Questionnaire Public Report11/15/2023 03:19:16 PM
Cohort:National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Round:Youth Questionnaire 97 (R21)
Instrument :Youth
  1. SAQF

YSAQF-438A []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: R was in a corrections facility at dli

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-438D

YSAQF-438B []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year were you first released from a corrections facility, including an adult or juvenile institution or reform or training school?

 1   I have never been in a corrections facility   ...(Go To YSAQF-438D) 2   I am still in a corrections facility   ...(Go To YSAQF-438D)
 3   1997 4   1998
 5   1999 6   2000
 7   2001 8   2002
 9   2003 10   2004
 11   2005 12   2006
 13   2007 14   2008
 15   2009 16   2010
 17   2011 18   2012
 19   2013 20   2014
 21   2015 22   2016
 23   2017 24   2018
 25   2019 26   2020
 27   2021 28   2022
 29   2023 30   2024

Default Next:YSAQF-438C
Lead-In:YSAQF-438A [1:1]

YSAQF-438C []Section: SAQF

What month were you first released from a corrections facility since [{LINTDATE~X}]?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-438C1
Lead-In:YSAQF-438B [Default]

YSAQF-438C1 []Section: SAQF

At the time of your release, were you placed on parole?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-438C2)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-438D
Lead-In:YSAQF-438C [Default]

YSAQF-438C2 []Section: SAQF

Did the terms of your parole restrict...

 - a. where you could live?
 - b. how far you could travel from home?
 - c. what hours of the day you could be away from home?
 - d. whom you could associate with?
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-438C3
Lead-In:YSAQF-438C1 [1:1]

YSAQF-438C3 []Section: SAQF

Are you still on parole for that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-438D
Lead-In:YSAQF-438C2 [Default]

YSAQF-438D []Section: SAQF

[{PREV_YSAQ-502}] ==1

COMMENT: R was performing community service at dli

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-438G
Lead-In:YSAQF-438B [1:2], YSAQF-438A [Default], YSAQF-438C1 [Default], YSAQF-438C3 [Default]

YSAQF-438E []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year did you first complete a sentence to perform community service?

 1   I have never been sentenced to perform community service   ...(Go To YSAQF-438G) 2   I am still performing community service   ...(Go To YSAQF-438G)
 3   1997 4   1998
 5   1999 6   2000
 7   2001 8   2002
 9   2003 10   2004
 11   2005 12   2006
 13   2007 14   2008
 15   2009 16   2010
 17   2011 18   2012
 19   2013 20   2014
 21   2015 22   2016
 23   2017 24   2018
 25   2019 26   2020
 27   2021 28   2022
 29   2023 30   2024

Default Next:YSAQF-438F
Lead-In:YSAQF-438D [1:1]

YSAQF-438F []Section: SAQF

What month did you first complete community service since [{LINTDATE~X}]?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-438G
Lead-In:YSAQF-438E [Default]

YSAQF-438G []Section: SAQF

[{PREV_YSAQ-506B}] == 1

COMMENT: R was on probation at dli

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-439
Lead-In:YSAQF-438E [1:2], YSAQF-438D [Default], YSAQF-438F [Default]

YSAQF-438H []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year did you first stop being on probation?

 1   I have never been on probation   ...(Go To YSAQF-439) 2   I am still on probation   ...(Go To YSAQF-439)
 3   1997 4   1998
 5   1999 6   2000
 7   2001 8   2002
 9   2003 10   2004
 11   2005 12   2006
 13   2007 14   2008
 15   2009 16   2010
 17   2011 18   2012
 19   2013 20   2014
 21   2015 22   2016
 23   2017 24   2018
 25   2019 26   2020
 27   2021 28   2022
 29   2023 30   2024

Default Next:YSAQF-438I
Lead-In:YSAQF-438G [1:1]

YSAQF-438I []Section: SAQF

What month did you first stop being on probation since [{LINTDATE~X}]?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-439
Lead-In:YSAQF-438H [Default]

YSAQF-439 []Section: SAQF

[{PREV_YSAQ-439}] < 0

COMMENT: R did not answer questions about being arrested at DLI

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-441
Lead-In:YSAQF-438H [1:2], YSAQF-438G [Default], YSAQF-438I [Default]

YSAQF-439B []Section: SAQF

Have you ever been arrested by the police or taken into custody for an illegal or delinquent offense (do not include arrests for minor traffic violations)?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-440)
 0   NO

Lead-In:YSAQF-439 [1:1]

YSAQF-440 []Section: SAQF

In total, how many times have you been arrested?

