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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)


For both employee and self-employed jobs, respondents' verbatim descriptors of their business or industry are coded using a three-digit Census code frame. Freelance jobs that do not qualify as self-employment are coded according to the type of work performed. (See Attachment 1: Census Industrial & Occupational Classification Codes for more details about the Census coding).

Important Information About Using Industry Data

  1. If the job has already been reported during a previous interview, that job's start-date information was already gathered during that previous interview. Respondents are read a description of the industry they reported as of the last interview date and asked if there was any change between the last interview date and the current interview date (or stop date for jobs that ended). If there is no difference, the job is assigned the same industry code; if the respondent reports a change, a new industry code is assigned for the current round. However, if the job has been previously reported and the respondent's total job length was less than 13 weeks, no additional information is collected in the current interview. In this situation the relevant data are available in the previous round's data. Note: In 2013, this criteria changed from "less than 13 weeks" to "less than 26 weeks."
  2. Some respondents reported a job for the first time in round 2 that ended before the round 1 interview date. (These jobs should have been reported in round 1 but were overlooked by the respondent.) In these cases no industry information was collected.

Employee Jobs

The NLSY97 asks respondents age 14 or older to report the industry of each employer as of the job's start date. Respondent descriptors of the "kind of business or industry at the job's start date"--or, if the respondent is confused by the question, "what did they make or do where you worked"--are the basis of the industrial codes. For employee jobs lasting more than 13 weeks (starting in 2013, this was changed to "jobs lasting 26 weeks or more"), respondents also describe the business or industry as of the job's stop date (or at the survey date for on-going jobs). In addition, the interviewer codes whether the business was mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else, requesting respondent help if necessary. Survey staff then coded each employer's industry.

Through Round 5, respondent industry and occupation were coded using the 1990 Census code frames. As part of the 2000 Decennial Census, the Census Bureau and BLS revised the industry and occupation code frames. The 2002 Census codes frames are now available for all rounds. The move to the new frame maintains comparability with the Current Population Survey (CPS) and other federal surveys, which have adopted the new frame. In addition, using historical code frames becomes increasingly problematic over time as new industries and occupations arise that are inadequately handled in the old frame. At the same time, changing frames can introduce disruption into the longitudinal record; it may not always be appropriate to change frames whenever updates occur.

A second change underlies the shift to the 2002 code frame. While NORC had previously performed all coding to the 1990 code frames, the industry and occupation coding tasks were completed by the Census Bureau for the 2002 frames. There are documented differences in coding practices across the two organizations, so house effects in coding are likely to surface in the data. The process followed by the Census Bureau includes use of the respondents' reports of usual duties, title, etc., and contextual information on respondent income and education. Problem cases are selected for manual review by an experienced coder or coding supervisor. Rates of manual review are similar for the NLSY97 as for the CPS. Wherever possible the Census Bureau has attempted to implement for this survey the coding procedures in place for the CPS.

Users should note that the 2002 frame differs considerably from the 1990 frame in organization, level of granularity, and other characteristics. Analyses of NLSY97 as well as CPS data indicate that jobs within a single category of one frame may disperse broadly to a variety of codes in the other frame.

To view tables summarizing industries and occupations reported by NLSY97 respondents with employee jobs, go to Industry & Occupation Tables.

Freelance Jobs

In rounds 1-3, NLSY97 youths not classified as self-employed (self-employed=job where the respondent is age 16 or older and usually earning $200 or more per week) described the type of work they performed. NORC personnel coded these verbatim descriptions for release in the data set. This information is located in variable FREELANCE_JOBS_COD.xx. Because the Census codes are not appropriate for this freelance employment, the descriptions were classified using a separate coding frame with categories such as babysitting, mowing, pet care, and snow shoveling. This information is located in variable FREELANCE_JOBS_NEWCOD.xx for rounds 1-5. The reporting of freelance jobs was limited in round 4 to respondents born in 1983-84 and in round 5 to those born in 1984. The coding of these jobs was changed beginning in round 3. At that time the freelance codes were redone for rounds 1 and 2 to match the new coding system, which began in round 3. Both the old and new codes are available for these rounds. Starting in round 6, no freelance jobs section is included.


