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National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Child and Young Adult (NLSCYA)

Appendix A: HOME-SF Scales (NLSY79 Child)

The HOME-SF is divided into four parts: one for children under age three; a second for children between the ages of three and five; a third for children ages six through nine; and starting with the 1988 survey round, a fourth version for children ten and over.  The number of individual items varies according to the age of the child. Prior to constructing an overall score and the two subscores for the HOME-SF, all of the individual items are translated into dichotomous zero-one variables and then appropriately summed. More information about the HOME-SF assessment can be found in the Topical Guide.

A complete listing of the HOME-SF items by age and type of report is found below in Appendix A-1. For each age group, the (questionnaire item) components of the total scale and cognitive stimulation and emotional support subscales, and the procedure used to recode non-dichotomous responses into dichotomous responses are documented in Appendices A-2a to A-2d.

Question names for HOME-SF items are provided for the 2002 survey round to the present round. HOME-SF items for prior rounds can be located by searching for Word in Title (enter search term) contains HOME PART in NLS Investigator.

Appendix A-1. NLSY79 Child HOME-SF (Short Form): Scale items by age and type of report
Key: S = Mother Self-Report, O = Interviewer Observation
HOME-SF Item Description Age Assessed
0-2 yrs 3-5 yrs 6-9 yrs 10-14 yrs  
1. Child gets out of house 4 times a week or more S - - -
2. Child has 3 children's books (10 for ages 3-9 yrs; 20 for ages 10-14 yrs)** S S S S
3. Mother reads to child 3 times a week or more*** S S S -
4. Child taken to grocery store (once/week or 2-3 times a month) S S - -
5. Child has one or more cuddly, soft or role-playing toys S - - -
6. Child has one or more push or pull toys S - - -
7. Mother believes parents should usually or always spend time teaching kids S - - -
8. Child eats meal with both mother and father(-figure) once a day or more S S S S
9. Mom often talks with child while working S - - -
10. Mom reports no more than 1 spank during past week S S S -
11. Mom spontaneously vocalize to/conversed with child at least twice O O O O
12. Mom responded verbally to child O - - -
13. Mom showed physical affection to child O O O*** O***
14. Mom did not spank child O O - -
15. Mom did not interfere/restrict child more than 3 times O - - -
16. Mom provided appropriate toys/activities to child O - - -
17. Mom kept child in view O - - -
18. Play environment is safe (home or building for ages 36 mos +) O O O O
19. Family subscribes to at least one magazine - S - -
20. Child has use of record/CD player and at least 5 records/CDs/tapes - S - -
21. Child helped to learn numbers at home - S - -
22. Child helped to learn alphabet at home - S - -
23. Child helped to learn colors at home - S - -
24. Child helped to learn shapes and sizes at home - S - -
25. Child has some choice in foods for breakfast and lunch - S - -
26. TV is on in home less than 5 hours per day - S - -
27. Non-harsh discipline if child hits (or swears/speaks in anger ages 72mos+) - S S S
28. Child taken to museum in past year - S S S
29. Child expected to make his/her bed - - S S
30. Child expected to clean his/her room - - S S
31. Child expected to clean up after spills - - S -
32. Child expected to bathe him/herself - - S -
33. Child expected to pick up after himself/herself - - S S
34. Child expected to keep shared living areas clean and straight - - - S
35. Child expected to do routine chores such as lawn, help w/ dinner, dishes - - - S
36. Child expected to help manage his/her own time - - - S
37. Musical instrument in home child can use (see #20) - - S S
38. Family gets a daily newspaper - - S S
39. Child reads several times a week for enjoyment - - S S
40. Family encourages child to start and do hobbies - - S S
41. Child receives lessons or belongs to sports/music/art/dance/drama org - - S S
42. Child taken to musical or drama performance in past year - - S S
43. Family visits with family or friends 2-3 times a month - - S S
44. Child spends time with father(-figure) 4 times a week - - S S
45. Child spends time with father(-figure) in outdoor activities once a week - - S S
46. When watching TV, parent discusses program with child - - S S
47. Mom encouraged child to contribute to conversation - - O O
48. Mom answered child's questions or requests verbally - O O O
49. Mom introduced interviewer to child by name - O O O
50. Mom's voice conveyed positive feeling about child - O O O
51. Home is not dark - O O O
52. Home is reasonably clean - O O O
53. Home is minimally cluttered - O O O
* One combined version of Interviewer Observations used for ages 6-14 years.
