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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)

NLSY79 Appendix 23: Revised Asset and Debt Variables and Computed TOTAL Net Wealth Variables

The NLSY79 public release data contains a variety of asset and debt data, as well as some computed variables depicting total net family wealth at each survey point. Below are descriptions of revised asset and debt variables for survey years 1985-2000 (found in ASSETS area of interest with question names ending in “_REVISED”) and the constructed Total Net Family Wealth (TNFW_TRUNC) variables.

Revised Asset and Debt Variables

The public release contains a revised set of asset and debt variables for survey years 1985-2000. These revised asset and debt variables were created in 2008 and fixed a number of problems with the NLSY79 data by eliminating some implausible outliers and generating uniform topcodes for all rounds. These variables are then used in the computation of Total Net Family Wealth variables. Two versions of each asset and debt variable appear in the data. Using the market value of residential property owned by the respondent in 1987 as an example, the following variables appear in the data:



In the example, Q13-118 is the original variable which remains in the dataset to allow researchers to reproduce previous results. Q13-118_REVISED, as indicated, is a revised version of Q13-118, which uses a modified topcoding algorithm. This algorithm provides researchers with some additional information with respect to the topcoded range of responses.

Table 1 gives an example using the 1987 property value question of how seven different types of cases were handled by the revision process.

Table 1. Hypothetical Examples of How NLSY79 Asset/Debt Data Were Modified

Original R23627.00


Revised R23627.01


Case #1 $150,001 $276,984 Originally above the topcode and the value is still above the topcode but the topcode is now higher, revealing more information
Case #2 $150,001 $151,500 Originally above topcode and now below topcode.  Value is no longer topcoded.
Case #3 -1 -1 Originally “refused”. 
Case #4 -2 -2 Originally “don't know”. 
Case #5 -3 -3 Originally an “invalid skip”. 
Case #6 -4 -4 Originally a valid skip.  Since valid skip means does not have the asset the item is changed to zero.
Case #7 -2 -2 Originally “don't know”. 

Not every asset or debt variable has a new revised. 15 asset/debt categories were created in each year, matching the categories found in the 1990s NLSY79 wealth module. The categories are: Home Value, Mortgage Value, Property Debt Value, Cash Saving, Stocks/Bonds, Trusts, Business Assets, Business Debts, Vehicle Value, Vehicle Debt, Possession Value, Other Debt Value, IRA, 401K, Certificate of Deposit Value. In 2000 and subsequent survey years, some complexities were added to the asset and wealth module as the cohort aged. For these more recent survey rounds, each asset/debt category corresponds to multiple individual asset/debt variables.

For example, in 2004 respondents were asked to report the values of two homes. Their values are combined to form the "home value" category. Similarly, in 2004 the "stocks/bonds" category represents the individually-reported values of government bonds, mutual funds, life insurance surrender values, stocks, corporate bonds, and money owed to the respondent.

Details of the Revisions to Asset Values 1985-2000

The process for creating the revised variables described above can be broken down into the three steps described below.

Step 1 -- Cleaning Raw Data

The original raw data for many asset/wealth variables contains a number of “out-of-range” codes. Some of these out-of-range codes denoted values that exceeded the maximum value accommodated in the questionnaire and allowed for by the data entry software. These out-of-range codes were originally given the top code value when released to the public. Examination of cases with out-of-range suggests some were mistakes and not actually out of range. This issue arises in the pre-1993 Paper and Pencil interviewing (PAPI) years, but is most prevalent in survey years 1988 and 1989. For the REVISED/Q13-118_REVISED set of variables, these out-of-range codes were assigned an "invalid missing" (-3) code. These cases can be found by identifying values that were top coded in the original version of a variable (Q13-118) but were assigned an “invalid missing” code (-3) in the REVISED version (Q13-118_REVISED).

Step 2 -- Unfolding Brackets

Unfolding brackets are a means for respondents to estimate certain asset values of which they were unsure. Respondents who are unable to report a specific value for an asset or liability are asked a series of questions to establish a loose range for a value (see Appendix 20: Round 20 (2002) Early Bird and Income Recall Experiments for further information on the use of unfolding brackets in the NLSY79). A respondent who does not know or refuses to report the value of his certificate of deposit (CD) would first be asked if the CD is worth more than a randomly assigned entry amount ($10,000 for some respondents and $20,000 for others). If the value is not above the entry amount, the respondent is asked if the value of his CD is worth $5,000 or more. If the value is above the entry amount, he is asked if the value would amount to $30,000 or more. These three questions result in four potential reported ranges: 1) below $5,000; 2) between $5,000 and the entry amount; 3) between the entry amount and $30,000; and 4) above $30,000.

Beginning in survey year 2000, as part of an experiment for estimation of values, unfolding brackets were used for four asset/debt categories and the net wealth question. In 2004, unfolding brackets were expanded to all asset/debt categories for which respondents were not sure of a value.

Estimates given for asset values were incorporated into the calculation of TNFW_TRUNC variables by:

  • Using the midpoint of the range for quartiles 1, 2 and 3 and;
  • Using the median of values between the floor and highest value reported for quartile 4.

Step 3 -- Revision of Top Codes

In the final step, new and consistent top codes were calculated for the wealth data.

The NLSY79 has used three basic types of top coding algorithms for financial data. In the early years of the survey (up to 1988), every response above a specified ceiling value, such as $100,000 for some variables, is recoded to the ceiling value plus one dollar, such as $100,001. Unfortunately this algorithm results in a sharp downward bias in the sample mean because the right tail of the distribution is sharply truncated. From 1989 to 1994, a new algorithm was implemented, replacing all values above the hard ceiling with the average of all outlying values. Beginning in 1996, the hard ceiling value was eliminated and the average of the top 2% of values above the traditional hard ceiling was used as a topcode value.

In addition to the multiple topcoding methods used over time, some researchers commented on the lack of information above a hard ceiling. The data cleaning steps described above also dramatically changed a number of the highest asset values. For these reasons, home and vehicle values were re-topcoded. Homes and vehicles are clearly identifiable objects which pose the possibility of reidentifying respondents. Business-related values over $1,000,000 are also topcoded due to reidentification concerns. Other asset or debt categories are no longer topcoded because it is difficult to use them to identify a particular respondent. If the variable was previously topcoded it was re-topcoded using the top 2% of values as described above. 

Computed Net Wealth Variables

The current data release includes an updated set of net wealth variables. Unlike previous version of these items, these updated variables (named “TNFW_TRUNC”) do not incorporate imputations.

Below is a brief history and description of the variables that were used as components, sometimes combined by category, to create the TNFW_TRUNC figures. Information is still available on individual assets and debts for researchers who want to probe a particular aspect of a respondent’s financial life, such as their debts or ownership of vehicles. Click below to view programs used to create the TNFW_TRUNC variables.

This part of Appendix 23 includes the programs that created the TNFW_TRUNC (Total Net Family Wealth) Variables for survey years 1985-2020.

1985 TO 1987 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Adjust for missing codes    */

array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_131_revised
                  q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;

do n = 1 to 10;
 if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
  else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 11 */

do i = 1 to 11;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES        */

if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
 else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT        */

if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
 else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ          */

if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
 else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT        */

if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
 else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH         */

if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
 else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute HOME         */

if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
 else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT         */

if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
 else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT        */

if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
  else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT        */

if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
 else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR          */

if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
 else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC  */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code     */

if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_1985 > 488773) then tnfw_trunc_1985 = 1054132;
if (tnfw_trunc_1986 > 471571) then tnfw_trunc_1986 = 679856;
if (tnfw_trunc_1987 > 488649) then tnfw_trunc_1987 = 1005767;

tnfw_trunc_1985 = round(tnfw_trunc_1985);
tnfw_trunc_1986 = round(tnfw_trunc_1986);
tnfw_trunc_1987 = round(tnfw_trunc_1987);

1988 TO 1993 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Adjust for missing codes    */

array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_125_revised
                   q13_127_revised q13_131_revised q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised 
                   q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;

do n = 1 to 12;
 if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
  else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 13 */

do i = 1 to 13;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES        */

if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
 else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT        */

if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
 else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK        */

if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
 else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute TRUST        */

if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
 else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then trustc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ          */

if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
 else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT        */

if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
 else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH         */

if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
 else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute HOME         */

if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
 else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT         */

if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
 else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT        */

if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
  else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT        */

if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
 else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR          */

if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
 else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_1988 > 493828) then tnfw_trunc_1988 = 778437;
if (tnfw_trunc_1989 > 496507) then tnfw_trunc_1989 = 1103405;
if (tnfw_trunc_1990 > 499800) then tnfw_trunc_1990 = 1321099;
if (tnfw_trunc_1992 > 495536) then tnfw_trunc_1992 = 1148782;
if (tnfw_trunc_1993 >= 497550) then tnfw_trunc_1993 = 1116977;

tnfw_trunc_1988 = round(tnfw_trunc_1988);
tnfw_trunc_1989 = round(tnfw_trunc_1989);
tnfw_trunc_1990 = round(tnfw_trunc_1990);
tnfw_trunc_1992 = round(tnfw_trunc_1992);
tnfw_trunc_1993 = round(tnfw_trunc_1993);


1994 TO 1998 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Adjust for missing codes    */

array setmsngr (n) q13_118_revised q13_119_revised q13_120_revised q13_122_revised q13_123a_revised
                   q13_123c_revised q13_123e_revised q13_125_revised
                   q13_127_revised q13_131_revised q13_132_revised q13_135_revised q13_136_revised 
                   q13_138_revised q13_140_revised;

do n = 1 to 15;
 if (sampweight = .) then setmsngr = -5;
  else if (setmsngr = .) then setmsngr = -4;


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc 
                       cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc; /* 16 */

do i = 1 to 16;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES         */

if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
 else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT         */

if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
 else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK         */

if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
 else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute TRUST         */

if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
 else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then trustc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ           */

if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + q13_131_revised);
 else if (q13_128 = 1 & q13_131_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT         */

if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + q13_132_revised);
 else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH          */

if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
 else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute IRA           */

if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised >= 0) then irac = (irac + q13_123a_revised);
 else if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K         */

if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_revised);
 else if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDS           */

if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123e_revised);
 else if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute HOME          */

if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
 else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT          */

if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
 else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT         */

if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
  else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT         */

if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
 else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR           */

if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
 else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (sampweight = 0) then tnfw_trunc = -5;

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_1994 > 500000) then tnfw_trunc_1994 = 1224375;
if (tnfw_trunc_1996 > 548000) then tnfw_trunc_1996 = 1232183;
if (tnfw_trunc_1998 > 640682) then tnfw_trunc_1998 = 1674836;

tnfw_trunc_1994 = round(tnfw_trunc_1994);
tnfw_trunc_1996 = round(tnfw_trunc_1996);
tnfw_trunc_1998 = round(tnfw_trunc_1998);


2000 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES  */

array quartileqs (i) q13_122_quartile1 q13_122_quartile2 q13_122_quartile3 q13_122_quartile4
q13_123c_quartile1 q13_123c_quartile2 q13_123c_quartile3 q13_123c_quartile4
q13_125_quartile1 q13_125_quartile2 q13_125_quartile3 q13_125_quartile4
q13_136_quartile1 q13_136_quartile2 q13_136_quartile3 q13_136_quartile4;

do i = 1 to 16;
quartileqs = 0;

q13_122_quartile1 = (500/2);
q13_122_quartile2 = (500 + ((1500-500)/2));
q13_122_quartile3 = (1500 + ((3500-1500)/2));
q13_122_quartile4 = 60000;

q13_123c_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_123c_quartile2 = (1000 + ((4000-1000)/2));
q13_123c_quartile3 = (4000 + ((10000-4000)/2));
q13_123c_quartile4 = 75000;

q13_125_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_125_quartile2 = (1000 + ((4000-1000)/2));
q13_125_quartile3 = (4000 + ((15000-4000)/2));
q13_125_quartile4 = 85000;

q13_136_quartile1 = (1000/2);
q13_136_quartile2 = (1000 + ((5000-1000)/2));
q13_136_quartile3 = (5000 + ((10000-5000)/2));
q13_136_quartile4 = 40000;


array assetsc (i)   homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc trustc bizc 
                    bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
                    solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
                    business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1 realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
                    realestate_5_value1 realestate_6_value1
                    farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value business_3_value realestate_1_value 
                    realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value realestate_6_value
                    debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1 business_3_debt1 
                    farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt business_3_debt;

do i = 1 to 51;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES       */

if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + q13_138_revised);
else if (q13_137 = 1 & q13_138_revised in(-1, -2)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT       */

if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + q13_140_revised);
else if (q13_139 = 1 & q13_140_revised in(-1, -2)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute TRUST       */

if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised >= 0) then trustc = (trustc + q13_127_revised);
else if (q13_126 = 1 & q13_127_revised in(-1, -2)) then trustc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ         */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz   */

if (q13_131_revised >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_revised);
else if (q13_131_revised in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;

/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership           */

if (q13_fjt_11_01_trunc > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_01_trunc;
if (q13_fjt_11_02_trunc > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_01_trunc > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_01_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_02_trunc > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_11_03_trunc > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_03_trunc;
if (q13_rejt_11_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_06 > -4) then realestate_6_value1 = q13_rejt_11_06;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_06 > -4) then realestate_6_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_06;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_6_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_6_pcntshare = (realestate_6_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_6_value1 >= 0 & realestate_6_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_6_value = (realestate_6_value1 * realestate_6_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ        */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz); 
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);
if (realestate_6_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_6_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_6_value in(-1, -2) | realestate_6_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT            */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz */

if (q13_132_revised >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_revised);
else if (q13_132_revised in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;

/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt                    */
/*       (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc)                              */

if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_01_trunc > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_01_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_12_02_trunc > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_02_trunc;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03_trunc > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03_trunc;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT      */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz); 
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH              */

if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_revised);
else if (q13_121 = 1 & q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122a < 0 & q13_122b < 0 
& q13_122c < 0) then cashc = -3;
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile1);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile2);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + q13_122_quartile3);
else if (q13_122_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_122c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 60000);

/* Compute CDS               */

if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + q13_123e_revised);
else if (q13_123d = 1 & q13_123e_revised in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK             */

if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_revised);
 else if (q13_124 = 1 & q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125a < 0 & q13_125b < 0 
 & q13_125c < 0) then stockc = -3;
  else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125b = 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile1);
   else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125b = 1) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile2);
    else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125c = 0) then stockc = (stockc + q13_125_quartile3);
     else if (q13_125_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_125c = 1) then stockc = (stockc + 85000);

/* Compute HOME              */

if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised >= 0) then homec = (homec + q13_118_revised);
else if (q13_117 = 1 & q13_118_revised in(-1, -2)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT              */

if (q13_119_revised >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + q13_119_revised);
else if (q13_119_revised in(-1, -2)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT             */

if (q13_120_revised >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + q13_120_revised);
else if (q13_120_revised in(-1, -2)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA               */

if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised >= 0) then irac = (irac + q13_123a_revised);
else if (q13_123 = 1 & q13_123a_revised in(-1, -2)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K             */

if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_revised);
else if (q13_123b = 1 & q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_1 < 0 & q13_123c_2 < 0 
& q13_123c_3 < 0) then a401kc = -3;
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_2 = 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile1); 
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_2 = 1) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile2);
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_3 = 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + q13_123c_quartile3);
else if (q13_123c_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_123c_3 = 1) then a401kc = (a401kc + 75000);

