Appendix A: HOME-SF Scales (NLSY79 Child)

Appendix A: HOME-SF Scales (NLSY79 Child)

Appendix A-2b. The NLSY79 HOME scales and item recodes: Children age 3-5 years


E = Emotional Support; C = Cognitive Stimulation

Q Name 2002-2004 Q Name 2006-2014 Scale Question Text Recode
1 0
HOME-B01 MS-HOME-B01 C How often do you read stories to child? 5,6 1-4
HOME-B02 MS-HOME-B02  C About how many children's books does child have? 4 1-3
HOME-B03 MS-HOME-B03  C About how many magazines does your family get regularly? 2-5 1
HOME-B04 MS-HOME-B04 C Does child have the use of a CD player, tape deck, or tape recorder, or record player at home and at least 5 children's records or tapes? 1 0
HOME-B05A MS-HOME-B05A  C Do you or have you helped [child] with numbers? 1 -
HOME-B05B MS-HOME-B05B C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with the alphabet? 1 -
HOME-B05C MS-HOME-B05C C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with colors? 1 -
HOME-B05D MS-HOME-B05D C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with shapes and sizes? 1 -
HOME-B06 MS-HOME-B06  E How much choice is child allowed in deciding foods s/he eats at breakfast & lunch? 1,2 3.4
HOME-B07B MS-HOME-B07B  E About how many hours is the TV on in your home each day? 0-4 >=5
HOME-B08B-01 MS- HOME-B08B-01 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Hit him/her back - 1
HOME-B08B-02 MS-HOME-B08B-02 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Send child to room 1 -
HOME-B08B-03 MS-HOME-B08B-03 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Spank child - 1
HOME-B08B-04 MS-HOME-B08B-04 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Talk to child 1 -
HOME-B08B-05 MS-HOME-B08B-05 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Ignore it 1 -
HOME-B08B-06 MS-HOME-B08B-06 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Give child a chore 1 -
HOME-B08B-07 MS-HOME-B08B-07 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Take away allowance 1 -
HOME-B08B-08 MS-HOME-B08B-08  E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Hold hands until calm 1 -
HOME-B08B-09 MS-HOME-B08B-09  E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Other non-harsh harsh
HOME-B08B-10 MS-HOME-B08B-10 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Short time-out 1 0
HOME-B09 MS-HOME-B09 C How often does a family member get a chance to take child on any kind of outing? 3-5 1,2
HOME-B10 MS-HOME-B10  C How often has a family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of museum? 2-5 1
HOME-B11 MS-HOME-B11 - How much time does the child spend watching TV on a typical weekday? - -
HOME-B12 MS-HOME-B12  - How much time does the child spend watching TV on a typical weekend day? - -
HOME-B13 MS-HOME-B13  - Does child ever see his/her father, or someone you consider a father-figure? - -
HOME-B14 MS-HOME-B14 - Is this man the child's biological father, stepfather, or a father-figure? - -
HOME-B15 MS-HOME-B15   What is his relationship to you? - -
HOME-B16 MS-HOME-B16  - Does child see his/her (father/stepfather/father-figure) on a daily basis? - -
HOME-B17 MS-HOME-B17  E How often does child eat a meal with you and his/her father/stepfather/father-figure? 1,2 3-7
HOME-B18A MS-HOME-B18A - How close does child feel toward you? - -
HOME-B18B MS-HOME-B18B - How close does child feel toward his/her (biological) father? - -
HOME-B18D MS-HOME-B18D  - How close does child feel toward his/her (father/stepfather/father-figure)? - -
HOME-B19 MS-HOME-B19  E About how many times, if any, have you had to spank child in the past week? 0,1 >=2
CSOB-1B CSOB-1B - Interviewer: Did you observe child and his/her mother together at any time? - -
CSOB-2B CSOB-2B E Interviewer: Mother conversed w/ child >=2 times (no scolding or suspicious comments)? 1 0
CSOB-3B CSOB-3B  E Interviewer: Mother answered child's questions or requests verbally? 1 0
CSOB-4B CSOB-4B  E Interviewer: Mother caressed, kissed, or hugged child at least once? 1 0
CSOB-5B CSOB-5B  E Interviewer: Mother introduced interviewer to child by name? 1 0
CSOB-6B CSOB-6B E Interviewer: Mother physically restricted or (shook/grabbed) child? 0 1
CSOB-7B CSOB-7B E Interviewer: Mother slapped or spanked child at least once? 0 1
CSOB-8B CSOB-8B E Interviewer: Mother's voice conveyed positive feeling about child? 1 0
CSOB-9B CSOB-9B C Interviewer: Child's play environment is safe? 1 0
CSOB-10B CSOB-10B  C Interviewer: Interior of the home is dark or perceptually monotonous? 0 1
CSOB-11B CSOB-11B  C Interviewer: All visible rooms of house/apartment are reasonably clean? 1 0
CSOB-12B CSOB-12B  C Interviewer: All visible rooms of house/apartment are minimally cluttered? 1 0
*Item not part of scale--used in scoring other item(s)
** If any harsh response in this series, then item score=0
Note: All HOME interviewer observation items (CSOB) are NOT read to the mother but completed by the interviewer at the conclusion of the Child Supplement.