/******************************************************************************************************* ** ** This program creates the following education variables for survey year 2019 ** ** variable name in variable name ** the program in the NLS ** ------------------------------------------------------ ** ENCAT CV_ENROLLSTAT ** GRSURV CV_HGC_EVER_EDT ** DEGSURV CV_HIGHEST_DEGREE_EVER_EDT GRSURV_CVC CVC_HGC_EVER DEGSURV_CVC CVC_HIGHEST_DEGREE_EVER *******************************************************************************************************/ /******** this program uses the same list of input variables as Date Received Diploma or Degree ********/ ********************************************** SECTION I **********************************************; ** Initialize and define variables; ENROLL=-3; * Indicates if R currently enrolled; ENCAT=-3; * Enrollment status variable (including educational attainment); HSD=0; * Indicates if R has a H. S. Diploma (check previous rounds); GED=0; * Indicates if R has a GED (check previous rounds); hgsch=0; * Indicates if R is currently attending grades 1-12 & no HSD or GED; college=0; * Indicates if R is in college and working towards a undergrad (=1) or grad degree (=2); attsch=0; * Indicates if R attended elementary, middle or high school; flagcoll=0; * Indicates if Rs currently attending grades 1-12, no HSD or GED but enrolled in college and working towards a grad or undergrad degree; flaghs=0; * Indicates if Rs who have a H.S. Diploma and HGC=12 but still report enrollment in school; somecoll=0; * Indicates if Rs have attended a college (in a degree program) in current or previous rounds; prevcoll=0; * Indicates if Rs have attended a college (in a degree program) in previous rounds. This pertains to those actually enrolled in a degree program in college only; currcoll=0; * Indicates if Rs have attended a college (in a degree program) in current round. This pertains to those enrolled in a college and reporting to be working towards a degree program. They may or may not be enrolled in a degree program.; clg_ok=-4; * Indicates if R being in college (as reported in this round) w/o GED/HSD is OK. That is if R is actually enrolled in a degree program. This pertains to currcoll and not prevcoll.; last_enr=0; * Identifies the last round when R was enrolled; ungraded=0; * Indicates Rs with no H.S. Diploma or GED have HGA=95 (ungraded); same_mth=0; * Indicates Rs who received a degree in the same month as the interview.; both=0; * Indicates that R reports receiving both GED and H. S. Diploma; rosprb1=0; * Indicates Rs with scode(i) in (4,5) but e27337(i)=-4; rosprb2=0; * Indicates Rs with scode(i)=-4 but e27337(i)>-4; rosprb3=0; * Indicates cases where start and stop dates of enrollment and school codes are missing from Roster although information is available in the data; rosprb4=0; * Indicates cases wherer stop dates of enrollment in the Roster is not the date of current interview although R reports being continuously enrolled in that school; rosprb5=0; * Indicates a few special cases where the reason for leaving school were interchanged between school loops 1 and 2; fill=-4; * These are filler variables that are used in arrays to match