If Answer >= -2 AND Answer <= -1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-440C
Lead-In:YSAQF-439B [1:1]

YSAQF-440C []Section: SAQF

[total arrests] >= 4

COMMENT: R arrested more than 3 times

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-441
Lead-In:YSAQF-440 [Default]

YSAQF-440A1 []Section: SAQF

What month were you first arrested?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-440A2
Lead-In:YSAQF-440C [1:1]

YSAQF-440A2 []Section: SAQF

What year were you first arrested?


Default Next:YSAQF-440A3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440A1 [Default]

YSAQF-440A3 []Section: SAQF

What month was your most recent arrest?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-440A4
Lead-In:YSAQF-440A2 [Default]

YSAQF-440A4 []Section: SAQF

What year was your most recent arrest?


Default Next:YSAQF-440B
Lead-In:YSAQF-440A3 [Default]

YSAQF-440B []Section: SAQF

Which of the following charges have you ever been arrested for? Please select all that apply.

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-440C2A
Lead-In:YSAQF-440A4 [Default]

YSAQF-440C2A []Section: SAQF

As a result of these charges, did you ever go to court?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440C3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440B [Default]

YSAQF-440C3 []Section: SAQF

([{ADCOURT}] == 1)

COMMENT: R went to court

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-440C2A [Default]

YSAQF-440C4 []Section: SAQF

Which of the following charges have you ever been convicted for? Again, please select all the charges that apply.

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-440C5
Lead-In:YSAQF-440C3 [1:1]

YSAQF-440C5 []Section: SAQF

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440D
Lead-In:YSAQF-440C4 [Default]

YSAQF-440D []Section: SAQF

Have you ever been sentenced to spend time in a corrections institution, like a jail, prison or a youth institution like a juvenile hall or reform school or training school or to perform community service?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-440E)
 0   NO

Lead-In:YSAQF-440C5 [Default]

YSAQF-440E []Section: SAQF

Which of the following have you been sentenced to for even one day? Please select all that apply.

 1   Jail
 2   Adult Corrections Institution
 3   Juvenile Corrections Institution
 4   Reform or Training School
 5   Community Service
 6   Other

Default Next:YSAQF-440E1
Lead-In:YSAQF-440D [1:1]

YSAQF-440E1 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-440E2
Lead-In:YSAQF-440E [Default]

YSAQF-440E2 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-440E3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440E1 [Default]

YSAQF-440E3 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-440E2 [Default]

YSAQF-440F []Section: SAQF

What month did you first serve time in a jail or a corrections institution?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-440G
Lead-In:YSAQF-440E1 [1:1], YSAQF-440E2 [1:1], YSAQF-440E3 [1:1]

YSAQF-440G []Section: SAQF

What year did you first serve time in a jail or a corrections institution?


Default Next:YSAQF-440G1
Lead-In:YSAQF-440F [Default]

YSAQF-440G1 []Section: SAQF

Are you still serving that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO   ...(Go To YSAQF-440H)

Default Next:YSAQF-440G2
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G [Default]

YSAQF-440G2 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost a job because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440G3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G1 [Default]

YSAQF-440G3 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost custody of any children because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440G4
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G2 [Default]

YSAQF-440G4 []Section: SAQF

During the time that you've been incarcerated, have you received any of the following services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious services/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440G5
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G3 [Default]

YSAQF-440G5 []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you are currently incarcerated to the place you were living before you became incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-440G6
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G4 [Default]

YSAQF-440G6 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a visit from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-440G7
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G5 [Default]

YSAQF-440G7 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you talked on the phone with friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-440G8
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G6 [Default]

YSAQF-440G8 []Section: SAQF

While you have been incarcerated, how many times did you receive a letter, e-mail or package from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Lead-In:YSAQF-440G7 [Default]

YSAQF-440H []Section: SAQF

What month were you released from that first sentence to jail or a corrections institution?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-440I
Lead-In:YSAQF-440G1 [0:0]

YSAQF-440I []Section: SAQF

What year were you released from that first sentence to jail or a corrections institution?


