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Author: Daniels, Kimberly
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Raley, R. Kelly
Kim, Yujin
Daniels, Kimberly
Young Adults' Fertility Expectations and Events: Associations With College Enrollment and Persistence
Journal of Marriage and Family 74,4 (August 2012): 866-879.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Inc. => Wiley Online
Keyword(s): College Dropouts; College Education; College Enrollment; Expectations/Intentions; Fertility; Parenthood; Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes

The analyses described in this article investigated the association between adolescent fertility expectations and college enrollment (N = 7,838). They also explored the potential impact of fertility expectations and events on college persistence among 4-year (n = 2,605) and 2-year (n = 1,962) college students. The analysis, which used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 cohort, showed a significant association between expectations for early parenthood and the likelihood of going to a 4-year college or 2-year college for both men and women. In addition, the authors found that pregnancies were associated with an increased risk of college dropout for women; however, if all of the estimated effect of pregnancies on the risk of dropout were causal, they would still not be a major factor contributing to educational attainment because fertile pregnancies among college women are so rare.
Bibliography Citation
Raley, R. Kelly, Yujin Kim and Kimberly Daniels. "Young Adults' Fertility Expectations and Events: Associations With College Enrollment and Persistence." Journal of Marriage and Family 74,4 (August 2012): 866-879.