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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)

Survey Instruments

The term "survey instrument" is used to refer to the NLSY97 questionnaires that serve as the primary source of information on a given respondent. In round 1, there were separate and distinctly different questionnaires for the household informant (the Screener, Household Roster, and Nonresident Roster Questionnaire), the NLSY97 respondent (the Youth Questionnaire), and the responding parent (the Parent Questionnaire). In each subsequent round the Youth Questionnaire has been used to collect information from respondents. A Household Income Update, used in rounds 2-5, supplemented the Youth Questionnaire with information on household income collected from a parent. Each questionnaire is organized around a set of topical subjects, the titles of which usually appear on either the first page of each section of the questionnaire or as a header. The various survey instruments are described in detail in Interview Methods. To access the individual questionnaires themselves, go to Questionnaires in the Other Documentation section.

The primary variables found within the main data set are derived directly from one or more survey instruments. This section explains the conventions used in the NLSY97 documentation to identify questionnaire items from some of the primary survey instruments.

User note about questionnaires 

The questionnaires are critical elements of the NLSY97 documentation system and should be used by researchers to determine the wording of questions, response categories, and the universe of respondents asked a given question. Also, be aware that while the source of the majority of variables in the main data sets is the questionnaire, certain variables are created either from other NLSY97 variables or from information found in an external data source (see Types of Variables).

For each round, NLSY97 questionnaires record (1) interview dates; (2) responses to the topical survey questions; (3) locating information which will assist NORC in finding the respondent for the next interview (not available to users); and (4) interviewer remarks on such topics as the race and gender of the respondent, language in which the interview was conducted, interviewer's impressions, etc. The show card, an interviewing aid used in conjunction with the questionnaire, lists the possible response categories for select questions and helps the respondent keep the more complicated response categories in mind.

Questionnaire Item or Question Name. This generic term identifies the source of data for a given variable. A questionnaire item may be a question, a check item, or an interviewer's reference item appearing within one of the survey instruments. These items have question names that begin with an abbreviation of the section where each is located. Following the section abbreviation, the question name includes a combination of numbers and letters that identify it within the section. Many questions simply have numbers in numerical order. Some questions, such as the examples in the tables contained in the link below, have a decimal extension that indicates the question is repeated or looped during the survey. For example, a question about hours worked would be repeated for each employer, with decimal extensions .01 through .09 indicating employers 1-9. Another common extension in question names is ~D, ~M, ~Y (or _D, _M, _Y ), indicating that the variable reports the day, month, or year of a date. If a question is repeated in more than one round, it will have the same question name in each round so that users can easily locate identical questions in the data set across survey years.

Sample question names by questionnaire section

Table 1. Sample question names by Youth Questionnaire


Round 1 Question Names

Information YINF-1700
Household Information YHHI-50510.04, YHHI-4100.07~M
Childhood Retrospective YCHR-1080
CPS YCPS-14400
Schooling YSCH-22800.01, YSCH-26500
Peers/Opportunity Sets YPRS-800
Time Use YTIM-2200
Employment YEMP-103500
Training YTRN-770, YTRN-3600.01
Health YHEA-100

YSAQ-373, YSAQ-447.03

SAQ questions were in one section through round 5. In round 6, they were split into two sections occurring at different points in the interview. The first section was renamed “Self-Administered 1” but question names remained the same. The “Self-Administered 2” question names follow the pattern YSAQ2-284, YSAQ2-298D1. Beginning in round 18, these sections were no longer self-administered and many questions were cut. Remaining questions from the first SAQ section are named YSAQF, although they are no longer self-administered. Remaining questions from YSAQ2 were moved to the Fertility section and use question names beginning with YFER-SAQ2.

Marriage YMAR-11200.02
Fertility YFER-700.04
Child Care YCCA-450
Best Friend YFRD-110
Program Participation YPRG-1900

YINC-2000, YINC-1400

Combined with Assets in round 1. All questions in that round start with YINC.



Combined with Income in round 1. All questions in that round start with YINC.

Assets 25


Asset questions asked as R turned 25.

Assets 30


Asset questions asked as R turned 30.

Assets 35


Asset questions asked as R turned 35.

Assets 40


Asset questions asked as R turned 40.

Expectations YEXP-900
PIAT Math YPIA-100
Domains of Influence YDOM-300
Knowledge of Welfare


Available only on geocode CD

College Choice YCOC-050A.01.01
Political Participation YPOL-130


After round 12, locator questions were distributed throughout the questionnaire. They were named using the code for their new section followed by LOC. For example YLOC-110 became YHHI-LOC-110.

Interviewer Remarks YIR-1600
Also in Household Income Update sample question name HIU-5.
Table 2. Sample question names in Screener, Household Roster, and Nonresident Roster Questionnaire


Round 1 Question Names

Screener SE-9, SE-31B.01
Household Roster SH-1B, SH-103.05
Nonresident Roster SN-225.04, SN-337A.02
Table 3. Sample question names in Parent Questionnaire


Round 1 Question Names

Information PINF-015_D, PINF-297.01
Family Background P2-029, P2-108B.01
Calendars P3-051.01_M, P3-137
Parent Health P4-027
Income and Assets P5-073.02, P5-136
Self-Administered P6-021B, P6-036
Child Calendar PC8-009_Y, PC8-025, PC8-086.01
Child Health PC9-014, PC9-039.04
Child Income PC10-025
Expectations PC11-013
Family PC12-010, PC12-012A
Parent Locator PLOC-018
Parent Interviewer Remarks PIR-007, PIR-009K