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Title: Does Unemployment Cause Future Unemployment? Definitions, Questions and Answers from a Continuous Time Model of Heterogeneity and State Dependence
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Heckman, James J.
Borjas, George J.
Does Unemployment Cause Future Unemployment? Definitions, Questions and Answers from a Continuous Time Model of Heterogeneity and State Dependence
Economica 47,187 (August 1980): 247-283.
Cohort(s): Young Men
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Inc. => Wiley Online
Keyword(s): Clare Jellick; Heterogeneity; Job Search; Markov chain / Markov model; Research Methodology; Statistical Analysis; Unemployment; Work History

This paper presents statistical methods for testing for the presence of true state dependence. Methods used are based on extensions of existing models for continuous-time discrete-state Markov processes. For this paper a new model with general forms of state dependence is developed. Four main types of structural dependence are examined: Markov dependence, occurrence dependence, duration dependence, and lagged duration dependence.
Bibliography Citation
Heckman, James J. and George J. Borjas. "Does Unemployment Cause Future Unemployment? Definitions, Questions and Answers from a Continuous Time Model of Heterogeneity and State Dependence." Economica 47,187 (August 1980): 247-283.