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National Longitudinal Survey of Mature and Young Women (NLSW)

Income and Assets

Mature Women cohort

Respondents were asked numerous questions about their income, assets, and debts over the course of the surveys. While many researchers use income as the primary measure of the economic resources available to a respondent, users can draw a more complete picture of economic well-being by examining both income and wealth. Wealth, which is equal to a respondent's assets minus her debts, reflects the total financial resources available to the respondent.

Data summary

In every survey year, respondents were asked about their income. Table MW1 presents the broad range of income questions asked since 1967, including wages, business and farm income, rental income, interest and dividends, public assistance support sources, and alimony. In early survey years, respondents gave their income as a single sum (combining all sources) and also provided their husbands' total income; in later years, instead of giving their income as a single sum, respondents answered separate questions on how much income they received (pretax) from the various sources (this was also true for questions about their husbands' income). Beginning in 1987, respondents were also asked about the income of their partners. In years when the entire survey was shortened, some income sources were combined into fewer questions; in years when a more in-depth survey was used, the questions were separated.

In addition to the in-depth questions about the income of the respondent and her husband or partner, respondents also provided their estimate for total income of all individuals in the family in some years, while in other years they were asked to estimate the total income of all individuals except their husbands and themselves. Finally, respondents have been asked in select years about their ability to get along on their family's income, with choices ranging from "always have money left over" to "can't make ends meet."

Correctly gauging respondent income is a complicated task. Respondents may misreport their total income due to the many sources of income and debt they must consider. A final income figure is calculated based on questions about individual income sources. The 1987-2003 surveys first asked respondents about the total income of all people living at the residence. Respondents were then asked to provide a detailed breakdown of each type of income for themselves and their spouses/partners. These questions provide researchers with a method of checking how close an individual's rough guess of income is to the more finely derived total.

Scroll right to view additional table columns.

Table MW1. Income questions: 1967-2003
Note MW1.1

Survey Year









1979, 1981





1989, 1992


Wage & Salary
















Business Income
















Farm Income
















Interest, Dividends
















Rental Income
















Social Security
















Pension Income
















Unemployment Compensation
















Workers' Compensation
















Disability Income
















Welfare (AFDC)
















Food Stamps
















Alimony, Child Support
















Assistance from Relatives
















Total Family Income
















Ability to Get Along on Income
















R and Husband/Partner Keep Joint or Separate Accounts
















Note MW1.1: All income categories are not asked as separate questions in all years; categories were most often combined in telephone surveys.

Respondents were periodically asked a full set of asset questions. Table MW2 depicts the questions pertaining to assets by survey year; note that mail and telephone surveys are omitted from the table because no asset questions were asked in those surveys. When respondents were asked the full selection of questions, they provided information on the value and mortgage of their home, cash assets, business and farm activity, vehicles, and other debts. In several years, respondents were also asked to rate their overall financial position as better than, worse than, or about the same as the previous year.

Respondents were asked a number of times (1967, 1969, 1971, 1972) about their ownership of specific types of physical assets (not included in Table MW2 due to space). Respondents stated in these years if they had purchased in the last year a new or used washing machine, dryer, stove, refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner, television, garbage disposal, stereo, or dishwasher, and if they had spent money on any major remodeling.

