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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)

Appendix 2: Employment Variable Creation

This appendix presents SAS programs for the creation of employment variables. Unless otherwise noted, the programs presented are for round 20. Except for minor hand edits to account for inconsistencies in the raw data, variable creation code remains generally constant from round to round. However, users who need code for a specific round not included here may contact NLS User Services.

Click a topic below to view details and programming code:

Variables created

A large set of core employment variables is created using a single large program. This program is very long and is divided into two files to speed downloads and viewing. The main file sections are as follows (each contained in a separate file):

Open the program file for the current round variable creation. First, staff create a set of preliminary variables using just information from the current interview.

  • Number of Weeks Worked during 19xx/20xx
  • Number of Weeks Worked since Last Interview
  • Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date
  • Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx
  • Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
  • Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx
  • Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20

Open the program file for the creation of variables linked to past rounds. Next, the variables listed below have information added from past interviews. For these variables, to understand the complete creation of the variable, users will need to review the programming code in both the "current round variable creation" and "creation of variables linked to past rounds" sections.

  • Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date
  • Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx
  • Number of Weeks Worked Age 14-19, Weeks Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Weeks Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
  • Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20
  • Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx
  • Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20

At the end of this process, a set of employment variables is created as listed in the table below. As with all created variables, those starting with "CV_" are created for each single survey round, while those starting with "CVC_" are cross-round (XRND) variables. The cross-round variables are created for all respondents using the most recent data available, and are replaced each year with updated information. All respondents will be represented in these variables regardless of whether they were interviewed in the most recent round.


Question Name in Data Set


Number of Weeks Worked during 19xx/20xx CVC_WKSWK_YR_ALL.xx
This variable is created for each individual for each year of potential work activity (1980-2011). Respondents not working in a given year are given a default value of zero (0) weeks worked. Otherwise, the variable indicates the actual cumulative weeks worked on all jobs in that year.
Number of Weeks Worked since Last Interview CV_WKSWK_DLI_ALL
For each individual, this variable counts the number of weeks the respondent worked since the last interview. Three variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs. Respondents not working in a given year are given a default value of zero.
Number of Weeks Worked Age 14-19, Weeks Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Weeks Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20 CVC_WKSWK_TEEN
For each respondent, this variable counts the number of weeks worked at any employee-type job between the ages of 14 and 19. Two additional variables count weeks worked from age 20 to the present; one totals all jobs and one presents only employee jobs. Respondents not working are given a default value of zero; respondents who have not yet reached age 20 receive a valid skip (-4) on the latter two variables.
Total Tenure at Job #x as of the Survey Date CV_WKSWK_JOB_DLI.xx Variable for each job calculate the total length of job tenure in weeks (excluding within-job gaps) since the respondent's 14th birthday. A variable is created for each potential job even if the respondent has no data for that job, with the default value set to zero (0).
Total Hours Worked in 19xx/20xx CVC_HOURS_WK_YR_ALL.xx
These variables calculate the number of hours worked by the respondent at all jobs in each calendar year. Three sets of variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs for respondents age 18 and older starting in round 4. A variable is created for each respondent even if the respondent has worked no jobs in a given year with the default value set to zero (0). Note that when both "starting hours" and "current hours" are reported, the latter are used to construct these measures.
Total Hours Worked Age 14-19, Hours Worked at All Jobs Since Age 20, and Hours Worked at Employee-Type Jobs Since Age 20 CVC_HOURS_WK_TEEN
One variable presents the number of hours worked by the respondent at all employee-type jobs between the ages of 14 and 19. There are two variables for the number of hours worked by the respondent since age 20: one for all jobs and one for employee-type jobs. A variable is created for each respondent even if the respondent has worked no jobs in a given year with the default value set to zero (0). Note that when both "starting hours" and "current hours" are reported, the latter are used to construct these measures.
Number of Jobs Held during 19xx/20xx CVC_TTL_JOB_ALL.xx
These variables count the number of employee-type jobs the respondent held during each calendar year. Three sets of variables are created: one for all jobs, one for employee-type jobs, and one for self-employed jobs. These variables are created only for respondents who have worked at least one week in the applicable calendar year.
Total Number of Jobs Held Age 14-19, Number of Employee Jobs Held since Age 20, and Number of All Jobs Held since Age 20 CVC_TTL_JOBS_TEEN
One variable presents the total number of employee-type jobs held by the respondent between the ages of 14 and 19. There are two variables for the total number of jobs held by the respondent since age 20: one for all jobs and one for employee-type jobs. The variables are only created for respondents who have worked at least one week in the applicable age range.

