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NLSY79 Attachment 4: Fields of Study in College
Codes for major fields of study and subspecialties
0100 Agriculture and Natural Resources
- 0101 Agriculture, General
- 0102 Agronomy
- 0103 Soils Science
- 0104 Animal Science
- 0105 Dairy Science
- 0106 Poultry Science
- 0107 Fish, Game, and Wildlife Management
- 0108 Horticulture
- 0109 Ornamental Horticulture
- 0110 Agricultural and Farm Management
- 0111 Agricultural Economics
- 0112 Agricultural Business
- 0113 Food Science and Technology
- 0114 Forestry
- 0115 Natural Resources Management
- 0116 Agriculture and Forestry Technologies
- 0117 Range Management
- 0118 Pest Control and Crop Protection
- 0199 Other
0200 Architecture and Environmental Design
- 0201 Environmental Design, General
- 0202 Architecture
- 0203 Interior Design
- 0204 Landscape Architecture
- 0205 Urban Architecture
- 0206 City, Community, and Regional Planning
- 0299 Other
0300 Area Studies
- 0301 Asian Studies, General
- 0302 East Asian Studies
- 0303 South Asian (India, etc.) Studies
- 0304 Southeast Asian Studies
- 0305 African Studies
- 0306 Islamic Studies
- 0307 Russian and Slavic Studies
- 0308 Latin American Studies
- 0309 Middle Eastern Studies
- 0310 European Studies, General
- 0311 Eastern European Studies
- 03l2 West European Studies
- 0313 American Studies
- 0314 Pacific Area Studies
- 0315 French Studies
- 0399 Other
0400 Biological Sciences
- 0401 Biology, General
- 0402 Botany, General
- 0403 Bacteriology
- 0404 Plant Pathology
- 0405 Plant Pharmacology
- 0406 Plant Physiology
- 0407 Zoology, General
- 0408 Pathology, Human and Animal
- 0409 Pharmacology, Human and Animal
- 0410 Physiology, Human and Animal
- 0411 Microbiology
- 0412 Anatomy
- 0413 Histology
- 0414 Biochemistry
- 0415 Biophysics
- 0416 Molecular Biology
- 0417 Cell Biology
- 0418 Marine Biology
- 0419 Biometrics and Biostatistics
- 0420 Ecology
- 0421 Entomology
- 0422 Genetics
- 0423 Radiobiology
- 0424 Nutrition, Scientific
- 0425 Neurosciences
- 0426 Toxicology
- 0427 Embryology
- 0428 Pre-med
- 0429 Pre-vet
- 0430 Pre-dentistry
- 0431 Immunology
- 0499 Other
0500 Business and Management
- 0501 Business and Commerce, General
- 0502 Accounting
- 0503 Business Statistics
- 0504 Banking and Finance
- 0505 Investments and Securities
- 0506 Business Management and Administration 0507 Operations Research
- 0508 Hotel and Restaurant Management
- 0509 Marketing and Purchasing
- 0510 Transportation and Public Utilities
- 0511 Real Estate
- 0512 Insurance
- 0513 International Business
- 0514 Secretarial Studies
- 0515 Personnel Management
- 0516 Labor and Industrial Relations
- 0517 Business Economics
- 0518 Organizational Behavior
- 0599 Other
0600 Communications
- 060l Communications, General
- 0602 Journalism
- 0603 Radio - Television 0604 Advertising
- 0605 Communication Media
- 0606 Mass Communications
- 0607 Public Relations
- 0608 Group Communications
- 0699 Other
0700 Computer and Information Sciences
- 0701 Computer and Information Sciences, General
- 0702 Information Sciences and Systems
- 0703 Data Processing
- 0704 Computer Programming
- 0705 Systems Analysis
- 0799 Other
0800 Education
- 0801 Education, General
- 0802 Elementary Education, General
- 0803 Secondary Education, General
- 0804 Junior High School Education
- 0805 Higher Education, General
- 0806 Junior and Community College Education
- 0807 Adult and Continuing Education
- 0808 Special Education, General
- 0809 Administration of Special Education
- 0810 Education of the Mentally Retarded
- 0811 Education of the Gifted
- 0812 Education of the Deaf 08l3 Education of the Culturally Disadvantaged
