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Author: Sun, Fei
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Lee, Jaewon
Sun, Fei
Intergenerational Economic Mobility Between Mothers and Children: Racial and Ethnic Disparities
Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science published online (20 January 20): DOI: 10.1111/fare.12424.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult
Publisher: National Council on Family Relations
Keyword(s): Ethnic Differences; Income; Intergenerational Patterns/Transmission; Mobility, Economic; Mothers, Income; Net Worth; Poverty; Racial Differences

Objectives: This study focuses on the impact of race and ethnicity on intergenerational mobility between mothers and children.

Methods: The current study used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 for Children and Young Adults. The two data sets were merged based on mother and child's identification number. The final sample consisted of 1,245 non‐Black/non‐Hispanic, 740 Black, and 538 Hispanic dyads. Multiple linear regression and logistic regression analyses were conducted.

Results: There are ethnic and racial disparities in net worth and poverty among mothers. Black and Hispanic mothers were less likely to accumulate net worth compared with non‐Black/non‐Hispanic mothers, and they were also at greater risk of being in poverty compared with non‐Black/non‐Hispanic mothers. For intergenerational economic mobility, net worth and not living in poverty across mothers were associated with higher income among young adult children. Black race moderated the relationship between maternal net worth and young adult children's income.

Bibliography Citation
Lee, Jaewon and Fei Sun. "Intergenerational Economic Mobility Between Mothers and Children: Racial and Ethnic Disparities." Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science published online (20 January 20): DOI: 10.1111/fare.12424.