Variables used

The same variables are used in this program and the Hourly Rate of Pay/Compensation program listed below. Click here to view a common list of variables.

Variables created

  • CV_HRLY PAY.xx
  • CV_JOB_13_WKS.xx (CV_JOB<13_WKS in rounds 1-6)

This program creates the hourly rate of pay for NLSY97 respondents. The hourly rate of pay is constructed from stop date information for respondents whose job lasted more than 13 weeks. For all other respondents the start wage is used.

In addition, this program creates an hourly monetary compensation variable for NLSY97 respondents. This variable that includes information about all compensation received by the respondent, such as tips, bonuses, commissions, overtime, etc., in the calculation. Hourly monetary compensation differs from hourly rate of pay variable, which calculates only the base pay rate. This variable is constructed from stop date information for respondents with jobs longer than 13 weeks and start date information for other.

Hourly rate of pay and hourly monetary compensation are reported with two implied decimal places.

Finally, a variable indicating whether the jobs lasted more than 13 weeks is also created.

All three variables are created for each job reported each round.

Variables used

The same variables are used in this program and the Core Employment Variables program listed above. Click here to view a common list of variables.

Open the Hourly Rate of Pay/Compensation and Job Length Less than 13 Weeks program file

Variable created

  • CV_HRS_PER_WEEK.xx (HOURS)--number of hours usually worked per week at each job

This program creates a variable for each job in each survey round reporting the usual number of hours worked per week. If a job lasts 13 weeks or less, the program uses hours reported as of the job's start date. For jobs lasting longer than 13 weeks, the variable provides hours usually worked as of the end date or the most recent report (for example, the interview date). The number of hours reported in this created variable is also the number used to calculate the created hourly rate of pay (CV_HRLY_PAY) and hourly compensation (HRLY_COMPENSATION) variables described elsewhere in this appendix.

Open the Hours Per Week at Each Job program file

Variables created

  • CV_ESR

Using data from the CPS section, this program creates a variable for the respondent's employment status during the week before the interview. The CPS section was included only in rounds 1, 4, and 10, so these variables are available only for those rounds.

Open the Employment Status Recode program file

Variable created


For each round, this program creates a variable indicating which employer roster loop contains information for the respondent's current or most recent job (often referred to as the CPS job) at the date of the interview. If the respondent holds more than one job at the same time, the main job is the job at which he or she usually works the most hours. If hours worked are the same, the main job is the one with the earliest start date.

Open the Current or Most Recent Job program file

Variable created

  • CVC_VET_STATUS--indicates whether the respondent has ever served in the active armed forces, the reserves, or the National Guard.

This program uses the military job information from the employer roster to create a variable indicating the respondent's status as a veteran.

Open the Veteran Status program file

Variables created


These programs (three short programs in one file) create variables that report specific date-of-interview information, such as where the respondent was currently employed and the hours they worked. If not employed, they were asked whether a disability was preventing them from working or looking for work.

Open the Status at Date of Interview Variables program file

Notes about NLSY97 employment data

Collection of Employment Data. The employment sections of the NLSY97 questionnaire are somewhat complex. Before beginning analysis, researchers must understand the structure of each round's questionnaire, particularly the way in which jobs are classified as employee, freelance, or self-employment. It is important to note that this classification depends in part on the survey round and the respondent's age. In rounds 1 and 2, employee jobs were recorded in the first part of the YEMP section, administered only to respondents age 14 or older as of the interview date. The second part of the YEMP section collected information about freelance jobs of respondents age 14 and older and all jobs of respondents age 12 or 13 (the implicit assumption being that respondents younger than 14 are not likely to hold employee jobs). If the respondent was at least 16 years old and made at least $200/week in a freelance job, the job was classified as self-employment, and an extra series of questions was asked during the freelance section.

In round 3, all respondents were at least age 14 by the interview date, so the age restriction for employee jobs was no longer necessary. The structure of the section remained largely the same, with a division between employee-type and freelance jobs. Self-employment was classified in the same way as in the earlier rounds.

