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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)

School Discipline

The 1980 survey included several questions on school discipline problems, that is, whether NLSY79 respondents had ever been suspended or expelled from school, and if so, the number of times, date of most recent disciplinary action, and when/if the youth had returned to school. Almost one quarter of the sample, or 3,030 respondents, reported having been suspended at some point in their schooling; a smaller number (538) reported having been expelled. 

The "Regular Schooling" sections of each questionnaire collect information on the reason why nonenrolled respondents, who had been enrolled in school since the last interview but who had left school before the current interview, had left school. "Expelled or suspended" is a possible response to this question. Although a distinction cannot be made between expulsions and suspensions, a record of the dates that a respondent left school because of an expulsion/suspension and the dates that school was reentered can be constructed between survey years by linking information collected in these sections of the NLSY79 questionnaire.

Comparison to other NLS Cohorts 

Information was collected on behavior problems evidenced by children of NLSY79 respondents that resulted in either the parent's notification or disciplinary action. NLSY97 respondents are asked whether they have been suspended and, if so, for what periods. The Young Women and the Young Men surveys ask respondents whether they have ever been suspended or expelled from school. For more precise details about the content of each survey, consult the appropriate cohort's User's Guide using the tabs above for more information.

Survey Instruments and Documentation School discipline information is collected in Section 5, "On School Discipline," of the 1980 questionnaire and in the "Regular Schooling" sections of the questionnaires.
Areas of Interest The school discipline variables are located in the "Misc. 1980" area of interest. The school-related variables can be found in the "School" area of interest.