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Core Employment Variables - Appendix 2
Variables Created
A large set of core employment variables is created using a single large program. This program is very long and is divided into two HTML files to speed downloads and viewing. The main file sections are as follows (each contained in a separate file):
Download the program file for the current round variable creation. First, staff create a set of preliminary variables using just information from the current interview.
- Number of Weeks Worked during 19xx/20xx
- Number of Weeks Worked since Last Interview
- Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date
- Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx
- Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
- Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx
- Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20
Download the program file for the creation of variables linked to past rounds. Next, the variables listed below have information added from past interviews. For these variables, to understand the complete creation of the variable, users will need to review the programming code in both the "current round variable creation" and "creation of variables linked to past rounds" sections.
- Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date
- Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx
- Number of Weeks Worked Age 14-19, Weeks Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Weeks Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
- Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
- Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx
- Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20
At the end of this process, a set of employment variables is created as listed in the table below. As with all created variables, those starting with "CV_" are created for each single survey round, while those starting with "CVC_" are cross-round (XRND) variables. The cross-round variables are created for all respondents using the most recent data available, and are replaced each year with updated information. All respondents will be represented in these variables regardless of whether they were interviewed in the most recent round.
Topic | Question Name in Data Set | Notes |
Number of Weeks Worked during 19xx/20xx | CVC_WKSWK_YR_ALL.xx CVC_WKSWK_YR_ET.xx CVC_WKSWK_YR_SE.xx |
This variable is created for each individual for each year of potential work activity (1980-2011). Respondents not working in a given year are given a default value of zero (0) weeks worked. Otherwise, the variable indicates the actual cumulative weeks worked on all jobs in that year. |
Number of Weeks Worked since Last Interview | CV_WKSWK_DLI_ALL CV_WKSWK_DLI_ET CV_WKSWK_DLI_SE |
For each individual, this variable counts the number of weeks the respondent worked since the last interview. Three variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs. Respondents not working in a given year are given a default value of zero. |
Number of Weeks Worked Age 14-19, Weeks Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Weeks Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20 | CVC_WKSWK_TEEN CVC_WKSWK_ADULT_ET CVC_WKSWK_ADULT_ALL |
For each respondent, this variable counts the number of weeks worked at any employee-type job between the ages of 14 and 19. Two additional variables count weeks worked from age 20 to the present; one totals all jobs and one presents only employee jobs. Respondents not working are given a default value of zero; respondents who have not yet reached age 20 receive a valid skip (-4) on the latter two variables. |
Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date | CV_WKSWK_JOB_DLI.xx | Variable for each job calculate the total length of job tenure in weeks (excluding within-job gaps) since the respondent's 14th birthday. A variable is created for each potential job even if the respondent has no data for that job, with the default value set to zero (0). |
Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx | CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_ALL.xx CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_ET.xx CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_SE.xx |
These variables calculate the number of hours worked by the respondent at all jobs in each calendar year. Three sets of variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs for respondents age 18 and older starting in round 4. A variable is created for each respondent even if the respondent has worked no jobs in a given year with the default value set to zero (0). Note that when both "starting hours" and "current hours" are reported, the latter are used to construct these measures. |
Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20 | CVC_HOURS_WK_TEEN CVC_HOURS_WK_ADULT_ALL CVC_HOURS_WK_ADULT_ET |
One variable presents the number of hours worked by the respondent at all employee-type jobs between the ages of 14 and 19. There are two variables for the number of hours worked by the respondent since age 20: one for all jobs and one for employee-type jobs. A variable is created for each respondent even if the respondent has worked no jobs in a given year with the default value set to zero (0). Note that when both "starting hours" and "current hours" are reported, the latter are used to construct these measures. |
Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx | CVC_TTL_JOB_ALL.xx CVC_TTL_JOB_ET.xx CVC_TTL_JOB_SE.xx |
These variables count the number of employee-type jobs the respondent held during each calendar year. Three sets of variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs. These variables are created only for respondents who have worked at least one week in the applicable calendar year. |
Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20 | CVC_TTL_JOBS_TEEN CVC_TTL_JOBS_ADULT_ET CVC_ TTL_JOBS_ADULT_ALL |
One variable presents the total number of employee-type jobs held by the respondent between the ages of 14 and 19. There are two variables for the total number of jobs held by the respondent since age 20: one for all jobs and one for employee-type jobs. The variables are only created for respondents who have worked at least one week in the applicable age range. |
Variables Used
The same variables are used in this program and the Hourly Rate of Pay/Compensation program. Download a common list of variables.