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Title: All in the Family: A Couples' Approach to Understanding Parental Wage Gaps Within and Across Households
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1. |
Hodges, Melissa J. |
All in the Family: A Couples' Approach to Understanding Parental Wage Gaps Within and Across Households Presented: Chicago IL, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 2015 Cohort(s): NLSY79 Publisher: American Sociological Association Keyword(s): Children; Fatherhood; Gender Differences; Household Composition; Motherhood; Wage Gap Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. Using the 1980- 2008 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), this paper examines how parenthood exacerbates gender wage inequality within married, heterosexual households and across families by spousal work time arrangements. The majority of research on motherhood penalties and fatherhood premiums investigates how individual men and women's earnings change after the arrival of children, but it remains unclear how parental bonuses and penalties align within couples and vary across households. Although studies investigating child effects on individuals' wages draw on theoretical explanations that rely on the joint decision-making of couples, little work to date directly situates the effects of children on earnings within couples and within the larger context of US earnings inequality. This paper finds that wage inequality associated with family composition not only amplifies the gender wage gap within households, but also contributes to wage inequality among couples based on differences among couples' in terms of work effort. Findings suggest that to address the growth in US wage inequality, it is necessary to consider how within-couple wage gaps associated with children vary across households. |
Bibliography Citation
Hodges, Melissa J. "All in the Family: A Couples' Approach to Understanding Parental Wage Gaps Within and Across Households." Presented: Chicago IL, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 2015. |