/* Compute CDEBT             */

if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + q13_135_revised);
else if (q13_134 = 1 & q13_135_revised in(-1, -2)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR               */

if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised >= 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_revised);
else if (q13_133 = 1 & q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136a < 0 & q13_136b < 0 & q13_136c < 0) then carc = -3;
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136b = 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile1);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136b = 1) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile2);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136c = 0) then carc = (carc + q13_136_quartile3);
else if (q13_136_revised in(-1, -2) & q13_136c = 1) then carc = (carc + 40000);

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (trustc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + trustc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (trustc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_2000 > 928938) then tnfw_trunc_2000 = 2056326;

tnfw_trunc_2000 = round(tnfw_trunc_2000);


2004 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars     */

nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);

debt_1ac = debt_1a_trunc;
if (debt_1a_trunc > 0) then debt_1ac = (debt_1a_trunc/100);

debt_2ac = debt_2a_trunc;
if (debt_2a_trunc > 0) then debt_2ac = (debt_2a_trunc/100);

debt_2dc = debt_2d_trunc;
if (debt_2d_trunc > 0) then debt_2dc = (debt_2d_trunc/100);

debt_3ac = debt_3a_trunc;
if (debt_3a_trunc > 0) then debt_3ac = (debt_3a_trunc/100);

debt_4ac = debt_4a_trunc;
if (debt_4a_trunc > 0) then debt_4ac = (debt_4a_trunc/100);

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates   */

array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;

do i = 1 to 4;
 quartileqs = 0;

if (symbol_entry_othhh = 10000) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((10000-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (10000 + ((30000-10000)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 20000) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((20000-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (20000 + ((30000-20000)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc
                       bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
                       collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
                       solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
                       business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1 realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
                       farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value business_3_value realestate_1_value
                       realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
                       debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1 business_3_debt1
                       farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt business_3_debt
                       govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
                       home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
                       ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
                       amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3
                       amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
                       amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amtowe_othervehicles
                       mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3
                       marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
                       marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
                       marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8 marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10
                       marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12
                       marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 mktval_othervehicles;

do i = 1 to 105;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES            */
/* POSES Component - collections            */

if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
 else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
  else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
    else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then
    collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then
     collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then
      collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 55000);
           else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;

/* POSES Component - items                  */

if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
 else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
  else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
   else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
    else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
     else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 60000);
       else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;

/* Add components POSES        */

if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections);
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT            */

/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt                 */

if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1ac >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1ac);
 else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1ac in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0
  & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1ac;
    else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then
    ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
     else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then
     ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
      else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then
      ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
       else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
        else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
         else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
          else if (debt_1ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 47500);
           else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - studentloan            */

if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2ac >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2ac);
 else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2ac in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2ac;
   else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 50000);
       else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan       */

if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2dc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2dc);
 else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2dc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2dc;
   else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2dc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 39000);
       else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness            */

if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3ac >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3ac);
 else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
  else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3ac in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3ac;
   else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
    else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
     else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
      else if (debt_3ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 56000);
       else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt              */

if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4ac >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4ac);
 else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4ac in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4ac;
   else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
    else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
     else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
      else if (debt_4ac in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 58500);
       else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;

/* Add components ODEBT        */

if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt);
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ              */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz                  */

if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
 else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
 & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
  else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0
  & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
   else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then
   solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
    else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then
    solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
     else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then
     solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
      else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile1);
       else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile2);
        else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
         else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 202500);
          else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_b in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;

/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership           */

if (q13_fjt_11_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ          */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz);
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT            */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz                */

if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
 else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
 & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_b < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
  else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0
  & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_b < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
   else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then
   debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
    else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then
    debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
     else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then
     debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
      else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_b = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile1);
       else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_b = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile2);
        else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;

/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt                                   */
/*       (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc)                                             */

if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT        */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz);
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH             */

/* CASH Component - cash                    */

if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
 else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_tc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < 0
 & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
  else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_tc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < 0
  & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
   else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc = fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
   cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_tc);
    else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc > fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
    cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_tc - fa_1a_sr000001_tc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_tc));
     else if (fa_1a_sr000001_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_tc < fa_1a_sr000001_tc) then
     cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_tc - fa_1a_sr000002_tc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_tc));
      else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
       else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
        else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
         else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 65000);
          else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;

/* Set CASHC -3 missing      */

if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute CDS              */

/* CDS Component - cds                      */

if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
 else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
  else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
   else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then
   cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then
    cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then
     cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
       else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
        else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
         else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 60000);
          else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Set CDSC -3 missing       */

if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK            */

/* STOCK Component - govbonds               */

if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_trunc);
 else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
  else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a_trunc;
   else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then
   govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then
    govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then
     govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
       else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
        else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
         else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 57500);
          else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;

/* STOCK Component - mutual                 */

if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
 else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
  else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
   else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then
   mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then
    mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then
     mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
       else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
        else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
         else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 70000);
          else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;

/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure             */

if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
 else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
  else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
   else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then
   lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then
    lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then
     lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
       else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
        else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
         else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
          else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;

/* STOCK Component - shares                 */

if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
 else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
  else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
   else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001) then
   shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001) then
    shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001) then
     shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
       else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
        else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
         else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 100000);
          else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;

/* STOCK Component - corpbond               */

if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
 else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
  else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
   else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then
   corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then
    corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then
     corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
       else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
        else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
         else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 100000);
          else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;

/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor           */

if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_trunc);
 else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
  else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a_trunc;
   else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then
   moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
    else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then
    moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
     else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then
     moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
      else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
       else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
        else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
         else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 60000);
          else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;

/* Add components STOCK        */

if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds);
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute HOME             */

/* HOME Component - home1                   */

if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
   else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001) then
   home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001) then
    home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001) then
     home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001 - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 165000);
          else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;

/* HOME Component - secondhome              */

if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
  else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
   else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then
   secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then
    secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then
     secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 150000);
          else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;

/* Add components HOME         */

if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1);
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT             */

/* MORT Component - mort1                   */

if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
 & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0
  & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
   else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
   mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc);
    else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
    mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc));
     else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then
     mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc));
      else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 100000);
          else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;

/* MORT Component - secondmort              */

if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
  else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
   else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then
   secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then
    secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then
     secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 100000);
          else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;

/* Add components MORT         */

if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1);
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT            */

/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1                 */

if (nfa_1c_trunc >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c_trunc;
   else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then
   pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then
    pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then
     pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_1c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 55000);
          else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;

/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt            */

if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
 else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
  else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
   else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then
   secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then
    secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then
     secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;

/* Add components PDEBT        */

if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1);
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA              */

/* IRA Component - ira1                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
 else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0
 & fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
  else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
  ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
   ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then
    ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
     else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 77000);
       else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira2                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
 else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0
 & fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
  else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
  ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
   ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then
    ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
     else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 50000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira3                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0
  & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_03 < 0 ) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
   ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
    ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then
     ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile1);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile2);
        else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira4                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0
  & fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
   ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
    ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then
     ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile1);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile2);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 42500);
          else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira5                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0
  & fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
   ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
    ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then
     ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile1);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile2);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 52000);
          else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira6                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0
  & fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
   ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
    ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then
     ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
        else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira7                     */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0
  & fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
   ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
    ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then
     ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 80000);
        else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;

/* Add components IRA          */

if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1);
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2);
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3);
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4);
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5);
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6);
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7);
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K            */

/* A401K component - r_401k            */

if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
 else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
   else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then
    r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then
     r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then
      r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 70000);
           else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;

/* A401K component - sp_401k           */

if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
 else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
 & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0
  & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
   else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then
   sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
    else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then
    sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
     else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then
     sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
      else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
       else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
        else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
         else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 75000);
          else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;

/* Add components A401K        */

if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k);
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k);
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT            */

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1        */

if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
 else if (sc_12b_01 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
 & sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0
 & sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
  else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
  amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
   else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
   amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then
    amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
     else if (sc_12b_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2        */

if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
 else if (sc_12b_02 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_02 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
  else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3        */

if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
 else if (sc_12b_03 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_03 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1          */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < 0
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
   amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
    amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then
     amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_01));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 36000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2          */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < 0
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
   amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
    amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then
     amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_02));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 35000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3          */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < 0
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
   amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
    amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then
     amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_03));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4          */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < 0
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;
  else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
  amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
   amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then
    amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_04));
     else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5          */

if (nfa_4f_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_05);
 else if (nfa_4f_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_uab_a_05 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_05;
  else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles5 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6          */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles         */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
  else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then
  amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
   else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then
   amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
    else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then
    amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
     else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile1);
      else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile2);
       else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
        else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 65000);
         else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CDEBT        */

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2);
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3);
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1);
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2);
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3);
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4);
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5);
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR              */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1          */

if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
 else if (sc_12a_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
 & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0
  & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
    mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
     mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
      else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then
      mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
       else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
        else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
         else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2          */

if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
 else if (sc_12a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0
 & sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
 else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0
 & sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
   else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
   mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
    mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then
     mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));
      else if (sc_12a_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3          */

if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
 else if (sc_12a_03 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_03 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1          */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
   marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
    marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then
     marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_01));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2          */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
   marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
    marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then
     marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_02));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 36000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3          */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
   marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
    marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then
     marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_03));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4          */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
   marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
    marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then
     marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_04));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5          */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
   marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
    marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then
     marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_05));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6          */

if (nfa_4c_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_06);
 else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_06;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
  marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_06);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
   marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_06));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then
    marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_06));
     else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile1);
      else if (nfa_4c_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile2);
       else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7          */

if (nfa_4c_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_07);
 else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_07;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 = nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
  marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_sr000001_07);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 > nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
   marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_07 - nfa_4c_sr000001_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_07));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 < nfa_4c_sr000001_07) then
    marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_07 - nfa_4c_sr000002_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_07));
     else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile1);
      else if (nfa_4c_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile2);
       else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8          */

if (nfa_4c_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_08);
 else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_08;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 = nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
  marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_sr000001_08);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 > nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
   marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_08 - nfa_4c_sr000001_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_08));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 < nfa_4c_sr000001_08) then
    marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_08 - nfa_4c_sr000002_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_08));
     else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile1);
      else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9          */

if (nfa_4c_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_09);
 else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_09;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 = nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
   marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_sr000001_09);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 > nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
    marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_09 - nfa_4c_sr000001_09)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_09));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_09 < nfa_4c_sr000001_09) then
     marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_09 - nfa_4c_sr000002_09)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_09));
      else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile2);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10         */

if (nfa_4c_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_10);
 else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_10 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_10;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 = nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
   marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_sr000001_10);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 > nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
    marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_10 - nfa_4c_sr000001_10)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_10));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_10 < nfa_4c_sr000001_10) then
     marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_10 - nfa_4c_sr000002_10)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_10));
      else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_10 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_10 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11         */

if (nfa_4c_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_11);
 else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_11;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12         */

if (nfa_4c_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_12);
 else if (nfa_4c_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_12;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13         */

if (nfa_4c_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_13);
 else if (nfa_4c_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_13;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14         */

if (nfa_4c_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_14);
 else if (nfa_4c_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_14;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15         */

if (nfa_4c_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_15);
 else if (nfa_4c_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_15;

/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles           */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
  else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
    else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then
    mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then
     mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then
      mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles+ quartile1);
        else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
           else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CAR          */

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2);
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1);
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2);
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3);
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4);
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5);
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6);
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7);
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8);
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9);
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10);
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11);
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12);
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13);
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14);
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15);
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;

/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates   */

array ranges1 (n) nfa_1a_sr000001 nfa_1b_sr000001
                  nfa_1c_sr000001 nfa_2a_sr000001
                  nfa_2b_sr000001 nfa_2c_sr000001
                  fa_8d_sr000001_01 fa_8d_sr000001_02 fa_8d_sr000001_03 fa_8d_sr000001_04
                  fa_8d_sr000001_05 fa_8d_sr000001_06 fa_8d_sr000001_07
                  fa_6e_sr000001 fa_7c_sr000001
                  fa_3a_sr000001 fa_4a_sr000001 fa_5a_sr000001 fa_9a_sr000001 fa_10a_sr000001
                  q13_131_sr000001 q13_132_sr000001
                  sc_12b_sr000001_01 nfa_4f_sr000001_01 nfa_4f_sr000001_02 nfa_4f_sr000001_03
                  sc_12a_sr000001_01 sc_12a_sr000001_02 nfa_4c_sr000001_01 nfa_4c_sr000001_02
                  nfa_4c_sr000001_03 nfa_4c_sr000001_04 nfa_4c_sr000001_05 nfa_4c_sr000001_06
                  nfa_4c_sr000001_07 nfa_4c_sr000001_08 nfa_4c_sr000001_09 nfa_4c_sr000001_10

array ranges2 (n) nfa_1a_sr000002 nfa_1b_sr000002 nfa_1c_sr000002 nfa_2a_sr000002 nfa_2b_sr000002
                  fa_8d_sr000002_01 fa_8d_sr000002_02 fa_8d_sr000002_03 fa_8d_sr000002_04 fa_8d_sr000002_05
                  fa_8d_sr000002_06 fa_8d_sr000002_07
                  fa_6e_sr000002 fa_7c_sr000002
                  fa_3a_sr000002 fa_4a_sr000002 fa_5a_sr000002 fa_9a_sr000002 fa_10a_sr000002
                  q13_131_sr000002 q13_132_sr000002
                  sc_12b_sr000002_01 nfa_4f_sr000002_01 nfa_4f_sr000002_02 nfa_4f_sr000002_03
                  sc_12a_sr000002_01 sc_12a_sr000002_02 nfa_4c_sr000002_01 nfa_4c_sr000002_02
                  nfa_4c_sr000002_03 nfa_4c_sr000002_04 nfa_4c_sr000002_05 nfa_4c_sr000002_06
                  nfa_4c_sr000002_07 nfa_4c_sr000002_08 nfa_4c_sr000002_09 nfa_4c_sr000002_10

do n = 1 to 44;
if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 & ((ranges1 >= 0 & ranges2 in(-1, -2)) | (ranges1 in(-1, -2) & ranges2 >= 0)))
  then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_2004 > 1485000) then tnfw_trunc_2004 = 2671980;

tnfw_trunc_2004 = round(tnfw_trunc_2004);


2008 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars     */

nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates   */

array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;

do i = 1 to 4;
 quartileqs = 0;

if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */


array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
                       collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
                       solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 farm_3_value1 farm_4_value1 
                       business_1_value1 business_2_value1 business_3_value1 realestate_1_value1 
                       realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1
                       farm_1_value farm_2_value farm_3_value farm_4_value business_1_value business_2_value
                       business_3_value realestate_1_value realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
                       realestate_5_value realestate_6_value
                       debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 farm_3_debt1 farm_4_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
                       business_3_debt1 realestate_1_debt1 
                       farm_1_debt farm_2_debt farm_3_debt farm_4_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
                       business_3_debt realestate_1_debt
                       govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
                       home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
                       ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
                       amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3 amtowe_assetpoorcars4
                       amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
                       amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles7 amtowe_othervehicles
                       mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3 mktval_assetpoorcars4
                       marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
                       marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
                       marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8 marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10 
                       marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12 
                       marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16 
                       marketvalue_vehicles17 mktval_othervehicles;

do i = 1 to 126;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES      */
/* POSES Component - collections          */

if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
 else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
  else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
    else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
    collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
     collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
      collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 72500);
           else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items                */

if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
 else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 
 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
  else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 
  & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
   else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
    else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
     else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
       else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;