Default Next:YSAQF-440I1
Lead-In:YSAQF-440H [Default]

YSAQF-440I1 []Section: SAQF

At the time of your release, were you placed on parole?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-440I2)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440J
Lead-In:YSAQF-440I [Default]

YSAQF-440I2 []Section: SAQF

Did the terms of your parole restrict...

 - a. where you could live?
 - b. how far you could travel from home?
 - c. what hours of the day you could be away from home?
 - d. whom you could associate with?
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440I3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440I1 [1:1]

YSAQF-440I3 []Section: SAQF

Are you still on parole for that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440J
Lead-In:YSAQF-440I2 [Default]

YSAQF-440J []Section: SAQF

Are you currently serving a sentence?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-440K)
 0   NO

Lead-In:YSAQF-440I1 [Default], YSAQF-440I3 [Default]

YSAQF-440K []Section: SAQF

Are you serving a sentence in ...

 1   Jail
 2   Adult Corrections Institution
 3   Juvenile Corrections Institution
 4   Reform or Training School
 5   Community Service
 6   Other

Default Next:YSAQF-440K1
Lead-In:YSAQF-440J [1:1]

YSAQF-440K1 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-440K2
Lead-In:YSAQF-440K [Default]

YSAQF-440K2 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-440K1 [Default]

YSAQF-440L []Section: SAQF

What month did you begin serving your current sentence?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-440M
Lead-In:YSAQF-440K1 [1:1], YSAQF-440K2 [1:1]

YSAQF-440M []Section: SAQF

What year did you begin serving your current sentence?


Default Next:YSAQF-440M2
Lead-In:YSAQF-440L [Default]

YSAQF-440M2 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost a job because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440M3
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M [Default]

YSAQF-440M3 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost custody of any children because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440M4
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M2 [Default]

YSAQF-440M4 []Section: SAQF

During the time that you've been incarcerated, have you received any of the following services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious services/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-440M5
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M3 [Default]

YSAQF-440M5 []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you are currently incarcerated to the place you were living before you became incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-440M6
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M4 [Default]

YSAQF-440M6 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a visit from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-440M7
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M5 [Default]

YSAQF-440M7 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you talked on the phone with friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-440M8
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M6 [Default]

YSAQF-440M8 []Section: SAQF

While you have been incarcerated, how many times did you receive a letter, e-mail or package from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Lead-In:YSAQF-440M7 [Default]

YSAQF-441 []Section: SAQF

Since the date of last interview on [{LINTDATE~X}], have you been arrested by the police or taken into custody for an illegal or delinquent offense (do not include arrests for minor traffic violations)?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-443)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-442
Lead-In:YSAQF-440 [-2:-1], YSAQF-439 [Default], YSAQF-440C [Default]

YSAQF-442 []Section: SAQF

[YSAQ-439b] == 1

COMMENT: R answered "yes" to YSAQ-439B

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-442A
Lead-In:YSAQF-441 [Default]

YSAQF-442A []Section: SAQF

([YSAQF-441] == 0) && ([{PREV_EVER_ARREST}] == 1)

COMMENT: R has not been arrested since DLI and R had ever been arrested prior to DLI

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-442 [Default]

YSAQF-443 []Section: SAQF

In total, how many times have you been arrested since the last interview on [{LINTDATE~X}]?

If Answer >= -2 AND Answer <= -1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-443C
Lead-In:YSAQF-441 [1:1]

YSAQF-443C []Section: SAQF

[number of times arrested] >= 4

COMMENT: R arrested more than 3 times

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-445-LOOP-BEGIN
Lead-In:YSAQF-443 [Default]

YSAQF-443A1 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what month were you first arrested?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-443A2
Lead-In:YSAQF-443C [1:1]

YSAQF-443A2 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year were you first arrested?


Default Next:YSAQF-443A2A
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A1 [Default]

YSAQF-443A2A []Section: SAQF

At the time of that arrest, were you on probation or parole?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443A3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A2 [Default]

YSAQF-443A3 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what month was your most recent arrest?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-443A4
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A2A [Default]

YSAQF-443A4 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year was your most recent arrest?


