Questionnaire Public Report02/23/2021 09:40:16 AM
Cohort:NLSY79 Young Adults
Round:YAdult Round 28
Instrument :YA2018
  1. Section 15: Income and Assets

Q15-2 [Y42397.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

([age of young adult]<19) && (([Residence of Respondent]==19) || ([Residence of Respondent]==20) || ([Residence of Respondent]==21) || ([flag indicating if R's mother lives in R's household]==1) || ([flag indicating if R's father resides in R's household]==1)) && (([marital status code]!=1) && ([marital status code]!=7) && ([flag indicating presence of spouse/partner in household]!=1) && ([flag indicating presence of a partner in household]!=1)) && ([current number of bio children on roster]==0)

COMMENT: Machine check: Is R under the age of 18, living with at least one parent, is neither married nor living with a partner, and has no children?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-1A

Q15-2A [Y42398.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating if R has odd jobs]==0 && [flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview]==0

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-1A
Lead-In:Q15-2 [1:1]

Q15-1A []Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

We now have some questions about income. Although these may sometimes seem intrusive, we want to reassure you that the information you provide is kept confidential.

Default Next:Q15-5
Lead-In:Q15-2 [Default], Q15-2A [Default]

Q15-5 [Y42399.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], how much did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs [-military or civilian-] before deductions for taxes or anything else?

If Answer = -2 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-5-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-1A [Default]

Q15-5-TOP [Y42400.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], how much did you receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all (other) jobs [-military or civilian-] before deductions for taxes or anything else?


Default Next:Q15-5-A
Lead-In:Q15-5 [Default]

Q15-5-A [Y42401.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

What is your best estimate of this amount? Please listen to these categories, and stop me on the category that is best.

 1   $1-$5,000
 2   $5,001-$10,000
 3   $10,001 - $25,000
 4   $25,001 - $50,000
 5   $50,001 - $100,000
 6   $100,001 $250,000
 7   MORE THAN $250,000

Default Next:Q15-6A
Lead-In:Q15-5 [-2:-2], Q15-5-TOP [Default]

Q15-6A [Y42402.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did you receive any money in income from your own farm, non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-9)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-9A
Lead-In:Q15-5-A [Default]

Q15-9 [Y42403.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did you receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Default Next:Q15-9-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-6A [1:1]

Q15-9-TOP [Y42404.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did you receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Default Next:Q15-9A
Lead-In:Q15-9 [Default]

Q15-9A [Y42405.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]==1

COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R unemancipated as defined in Q15-2?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-9B
Lead-In:Q15-6A [Default], Q15-9-TOP [Default]

Q15-9B [Y42406.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating if R has done any work for pay since date of last interview]==0

COMMENT: check if R reported no employers since DLI

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15U-3
Lead-In:Q15-9A [Default]

Q15U-3 [Y42407.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Did you receive any money from unemployment compensation in any months in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15U-4A)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15-9B [Default]

Q15U-4A [Y42408.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

For how many months during [(calendar year before year of interview)] did you receive unemployment compensation?


Default Next:Q15U-5A
Lead-In:Q15U-3 [1:1]

Q15U-5A [Y42409.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did you receive per week in the last month you received unemployment?


Default Next:Q15-10
Lead-In:Q15U-4A [Default]

Q15-10 [Y42410.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

([marital status code]==1) || ([marital status code]==7) || ([flag indicating presence of spouse/partner in household]==1) || ([flag indicating presence of a partner in household]==1)

COMMENT: Is R currently married with a spouse or has a partner

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15-9B [1:1], Q15U-3 [Default], Q15U-5A [Default]

Q15-18 [Y42411.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], how much did your [spouse or partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs -- military or civilian -- before deductions for taxes or anything else?


Default Next:Q15-18-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-10 [1:1]

Q15-18-TOP [Y42412.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], how much did your [spouse or partner] receive from wages, salary, commissions, or tips from all jobs -- military or civilian -- before deductions for taxes or anything else?


Default Next:Q15-20A
Lead-In:Q15-18 [Default]

Q15-20A [Y42413.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did your [spouse or partner] receive any money in income from [his/her] own farm, own non-farm business, partnership, or professional practice?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-24)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15S-3
Lead-In:Q15-18-TOP [Default]

Q15-24 [Y42414.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did [he/she] receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Default Next:Q15-24-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-20A [1:1]

Q15-24-TOP [Y42415.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did [he/she] receive AFTER EXPENSES?