/* Add components POSES        */

if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections); 
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT            */

/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt               */

if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a);
 else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
  & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a;
    else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then 
    ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
     else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then 
     ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
      else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then 
      ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
       else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
        else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
         else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
          else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
           else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - studentloan          */

if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a);
 else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a;
   else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 50000);
       else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan     */

if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d);
 else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d;
   else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 40000);
       else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness          */

if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
 else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
  else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
   else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
    else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
     else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
      else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 72500);
       else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt            */

if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
 else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
   else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
    else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
     else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
      else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 70000);
       else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;

/* Add components ODEBT        */

if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt); 
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ              */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz                */

if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
 else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0 
 & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
  else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0 
  & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_b < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
    else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then 
    solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
     else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then 
     solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
      else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then 
      solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
       else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile1);
        else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_b = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile2);
         else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
          else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 250000);
           else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_b in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;

/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership           */

if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then farm_3_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then farm_4_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_06 > -4) then realestate_6_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_06;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_fjt_12b_03 > -4) then farm_3_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_03;
if (q13_fjt_12b_04 > -4) then farm_4_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_06 > -4) then realestate_6_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_06;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_3_pcntshare > 0) then farm_3_pcntshare = (farm_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_4_pcntshare > 0) then farm_4_pcntshare = (farm_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_6_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_6_pcntshare = (realestate_6_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (farm_3_value1 >= 0 & farm_3_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_3_value = (farm_3_value1 * farm_3_pcntshare);
if (farm_4_value1 >= 0 & farm_4_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_4_value = (farm_4_value1 * farm_4_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_6_value1 >= 0 & realestate_6_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_6_value = (realestate_6_value1 * realestate_6_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ          */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz); 
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (farm_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_3_value);
if (farm_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_4_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);
if (realestate_6_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_6_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_6_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_6_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT            */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz              */

if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
 else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
 & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
  else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
  & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
    else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then 
    debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
     else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then 
     debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
      else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then 
      debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
         else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
          else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 200000);
           else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;

/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt      */
/*       (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc)                */

if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_fjt_12_03 > -4) then farm_3_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_03;
if (q13_fjt_12_04 > -4) then farm_4_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_03;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (farm_3_debt1 >= 0 & farm_3_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_3_debt = (farm_3_debt1 * farm_3_pcntshare);
if (farm_4_debt1 >= 0 & farm_4_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_4_debt = (farm_4_debt1 * farm_4_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT        */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz); 
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (farm_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_3_debt);
if (farm_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_4_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3; 
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH             */

/* CASH Component - cash                  */

if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
 else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
  else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
    else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc = fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc > fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_trunc - fa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_trunc - fa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 70000);
           else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing      */

if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute CDS              */

/* CDS Component - cds                    */

if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
 else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
  else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
    else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then 
    cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then 
     cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then 
      cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 60000);
           else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing       */

if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK            */

/* STOCK Component - govbonds             */

if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
 else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
  else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
    else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then 
    govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then 
     govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then 
      govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
        else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
         else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
          else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 45000);
           else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;

/* STOCK Component - mutual               */

if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
 else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
  else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
    else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then 
    mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then 
     mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then 
      mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
        else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
         else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
          else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 100000);
           else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;
/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure           */

if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
 else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
  else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
    else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then 
    lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then 
     lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then 
      lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
        else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
         else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
          else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
           else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;
/* STOCK Component - shares               */

if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
 else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
  else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
    else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc = fa_9a_sr000001) then 
    shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc > fa_9a_sr000001) then 
     shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002_trunc - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < fa_9a_sr000001) then 
      shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
        else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
         else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
          else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 100000);
           else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;
/* STOCK Component - corpbond             */

if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
 else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
  else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
    else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then 
    corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then 
     corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then 
      corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
        else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 190000);
         else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) /* | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) */ | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;

/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor         */

if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_trunc);
 else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
  else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a_trunc;
    else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then 
    moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then 
     moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then 
      moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
        else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
         else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
          else if (fa_11a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 90000);
           else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;
/* Add components STOCK        */

if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds); 
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute HOME             */

/* HOME Component - home1                 */

if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 200000);
           else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;
/* HOME Component - secondhome            */

if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
  else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
    secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
     secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
      secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 180000);
           else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME         */

if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1); 
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT             */

/* MORT Component - mort1                 */

if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0) then mort1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then 
    mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then 
     mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc) then 
      mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;
/* MORT Component - secondmort            */

if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
  else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
    secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
     secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
      secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 145000);
           else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;
/* Add components MORT         */

if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1); 
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT            */

/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1               */

if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
 else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
    else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
    pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
     pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
      pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 50000);
           else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;
/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt          */

if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
 else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
  else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
    else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
    secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
     secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
      secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;

/* Add components PDEBT        */

if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1); 
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA              */

/* IRA Component - ira1                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
 else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0 
 & fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
  else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
  ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
   ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
    ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
     else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 80000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira2                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
 else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0 
 & fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
  else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
  ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
   else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
   ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
    ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
     else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
      else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 55000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira3                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_03);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_03;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
    ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
     ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
      ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
       else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 100000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira4                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_04);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_04;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
    ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
     ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
      ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));
       else if (fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 115000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira5                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
    ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
     ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
      ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 65000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_06);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_06;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
    ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
     ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
      ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
       else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 59000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7                   */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
    ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
     ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
      ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 65000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA          */

if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1); 
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2); 
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3); 
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4); 
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5); 
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6); 
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7); 
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K            */

/* A401K component - r_401k               */

if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
 else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
   else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then 
    r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then 
     r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then 
      r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 80000);
           else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;

/* A401K component - sp_401k              */

if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
 else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
    else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc = fa_7c_sr000001) then 
    sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
     else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc > fa_7c_sr000001) then 
     sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002_trunc - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
      else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002_trunc < fa_7c_sr000001) then 
      sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 94500);
           else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;

/* Add components A401K        */

if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k); 
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k); 
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT            */

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1 */

if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
 else if (sc_12b_01 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
  else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
  amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
   else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
   amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
    amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2 */

if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
 else if (sc_12b_02 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_02 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
  else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3 */

if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
 else if (sc_12b_03 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_03 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars4 */

if (sc_12b_04 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 + sc_12b_04);
 else if (sc_12b_04 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_04 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars4 = sc_12b_04;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars5 */

if (sc_12b_05 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 + sc_12b_05);
 else if (sc_12b_05 = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a_05 = 1) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = -1;
 else if (sc_12b_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars5 = sc_12b_05;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1  */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
   amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
    amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
     amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_01));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 38000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2  */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
   amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
    amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
     amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_02));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 36000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3  */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
   amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
    amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
     amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_03));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 35000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4  */

if (nfa_4f_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_04);
 else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_04;
  else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
  amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
   amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
    amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_04));
     else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile1);
      else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile2);
       else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile3);
        else if (nfa_4f_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + 30000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5  */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;
  else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 = nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then 
  amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_sr000001_05);
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 > nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then 
   amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_05 - nfa_4f_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_05));
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 < nfa_4f_sr000001_05) then 
    amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_05 - nfa_4f_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_05));
     else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_05 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + 122000);
        else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles5 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6  */

if (nfa_4f_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_06);
 else if (nfa_4f_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_06;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles7  */

if (nfa_4f_07 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles7 = (amountowe_vehicles7 + nfa_4f_07);
 else if (nfa_4f_07 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles7 = nfa_4f_07;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles  */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
   else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
   amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
    amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
     amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
       else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 51000);
        else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CDEBT        */

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars4); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars5); 
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1); 
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2); 
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3); 
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4); 
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5); 
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6); 
if (amountowe_vehicles7 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles7);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR              */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1  */

if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
 else if (sc_12a_ref_1a_01 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0 
 & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
    mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
     mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
      else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
      mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
       else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
        else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
         else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2  */

if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
 else if (sc_12a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_02 = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -1;
 else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
   else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
   mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
    mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
     mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3  */

if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
 else if (sc_12a_03 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_03 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars4  */

if (sc_12a_04 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = (mktval_assetpoorcars4 + sc_12a_04);
 else if (sc_12a_04 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_04 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_04 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars4 = sc_12a_04;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars5  */

if (sc_12a_05 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = (mktval_assetpoorcars5 + sc_12a_05);
 else if (sc_12a_05 = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a_05 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = -1;
  else if (sc_12a_05 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars5 = sc_12a_05;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_01));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_02));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_03));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_04));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_05));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 75000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then 
  marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_06);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_06));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_06) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_06));
     else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8  */

if (nfa_4c_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_08);
 else if (nfa_4c_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_08;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11  */

if (nfa_4c_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_11);
 else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_11 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_11;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 = nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then 
  marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_sr000001_11);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 > nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_11 - nfa_4c_sr000001_11)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_11));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 < nfa_4c_sr000001_11) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_11 - nfa_4c_sr000002_11)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_11));
     else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_4c_11 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_11 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + 30000);
       else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12  */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_12 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 < 0
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
  else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 = nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then 
  marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_sr000001_12);
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 > nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_12 - nfa_4c_sr000001_12)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_12));
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 < nfa_4c_sr000001_12) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_12 - nfa_4c_sr000002_12)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_12));
         else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13  */

if (nfa_4c_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_13);
 else if (nfa_4c_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_13;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14  */

if (nfa_4c_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_14);
 else if (nfa_4c_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_14;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15  */

if (nfa_4c_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_15);
 else if (nfa_4c_15 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_15 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_15;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16  */

if (nfa_4c_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_16);
 else if (nfa_4c_16 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_16 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_16;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = -3;
/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17  */

if (nfa_4c_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_17);
 else if (nfa_4c_17 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_17 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_17;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = -3;
/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles   */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
  else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c;
    else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
    mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
     mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
      mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles+ quartile1);
        else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_5c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
           else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;
/* Add components CAR          */

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars4); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars5); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17); 
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles); 

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;

if (tnfw_trunc_2008 > 2138310) then tnfw_trunc_2008 = 3527333;

tnfw_trunc_2008 = round(tnfw_trunc_2008);

/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates   */

if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 & 
    ((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
  | (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_05 >= 0)
  | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_11 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_12 >= 0)
  | (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (debt_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0)))
 then tnfw_trunc = -3;

2012 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars     */

nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates   */

array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;

do i = 1 to 4;
 quartileqs = 0;

if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc 
                       bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
                       collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
                       solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
                       business_3_value1 business_4_value1 business_5_value1 realestate_1_value1 
                       realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1
                       farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
                       business_3_value business_4_value business_5_value realestate_1_value 
                       realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value
                       debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
                       business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 business_5_debt1 realestate_1_debt1 
                       realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1
                       farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
                       business_3_debt business_4_debt business_5_debt realestate_1_debt
                       govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
                       home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
                       ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
                       amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2 amtowe_assetpoorcars3
                       amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
                       amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles9 amtowe_othervehicles
                       mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2 mktval_assetpoorcars3
                       marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
                       marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
                       marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10 marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12 
                       marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16 
                       marketvalue_vehicles17 mktval_othervehicles;

do i = 1 to 119;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES            */
/* POSES Component - collections                 */

if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
 else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
  else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
    else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
    collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
     collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
      collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 66000);
           else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items                       */

if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
 else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
  else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
   else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
    else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
     else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
       else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;

/* Add components POSES        */

if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections); 
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT            */

/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt                      */

if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_trunc);
 else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
  & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a_trunc;
    else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then 
    ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
     else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then 
     ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
      else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then 
      ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
       else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
        else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
         else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
          else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
           else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;
/* ODEBT Component - studentloan                 */

if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a_trunc);
 else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a_trunc;
   else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 52500);
       else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan            */

if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d_trunc);
 else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d_trunc;
   else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 50000);
       else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness                 */

if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
 else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
  else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
   else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
    else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
     else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
      else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 68000);
       else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt                   */

if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
 else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
   else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
    else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
     else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
      else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 55500);
       else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;

/* Add components ODEBT        */

if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt); 
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ              */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz                       */

if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
 else if (q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
  else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
    else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc = q13_131_sr000001) then 
    solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
     else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc > q13_131_sr000001) then 
     solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002_trunc - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
      else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002_trunc < q13_131_sr000001) then 
      solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002_trunc)/2) + q13_131_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
        else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 250000);
         else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;
/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership           */

if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ          */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz); 
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (business_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_5_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_5_value in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT       */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz                     */

if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
 else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
 & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
  else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
  & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
    else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then 
    debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
     else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then 
     debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
      else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then 
      debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
       else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
        else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 200000);
         else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;
/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt                                   */
/*       (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc)                                             */

if (q13_fjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1);
if (business_5_debt1 >= 0) then business_5_debt = (business_5_debt1);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT        */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz); 
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (business_5_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_5_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3; 
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_5_debt in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH             */

/* CASH Component - cash                         */

if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
 else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
  else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
    else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc = fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc > fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002_trunc - fa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (fa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002_trunc < fa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001_trunc - fa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 80000);
           else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing      */

if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute CDS              */

/* CDS Component - cds                           */

if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
 else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
  else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
    else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc = fa_2a_sr000001) then 
    cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc > fa_2a_sr000001) then 
     cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002_trunc - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002_trunc < fa_2a_sr000001) then 
      cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 70000);
           else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;
/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing       */

if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK            */

/* STOCK Component - govbonds                    */

if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
 else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
  else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
    else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then 
    govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then 
     govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then 
      govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
        else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
         else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
          else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 50000);
           else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;

/* STOCK Component - mutual                      */

if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
 else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
  else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
    else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then 
    mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then 
     mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then 
      mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
        else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
         else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
          else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 115000);
           else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;

/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure                  */

if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
 else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
  else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
    else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc = fa_5a_sr000001) then 
    lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc > fa_5a_sr000001) then 
     lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002_trunc - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < fa_5a_sr000001) then 
      lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
        else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
         else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
          else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
           else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;

/* STOCK Component - shares                      */

if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
 else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
  else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
    else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc = fa_9a_sr000001) then 
    shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc > fa_9a_sr000001) then 
     shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002_trunc - fa_9a_sr000001)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002_trunc < fa_9a_sr000001) then 
      shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001 - fa_9a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
        else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
         else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
          else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 125000);
           else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;

/* STOCK Component - corpbond                    */

if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
 else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
  else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
    else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then 
    corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then 
     corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then 
      corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
        else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
         else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
          else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 100000);
           else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;

/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor                */

if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
 else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
  else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
    else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc = fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc > fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002_trunc - fa_11a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (fa_11a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002_trunc < fa_11a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001_trunc - fa_11a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
        else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
         else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
          else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 67500);
           else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;

/* Add components STOCK        */

if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds); 
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute HOME             */

/* HOME Component - home1                        */

if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
 & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
  & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002_trunc));
       else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 175000);
           else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;

/* HOME Component - secondhome                   */

if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
  else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
    secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
     secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
      secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 150000);
           else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;

