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NLSY79 Attachment 103: Religion Codes
Religion codes
- 0 None
- 1 Protestant, etc.
- 2 Baptist
- 3 Episcopalian
- 4 Lutheran
- 5 Methodist
- 6 Presbyterian
- 7 Roman Catholic
- 8 Jewish
- 101 Armenian Church
- 102 Baha'i
- 103 Buddhist
- 104 Confucian
- 105 Eastern Orthodox
- 106 Greek Orthodox
- 107 Hindu
- 108 Moslem
- 109 Muslim
- 110 Russian Orthodox
- 111 Shinto
- 112 Sikh
- 113 Taoist
- 201 Advent Christian
- 202 African Methodist
- 203 African Methodist Episcopal
- 204 African Methodist Episcopal-Zion
- 205 Apostolic
- 206 Apostolic Faith
- 207 Apostolic Pentecostal
- 208 Assembly of God
- 209 Bible Church, Independent
- 210 Brethren Church
- 211 Christadelphian
- 212 Christ in Christian Union
- 213 Christian, Disciples of Christ
- 214 Christian and Missionary Alliance
- 215 Christian Catholic
- 216 Christian Methodist-Episcopal
- 217 Christian Reformed
- 218 Christian Science
- 219 Church of Christ
- 220 Church of God
- 221 Church of God in Christ
- 222 Church of the Living God
- 223 Congregational
- 224 Conservative Baptist
- 225 Evangelical
- 226 Evangelical Reformed
- 227 Evangelical Congregational
- 228 Evangelical Mission Covenant
- 229 Evangelical Friends
- 230 Evangelical United Brethren
- 231 Foursquare Gospel
- 232 Free Christian Zion
- 233 Free Will Baptist
- 234 Friends, Quaker
- 235 Full Gospel
- 236 Fundamental
- 237 Church of Holiness
- 238 Jehovah's Witness
- 239 Latter Day Saints, Mormon
- 240 Latter Day Saints Reorganized
- 241 Mennonite
- 242 Mennonite Reformed
- 243 Missionary
- 244 Moravian
- 245 Nazarene
- 246 New Apostolic
- 247 Northern Baptist
- 248 Open Bible
- 249 Pentecostal
- 250 Pentecostal Assembly of God
- 251 Pentecostal Church of God
- 252 Pentecostal Free Will Baptist
- 253 Pentecostal Holiness
- 254 Pilgrim Holiness
- 255 Plymouth Brethren
- 256 Primitive Baptist
- 257 Dutch Reformed
- 258 Reformed Church of Christ
- 259 Reformed United Church of Christ
- 260 Salvation Army
- 261 Seventh Day Adventist
- 262 Southern Baptist
- 263 Spiritualist
- 264 Swedish Mission
- 265 Triumph the Church of the Kingdom
- 266 Unitarian Universalist
- 267 United Brethren in Christ
- 268 United Church of Christ
- 269 United Holiness
- 270 Wesleyan
- 271 Wesleyan Methodist
- 272 Witness Holiness
- 273 Zion Union
- 274 Zion Union Apostolic
- 275 Zion Union Apostolic Reformed
- 300 Other Protestant
- 301 Other Non-Christian
Protestant denomination codes for R6558., R6583., R6586., R6613., R6616.
- 01 Hungarian Reformed
- 02 Evangelical Congregational
- 03 Ind Bible, Bible, Bible Fellowship
- 04 Eckankar
- 05 Church of Prophecy
- 06 New Testament Christian
- 07 Church of God, Saint, & Christ
- 08 Moravian
- 09 Christian & Missionary Alliances
- 10 Advent Christian
- 11 Spiritualist
- 12 Assembly of God
- 13 Free Methodist
- 14 Apostolic Faith
- 15 African Methodist
- 16 Free Will Baptist
- 17 Eden Evangelist
- 18 Holiness (Nazarene)
- 19 Baptist (Northern)
- 20 Brethren Church, Brethren
- 21 Witness Holiness
- 22 Brethren, Plymouth
- 23 United Brethren, United Brethren in Christ
- 24 Independent
- 25 Christian Disciples
- 26 Christ in Christian Union
- 27 Open Bible
- 28 Christian Catholic
- 29 Christ Church Unity
- 30 Christ Adelphians
- 31 Christian; Central Christian
- 32 Christian Reform
- 33 Christian Scientist
- 34 Church of Christ, Evangelical
- 35 Church of Christ
- 36 Churches of God (Except with Christ and Holiness)
- 37 Church of God in Christ
- 38 Church of God in Christ Holiness
- 39 Church of the Living God
- 40 Congregationalist, First Congregation
- 41 Community Church
- 42 Covenant
- 43 Dutch Reform
- 44 Disciplines of Christ
- 45 Evangelical, Evangelist
- 46 Evangelical Reformed
- 47 Evangelist Free Church
- 48 First Church
- 49 First Christian Disciples of Christ
- 50 First Reformed
- 51 First Christian
- 52 Full Gospel
- 53 Four Square Gospel
- 54 Friends
- 55 Holy Roller
- 56 Holiness; Church of Holiness
- 57 Pilgrim Holiness
- 58 Jehovah's Witness
- 59 LDS
- 60 LDS--Mormon
- 61 LDS--Reorganized
- 62 LDS--Jesus Christ; Church of Jesus LDS
- 63 Mennonite
- 64 Mormon
- 65 Nazarene
- 66 Pentecostal Assembly of God
- 67 Pentecostal Church of God
- 68 Pentecostal
- 69 Pentecostal Holiness, Holiness Pentecostal
- 70 Quaker
- 71 Reformed
- 72 Reformed United Church of Christ
- 73 Reformed Church of Christ
- 74 Religious Science
- 75 Mind Science
- 76 Salvation Army
- 77 7th Day Adventist
- 78 Sanctified, Sanctification
- 79 United Holiness
- 80 Unitarian, Universalist
- 81 United Church of Christ
- 82 United Church, Unity Church
- 83 Wesleyan
- 84 Wesleyan Methodist--Pilgrim
- 85 Zion Union
- 86 Zion Union Apostolic
- 87 Zion Union Apostolic--Reformed
- 88 Disciples of God
- 89 Grace Reformed
- 90 Holiness Church of God
- 91 Evangelical Covenant
- 92 Mission Covenant
- 93 Missionary Baptist
- 94 Swedish Mission
- 95 Unity
- 96 United Church of Christianity
- 00 Other Fundamentalist