- 0814 Education of the Visually Handicapped
- 0815 Speech Correction and Communicative Disorders
- 0816 Education of the Emotionally Disturbed
- 0817 Remedial Education 0818 Special Learning Disabilities
- 0819 Education of the Physically Handicapped 0820 Education of the Multiple Handicapped
- 082l Social Foundations
- 0822 Educational Psychology
- 0823 Pre-Elementary Education
- 0824 Educational Statistics and Research
- 0825 Educational Testing, Evaluation and Measurement
- 0826 Student Personnel
- 0827 Educational Administration
- 0828 Educational Supervision
- 0829 Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Media
- 0830 Reading Education 0831 Art Education
- 0832 Music Education 0833 Mathematics Education
- 0834 Science Education 0835 Physical Education
- 0836 Driver and Safety Education
- 0837 Health Education
- 0838 Business, Commerce, and Distributive Education
- 0839 Industrial Arts, Vocational & Technical Education
- 0840 Guidance and Counseling
- 0841 English Education
- 0842 Foreign Languages Education
- 0843 Social Studies Education
- 0844 School Management
- 0845 Speech and Drama Education
- 0846 School Librarianship
- 0847 Urban Education
- 0848 Bilingual Education
- 0849 Multicultural Education
- 0850 Community Education
- 0891 Agricultural Education
- 0892 Education of Exceptional Children, Not Classified Above
- 0893 Home Economics Education
- 0894 Nursing Education
- 0899 Other
0900 Engineering
- 0901 Engineering, General
- 0902 Aerospace, Aeronautical, Astronautical Engineer
- 0903 Agricultural Engineering
- 0904 Architectural Engineering
- 0905 Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
- 0906 Chemical Engineering
- 0907 Petroleum Engineering
- 0908 Civil, Construction & Transportation Engineering
- 0909 Electrical, Electronics, Communications Engineering
- 0910 Mechanical Engineering
- 0911 Geological Engineering 0912 Geophysical Engineering
- 0913 Industrial and Management Engineering
- 0914 Metallurgical Engineering
- 0915 Materials Engineering
- 0916 Ceramic Engineering
- 0917 Textile Engineering
- 0918 Mining and Mineral Engineering
- 0919 Engineering Physics
- 0920 Nuclear Engineering
- 0921 Engineering Mechanics
- 0922 Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
- 0923 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- 0924 Ocean Engineering
- 0925 Engineering Technologies
- 0999 Other
1000 Fine and Applied Arts
- 1001 Fine Arts, General
- 1002 Art 1003 Art History and Appreciation
- 1004 Music (Performing, Composition, Theory)
- 1005 Music (Liberal Arts Program)
- 1006 Music History and Appreciation
- 1007 Dramatic Arts
- 1008 Dance
- 1009 Applied Design and Graphic Design and Fashion Design
- 1010 Cinematography
- 1011 Photography
- 1012 Applied Music
- 1013 Studio Arts
- 1014 Commercial Art
- 1015 History of Architecture
- 1099 Other
1100 Foreign Languages
- 1101 Foreign Languages, General
- 1102 French
- 1103 German
- 1104 Italian
- 1105 Spanish
- 1106 Russian
- 1107 Chinese
- 1108 Japanese
- 1109 Latin
- 1110 Greek, Classical
- 1111 Hebrew
- 1112 Arabic
- 1113 Indian (Asiatic)
- 1114 Scandinavian Languages
- 1115 Slavic Languages (Other than Russian)
- 1116 African Languages (Non-Semitic)
- 1117 Portuguese 1199 Other
1200 Health Professions
- 1201 Health Professions, General
- 1202 Hospital and Health Care Administration
- 1203 Nursing
- 1205 Dental Specialties
- 1207 Medical Specialties
- 1208 Occupational Therapy
- 1209 Optometry
- 1211 Pharmacy
- 1212 Physical Therapy
- 1213 Dental Hygiene
- 1214 Public Health
- 1215 Medical Record Librarianship
- 1216 Podiatry or Podiatric Medicine
- 1217 Biomedical Communication