/* Add components HOME         */

if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1); 
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT             */

/* MORT Component - mort1                        */

if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
    mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
     mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
      mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 120000);
           else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;

/* MORT Component - secondmort                   */

if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
  else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
    secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
     secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
      secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 120000);
           else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;

/* Add components MORT         */

if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1); 
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT            */

/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1                      */

if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
 else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
    else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
    pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
     pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
      pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 45000);
           else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;

/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt                 */

if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
 else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
  else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
    else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
    secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
     secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
      secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + 45000);
           else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;

/* Add components PDEBT        */

if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1); 
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA              */

/* IRA Component - ira1                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
    ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
     ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
      ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 100000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira2                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
    ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
     ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
      ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 54000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira3                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
    ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
     ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
      ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_03));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 80000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira4                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < 0) 
  then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
    ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
     ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
      ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_04));

/* IRA Component - ira5                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
    ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
     ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
      ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 84000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira6                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
    ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
     ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
      ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 60000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;
/* IRA Component - ira7                          */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
    ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
     ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
      ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 130000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;
/* Add components IRA          */

if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1); 
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2); 
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3); 
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4); 
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5); 
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6); 
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7); 
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K            */

/* A401K component - r_401k                 */

if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
 else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
   else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then 
    r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then 
     r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then 
      r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 100000);
           else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;

/* A401K component - sp_401k                     */

if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
 else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
    else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then 
    sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
     else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then 
     sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
      else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then 
      sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
       else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 100000);
           else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;

/* Add components A401K        */

if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k); 
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k); 
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT            */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1       */

if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
  else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
   else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
   amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
    amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
     else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
     amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2       */

if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
  else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2) /* & sc_12b_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < 0 
  & sc_12b_uab_a_02 < 0 & sc_12b_uab_b_02 < 0 & sc_12b_uab_c_02 < 0*/) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars3       */

if (sc_12b_03 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_03);
  else if (sc_12b_03 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_03 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 < 0 
  & sc_12b_uab_a_03 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12b_03;
   else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 = sc_12b_sr000001_03) then 
   amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12b_sr000001_03);
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 > sc_12b_sr000001_03) then 
    amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_03 - sc_12b_sr000001_03)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_03));
     else if (sc_12b_sr000001_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_03 < sc_12b_sr000001_03) then 
     amtowe_assetpoorcars3 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_03 - sc_12b_sr000002_03)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_03));
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
   amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
    amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
     amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 37000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;
/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
   amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
    amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
     amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 35000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
   amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
    amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
     amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 38000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_06 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
   amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
    amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06 < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
     amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc_06 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_06));
      else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles6 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles9         */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles9 = (amountowe_vehicles9 + nfa_4f_trunc_09);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles9 = nfa_4f_trunc_09;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles        */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
   else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
   amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
    else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
    amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
     else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
     amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
      else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
       else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 50500);
        else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CDEBT        */

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars3); 
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1); 
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2); 
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3); 
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4); 
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5); 
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6); 
if (amountowe_vehicles9 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles9);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR              */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1         */

if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
   else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_c_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
    mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
     mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
      else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
      mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
       else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
        else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
         else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_c_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile3);
          else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_c_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + 40000);
           else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2         */

if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
  else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < 0 
  & sc_12a_uab_a_02 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;
   else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 = sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
   mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_sr000001_02);
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 > sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
    mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_02 - sc_12a_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_02));
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_02 < sc_12a_sr000001_02) then 
     mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_02 - sc_12a_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_02));
      else if (sc_12a_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars3         */

if (sc_12a_03 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = (mktval_assetpoorcars3 + sc_12a_03);
  else if (sc_12a_03 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars3 = sc_12a_03;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 38000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 35000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 50000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_06 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_06));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + 35000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_07 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_07));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_07 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_trunc_08);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_trunc_08;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 = nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 > nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 - nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08 < nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_trunc_08 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_08));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9         */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_trunc_11);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_trunc_11;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_trunc_13);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_trunc_13;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_trunc_14);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_trunc_14;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_trunc_15);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_15 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_trunc_15;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_15 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_trunc_16);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_trunc_16;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_trunc_17);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_trunc_17;

/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles          */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
  else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
    else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
    mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
     mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
      mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
           else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CAR          */

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars3); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17); 
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles); 

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc >  2060328) then tnfw_trunc = 3749941;

tnfw_trunc = round(tnfw_trunc);

/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates   */

if (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 & 
    ((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0) 
  | (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
  | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
  | (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4f_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_06 >= 0)
  | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_06 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_07 >= 0)
  | (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_08 >= 0)
  | (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
  | (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)))
  then tnfw_trunc = -3;

2016 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars     */

nfa_7d_truncc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_truncc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES for estimates   */

array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;

do i = 1 to 4;
 quartileqs = 0;

if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
  quartile1 = (5000/2);
  quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
  quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
  quartile4 = 30000; /* Note: Use median of actual values > 30000 where possible.  Otherwise set to 30000 */


array assetsc (i)      homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc 
                       bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw_trunc
                       collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
                       solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
                       business_3_value1 business_4_value1 realestate_1_value1 
                       realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1 
                       farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
                       business_3_value business_4_value realestate_1_value 
                       realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value 
                       debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
                       business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 realestate_1_debt1 
                       realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1 realestate_5_debt1 
                       farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
                       business_3_debt business_4_debt realestate_1_debt
                       govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
                       home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
                       ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
                       amtowe_assetpoorcars1 amtowe_assetpoorcars2
                       amountowe_vehicles1 amountowe_vehicles2 amountowe_vehicles3 amountowe_vehicles4
                       amountowe_vehicles5 amountowe_vehicles6 amountowe_vehicles8 amountowe_vehicles9 amtowe_othervehicles
                       mktval_assetpoorcars1 mktval_assetpoorcars2
                       marketvalue_vehicles1 marketvalue_vehicles2 marketvalue_vehicles3 marketvalue_vehicles4
                       marketvalue_vehicles5 marketvalue_vehicles6 marketvalue_vehicles7 marketvalue_vehicles8
                       marketvalue_vehicles9 marketvalue_vehicles10 marketvalue_vehicles11 marketvalue_vehicles12 
                       marketvalue_vehicles13 marketvalue_vehicles14 marketvalue_vehicles15 marketvalue_vehicles16 
                       marketvalue_vehicles17 marketvalue_vehicles18 marketvalue_vehicles19 marketvalue_vehicles20 
do i = 1 to 120;
 if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
  else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES            */
/* POSES Component - collections                */

if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
 else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
  else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
    else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 = nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
    collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 > nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
     collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002 - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 < nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
      collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 75000);
           else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;
/* POSES Component - items                      */

if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_truncc);
 else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
  else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_truncc;
   else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
    else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
     else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
      else if (nfa_7d_truncc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 55500);
       else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;

/* Add components POSES        */

if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections); 
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT            */

/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt                     */

if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a);
 else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_sr000001 < 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < 0 
  & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a;
    else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 = debt_1a_sr000001) then 
    ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_sr000001);
     else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 > debt_1a_sr000001) then 
     ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000002 - debt_1a_sr000001)/2) + debt_1a_sr000001));
      else if (debt_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & debt_1a_sr000002 < debt_1a_sr000001) then 
      ccdebt = (ccdebt + (((debt_1a_sr000001 - debt_1a_sr000002)/2) + debt_1a_sr000002));
       else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
        else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
         else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
          else if (debt_1a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 41000);
           else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - studentloan                */

if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a);
 else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a;
   else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2a in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 60000);
       else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan           */

if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d);
 else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
  else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d;
   else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
    else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
     else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
      else if (debt_2d in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 60000);
       else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness                */

if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
 else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
  else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 
  & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
   else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
    else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
     else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
      else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 60000);
       else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt                  */

if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
 else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
  else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
   else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
    else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
      else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;

/* Add components ODEBT        */

if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt); 
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ              */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz                      */

if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
 else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0 
 & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
  else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0 
  & q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
    else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then 
    solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
     else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then 
     solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
      else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then 
      solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
       else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
        else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 350000);
         else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;

/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership           */

if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then realestate_5_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_05;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_04 > -4) then business_4_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;
if (q13_rejt_12b_05 > -4) then realestate_5_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_05;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_4_pcntshare > 0) then business_4_pcntshare = (business_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_5_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_5_pcntshare = (realestate_5_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_value1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_value = (business_4_value1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_5_value1 >= 0 & realestate_5_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_5_value = (realestate_5_value1 * realestate_5_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ          */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz); 
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);
if (realestate_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_5_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_5_value in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT            */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz                    */

if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
 else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
 & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
  else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
  & q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
    else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then 
    debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
     else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then 
     debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
      else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then 
      debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
       else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
        else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 190000);
         else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;

/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt      */
/*       (use ownership percentage computed above for bizc)                */

if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_04;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT        */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz); 
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3; 
if (farm_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH             */

/* CASH Component - cash                        */

if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
 else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
  else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
    else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 = fa_1a_sr000001) then 
    cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 > fa_1a_sr000001) then 
     cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002 - fa_1a_sr000001)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < fa_1a_sr000001) then 
      cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001 - fa_1a_sr000002)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 90000);
           else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing      */

if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute CDS              */

/* CDS Component - cds                          */

if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
 else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
  else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
    else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then 
    cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then 
     cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then 
      cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
        else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
         else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
          else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 92500);
           else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing       */

if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK            */

/* STOCK Component - govbonds                   */

if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_trunc);
 else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
  else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a_trunc;
    else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then 
    govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then 
     govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then 
      govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
        else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
         else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
          else if (fa_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 60000);
           else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;

/* STOCK Component - mutual                     */

if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
 else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
  else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_b < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
    else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then 
    mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then 
     mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then 
      mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile1);
        else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_b = 1) then mutual = (mutual + quartile2);
         else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
          else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 180000);
           else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;

/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure                 */

if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
 else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
  else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
    else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 = fa_5a_sr000001) then 
    lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 > fa_5a_sr000001) then 
     lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002 - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 < fa_5a_sr000001) then 
      lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
        else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
         else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
          else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
           else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;

/* STOCK Component - shares                     */

if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
 else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
  else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
    else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
        else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
         else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
          else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 150000);
           else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;

/* STOCK Component - corpbond                   */

if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
 else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
  else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
    else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 = fa_10a_sr000001) then 
    corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 > fa_10a_sr000001) then 
     corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002 - fa_10a_sr000001)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 < fa_10a_sr000001) then 
      corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001 - fa_10a_sr000002)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
        else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
         else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
          else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 175000);
           else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;

/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor               */

if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
 else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
  else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
    else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then 
    moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
     else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then 
     moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
      else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then 
      moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
       else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
        else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
         else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
          else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 67000);
           else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;

/* Add components STOCK        */

if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds); 
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute HOME             */

/* HOME Component - home1                       */

if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
    home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc);
     else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
     home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc));
      else if (nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc) then 
      home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001_trunc - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 200000);
           else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;

/* HOME Component - secondhome                  */

if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
  else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
    secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
     secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
      secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 175000);
           else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;
/* Add components HOME         */

if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1); 
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT             */

/* MORT Component - mort1                       */

if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
    mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
     mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
      mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 115000);
           else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;

/* MORT Component - secondmort                  */

if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
  else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
    else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
    secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
     secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
      secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 130000);
           else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;

/* Add components MORT         */

if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1); 
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT            */

/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1                     */

if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
 else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
 & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
  else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
  & nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
    else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
    pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
     pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
      pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 51000);
           else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;

/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt                */

if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
 else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
  else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_a < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
    else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
    secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
     secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
      secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;

/* Add components PDEBT        */

if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1); 
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA              */

/* IRA Component - ira1                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
    ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
     ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
      ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_01));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 120000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira2                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
    ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
     ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
      ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_02));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 96000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira3                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_trunc_03);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_03 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_trunc_03;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 = fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
    ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_sr000001_03);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 > fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
     ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 - fa_8d_sr000001_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_03));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03 < fa_8d_sr000001_03) then 
      ira3 = (ira3 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_03));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 100000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira4                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_04 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 = fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
    ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_sr000001_04);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 > fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
     ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 - fa_8d_sr000001_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_04));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04 < fa_8d_sr000001_04) then 
      ira4 = (ira4 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_04 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_04));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_04 = 1) then ira4 = (ira4 + 100000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira5                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
    ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
     ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
      ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_05));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile1);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile2);
         else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
          else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 100000);
           else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira6                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_trunc_06);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_trunc_06;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
    ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
     ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
      ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_06));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 100000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira7                         */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
  else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 < 0 
  & fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
    else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
    ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
     else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
     ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
      else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
      ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_trunc_07));
       else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
        else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 121000);
         else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;

/* Add components IRA          */

if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1); 
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2); 
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3); 
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4); 
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5); 
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6); 
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7); 
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K            */

/* A401K component - r_401k                     */

if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
 else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
   else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then 
    r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
     else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then 
     r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
      else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then 
      r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
       else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 120000);
           else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;

/* A401K component - sp_401k                    */

if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
 else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0 
 & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
  else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0 
  & fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
    else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then 
    sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
     else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then 
     sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
      else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then 
      sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
       else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
        else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
         else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
          else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 150000);
           else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;

/* Add components A401K        */

if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k); 
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k); 
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT            */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars1      */

if (sc_12b_01 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_01);
  else if (sc_12b_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & sc_12b_uab_a_01 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12b_01;
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 = sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
    amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12b_sr000001_01);
     else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 > sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
     amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_01 - sc_12b_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_01));
      else if (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 < sc_12b_sr000001_01) then 
      amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_01 - sc_12b_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_01));
       else if (sc_12b_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars2      */

if (sc_12b_02 >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_02);
  else if (sc_12b_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000001_02 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12b_02;
   else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 = sc_12b_sr000001_02) then 
   amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12b_sr000001_02);
    else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 > sc_12b_sr000001_02) then 
    amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12b_sr000002_02 - sc_12b_sr000001_02)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001_02));
     else if (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 < sc_12b_sr000001_02) then 
     amtowe_assetpoorcars2 = (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 + (((sc_12b_sr000001_02 - sc_12b_sr000002_02)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002_02));

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles1        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = nfa_4f_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
   amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + nfa_4f_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
    amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4f_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4f_sr000001_01) then 
     amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_01 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_01));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_01 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles1 = (amountowe_vehicles1 + 38000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles2        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = nfa_4f_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
   amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + nfa_4f_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
    amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4f_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4f_sr000001_02) then 
     amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_02 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_02));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4f_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_02 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles2 = (amountowe_vehicles2 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles3        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = nfa_4f_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
   amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + nfa_4f_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
    amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4f_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4f_sr000001_03) then 
     amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_03 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_03));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + quartile3);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_03 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles3 = (amountowe_vehicles3 + 35000);
        else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles4        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0 
 & nfa_4f_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 < 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = nfa_4f_trunc_04;
   else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
   amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + nfa_4f_sr000001_04);
    else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
    amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4f_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_04));
     else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4f_sr000001_04) then 
     amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_04 - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc_04));
      else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 0) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + quartile3);
       else if (nfa_4f_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c_04 = 1) then amountowe_vehicles4 = (amountowe_vehicles4 + 53500);
        else if (nfa_4f_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles5        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles5 = (amountowe_vehicles5 + nfa_4f_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_05 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles5 = nfa_4f_trunc_05;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles6        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles6 = (amountowe_vehicles6 + nfa_4f_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_06 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles6 = nfa_4f_trunc_06;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles8        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_08 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles8 = (amountowe_vehicles8 + nfa_4f_trunc_08);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_08 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles8 = nfa_4f_trunc_08;

