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Title: The Effects of Race and Marital Status on Child Support and Work Effort
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Caputo, Richard K. |
The Effects of Race and Marital Status on Child Support and Work Effort Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 23,3 (September 1996): 51-68 Cohort(s): Young Women Publisher: Western Michigan University School of Social Work Keyword(s): Child Support; Divorce; Family Income; Marital Status; Welfare Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. This study used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience (NLSLME) Young Women's (cohort to assess the influence of race and marital status on levels of child support and work effort of recipients of child support in 1978, 1983, 1988, and 1991. Controlling for the number of children and highest completed grade of education the study found that race exerted no effect on either level of child support payments or work effort in any of the study years. Marital status influenced level of child support t in each study year and work effort only in 1983 Formerly-married mother had the highest levels of child support as a part of total family income in each study year; while married and never-married recipients of child support had similar lower levels. Also formerly-married mothers had the greatest work effort only in 1983. Implications for child support policies are discussed. |
Bibliography Citation
Caputo, Richard K. "The Effects of Race and Marital Status on Child Support and Work Effort." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 23,3 (September 1996): 51-68.