Default Next:YSAQF-443A4A
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A3 [Default]

YSAQF-443A4A []Section: SAQF

At the time of that arrest, were you on probation or parole?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443B
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A4 [Default]

YSAQF-443B []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], which of the following charges have you ever been arrested for? Please select all that apply.

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-443C2A
Lead-In:YSAQF-443A4A [Default]

YSAQF-443C2A []Section: SAQF

As a result of these charges, did you go to court?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443C3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443B [Default]

YSAQF-443C3 []Section: SAQF

([{ADCOURT2}] == 1)

COMMENT: R went to juvenile court or adult court

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-443C2A [Default]

YSAQF-443C4 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], which of the following charges have you ever been convicted for? Again, please select all the charges that apply.

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-443C5
Lead-In:YSAQF-443C3 [1:1]

YSAQF-443C5 []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], have you been convicted of a felony?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443D
Lead-In:YSAQF-443C4 [Default]

YSAQF-443D []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], have you been sentenced to spend time in a corrections institution, like a jail, prison or a youth institution like a juvenile hall or reform school or training school or to perform community service?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-443E)
 0   NO

Lead-In:YSAQF-443C5 [Default]

YSAQF-443E []Section: SAQF

Which of the following have you been sentenced to for even one day? Please select all that apply.

 1   Jail
 2   Adult Corrections Institution
 3   Juvenile Corrections Institution
 4   Reform or Training School
 5   Community Service
 6   Other

Default Next:YSAQF-443E1
Lead-In:YSAQF-443D [1:1]

YSAQF-443E1 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-443E2
Lead-In:YSAQF-443E [Default]

YSAQF-443E2 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-443E3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443E1 [Default]

YSAQF-443E3 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-443E2 [Default]

YSAQF-443F []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what month did you first serve time in a jail or a corrections institution?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-443G
Lead-In:YSAQF-443E1 [1:1], YSAQF-443E2 [1:1], YSAQF-443E3 [1:1]

YSAQF-443G []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], what year did you first serve time in a jail or a corrections institution?


Default Next:YSAQF-443G1
Lead-In:YSAQF-443F [Default]

YSAQF-443G1 []Section: SAQF

Are you still serving that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO   ...(Go To YSAQF-443H)

Default Next:YSAQF-443G2
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G [Default]

YSAQF-443G2 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost a job because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443G3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G1 [Default]

YSAQF-443G3 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost custody of any children because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443G4
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G2 [Default]

YSAQF-443G4 []Section: SAQF

During the time that you've been incarcerated, have you received any of the following services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious services/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443G5
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G3 [Default]

YSAQF-443G5 []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you are currently incarcerated to the place you were living before you became incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-443G6
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G4 [Default]

YSAQF-443G6 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a visit from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-443G7
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G5 [Default]

YSAQF-443G7 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you talked on the phone with friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-443G8
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G6 [Default]

YSAQF-443G8 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a letter, e-mail or package from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Lead-In:YSAQF-443G7 [Default]

YSAQF-443H []Section: SAQF

What month were you released from that sentence to jail or a corrections institution?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-443I
Lead-In:YSAQF-443G1 [0:0]

YSAQF-443I []Section: SAQF

What year were you released from that sentence to jail or a corrections institution?


Default Next:YSAQF-443I1
Lead-In:YSAQF-443H [Default]

YSAQF-443I1 []Section: SAQF

At the time of your release, were you placed on parole?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-443I2)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443J
Lead-In:YSAQF-443I [Default]

YSAQF-443I2 []Section: SAQF

Did the terms of your parole restrict...

 - a. where you could live?
 - b. how far you could travel from home?
 - c. what hours of the day you could be away from home?
 - d. whom you could associate with?
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443I3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443I1 [1:1]

YSAQF-443I3 []Section: SAQF

Are you still on parole for that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443J
Lead-In:YSAQF-443I2 [Default]

YSAQF-443J []Section: SAQF

Are you currently serving a sentence?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-443K)
 0   NO

Lead-In:YSAQF-443I1 [Default], YSAQF-443I3 [Default]

YSAQF-443K []Section: SAQF

Are you serving a sentence in ...

