,020 men ages 45-59 in 1966, with data available through the 1990 survey year, the final year the Older Men were interviewed. The Young Men's cohort includes 5,225 men who were ages 14-24 when first interviewed in 1966, with data available through 1981, when active surveying was discontinued.

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