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles9        */

if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles9 = (amountowe_vehicles9 + nfa_4f_trunc_09);
 else if (nfa_4f_trunc_09 in(-1, -2)) then amountowe_vehicles9 = nfa_4f_trunc_09;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles       */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;

/* Add components CDEBT        */

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars1); 
if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars2); 
if (amountowe_vehicles1 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles1); 
if (amountowe_vehicles2 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles2); 
if (amountowe_vehicles3 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles3); 
if (amountowe_vehicles4 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles4); 
if (amountowe_vehicles5 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles5); 
if (amountowe_vehicles6 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles6); 
if (amountowe_vehicles8 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles8); 
if (amountowe_vehicles9 >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles9);
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR              */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars1        */

if (sc_12a_01 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_01);
   else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000001_01 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < 0 
  & sc_12a_uab_a_01 < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b_01 < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = sc_12a_01;
    else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 = sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
    mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + sc_12a_sr000001_01);
     else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 > sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
     mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000002_01 - sc_12a_sr000001_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001_01));
      else if (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 < sc_12a_sr000001_01) then 
      mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + (((sc_12a_sr000001_01 - sc_12a_sr000002_01)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002_01));
       else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile1);
        else if (sc_12a_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b_01 = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = (mktval_assetpoorcars1 + quartile2);
           else if (sc_12a_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars2        */

if (sc_12a_02 >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = (mktval_assetpoorcars2 + sc_12a_02);
   else if (sc_12a_02 in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars2 = sc_12a_02;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles1        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_trunc_01);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = nfa_4c_trunc_01;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 = nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + nfa_4c_sr000001_01);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 > nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 - nfa_4c_sr000001_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_01));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01 < nfa_4c_sr000001_01) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_01 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_01));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_01 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = (marketvalue_vehicles1 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles2        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_trunc_02);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = nfa_4c_trunc_02;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 = nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + nfa_4c_sr000001_02);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 > nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 - nfa_4c_sr000001_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_02));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02 < nfa_4c_sr000001_02) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_02 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_02));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_02 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = (marketvalue_vehicles2 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles2 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles3        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_trunc_03);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = nfa_4c_trunc_03;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 = nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + nfa_4c_sr000001_03);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 > nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 - nfa_4c_sr000001_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_03));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03 < nfa_4c_sr000001_03) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_03 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_03));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile1);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile2);
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_03 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = (marketvalue_vehicles3 + 40000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_03 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles3 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles4        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_trunc_04);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_04 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = nfa_4c_trunc_04;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 = nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + nfa_4c_sr000001_04);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 > nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 - nfa_4c_sr000001_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_04));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04 < nfa_4c_sr000001_04) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_04 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_04));
      else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + quartile3);
       else if (nfa_4c_trunc_04 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_04 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = (marketvalue_vehicles4 + 40000);
        else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_04 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles4 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles5        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_trunc_05);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000001_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < 0 
 & nfa_4c_uab_a_05 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = nfa_4c_trunc_05;
   else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 = nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
   marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + nfa_4c_sr000001_05);
    else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 > nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
    marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 - nfa_4c_sr000001_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001_05));
     else if (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05 < nfa_4c_sr000001_05) then 
     marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + (((nfa_4c_sr000001_05 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc_05));
        else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + quartile3);
         else if (nfa_4c_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_05 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = (marketvalue_vehicles5 + 45000);
          else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles5 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles6        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + nfa_4c_trunc_06);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_06 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 < 0) 
 then marketvalue_vehicles6 = nfa_4c_trunc_06;
  else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + quartile3);
   else if (nfa_4c_trunc_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_06 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = (marketvalue_vehicles6 + 40000);
    else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles6 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles7        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = (marketvalue_vehicles7 + nfa_4c_trunc_07);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_07 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = nfa_4c_trunc_07;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles7 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles8        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + nfa_4c_trunc_08);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_08 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = nfa_4c_trunc_08;
  else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + quartile3);
   else if (nfa_4c_trunc_08 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c_08 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = (marketvalue_vehicles8 + 60000);
    else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_08 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c_08 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles8 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles9        */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + nfa_4c_trunc_09);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_09 < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = nfa_4c_trunc_09;
  else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile1);
   else if (nfa_4c_trunc_09 in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b_09 = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = (marketvalue_vehicles9 + quartile2);
    else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_09 in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b_09 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles9 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles10       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = (marketvalue_vehicles10 + nfa_4c_trunc_10);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_10 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_10 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = nfa_4c_trunc_10;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_10 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles10 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles11       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = (marketvalue_vehicles11 + nfa_4c_trunc_11);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_11 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_11 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = nfa_4c_trunc_11;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_11 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles11 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles12       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = (marketvalue_vehicles12 + nfa_4c_trunc_12);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_12 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_12 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = nfa_4c_trunc_12;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_12 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles12 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles13       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = (marketvalue_vehicles13 + nfa_4c_trunc_13);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_13 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_13 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = nfa_4c_trunc_13;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_13 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles13 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles14       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = (marketvalue_vehicles14 + nfa_4c_trunc_14);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_14 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_uab_a_14 < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = nfa_4c_trunc_14;
  else if (nfa_4c_uab_a_14 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles14 = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles15       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = (marketvalue_vehicles15 + nfa_4c_trunc_15);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_15 in(-1, -2) ) then marketvalue_vehicles15 = nfa_4c_trunc_15;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles16       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = (marketvalue_vehicles16 + nfa_4c_trunc_16);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_16 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles16 = nfa_4c_trunc_16;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles17       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = (marketvalue_vehicles17 + nfa_4c_trunc_17);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_17 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles17 = nfa_4c_trunc_17;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles18       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_18 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles18 = (marketvalue_vehicles18 + nfa_4c_trunc_18);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_18 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles18 = nfa_4c_trunc_18;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles19       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_19 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles19 = (marketvalue_vehicles19 + nfa_4c_trunc_19);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_19 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles19 = nfa_4c_trunc_19;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles20       */

if (nfa_4c_trunc_20 >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles20 = (marketvalue_vehicles20 + nfa_4c_trunc_20);
 else if (nfa_4c_trunc_20 in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles20 = nfa_4c_trunc_20;

/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles         */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
 else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
 & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
  else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
  & nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
    else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
    mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
     else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
     mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
      else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
      mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
       else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
        else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
         else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
          else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 50000);
           else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CAR          */

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars1); 
if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars2); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles1 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles1); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles2 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles2); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles3 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles3); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles4 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles4); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles5 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles5); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles6 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles6); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles7 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles7); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles8 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles8); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles9 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles9); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles10 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles10); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles11 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles11); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles12 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles12); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles13 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles13); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles14 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles14); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles15 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles15); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles16 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles16); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles17 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles17); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles18 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles18); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles19 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles19); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles20 >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles20); 
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles); 

if (mktval_assetpoorcars1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_assetpoorcars2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles8 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles9 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles10 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles11 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles12 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles13 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles14 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles15 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles16 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles17 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles18 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles19 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles20 in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 

/* Compute TNFW_TRUNC   */
/* TNFW_TRUNC - add components created in above code   */

if (homec  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + homec );
if (mortc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - pdebtc);
if (cashc  >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cashc );
if (irac   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + irac  );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + a401kc);
if (cdsc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + cdsc  );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + stockc);
if (bizc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + bizc  );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - cdebtc);
if (carc   >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + carc  );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw_trunc = (tnfw_trunc - odebtc);

if (homec  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (mortc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cashc  in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (irac   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdsc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bizc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (carc   in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw_trunc = -3;


if (tnfw_trunc_2016 >  3132500) then tnfw_trunc_2016 = 5526252;

tnfw_trunc_2016 = round(tnfw_trunc_2016);

/* TNFW_TRUNC - adjust for partially missing range estimates   */

if    (tnfw_trunc ~= -3 & 
         ((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0) 
       | (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0) 
       | (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0) 
       | (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_04 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)
       | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)
       | (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_9a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_10a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_01 >= 0)
       | (sc_12b_sr000001_02 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002_02 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_01 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_02 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_03 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_04 >= 0)
       | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002_01 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_01 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_02 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_03 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_04 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_04 >= 0)
       | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_05 >= 0)
       | (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0)
       | (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002 >= 0)))
       then tnfw_trunc = -3;

2020 TNFW_TRUNC Variable Creation

/* Compute dollar amt for dollars & cents vars */

nfa_7d_dc = nfa_7d_trunc;
if (nfa_7d_trunc > 0) then nfa_7d_dc = (nfa_7d_trunc/100);

/* Compute dynamic QUARTILE VALUES where necessary */
/* -- quartile4 defaults to 30000 if no specific */
/* value determined from frequencies */

array quartileqs (i) quartile1 quartile2 quartile3 quartile4;

do i = 1 to 4;
quartileqs = 0;

if (symbol_entry_othhh = 7200) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((7200-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (7200 + ((30000-7200)/2));
quartile4 = 30000;
else if (symbol_entry_othhh = 13000) then do;
quartile1 = (5000/2);
quartile2 = (5000 + ((13000-5000)/2));
quartile3 = (13000 + ((30000-13000)/2));
quartile4 = 30000;


array assetsc (i) homec mortc pdebtc cashc irac a401kc cdsc stockc trustc bizc 
bdebtc cdebtc carc posesc odebtc tnfw
collections items ccdebt studentloan childstudentloan owebusiness otherdebt
solebiz farm_1_value1 farm_2_value1 business_1_value1 business_2_value1
business_3_value1 business_4_value1 realestate_1_value1 
realestate_2_value1 realestate_3_value1 realestate_4_value1 realestate_5_value1 
farm_1_value farm_2_value business_1_value business_2_value
business_3_value business_4_value realestate_1_value 
realestate_2_value realestate_3_value realestate_4_value realestate_5_value 
debtbiz farm_1_debt1 farm_2_debt1 business_1_debt1 business_2_debt1
business_3_debt1 business_4_debt1 realestate_1_debt1 
realestate_2_debt1 realestate_3_debt1 realestate_4_debt1 realestate_5_debt1 
farm_1_debt farm_2_debt business_1_debt business_2_debt
business_3_debt business_4_debt realestate_1_debt
govbonds mutual lifeinsure shares corpbond moneyowedtor
home1 secondhome mort1 secondmort pdebt1 secondpdebt
ira1 ira2 ira3 ira4 ira5 ira6 ira7 r_401k sp_401k
amountowe_vehicles amtowe_othervehicles
marketvalue_vehicles mktval_othervehicles;

do i = 1 to 92;
if (sampweight = 0) then assetsc = -5;
else if (sampweight > 0) then assetsc = 0;

/* Compute POSES */
/* POSES Component - collections: */

if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc >= 0) then collections = (collections + nfa_6e_trunc);
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < 0 
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = -1;
else if (nfa_6a = 1 & nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_6e_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < 0) 
& nfa_6e_uab_a < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_b < 0 & nfa_6e_uab_c < 0) then collections = nfa_6e_trunc;
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc = nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
collections = (collections + nfa_6e_sr000001);
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc > nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc - nfa_6e_sr000001)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000001));
else if (nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc < nfa_6e_sr000001) then 
collections = (collections + (((nfa_6e_sr000001 - nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile1);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b = 1) then collections = (collections + quartile2);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 0) then collections = (collections + quartile3);
else if (nfa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c = 1) then collections = (collections + 75000);
else if (nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then collections = -3;

/* POSES Component - items: */

if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_dc >= 0) then items = (items + nfa_7d_dc);
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = -1;
else if (nfa_7 = 1 & nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2) & nfa_7d_uab_a < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_b < 0 & nfa_7d_uab_c < 0) then items = nfa_7d_dc;
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 0) then items = (items + quartile1);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_b = 1) then items = (items + quartile2);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 0) then items = (items + quartile3);
else if (nfa_7d_dc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_7d_uab_c = 1) then items = (items + 50000);
else if (nfa_7d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_7d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then items = -3;

/* Add components POSES */

if (collections >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + collections); 
if (items >= 0) then posesc = (posesc + items);
if (collections in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;
else if (items in(-1, -2, -3)) then posesc = -3;

/* Compute ODEBT */

/* ODEBT Component - ccdebt: */

if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc >= 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + debt_1a_trunc);
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = -1;
else if (debt_1 = 1 & debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_1a_uab_a < 0 & debt_1a_uab_b < 0 & debt_1a_uab_c < 0) then ccdebt = debt_1a_trunc;
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_b = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 0) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_1a_uab_c = 1) then ccdebt = (ccdebt + 45000);
else if (debt_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then ccdebt = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - studentloan */

if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc >= 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + debt_2a_trunc);
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2 = 1 & debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2a_uab_a < 0 & debt_2a_uab_b < 0 & debt_2a_uab_c < 0) then studentloan = debt_2a_trunc;
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_b = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 0) then studentloan = (studentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2a_uab_c = 1) then studentloan = (studentloan + 70000);
else if (debt_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then studentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - childstudentloan */

if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc >= 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + debt_2d_trunc);
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_ref_1 = 1 & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = -1;
else if (debt_2c = 1 & debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_2d_uab_a < 0 & debt_2d_uab_b < 0 & debt_2d_uab_c < 0) then childstudentloan = debt_2d_trunc;
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile1);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_b = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile2);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 0) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + quartile3);
else if (debt_2d_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_2d_uab_c = 1) then childstudentloan = (childstudentloan + 67500);
else if (debt_2d_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_2d_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then childstudentloan = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - owebusiness */

if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc >= 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + debt_3a_trunc);
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_ref_1 = 1 & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = -1;
else if (debt_3 = 1 & debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_3a_uab_a < 0 & debt_3a_uab_b < 0 & debt_3a_uab_c < 0) then owebusiness = debt_3a_trunc;
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile1);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_b = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile2);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 0) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + quartile3);
else if (debt_3a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_3a_uab_c = 1) then owebusiness = (owebusiness + 60000);
else if (debt_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then owebusiness = -3;

/* ODEBT Component - otherdebt */

if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc >= 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + debt_4a_trunc);
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_ref_1 = 1 
& debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = -1;
else if (debt_4 = 1 & debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & debt_4a_uab_a < 0 & debt_4a_uab_b < 0 & debt_4a_uab_c < 0) then otherdebt = debt_4a_trunc;
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile1);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_b = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile2);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 0) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + quartile3);
else if (debt_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & debt_4a_uab_c = 1) then otherdebt = (otherdebt + 50000);
else if (debt_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | debt_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then otherdebt = -3;

/* Add components ODEBT */

if (ccdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + ccdebt); 
if (studentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + studentloan);
if (childstudentloan >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + childstudentloan);
if (owebusiness >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + owebusiness);
if (otherdebt >= 0) then odebtc = (odebtc + otherdebt);
if (ccdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (studentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (childstudentloan in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (owebusiness in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;
else if (otherdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then odebtc = -3;