Table MW2. Asset questions: 1967-2003

Survey Year






1982, 1987




Own Home/Apartment










Market Value of Property










Amount Owed on Property










Have Estate/Trust










Amount Estate/Trust










Have Money Assets










Amount of Money Assets










Have Savings Bonds










Amount of Savings Bonds










Have Stocks/Bonds










Value of Stocks/Bonds










Have IRA/Keogh/401k/Life Insurance










Amount IRA/Keogh/401k/Life Insurance










People Owe You Money










Amount Owed to You










Own Farm/Business/Real Estate










Market Value Farm/Business/Real Estate










Amount Debts Farm/Business/Real Estate










Own Vehicles










Owe Any Money on Vehicles










Amount Owe on Vehicles










Market Value of Vehicles










Make/Model/Year of Vehicles










Owe Money to Creditors










Amount Owed to Creditors










Received Inheritance since DOLI










Received Life Insurance Settlement










Better/Worse Financially











One major concern when asking individuals about their income and wealth is nonresponse bias. While it is outside the scope of this chapter to fully investigate nonresponse bias, this section briefly describes nonresponse in 1997 as an example of the issues raised. There are two primary types of questions on income and assets (or debts): general questions asking whether the respondent received income from a particular source or owned a particular asset, and specific questions asking about the amount of income or the value of the asset. Factors that are likely to contribute to nonresponse are suspicion, uncertainty, shared responsibility for family finances, and complex financial arrangements.

Table MW3 provides information on response rates to questions on income in the 1997 survey. Respondents who refuse to answer, who respond with "don't know," or who are valid or invalid skips are all counted as nonresponses. The cohort has high response rates on the receipt questions--generally around 95 percent. The percentages in the amount column are based only on individuals who reported receiving that type of income. These amount questions show much lower response rates. For example, the response rate for business and farm income drops by more than 19 percent.

Table MW3. Response rates to income questions (unweighted): 1997
Respondent's Income

Receive Income from Source?

Note MW3.1







Unemployment Benefits



Social Security



Retirement Pension



Private Pension  


Military Pension  


Federal Gov. Pension  


State/Local Pension  


Union Pension  






This table is calculated from R41534.00-R41538.00, R41540.00, R41544.00, R41546.00, and R41556.00-R41570.00.

Note MW3.1: Universe is restricted to individuals who receive income from the relevant source.

Table MW4 provides information on response rates to questions on wealth in the 1997 survey. The table again shows high response rates on the ownership questions, averaging around 95 percent. The amount column is based only on individuals who own a particular asset or have a particular debt. These amount questions have much lower response rates.

Table MW4. Response rates to questions on wealth (unweighted): 1997
Type of Wealth


Note MW4.1

Assets Money Assets
Note MW4.2



Note MW4.2






Primary Residence






Liabilities Mortgage



Vehicle Debt



This table is calculated from R41463.00-R41465.00, R41473.00- R41474.00, R41483.00-R41484.00, R41501.00-R41502.00, and R41528.00-R41531.00.

Note MW4.1: Universe is restricted to individuals who have the relevant asset or debt.

Note MW4.2: In addition, 26.3% of respondents answered the stepladder questions for money assets and 37.0% for securities.

Beginning in 1995, questions about some asset categories incorporated a "stepladder" to obtain some information from respondents who initially refused to answer or did not know the answer to an asset value question. For example, if a respondent refused to state or didn't know the value of her securities, she was then asked whether the value was over $15,000. If she answered affirmatively, she was asked whether the value was over $40,000. If the value of the securities was less than $15,000, she reported whether it was more than $5,000. This system was used to obtain some information about several asset categories; the ranges of the values are adjusted so that they are appropriate for each category. Users should consult the questionnaire or codebook if they are interested in determining the types of assets and ranges for which stepladders were used in 1995 and subsequent surveys.


To ensure respondent confidentiality, income variables exceeding particular limits are truncated each survey year so that values exceeding the upper limits are converted to a set maximum value. These upper limits vary by year, as do the set maximum values. From 1967 through 1972, upper limit dollar amounts were set to 999999. From 1974 to 1980, upper limit amounts were set to maximum values of 50000, and from 1981 to 1984 the set maximum value was 50001. Beginning in 1986, income amounts exceeding $100,000 were converted to a set maximum value of 100001. The top coding system changed in 1999; this is reflected in the codebook page for each variable.

From the cohort's inception, asset variables exceeding upper limits were truncated to 999999. Beginning in 1977, assets exceeding one million were converted to a set maximum value of 999997. Starting in 1992, the Census Bureau also topcoded selected asset items if it considered that release of the absolute value might aid in the identification of a respondent. This topcoding was conducted on a case-by-case basis with the mean of the top three values substituted for each respondent who reported such amounts.