the number of elements.; chk_comm=0; * Indicates if R reports college in this round although R does not report receiving GED or H.S. Diploma, by this round. Check the comments in current round to see whether they were actually enrolled in a degree program in a college.; chk_commP=0; * Indicates if ENCAT in any prior rounds shows college although R does not report receiving GED or HS Diploma, by those rounds. Check the comments in current and earlier rounds for these cases to see whether they were actually enrolled in a degree program in a college.; chk_hgc=0; * Those who received a H.S. Diploma, but report HGA<=12 & HGC<12; chk_grmon=0; * Indicate cases where GRSURV is coded with the GRSURV at DLI, i.e., grsurvP. In these cases we must check whether that grade was completed by June of 2004 to ensure that coding GRMON also by grsurvP is correct.; hgc_hga=0; * Indicates if Rs reporting HGC greater than HGA; hgc_hga_n=-4; * Indicates if Rs reporting HGC greater than HGA, after HGC and HGA were edited for those never enrolled at or since DLI such that they remained the same as those at DLI.; ************************************************************** ** dlicm: date of last interview ** ** dli_rnd: the last round that R was interviewed ** ** doicm: date of current interview ** ** enroll_Rx: whether enrolled in earlier rounds ** ** encatP: ENCAT when last interviewed ** ** hgaloop: highest grade attended (from loops) ** ** hgcloop: highest grade completed (from loops) ** ** hgcdt: date of completion of hgcloop ** **************************************************************; MONYR=476; YEAR=2019; MONTH=8; doicm_LR=doicmr18; *** Define arrays to be used later in the program; array scode (*) scoder19_1-scoder19_5; array e27337 (*) e27337r19_1-e27337r19_5; array e23450 (*) e23450r19_1-e23450r19_5; array strtm (*) strtmr19_11-strtmr19_15 strtmr19_21; array strty (*) strtyr19_11-strtyr19_15 strtyr19_21; array stopm (*) stopmr19_11-stopmr19_15 stopmr19_21; array stopy (*) stopyr19_11-stopyr19_15 stopyr19_21; array degre (*) e27337r19_1-e27337r19_5 e27337r19_1; array codes (*) scoder19_1-scoder19_5 scoder19_1; array reasn (*) lftscr19_1-lftscr19_5 lftscr19_1; array strcm (*) strcm11-strcm15 strcm21; array stpcm (*) stpcm11-stpcm15 stpcm21; array gratnd (*) e8416r19_11 e8416r19_21 dum dum; array e6784 (*) e6784r19_1-e6784r19_4; array e7142 (*) e7142r19_11 e7142r19_21 e7142r19_31 e7142r19_41; array e7192 (*) e7192r19_1-e7192r19_4; array e6938 (*) e6938r19_1-e6938r19_3 dum; array e6943 (*) e6943r19_11 dum dum dum; array doicmR (*) doicmr1-doicmr18; array encatR (*) encatr1-encatr18; array enrollR (*) enrollr1-enrollr18; array graugR (*) hgcr1 hgcYr2-hgcYr18; array grsurvR (*) hgcr1-hgcr17 cvc_hgcr18; array hgaR (*) e3500r1 e2857r2-e2857r18; array hgcR (*) e5000r1 e3112r2-e3112r18; array gdR (*) gdr1-gdr18; array hsR (*) hsr1-hsr18; array locaR (*) dum locar2-locar18; array chk31R (*) chk31r1-chk31r18; array chk32R (*) chk32r1-chk32r18; array chk1encR (*) chk1encr1-chk1encr18; array chk1gedR (*) chk1gedr1-chk1gedr18; array chk2R (*) chk2r1-chk2r18; array chk3R (*) chk3r1-chk3r18; array chk5R (*) chk5r1-chk5r18; array scoder [18,8] scoder1_1-scoder1_2 dum dum dum dum dum dum scoder2_1-scoder2_6 