NLS Youth '97 Cohort

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 1997 Cohort
Short Description: 
Men and women born in the years 1980-84
Short Title: 
NLS Youth 1997
Long Name: 
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth | 1997
Investigator URL:
Nav Title: 

Youth Residential History

Race, Ethnicity & Citizenship

Created Variables

KEY!RACE. Identifies respondent's race.

KEY!ETHNICITY. Identifies respondents of Hispanic and Latino origin.

KEY!RACE_ETHNICITY. Classifies all respondents into four groups: Hispanic or Latino, black, non-black/non-Hispanic, or mixed race/non-Hispanic.

Alcohol Use

Created Variables

Crime, Delinquency & Arrest

Crime & Substance Use: An Introduction

Household Composition

Created Variables

CV_HH_SIZE: Identifies the household size.

CV_HH_UNDER_6: Provides the number of household members under the age of 6 as of the survey date.

CV_HH_UNDER_18: the number of household members under the age of 18 as of the survey date.

Household & Neighborhood Environment

Created Variables (Created by Child Trends, Inc)

Geographic Indicators

Created Variables

CV_URBAN-RURAL. Indicates whether respondent lives in an urban or rural area

CV_MSA. Indicates whether or not the respondent lives in a Metropolitan Statistical Area

CV_CENSUS_REGION. Provides Census region where the respondent resides (Northeast, North Central, South, or West)


Symbol Variable

KEY!SEX. Provides respondent's gender.


Created and Symbol Variables

CV_AGE_INT_DATE. Provides respondent's age in years at the date of interview.

CV_AGE_MONTHS_INT_DATE. Provides respondent's age in continuous months as of the interview date.

CV_AGE_12/31/96. Provides age of respondent in round 1 calculated as of December 31, 1996.

KEY!BDATE_Y. Provides respondent's year of birth (1980-1984).


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