** Data available so that item can be scored based on 10+ books for all ages.
*** Physical affection items reported by mothers for these age groups but not included in score.
Appendix A-2a. The NLSY79 HOME scales and item recodes: Children under age 3 years
Key: E = Emotional Support, C = Cognitive Stimulation
Q Name 2002-2004 Q Name 2006-20141    Scale Question Text Recode
1 0        
HOME-A01 MS-HOME-A01 C How often does child have a chance to get out of the house? 6,7 1-5
HOME-A02 MS-HOME-A02 C About how many children's books does child have? 3,4 1,2
HOME-A03 MS-HOME-A03 C How often do you get a chance to read to child? 5,6 1-4
HOME-A04 MS-HOME-A04 C How often do you take child to the grocery store? 1 2-4
HOME-A05 MS-HOME-A05 C About how many, if any, cuddly, soft, or role-playing toys does child have? >=1 0
HOME-A06 MS-HOME-A06 C About how many, if any, push or pull toys does child have? >=1 0
HOME-A07 MS-HOME-A07 C Some parents spend time teaching their children new skill while other parents believe children learn best on their own. Which most closely describes your attitude? 1,2 3,4
HOME-A08 MS-HOME-A08 - How much time does child spend time watching TV on a typical weekday? - -
HOME-A09 MS-HOME-A09 - How much time does child spend time watching TV on a typical weekend day? - -
HOME-A10B MS-HOME-A10B - About how many hours is the TV on in your home each day? - -
HOME-A11 MS-HOME-A11 - Does child ever see his/her father, or someone you consider a father-figure? - -
HOME-A12 MS-HOME-A12 - Is this person his/her biological father, stepfather, or father-figure? - -
HOME-A13 MS-HOME-A13 - What is his relationship to you? - -
HOME-A14 MS-HOME-A14 * Does child see his/her father/step/father-figure on a daily basis? 1 0,2
HOME-A15 MS-HOME-A15 E How often does child eat a meal with both you and his/her father/step/father-figure? 1,2 3-7
HOME-A16 MS-HOME-A16 E How often do you talk to child while you are working? 1,2 3-5
HOME-A17A MS-HOME-A17A - How close does child feel toward you? - -
HOME-A17B MS-HOME-A17B - How close does child feel toward his/her (biological) father? - -
HOME-A17D MS-HOME-A17D - How close does s/he feel toward his/her father/step/father-figure? - -
HOME-A18 MS-HOME-A18 E About how many times, if any, have you had to spank child in the past week? 0,1 >=2
CSOB-1A CSOB-1A * Interviewer: Did you observe child and his/her mother together at any time? 1 0
CSOB-2A CSOB-2A E Interviewer: Mother spontaneously spoke to child twice or more (excluding scolding)? 1 0
CSOB-3A CSOB-3A E Interviewer: Mother responded verbally to child's speech? 1 0
CSOB-4A CSOB-4A E Interviewer: Mother caressed, kissed, or hugged child at least once? 1 0
CSOB-5A CSOB-5A E Interviewer: Mother slapped or spanked child at least once? 0 1
CSOB-6A CSOB-6A E Interviewer: Mother interfered w/ child's actions or restricted child from exploring >= 3 times? 0 1
CSOB-7A CSOB-7A C Interviewer: Mother provided toys or interesting activities for child? 1 0
CSOB-8A CSOB-8A E Interviewer: Mother kept child in view/ could see child/ looked at him/her often? 1 0
CSOB-9A CSOB-9A C Interviewer: Child's play environment is safe? 1 0
1Starting in 2006, only children ages 4 and older are given the interviewer-administered assessments. Therefore, from 2006 on, raw HOME scores for children under age 4 exclude the interviewer observation items (CSOB-1A to CSOB-9A).          