dum dum scoder3_1-scoder3_7 dum scoder4_1-scoder4_5 dum dum dum scoder5_1-scoder5_6 dum dum scoder6_1-scoder6_5 dum dum dum scoder7_1-scoder7_5 dum dum dum scoder8_1-scoder8_5 dum dum dum scoder9_1-scoder9_4 dum dum dum dum scoder10_1-scoder10_5 dum dum dum scoder11_1-scoder11_5 dum dum dum scoder12_1-scoder12_8 scoder13_1-scoder13_3 dum dum dum dum dum scoder14_1-scoder14_5 dum dum dum scoder15_1-scoder15_4 dum dum dum dum scoder16_1-scoder16_4 dum dum dum dum scoder17_1-scoder17_4 dum dum dum dum scoder18_1-scoder18_6 dum dum; array degR (*) hdgr1-hdgr17 cvc_hdgr18; *** initiate the cvc_ variables; if e3112r19=-5 then do; grsurv=cvc_hgcr18; degsurv=cvc_hdgr18; end; *** Create intermediate variables to be used in the program later.; ** Checking int dates; doicmr19=-5; if intyr19 ne -5 then doicmr19=(intyr19-1980)*12+intmr19; if doicmr19~=-5 then doicm=doicmr19; * Whether received GED, ever; if CDTGD>-4 then GED=1; * Whether received HS Diploma, ever; if CDTHS>-4 then HSD=1; * Whether received both GED and HS Diploma, ever; if HSD=1 & GED=1 then both=1; * Compute dlicm and dli_rnd; do j=1 to dim(doicmR); if doicmR(j)~=-5 then do; dlicm=doicmR(j); dli_rnd=j; do k=1 to 8; if scoder(j,k) in (4,5) then ever_24yrinst=1; end; end; end; hsrp=hsr18; gdrp=gdr18; if HSD=0 & hsrP>-4 then hsrP=-4; if GED=0 & gdrP>-4 then gdrP=-4; * Enrollment status at each interview and ENCAT at last interview; do i=1 to dim(doicmR); if encatR(i) in (8,9,10,11) then enrollR(i)=1; if encatR(i) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) then enrollR(i)=0; if -5-5 then graugP=graugR(i); if locaR(i)>-5 then locaP=locaR(i); end; grsurvP=cvc_hgcr18; grsurvP_no3061=grsurvP; if 00 & stopy(i)>0 then stpcm(i)=((stopy(i)-1980)*12)+stopm(i); if -40 & strty(i)>0 then strcm(i)=((strty(i)-1980)*12)+strtm(i); if -4-4 then rosprb2=1; if scode(i) in (-2,-3) then INV1=1; if scode(i) in (4,5,6) & e27337(i) in (-2,-3) then INV2=1; end; do i=1 to dim(strcm); if strcm(i)=-3 then INV3=1; if stpcm(i)=-3 then INV3=2; if strcm(i)=-3 & stpcm(i)=-3 then INV3=3; end; * Last regular school enrolled in, its start and stop date of enrollmnet, type of school and degree working towards & school loop number; STOP=-4; do i=1 to dim(degre); if stpcm(i)>STOP then do; STOP=stpcm(i); STRT=strcm(i); sch=codes(i); deg=degre(i); rosnum=i; STOP_loc=1; end; if stpcm(i)=STOP & sch in (4,5,6) & codes(i)=sch & deg in (1,3,4,5,6,10) & degre(i)=deg then do; STOP=stpcm(i); STRT=strcm(i); sch=codes(i); deg=degre(i); rosnum=i; STOP_loc=2; end; if 0=STRT>0 then do; STOP=stpcm(i); STRT=strcm(i); sch=codes(i); deg=degre(i); rosnum=i; STOP_loc=7; end; if stpcm(i)=STOP & STOP=doicm & 00 then diff=doicm-STOP; do i=1 to dim(degre); if rosnum=i then do; if STOP=doicm & stpcm(i)=doicm & reasn(i)>-4 then diff=10000; end; end; do i=1 to dim(degre); if strcm(i)>=-3 & stpcm(i)>=-3 then lastloopnum=i; end; * Whether the last school attended was High School or College, and if the latter then for what degree?; if sch in (-1,-2,-3) then lastsch=-3; if sch in (1,2,3) then lastsch=1; if sch in (4,5,6) and deg in (1,3,4,5,6,10) then lastsch=2; if sch in (4,5,6) and deg in (2,7,8,999,11,12) then lastsch=2.1; if sch in (4,5,6) and deg in (9, 13) then