/* Compute BIZ */

/* BIZ Component - solebiz: */

if (q13_131_trunc >= 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_trunc);
else if (q13_131_trunc = 1 & q13_131_ref_1 = 1 & q13_131_sr000001 < 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < 0 
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = -1;
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2) & (q13_131_sr000001 < 0 | q13_131_sr000002 < 0) 
& q13_131_uab_a < 0 & q13_131_uab_c < 0) then solebiz = q13_131_trunc;
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 = q13_131_sr000001) then 
solebiz = (solebiz + q13_131_sr000001);
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 > q13_131_sr000001) then 
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000002 - q13_131_sr000001)/2) + q13_131_sr000001));
else if (q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 < q13_131_sr000001) then 
solebiz = (solebiz + (((q13_131_sr000001 - q13_131_sr000002)/2) + q13_131_sr000002));
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 0) then solebiz = (solebiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_131_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_131_uab_c = 1) then solebiz = (solebiz + 310000);
else if (q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then solebiz = -3;

/* BIZ Components - farm_#_value, business_#_value, realestate_#_value & percentage ownership */

if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then farm_1_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_fjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then farm_2_value1 = q13_fjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04 > -4) then business_4_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_04;
if (q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05 > -4) then business_5_value1 = q13_bppjt_11_trunc_05;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_01 > -4) then realestate_1_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_01;
if (q13_rejt_11_trunc_02 > -4) then realestate_2_value1 = q13_rejt_11_trunc_02;
if (q13_rejt_11_03 > -4) then realestate_3_value1 = q13_rejt_11_03;
if (q13_rejt_11_04 > -4) then realestate_4_value1 = q13_rejt_11_04;

if (q13_fjt_12b_01 > -4) then farm_1_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_01;
if (q13_fjt_12b_02 > -4) then farm_2_pcntshare = q13_fjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_01 > -4) then business_1_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_02 > -4) then business_2_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_03 > -4) then business_3_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_04 > -4) then business_4_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12b_05 > -4) then business_5_pcntshare = q13_bppjt_12b_05;
if (q13_rejt_12b_01 > -4) then realestate_1_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_01;
if (q13_rejt_12b_02 > -4) then realestate_2_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_02;
if (q13_rejt_12b_03 > -4) then realestate_3_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_03;
if (q13_rejt_12b_04 > -4) then realestate_4_pcntshare = q13_rejt_12b_04;

if (farm_1_pcntshare > 0) then farm_1_pcntshare = (farm_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (farm_2_pcntshare > 0) then farm_2_pcntshare = (farm_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_1_pcntshare > 0) then business_1_pcntshare = (business_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_2_pcntshare > 0) then business_2_pcntshare = (business_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_3_pcntshare > 0) then business_3_pcntshare = (business_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_4_pcntshare > 0) then business_4_pcntshare = (business_4_pcntshare / 100);
if (business_5_pcntshare > 0) then business_5_pcntshare = (business_5_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_1_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_1_pcntshare = (realestate_1_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_2_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_2_pcntshare = (realestate_2_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_3_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_3_pcntshare = (realestate_3_pcntshare / 100);
if (realestate_4_pcntshare > 0) then realestate_4_pcntshare = (realestate_4_pcntshare / 100);

if (farm_1_value1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_value = (farm_1_value1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_value1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_value = (farm_2_value1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_value1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_value = (business_1_value1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_value1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_value = (business_2_value1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_value1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_value = (business_3_value1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_value1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_value = (business_4_value1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (business_5_value1 >= 0 & business_5_pcntshare >= 0) then business_5_value = (business_5_value1 * business_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_value1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_value = (realestate_1_value1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);
if (realestate_2_value1 >= 0 & realestate_2_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_2_value = (realestate_2_value1 * realestate_2_pcntshare);
if (realestate_3_value1 >= 0 & realestate_3_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_3_value = (realestate_3_value1 * realestate_3_pcntshare);
if (realestate_4_value1 >= 0 & realestate_4_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_4_value = (realestate_4_value1 * realestate_4_pcntshare);

/* Add components BIZ */

if (solebiz >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + solebiz); 
if (farm_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_1_value);
if (farm_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + farm_2_value);
if (business_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_1_value);
if (business_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_2_value);
if (business_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_3_value);
if (business_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_4_value);
if (business_5_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + business_5_value);
if (realestate_1_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_1_value);
if (realestate_2_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_2_value);
if (realestate_3_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_3_value);
if (realestate_4_value >= 0) then bizc = (bizc + realestate_4_value);

if (solebiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (farm_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_3_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_4_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (business_5_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_1_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_2_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_3_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;
if (realestate_4_value1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bizc = -3;

/* Compute BDEBT */

/* BDEBT Component - debtbiz: */

if (q13_132_trunc >= 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_trunc);
else if (q13_132_trunc = 1 & q13_132_ref_1 = 1 & q13_132_sr000001 < 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < 0 
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = -1;
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2) & (q13_132_sr000001 < 0 | q13_132_sr000002 < 0) 
& q13_132_uab_a < 0 & q13_132_uab_c < 0) then debtbiz = q13_132_trunc;
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 = q13_132_sr000001) then 
debtbiz = (debtbiz + q13_132_sr000001);
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 > q13_132_sr000001) then 
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000002 - q13_132_sr000001)/2) + q13_132_sr000001));
else if (q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 < q13_132_sr000001) then 
debtbiz = (debtbiz + (((q13_132_sr000001 - q13_132_sr000002)/2) + q13_132_sr000002));
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 0) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + quartile3);
else if (q13_132_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & q13_132_uab_c = 1) then debtbiz = (debtbiz + 187000);
else if (q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2) | q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then debtbiz = -3;

/* BDEBT Components - farm_#_debt, business_#_debt, realestate_#_debt */

if (q13_fjt_12_01 > -4) then farm_1_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_01;
if (q13_fjt_12_02 > -4) then farm_2_debt1 = q13_fjt_12_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01 > -4) then business_1_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_01;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02 > -4) then business_2_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_02;
if (q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03 > -4) then business_3_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_trunc_03;
if (q13_bppjt_12_04 > -4) then business_4_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_04;
if (q13_bppjt_12_05 > -4) then business_5_debt1 = q13_bppjt_12_05;
if (q13_rejt_12_trunc > -4) then realestate_1_debt1 = q13_rejt_12_trunc;

if (farm_1_debt1 >= 0 & farm_1_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_1_debt = (farm_1_debt1 * farm_1_pcntshare);
if (farm_2_debt1 >= 0 & farm_2_pcntshare >= 0) then farm_2_debt = (farm_2_debt1 * farm_2_pcntshare);
if (business_1_debt1 >= 0 & business_1_pcntshare >= 0) then business_1_debt = (business_1_debt1 * business_1_pcntshare);
if (business_2_debt1 >= 0 & business_2_pcntshare >= 0) then business_2_debt = (business_2_debt1 * business_2_pcntshare);
if (business_3_debt1 >= 0 & business_3_pcntshare >= 0) then business_3_debt = (business_3_debt1 * business_3_pcntshare);
if (business_4_debt1 >= 0 & business_4_pcntshare >= 0) then business_4_debt = (business_4_debt1 * business_4_pcntshare);
if (business_5_debt1 >= 0 & business_5_pcntshare >= 0) then business_5_debt = (business_5_debt1 * business_5_pcntshare);
if (realestate_1_debt1 >= 0 & realestate_1_pcntshare >= 0) then realestate_1_debt = (realestate_1_debt1 * realestate_1_pcntshare);

/* Add components BDEBT */

if (debtbiz >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + debtbiz); 
if (farm_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_1_debt);
if (farm_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + farm_2_debt);
if (business_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_1_debt);
if (business_2_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_2_debt);
if (business_3_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_3_debt);
if (business_4_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_4_debt);
if (business_5_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + business_5_debt);
if (realestate_1_debt >= 0) then bdebtc = (bdebtc + realestate_1_debt);

if (debtbiz in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3; 
if (farm_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (farm_2_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | farm_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_2_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_2_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_3_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_3_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_4_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_4_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (business_5_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | business_5_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;
if (realestate_1_debt1 in(-1, -2, -3) | realestate_1_pcntshare in(-1, -2, -3)) then bdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CASH */

/* CASH Component - cash: */

if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc >= 0) then cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_trunc);
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1_ref_1 = 1 & fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = -1;
else if (fa_1 = 1 & fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_1a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_1a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_1a_uab_a < 0 & fa_1a_uab_b < 0 & fa_1a_uab_c < 0) then cashc = fa_1a_trunc;
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 = fa_1a_sr000001) then 
cashc = (cashc + fa_1a_sr000001);
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 > fa_1a_sr000001) then 
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000002 - fa_1a_sr000001)/2) + fa_1a_sr000001));
else if (fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 < fa_1a_sr000001) then 
cashc = (cashc + (((fa_1a_sr000001 - fa_1a_sr000002)/2) + fa_1a_sr000002));
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile1);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b = 1) then cashc = (cashc + quartile2);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 0) then cashc = (cashc + quartile3);
else if (fa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c = 1) then cashc = (cashc + 90000);
else if (fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cashc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CASHC - set -3 missing */

if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cashc = -3;

/* Compute CDS */

/* CDS Component - cds: */

if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc >= 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_trunc);
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2_ref_1 = 1 & fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = -1;
else if (fa_2 = 1 & fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_2a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_2a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_2a_uab_a < 0 & fa_2a_uab_b < 0 & fa_2a_uab_c < 0) then cdsc = fa_2a_trunc;
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 = fa_2a_sr000001) then 
cdsc = (cdsc + fa_2a_sr000001);
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 > fa_2a_sr000001) then 
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000002 - fa_2a_sr000001)/2) + fa_2a_sr000001));
else if (fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 < fa_2a_sr000001) then 
cdsc = (cdsc + (((fa_2a_sr000001 - fa_2a_sr000002)/2) + fa_2a_sr000002));
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile1);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile2);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 0) then cdsc = (cdsc + quartile3);
else if (fa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c = 1) then cdsc = (cdsc + 100000);
else if (fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then cdsc = -3;

/* No need to add components for CDSC - set -3 missing */

if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdsc = -3;

/* Compute STOCK */

/* STOCK Component - govbonds: */

if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a >= 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a);
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3_ref_1 = 1 & fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = -1;
else if (fa_3 = 1 & fa_3a in(-1, -2) & (fa_3a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_3a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_3a_uab_a < 0 & fa_3a_uab_b < 0 & fa_3a_uab_c < 0) then govbonds = fa_3a;
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 = fa_3a_sr000001) then 
govbonds = (govbonds + fa_3a_sr000001);
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 > fa_3a_sr000001) then 
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000002 - fa_3a_sr000001)/2) + fa_3a_sr000001));
else if (fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 < fa_3a_sr000001) then 
govbonds = (govbonds + (((fa_3a_sr000001 - fa_3a_sr000002)/2) + fa_3a_sr000002));
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile1);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile2);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 0) then govbonds = (govbonds + quartile3);
else if (fa_3a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c = 1) then govbonds = (govbonds + 85000);
else if (fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then govbonds = -3;

/* STOCK Component - mutual: */

if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc >= 0) then mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_trunc);
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4_ref_1 = 1 & fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = -1;
else if (fa_4 = 1 & fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_4a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_4a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_4a_uab_a < 0 & fa_4a_uab_c < 0) then mutual = fa_4a_trunc;
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 = fa_4a_sr000001) then 
mutual = (mutual + fa_4a_sr000001);
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 > fa_4a_sr000001) then 
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000002 - fa_4a_sr000001)/2) + fa_4a_sr000001));
else if (fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 < fa_4a_sr000001) then 
mutual = (mutual + (((fa_4a_sr000001 - fa_4a_sr000002)/2) + fa_4a_sr000002));
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 0) then mutual = (mutual + quartile3);
else if (fa_4a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c = 1) then mutual = (mutual + 250000);
else if (fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mutual = -3;

/* STOCK Component - lifeinsure: */

if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc >= 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_trunc);
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5_ref_1 = 1 & fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0 
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = -1;
else if (fa_5 = 1 & fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_5a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < 0) 
& fa_5a_uab_a < 0 & fa_5a_uab_b < 0 & fa_5a_uab_c < 0) then lifeinsure = fa_5a_trunc;
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc = fa_5a_sr000001) then 
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + fa_5a_sr000001);
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc > fa_5a_sr000001) then 
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000002_trunc - fa_5a_sr000001)/2) + fa_5a_sr000001));
else if (fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc < fa_5a_sr000001) then 
lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + (((fa_5a_sr000001 - fa_5a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_5a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile1);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile2);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 0) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + quartile3);
else if (fa_5a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c = 1) then lifeinsure = (lifeinsure + 100000);
else if (fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then lifeinsure = -3;

/* STOCK Component - shares: */

if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc >= 0) then shares = (shares + fa_9a_trunc);
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9_ref_1 = 1 & fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = -1;
else if (fa_9 = 1 & fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc < 0 | fa_9a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_9a_uab_a < 0 & fa_9a_uab_b < 0 & fa_9a_uab_c < 0) then shares = fa_9a_trunc;
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 = fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
shares = (shares + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 > fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000002 - fa_9a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_9a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 < fa_9a_sr000001_trunc) then 
shares = (shares + (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc - fa_9a_sr000002)/2) + fa_9a_sr000002));
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile1);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b = 1) then shares = (shares + quartile2);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 0) then shares = (shares + quartile3);
else if (fa_9a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c = 1) then shares = (shares + 200000);
else if (fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then shares = -3;

/* STOCK Component - corpbond: */

if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc >= 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_trunc);
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10_ref_1 = 1 & fa_10a_sr000001_trunc < 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < 0
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = -1;
else if (fa_10 = 1 & fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc < 0 | fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < 0) 
& fa_10a_uab_a < 0 & fa_10a_uab_b < 0 & fa_10a_uab_c < 0) then corpbond = fa_10a_trunc;
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc = fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then 
corpbond = (corpbond + fa_10a_sr000001_trunc);
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc > fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then 
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000002_trunc - fa_10a_sr000001_trunc)/2) + fa_10a_sr000001_trunc));
else if (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc < fa_10a_sr000001_trunc) then 
corpbond = (corpbond + (((fa_10a_sr000001_trunc - fa_10a_sr000002_trunc)/2) + fa_10a_sr000002_trunc));
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile1);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile2);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 0) then corpbond = (corpbond + quartile3);
else if (fa_10a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c = 1) then corpbond = (corpbond + 200000);
else if (fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then corpbond = -3;

/* STOCK Component - moneyowedtor: */

if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a >= 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a);
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11_ref_1 = 1 & fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = -1;
else if (fa_11 = 1 & fa_11a in(-1, -2) & (fa_11a_sr000001 < 0 | fa_11a_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_11a_uab_a < 0 & fa_11a_uab_b < 0 & fa_11a_uab_c < 0) then moneyowedtor = fa_11a;
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 = fa_11a_sr000001) then 
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + fa_11a_sr000001);
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 > fa_11a_sr000001) then 
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000002 - fa_11a_sr000001)/2) + fa_11a_sr000001));
else if (fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 < fa_11a_sr000001) then 
moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + (((fa_11a_sr000001 - fa_11a_sr000002)/2) + fa_11a_sr000002));
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile1);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile2);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 0) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + quartile3);
else if (fa_11a in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c = 1) then moneyowedtor = (moneyowedtor + 90000);
else if (fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then moneyowedtor = -3;