For all freelance jobs reported in rounds 1-3 in which respondents are considered self-employed (age 16 or older and usually earn $200 or more per week), the survey asked about the business or industry classification of the job. The series of questions determining the industry was similar to that asked for employee jobs. Survey staff then coded the industry of each self-employed job using the 1990 Census industrial codes.

The structure of the questionnaire changed in round 4, based on the age of the respondent. Older respondents (those born in 1980-82 for round 4 and those born in 1980-83 for round 5) reported self-employment jobs in the employee jobs section, answering industry questions like those listed above for employee jobs. These jobs were coded the same way as employee-type jobs. Younger respondents (those born in 1983-84 for round 4 and those born in 1984 for round 5) continued to list self-employment jobs in the freelance section. If a freelance job met the earnings requirement for self-employment, the industry was coded using the 1990 Census codes. Beginning in round 6, no freelance sections were included. All self-employed jobs were reported and coded in the same way as employee jobs.

Comparison to Other NLS Surveys: Industry is collected each year from NLSY79 respondents; however, the jobs must meet minimum hours worked and weeks worked requirements before this information is collected. For the NLSY79, industry is coded using the 1970 (through 1993) and/or 1980 (1982-present) industrial classification codes. Industry is also coded using the 1970 and 1990 (for the CPS job only) codes for Children of the NLSY79 age 15 and older. For the Mature and Young Women, industry was coded using 1960, 1980, and 1990 systems. The industries of Older and Young Men were recorded using 1960 codes for all years; in the final two Older Men surveys, industry was doublecoded using the 1980 system. For more information, consult the appropriate cohort's User's Guide.

Survey Instruments: These questions are found in the employment section of the Youth Questionnaire. Question names begin with YEMP- and roster items begin with YEMP_.

Related User's Guide Sections Occupation
Main Area of Interest Employment: Industry & Occupation
Supplemental Areas of Interest Training

Industry & Occupation Tables

These tables summarize the industries and occupations reported by NLSY97 respondents with employee jobs.

Table 1A. Industry of NLSY97 Respondents at Current or Most Recent Employee Job, 2002 Codes, by Round

Industry of Job #01 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 101 110 102 92 82 66 64 57 49 54
Mining -- 1 -- 3 7 10 12 16 17 24
Utilities -- 4 5 9 13 16 12 9 15 15
Construction 135 219 230 315 364 430 458 496 509 507
Manufacturing 71 157 254 346 345 392 408 423 440 492
Wholesale Trade 21 45 81 89 86 114 135 160 141 149
Retail Trade 409 1021 1330 1604 1557 1497 1406 1239 1130 1121
Transportation & Warehousing 22 45 81 119 130 144 157 176 189 220
Information & Communication 86 117 117 137 149 133 148 148 145 170
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 44 106 132 167 227 263 315 361 400 437
Professional & Related Services 154 300 383 518 520 603 608 632 688 789
Education, Health & Social Services 188 379 498 626 792 929 997 1060 1141 1200
Entertainment, Accommodations & Food Services 802 1610 1906 1985 1810 1557 1355 1184 1046 1024
Other Services 204 226 229 327 376 418 405 397 340 323
Public Administration 18 35 57 79 82 96 102 112 143 159
Active Duty Military -- 7 35 62 54 51 44 36 35 26
ACS Special Codes 22 19 27 16 14 20 26 10 19 26
Total working at an employee job 2277 4402 5457 6494 6608 6739 6652 6516 6447 6736
Note: This table is based on responses about the respondent's industry for the first job listed on the respondent's roster, which is typically his or her current or most recent job (e.g., YEMP_INDCODE-2002.01). The universe is respondents who reported that their current or most recent job was a civilian employee-type job; military, freelance, and self-employment are not included. Some respondents reported a military occupation in the civilian question series. They may actually be civilians, or they may be members of the Armed Forces who reported their class of worker incorrectly.

