**********************SECTION 4 REGULAR SCHOOLING************************Now I would like to ask you some questions about school.
Are you CURRENTLY attending or enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college, or graduate school?(INTERVIEWER: DURING SUMMER, R IS ENROLLED IF R WAS IN SCHOOL IN THE SPRING AND WILL BE IN SCHOOL IN THE FALL)
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What grade or year of school is that?
[grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=1 && [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12COMMENT: Machine Check: Is YA in grade 1-12?
[flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]==0COMMENT: Machine Check: Is this a first-time YA?
There are many things that people might say to describe their schools. I am going to read some statements that other people have made about their schools, and I would like to know how well you think these statements describe your school....
...... As I read each statement, tell me whether you think the statement is very true, somewhat true, not too true, or not at all true for your school.It's easy to make friends at this school.
.......Most of the teachers are willing to help with personal problems.
.......Most of my classes are boring.
.......I don't feel safe at this school.
.......Most of my teachers really know their subjects well.
......You can get away with almost anything at this school.
.......My schoolwork requires me to think to the best of my ability.
.......At this school, a person has the freedom to learn what interests him or her.
.......This school offers good job counseling.
How satisfied are you with your school -- very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
Have you ever seen a student carry a weapon such as a gun or knife on school property?
In the last school year, how often have you seen any student carry a weapon such as a gun or knife on school property?
[flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]==1COMMENT: Machine Check: Has R been interviewed previously as a YA?
Since [lintdate~X], have you ever been enrolled in REGULAR school, that is in an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college or university, or graduate school?
[flag indicating if R had high school diploma as of DLI] ==1COMMENT: Machine Check: Did R have a diploma as of date of last interview?
When were you last enrolled in regular school -- What was the month and year?
What is the main reason you left at that time?(INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES)(IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the main reason?)
[flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2004]==1COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R in the grant sample?
[Since the date of last interview how/How] many high schools have you attended?
[Since DLI have you/Have you ever] dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned?
How many times did you drop out of regular school and then return?(ENTER NUMBER OF TIMES:)
Thinking about the last time you dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned...In what month and year did you (last) drop out?(ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:)
ISCOMPLETE ([month and year (last) dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned])COMMENT: Machine Check: Did R give complete dates for school drop out or return?
What grade in school were you in when you last dropped out?
Thinking about the last time you dropped out of regular school for at least one month and then returned...In what month and year did you (last) return?(ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:)
What is the main reason for this (last) interruption?(INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES)(IF MORE THAN ONE REASON GIVEN, PROBE: What is the MAIN reason?)
[Since DLI have you/Have you ever] repeated a grade in school?
What grade(s) did you repeat?(CODE ALL THAT APPLY.)
[Since DLI have you/Have you ever] skipped ahead a grade?
What grade(s) did you skip?(CODE ALL THAT APPLY.)
[is R currently enrolled]COMMENT: Machine Check: Is YA enrolled in school?
What is the highest grade of regular school you have ever attended?(INTERVIEWER: YOUNG ADULT IS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED)
What is the highest grade of regular school that you have completed and gotten credit for?
[flag indicating if R had high school diploma as of DLI]==1COMMENT: did R have HS diploma as of 2002 interview?
[highest grade R completed] > 12 || [flag indicating if will R be 21 or over as of December 31, 2004]==1COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R in grant sample or does R have some college?
VAREXIST ([name of school R attended at date of last interview])COMMENT: Machine Check: Does R have an existing school name?
ISVAREMPTY ([name of school R attended at date of last interview])COMMENT: Machine Check: Is existing school name blank?
Our records indicate that you were attending [name of school R attended at date of last interview] when we interviewed you on [lintdate~X]. Is this the school [you are currently attending/you last attended]?
In what state is the (regular/high) school [you are currently attending/you last attended]?ENTER THE STATE:
In which country?
[Is/Was] that school a public or private school?
[Does/Did] that school have a religious affiliation or [Does/Did] it have no religious affiliation?
When did you first start going to [this/that] school -- In what month and year?
(([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=1) && ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12)) && ([is R currently enrolled]==1)COMMENT: Machine Check: Is YA enrolled in school in grade 1-12?
When did you stop going to school there or graduate?
Do you have a high school diploma or have you ever passed a high school equivalency or G.E.D test?
Which do you have- a high school diploma or G.E.D?
When did you receive your high school diploma?
When did you receive your G.E.D?
While in school, about how much time do you spend on homework each week? (IF NECESSARY READ:) We mean how much time do you spend on homework each week during the school day while you are still in school.(ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS. IF LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK, ENTER 0.)