In round 4, the section was redesigned. Respondents born in 1980-82 (who were mostly age 18 and older when the round 4 field period began) were asked about employee-type jobs and self-employment at the same time. In addition, the minimum income requirement from the freelance section no longer applied; jobs could be classified as self-employment regardless of earnings. However, respondents born in 1983-84 (who were mostly age 16 or 17 when the round 4 field period began) continued to describe employee and freelance jobs separately. Data on self-employment jobs were still collected in the freelance section, and freelance jobs still had to meet the income criteria to qualify as self-employment. The same pattern was used in round 5.

The redesign of the employment section has important implications for created employment variables. In rounds 1-3, all of the created employment variables were based only on employee-type jobs. So, for example, the variable "Weeks Worked during Calendar Year 1999" counted only the weeks worked by a respondent at a regular employee-type job. If the respondent also reported self-employment in a lawn care business, the weeks spent working at that job were not counted in the created variable.

In round 4, when older respondents reported both employee-type and self-employed jobs in the same series of variables, this approach was reconsidered. For rounds 4 and 5, older respondents had three versions of most created variables. The first version, identified by the suffix "ET" in the question name, includes only employee-type jobs. The second version, the "SE" variables, includes only self-employed jobs reported by respondents born in 1980-83 in the regular employment section during round 5 (and similarly for respondents born in 1980-82 in round 4). These variables do not include freelance jobs or self-employment reported by younger respondents in the freelance jobs section in rounds 4 and 5, and they do not include freelance jobs or self-employment reported in rounds 1-3 by any respondent, regardless of age. Finally, the variables for all jobs include both employee-type jobs and self-employment reported during round 5 for respondents born in 1980-83 but only include employee-type jobs for respondents born in 1984. (Similarly, in round 4, these variables reported all jobs for respondents born in 1980-82 and only employee-type jobs for respondents born in 1983-84). These last variables are identified with the suffix "ALL" in the question name.

Respondents' ages varied widely in round 4, when self-employed jobs were first recorded as part of the regular employment section. Also, some respondents reported employment over several years if they missed a round of interviewing. To simplify the creation of the employment variables, survey staff included only the self-employment job information starting on January 1 of the year the respondent turned 18. For example, consider a respondent who was 20 years old on his round 4 interview date in April 2001 and had not been interviewed since round 1. He reports self-employment in a computer repair business beginning on his 17th birthday in March 1998 and continuous employment at a fast-food restaurant since his round 1 interview in 1997. The round 4 created employment variables would include information about the employee-type fast food job dating all the way back to 1997. However, the computer repair business would not be considered until January 1, 1999 (the first day of the year he turned 18). In other words, the variable "Weeks Worked in Calendar Year 1998" would count only the fast food job, and the variable "Weeks Worked Any Job in Calendar Year 1999" would count both the fast food job and the repair business. Similarly, the new variable "Weeks R Was Self-Employed Year 1998" would have a value of -4, or valid skip (because the respondent was not yet 18), but the variable "Weeks R Was Self-Employed Year 1999" would report the weeks the respondent worked at the computer repair business in 1999. This approach, continued in round 5, permitted users to compare the employment variables across respondents in different rounds, with confidence that the job types included were the same for all respondents of a given age.

Researchers using the employment data may want to review the information about the employer roster structure and data collection in Appendix 8: Instrument Rosters for a deeper understanding of how roster loops work and how employers are linked across survey rounds.

"Backreporters." Occasionally respondents report a job in the current interview that started before the date of their last interview and should have been reported at that time. Appendix 6: Event History Creation and Documentation contains a more complete description of the implications of these reports for the created employment event history variables. There are also a number of created employment variables detailed in this appendix. Nearly all of these variables use the information provided about employment previous to the date of last interview. The only exception is the set of CV_WKSWK_DLI variables, which reports the weeks worked since the previous interview date. The current round's variables would not include the backreported information in any case; the previous round's variables are not re-created to incorporate this new information.

For example, assume that Jane was interviewed in round 3 on April 15, 2000, and in round 4 on April 15, 2001. In the round 4 interview, she reports for the first time a job that started on April 1, 2000. The 2 weeks worked at that job before April 15, 2000, would not be reflected in any round's CV_WKSWK_DLI variables. However, those weeks would be counted in other variables. For example, CV_WKSWK_YR.00 would count all the weeks worked at any job in 2000, regardless of whether those weeks were reported in the round 3 or round 4 interview.