/* Add components STOCK */

if (govbonds >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + govbonds); 
if (mutual >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + mutual);
if (lifeinsure >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + lifeinsure);
if (shares >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + shares);
if (corpbond >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + corpbond);
if (moneyowedtor >= 0) then stockc = (stockc + moneyowedtor);
if (govbonds in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (mutual in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (lifeinsure in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (shares in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (corpbond in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;
else if (moneyowedtor in(-1, -2, -3)) then stockc = -3;

/* Compute HOME */

/* HOME Component - home1: */

if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc >= 0) then home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_trunc);
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1 = 1 & nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1a_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1a_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_1a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1a_uab_c < 0) then home1 = nfa_1a_trunc;
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 = nfa_1a_sr000001) then 
home1 = (home1 + nfa_1a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 > nfa_1a_sr000001) then 
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000002 - nfa_1a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 < nfa_1a_sr000001) then 
home1 = (home1 + (((nfa_1a_sr000001 - nfa_1a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b = 1) then home1 = (home1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 0) then home1 = (home1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c = 1) then home1 = (home1 + 250000);
else if (nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then home1 = -3;

/* HOME Component - secondhome: */

if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc >= 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_trunc);
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = -1;
else if (nfa_2 = 1 & nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2a_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2a_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_2a_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2a_uab_c < 0) then secondhome = nfa_2a_trunc;
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 = nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
secondhome = (secondhome + nfa_2a_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 > nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000002 - nfa_2a_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 < nfa_2a_sr000001) then 
secondhome = (secondhome + (((nfa_2a_sr000001 - nfa_2a_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2a_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 0) then secondhome = (secondhome + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c = 1) then secondhome = (secondhome + 200000);
else if (nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondhome = -3;

/* Add components HOME */

if (home1 >= 0) then homec = (homec + home1); 
if (secondhome >= 0) then homec = (homec + secondhome);
if (home1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;
else if (secondhome in(-1, -2, -3)) then homec = -3;

/* Compute MORT */

/* MORT Component - mort1: */

if (nfa_1b_trunc >= 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_trunc);
else if (nfa_1b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1b_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_1b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1b_uab_c < 0) then mort1 = nfa_1b_trunc;
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 = nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
mort1 = (mort1 + nfa_1b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 > nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000002 - nfa_1b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 < nfa_1b_sr000001) then 
mort1 = (mort1 + (((nfa_1b_sr000001 - nfa_1b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 0) then mort1 = (mort1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c = 1) then mort1 = (mort1 + 125000);
else if (nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mort1 = -3;

/* MORT Component - secondmort: */

if (nfa_2b_trunc >= 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_trunc);
else if (nfa_2b_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = -1;
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2b_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_2b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2b_uab_c < 0) then secondmort = nfa_2b_trunc;
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 = nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
secondmort = (secondmort + nfa_2b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 > nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000002 - nfa_2b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 < nfa_2b_sr000001) then 
secondmort = (secondmort + (((nfa_2b_sr000001 - nfa_2b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 0) then secondmort = (secondmort + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c = 1) then secondmort = (secondmort + 135000);
else if (nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondmort = -3;

/* Add components MORT */

if (mort1 >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + mort1); 
if (secondmort >= 0) then mortc = (mortc + secondmort);
if (mort1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;
else if (secondmort in(-1, -2, -3)) then mortc = -3;

/* Compute PDEBT */

/* PDEBT Component - pdebt1: */

if (nfa_1c >= 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c);
else if (nfa_1c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = -1;
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2) & (nfa_1c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_1c_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_1c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_1c_uab_c < 0) then pdebt1 = nfa_1c;
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 = nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + nfa_1c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 > nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000002 - nfa_1c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 < nfa_1c_sr000001) then 
pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + (((nfa_1c_sr000001 - nfa_1c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_1c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile1);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile2);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 0) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + quartile3);
else if (nfa_1c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c = 1) then pdebt1 = (pdebt1 + 55000);
else if (nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then pdebt1 = -3;

/* PDEBT Component - secondpdebt: */

if (nfa_2c >= 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c);
else if (nfa_2c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0 
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = -1;
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2) & (nfa_2c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_2c_sr000002 < 0) 
& nfa_2c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_2c_uab_c < 0) then secondpdebt = nfa_2c;
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 = nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + nfa_2c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 > nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000002 - nfa_2c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 < nfa_2c_sr000001) then 
secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + (((nfa_2c_sr000001 - nfa_2c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_2c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile1);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile2);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 0) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + quartile3);
else if (nfa_2c in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c = 1) then secondpdebt = (secondpdebt + 47500);
else if (nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_2c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then secondpdebt = -3;

/* Add components PDEBT */

if (pdebt1 >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + pdebt1); 
if (secondpdebt >= 0) then pdebtc = (pdebtc + secondpdebt);
if (pdebt1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;
else if (secondpdebt in(-1, -2, -3)) then pdebtc = -3;

/* Compute IRA */

/* IRA Component - ira1: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 >= 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_trunc_01);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_01 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_01 < 0) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_01 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_01 < 0) then ira1 = fa_8d_trunc_01;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 = fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
ira1 = (ira1 + fa_8d_sr000001_01);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 > fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_01 - fa_8d_sr000001_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_01));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 < fa_8d_sr000001_01) then 
ira1 = (ira1 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 - fa_8d_sr000002_01)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_01));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 0) then ira1 = (ira1 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_01 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 = 1) then ira1 = (ira1 + 200000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2)) then ira1 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira2: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 >= 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_trunc_02);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_02 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_02 < 0) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_02 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_02 < 0) then ira2 = fa_8d_trunc_02;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 = fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
ira2 = (ira2 + fa_8d_sr000001_02);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 > fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_02 - fa_8d_sr000001_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_02));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 < fa_8d_sr000001_02) then 
ira2 = (ira2 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 - fa_8d_sr000002_02)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_02));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 0) then ira2 = (ira2 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_02 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 = 1) then ira2 = (ira2 + 100000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2)) then ira2 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira3: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 >= 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + fa_8d_03);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_uab_a_03 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_03 < 0) then ira3 = fa_8d_03;
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 0) then ira3 = (ira3 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_03 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 = 1) then ira3 = (ira3 + 266000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2)) then ira3 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira4: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 >= 0) then ira4 = (ira4 + fa_8d_trunc_04);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_04 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_uab_a_04 < 0) then ira4 = fa_8d_trunc_04;
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_04 in(-1, -2)) then ira4 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira5: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 >= 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_trunc_05);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_05 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_05 < 0) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_05 < 0) then ira5 = fa_8d_trunc_05;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 = fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
ira5 = (ira5 + fa_8d_sr000001_05);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 > fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_05 - fa_8d_sr000001_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_05));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 < fa_8d_sr000001_05) then 
ira5 = (ira5 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 - fa_8d_sr000002_05)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_05));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 0) then ira5 = (ira5 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_05 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 = 1) then ira5 = (ira5 + 137000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2)) then ira5 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira6: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 >= 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_06);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_06 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_06 < 0) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_b_06 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_06 < 0) then ira6 = fa_8d_06;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 = fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
ira6 = (ira6 + fa_8d_sr000001_06);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 > fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_06 - fa_8d_sr000001_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_06));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 < fa_8d_sr000001_06) then 
ira6 = (ira6 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 - fa_8d_sr000002_06)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_06));
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile1);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile2);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 0) then ira6 = (ira6 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_06 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 = 1) then ira6 = (ira6 + 90977);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2)) then ira6 = -3;

/* IRA Component - ira7: */

if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 >= 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_trunc_07);
else if (fa_8 = 1 & fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2) & (fa_8d_sr000001_07 < 0 | fa_8d_sr000002_07 < 0) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 < 0 & fa_8d_uab_c_07 < 0) then ira7 = fa_8d_trunc_07;
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 = fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
ira7 = (ira7 + fa_8d_sr000001_07);
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 > fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000002_07 - fa_8d_sr000001_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000001_07));
else if (fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 < fa_8d_sr000001_07) then 
ira7 = (ira7 + (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 - fa_8d_sr000002_07)/2) + fa_8d_sr000002_07));
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 0) then ira7 = (ira7 + quartile3);
else if (fa_8d_trunc_07 in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 = 1) then ira7 = (ira7 + 150000);
else if (fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2) | fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2)) then ira7 = -3;

/* Add components IRA */

if (ira1 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira1); 
if (ira2 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira2); 
if (ira3 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira3); 
if (ira4 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira4); 
if (ira5 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira5); 
if (ira6 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira6); 
if (ira7 >= 0) then irac = (irac + ira7); 
if (ira1 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira2 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira3 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira4 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira5 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira6 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;
else if (ira7 in(-1, -2, -3)) then irac = -3;

/* Compute A401K */

/* A401K component - r_401k */

if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_trunc >= 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_trunc);
else if (fa_6b = 1 & fa_6e_ref_1 = 1 & fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = -1;
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_6e_sr000001 < 0 | fa_6e_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_6e_uab_a < 0 & fa_6e_uab_b < 0 & fa_6e_uab_c < 0) then r_401k = fa_6e_trunc;
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 = fa_6e_sr000001) then 
r_401k = (r_401k + fa_6e_sr000001);
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 > fa_6e_sr000001) then 
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000002 - fa_6e_sr000001)/2) + fa_6e_sr000001));
else if (fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 < fa_6e_sr000001) then 
r_401k = (r_401k + (((fa_6e_sr000001 - fa_6e_sr000002)/2) + fa_6e_sr000002));
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 0) then r_401k = (r_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_6e_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c = 1) then r_401k = (r_401k + 150000);
else if (fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then r_401k = -3;

/* A401K component - sp_401k */

if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_trunc >= 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_trunc);
else if (fa_7 = 1 & fa_7c_ref_1 = 1 & fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < 0 
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = -1;
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (fa_7c_sr000001 < 0 | fa_7c_sr000002 < 0) 
& fa_7c_uab_a < 0 & fa_7c_uab_b < 0 & fa_7c_uab_c < 0) then sp_401k = fa_7c_trunc;
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 = fa_7c_sr000001) then 
sp_401k = (sp_401k + fa_7c_sr000001);
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 > fa_7c_sr000001) then 
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000002 - fa_7c_sr000001)/2) + fa_7c_sr000001));
else if (fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 < fa_7c_sr000001) then 
sp_401k = (sp_401k + (((fa_7c_sr000001 - fa_7c_sr000002)/2) + fa_7c_sr000002));
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile1);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile2);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 0) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + quartile3);
else if (fa_7c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c = 1) then sp_401k = (sp_401k + 160000);
else if (fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then sp_401k = -3;

/* Add components A401K */

if (r_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + r_401k); 
if (sp_401k >= 0) then a401kc = (a401kc + sp_401k); 
if (r_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;
else if (sp_401k in(-1, -2, -3)) then a401kc = -3;

/* Compute CDEBT */
/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_assetpoorcars: */

if (sc_12b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + sc_12b_trunc);
else if (sc_12b_trunc = 1 & sc_12b_ref_1a = 1 & sc_12b_sr000001 < 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 < 0) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = -1;
else if (sc_12b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (sc_12b_sr000001 < 0 | sc_12b_sr000002 < 0)) then amtowe_assetpoorcars = sc_12b_trunc;
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 = sc_12b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + sc_12b_sr000001);
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 > sc_12b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12b_sr000002 - sc_12b_sr000001)/2) + sc_12b_sr000001));
else if (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 < sc_12b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_assetpoorcars = (amtowe_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12b_sr000001 - sc_12b_sr000002)/2) + sc_12b_sr000002));

/* CDEBT Component - amountowe_vehicles: */

if (nfa_4f_trunc >= 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + nfa_4f_trunc);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc < 0 | nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc < 0) 
& nfa_4f_uab_a < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_b < 0 & nfa_4f_uab_c < 0) then amountowe_vehicles = nfa_4f_trunc;
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc = nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then 
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc);
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc > nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then 
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + (((nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc - nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc));
else if (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc < nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc) then 
amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc - nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b = 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b = 1) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c = 0) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4f_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c = 1) then amountowe_vehicles = (amountowe_vehicles + 40000);
else if (nfa_4f_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_4f_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_vehicles1 = -3;

/* CDEBT Component - amtowe_othervehicles: */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc >= 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_5b_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_5b_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_5b_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5b_uab_c < 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = nfa_5b_trunc;
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 = nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + nfa_5b_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 > nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000002 - nfa_5b_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5b_sr000002 < nfa_5b_sr000001) then 
amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + (((nfa_5b_sr000001 - nfa_5b_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5b_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_b = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 0) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5b_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5b_uab_c = 1) then amtowe_othervehicles = (amtowe_othervehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_5b_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5b_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then amtowe_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CDEBT */

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_assetpoorcars); 
if (amountowe_vehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amountowe_vehicles); 
if (amtowe_othervehicles >= 0) then cdebtc = (cdebtc + amtowe_othervehicles);

if (amtowe_assetpoorcars in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amountowe_vehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3; 
else if (amtowe_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then cdebtc = -3;

/* Compute CAR */
/* CAR Component - mktval_assetpoorcars: */
if (sc_12a_trunc >= 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + sc_12a_trunc);
else if (sc_12a_trunc = 1 & sc_12a_ref_1a = 1 & sc_12a_sr000001 < 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 < 0 
& sc_12a_uab_a < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b < 0 ) then mktval_assetpoorcars = -1;
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2) & (sc_12a_sr000001 < 0 | sc_12a_sr000002 < 0) 
& sc_12a_uab_a < 0 & sc_12a_uab_b < 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = sc_12a_trunc;
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 = sc_12a_sr000001) then 
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + sc_12a_sr000001);
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 > sc_12a_sr000001) then 
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12a_sr000002 - sc_12a_sr000001)/2) + sc_12a_sr000001));
else if (sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 < sc_12a_sr000001) then 
mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + (((sc_12a_sr000001 - sc_12a_sr000002)/2) + sc_12a_sr000002));
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b = 0) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + quartile1);
else if (sc_12a_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b = 1) then mktval_assetpoorcars = (mktval_assetpoorcars + quartile2);
else if (sc_12a_uab_a in(-1, -2) | sc_12a_uab_b in(-1, -2)) then mktval_assetpoorcars = -3;

/* CAR Component - marketvalue_vehicles: */

if (nfa_4c_trunc >= 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + nfa_4c_trunc);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_4c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc < 0) 
& nfa_4c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_4c_uab_c < 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = nfa_4c_trunc;
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc = nfa_4c_sr000001) then 
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + nfa_4c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc > nfa_4c_sr000001) then 
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + (((nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc - nfa_4c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc < nfa_4c_sr000001) then 
marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + (((nfa_4c_sr000001 - nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc)/2) + nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc));
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c = 0) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_4c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c = 1) then marketvalue_vehicles = (marketvalue_vehicles + 50000);
else if (nfa_4c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_4c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then marketvalue_vehicles = -3;

/* CAR Component - mktval_othervehicles: */

if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc >= 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_trunc);
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_ref_1 = 1 & nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = -1;
else if (nfa_5 = 1 & nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2) & (nfa_5c_sr000001 < 0 | nfa_5c_sr000002 < 0)
& nfa_5c_uab_a < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_b < 0 & nfa_5c_uab_c < 0) then mktval_othervehicles = nfa_5c_trunc;
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 = nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + nfa_5c_sr000001);
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 > nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000002 - nfa_5c_sr000001)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000001));
else if (nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 < nfa_5c_sr000001) then 
mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + (((nfa_5c_sr000001 - nfa_5c_sr000002)/2) + nfa_5c_sr000002));
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile1);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile2);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 0) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + quartile3);
else if (nfa_5c_trunc in(-1, -2, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c = 1) then mktval_othervehicles = (mktval_othervehicles + 60000);
else if (nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2) | nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2)) then mktval_othervehicles = -3;