*Item not part of scale--used in scoring other item(s)          
** If any harsh response in this series, then item score=0          
Note: All HOME interviewer observation items (CSOB) are NOT read to the mother but completed by the interviewer at the conclusion of the Child Supplement.          
Appendix A-2b. The NLSY79 HOME scales and item recodes: Children age 3-5 years
Key: E = Emotional Support, C = Cognitive Stimulation
Q Name 2002-2004 Q Name 2006-2014 Scale Question Text Recode
1 0    
HOME-B01 MS-HOME-B01 C How often do you read stories to child? 5,6 1-4
HOME-B02 MS-HOME-B02  C About how many children's books does child have? 4 1-3
HOME-B03 MS-HOME-B03  C About how many magazines does your family get regularly? 2-5 1
HOME-B04 MS-HOME-B04 C Does child have the use of a CD player, tape deck, or tape recorder, or record player at home and at least 5 children's records or tapes? 1 0
HOME-B05A MS-HOME-B05A  C Do you or have you helped [child] with numbers? 1 -
HOME-B05B MS-HOME-B05B C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with the alphabet? 1 -
HOME-B05C MS-HOME-B05C C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with colors? 1 -
HOME-B05D MS-HOME-B05D C Do you (or someone else) help [child] with shapes and sizes? 1 -
HOME-B06 MS-HOME-B06  E How much choice is child allowed in deciding foods s/he eats at breakfast & lunch? 1,2 3.4
HOME-B07B MS-HOME-B07B  E About how many hours is the TV on in your home each day? 0-4 >=5
HOME-B08B-01 MS- HOME-B08B-01 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Hit him/her back - 1
HOME-B08B-02 MS-HOME-B08B-02 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Send child to room 1 -
HOME-B08B-03 MS-HOME-B08B-03 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Spank child - 1
HOME-B08B-04 MS-HOME-B08B-04 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Talk to child 1 -
HOME-B08B-05 MS-HOME-B08B-05 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Ignore it 1 -
HOME-B08B-06 MS-HOME-B08B-06 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Give child a chore 1 -
HOME-B08B-07 MS-HOME-B08B-07 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Take away allowance 1 -
HOME-B08B-08 MS-HOME-B08B-08  E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Hold hands until calm 1 -
HOME-B08B-09 MS-HOME-B08B-09  E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Other non-harsh harsh
HOME-B08B-10 MS-HOME-B08B-10 E** If child got so angry that s/he hit you, what would you do? Short time-out 1 0
HOME-B09 MS-HOME-B09 C How often does a family member get a chance to take child on any kind of outing? 3-5 1,2
HOME-B10 MS-HOME-B10  C How often has a family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of museum? 2-5 1
HOME-B11 MS-HOME-B11 - How much time does the child spend watching TV on a typical weekday? - -
HOME-B12 MS-HOME-B12  - How much time does the child spend watching TV on a typical weekend day? - -
HOME-B13 MS-HOME-B13  - Does child ever see his/her father, or someone you consider a father-figure? - -
HOME-B14 MS-HOME-B14 - Is this man the child's biological father, stepfather, or a father-figure? - -
HOME-B15 MS-HOME-B15   What is his relationship to you? - -
HOME-B16 MS-HOME-B16  - Does child see his/her (father/stepfather/father-figure) on a daily basis? - -
HOME-B17 MS-HOME-B17  E How often does child eat a meal with you and his/her father/stepfather/father-figure? 1,2 3-7
HOME-B18A MS-HOME-B18A - How close does child feel toward you? - -
HOME-B18B MS-HOME-B18B - How close does child feel toward his/her (biological) father? - -
HOME-B18D MS-HOME-B18D  - How close does child feel toward his/her (father/stepfather/father-figure)? - -
HOME-B19 MS-HOME-B19  E About how many times, if any, have you had to spank child in the past week? 0,1 >=2
CSOB-1B CSOB-1B - Interviewer: Did you observe child and his/her mother together at any time? - -
CSOB-2B CSOB-2B E Interviewer: Mother conversed w/ child >=2 times (no scolding or suspicious comments)? 1 0