Outside of school, about how much time do you spend on homework each week?(ENTER NUMBER OF HOURS. IF LESS THAN ONE HOUR PER WEEK, ENTER 00.)
In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher........review the work from the previous day?Would you say never/rarely, 1-2 times a month, 1-2 times a week, almost every day, or every day?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....lecture to the whole class?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....use a textbook or workbook?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....have you make a presentation in front of the class?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....have you work in small groups?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....read to you in class?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....have you read books in class?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....give you a writing assignment to be graded?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....assign you worksheets or workbook pages in class?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....have you use a computer?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....give you a quiz or test?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....give you homework?
(In your current or most recent English or language arts class, how often does/did your teacher....)....grade your homework and pass it back?
In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?....Check on whether you have done your homework?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Help you with your homework?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Give you special privileges because of good grades?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often do/did your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Limit privileges because of poor grades?
How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?....Require you to do work or chores around the home?
(How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Limit the amount of time you can spend watching TV or playing video games?
(How often do your parents do the following? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Limit the amount of time you go out with friends on school nights?
In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?....Selecting courses or programs at school?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....School activities or events of particular interest to you?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Your grades or report card?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Going to college?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Community, national or world events?
(In the current or most recent school year, how often have you discussed the following with either or both of your parents or guardians? Would you say often, sometimes, rarely, or never?)....Things that are troubling you?
[flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]==0COMMENT: Machine Check: Is R new to YA sample?
In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?....Attend a school meeting?
(In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?)....Phone or speak to your teacher or counselor?
(In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?)....Attend a school event in which you participated?
(In the current/most recent school year, how many times do/did your parents (or guardians) do any of the following? Never, once a term, once a month, or more than once a month?)....Act as a volunteer at your school?
Do you belong to any clubs, teams, or activities in school, such as band, choir, sports, or something else?
Do you belong to any clubs, teams, or activities outside of school?
After a usual school day, where do you go between the time school lets out and dinner time?(CODE ALL THAT APPLY.)
Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time. How often do you......spend time with friends?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......read a book or magazine not assigned at school?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......do chores around the house?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......work for pay?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......do homework?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......go to music or art or drama lessons; or practice music, singing, drama, drawing/painting?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......go to sports lessons or play sports or practice any physical activity?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......watch TV?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......do volunteer work or community service?
[number of siblings R has]>0COMMENT: Does R have any siblings?
(Think about the things you do between the time school lets out and dinner time.) How often do you......do things with your brother(s) or sister(s)?
On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time? Do you......spend time with friends?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......read books or magazines for fun?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......do chores around the house?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......work for pay?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......go to school, attend a class, or do school work?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......go to an organized activity such as sports, music lessons, or camp?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......watch TV?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......go to a shopping mall?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......do things with your brother(s) or sister(s)?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......go to the park or rec center?
(On a usual day during the summer, how do you spend your time?) Do you......go to a relative's or neighbor's house?
[flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]<=0COMMENT: Has R not enrolled in school since Date of last interview?
[flag indicating if R has ever attended college]==1 && [flag indicating R has not reported receiving a college degree]==1COMMENT: Check if YA has had some college, but not received a degree as of date of last interview.
[highest grade R completed] <=8COMMENT: Check if in grade 8 or less
[highest grade R completed] >12COMMENT: check if R has completed at least one year of college
What was the average grade you got in your classes in your last year of high school?(INTERVIEWER: CODE WITHOUT READING CATEGORIES)
Do you feel that your high school program [Is/Was] largely vocational, commercial, college preparatory, a general program, or some kind of specialized program?
([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=11) && ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=12) && ([is R currently enrolled] >=1)COMMENT: Machine check: Is R currently enrolled in grades 11 or 12?
[Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?....Interest Inventories (a checklist of student interests to determine future job interests)
([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?)....Job listings or other information about available jobs.
([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?)....Job fairs where employers or the military describe available jobs.
([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?)....Career placement counseling.
([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?)....Letters of recommendation.
([Did/Have] you [use/used] any of the following school services in high school?)....School arranged job interviews.
At your high school, [did/have] you [receive(d)] any help in applying for vocational/technical school or college?
Did you receive help with filling out vocational/technical school or college applications?
Did you receive help with filling out financial aid forms?
Did you receive assistance in writing essays for the vocational/technical school or college applications?
Many people may need financial aid for college or job training after high school. Have you or your parents ever received any information or help in finding out about this type of financial aid?
Did you receive this help or information from your high school, either from a teacher or guidance counselor or from a financial aid meeting?
Did you receive this help or information directly from a vocational/technical school, or a college or university?
Did you receive this help or information from any other source, such as a loan officer at a bank, the U.S. Department of Education, or the military?
