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Author: Almasi, Pooya
Resulting in 2 citations.
1. Almasi, Pooya
Two Essays in Economics of Education and Political Economy
Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Georgetown University, 2020
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)
Keyword(s): Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB); College Major/Field of Study/Courses; Occupations; Wages

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

In the first chapter, we introduce a new approach to measuring the match between education and occupation by using the number of college courses related to one's occupation. Previous studies have only considered the match between college "major'" and occupation. That approach ignores the content of education and the courses taken in college. We find that taking courses in college that are relevant to one's occupation is significantly associated with higher wages, which can be taken as evidence against the notion that returns to college are principally a matter of signaling. A student's wage increases, on average, by 1.5-2.1 percent for each matched course.
Bibliography Citation
Almasi, Pooya. Two Essays in Economics of Education and Political Economy. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, Georgetown University, 2020.
2. Almasi, Pooya
Hadavand, Aboozar
Thomas, Sarah
Gharehgozli, Orkideh
Relevance of Education to Occupation: A New Empirical Approach Based on College Courses
Education Economics 28,4 (2020): 370-383.
Cohort(s): NLSY97
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Keyword(s): College Major/Field of Study/Courses; Educational Returns; Occupations; Wages

Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher.

We introduce a new approach to measuring the match between education and occupation by using the number of college courses related to one's occupation. Previous studies have only considered the match between college 'major' and occupation. That approach ignores the content of education and the courses taken in college. We find that taking courses in college that are relevant to one's occupation is significantly associated with higher wages, which can be taken as evidence against the notion that returns to college are principally a matter of signaling. A student's wage increases, on average, by 1.5-2.1% for each matched course.
Bibliography Citation
Almasi, Pooya, Aboozar Hadavand, Sarah Thomas and Orkideh Gharehgozli. "Relevance of Education to Occupation: A New Empirical Approach Based on College Courses." Education Economics 28,4 (2020): 370-383.