([R's age]<18) and ([is R currently enrolled]=1)COMMENT: check to see if R is younger than 18 and enrolled in school
******************SECTION 11 OTHER TRAINING***************************** I would now like to ask you about OTHER TYPES of schooling and training you may have had, excluding regular schooling we have already talked about...
([type of high school program]=1)COMMENT: check if vocational or commercial, formal schooling or on the job training
SYMBOLEXIST([flag indicating if R received any special training from the military])
([flag indicating if R received any special training from the military]=1)COMMENT: check if while in military any schooling or on the job training
Besides the training we've already talked about, since [date of last interview] have you attended another training program or any on-the-job training designed to help people find a job, improve job skills, or learn a new job?
Since [date of last interview], have you attended a training program or any on-the-job training designed to help people find a job, improve job skills, or learn a new job?
Are you CURRENTLY enrolled in a training program or receiving on-the-job training?
View Help Screen
[Are you receiving/Did you receive] this training at a vocational or technical institute, or a college or university?
[Are you receiving/Did you receive] this training through a formal program run by an employer or the military?
Where [are you receiving/did you receive] this training?(RECORD VERBATIM AND CODE ONE)(INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY)
Who paid for this training? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY)
When did you start this training program?
([flag indicating if R is currently enrolled in a training program]=1)COMMENT: Machine check: has R already reported being in a current training
Are you still enrolled, or have you finished or left this program?
([flag indicating if R is currently enrolled in a training program])
When did you finish or leave this program? (INTERVIEWER: ENTER DATE R FINISHED OR LEFT THIS TRAINING PROGRAM.)
Altogether, how many weeks did you attend this training? (ENTER '0' IF LESS THAN ONE WEEK.)
Did you complete this training or not?
How many hours per week [do/did] you usually spend in this training?
We would like to know more about the kinds of services this training program [provides/provided] you.[Are you receiving/Did you receive] any services that [will better enable/better enabled] you to continue your education?(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) [Are you receiving/Did you receive] help preparing for a GED or for college, or help with English, math, or computer skills?
[Are you receiving/Did you receive] any services that [will better enable/better enabled] you to get or keep a job?(INTERVIEWER: IF NECESSARY, PROBE:) [Are you receiving/Did you receive] work experience, on-the-job training, help in finding a job or job counseling?
How many other times have you attended training programs or on the job training [Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever]?
[Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any kind of certificate, for example, a license or journeyman's card for practicing a profession or trade?
REPEAT ([loop about certificates, etc. that R has received])COMMENT: start loop about certificates, etc. that R has received
Is that a certificate, a license or a journeyman's card?
Is it still valid?
For what profession or trade is that [whether R obtained certificate, a license orjourneyman's card for practicing a profession or trade]?
What activities or duties did that [whether R obtained certificate, a license orjourneyman's card for practicing a profession or trade] qualify you to perform?
In what month and year did you receive it?
[Since date of last interview have you/Have you ever] obtained any other certificates, licenses or journeyman's cards?
UNTIL ([loop about certificates, etc. that R has received], [flag indicating if R has obtained any more certificates, licenses or journeyman's cards]=0)COMMENT: loop until all certificates, etc. have been asked about