Default Next:Q15S-3
Lead-In:Q15-24 [Default]

Q15S-3 [Y42416.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Did your [spouse or partner] receive any money from unemployment compensation in any month in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15S-4A)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15-20A [Default], Q15-24-TOP [Default]

Q15S-4A [Y42417.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

For how many months during [(calendar year before year of interview)] did your [spouse or partner] receive unemployment compensation?


Default Next:Q15S-5A
Lead-In:Q15S-3 [1:1]

Q15S-5A [Y42418.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did your [spouse or partner] receive per week in the last month she/he received unemployment compensation in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-32
Lead-In:Q15S-4A [Default]

Q15-32 [Y42419.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[number of non-biological children in household]>=1


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-32A
Lead-In:Q15-10 [Default], Q15S-3 [Default], Q15S-5A [Default]

Q15-32A [Y42420.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[current number of bio children on roster]>=1


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-RECIP1
Lead-In:Q15-32 [Default]

Q15-33A [Y42421.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Are [R or R's spouse or partner] currently legally entitled to receive child support payments through a court order or any other type of legal agreement?

 1   YES
 0   NO   ...(Go To Q15-RECIP1)

Default Next:Q15-33BA
Lead-In:Q15-32 [1:1], Q15-32A [1:1]

Q15-33BA [Y42422.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[marital status code]==1 || [marital status code]==7

COMMENT: spouse or partner is in household.

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-33FA
Lead-In:Q15-33A [Default]

Q15-33C [Y42423.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Who is legally entitled to receive child support - [R or R's spouse or partner] or both of you?


Default Next:Q15-33FA
Lead-In:Q15-33BA [1:1]

Q15-33FA [Y42424.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

What amount of child support for your children are you entitled to now?


Q15-33FAB [Y42425.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets


Default Next:Q15-33I
Lead-In:Q15-33FA [Default]

Q15-33I [Y42426.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

In total, how much in child support did you actually receive during [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-33KC
Lead-In:Q15-33FAB [Default]

Q15-33KC [Y42427.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[Who is legally entitled to child support?]

COMMENT: Check to see if R's spouse is also legally entitled to child support ([Q15-33C]=2 or 3)

If Answer >= 2 AND Answer <= 3 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-RECIP1
Lead-In:Q15-33C [2:2], Q15-33I [Default]

Q15-33LA [Y42428.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

In total how much in child support was your [spouse or partner] supposed to receive during [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-33M
Lead-In:Q15-33KC [2:3]

Q15-33M [Y42429.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

In total, how much in child support did your [spouse or partner] actually receive during [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-RECIP1
Lead-In:Q15-33LA [Default]

Q15-RECIP1 [Y42430.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any of the following in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?

 - Cash assistance from TANF, AFDC or or other government programs to help low-income families
 - Food Stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
 - Cash assistance from Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-RECIP2
Lead-In:Q15-33A [-2:0], Q15-32A [Default], Q15-33KC [Default], Q15-33M [Default]

Q15-RECIP2 [Y42431.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-RECIP3
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP1 [Default]

Q15A-4A [Y42432.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

For how many months during [(calendar year before year of interview)] did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive TANF, AFDC, or any other general cash assistance to needy families?


Default Next:Q15A-5A
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP2 [1:1]

Q15A-5A [Y42433.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received TANF, AFDC, or any other general cash assistance in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-RECIP3
Lead-In:Q15A-4A [Default]

Q15-RECIP3 [Y42434.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-RECIP4
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP2 [Default], Q15A-5A [Default]

Q15F-4A [Y42435.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

For how many months did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive government food stamps in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15F-5A
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP3 [1:1]

Q15F-5A [Y42436.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received government food stamps in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-RECIP4
Lead-In:Q15F-4A [Default]

Q15-RECIP4 [Y42437.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-57AA
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP3 [Default], Q15F-5A [Default]

Q15W-4A [Y42438.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

For how many months during [(calendar year before year of interview)] did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive supplemental security income, public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government?