Table 1B. Industry of NLSY97 Respondents at Current or Most Recent Employee Job, 2002 Codes, by Round

Industry of Job #01 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 51 51 48  53 45
44 45
Mining 34 39 32  40  45
31 19
Utilities 24 28 34  37  38
44 39
Construction 507 471 438  407  430
409 398
Manufacturing 520 511 481  451  451
545 538
Wholesale Trade 168 162 167  155  176
143 134
Retail Trade 993 897 864  763  692
546 518
Transportation & Warehousing 216 219 193  203 202
327 351
Information & Communication 152 179 154  148  149
105 111
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate 443 426 439  418  415
405 389
Professional & Related Services 797 841 817  860  813
730 710
Education, Health & Social Services 1215 1343 1351  1353  1378
1386 1367
Entertainment, Accommodations & Food Services 942 905 852  750  718
518 424
Other Services 314 345 334  332  333
262 246
Public Administration 204 220 238  247  249
283 283
Active Duty Military 28 35 29  29  22
14 9
ACS Special Codes 13 21 15  19 10
179 153
Total working at an employee job 6621 6693 6486 6265 6166 6231 6227 5814 5971  5734
Note: This table is based on responses about the respondent's industry for the first job listed on the respondent's roster, which is typically his or her current or most recent job (e.g., YEMP_INDCODE-2002.01). The universe is respondents who reported that their current or most recent job was a civilian employee-type job; military, freelance, and self-employment are not included. Some respondents reported a military occupation in the civilian question series. They may actually be civilians, or they may be members of the Armed Forces who reported their class of worker incorrectly.


Table 2A. Occupation of NLSY97 Respondents at Current or Most Recent Employee Job, By Round

2002 Census Occupation Codes   R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
Executive, Administrative & Managerial 9 18 39 55 69 95 118 159 214 245
Management Related 3 7 12 26 33 55 79 107 148 211
Mathematical & Computer Sciences 2 8 27 52 44 56 72 76 90 106
Engineers, Architects & Surveyors -- 1 6 7 9 13 19 28 33 54
Engineers & Related Technicians 1 2 6 18 21 19 20 17 19 24
Physical Scientists -- 1 1 1 1 -- 5 5 16 15
Social Scientists & Related Workers -- -- -- -- 1 4 5 10 10 12
Life, Physical, & Social Science Techs 3 1 6 12 8 13 13 21 25 22
Counselors, Social, & Religious Workers 17 19 20 29 41 44 55 67 79 87
Lawyers, Judges & Legal Support Workers 1 1 1 1 3 8 14 24 27 36
Teachers 25 34 46 75 95 132 162 206 246 271
Education, Training & Library Workers 13 40 50 49 55 71 73 77 68 57
Entertainers, Sports & Related Workers 51 65 66 85 98 85 95 94 99 97
Media & Communication Workers 3 17 19 26 36 41 48 43 46 56
Health Diagnosis & Treating Practitioners -- -- -- 4 9 16 23 36 48 66
Health Care Technical & Support 7 42 77 136 152 228 250 280 333 339
Protective Service 18 51 63 89 114 125 111 126 133 152
Food Preparations & Serving Related 526 1024 1248 1346 1223 1047 883 791 674 647
Cleaning & Building Service 240 348 313 347 293 300 251 243 237 236
Entertainment Attendants, Related Workers 41 80 82 74 85 89 54 46 42 42
Funeral Related Occupations -- -- 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1
Personal Care & Service Workers 117 130 186 244 295 342 366 340 286 277
Sales & Related Workers 418 1062 1310 1400 1418 1297 1204 1048 958 950
Office & Admin. Support Workers 276 534 753 969 1090 1108 1156 1083 1039 1092
Farming, Fishing & Forestry 89 108 92 84 80 59 50 46 42 48
Construction Trades & Extraction Workers 113 194 216 300 343 395 433 448 452 470
Installation, Maint. & Repair Workers 36 58 78 134 132 148 160 183 187 196
Production & Operating Workers 8 32 52 64 44 56 72 82 73 79
Food Preparation 9 10 17 26 29 31 33 29 30 24
Setters, Operators, & Tenders 52 97 148 202 212 258 238 266 268 296
Transportation & Material Moving Workers 189 379 462 555 507 533 525 490 471 469
Military Specific Occupations -- 7 35 62 54 51 44 36 35 26
ACS Special Codes 10 32 25 21 13 20 21 9 19 33
Total # of Respondents Working Job #1 2277 4402 5457 6495 6608 6739 6652 6516 6447 6736
Note: This table is based on responses about the respondent's occupation for the first job listed on the respondent's roster, which is typically his or her current or most recent job (e.g., YEMP_OCCODE-2002.01). The universe is respondents who reported that their current or most recent job was a civilian employee-type job; military, freelance, and self-employment are not included. Some respondents reported a military occupation in the civilian question series. They may actually be civilians, or they may be members of the Armed Forces who reported their class of worker incorrectly.

