Latest Information from the NLS
Data Release: NLSY79 Dataset
March 8, 2023This release includes data from 1979 through 2020 (Rounds 1-29). To access public data, use the NLS Investigator.
NLSY97 Supplemental COVID-19 data
January 4, 2022Learn more about shifts in employment patterns during the pandemic in the Beyond the Numbers article: How did employment change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from a new BLS survey supplement available on the BLS website.
Data Release: NLSY97 Dataset
November 1, 2021This dataset contains data from 1997 through 2019 (Rounds 1-19), plus the NLSY97 COVID-19 Supplement data from earlier this year. To access public data, use the NLS Investigator.
Data Release: NLSY97 COVID Supplement
August 27, 2021A short NLSY97 COVID survey was fielded in the first half of 2021 to document the possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employment and health of the NLSY97 cohort. This data set is now available using the NLS Investigator. More information can be found in Appendix 14: NLSY97 COVID-19 Supplement.
Data Release: NLSY97 Child & Young Adult Dataset
February 5, 2021This release includes data from 1986 through 2018. The Child/YA cohort follows the biological children of the women in the NLSY79. To access public data, use the NLS Investigator.
Cross-Cohort Dataset (Beta Version) Available
January 15, 2021We have released an NLSY79/NLSY97 beta dataset designed to harmonize NLS data across two cohorts, allowing users added opportunities to perform cross-cohort comparisons. Initially the dataset includes interview date, reason for noninterview, age, marital status, highest grade attended, highest grade completed, and employment status, with possible expansion to over 100 variables. Fixed background variables are also included, such as sex, race, and AFQT score. See Appendix 13: Cross-Cohort NLSY79/97 Overview for more information.
Data Release: NLSY79 Dataset
January 6, 2021This release includes data from 1979 through 2018 (Rounds 1-28). To access public data, use the NLS Investigator.
Re-Release of the NLSY97 Data
February 10, 2020We have re-released the NLSY97 public-use Rounds 1-18 data with some updates. A comprehensive review of the created wage variables CV_HRLY_COMPENSATION and CV_HRLY_PAY led to updates to a number of these created variables and select underlying raw data through all rounds. See the Errata for NLSY97 Round 18 Release for details. The re-release also includes a small number of corrections to the created incarceration variables and to invalid dates for freelance job start dates; these are also detailed on the errata page. The dataset can be accessed at NLS Investigator.
Data Release: NLSY97 Dataset
December 6, 2019This release includes data from 1997 through 2017 (Rounds 1-18). To access public data, use the NLS Investigator.
NLSY97 Timings Dataset Now Available
September 25, 2019A new separate dataset of variable timings has been released for the NLSY97. The timings, which measure the time of the respondent's interaction on a particular question during the interview, are mainly for questions related to sexual activity, pregnancy, smoking, drug use, delinquent behaviors, criminal activity, and expectations. To access the dataset, visit the NLS Investigator page and choose "NLSY97" in the cohort selection list, then choose "Select Timings." More details can be found on the Item Nonresponse & Interview Timings documentation.