CSOB-3B CSOB-3B  E Interviewer: Mother answered child's questions or requests verbally? 1 0
CSOB-4B CSOB-4B  E Interviewer: Mother caressed, kissed, or hugged child at least once? 1 0
CSOB-5B CSOB-5B  E Interviewer: Mother introduced interviewer to child by name? 1 0
CSOB-6B CSOB-6B E Interviewer: Mother physically restricted or (shook/grabbed) child? 0 1
CSOB-7B CSOB-7B E Interviewer: Mother slapped or spanked child at least once? 0 1
CSOB-8B CSOB-8B E Interviewer: Mother's voice conveyed positive feeling about child? 1 0
CSOB-9B CSOB-9B C Interviewer: Child's play environment is safe? 1 0
CSOB-10B CSOB-10B  C Interviewer: Interior of the home is dark or perceptually monotonous? 0 1
CSOB-11B CSOB-11B  C Interviewer: All visible rooms of house/apartment are reasonably clean? 1 0
CSOB-12B CSOB-12B  C Interviewer: All visible rooms of house/apartment are minimally cluttered? 1 0
*Item not part of scale--used in scoring other item(s)          
** If any harsh response in this series, then item score=0          
Note: All HOME interviewer observation items (CSOB) are NOT read to the mother but completed by the interviewer at the conclusion of the Child Supplement.          

All HOME interviewer observation items (CSOB) are NOT read to the mother but completed by the interviewer at the conclusion of the Child Supplement.

Appendix A-2c. The NLSY79 HOME scales and item recode: Children age 6-9 years
Key: E = Emotional Support, C = Cognitive Stimulation
Q Name 2002-2004 Q Name 2006-2014 Scale Question Text Recode
1 0    
HOME-C01 MS-HOME-C01 C About how many books does child have? 4 1-3
HOME-C02 MS-HOME-C02  C How often do you read aloud to child? 5,6 1-4
HOME-C03A MS-HOME-C03A  E How often is child expected to make his/her own bed? 2-5 else
HOME-C03B MS-HOME-C03B  E How often is child expected to clean his/her own room? 2-5 else
HOME-C03C MS-HOME-C03C  E How often is child expected to clean up after spills? 2-5 else
HOME-C03D MS-HOME-C03D E How often is child expected to bathe himself/herself? 2-5 else
HOME-C03E MS-HOME-C03E E How often is child expected to pick up after himself/herself? 2-5 else
HOME-C04 MS-HOME-C04  C Is there a musical instrument that child can use here at home? 1 0
HOME-C05 MS-HOME-C05  C Does your family get a daily newspaper? 1 0
HOME-C06 MS-HOME-C06 C How often does child read for enjoyment? 1,2 3-5
HOME-C07 MS-HOME-C07  C Does your family encourage child to start and keep doing hobbies? 1 0
HOME-C08 MS-HOME-C08  C Does child get special lessons or belong to any organization that encourages activities such as sports, music, art, dance, drama, etc.? 1 0
HOME-C09 MS-HOME-C09  C How often has a family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of museum? 2-5 1
HOME-C10 MS-HOME-C10  C How often has a family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of musical or theatrical performance within the past year? 2-5 1
HOME-C11 MS-HOME-C11  E How often does your whole family get together with relatives or friends? 4,5 1-3
HOME-C12 MS-HOME-C12 - How much time would you say child spends watching TV on a typical weekday? - -
HOME-C13 MS-HOME-C13  - How much time would you say child spends watching TV on a typical weekend day? - -
HOME-C14 MS-HOME-C14  - Does child ever see his or her father, stepfather, or father-figure? - -
HOME-C15 MS-HOME-C15 - Is this man his/her biological father, stepfather, or father-figure? - -
HOME-C16 MS-HOME-C16 - What is his relationship to you? - -
HOME-C17 MS-HOME-C17 E How often does child spend time with his/her father, stepfather, or father-figure? 1,2 3-7
HOME-C18 MS-HOME-C18  E How often does child spend time with his/her father, stepfather, or father-figure in outdoor activities? 1-3 4-7
HOME-C19 MS-HOME-C19 E How often does child eat a meal with both mother and father? 1,2 3-7
HOME-C20 MS-HOME-C20 C When your family watches TV, do you or (father) discuss programs with him/her?    