([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] >=12) && ([grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)] <=13) && ([is R currently enrolled] >=1)COMMENT: Machine Check: Is YA a senior in HS or a freshman in college?
Now I have a few questions about applying to college. Please tell me the name of each college, university, or other institutes of higher education that you applied to, if any.
REPEATCOMMENT: Begin loop to collect information about colleges R has applied to
Please tell me about the [first/next] college, university, or other institute of higher education that you applied to. In what state is it located?ENTER THE STATE:
Were you accepted to [R20_school_name5([COLLEGE-LOOP1])]?
Did you apply to any other college, university, or other institute of higher education?
UNTIL ([flag indicating if R has applied to any more colleges, universities, etc.]==0)COMMENT: End loop about colleges
[grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]>12 && [grade of school R currently enrolled in (code)]<95COMMENT: R ever attended college?
[flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]==1COMMENT: Machine check: Did R report no college since DLI but we need to check for degree completion?
[is R currently enrolled]==1COMMENT: Machine check: Is R currently enrolled?
[flag indicating if R has been enrolled in school since the date of last interview]==1COMMENT: Machine check: Has R reported attening school since DLI?
[When/After you completed high school, when] did you [first/most recently begin to] attend college -- In what month and year?(ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:)
Now I would like to ask you about the degree-granting college or university you [""/last] [are attending/attended]. In what state is it located?ENTER THE STATE:
[Since DLI have you/Have you ever] obtained any kind of academic degree, for example, an Associate's degree or any kind of college degree?
[flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]==1COMMENT: Machine check: Did R enter this sequence only to verify whether a degree had been obtained?
[is R currently enrolled]==1COMMENT: Is YA currently enrolled
When did you stop attending college -- In what month and year?(ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:)
What is the name of the most recent college degree you received?(INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY)
When did you receive that degree -- In what month and year?(ENTER MONTH AND YEAR:)
What [Is/Was] your field of study?PROBE IF NECESSARY: What [are/were] you majoring in?(INTERVIEWER: RECORD VERBATIM THEN CODE ONLY ONE BELOW.)
[flag indicating if R has an academic degree]==1COMMENT: Did YA indicate receiving a degree?
Have you obtained any other academic degree?
What other college degree(s) have you received?(INTERVIEWER: READ CATEGORIES ONLY IF NECESSARY)
[flag indicating that R was attending college at last interview, but since the date of last interview has not attended college and has never received a degree]==1COMMENT: Machine check: Did R enter this sequence only to determine degree attainment?
[Does/Did] the school you [are attending/attended] consider you a full or part-time student?IF DON'T KNOW, PROBE: What do you consider yourself to be?
What [are/were] the full-time tuition and fees for this academic year at the school where you [are/were] [currently_blank] enrolled? Please include the full amount even though you may [blank/have] [obtain_obtained] some of the money from scholarships or other sources. Do not include charges for room and board.......
[flag indicating if R is enrolled in college full-time]==1COMMENT: check if R is full-time in college
(IF YOUNG ADULT IS ENROLLED PART-TIME, PROBE:)Even though you [are/were] not enrolled full-time, please tell me what the tuition and fees would [blank/have] [be/been] if you WERE going full-time?
Did you receive a loan to cover any of the costs for this year's college expenses?
What was the amount of the loan?
About how much of the year's expenses did this loan cover?Was it....
[Are/Were] you receiving any (other) form of financial aid for the academic year, such as a scholarship, a grant, a fellowship, an assistantship, tuition waiver, or veteran's educational benefits under the G.I. Bill or V.E.A.P.?
We would like to know which forms of financial aid you [have/had] received. First, [do/did] you have........Work study?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)....A scholarship?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......A grant?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......A fellowship?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......An assistantship?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......A tuition waiver?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......Any veterans educational benefits or V.E.A.P.?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......Any aid from the military educational assistance program?
(Next, [do/did] you (also) have....)......Any OTHER form of financial aid?
[is R currently enrolled]== 1COMMENT: check if currently attending
During this school year, have any relatives or friends (other than your [spouse or partner]) helped pay for your schooling or your living expenses?
In the last school year you attended college, did any relatives or friends (other than your [spouse or partner]) help pay for your schooling or your living expenses?
Who all [has helped/helped] you pay for your schooling or your living expenses?(INTERVIEWER: PLEASE SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)
[flag indicating if R has ever been interviewed as a Young Adult]==0COMMENT: Machine check: Is R new to YA sample?
What is the highest grade or year of REGULAR school, that is elementary school, high school, college, or graduate school that you would LIKE to complete?
As things now stand, what is the highest grade or year you think you will ACTUALLY complete?