NLS Youth '97 Cohort

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 1997 Cohort
Short Description: 
Men and women born in the years 1980-84
Short Title: 
NLS Youth 1997
Long Name: 
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth | 1997
Investigator URL:
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Created Variables

CV_WKSWK_JOB_DLI.xx. Calculates tenure in weeks with an employer for the period between the job's start date and the job's stop date, or the current interview date for on-going employee jobs. Gaps within jobs are not counted toward total tenure.

Self-Employment Characteristics

Created Variables

CVC_TTL_JOB_YR_SE. Number of self-employed jobs the respondent has held.

CV_WKSWK_DLI_SE. Number of weeks respondent was self-employed since date of last interview.

CV_HOURS_WK_YR_SE. Total annual hours respondent was self-employed during the year.

IV. Income, Assets, and Program Participation

III. Training (age restrictions as of interview date)


For both employee and self-employed jobs, respondents' verbatim descriptors of their occupations are coded using a three-digit Census code frame. Freelance jobs that do not qualify as self-employment are coded according to the type of work performed. (See Attachment 1: Census Industrial & Occupational Classification Codes for more details about the Census coding).

II. Schooling (age restrictions as of 12/31/96)

Labor Force Status

Job Search

Job Search in the Weeks before the Survey (CPS Questions)

In rounds 1, 4, and 10, questions based on the Current Population Survey (CPS) asked NLSY97 respondents age 15 or older about job search (all respondents had reached age 15 in round 4). Respondents who did not report working in the week before the survey stated whether they had been doing anything to find work during the last four weeks.


For both employee and self-employed jobs, respondents' verbatim descriptors of their business or industry are coded using a three-digit Census code frame. Freelance jobs that do not qualify as self-employment are coded according to the type of work performed. (See Attachment 1: Census Industrial & Occupational Classification Codes for more details about the Census coding).

Gaps in Employment

Created Variables

EMP_GAP_START_WEEK_XXXX.XX.The start week of a gap on a civilian job.

EMP_GAP_START_YEAR_XXXX.XX. The start year of a gap on a civilian job.

EMP_GAP_END_WEEK_XXXX.XX. The end week of a gap on a civilian job.

EMP_GAP_END_YEAR_XXXX.XX. The end year of a gap on a civilian job.


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