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Author: Ma, Dali
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Ma, Dali
Wang, Cheng
Volunteering in the Creation of Entrepreneurship
Social Forces 102,4 (June 2024): 1352–1373.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Keyword(s): Employment, Self-; Entrepreneurship; Self-Employed Workers; Self-Esteem; Sociopsychological Factors; Volunteer Work; Young Adults

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

We propose that volunteering increases the likelihood of self-employment among young adults because volunteering improves self-esteem, which helps prospective entrepreneurs cope with the challenges associated with self-employment. We further predict that young adults who participate in diverse voluntary organizations are particularly likely to undertake self-employment because affiliations with diverse organizations not only enhance the social-psychological benefits of self-employment but also buffer the potential loss of a source of self-esteem caused by the discontinuation of a voluntary organization. Analysis of the data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (N = 35,228) supports our hypotheses. Our study highlights that a better-developed self through volunteering benefits the agentic action of entrepreneurship.
Bibliography Citation
Ma, Dali and Cheng Wang. "Volunteering in the Creation of Entrepreneurship." Social Forces 102,4 (June 2024): 1352–1373. A.