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Author: Logan, Christopher
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Logan, Christopher
Fox, Mary Kay
Lin, Biing-Hwan
Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume II, Data Sources
Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report No. FANRR19-2, Economic Research Service, October 2002.
Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79, NLSY79, NLSY79 Young Adult, NLSY97
Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Keyword(s): Financial Assistance; Food Stamps (see Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program); Health/Health Status/SF-12 Scale; Nutritional Status/Nutrition/Consumption Behaviors; Program Participation/Evaluation

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This is the second of four reports completed by Abt Associates Inc., under the contract "The Nutrition and Health Outcome Study." This report is an evaluation of various data sources for their potential for analyzing the impacts of USDA's food assistance and nutrition programs. Data sources are evaluated against three criteria: coverage of both program participants and nonparticipants; identification of participants and determination of eligibility among nonparticipants; and availability of impact measures. Each data source is classified into one of four categories: principal, potential, recognized, and insufficient. Principal and potential sources are discussed and profiled in this report.
Bibliography Citation
Logan, Christopher, Mary Kay Fox and Biing-Hwan Lin. "Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Volume II, Data Sources." Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report No. FANRR19-2, Economic Research Service, October 2002.