Appendix 1: Education Variable Creation
Appendix 1: Education Variable Creation
This appendix presents SAS programs for the creation of education variables. Unless otherwise noted, the programs presented are for round 20. Except for minor hand edits to account for inconsistencies in the raw data, variable creation code remains generally constant from round to round. However, users who need code for a specific round not included here may contact NLS User Services.
- Enrollment Status, Highest Grade Completed, and Highest Degree Received (including collapsed variables)
- Date Received Diploma or Degree (Collapsed)
- Number of Grades Repeated or Skipped -- Round 11 (including collapsed variables)
- Number of Schools Attended -- Round 13
- Total Fraction of Credits Earned towards Bachelors/Associate Degree -- Round 15
- Date Left High School and Highest High School Grade Completed/Attended (Collapsed)
- Current or Most Recent School Private or Parochial -- Round 13
- SAT/ACT Scores (Collapsed) -- Round 11
- Training: Receipt of Certificate or Vocational License (Collapsed)
Variables for which SAS code is not provided:
- CV_COLLEGE_TYPE indicate whether each college attended by the respondent is a public, private not-for-profit, or private for-profit institution. This variable picks up information from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) database maintained by the National Center for Educational Statistics. There is no SAS code associated with this variable, so no separate listing is provided in this appendix.
- CV_SCHOOL_SIZE and CV_STUDENT_TEACHER_RATIO, available for rounds 1-8, provide the school size and student-teacher ratio as listed in the QED. QED Data copyright 1998 by QED/Thomson, Denver, CO.
- CV_PIAT_PERCENTILE_SCORE and CV_PIAT_STANDARD_SCORE, available for rounds 1-5, calculate the percentile and standard scores based on the respondent's answers to the PIAT math assessment and age. Users interested in more information about the PIAT-Math Assessment, including the percentile and standard scores associated with raw scores for each age range, may wish to consult the following reference: Markwardt, Frederick C. Jr. Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised. Circle Pines, Minn.: American Guidance Service, Inc., 1989.