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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)

NLSY79 Appendix 2: Total Net Family Income and Poverty Data

Click below to view programming code.

CASEID_2022                              NORCID
FAMSIZE_2022                             FAMSIZE
SYMBOL_SPFLAG_2022                       SPFLAG
SYMBOL_PAFLAG_2022                       PAFLAG
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.01_2022                REL01
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.02_2022                REL02
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.03_2022                REL03
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.04_2022                REL04
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.05_2022                REL05
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.06_2022                REL06
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.07_2022                REL07
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.08_2022                REL08
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.09_2022                REL09
HHI_FINAL_RELCODE.10_2022                REL10
UNEMPR-TOTAL-2021_XRND                   ucr121
UNEMPSP-TOTAL-2021_XRND                  ucsp121
AFDC-TOTAL-2021_XRND                     afdc121
FDSTMPS-TOTAL-2021_XRND                  fdst121
SSB_TOTAL_2021_XRND                      SSB121
SSB_TOTAL_2022_XRND                      SSB122
UNEMPR-TOTAL-2022_XRND                   ucr122
UNEMPSP-TOTAL-2022_XRND                  ucsp122
AFDC-TOTAL-2022_XRND                     afdc122
FDSTMPS-TOTAL-2022_XRND                  fdst122
Q13-5_2022                               Q13_5
Q13-9_2022                               q13_9
RETINCR-PENSIONS-1_2022                  RR_pen1
RETINCR-PENSIONS-2_2022                  RR_pen2
RETINCR-ANNUITIES-1_2022                 RR_anu1
RETINCR-ANNUITIES-2_2022                 RR_anu2
RETINCR-IRA-1_2022                       RR_ira1
RETINCR-IRA-3_2022                       RR_ira3
RETINCR-IRA-4_2022                       RR_ira4
RETINCR-SOCSEC-1_2022                    RR_SS
Q13-69_SS_2022                           Q69_SS
Q13-70A_SS_2022                          q70a_ss
Q13-70_SS_2022                           q70_ss
Q13-70A_DIS.01_2022                      q70a_dis1
Q13-70A_DIS.02_2022                      q70a_dis2
Q13-70_DIS.01_2022                       q70_dis1
Q13-70_DIS.02_2022                       q70_dis2
Q13-31A_2022                             q13_31a
Q13-31B_2022                             q13_31b
Q13-70A_VET_2022                         q70a_vet
Q13-70_VET_2022                          q70_vet
Q13-18_2022                              q13_18
Q13-24_2022                              q13_24
RETINCSP-PENSIONS-1_2022                 RS_pen1
RETINCSP-PENSIONS-2_2022                 RS_pen2
RETINCSP-ANNUITIES-1_2022                RS_anu1
RETINCSP-ANNUITIES-2_2022                RS_anu2
RETINCSP-IRA-1_2022                      RS_ira1
RETINCSP-IRA-3_2022                      RS_ira3
RETINCSP-IRA-4_2022                      RS_ira4
RETINCSP-SOCSEC-1_2022                   RS_SS    
Q13-69_SS-SP_2022                        q69_SS_SP
Q13-70A_SS-SP_2022                       q70a_ss_sp
Q13-70_SS-SP_2022                        q70_ss_sp
Q13-70A_DIS-SP.01_2022                   q70a_dis1_sp
Q13-70A_DIS-SP.02_2022                   q70a_dis2_sp
Q13-70_DIS-SP.01_2022                    q70_dis1_sp
Q13-70_DIS-SP.02_2022                    q70_dis2_sp
Q13-31A-SP_2022                          q13_31a_sp
Q13-31B-SP_2022                          q13_31b_sp
Q13-70A-SP_VET_2022                      q70a_vet_sp
Q13-70_VET-SP_2022                       q70_vet_sp
Q13-71_2022                              q13_71
Q13-73A_2022                             q13_73a
Q13-74_2022                              q13_74
Q13-75_2022                              q13_75
Q13-80-NEW_2022                          q13_80
Q13-81-NEW_2022                          q13_81
CURDATE~D_2022                           curday   
CURDATE~M_2022                           curmo 
CURDATE~Y_2022                           curyr 
Q13-10_2022                              q10
if FAMSIZE ~= -5;
paflaga = paflag;
if (rel01 = 33 | rel02 = 33 | rel03 = 33 | rel04 = 33 | rel05 = 33
   | rel06 = 33 | rel07 = 33 | rel08 = 33 | rel09 = 33 | rel10 = 33)
   then paflaga=1;
spflaga = spflag; 
if (rel01 = 1 | rel02 = 1 | rel03 = 1 | rel04 = 1 | rel05 = 1
   | rel06 = 1 | rel07 = 1 | rel08 = 1 | rel09 = 1 | rel10 = 1)
   then spflaga=1;
***** respondent (and dependent children) income;
* wager--wage;
if q13_5=-4 then wager=0;
else wager=q13_5;
* farmr--income from farm or business;
if q13_9=-4 then farmr=0;
else farmr=q13_9;
* penr--income from retirement pension; 
if RR_pen2 in (-4 0) then penr=0;
else penr=RR_pen2;
