Appendix E. Sample SPSSx Program for Merging NLSY79 Child/YA & Mother Files
Appendix E. Sample SPSSx Program for Merging NLSY79 Child/YA & Mother Files
* Sample SPSSx program reads a child-based file extracted from the NLSY79 Child &
Young Adult Data.
It then reads a main Youth file extracted from the NLSY79 main Youth data set.
* The two files are sorted by case ID and merged to create a child-based file with
additional mother characteristics attached to each child case ID.
* NOTE: Users who start with data in a system file format can skip the steps that
read the ASCII files.
file handle chdfile/name=Child file specifications.
file handle momfile/name=Mother file specifications.
file handle kidsdat/name=Temporary child-based system file.
file handle momsdat/name=Temporary mother-based system file.
data list file=chdfile records=1
/1 C0000100 1-7
C0000200 8-12
C1526000 13-14
C1531500 15-16
C1531600 17-18.
compute kidflag=1. /* Use flag to restrict final file after merge. */
compute momid=C0000200. /* Use same variable name for ID in files to be merged. /
variable labels momid 'ID Code Of Mother Of Child'.
variable labels C0000100 'ID Code Of Child'.
variable labels C0000200 'ID Code Of Mother Of Child'.
variable labels C1526000 'Child Conditn Reqires Attention fr Dr 96' .
variable labels C1531500 'Child Health Covered By Insurance 96' .
variable labels C1531600 'Child Health Covered By Medicaid 96'.
variable labels kidflag 'Observation From Child Dataset' /
sort cases by C0000100. /* Sort by child ID */
descriptives variables=all.
title 'NLSY79 Child: Sample merge program-Child & main Youth file' .
subtitle 'Extract child-based health insurance variables'.
frequencies general=C1526000 C1531500 C1531600/.
save outfile=kidsdat/.
data list file momfile records=1
/1 R0000100 1-5
R0214800 6-7
R5625500 8-9
R5625600 10-11
R5625601 12-13
R5625602 14-15
R5625603 16-17
R5625604 18-19
R5625605 20-21
R5625606 22-23.
compute momid=R0000100. /* Use same var name for mom ID in both files. */
variable labels momid 'NLSY79 Identification Code (1-12686) 79'.
variable labels R0000100 'NLSY79 Identification Code (1-12686) 79'.
variable labels R0214800 'Sex Of R 79'.
variable labels R5625500 'Children Have any Health-Hospitl Plan 96'.
variable labels R5625600 'Hlth Plan-Current Employer Policy 96'.
variable labels R5625601 'Hlth Plan-Previous Employer Policy 96'.
variable labels R5625602 'Hlth Plan-Spouse-Partnr Curr Employer 96'.
variable labels R5625603 'Hlth Plan-Spouse-Partnr Prev Employer 96'.
variable labels R5625604 'Hlth Plan-Direct Purchase frm Med Co. 96'.
variable labels R5625605 'Hlth Plan-Medicaid-Pub Assist-Welfare 96'.
variable labels R5625606 'Hlth Plan - Other Source 96'.
select if (R0214800=2). /* Restrict main Youth file to females */
sort cases by momid.
descriptives variables=all.
subtitle 'NLSY79 Females: Extract mother-based health insurance vars'.
save outfile=momsdat/ .
match files table=momsdat/file=kidsdat/by momid.
select if (kidflag=1).
descriptives variables=all .
subtitle 'Check final merge of NLSY79 Child & Mother files' .
frequencies general=C1526000 C1531500 C1531600
R5625500 R5625600 R5625601
R5625602 R5625603 R5625604
R5625605 R5625606/format=onepage.