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Hourly Rate of Pay/Compensation and Job Length < 13 Weeks - Appendix 2
Variables Created
- CV_JOB_13_WKS.xx (CV_JOB<13_WKS in rounds 1-6)
This program creates the hourly rate of pay for NLSY97 respondents. The hourly rate of pay is constructed from stop date information for respondents whose job lasted more than 13 weeks. For all other respondents the start wage is used. Note that hourly rate of pay is reported with two implied decimal places.
In addition, this program creates an hourly monetary compensation variable for NLSY97 respondents. This variable that includes information about all compensation received by the respondent, such as tips, bonuses, commissions, overtime, etc., in the calculation. Hourly monetary compensation differs from hourly rate of pay variable, which calculates only the base pay rate. This variable is constructed from stop date information for respondents with jobs longer than 13 weeks and start date information for other. Hourly monetary compensation is also reported with two implied decimal places.
Finally, a variable indicating whether the jobs lasted more than 13 weeks is also created.
All three variables are created for each job reported each round.
Variables Used
The same variables are used in this program and the Core Employment Variables program. Download a common list of variables.