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Author: Chiswick, Barry R.
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. Chiswick, Barry R.
An Analysis of the Economic Progress and Impact of Immigrants
Final Report, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 1980
Cohort(s): Older Men
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
Keyword(s): Britain, British; Canada, Canadian; Capital Sector; Census of Population; Clare Jellick; Cross-national Analysis; Earnings; Immigrants; Israel; Migration; Mobility; Skills; Transfers, Financial

The theoretical analysis of earnings and occupational mobility is based on the international transferability of skills and the favorable self-selection of immigrants. Detailed analyses are performed by race/ethnic group and sex (l970 Census for the U.S. and for Britain, Canada, and Israel). Economic migrants initially have lower earnings than the native-born but their earnings rise rapidly with the duration of residence, reach equality after 11 to 25 years and then they have higher earnings. The children of immigrants earn 5 to 10 percent more than those with native-born parents. Additional analyses are performed for adult white men using the two unique features of the NLS. Using longitudinal data on earnings, it is found that earnings rise more rapidly in the U.S. for the foreign-born than for the native-born. Using the data on immigration generation, it is found that among the native-born those with foreign-born parents have six percent higher earnings, while among those with native-born parents earnings are higher by approximately one percentage point for each foreign-born grandparent. These patterns in the NLS are consistent with the theoretical model and other empirical findings. Using aggregate production function analysis, it is shown that an increase in supply of either low-skilled or high-skilled immigrants decreases the wage of that type of labor, and increases the return to both capital and the other type of labor. Immigration tends to increase the aggregate income of the native population, unless the immigrants are substantial net beneficiaries of income transfers. A bibliography is included.
Bibliography Citation
Chiswick, Barry R. "An Analysis of the Economic Progress and Impact of Immigrants." Final Report, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 1980.