* anur--income from retirement annuity; 
if RR_anu2 in (-4 0) then anur=0;
else anur=RR_anu2;
* irar--withdraw from IRA;
if RR_ira4 in (-4 0) then irar=0;
else irar=RR_ira4;
* ssr--income from social security;
if q70_ss=-4 then ssr=0;
else if q70a_ss in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_ss in (-1 -2 -3) then ssr=-3;
else if q70a_ss>=0 and q70_ss>=0 then ssr=q70a_ss * q70_ss;
* dis1r--veteran disability;
if q70_dis1=-4 then dis1r=0;
else if q70a_dis1 in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_dis1 in (-1 -2 -3) then dis1r=-3;
else if q70a_dis1>=0 and q70_dis1>=0 then dis1r=q70a_dis1 * q70_dis1;
* dis2r--other disability;
if q70_dis2=-4 then dis2r=0;
else if q70a_dis2 in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_dis2 in (-1 -2 -3) then dis2r=-3;
else if q70a_dis2>=0 and q70_dis2>=0 then dis2r=q70a_dis2 * q70_dis2;
* wcmpr--worker comp;
if q13_31b in (-4, 0) then wcmpr=0;
else wcmpr=q13_31b;
* vetr--other veteran benefit;
if q70_vet=-4 then vetr=0;
else if q70a_vet in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_vet in (-1 -2 -3) then vetr=-3;
else if q70a_vet>=0 and q70_vet>=0 then vetr=q70a_vet * q70_vet;
* respondent UC;
if curyr=2022 then ucr=ucr121;
else if curyr=2023 then ucr=ucr122;
if ucr in (. -4) then ucr=0;
if ucr in (-1 -2) then ucr=-3;
***** Spouse/partner income;
* wages--spouse wage;
if paflaga=1 or q13_18=-4 then wages=0;
else wages=q13_18;
* farms--spouse income from farm or business;
if paflaga=1 or q13_24=-4 then farms=0;
else farms=q13_24;
* pensp--spouse/partner income from retirement pension; 
if RS_pen2 in (-4 0) then pensp=0;
else pensp=RS_pen2;
* anusp--spouse/partner income from retirement annuity; 
if RS_anu2 in (-4 0) then anusp=0;
else anusp=RS_anu2;
* irasp--spouse/partner withdraw from IRA;
if RS_ira4 in (-4 0) then irasp=0;
else irasp=RS_ira4;
* sssp--spouse/partner income from social security;
if q70_ss_sp=-4 then sssp=0;
else if q70a_ss_sp in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_ss_sp in (-1 -2 -3) then sssp=-3;
else if q70a_ss_sp>=0 and q70_ss_sp>=0 then sssp=q70a_ss_sp * q70_ss_sp;
* dis1sp--spouse/partner veteran disability;
if q70_dis1_sp=-4 then dis1sp=0;
else if q70a_dis1_sp in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_dis1_sp in (-1 -2 -3) then dis1sp=-3;
else if q70a_dis1_sp>=0 and q70_dis1_sp>=0 then dis1sp=q70a_dis1_sp * q70_dis1_sp;
* dis2sp--spouse/partner other disability;
if q70_dis2_sp=-4 then dis2sp=0;
else if q70a_dis2_sp in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_dis2_sp in (-1 -2 -3) then dis2sp=-3;
else if q70a_dis2_sp>=0 and q70_dis2_sp>=0 then dis2sp=q70a_dis2_sp * q70_dis2_sp;
* wcmpsp--spouse/partner worker comp;
if q13_31b_sp in (-4, 0) then wcmpsp=0;
else wcmpsp=q13_31b_sp;
* vetsp--spouse/partner other veteran benefit;
if q70_vet_sp=-4 then vetsp=0;
else if q70a_vet_sp in (-1 -2 -3) or q70_vet_sp in (-1 -2 -3) then vetsp=-3;
else if q70a_vet_sp>=0 and q70_vet_sp>=0 then vetsp=q70a_vet_sp * q70_vet_sp;
* spouse UC;
if curyr=2022 then ucs=ucsp121;
else if curyr=2023 then ucs=ucsp122;
if paflaga=1 or ucs in (. -4) then ucs=0;
else if ucs in (-1 -2) then ucs=-3;
***** R and spouse/partner;
* afdc;
if curyr=2022 then afdc=afdc121;
else if curyr=2023 then afdc=afdc122;
if afdc in (-4 .) then afdc=0;
else if afdc in (-1 -2) then afdc=-3;
* food stamps;
if curyr=2022 then fdst=fdst121;
else if curyr=2023 then fdst=fdst122;
if fdst in (-4 .) then fdst=0;
else if fdst in (-1 -2) then fdst=-3;
* ssi + ssdi;
if curyr=2022 then ssb=ssb121;
else if curyr=2023 then ssb=ssb122;
if ssb in (-4 .) then ssb=0;
else if ssb in (-1 -2) then ssb=-3;
if q13_73a in (-4 0) then trst=0;
else trst=q13_73a;
*income from other sources;
if q13_75 in (-4 0) then othrs=0;
else othrs=q13_75;
*income from other family memeber in the house;
if q13_81 in (-4 0) then othrp=0;
else othrp=q13_81;
***** total family income;
array comp (*) wager farmr penr anur irar ssr dis1r dis2r wcmpr vetr ucr
               wages farms pensp anusp irasp sssp dis1sp dis2sp wcmpsp vetsp ucs
               afdc fdst ssb othrs othrp;    
do j=1 to dim(comp);
if comp(j) in (-1 -2 -3) then do; tnfi=-3; j=dim(comp); end;
else if tnfi>=0 & comp(j)>=0 then tnfi=tnfi + comp(j);
***** Poverty level;
* Federal Poverty Guidelines;
if curyr=2022 then do;
    if famsize > 0 then level= table21 + (tbl21_inc * (famsize-1));*interviewed in 2022 using 2021 guideline;
else if curyr=2023 then do;
    if famsize > 0 then level= table22 + (tbl22_inc * (famsize-1));*interviewed in 2023 using 2022 guideline;
if (tnfi > level) then cps_cur=0;
else if (tnfi >= 0 & tnfi <= level) then cps_cur=1;
else cps_cur=-3;
*****  top coding;
tnfi_trunc =  tnfi;
if (tnfi >= tnfi_98) then tnfi_trunc = tnfi_mean;                                                                                                                                                     
tnfi_trunc  = round(tnfi_trunc);

