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Title: Antecedents and Correlates of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Alcohol-Cocaine Abuse in Early Adulthood
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1. |
Windle, Michael T. Miller, Carol T. |
Antecedents and Correlates of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Alcohol-Cocaine Abuse in Early Adulthood Journal of Drug Education 21,2 (1991): 133-148. Also: Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: Baywood Publishing Co. Keyword(s): Alcohol Use; Delinquency/Gang Activity; Drug Use; Gender Differences; High School Dropouts; Illegal Activities; Labor Force Participation; Marital Instability; Racial Differences Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. An abuse typology consisting of nonabusers, alcohol abusers (AAs), cocaine abusers (CAs), and joint alcohol and cocaine abusers (JACAs) was applied to data from the NLSY (N = 12,686, ages 19-26 in 1984) in order to examine prevalence, antecedents, and correlates of substance abuse. Results reveal that white males have a higher incidence of alcohol abuse, but that cocaine and joint alcohol and cocaine abuse cut across gender and ethnic lines. JACAs, followed by CAs, AAs, and nonabusers, showed the highest amount of prior 30-day and lifetime drug use and delinquent activity, and the highest rate of unemployment and marital instability. Further, JACAs had the lowest high school dropout rate but received the highest marks on tests of verbal intelligence. It is speculated that JACAs become underachievers as a result of substance abuse. [Sociological Abstracts, Inc.] |
Bibliography Citation
Windle, Michael T. and Carol T. Miller. "Antecedents and Correlates of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Alcohol-Cocaine Abuse in Early Adulthood." Journal of Drug Education 21,2 (1991): 133-148.