HOME-C21A MS-HOME-C21A  - How close does child feel toward you? - -
HOME-C21B MS-HOME-C21B  - How close does child feel toward his/her biological father? - -
HOME-C21D MS-HOME-C21D - How close does child feel toward his/her stepfather? - -
HOME-C22B-01 MS-HOME-C22B-01 E** Mother response to tantrum-Grounding 1 -
HOME-C22B-02 MS-HOME-C22B-02 E** Mother response to tantrum-Spanking - 0
HOME-C22B-03 MS-HOME-C22B-03 E** Mother response to tantrum-Talk with child 1 -
HOME-C22B-04 MS-HOME-C22B-04 E** Mother response to tantrum-Give child a household chore 1 -
HOME-C22B-05 MS-HOME-C22B-05  E** Mother response to tantrum-Ignore it 1 -
HOME-C22B-06 MS-HOME-C22B-06 E** Mother response to tantrum-Send child to room 1 -
HOME-C22B-07 MS-HOME-C22B-07 E** Mother response to tantrum-Take away allowance 1 -
HOME-C22B-08 MS-HOME-C22B-08 E** Mother response to tantrum-Take away TV, phone or other privileges 1 -
HOME-C22B-10 MS-HOME-C22B-10  E** Mother response to tantrum-Short time-out 1 -
HOME-C22B-09 MS-HOME-C22B-09 E** Mother response to tantrum-Other (specify) Non-harsh harsh
HOME-C23A MS-HOME-C23A - Low grades-How likely would you be to contact his or her teacher or principal? - -
HOME-C23B MS-HOME-C23B  - Low grades-How likely would you be to lecture the child? - -
HOME-C23C MS-HOME-C23C - Low grades-How likely would you be to keep a closer eye on child's activities? - -
HOME-C23D MS-HOME-C23D  - Low grades-How likely would you be to punish child? - -
HOME-C23E MS-HOME-C23E - Low grades-How likely would you be to talk with child? - -
HOME-C23F MS-HOME-C23F - Low grades-How likely would you be to see child improves on his/her own? - -
HOME-C23G MS-HOME-C23G - Low grades-How likely would you be to tell child to study more? - -
HOME-C23H MS-HOME-C23H - Low grades-How likely would you be to help child with his/her homework more? - -
HOME-C23I MS-HOME-C23I  - Low grades-How likely would you be to limit non-school activities? - -
HOME-C23J MS-HOME-C23J  - Low grades-How likely would you be to do something else? - -
HOME-C24A MS-HOME-C24A  E How many times in the past week have you had to spank child? 0,1 >=2
HOME-C24B MS-HOME-C24B - How many times in the past week have you grounded child? - -
HOME-C24C MS-HOME-C24C - How many times in the past week have you taken away TV or other privileges? - -
HOME-C24D MS-HOME-C24D - How many times in the past week have you praised child for doing something worthwhile? - -
HOME-C24E MS-HOME-C24E  - How many times in the past week have you taken away his/her allowance? - -
HOME-C24F MS-HOME-C24F  - How many times in the past week have you shown child physical affection? - -
HOME-C24G MS-HOME-C24G - How many times in the past week have you sent child to his/her room? - -
HOME-C24H MS-HOME-C24H - How many times in the past week have you told another adult something positive about child? - -
CSOB-1C CSOB-1C  - Interviewer: Did you observe child and his/her mother together at any time? - -
CSOB-2C CSOB-2C  E Interviewer: Mother encouraged child to contribute to the conversation? 1 0
CSOB-3C CSOB-3C E Interviewer: Mother answered child's questions or requests verbally? 1 0
CSOB-4C CSOB-4C  E Interviewer: Mother conversed with child excluding scolding or suspicious comments? 1 0
CSOB-5C CSOB-5C E Interviewer: Mother introduced interviewer to child by name? 1 0
CSOB-6C CSOB-6C E Interviewer: Mother's voice conveyed positive feeling about child? 1 0
CSOB-7C CSOB-7C C Interviewer: Interior of the home is dark or perceptually monotonous? 0 1
CSOB-8C CSOB-8C C Interviewer: All visible rooms of the house/apartment are reasonably clean? 1 0