Created values and summary statistics

NLS staff created a small number of summary income and asset variables for this cohort. The standard variable, 'Total Family Income' or 'Total Net Income of Family,' was created only in years when personal interviews were conducted: 1967, 1969-72, 1977, 1982, and 1987-2003. This variable was created by adding up all of the individual's income categories. Should any of the categories be unavailable, the created variable for that year was labeled "not available." A small number of cases each year had negative income; these individuals had business expenses that are larger than their business and other income. The peak number of respondents with negative family income occurred in 1977, when nine individuals fell into this category.

Because 'Total Family Income' was only created for respondents for whom data were available for all income items, it includes a large number of missing values each year. To make it easier to use the available income information, beginning in 1992 survey staff created a second total income variable summing the reported income values regardless of whether all items were answered. This summary variable can be found by searching for "Summation" in the variable title.

The data set also includes a standard summary variable for wealth entitled 'Total Net Family Assets,' created in 1967, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1989, and 1995-2003. 'Total Net Family Assets' was created by adding up the individual's housing, savings, bond, IRA, insurance, and business assets and then subtracting mortgages, loans, and other debts; it excludes automobile wealth. Users are cautioned that a number of respondents have negative net family assets.

Related Variables The 1989-2003 questionnaires include a large number of detailed questions about the respondent's and her spouse's pension and pension income. These surveys provide information on the income from specific types of pension income, instead of grouping all pension payments together as in earlier surveys. For further information on pensions, see the Pension Benefits & Pension Plans section of this guide. Income sources are also discussed in the Program Participation and Social Security & Disability sections.
Survey Instruments Each year's questionnaire has a section on "Income" or "Assets & Income" where the variables described above are located.

Important information: Mature Women

A number of respondents have husbands or children in the other NLS Original Cohorts. If the respondent is part of a multiple respondent household, researchers may be able to compare the respondent's income and asset information with that provided by other members of her family. (For more information on the possible linkages, users should refer to the Household Composition section of this guide.) Using the husband-wife pairs may provide a more complete picture of a respondent's available resources, while the mother-child pairs provide researchers with information on how income and assets are propagated across generations.

Young Women cohort

Respondents were asked numerous questions about their income, assets, and debts over the course of the surveys. While many researchers use income as the primary measure of economic resources available to a respondent, users can draw a more complete picture of economic well-being by examining both income and wealth. Wealth, which is equal to a respondent's assets minus her debts, reflects the total financial resources available to the respondent.

Data summary

In every survey year, respondents were asked about their income. Table YW1 presents the broad range of income questions asked since 1968, including wages, business and farm income, rental income, interest and dividends, public assistance support sources, and alimony. In early survey years, respondents gave their income as a single sum (combining all sources) and also provided their husbands' total income; in later years, instead of giving their income as a single sum, respondents answered separate questions on how much income they received (pretax) from the various sources (this was also true for questions about their husbands' income). Beginning in 1983, respondents were also asked about the income of their partners. In years when the entire survey was shortened, some income sources were combined into fewer questions; in years when a more in-depth survey was used, the questions were separated.

In addition to the in-depth questions about the income of the respondent and her husband or partner, respondents also provided their estimate for total income of all individuals in the family in some years, while in other years they were asked to estimate the total income of all individuals except their husbands and themselves. Finally, respondents were asked in select years about their ability to get along on their family's income, with choices ranging from "always have money left over" to "can't make ends meet."

Correctly gauging respondent income is a complicated task. Respondents may misreport their total income due to the many sources of income and debt they must consider. A final income figure is calculated based on questions about individual income sources. The 1988-2003 surveys first asked respondents about the total income of all people living at the residence. Respondents were then asked to provide a detailed breakdown of each type of income for themselves and their spouses/partners. These questions provide researchers with a method of checking how close an individual's rough guess of income is to the more finely derived total.