lastsch=2.2; if sch in (4,5,6) and deg in (-1,-2,-3) then lastsch=2.3; if sch in (4,5,6) and deg=-4 then lastsch=2.4; * - When R attended college (in a degree program) in a previous round; do i=1 to dim(encatR); if encatR(i) in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & degR(i)>=1 then prevcoll=1; if encatR(i) in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & degR(i)<1 then do; prevcoll=1; chk_commP=1; if hsr18>-4|gdr18>-4 then chk_commP=2; end; end; * - When R attended college (in a degree program) in a previous round and did not correct HGA as of last interview (e2806) to <13 i.e. accepts being in college as of last interview; do i=1 to dim(encatR); if (e2806r19=-4|e2806r19>=13) & encatR(i) in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & (hsR(i)>-4|gdR(i)>-4) then prevcoll=1; if (e2806r19=-4|e2806r19>=13) & encatR(i) in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & hsR(i)=-4 & gdR(i)=-4 then do; prevcoll=1; chk_commP=1; if 0hgaloop then do; hgaloop=gratnd(i); end; end; if (1<=e2857r19<=12) & HSD=0 & GED=0 then hgsch=1; do i=1 to dim(scode); if scode(i) in (1,2,3) then attsch=1; end; do i=1 to dim(e27337); if e27337(i) in (1,3) then college=1; if e27337(i) in (4,5,6,10) then college=2; if e27337(i) in (-1,-2,-3) then college=-3; end; if 0<=e2857r190 then ENROLL=0; if -3<=STOP<=-1 then ENROLL=0; if e3877A1r19=0 then ENROLL=0; do i=1 to dim(scode); if scode(i) in (4,5,6) then chk_enr2=0; end; if HSD=1 & ENROLL=1 & chk_enr2 ne 0 then do; chk_enr2=1; ENROLL=0; end; *** ENRollx; ** Computing ENROLL by another method - ENROLLx; if e3877A1r19=0 then enrollx=0; if e4795r19=1 & e4951r19=0 then enrollx=1; if e4795r19=0 then do; if e1605r19=-4 & e4951r19=0 then enrollx=0; if e1605r19=1 then do; if e1615r19_1=1 & e4951r19=0 then enrollx=1; if e1615r19_1=0 & e1627r19_1=0 & e4951r19=0 then enrollx=0; end; if e1605r19=0 and e4951r19=0 then enrollx=0; end; if (e4951r19=1 or e3877A1r19=1) then do; do i=1 to dim(e6784); if e6784(i)=1 & e7192(i)=0 then enrollx=1; end; do i=1 to dim(e6784); if e6938(i)=0 & e7192(i)=0 then enrollx=0; end; do i=1 to dim(e6784); if e6784(i)=0 & e7192(i)=0 then do; if e6943(i)=1 then enrollx=1; end; end; do i=1 to dim(e6784); if e7142(i)=0 & e7192(i)=0 then enrollx=0; end; end; *** change "enroll" after going through the cases where "enroll" disagrees with "enrollx"; oldenroll=enroll; if oldenroll=0 & enrollx=1 & diff=10000 & rosnum>=6 then enroll=1; *** (IB) Determining the sub-categories of not enrolled; if ENROLL=0 then do; if (GED<=0) & (HSD<=0) then ENCAT=1; if GED=1 then ENCAT=2; if HSD=1 then ENCAT=3; if prevcoll=1 then ENCAT=4; if currcoll=1 & ((13<=e2857r19<=20)|e3112r19>=12|HSD=1|GED=1|somecoll=1) then ENCAT=4; if CDTAA>-4 then ENCAT=5; if CDTBA>-4 then ENCAT=6; if CDTMA>-4|CDTDC>-4|CDTPF>-4 then ENCAT=7; end; *** (IC) Determining the sub-categories of enrolled; if ENROLL=1 then do; if lastsch=1 then do; if CDTHS>0 & e3112r19=12 then flaghs=1; if (1<=e2857r19<=12) & HSD<=0 & GED<=0 then ENCAT=8; if e2857r19=13 & HSD=0 & GED=0 then ENCAT=8; if e2857r19=95 & HSD=0 & GED=0 then do; ENCAT=8; ungraded=1; end; end; if lastsch=2 then do; if sch=4 & deg in (1,3,4,5,6,10) & ((13<=e2857r19<95)|e3112r19>=12|GED=1|HSD=1|clg_ok=1) then