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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Child and Young Adult (NLSCYA)

Errata for 2014 Child/Young Adult Release

Newest Errata [Posted 6/18/2019]

Revised Variable CEXCLUDED2000

The variable C00115.13 [CEXCLUDED2000], which alerts users to minority oversample cases that were not fielded in 2000, has been updated to include both CHILD and YOUNG ADULT cases who were not fielded in that round.

Previous Errata

Updates to 1996 HOME-SF scores [Posted 10/18/2017]

Several inconsistencies in the scoring of the Home Observation Measurement of the Environment-Short Form (HOME-SF) in 1996 have been identified for Section C (children ages 6-9) and Section D (children ages 10-14). These inconsistencies affected raw scores, standard scores, and percentile scores for Cognitive Stimulation subscale (Sections C and D), Emotional Support subscale (Section D), and the overall HOME-SF scale (Sections C and D). Details about the specific scoring issues and resulting updates can be found below.

Note that because standard scores and percentiles are generated by age, standard scores and percentile scores changed for some cases whose raw scores did not change. Spearman rank-order correlations between corrected and uncorrected standard scores and percentiles were .99 for Cognitive Stimulation, Emotional Support, and overall HOME scales.

1.  Cognitive Stimulation Scores for Sections C and D

The item "How often has any family member taken or arranged to take your child to any type of museum within the past year?" was inadvertently left out of the computation of the Cognitive Stimulation subscale for sections C and D in 1996. As a result, scores were 1 point too low for those who reported taking the child to a museum once or twice or more within the past year. Values were updated for the Cognitive Stimulation raw score (COGNC1996: 1,186 updates; COGND1996: 1,373 updates), standard score (COGNZ1996: 3,198 updates), and percentile score (COGNP1996: 2,554 updates).

2.  Emotional Support Scores for Section D

In 1996, the item "How many times in the past week have you had to spank your child?" was inadvertently counted as missing for children whose mothers reported that they had spanked their child 2 or more times. As a result, Emotional Support raw scores for these cases were prorated, even though there were no missing items. Values were updated for Emotional Support raw score (EMOTD1996, 81 updates), standard score (EMOTZ1996: 1,479 updates), and percentile score (EMOTP1996: 397 updates).

3.  Total HOME Scores for Sections C and D

Total HOME scores for 1996 were also affected by the changes to the Cognitive Stimulation and Emotional Support subscales noted above. Values were updated for the overall raw HOME score in Section C (HOMEC1996: 1,224 updates) and Section D (HOMED1996: 1,434 updates), HOME standard score (HOMEZ1996: 3,308 updates), HOME percentile score (HOMEP1996: 2,379 updates), and the number of missing items for the D section of the HOME (HOMEFD1996: 88 updates).

These data will be corrected in Investigator for the next full release of data.