Table YW1. Income questions: 1968-2003
Note YW1.1

Survey Year








1985, 1987

1988, 1991



Wage & Salary












Business Income












Farm Income












Interest, Dividends












Rental Income












Social Security












Pension Income












Unemployment Compensation












Workers' Compensation












Disability Income












Welfare (AFDC)












Food Stamps












Alimony, Child Support












Assistance from Relatives












Total Family Income












Ability to Get Along on Income












R and Husband/Partner Keep Joint or Separate Accounts












Note YW1.1: All income categories are not asked as separate questions in all years; categories were most often combined in telephone surveys.

Respondents have periodically been asked a full set of asset questions. Table YW2 depicts the questions pertaining to assets by survey year; note that telephone surveys are omitted from the table because no asset questions were asked in those surveys. When respondents are asked the full selection of questions, they provide information on the value and mortgage of their home, cash assets, business and farm activity, vehicles, and other debts. In several years, respondents have also been asked to rate their overall financial position as better than, worse than, or about the same as the previous year.

Table YW2. Asset Questions: 1968-2003

Survey Years


1969, 1970



1983, 1988




Own Home/Apartment









Market Value of Property









Amount Owed on Property









Have Estate/Trust









Amount Estate/Trust









Have Money Assets









Amount of Money Assets









Have Savings Bonds









Amount of Savings Bonds









Have Stocks/Bonds









Value of Stocks/Bonds









Have IRA/Keogh/401k/Life Insurance









Amount IRA/Keogh/401k/Life Insurance









People Owe You Money









Amount Owed to You









Own Farm/Business/Real Estate









Market Value Farm/Business/Real Estate









Amount Debts Farm/Business/Real Estate









Own Vehicles









Owe Any Money on Vehicles









Amount Owe on Vehicles









Market Value of Vehicles









Make/Model/Year of Vehicle









Owe Money to Creditors









Amount Owed to Creditors









Received Inheritance since DOLI









Received Life Insurance Settlement









Better/Worse Financially










One major concern when asking individuals about their income and wealth is nonresponse bias. While it is outside the scope of this chapter to fully investigate nonresponse bias, this section briefly describes nonresponse in 1997 as an example of the issues raised. There are two primary types of questions on income and assets (or debts): general questions asking whether the respondent received income from a particular source or owned a particular asset, and specific questions asking about the amount of income or value of the asset. Factors that are likely to contribute to nonresponse are suspicion, uncertainty, shared responsibility for family finances, and complex financial arrangements.

Table YW3 provides information on response rates to questions on income in the 1997 survey. Respondents who refuse to answer, who respond with "don't know," or who are valid or invalid skips are all counted as nonresponses. The cohort has high response rates on the receipt questions--generally around 96 percent. The percentages in the amount column are based only on individuals who reported receiving that type of income. These amount questions show much lower response rates. For example, the response rate for business and farm income drops by more than 12 percent.

Table YW3. Response rates to income questions (unweighted): 1997
Respondent's Income

Receive Income from Source?

Note YW3.1







Unemployment Benefits



Social Security



Veterans Comp/Pension



Workers' Compensation



Social Security Disability



Other Disability



This table is calculated from R41534.00-R41538.00, R41540.00-R41544.00, R41546.00, and R41548.00-R41555.00.

Note YW3.1: Universe is restricted to individuals who receive income from the relevant source.

Table YW4 provides information on response rates to questions on wealth in the 1997 survey. The table again shows high response rates on the ownership questions--generally 94 percent or higher. The amount column is based only on individuals who own a particular asset or have a particular debt. These amount questions have much lower response rates.

Table YW4. Response rates to questions on wealth (unweighted): 1997
Type of Wealth


Note YW4.1

Assets Money Assets
Note YW4.2



Note YW4.2



Savings Bonds
Note YW4.2



Primary Residence






Liabilities Mortgage



Vehicle Debt



This table is calculated from R41463.00-R41465.00, R41473.00-R41474.00, R41483.00-R41484.00, R41478.00-R41479.00, and R41528.00-R41531.00.