Default Next:Q15W-5A
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP4 [1:1]

Q15W-5A [Y42439.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How much did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive per month in the last month [R or R's spouse or partner] received supplemental security income, public assistance, or welfare payments from local, state or federal government in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-57AA
Lead-In:Q15W-4A [Default]

Q15-57AA [Y42440.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[number of biological children in the WIC age range living in their household]>0 || [number of nonbiological children in the WIC age range living in their household]>0 || [flag indicating R has at least one biological child in the WIC age range]>0 || [flag indicating if R is pregnant]==1


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-58A
Lead-In:Q15-RECIP4 [Default], Q15W-5A [Default]

Q15-58 [Y42441.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Did [R or R's spouse or partner] (or your children) receive any WIC benefits in [(calendar year before year of interview)]?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-58A
Lead-In:Q15-57AA [1:1]

Q15-58A [Y42442.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]<1 || [flag indicating if R was ever enrolled in school]==0

COMMENT: Machine check: Did R report no school since DLI?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-58B
Lead-In:Q15-57AA [Default], Q15-58 [Default]

Q15-58B [Y42443.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[is R currently enrolled]==1 && [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]<13

COMMENT: Machine check: R is enrolled in 12th grade or less

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-58C
Lead-In:Q15-58A [Default]

Q15-58C [Y42444.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[is R currently enrolled]==1 && [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]>=13

COMMENT: Machine check: R is enrolled in college

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-58D
Lead-In:Q15-58B [Default]

Q15-58D [Y42445.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[highest grade R completed]>3

COMMENT: Machine check: Has R had at least one year of college?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-69
Lead-In:Q15-58C [Default]

Q15-58F [Y42446.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[Has R ever enlisted in military?]==1

COMMENT: Machine check: R has been in military

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-60
Lead-In:Q15-58C [1:1], Q15-58D [1:1]

Q15-59 [Y42447.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any educational benefits for veterans under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-60
Lead-In:Q15-58F [1:1]

Q15-60 [Y42448.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any (other kinds of) scholarships, fellowships, or grants?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-69
Lead-In:Q15-58F [Default], Q15-59 [Default]

Q15-69 [Y42449.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did [R or R's spouse or partner] receive any (other) veterans benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-70)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-73A
Lead-In:Q15-58A [1:1], Q15-58B [1:1], Q15-58D [Default], Q15-60 [Default]

Q15-70 [Y42450.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

What was the total amount of these (other) veterans benefits, worker's compensation, disability payments, or payments from Social Security [R or R's spouse or partner] received during [(calendar year before year of interview)]?


Default Next:Q15-73A
Lead-In:Q15-69 [1:1]

Q15-73A [Y42451.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]==1

COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R unemancipated as defined in Q15-2?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-74
Lead-In:Q15-2A [1:1], Q15-9A [1:1], Q15-69 [Default], Q15-70 [Default]

Q15-74 [Y42452.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During [(calendar year before year of interview)], did anyone [(other than your spouse/partner)] pay part of your living expenses? By living expenses, we mean helping with your rent or mortgage, groceries, utility or other bills, etc.

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-74A)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-116
Lead-In:Q15-73A [Default]

Q15-74A [Y42453.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

([Residence of Respondent]==1) || ([Residence of Respondent]>25)


If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-74B
Lead-In:Q15-74 [1:1]

Q15-74B [Y42454.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Does this person live (here in this household/in your home at [name of city])?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-74C
Lead-In:Q15-74A [Default]

Q15-74C [Y42455.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

What is this person's relationship to you?



Default Next:Q15-74D
Lead-In:Q15-74A [1:1], Q15-74B [Default]

Q15-74D [Y42456.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much of your living expenses did this person cover?

Was it....

 1   Less than 1/4
 2   At least 1/4 but less than 1/2
 3   At least 1/2 but less than 3/4
 4   3/4 or more

Default Next:Q15-116
Lead-In:Q15-74C [Default]

Q15-116 [Y42457.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During any part of [(calendar year before year of interview)], did you live in public housing or did [you/you or your family] receive a rent subsidy or pay a lower rent because the federal, state, or local government was paying part of the cost?

 1   YES
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-116A
Lead-In:Q15-73A [1:1], Q15-74 [Default], Q15-74D [Default]

Q15-116A [Y42458.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]==1

COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R unemancipated as defined in Q15-2?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

Default Next:Q15-116B
Lead-In:Q15-116 [Default]

Q15-116B [Y42459.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[Residence of Respondent]

If Answer = 1 Then Go To
If Answer >= 3 AND Answer <= 5 Then Go To Q15-133
If Answer = 12 Then Go To Q15-133
If Answer >= 25 AND Answer <= 28 Then Go To Q15-133

Default Next:Q15-117
Lead-In:Q15-116A [Default]

Q15-117 [Y42460.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Is the place you live owned or being bought by [R or R's spouse or partner]?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-117A)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-117C
Lead-In:Q15-116B [Default]

Q15-117A [Y42461.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this property would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-117A-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-117 [1:1]

Q15-117A-TOP [Y42462.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this property would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-117B
Lead-In:Q15-117A [Default]

Q15-117B [Y42463.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe on this residence, for mortgages, home equity loans, back taxes, home improvement loans, assessments, etc.? Please do not include any utility bills.