 1   Jail
 2   Adult Corrections Institution
 3   Juvenile Corrections Institution
 4   Reform or Training School
 5   Community Service
 6   Other

Default Next:YSAQF-443K1
Lead-In:YSAQF-443J [1:1]

YSAQF-443K1 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-443K2
Lead-In:YSAQF-443K [Default]

YSAQF-443K2 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: initialize symbols to use later

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-443K1 [Default]

YSAQF-443L []Section: SAQF

What month did you begin serving your current sentence?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-443M
Lead-In:YSAQF-443K1 [1:1], YSAQF-443K2 [1:1]

YSAQF-443M []Section: SAQF

What year did you begin serving your current sentence?


Default Next:YSAQF-443M2
Lead-In:YSAQF-443L [Default]

YSAQF-443M2 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost a job because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443M3
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M [Default]

YSAQF-443M3 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost custody of any children because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443M4
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M2 [Default]

YSAQF-443M4 []Section: SAQF

During the time that you've been incarcerated, have you received any of the following services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious services/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-443M5
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M3 [Default]

YSAQF-443M5 []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you are currently incarcerated to the place you were living before you became incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-443M6
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M4 [Default]

YSAQF-443M6 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a visit from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-443M7
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M5 [Default]

YSAQF-443M7 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you talked on the phone with friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-443M8
Lead-In:YSAQF-443M6 [Default]

YSAQF-443M8 []Section: SAQF

While you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a letter, e-mail or package from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Lead-In:YSAQF-443M7 [Default]



COMMENT: Arrests loop

Default Next:YSAQF-446A
Lead-In:YSAQF-442 [1:1], YSAQF-442A [1:1], YSAQF-443 [-2:-1], YSAQF-443C [Default]

YSAQF-446A []Section: SAQF

[number of arrests] == 1

COMMENT: This is the first time through the arrest loop

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-446AB
Lead-In:YSAQF-445-LOOP-BEGIN [Default]

YSAQF-446AB []Section: SAQF

[R has DLI/PDLI unresolved arrest([{ARRESTLOOP-1}])] == 1

COMMENT: It's time to pick up the DLI arrests

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-446B
Lead-In:YSAQF-446A [Default]

YSAQF-446B []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: R has not been arrested since DLI but has an earlier unresolved arrest

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-447
Lead-In:YSAQF-446A [1:1], YSAQF-446AB [Default]

YSAQF-447 []Section: SAQF

[number of arrests] + [{NEVER_ARREST}]

COMMENT: arrest loop counter

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-452
Lead-In:YSAQF-446B [Default]

YSAQF-449 []Section: SAQF

The next questions are about the first time you were ever arrested.

Default Next:YSAQF-450
Lead-In:YSAQF-447 [1:1]

YSAQF-450 []Section: SAQF

What month was your first arrest?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-451
Lead-In:YSAQF-449 [Default]

YSAQF-451 []Section: SAQF

What year was your first arrest?


Default Next:YSAQF-455
Lead-In:YSAQF-450 [Default]

YSAQF-452 []Section: SAQF

The next questions are about your [(number)] arrest since the last interview on [{LINTDATE~X}].

Default Next:YSAQF-453
Lead-In:YSAQF-447 [Default]

YSAQF-453 []Section: SAQF

What month was your [(number)] arrest since the last interview?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-454
Lead-In:YSAQF-452 [Default]

YSAQF-454 []Section: SAQF

What year was your [(number)] arrest since the last interview?


Default Next:YSAQF-455
Lead-In:YSAQF-453 [Default]

YSAQF-455 []Section: SAQF

Did the police charge you with an offense?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-455A)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-451 [Default], YSAQF-454 [Default]

YSAQF-455A []Section: SAQF

Which of the following offenses did the police charge you with?

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-467A
Lead-In:YSAQF-455 [1:1]

YSAQF-467A []Section: SAQF

As a result of these charges, did you go to court?

 1   YES
 0   NO   ...(Go To YSAQF-492)

Default Next:YSAQF-468
Lead-In:YSAQF-455A [Default]

YSAQF-467AD []Section: SAQF

Since [{LINTDATE~X}], have you received a court decision or had an out-of-court resolution on any police charges brought against you [(prior to date of last interview)]?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-467B)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-446AB [1:1], YSAQF-446B [1:1]

YSAQF-467B []Section: SAQF

In what year were you arrested for the charges that were decided or resolved? If charges were finalized from different arrests, please enter the earliest arrest year.


