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Author: Brown, Timothy
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. D'Amico, Ronald
Brown, Timothy
Patterns of Labor Mobility in a Dual Economy: The Case of Semi-skilled and Unskilled Workers
Social Science Research 11,2 (June 1982): 153-175.
Cohort(s): Older Men, Young Men
Publisher: Academic Press, Inc.
Keyword(s): Blue-Collar Jobs; Clare Jellick; Migration; Mobility

The focus of recent stratification research demonstrates increasing recognition of the structured nature of social inequality. Among the forms these efforts have taken has been the development of a number of models drawing attention to the importance of various labor market divisions or cleavages. The crucial role which restricted labor mobility must play in maintaining these cleavages, while largely untested, has long been recognized. The authors argue that analysis of the patterns of job sequencing can be used to draw important inferences regarding the existence and character of labor market structures. From this premise, job transition data are used to test a number of propositions derived from dual economy theory, relating to the extent of intersectoral moves and the patterns of intersectoral and intrasectoral moves. Using log-linear methods, it was found that the hypothesized evidence of restricted intersectoral job shifts and patterns of intrasectoral moves were indicative of the pervasiveness of rigidly structured internal labor markets in the core. While these results are consistent with a dualistic interpretation, they are equally as consistent with any model emphasizing the existence of strong intra- firm and intra-industry job structures.
Bibliography Citation
D'Amico, Ronald and Timothy Brown. "Patterns of Labor Mobility in a Dual Economy: The Case of Semi-skilled and Unskilled Workers." Social Science Research 11,2 (June 1982): 153-175.