/* Add components CAR */

if (mktval_assetpoorcars >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_assetpoorcars); 
if (marketvalue_vehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + marketvalue_vehicles); 
if (mktval_othervehicles >= 0) then carc = (carc + mktval_othervehicles);

if (mktval_assetpoorcars in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (marketvalue_vehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3; 
else if (mktval_othervehicles in(-1, -2, -3)) then carc = -3;

/* Compute NET_WORTH */
/* NET_WORTH - add components created in above code */

if (homec >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + homec );
if (mortc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - mortc );
if (pdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - pdebtc);
if (cashc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + cashc );
if (irac >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + irac );
if (a401kc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + a401kc);
if (cdsc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + cdsc );
if (stockc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + stockc);
if (bizc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + bizc );
if (bdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - bdebtc);
if (cdebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - cdebtc);
if (carc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + carc );
if (posesc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw + posesc);
if (odebtc >= 0) then tnfw = (tnfw - odebtc);

if (homec in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (mortc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (pdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cashc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (irac in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (a401kc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cdsc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (stockc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (bizc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (bdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (cdebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (carc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (posesc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;
if (odebtc in(-1, -2, -3)) then tnfw = -3;

/* Adjust for partially missing range estimates */

if (tnfw ~= -3 & 
((((nfa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1a_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_1b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1b_sr000002 >= 0)) 
& nfa_1b_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1b_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_1c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_1c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_1c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_1c_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_1c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_1c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2a_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2b_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2b_sr000002 >= 0)) 
& nfa_2b_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2b_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_2c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_2c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_2c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_2c_sr000002 >= 0)) 
& nfa_2c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_2c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_1a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_1a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_1a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_1a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_1a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_1a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_1a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_01 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_01 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_01 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_01 >= 0))
& fa_8d_uab_a_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_01 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_02 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_02 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_02 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_02 >= 0)) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_02 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_03 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_03 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_03 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_03 >= 0)) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_03 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_03 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_05 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_05 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_05 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_05 >= 0)) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_05 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_05 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_06 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_06 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_06 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_06 >= 0)) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_b_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_06 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_8d_sr000001_07 >= 0 & fa_8d_sr000002_07 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_8d_sr000001_07 in(-1, -2) & fa_8d_sr000002_07 >= 0)) 
& fa_8d_uab_a_07 in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_8d_uab_c_07 in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_6e_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_6e_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_7c_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_7c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_7c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_7c_sr000002 >= 0)) 
& fa_7c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_7c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_7c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_2a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_2a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_2a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_2a_sr000002 >= 0)) 
& fa_2a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_2a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_2a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_3a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_3a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_3a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_3a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_3a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_3a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_3a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_4a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_4a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_4a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_4a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_4a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_4a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_5a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (fa_5a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_5a_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& fa_5a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_5a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_5a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_9a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_9a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_9a_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_9a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_9a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_9a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_9a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_10a_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (fa_10a_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & fa_10a_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& fa_10a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_10a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_10a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((fa_11a_sr000001 >= 0 & fa_11a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (fa_11a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & fa_11a_sr000002 >= 0))
& fa_11a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_11a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & fa_11a_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((q13_131_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_131_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_131_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_131_sr000002 >= 0))
& q13_131_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & q13_131_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((q13_132_sr000001 >= 0 & q13_132_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (q13_132_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & q13_132_sr000002 >= 0))
& q13_132_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & q13_132_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (sc_12b_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12b_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12b_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & sc_12b_sr000002 >= 0)
| (((nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc >= 0 & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4f_sr000001_trunc in(-1, -2) & nfa_4f_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_4f_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4f_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((sc_12a_sr000001 >= 0 & sc_12a_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (sc_12a_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & sc_12a_sr000002 >= 0))
& sc_12a_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & sc_12a_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_4c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_4c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_4c_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_4c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_4c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_5c_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_5c_sr000002 in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_5c_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_5c_sr000002 >= 0))
& nfa_5c_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_5c_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))
| (((nfa_6e_sr000001 >= 0 & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc in(-1, -2)) | (nfa_6e_sr000001 in(-1, -2) & nfa_6e_sr000002_trunc >= 0))
& nfa_6e_uab_a in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_b in(-1, -2, -3, -4) & nfa_6e_uab_c in(-1, -2, -3, -4))))
then do;
tnfw = -3;
tnfw_trunc = -3;

/* Apply Topcode to TNFW_TRUNC for 2020 */

if (tnfw_trunc > 5384000) then tnfw_trunc = 16449398;

tnfw_trunc = round(tnfw_trunc);

Asset and debt questions were first introduced in 1985. They were included in each survey through the 1990s, with the exception of 1991. Beginning in 2000, the assets module has been included in alternating rounds. These questions solicit information about specific categories of assets and debt. The 1985 survey included questions about ten categories. In subsequent years, these categories were expanded. Through the 1990s, the values for each category were collected with a single question per category. In 2000 and beyond, multiple values were collected with respect to some categories, providing some additional definition to those categories. For instance, questions about home value were expanded to include the value of a secondary residence as well. A single question on stocks/bonds/mutual funds/etc. was split to ask individually about stock values, bond values, mutual fund values, etc. Questions on business values and debts were expanded to establish sole or joint ownership of the business and percentage of the business that respondents owned if applicable.

In the 2000 and subsequent surveys, respondents were also given the opportunity to provide estimates for some values of which they were unsure or for which they refused to report a precise figure. Respondents had the opportunity to report values within a bounded range (reporting a low and high value) and/or to report values simply over or under certain amounts (see description of unfolding brackets earlier in the appendix), enabling a range to be established. These estimates were incorporated into the TNFW_TRUNC values where available. Questions containing the string “_SR000001” and “_SR000002” contain values for low- and high-bounded ranges respondents may have reported. Questions containing the string “UAB_A”, “UAB_B” and “UAB_C” contain responses to unfolding brackets if the respondent reported estimates in that manner.  The exception is 2000, the introductory year, when only a few questions (Q13-122, Q13-123C and Q13-125) were followed by unfolding brackets if necessary.

The categories of assets and debt are listed below, along with the survey year in which they were introduced.

1) Home value (1985)
2) Mortgages (1985)
3) Other residential debt (1985)
4) Value of farm/business/real estate (1985)
5) Debts of farm/business/real estate  (1985)
6) Market value of vehicles (1985)
7) Debt of vehicles (1985)
8) Value of stocks/bonds/mutual funds (1988)
9) Value of CDs (1994)
10) Value of trusts (1988–2000 only)*
11) Value of IRAs (1994)
12) Value of 401ks and 403bs (1994)
13) Value of cash savings (1985)
14) Value of other assets like jewelry/collections (1985)
15) Value of all other debts like credit cards/student loans (1985)

*Trusts were dropped in 2000 as few respondents reported being trust fund recipients.

Table 2 lists the reference numbers, question names and titles from the 1996 survey for each of the categories, and the imputed variable created for each category:

Table 2. Round 17 (1996) Asset and Debt Variable Categories
Asset/Debt Category
(Imputed variables were used to compute the older NET_WORTH_[YR], variables, but  not the updated TNFW_TRUNC variables.  These use the truncated versions of the variables in the Qname column.)
R Num Root Qname (rev/trunc version used wherever exists) Description
Q13-118_REVISED  R57282.01 Q13-118 Mkt Val Res Property R-Sp Own 96
Q13-119 R57283.01 Q13-119 Amount R-Sp Owe On Res Property 96
Q13-120_REVISED R57284.01 Q13-120 Amt Oth Debt R-Sp Owes On Res Prop 96
Q13-122_REVISED R57286.01 Q13-122  Amount In Savings Accounts 96
Q13-123A_REVISED R57288.01 Q13-123A Amount In IRAs-Keough 96
Q13-123C_REVISED R57290.01 Q13-123C Amount In Tax-Defrd Plans 96
Q13-123E_REVISED R57292.01 Q13-123E Amount In CDs, Loans, Mortg 96
Q13-125_REVISED R57294.01  Q13-125 Mkt Val Of Stocks, Bonds R-Sp Have 96 
Q13-127_REVISED R57296.01 Q13-127  Total Val Of Estate, Invest Trust 96 
Q13-131_REVISED R57300.01 Q13-131 Ttl Mkt Val Farm, Bsns, Oth Prop? 96
Q13-132_REVISED R57301.01 Q13-132 Ttl Amt Debts, Liablty Farm, Bsns 96
Q13-135_REVISED R57304.01 Q13-135 Amt R-Sp Owe On Vehicles 96
Q13-136_REVISED R57305.01 Q13-136 Mkt Val Of Vehicles R-Sp Own 96
Q13-138_REVISED R57307.01 Q13-138 Ttl Mkt Val Items Over $500 96
Q13-140_REVISED R57309.01 Q13-140 Total Amt R-Sp Owe To Creditors 96

As an example, Table 3 lists the twelve variables used in 2004 to create the home value variable, as a component of "TNFW_TRUNC.”

Table 3: 2004 Home Value Variables
R Number Qname Title
R83792.00 NFA_1A_TRUNC Mkt Val Res Property R/Sp Own 2004
R83793.00 NFA_1A_SR000001 Est Market Value Of Residential Property R/Spar Own
R83794.00 NFA_1A_SR000002 Est Market Value Of Residential Property R/Spar Own 
R83795.00 NFA_1A_UAB_A Market Value Of Residence In 2003 More Than Entry Amount
R83795.10 NFA_1A_UAB_B Market Value Of Residence In 2003 More Than $5k
R83796.00 NFA_1A_UAB_C Market Value Of Residence In 2003 More Than $30k 
R83814.00 NFA_2A_TRUNC  Market Value of (2nd) Residential Property R/Spouse Own 
R83814.00 NFA_2A_SR000001 Est Market Value Of (2nd) Residential Property R/Spar Own
R83815.00 NFA_2A_SR000002 Est Market Value Of (2nd) Residential Property R/Spar Own
R83816.00 NFA_2A_UAB_A  Market Value Of (2nd) Residence In 2003 More Than Entry Amount 
R83816.10 NFA_2A_UAB_B Market Value Of (2nd) Residence In 2003 More Than $5k 
R83817.00 NFA_2A_UAB_C  Market Value Of (2nd) Residence In 2003 More Than $30k 

Table 4 lists the root variables included in the asset and debt categories starting with Round 21 (2004). While only the root question names are shown in Table 4, the additional bounded range and unfolding bracket estimate questions, shown in Table 3, are incorporated as well whenever applicable.

Table 4: Data Underlying Mid-Level Asset and Debt Categories Used Beginning in Round 21 (2004)
Asset/Debt Category Rnum (the first Rnum is listed for sets of variables that fall in loops and have more than one occurrence) Root Qname (truncated version used wherever exists) Description
  R83792.00 NFA_1A Value of 1st Home
  R83814.00 NFA_2A Value of 2nd Home/Time Share
  R83799.00 NFA_1B Mortgage on 1st Home
  R83820.00 NFA_2B Mortgage on 2nd Home/Time Share
  R83808.00 NFA_1C Other Property Debt on 1st Home
  R83827.00 NFA_2C Other Property Debt on 2nd Home/Time Share
  R83630.00 FA_1A Total Amount In Checking, Savings, And Money Market Funds
  R83648.00 FA_3A Total Money If R-Spar Cashed In US Government Savings bonds
  R83657.00 FA_4A  Total Money If R-Spar Sold Mutual Funds
  R83666.00 FA_5A Total Money If Insurance Policies Cashed
  R83764.00 FA_9A Money R-Spar Have If Sold/Paid Amt Owe On Stock
  R83773.00 FA_10A  Amt Of $ If Cash/Pay Off Securities/ Bonds
  R83782.00 FA_11A R-Spouse/Partner Owed Money From Personal Or Mortgage Loans
      These variables contain only -4s and -5s after survey year 2000, since the trust asset value questions were not asked. Because there was a chance the underlying questions would be brought back, the variables (all missing) are still present in several years after 2000 to preserve a consistent sequence.
  R83868.00 Q13-FJT-11.## Market Value Of Farm in 2003,
Excluding Crops Held Under Commodity Credit Loans
  R83873.00 Q13-FJT-12B.##  Percentage Of Farm Owned By R Or Spouse
  R83896.00 Q13-BPPJT-11.##  Market Value Of Business Professional Practice 
  R83904.00 Q13-BPPJT-12B.##  Percentage Of Professional Practice That R Owns
  R83907.00 Q13-BPPJT-12E.## Market Value Of R Share Of Professional Practice
  R83927.00 Q13-REJT-11.##  Market Value Of Additional Real Estate 
  R83932.00 Q13-REJT-12B.##  Percentage Of Real Estate R-Spouse Own 
  R83936.00  Q13-REJT-12E.## Market Value Of R Share Of Real Estate 
  R83943.00 Q13-131  Total Market Value Of
Farm/Business/Other Property R/Spouse Own 
  R83869.00 Q13-FJT-12.##  Total Amount Of Debts Owed On Farm 
  R83900.00 Q13-BPPJT-12.##  Total Amount Of Debts Owed
On Professional Practice
  R83950.00 Q13-132  Total Amount Of Debts
On Farm/Business/Other Property R/Spouse Owe 
  R83979.00 NFA_4C.## Market Value Of Vehicle 
  R83611.00  SC_12A.01.##  Current Value Of Vehicle
  R84105.00 NFA_5C Market Value Of Other Personal Use Vehicles 
  R83639.00 FA_2A  Total Money If R-Spouse Cashed In
Certificate of Deposits/CDs 
CAR DEBT      
  R84080.00  NFA_4F.##  Total Amount Owed By R-Spouse
On Vehicle After Last Car Payment 
  R84098.00  NFA_5B  Total Amount Owed By R-Spar
On All Other Personal Use Vehicles 
  R83621.00 SC_12B.##  Balance Owed On Vehicle
After Last Payment 
  R84116.00 NFA_6E  Market Value Of Collections
Worth $1000 Or More 
  R84125.00 NFA_7D  Market Value Of Individual R-Spouse Items
Worth $1000 Or More 
  R84132.00 DEBT_1A  Total Balance Owed
On All Credit Card Accounts Together
  R84139.00 DEBT_2A  Total Amount R-Spouse Owes
On Student Loans
  R84147.00 DEBT_2D  Total Amount Owed
On Student Loans For Children 
  R84154.00 DEBT_3A Total Amount R-Spouse Owes To Other Businesses
After Most Recent Payment 
  R84161.00  DEBT_4A  Total Amount R-Spouse Owes Other Persons, Institutions, Companies to nearest $1000 
  R83733.00  FA_8D_TRUNC.##  Total Money If Tax Advantage Account Cashed
  R83683.00  FA_6E  Total Value Of Emp-Sponsored Retiremt Plans 
  R83700.00 FA_7C  Tot Balance Of Spar-Emp Sponsored Retiremt Plans 

Researchers can find all the original respondent data (truncated where necessary) in the NLSY79 dataset in the NLS Investigator by searching the root qnames listed in the tables above.