Default Next:YSAQF-467B1
Lead-In:YSAQF-467AD [1:1]

YSAQF-467B1 []Section: SAQF

Which of the following offenses had the police charged you with?

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-467NA
Lead-In:YSAQF-467B [Default]

YSAQF-467NA []Section: SAQF

As a result of these charges, did you go to court?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-468
Lead-In:YSAQF-467B1 [Default]

YSAQF-468 []Section: SAQF

Were you convicted of, or found delinquent (adjudicated delinquent) of any charges, or did you plead guilty to any charges?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-469A)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-492
Lead-In:YSAQF-467A [Default], YSAQF-467NA [Default]

YSAQF-469A []Section: SAQF

Which of the following charges were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to?

 1   Assault, such as battery, rape, aggravated assault, manslaughter
 2   Robbery
 3   Burglary or breaking and entering
 4   Theft, such as auto theft, larceny, shoplifting
 5   Destruction of property, such as vandalism, arson, malicious destruction
 6   Other property offenses, such as fencing, receiving, possessing or selling stolen property
 7   Possession or use of illicit drugs
 8   Sale or trafficking of illicit drugs
 9   Major traffic offense, such as driving under the influence, reckless driving, or driving without a license
 10   Public order offense, such as drinking or purchasing alcohol under age, disorderly conduct, sex offense
 12   Violation of parole or probation
 11   Other offenses

Default Next:YSAQF-470
Lead-In:YSAQF-468 [1:1]

YSAQF-470 []Section: SAQF

Were you convicted of or did you plead guilty to a felony?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-494
Lead-In:YSAQF-469A [Default]

YSAQF-492 []Section: SAQF

What was the outcome?

 4   OTHER

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-467A [0:0], YSAQF-468 [Default]

YSAQF-494 []Section: SAQF

Were you sentenced to spend time in a corrections institution, like a jail, prison or a youth institution like juvenile hall or reform school or training school or to perform community service?

 1   JAIL   ...(Go To YSAQF-495)
 6   OTHER   ...(Go To YSAQF-505)

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-470 [Default]

YSAQF-495 []Section: SAQF

What month did you begin your sentence?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-496
Lead-In:YSAQF-494 [1:4]

YSAQF-496 []Section: SAQF

What year did you begin your sentence?


Default Next:YSAQF-497
Lead-In:YSAQF-495 [Default]

YSAQF-497 []Section: SAQF

Are you still in a corrections facility?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-497G1)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-498
Lead-In:YSAQF-496 [Default]

YSAQF-497G1 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: The prior to DLI arrest questions have already been asked

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-497G2
Lead-In:YSAQF-497 [1:1]

YSAQF-497G2 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost a job because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-497G3
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G1 [Default]

YSAQF-497G3 []Section: SAQF

Have you lost custody of any children because of your current incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-497G4
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G2 [Default]

YSAQF-497G4 []Section: SAQF

During the time that you've been incarcerated, have you received any of the following services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious services/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-497G5
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G3 [Default]

YSAQF-497G5 []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you are currently incarcerated to the place you were living before you became incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-497G6
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G4 [Default]

YSAQF-497G6 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you received a visit from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-497G7
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G5 [Default]

YSAQF-497G7 []Section: SAQF

Since you have been incarcerated, how many times have you talked on the phone with friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-497G8
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G6 [Default]

YSAQF-497G8 []Section: SAQF

While you were incarcerated, how many times did you receive a letter, e-mail or package from friends or family members?

 1   Never
 2   1 - 3 times
 3   4 - 10 times
 4   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-497G7 [Default]

YSAQF-498 []Section: SAQF

What month were you released?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-499
Lead-In:YSAQF-497 [Default]

YSAQF-499 []Section: SAQF

What year were you released?


Default Next:YSAQF-499A
Lead-In:YSAQF-498 [Default]

YSAQF-499A []Section: SAQF

At the time of your release, were you placed on parole?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-499B)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-499 [Default]

YSAQF-499B []Section: SAQF

Did the terms of your parole restrict...