Family Poverty Status and Family Poverty Level variables


The Family Poverty Status variable is calculated using a combination of reported family income, the number of family members in the respondent's household, and the national Poverty Income Guidelines, which are updated yearly by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Poverty Income Guidelines are based on family size; the poverty guidelines set a base amount for smallest family size of one person and increases by a standard amount for each additional family member living in the household.

An NLSY79 respondent is determined to be in poverty if total net family income for the last calendar year is below the Poverty Income Guidelines given their family size.

Poverty income guideline tables

The national Poverty Income Guidelines used in creating the family poverty status variable are shown below.

Questions about the use of the poverty guidelines in one of the outlying jurisdictions (Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the North Marianas, and Palau) by a Federal program serving any of those jurisdictions should be referred to the Federal office responsible for the individual program involved.

Table 1. Poverty income guidelines by NLSY79 survey year
Survey Year Poverty Income Guidelines Year First Person Each Additional Person Four-person Family
1979 1978 $3,140 $1,020 $6,200
1980 1979 $3,400 $1,100 $6,700
1981 1980 $3,790 $1,220 $7,450
1982 1981 $4,310 $1,380 $8,450
1983 1982 $4,680 $1,540 $9,300
1984 1983 $4,860 $1,680 $9,900
1985 1984 $4,980 $1,740 $10,200
1986 1985 $5,250 $1,800 $10,650
1987 1986 $5,360 $1,880 $11,000
1988 1987 $5,500 $1,900 $11,200
1989 1988 $5,770 $1,960 $11,650
1990 1989 $5,980 $2,040 $12,100
1991 1990 $6,280 $2,140 $12,700
1992 1991 $6,620 $2,260 $13,400
1993 1992 $6,810 $2,380 $13,950
1994 1993 $6,970 $2,460 $14,350
1996 1995 $7,470 $2,560 $15,150
1998 1997 $7,890 $2,720 $16,050
2000 1999 $8,240 $2,820 $16,700
2002 2001 $8,590 $3,020 $17,650
2004 2003 $8,980 $3,140 $18,400
2006 2005 $9,570 $3,260 $19,350
2008 2007 $10,210 $3,480 $20,650
2010 2009 $10,830 $3,740 $22,050
2012 2011 $10,890 $3,820 $22,350
2014 2013 $11,670 $4,060 $23,850
2016 2015 (2016 interview date) $11,770 $4,160 $24,250
2016 2016 (2017 interview date) $11,880 $4,140 $24,300
2018 2017 (2018 interview date) $12,060 $4,180 $24,600
2018 2018 (2019 interview date) $12,140 $4,320 $25,100
2020 2019 (2020 interview date) $12,490 $4,420 $25,750
2020 2020 (2021 interview date) $12,760 $4,480 $26,200
2022 2022 (2022 interview date) $12,880 $4,540 $26,500
2022 2022 (2023 interview date) $13,590 $4,720 $27,750

Users interested in information on the variables created using the old poverty guideline standards should refer to the Prior HHS Poverty Guidelines and Federal Register References webpage.