CSOB-9C CSOB-9C C Interviewer: All visible rooms of the house/apartment are minimally cluttered? 1 0
CSOB-10C CSOB-10C C Interviewer: Building has no dangerous structural or health hazards within a school-ager's range. 1 0
*Item not part of scale--used in scoring other item(s)          
** If any harsh response in this series, then item score=0          





E = Emotional Support; C = Cognitive Stimulation

Appendix A-2d. The NLSY79 HOME scales and item recodes: Children age 10-14 years
Key: E = Emotional Support, C = Cognitive Stimulation
Q Name 2002-2004 Q Name 2006-2014 Scale Question Text Recode  
1 0        
HOME-D01 MS-HOME-D01 C How many books does child have? 4 1-3
HOME-D02A MS-HOME-D02A  E How often is child expected to make his/her own bed? 2-5 else
HOME-D02B MS-HOME-D02B  E How often is child expected to clean his/her own room? 2-5 else
HOME-D02C MS-HOME-D02C E How often is child expected to pick up after himself/herself? 2-5 else
HOME-D02D MS-HOME-D02D  E How often is child expected to keep shared living areas clean and straight? 2-5 else
HOME-D02E MS-HOME-D02E E How often is child expected to do routine chores? 2-5 else
HOME-D02F MS-HOME-D02F E How often is child expected to help manage his/her own time? 2-5 else
HOME-D03 MS-HOME-D03  C Is there a musical instrument that child can use here at home? 1 0
HOME-D04 MS-HOME-D04 C Does your family get a daily newspaper? 1 0
HOME-D05 MS-HOME-D05  C How often does child read for enjoyment? 1,2 3-5
HOME-D06 MS-HOME-D06 C Does your family encourage child to start and keep doing hobbies? 1 0
HOME-D07 MS-HOME-D07 C Does child get special lessons or belong to any organization that encourages activities such as sports, music, art, dance, drama, etc.? 1 0
HOME-D08 MS-HOME-D08 C How often has any family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of museum? 2-5 1
HOME-D09 MS-HOME-D09  C How often has a family member taken or arranged to take child to any type of musical or theatrical performance within the past year? 2-5 1
HOME-D10 MS-HOME-D10  E How often does your whole family get together with relatives or friends? 4,5 1-3
HOME-D11 MS-HOME-D11  - How much time would you say child spends watching TV on a typical weekday? - -
HOME-D12 MS-HOME-D12 - How much time would you say child spends watching TV on a typical weekend day? - -
HOME-D13 MS-HOME-D13  - Does child ever see his or her father, stepfather, or father-figure? - -
HOME-D14 MS-HOME-D14 - Is this man his/her biological father, stepfather, or father-figure? - -
HOME-D15 MS-HOME-D15 - What is his relationship to you? - -
HOME-D16 MS-HOME-D16  E How often does child spend time with his/her father, stepfather, or father-figure? 1,2 3-7
HOME-D17 MS-HOME-D17 E How often does child spend time with his/her father, stepfather, or father-figure in outdoor activities? 1-3 4-7, 98
HOME-D18 MS-HOME-D18  E How often does child eat a meal with both mother and father? 1,2 3-7
HOME-D19 MS-HOME-D19 C When your family watches TV together, do you or child's father (or stepfather or father-figure) discuss TV programs with him/her? 1 0
HOME-D20A MS-HOME-D20A  - How close does child feel toward you? - -
HOME-D20B MS-HOME-D20B - How close does child feel toward his/her biological father? - -
HOME-D20D MS-HOME-D20D  - How close does child feel toward his/her stepfather? - -
HOME-D21B-01 MS-HOME-D21B-01 E** Mother response to tantrum-Grounding 1 -
HOME-D21B-02 MS-HOME-D21B-02 E** Mother response to tantrum-Spanking - 0
HOME-D21B-03 MS-HOME-D21B-03 E** Mother response to tantrum-Talk with child 1 -
HOME-D21B-04 MS-HOME-D21B-04  E** Mother response to tantrum-Give child a household chore 1 -