 - a. where you could live?
 - b. how far you could travel from home?
 - c. what hours of the day you could be away from home?
 - d. whom you could associate with?
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-499C
Lead-In:YSAQF-499A [1:1]

YSAQF-499C []Section: SAQF

Are you still on parole for that sentence?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-499B [Default]

YSAQF-500 []Section: SAQF

What month did you begin your community service?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-501
Lead-In:YSAQF-494 [5:5]

YSAQF-501 []Section: SAQF

What year did you begin your community service?


Default Next:YSAQF-502
Lead-In:YSAQF-500 [Default]

YSAQF-502 []Section: SAQF

Are you still performing community service?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-505)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-503
Lead-In:YSAQF-501 [Default]

YSAQF-503 []Section: SAQF

What month did you complete your community service?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-504
Lead-In:YSAQF-502 [Default]

YSAQF-504 []Section: SAQF

What year did you complete your community service?


Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-503 [Default]

YSAQF-505 []Section: SAQF

Were you put on probation?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-506)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-494 [0:0], YSAQF-494 [6:6], YSAQF-502 [1:1]

YSAQF-506 []Section: SAQF

What month did you begin your probation?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-507
Lead-In:YSAQF-505 [1:1]

YSAQF-507 []Section: SAQF

What year did you begin your probation?


Default Next:YSAQF-507A
Lead-In:YSAQF-506 [Default]

YSAQF-507A []Section: SAQF

Did the terms of your probation restrict...

 - a. where you could live?
 - b. how far you could travel from home?
 - c. what hours of the day you could be away from home?
 - d. whom you could associate with?
 - e. what kind of work you could do?
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-506B
Lead-In:YSAQF-507 [Default]

YSAQF-506B []Section: SAQF

Are you still on probation?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-510-LOOP-END)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-508
Lead-In:YSAQF-507A [Default]

YSAQF-508 []Section: SAQF

What month did you end your probation?

 3   MARCH
 4   APRIL
 5   MAY
 6   JUNE
 7   JULY

Default Next:YSAQF-509
Lead-In:YSAQF-506B [Default]

YSAQF-509 []Section: SAQF

What year did you end your probation?


Default Next:YSAQF-510-LOOP-END
Lead-In:YSAQF-508 [Default]

YSAQF-510-LOOP-END []Section: SAQF

UNTIL (([number of arrests] >= ([number of times arrested] + 1 - [{NEVER_ARREST}]) || ([{OLDARRESTONLY}] == 1)) && ([{KILLTHEARRESTLOOP}] == 1))

COMMENT: Conditions from loop met? Arrests loop

Lead-In:YSAQF-497G1 [1:1], YSAQF-506B [1:1], YSAQF-455 [Default], YSAQF-467AD [Default], YSAQF-492 [Default], YSAQF-494 [Default], YSAQF-497G8 [Default], YSAQF-499A [Default], YSAQF-499C [Default], YSAQF-504 [Default], YSAQF-505 [Default], YSAQF-509 [Default]


[number of arrests]==-4

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-530
Lead-In:YSAQF-440M2 [2:2], YSAQF-439B [Default], YSAQF-440C3 [Default], YSAQF-440D [Default], YSAQF-440E3 [Default], YSAQF-440G8 [Default], YSAQF-440J [Default], YSAQF-440K2 [Default], YSAQF-440M8 [Default], YSAQF-442A [Default], YSAQF-443C3 [Default], YSAQF-443D [Default], YSAQF-443E3 [Default], YSAQF-443G8 [Default], YSAQF-443J [Default], YSAQF-443K2 [Default], YSAQF-443M8 [Default], YSAQF-510-LOOP-END [Default]

YSAQF-530 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: R has reported a completed incarceration this round

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:YSAQF-531

YSAQF-531 []Section: SAQF


COMMENT: R could have a pending incarceration to report

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-530 [Default]

YSAQF-532 []Section: SAQF

[{PENDINCARC}] == 1 && [last round interviewed] <=11

COMMENT: R has a previous completed incarceration we need to ask about and was not interviewed since round 11

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Lead-In:YSAQF-531 [1:1]

YSAQF-537 []Section: SAQF

For these next questions, please think about your most recent period of incarceration. That was the period that ended with your release in [{LAST_DATE_TXT}].

