/******************** Variables Used ********************/ /**Variable Names in Program Variable Names in Gator**/ PUBID_1997 PUBID e3500r1 YSCH-3500 numr1 CV_SCH_ATTEND_EVER e2857r2 YSCH-2857 e2857r3 YSCH-2857 e2857r4 YSCH-2857 e2857r5 YSCH-2857 e2857r6 YSCH-2857 e2857r7 YSCH-2857 e2857r8 YSCH-2857 e2857r9 YSCH-2857 e2857r10 YSCH-2857 e2857r11 YSCH-2857 e2857r12 YSCH-2857 e2857r13 YSCH-2857 e3112r13 YSCH-3112 e8416r13_11 YSCH-8416.01.01 e8416r13_12 YSCH-8416.01.02 e8416r13_21 YSCH-8416.02.01 pubid PUBID schintr13_1 NEWSCHOOL_INTERVIEW.01 schintr13_2 NEWSCHOOL_INTERVIEW.02 schintr13_3 NEWSCHOOL_INTERVIEW.03 strtmr13_11 NEWSCHOOL_START1.01~M strtyr13_11 NEWSCHOOL_START1.01~Y strtmr13_12 NEWSCHOOL_START1.02~M strtyr13_12 NEWSCHOOL_START1.02~Y strtmr13_13 NEWSCHOOL_START1.03~M strtyr13_13 NEWSCHOOL_START1.03~Y stopmr13_11 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.01~M stopyr13_11 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.01~Y stopmr13_12 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.02~M stopyr13_12 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.02~Y stopmr13_13 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.03~M stopyr13_13 NEWSCHOOL_STOP1.03~Y strtmr13_21 NEWSCHOOL_START2.01~M strtyr13_21 NEWSCHOOL_START2.01~Y strtmr13_22 NEWSCHOOL_START2.02~M strtyr13_22 NEWSCHOOL_START2.02~Y stopmr13_21 NEWSCHOOL_STOP2.01~M stopyr13_21 NEWSCHOOL_STOP2.01~Y stopmr13_22 NEWSCHOOL_STOP2.02~M stopyr13_22 NEWSCHOOL_STOP2.02~Y strtmr13_31 NEWSCHOOL_START3.01~M strtyr13_31 NEWSCHOOL_START3.01~Y stopmr13_31 NEWSCHOOL_STOP3.01~M stopyr13_31 NEWSCHOOL_STOP3.01~Y schidr13_1 NEWSCHOOL_PUBID.01 schidr13_2 NEWSCHOOL_PUBID.02 schidr13_3 NEWSCHOOL_PUBID.03 numr12_cvc CVC_SCH_ATTEND_EVER cvcrnd CVC_RND /******************** SAS code for variable creation ********************/ ** Grades attended in each school. Note: In R13 we ask only the 1st grade enrolled in each period; array gratnd (2,2) e8416r13_11 e8416r13_12 e8416r13_21 dum; ** Enrollment start dates at each school; array startm (*) strtmr13_11-strtmr13_13; array starty (*) strtyr13_11-strtyr13_13; array stopm (*) stopmr13_11-stopmr13_13; array stopy (*) stopyr13_11-stopyr13_13; array start (*) start1-start3; ** The round R first reported each school; array schint (*) schintr13_1-schintr13_3; ** Pubid for each school; array schid (*) schidr13_1-schidr13_3; ** Dummy variables used in the program; array DUMGRD (*) DUMGRD1-DUMGRD3; array AGAIN (*) AGAIN1-AGAIN3; ** Create DUMGRD: Dummy variable to indicate whether R attended grades 7 - 12 in each school.; do i=1 to dim(gratnd,1); DUMGRD(i)=0; do j=1 to dim(gratnd,2); if DUMGRD(i)~=1 & -3<=gratnd(i,j)<=-1 then DUMGRD(i)=-3; if 7<=gratnd(i,j)<=12 then DUMGRD(i)=1; end; end; ** Create AGAIN: Dummy variable indicates whether R reported attending the school > than once; do i=1 to dim(schid); AGAIN(i)=0; do j=i+1 to dim(schid); if schid(i)>0 and DUMGRD(i)=1 & DUMGRD(j)=1 & schid(i)=schid(j) then AGAIN(i)=1; end; end; ** Calculate the accumulated month of the enrollment start date.; do i=1 to dim(schid); if starty(i)>0 and startm(i)>0 then start(i)=12*(starty(i)-1980)+startm(i); end; ** Next, calculate prenum; prenum=0; numjr13=0; numr13=0; if numr12_cvc>0 then prenum=numr12_cvc; ** Count the new schools R was enrolled in grades 7 thru 12 - numjr13 and numr13; do i=1 to dim(schid); if schint(i)=13 & AGAIN(i)=0 & DUMGRD(i)=1 then do; numr13=numr13+1; if 02008 & -46)|(stopy(i)>2009)) then do; flagprev=3; numjr13=-3; end; end; end; ** If grades enrolled in each school cannot be determined; do i=1 to dim(schid); if DUMGRD(i)=-3 & schint(i)=13 then do; numr13=-3; numjr13=-3; end; end; ** If schools are reported but with bad enrollment start dates; do i=1 to dim(schid); if schint(i)=13 & AGAIN(i)=0 & DUMGRD(i)=1 & ((starty(i)=2009 & -42008 & -46)|(stopy(i)>2009)) then numjr13=-3; end; ** We then add the above two numbers to the corresponding variables from the previous round; if numjr13>=0 then NUMJ=numjr13+prenum; if numr13>=0 then NUMS=numr13+prenum; ** For the youths who didn't answer the number of schools in round 1, we distinguish them into three cases: 1) If the 'grade currently attended' in R1 is <=7 and the 'highest grade attended' in R12 >= 7, we use the number created from the current round. 2) If both the 'grade currently attended' in R1 and the 'highest grade attended' in R12 are <7, we use -4 for the total number. 3) If the 'grade currently attended' in R1 >7, we use -4 for the total number.; if numr1 in (0,-4) & cvcrnd=1 then do; if e3500r1<=7 then do; NUMJ=NUMJR13; NUMS=NUMR13; loc=1; end; if e3500r1<7 & -47 then do; NUMS=-4; NUMJ=-4; loc=3; end; if numr12_cvc=-3 | numr13=-3 then do; NUMJ=-3; NUMS=-3; end; if numjr13=-3 then NUMJ=-3; ** Respondents incorrectly report "year of college" instead of "number of years of school"; if -412 & e2857r13+12>=e3112r13 then hgachk=1; else if e2857r12 ne -4 & e2857r12>12 then hgachk=2; else if e2857r12 in (-4, -5) & e2857r11 ne -4 and e2857r11>12 then hgachk=2; end; if -4-4 and schidr13_1>1299) or (e8416r13_12>-4 and schidr13_1>1299) or (e8416r13_21>-4 and schidr13_2>1299) then eligible=1; if cnums ne numr12_cvc then change=1; endsas;