Note YW4.1: Universe is restricted to individuals who have the relevant asset or debt.

Note YW4.2: In addition, 19.5% of the respondents answered the stepladder questions for money assets, 29.8% for securities, and 20.2% for savings bonds.

Beginning in 1995, questions about some asset categories incorporated a "stepladder" to obtain some information from respondents who initially refused to answer or did not know the answer to an asset value question. For example, if a respondent refused to state or didn't know the value of her securities, she was then asked whether the value was over $15,000. If she answered affirmatively, she was asked whether the value was over $40,000. If the value of the securities was less than $15,000, she reported whether it was more than $5,000. This system was used to obtain some information about several asset categories; the ranges of the values are adjusted so that they are appropriate for each category. Users should consult the questionnaire or codebook if they are interested in determining the types of assets and ranges for which stepladders were used in 1995 and subsequent surveys.


To ensure respondent confidentiality, income variables exceeding particular limits are truncated each survey year so that values exceeding the upper limits are converted to a set maximum value. These upper limits vary by year, as do the set maximum values. From 1968 to 1971, upper limit dollar amounts were set to 999999. From 1972 to 1980, upper limit amounts were set to maximum values of 50000, and in 1982 and 1983 the set maximum value was 50001. Beginning in 1985, income amounts exceeding $100,000 were converted to a set maximum value of 100001. The top coding system changed in 1999; this is reflected in the codebook page for each variable.

From the cohort's inception, asset variables exceeding upper limits were truncated to 999999. Beginning in 1983, assets exceeding one million were converted to a set maximum value of 999997. Starting in 1993, the Census Bureau also topcoded selected asset items if it considered that release of the absolute value might aid in identification of a respondent. This topcoding was conducted on a case-by-case basis with the mean of the top three values substituted for each respondent who reported such amounts.

Created values and summary statistics

Survey staff have created a small number of summary income and asset variables for this cohort. The standard variable, created in 1968-73, 1978, 1983, and 1988-2003, is entitled 'Total Net Income of Family.'  This variable is created by adding up all of the individual's income categories. Should any of the categories be unavailable, the created variable for that year is labeled "not available. "A small number of cases each year have negative income; these individuals have business expenses that are larger than their business and other income. The peak number of respondents with negative family income occurred in 1983 and 1995, when seven individuals fell into this category.

Because 'Total Family Income' was only created for respondents for whom data were available for all income items, it includes a large number of missing values each year. To make it easier to use the available income information, beginning in 1991 survey staff created a second total income variable summing the reported income values regardless of whether all items were answered. This summary variable can be found by searching for "Summation" in the variable title.

The data set also includes a standard summary variable for wealth entitled 'Total Net Family Assets,' created in 1968, 1971-73, 1978, 1983, 1988, and 1993-2003. 'Total Net Family Assets' is created by adding up the individual's housing, savings, bond, IRA, insurance, and business assets and then subtracting mortgages, loans, and other debts; it excludes automobile wealth. Users are cautioned that a number of respondents have negative net family assets.

Related Variables Recent surveys have collected detailed information about pension income; these data are discussed in the Pension Benefits & Pension Plans section of this guide. Additional income sources are described in the Program Participation and Social Security & Disability sections.
Survey Instruments Income and wealth information is collected in the "Income" or "Income and Assets" section of each year's questionnaire.

Important information: Young Women

A number of respondents have husbands or parents in the other NLS Original Cohorts. If the respondent is part of a multiple respondent household, researchers may be able to compare the respondent's income and asset information with that provided by other members of her family. (For more information on the possible linkages, users should refer to the Household Composition section of this guide.)  Using the husband-wife pairs may provide a more complete picture of a respondent's available resources, while the parent-child pairs provide researchers with information on how income and assets are propagated across generations.