Questionnaire Public Report09/20/2024 10:55:40 AM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Round:Parent Questionnaire
Instrument :Parent questionnaire (copied from combined)
  1. Child Family Background

PC12-001 [R06892.00]Section: Child Family Background

([youth.agedol()] >= 14)

COMMENT: is this youth's age on 12/31/96 >= 14?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-029)

Default Next:PC12-002

PC12-002 []Section: Child Family Background

Now I would like to ask you some questions about how decisions are made concerning []'s activities.

Default Next:PC12-003
Lead-In:PC12-001 [Default]

PC12-003 [R06893.00]Section: Child Family Background

I'm going to talk about some things parents often make rules about. Please tell me whether you make rules about these things, or does [] decide for [youth.himsf/hersf()]?

... how late [] can stay out at night.

 1   Parent makes rules
 2   Child decides for self
 3   Child and Parent decide jointly

Default Next:PC12-004
Lead-In:PC12-002 [Default]

PC12-004 [R06894.00]Section: Child Family Background

... what kinds of tv shows and movies [] can watch.

 1   Parent makes rules
 2   Child decides for self
 3   Child and Parent decide jointly

Default Next:PC12-005
Lead-In:PC12-003 [Default]

PC12-005 [R06895.00]Section: Child Family Background

... who [] can hang out with.

 1   Parent makes rules
 2   Child decides for self
 3   Child and Parent decide jointly

Default Next:PC12-006
Lead-In:PC12-004 [Default]

PC12-006 [R06896.00]Section: Child Family Background

([PC12-003()] = 2) AND ([PC12-004()] = 2) AND ([PC12-005()] = 2);

COMMENT: if "child decides for self" selected for all activities, skip out

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-019)

Default Next:PC12-009
Lead-In:PC12-005 [Default]

PC12-009 [R06897.00]Section: Child Family Background

(([PC12-003()] = 1) OR ([PC12-003()] = 3));

COMMENT: was first q answered "parent makes rules" or "parents and child decide jointly"?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-010)

Default Next:PC12-011
Lead-In:PC12-006 [Default]

PC12-010 [R06898.00]Section: Child Family Background

In the past 30 days, how many times do you think [] has broken the rules about ...

... how late [youth.he/she()] can stay out at night.


Default Next:PC12-011
Lead-In:PC12-009 [1:1]

PC12-011 [R06899.00]Section: Child Family Background

(([PC12-004()] = 1) OR ([PC12-004()] = 3))

COMMENT: was first q answered "parent makes rules" or "parents and child decide jointly"?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-012)

Default Next:PC12-012A
Lead-In:PC12-009 [Default], PC12-010 [Default]

PC12-012 [R06900.00]Section: Child Family Background

In the past 30 days, how many times do you think [] has broken the rules about ...

... what kinds of tv shows and movies [youth.he/she()] can watch.


Default Next:PC12-012A
Lead-In:PC12-011 [1:1]

PC12-012A [R06901.00]Section: Child Family Background

(([PC12-005()] = 1) OR ([PC12-005()] = 3));

COMMENT: was first q answered "parent makes rules" or "parents and child decide jointly"?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-012B)

Default Next:PC12-013
Lead-In:PC12-011 [Default], PC12-012 [Default]

PC12-012B [R06902.00]Section: Child Family Background

In the past 30 days, how many times do you think [] has broken the rules about ...

... who [] can hang out with.


Default Next:PC12-013
Lead-In:PC12-012A [1:1]

PC12-013 [R06903.00]Section: Child Family Background

If you found out that [] broke a rule, who would most likely talk to [] about it?

 1   Responding parent
 2   Other parent in this household
 3   Both parents in this household (together)
 4   Mom who lives somewhere else
 5   Dad who lives somewhere else
 6   Someone else (SPECIFY)
 7   No one

Default Next:PC12-019
Lead-In:PC12-012A [Default], PC12-012B [Default]

PC12-019 []Section: Child Family Background

The next few items describe children. For each item, please indicate how well it describes [] DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS. Is it not true, sometimes true, or often true of [youth.him/her()]? Please answer all items as well as you can even if some do not seem to apply to [youth.him/her()].

Default Next:PC12-020
Lead-In:PC12-006 [1:1], PC12-013 [Default]

PC12-020 [R06904.00]Section: Child Family Background

([] = 2)

COMMENT: is this youth female?

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-021)

Default Next:PC12-025
Lead-In:PC12-019 [Default]

PC12-021 [R06905.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] lies or cheats.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-022
Lead-In:PC12-020 [1:1]

PC12-022 [R06906.00]Section: Child Family Background

[]'s school work is poor.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-023
Lead-In:PC12-021 [Default]

PC12-023 [R06907.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] has trouble sleeping.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-024
Lead-In:PC12-022 [Default]

PC12-024 [R06908.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] is unhappy, sad or depressed.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-029
Lead-In:PC12-023 [Default]

PC12-025 [R06909.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] can't concentrate or pay attention for long.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-026
Lead-In:PC12-020 [Default]

PC12-026 [R06910.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] lies or cheats.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-027
Lead-In:PC12-025 [Default]

PC12-027 [R06911.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] doesn't get along with other kids.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-028
Lead-In:PC12-026 [Default]

PC12-028 [R06912.00]Section: Child Family Background

[] is unhappy, sad or depressed.

Copyright Items: TM Achenbach. Reproduced by Permission

 0   Not true
 1   Sometimes true
 2   Often true

Default Next:PC12-029
Lead-In:PC12-027 [Default]

PC12-029 [R06913.00]Section: Child Family Background

([hasnonres()] = 1) and ([youth.same1()] = 0)

COMMENT: does this youth have a responding bio parent and a nonres bio parent who is not deceased AND is not the same as a previous youth's

 1   CONDITION APPLIES   ...(Go To PC12-030)

Default Next:PC-NEXT-CHILD
Lead-In:PC12-001 [1:1], PC12-024 [Default], PC12-028 [Default]

PC12-030 [R06914.00]Section: Child Family Background

Now I would like to ask you about your contact with []'s [other.moth/fath()]. In the past year, how many times have you spoken with []'s [other.moth/fath()] either face-to-face or on the phone?

If Answer >= -2 AND Answer <= 0 Then Go To

Default Next:PC12-031
Lead-In:PC12-029 [1:1]

PC12-031 [R06915.00]Section: Child Family Background


Overall, would you say YOUR behavior towards [other.him/her()] is ...

 7   Very friendly
 6   Friendly
 5   Mixed -- more friendly than unfriendly
 4   Neutral
 3   Mixed -- more unfriendly than friendly
 2   Unfriendly
 1   Very unfriendly
 0   As hostile as you can imagine

Default Next:PC12-032
Lead-In:PC12-030 [Default]

PC12-032 [R06916.00]Section: Child Family Background


How about [other.his/her()] behavior towards you?

 7   Very friendly
 6   Friendly
 5   Mixed -- more friendly than unfriendly
 4   Neutral
 3   Mixed -- more unfriendly than friendly
 2   Unfriendly
 1   Very unfriendly
 0   As hostile as you can imagine

Default Next:PC-NEXT-CHILD
Lead-In:PC12-031 [Default]

PC-NEXT-CHILD []Section: Child Family Background


Default Next:PLOC-INT
Lead-In:PC12-030 [-2:0], PC12-029 [Default], PC12-032 [Default]