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Title: Adolescent Motherhood: Implications for the Juvenile Justice System
Resulting in 1 citation.
1. |
Maynard, Rebecca A. Garry, Eileen M. |
Adolescent Motherhood: Implications for the Juvenile Justice System Fact Sheet #50 (FS-9750). Washington DC: US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1997 Cohort(s): Children of the NLSY79 Publisher: U.S. Department of Justice Keyword(s): Adolescent Fertility; Delinquency/Gang Activity; Mothers, Adolescent; Teenagers Permission to reprint the abstract has not been received from the publisher. Government Document No: J 32.2:AD 7 |
Bibliography Citation
Maynard, Rebecca A. and Eileen M. Garry. Adolescent Motherhood: Implications for the Juvenile Justice System. Fact Sheet #50 (FS-9750). Washington DC: US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1997. |