- 1219 Veterinary Medicine Specialties
- 1220 Speech Pathology and Audiology
- 1221 Chiropractic
- 1222 Clinical Social Work
- 1223 Medical Laboratory Technologies
- 1224 Dental Technologies
- 1225 Radiologic Technologies
- 1226 Rehabilitation
- 1227 Expressive Therapy(ies)
- 1228 Allied Health
- 1299 Other
1300 Home Economics
- 1301 Home Economics, General
- 1302 Home Decoration and Home Equipment
- 1303 Clothing and Textiles
- 1304 Consumer Economics and Home Management
- 1305 Family Relations and Child Development
- 1306 Foods and Nutrition
- 1307 Institutional Management and Cafeteria Management
- 1399 Other
1400 Law
- 1401 Law, General
- 1402 Pre-law
- 1499 Other
1500 Letters
- 1501 English, General
- 1502 Literature, English
- 1503 Comparative Literature
- 1504 Classics
- 1505 Linguistics
- 1506 Speech, Debate, and Forensic Science
- 1507 Creative Writing
- 1508 Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
- 1509 Philosophy
- 1510 Religious Studies
- 1511 Literature, General (except English)
- 1599 Other
1600 Library Science
- 1601 Library Science, General
- 1699 Other
1700 Mathematics
- 1701 Mathematics, General
- 1702 Statistics, Mathematical and Theoretical
- 1703 Applied Mathematics
- 1799 Other
1800 Military Sciences
- 1801 Military Science (Army)
- 1802 Naval Science (Navy, Marines)
- 1803 Aerospace Science (Air Force)
- 1891 Merchant Marine
- 1899 Other
1900 Physical Sciences
- 1901 Physical Sciences, General
- 1902 Physics, General
- 1903 Molecular Physics
- 1904 Nuclear Physics
- 1905 Chemistry, General
- 1906 Inorganic Chemistry
- 1907 Organic Chemistry
- 1908 Physical Chemistry
- 1909 Analytical Chemistry
- 1910 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 1911 Astronomy
- 1912 Astrophysics
- 1913 Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology
- 1914 Geology
- 1915 Geochemistry
- 1916 Geophysics and Seismology
- 1917 Earth Sciences, General
- 1918 Paleontology
- 1919 Oceanography
- 1920 Metallurgy
- 1921 Industrial Chemistry
- 1991 Other Earth Sciences
- 1992 Other Physical Sciences
2000 Psychology
- 2001 Psychology, General
- 2002 Experimental Psychology
- 2003 Clinical Psychology
- 2004 Psychology for Counseling
- 2005 Social Psychology
- 2006 Psychometrics
- 2007 Statistics in Psychology
- 2008 Industrial Psychology
- 2009 Developmental Psychology
- 2010 Physiological Psychology
- 2011 Behavioral Science
- 2012 Comparative Psychology
- 2013 Rehabilitation Counseling
- 2014 Animal Behavior
- 2099 Other
2100 Public Affairs and Services
- 2101 Community Services, General
- 2102 Public Administration
- 2103 Parks and Recreation Management
- 2104 Social Work and Helping Services
- 2105 Law Enforcement and Corrections and Criminology and Criminal Justice
- 2106 International Public Service
- 2107 Administration of Justice
- 2199 Other
2200 Social Sciences
- 2201 Social Sciences, General
- 2202 Anthropology
- 2203 Archaeology
- 2204 Economics
- 2205 History
- 2206 Geography
- 2207 Political Science and Government
- 2208 Sociology
- 2209 Criminology
- 2210 International Relations
- 2211 Afro-American (Black Culture) Studies
- 2212 American Indian Cultural Studies
- 2213 Mexican-American Cultural Studies
- 2214 Urban Studies
- 2215 Demography
- 2216 Group Studies
- 2299 Other
2300 Theology
- 2301 Theological Professions, General
- 2302 Religious Music
- 2303 Biblical Languages
- 2304 Religious Education
- 2399 Other
4900 Interdisciplinary Studies
- 4901 General Liberal Arts and Sciences
- 4902 Biological and Physical Sciences
- 4903 Humanities and Social Sciences
- 4904 Engineering and Other Disciplines
- 4999 Other
- 9994 Recreation, Outdoor Recreation
- 9995 Counseling, n.s.
- 9996 Other