Table 2B. Occupation of NLSY97 Respondents at Current or Most Recent Employee Job, By Round

2002 Census Occupation Codes R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20
Executive, Administrative & Managerial 283 323 350  400  454  534 578 601 682 731
Management Related 244 259 254  240 247  291 287 293 310 298
Mathematical & Computer Sciences 117 129 134  134 142  152 158 161 169 167
Engineers, Architects & Surveyors 57 63 58  53 51  48 45 50 46 39
Engineers & Related Technicians 27 35 27  24 24  29 22 21 26 23
Physical Scientists 20 20 26  28 29  28 25 22 20 22
Social Scientists & Related Workers 15 20 18  25 21  14 13 24 31 23
Life, Physical, & Social Science Techs 16 16 19  17  15  16 9 5 6 3
Counselors, Social, & Religious Workers 105 133 131  143  137  128 126 126 131 127
Lawyers, Judges & Legal Support Workers 38 47 54  59 51  57 62 63 65 69
Teachers 297 317 329  314  312  322 298 286 284 280
Education, Training & Library Workers 59 59 61  59 60  49 54 47 51 56
Entertainers, Sports & Related Workers 107 105 110  108  104  95 89 75 77 76
Media & Communication Workers 62 81 76  67  69  65 62 66 67 51
Health Diagnosis & Treating Practitioners 96 117 130  156  164  188 200 213 214 209
Health Care Technical & Support 317 366 345  345  335  339 327 285 284 296
Protective Service 147 174 182  179 172  176 167 155 159 155
Food Preparations & Serving Related 579 557 494  432 405  384 359 323 292 261
Cleaning & Building Service 232 236 230  226 203  232 207 198 196 196
Entertainment Attendants, Related Workers 43 45 31  39  39  30 30 31 27 20
Funeral Related Occupations 1 3 2  1 1  -- -- -- -- 1
Personal Care & Service Workers 274 278 275  276  265  253 245 207 211 172
Sales & Related Workers 811 786 773  667  631  588 583 502 497 462
Office & Admin. Support Workers 1064 963 933  904  883  866 882 803 811 778
Farming, Fishing & Forestry 42 38 34  36  29  33 31 23 27 21
Construction Trades & Extraction Workers 467 427 403  374  355  327 348 313 323 291
Installation, Maint. & Repair Workers 216 226 225  211 214  200 208 204 229 204
Production & Operating Workers 74 79 71  72 61  71 79 78 85 75
Food Preparation 20 24 26  22 18  19 19 19 16 15
Setters, Operators, & Tenders 290 275 244  222  244  228 241 222 215 235
Transportation & Material Moving Workers 454 433 397  392  400  433 435 405 462 434
Military Specific Occupations 28 35 29  29  22  21 18 13 14 9
ACS Special Codes 19 24 15  11  9  15 20 18 13 19
Total # of Respondents Working Job #1 6621 6693 6486 6265 6166 6231 6227 5852 6040  5818
Note: This table is based on responses about the respondent's occupation for the first job listed on the respondent's roster, which is typically his or her current or most recent job (e.g., YEMP_OCCODE-2002.01). The universe is respondents who reported that their current or most recent job was a civilian employee-type job; military, freelance, and self-employment are not included. Some respondents reported a military occupation in the civilian question series. They may actually be civilians, or they may be members of the Armed Forces who reported their class of worker incorrectly.