Default Next:YSAQF-537A
Lead-In:YSAQF-530 [1:1], YSAQF-532 [1:1]

YSAQF-537A []Section: SAQF

Did you lose a job because of your incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-537B
Lead-In:YSAQF-537 [Default]

YSAQF-537B []Section: SAQF

Did you lose custody of any children because of your incarceration?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-537C
Lead-In:YSAQF-537A [Default]

YSAQF-537C []Section: SAQF

Please think about when you were released from incarceration in [{LAST_DATE_TXT}]. In the month before you were released, did you receive any of these rehabilitation services?

 - re-entry preparation
 - substance abuse treatment
 - mental health treatment
 - medical attention
 - employment training
 - GED or other schooling
 - religious service/ministry
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-537D
Lead-In:YSAQF-537B [Default]

YSAQF-537D []Section: SAQF

How far would you say it is from the place you were incarcerated to the place you were living when you were incarcerated?

 1   Less than 20 miles
 2   21 - 50 miles
 3   51 - 150 miles
 4   151 miles or more

Default Next:YSAQF-537E1
Lead-In:YSAQF-537C [Default]

YSAQF-537E1 []Section: SAQF

While you were incarcerated, how many times did you receive a visit from friends or family members?

 0   Never
 1   1 -3 times
 2   4 - 10 times
 3   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-537E2
Lead-In:YSAQF-537D [Default]

YSAQF-537E2 []Section: SAQF

While you were incarcerated, how many times did you talk on the phone with friends or family members?

 0   Never
 1   1 -3 times
 2   4 - 10 times
 3   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-537E3
Lead-In:YSAQF-537E1 [Default]

YSAQF-537E3 []Section: SAQF

While you were incarcerated, how many times did you receive a letter, e-mail, or package from friends or family members?

 0   Never
 1   1 -3 times
 2   4 - 10 times
 3   More than 10 times

Default Next:YSAQF-540
Lead-In:YSAQF-537E2 [Default]

YSAQF-540 []Section: SAQF

Where did you spend the first night that you were released from incarceration?

 1   In your own house or apartment
 2   In someone else's house or apartment
 3   In a shelter or rooming house
 4   On the street or you were homeless
 5   In some other place or situation

Default Next:YSAQF-543
Lead-In:YSAQF-537E3 [Default]

YSAQF-543 []Section: SAQF

In the first three months after your release, [{CONTRIB_HAVECONTRIB}] to the cost of your housing, for example helping to pay the rent or mortgage?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-546
Lead-In:YSAQF-540 [Default]

YSAQF-546 []Section: SAQF

Since [{RELEASEFILL}], have you had trouble finding a place to live?

 1   YES   ...(Go To YSAQF-546A)
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-547A
Lead-In:YSAQF-543 [Default]

YSAQF-546A []Section: SAQF

What trouble have you had finding a place to live?

 - Had no family or friends to stay with
 - Family or friends are not allowed by housing rules to give me a place to stay
 - Was not eligible for public housing or Section 8 unit
 - No available public housing or Section 8 units
 - Had no money for a housing deposit
 - Couldn't find units that were in my budget
 - Couldn't find units within my parole restrictions
 - No available beds in shelters
 - Some other reason
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:YSAQF-547A
Lead-In:YSAQF-546 [1:1]

YSAQF-547A []Section: SAQF

Since your release, how easy or hard has it been for you to stay out of prison?

 1   Very easy
 2   Pretty easy
 3   Pretty hard
 4   Very hard

Default Next:YSAQF-547B
Lead-In:YSAQF-546 [Default], YSAQF-546A [Default]

YSAQF-547B []Section: SAQF

Since your release, how easy or hard has it been to not commit crimes?

 1   Very easy
 2   Pretty easy
 3   Pretty hard
 4   Very hard

Default Next:YSAQF-547C
Lead-In:YSAQF-547A [Default]

YSAQF-547C []Section: SAQF

How easy or hard do you think it will be to stay out of prison for the next five years?

 1   Very easy
 2   Pretty easy
 3   Pretty hard
 4   Very hard

Default Next:YSAQF-548
Lead-In:YSAQF-547B [Default]

YSAQF-548 []Section: SAQF

What do you think is the percent chance that you will be (re-) incarcerated within the next five years?


Lead-In:YSAQF-547C [Default]