ENCAT=9; if sch=5 & deg in (1,3,4,5,6,10) & ((13<=e2857r19<95)|e3112r19>=12|GED=1|HSD=1|clg_ok=1) then ENCAT=10; if sch in (5,6) & deg in (4,5,6,10) & ((16=16) then ENCAT=11; if sch in (5,6) & deg in (4,5,6,10) & CDTBA>-4 then ENCAT=11; if sch=6 and ENCAT ne 11 then gradsch=1; if (1<=e2857r19<=12) & HSD=0 & GED=0 & somecoll~=1 then do; ENCAT=8; flagcoll=1; end; end; if lastsch>2 then do; if GED=0 & HSD=0 & somecoll=0 then ENCAT=8; if currcoll=0 & prevcoll=1 then do; ENCAT=4; if CDTAA>-4 then ENCAT=5; if CDTBA>-4 then ENCAT=6; if CDTMA>-4|CDTDC>-4|CDTPF>-4 then ENCAT=7; end; if currcoll=1 & (HSD=1|GED=1|clg_ok=1) then do; ENCAT=4; if CDTAA>-4 then ENCAT=5; if CDTBA>-4 then ENCAT=6; if CDTMA>-4|CDTDC>-4|CDTPF>-4 then ENCAT=7; end; end; if lastsch=-3 then do; if (HSD=1|GED=1|clg_ok=1) & currcoll=1 then ENCAT=4; if prevcoll=1 then ENCAT=4; if CDTAA>-4 & somecoll=1 then ENCAT=5; if CDTBA>-4 & somecoll=1 then ENCAT=6; if (CDTMA>-4|CDTDC>-4|CDTPF>-4) & somecoll=1 then encat=7; end; if GED=1 & HSD=0 & somecoll=0 then ENCAT=2; if HSD=1 & somecoll=0 then ENCAT=3; end; if CDTHS>0 & doicm=CDTHS & ENCAT in (-3,1,2,8) then do; ENCAT=3; same_mth=1; end; if CDTGD>0 & doicm=CDTGD & ENCAT in (-3,1,8) then do; ENCAT=2; same_mth=1; end; if CDTAA>0 & doicm=CDTAA & ENCAT in (-3,1,2,8,3,4,9) then do; ENCAT=5; same_mth=1; end; if CDTBA>0 & doicm=CDTBA & ENCAT in (-3,1,2,8,3,4,5,10) then do; ENCAT=6; same_mth=1; end; if ((CDTMA>0 & doicm=CDTMA)|(CDTDC>0 & doicm=CDTDC)|(CDTPF>0 & doicm=CDTPF)) & ENCAT~=7 then do; ENCAT=7; same_mth=1; end; if ENROLL=1|(ENROLL=0 & e3877A1r19~=0) then do; if lastsch=-3 & ENCAT<0 then do; ENCAT=-3; reason=1; end; if INV2=1 then do; flagcoll=-3; college=-3; if enroll=0 & somecoll=0 & lastsch=2.3 then do; ENCAT=-3; reason=2.2; end; end; if (HSD=1|GED=1) & (13<=e2857r19<95) & (12<=e3112r19<95) then do; tmpvar1=ENCAT; tmpvar2=reason; ENCAT=-3; reason=3; do i=1 to dim(scode); if scode(i) in (-1,-2,-3,4,5,6) | prevcoll=1 then do; ENCAT=tmpvar1; reason=tmpvar2; end; end; end; if (13<=e2857r19<=20) & GED=0 & HSD=0 & clg_ok~=1 & currcoll=1 & prevcoll~=1 then do; ENCAT=-3; reason=5; end; if rosprb1=1 & ENCAT=-3 & reason=. then reason=6; end; ********************************************** SECTION II **********************************************; if ENCAT in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) & ENROLL~=0 then do; ENROLL=0; enr_chg=2; end; if ENCAT in (8,9,10,11) & ENROLL~=1 then do; ENROLL=1; enr_chg=3; end; subsitm=0; subhgam=0; subprev=0; setto12=0; dateitm=0; disagre=0; datedeg=0; ******************************************************************************************************** *** [II] CREATED VARIABLE - HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED AS OF THE SURVEY DATE (GRSURV) *** ********************************************************************************************************; GRSURV=GRSURVP; LOCATOR=1; GRAUG=GRAUGP; LOCA=1; if ENCAT in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & e3112r19 in (1,2,3,4,5,6) then do; inclg_lowHGC=1; e3112r19_imp=e3112r19+12; end; ***** For those who are asked of 3112; if (e3112r19>12 & (currcoll_1=1 or prevcoll=1)) or (e3112r19=12 & cdths ne hsr18) or (0<=e3112r19<12 & attsch=1) or (-4e3112r19+1 & e3112r19>GRSURVP>=0 then gr_ncomp1=3; if e2857r19>e3112r19+1 & 0<=e3112r1912 then GRSURV=e3112r19_imp; else inclg_lt12=1; LOCATOR=5.2; end; if currcoll=1 & 0<=grsurvP<95 & 0<=e3112r19<95 then inclgCI_grchg=e3112r19-grsurvP; if currcoll=0 & prevcoll=1 & encatP in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) & 0<=grsurvP<95 & 0<=e3112r19<95 then inclgDLI_grchg=e3112r19-grsurvP; ** check on disagre; if 0-4|gdrP>-4) & GRSURV<12 & grsurvP>=12 then do; disagre=0.5; subsprev=1; GRSURV=grsurvP; LOCATOR=6.10; end; if disagre=1 then do; if 1<=dli_rnd<=15 then rnd_dif= YEAR-(1996 + dli_rnd)+1; else if dli_rnd>15 then rnd_diff= YEAR-(2011 + (dli_rnd -15)*2)+1; sitm_pr=e3112r19-grsurvP; if ENCAT in (1,8,-3) then do; if ENCAT=-3 then do; GRSURV=-3; if e3112r19<=12|e3112r19=95 then GRAUG=-3; LOCATOR=6.11; LOCA=6.11; end; if 0<=e3112r19<=12 & (0<=sitm_pr<=rnd_dif|grsurvP=95) then do; subsitm=1; GRSURV=e3112r19; LOCATOR=6.12; GRAUG=-3; LOCA=6.12; end; end; if 12<=grsurvP<95 & ENCAT in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) then do; GRSURV=grsurvP; subprev=1; LOCATOR=6.21; if currcoll=1 then do; subsitm=1; if 0<=sitm_pr<=rnd_dif then do; GRSURV=e3112r19; LOCATOR=6.22; end; if e3112r19_imp>grsurvP then do; GRSURV=e3112r19_imp; LOCATOR=6.23; end; end; end; end; if 0-4|gdrP>-4) & GRSURV~=grsurvP & 00 then do; if 0MONYR>0) then do; GRAUG=-3; LOCA=12.4; end; if (hsrP>-4|gdrP>-4) & 0<=grsurvP<=12 & GRAUG12 but R is not in a college-degree program we assign the HGC in highschool as the HGC received.; if ENCAT in (1,2,3,8,-3) & (12=12 & GRAUG~=12 then do; GRAUG=12; LOCA=16; end; if grsurvP<=12 & GRSURV>=12 & attsch=0 & (GRAUG=.|GRAUG=-3) & ENCAT in (4,5,6,7,9,10,11) then do; GRAUG=grsurvP; LOCA=17; end; if 12-4 then DEGSURV=3; ** Bachelor's Degree; if CDTBA>-4 then DEGSURV=4; ** Master's Degree; if CDTMA>-4 then DEGSURV=5; ** Doctoral Degree; if CDTDC>-4 then DEGSURV=6; ** Professional Degree; if CDTPF>-4 then DEGSURV=7; ** If degree received cannot determine what degree received; do i=1 to dim(e23450); if e23450(i) in (-1, -2, -3) & DEGSURV not in (4 5 6 7) then DEGSURV=-3; end; if 0<=DEGSURV=0 then do; DEGAUG=degsurvP; end; if (cdtgd=gdr18 & cdths=hsr18 & cdtaa=aar18 & cdtba=bar18 & cdtma=mar18 & cdtpf=pfr18 & cdtdc=dcr18) then do; if he18_deg ne . then do; he19_deg=degsurv; degsurv=-3; degaug=-3; if encatr18=-3 & encat in (1,2,3,5,6,7) then do; he19_en=encat; encat=-3; end; end; else if degsurv ne degsurvP then chk21=1; end; if ENCAT in (-1,-2) then ENCAT=-3; if GRSURV in (-1,-2) then GRSURV=-3; if GRAUG in (-1,-2) then GRAUG=-3; if DEGSURV in (-1,-2) then DEGSURV=-3; if DEGAUG in (-1,-2) then DEGAUG=-3; ***** generate GRSURVF which is used to generate HGC in LEFT_HS program; grsurvFP=grsurvFr18; *** Create grsurvF; grsurvF=grsurvFP; locF=6; if (e3112r19>12 & (currcoll_1=1 or prevcoll=1)) or (e3112r19=12 & cdths ne hsr18) or (0<=e3112r19<12 & attsch=1) or (-4-4|gdrP>-4|grsurvFP=12 then do; grsurvF=grsurvFP; locF=4.1; if grsurvFP=-3 then do; if 0-4 & 0<=grsurv_cvc<12 & degsurv_cvc ne -3 then chk31=1; if cdths=-4 & grsurv_cvc=12 & degsurv_cvc ne -3 then chk32=1; if degsurv_cvc>2 & 0<=grsurv_cvc<=12 then chk33=1; if e3877A1r19=0 & grsurv_cvc ne cvc_hgcr18 then chk11=1; if 0