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Author: Cosconati, Marco
Resulting in 4 citations.
1. Cosconati, Marco
Children's Reputation, Parenting Style and Human Capital
Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, December 2008.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Keyword(s): Child Development; Human Capital; Parenting Skills/Styles

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This abstract is the one and only page of this work-in-progress

In this paper I investigate the relationship between parenting styles and parents' socioeconomic characteristics. I adopt Holmstrom's model of career concern to explain parenting style choices and children's behavior. In the model both parents and the child are unaware of the child's ability. Child's effort, her ability and a stochastic term are the inputs of the child's human capital production function. Child's effort is imperfectly monitored by parents, who use the observed realization of the human capital as a signal of the child's ability. Such a signal is used to update their belief about the child's type. Thus, the child retains a piece of private information: the true signal about her ability. Parents are assumed to play the following strategy: whenever their beliefs are above a critical level they implement a permissive parenting style, when not they choose a tough parenting style. Following Martinez, (2001) it is possible to show that the effort strategy played by the child, against this cut-off rule, is unique. In this context, as in my job market paper, parenting style is conceptualized in terms of the strictness of the limits they set for their children on their time allocation. By reducing the value of leisure time children have available, stricter limits induce greater effort of children in terms of the time they devote to study.

The model is estimated using data from the NLSY97 by simulated maximum likelihood. The sample consists of about 1500 youths between the ages of 12 and 13 in 1997. In estimation parent's cut-off value is assumed to be a function of some of their own observable characteristics: race, education, income and religion. In order to overcome the computational difficulties given by the fact that parent's beliefs are an unobservable state variable, I adopt the method developed by Keane and Wolpin (2001) to estimate the structural parameters of the problem. I use the estimates of the model to construct a finite number of cut-off values, which are related to parents' socio-economics background. These values are used as a metric to establish how children's behavior would change if they were to face different probabilities of being subject to strict parenting in the future.

Bibliography Citation
Cosconati, Marco. "Children's Reputation, Parenting Style and Human Capital." Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, December 2008.
2. Cosconati, Marco
Optimal Parenting Styles: Evidence from a Dynamic Game with Multiple Equilibria
Presented: University of Chicago, Family Economics and Human Capital (FINET) Conference, November 2012
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: University of Chicago
Keyword(s): Child Development; Human Capital; Parent Supervision/Monitoring; Parenting Skills/Styles; Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT- Math); Television Viewing

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

There is little consensus among social science researchers about the effectiveness of alternative parenting strategies in producing desirable child outcomes. Some argue that parents should set strict limits on the activities of their adolescent children, while others believe that adolescents should be given relatively wide discretion. In this paper, I develop and estimate a model of parent-child interaction in order to better understand the relationship between parenting styles and the development of human capital in children. Using data from the NLSY97, the estimates of the model indicate that the best parenting style depends on the stock of adolescent human capital. Setting strict rules increases the study time of children with low skills, but is detrimental for adult human of the more knowledgeable teenagers.
Bibliography Citation
Cosconati, Marco. "Optimal Parenting Styles: Evidence from a Dynamic Game with Multiple Equilibria." Presented: University of Chicago, Family Economics and Human Capital (FINET) Conference, November 2012.
3. Cosconati, Marco
Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children
Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, June 2009.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)
Keyword(s): Heterogeneity; Human Capital; Modeling; Parent-Child Interaction; Parenting Skills/Styles; Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT- Math)

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

There is little consensus among social science researchers about the effectiveness of alternative parenting strategies in producing desirable child outcomes. Some argue that parents should set strict limits on the activities of their adolescent children, while others believe that adolescents should be given relatively wide discretion. In this dissertation, I develop and estimate a model of parent-child interaction in order to better understand the relationship between parenting styles and the development of human capital in children. Using data from the NLSY97, the estimates of the model indicate that the best parenting style depends on how much a child values human capital. Setting strict rules increases the study time of a child who places a low value on human capital, but decreases study time for a child who places a high value on human capital. According to the estimates, the impact of a public mandatory curfew, given these offsetting effects, is to increase slightly adolescent human capital.
Bibliography Citation
Cosconati, Marco. Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, June 2009..
4. Cosconati, Marco
Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children
Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, February 9, 2009.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Keyword(s): Heterogeneity; Human Capital; Modeling; Parent-Child Interaction; Parenting Skills/Styles; Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT- Math)

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

There is little consensus among social science researchers about the effectiveness of alternative parenting strategies in producing desirable child outcomes. Some argue that parents should set strict limits on the activities of their adolescent children, while others believe that adolescents should be given relatively wide discretion. In this paper, I develop and estimate a model of parent-child interaction in order to better understand the relationship between parenting styles and the development of human capital in children. Using data from the NLSY97, the estimates of the model indicate that the best parenting style depends on how much a child values human capital. Setting strict rules increases the study time of a child who places a low value on human capital, but decreases study time for a child who places a high value on human capital. According to the estimates, the impact of a public mandatory curfew, given these offsetting effects, is to increase slightly adolescent human capital.
Bibliography Citation
Cosconati, Marco. "Parenting Style and the Development of Human Capital in Children." Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, February 9, 2009.