Default Next:Q15-117C
Lead-In:Q15-117A-TOP [Default]

Q15-117C [Y42464.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Aside from the (house/apartment) you live in, do [R or R's spouse or partner] own any (other) real estate?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-117D)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-133
Lead-In:Q15-117 [Default], Q15-117B [Default]

Q15-117D [Y42465.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this (other) real estate would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-117D-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-117C [1:1]

Q15-117D-TOP [Y42466.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this (other) real estate would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-117E
Lead-In:Q15-117D [Default]

Q15-117E [Y42467.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe on this (other) real estate, for mortgages, home equity loans, back taxes, home improvement loans, assessments, etc.? Please do not include any utility bills.


Default Next:Q15-133
Lead-In:Q15-117D-TOP [Default]

Q15-133 [Y42468.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Do [R or R's spouse or partner] own any motor vehicles that are primarily for personal use, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, a motor home or trailer?

(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, READ: Please do not include vehicles that you lease or have use of, but do not own.)

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-134)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-138
Lead-In:Q15-116A [1:1], Q15-116B [1:1], Q15-116B [3:5], Q15-116B [12:12], Q15-116B [25:28], Q15-117C [Default], Q15-117E [Default]

Q15-134 [Y42469.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe any money on (this/these) motor vehicles?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-134AA)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-134AB
Lead-In:Q15-133 [1:1]

Q15-134AA [Y42470.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe on this/these motor vehicle(s) altogether?


Default Next:Q15-134AB
Lead-In:Q15-134 [1:1]

Q15-134AB [Y42471.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this/these motor vehicle(s) would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-134AB-TOP
Lead-In:Q15-134 [Default], Q15-134AA [Default]

Q15-134AB-TOP [Y42472.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

About how much do you think this/these motor vehicle(s) would sell for on today's market?


Default Next:Q15-138
Lead-In:Q15-134AB [Default]

Q15-138 [Y42473.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Do [R or R's spouse or partner] have any credit cards of your own that you pay the bills for?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-138A)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-143
Lead-In:Q15-133 [Default], Q15-134AB-TOP [Default]

Q15-138A [Y42474.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe any money on these credit cards?

 1   YES   ...(Go To Q15-138B)
 0   NO

Default Next:Q15-143
Lead-In:Q15-138 [1:1]

Q15-138B [Y42475.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Rounding to the nearest hundred dollars, how much do [R or R's spouse or partner] owe altogether on your credit cards?


Default Next:Q15-143
Lead-In:Q15-138A [1:1]

Q15-143 [Y42478.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

How often [do you/does your household] put off buying something you need - such as food, clothing, medical care, or housing - because you don't have money? Would you say...

 1   Never
 2   Rarely
 3   Occasionally
 4   Frequently
 5   All the time

Default Next:Q15-144
Lead-In:Q15-138 [Default], Q15-138A [Default], Q15-138B [Default]

Q15-144 [Y42479.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

During the past 12 months, how much difficulty [did you/did your household] have paying bills? Would you say...

 1   no difficulty at all
 2   a little difficulty
 3   some difficulty
 4   quite a bit of difficulty
 5   a great deal of difficulty

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Q15-145 [Y42480.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Thinking about the end of each month over the past 12 months, [did you/did your household] generally end up with...

 1   more than enough money left over
 2   some money left over
 3   just enough to make ends meet
 4   not enough to make ends meet

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Q15-145A [Y42481.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

[flag indicating that R is under 18, living with at least one parent, not married, not living with a partner, and has no children]==1

COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R unemancipated as defined in Q15-2?

If Answer = 1 Then Go To

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Q15-145B [Y42482.00]Section: Section 15: Income and Assets

Have [R or R's spouse or partner] set aside emergency or rainy day funds that would cover your expenses for 3 months, in case of sickness, job loss, economic downturn, or other emergencies?

 1   YES
 0   NO

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