Appendix D: Behavior Problems Index (NLSY79 Child)
Appendix D: Behavior Problems Index (NLSY79 Child)
Part 1: Composition of the BPI Subscales. This section lists the Behavior Problems Index (BPI) items and explains how the subscales are constructed.
Part 2: This section includes the Behavior Problems Index norms tables, by age, for each subscale score based on dichotomous responses to the BPI items.
- BPI Anxious/Depressed Subscale
- BPI Antisocial Subscale
- BPI Dependent Subscale
- BPI Headstrong Subscale
- BPI Hyperactive Subscale
- BPI Peer Conflicts/Withdrawn Subscale
- BPI Total Scores
Part 3: This section includes the internalizing/externalizing Behavior Problems Index norms for each subscale score based on trichotomous responses to the BPI items.
More information about the Behavior Problems Index is available in the Topical Guide.