HOME-D21B-05 MS-HOME-D21B-05 E** Mother response to tantrum-Ignore it 1 -
HOME-D21B-06 MS-HOME-D21B-06  E** Mother response to tantrum-Send child to room 1 -
HOME-D21B-07 MS-HOME-D21B-07  E** Mother response to tantrum-Take away allowance 1 -
HOME-D21B-08 MS-HOME-D21B-08  E** Mother response to tantrum-Take away TV, phone or other privileges 1 -
HOME-D21B-10 MS-HOME-D21B-10 E** Mother response to tantrum-Short time-out 1 -
HOME-D21B-09 MS-HOME-D21B-09  E** Mother response to tantrum-Other (specify) non-harsh harsh
HOME-D22A MS-HOME-D22A - If child brought home a report card with grades lower than expected, Low grades-How likely would you be to contact his or her teacher or principal? - -
HOME-D22B MS-HOME-D22B - Low grades-How likely would you be to lecture the child? - -
HOME-D22C MS-HOME-D22C - Low grades-How likely would you be to keep a closer eye on child's activities? - -
HOME-D22D MS-HOME-D22D - Low grades-How likely would you be to punish child? - -
HOME-D22E MS-HOME-D22E  - Low grades-How likely would you be to talk with child? - -
HOME-D22F MS-HOME-D22F - Low grades-How likely would you be to see child improves on his/her own? - -
HOME-D22G MS-HOME-D22G - Low grades-How likely would you be to tell child to study more? - -
HOME-D22H MS-HOME-D22H - Low grades-How likely would you be to help child with his/her homework more? - -
HOME-D22I MS-HOME-D22I - Low grades-How likely would you be to limit non-school activities? - -
HOME-D22J MS-HOME-D22J - Low grades-How likely would you be to do something else? - -
HOME-D23A MS-HOME-D23A  E How many times in the past week have you had to spank child? 0,1 >=2
HOME-D23B MS-HOME-D23B - How many times in the past week have you grounded child? - -
HOME-D23C MS-HOME-D23C - How many times in the past week have you taken away TV or other privileges? - -
HOME-D23D MS-HOME-D23D - How many times in the past week have you praised child for doing something worthwhile? - -
HOME-D23E MS-HOME-D23E - How many times in the past week have you taken away his/her allowance? - -
HOME-D23F MS-HOME-D23F  - How many times in the past week have you shown child physical affection? - -
HOME-D23G MS-HOME-D23G - How many times in the past week have you sent child to his/her room? - -
HOME-D23H MS-HOME-D23H  - How many times in the past week have you told another adult something positive about child? - -
CSOB-1C CSOB-1C    Interviewer: Did you observe child and his/her mother together at any time? 1 0
CSOB-2C CSOB-2C  E Interviewer: Mother encouraged child to contribute to the conversation? 1 0
CSOB-3C CSOB-3C E Interviewer: Mother answered child's questions or requests verbally? 1 0
CSOB-4C CSOB-4C E Interviewer: Mother conversed with child excluding scolding or suspicious comments? 1 0
CSOB-5C CSOB-5C  E Interviewer: Mother introduced interviewer to child by name? 1 0
CSOB-6C CSOB-6C  E Interviewer: Mother's voice conveyed positive feeling about child? 1 0
CSOB-7C CSOB-7C C Interviewer: Interior of the home is dark or perceptually monotonous? 0 1
CSOB-8C CSOB-8C C Interviewer: All visible rooms of the house/apartment are reasonably clean? 1 0
CSOB-9C CSOB-9C C Interviewer: All visible rooms of the house/apartment are minimally cluttered? 1 0
CSOB-10C CSOB-10C C Interviewer: Building has no potentially dangerous structural or health hazards within a school-aged child's range. 1 0
*Item not part of scale--used in scoring other item(s)          
** If any harsh response in this series, then item score=0          
Note: All HOME interviewer observation items (CSOB) are NOT read to the mother but completed by the interviewer at the conclusion of the Child Supplement.